 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
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#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <sal/types.h>
#include <vos/refernce.hxx>
#include <comphelper/stl_types.hxx>

class SvXMLExport;
struct SvXMLEnumMapEntry;

namespace xmloff

	// flags for common control attributes
	#define CCA_NAME					0x00000001
	#define CCA_SERVICE_NAME			0x00000002
	#define CCA_BUTTON_TYPE				0x00000004
	#define CCA_CONTROL_ID				0x00000008
	#define CCA_CURRENT_SELECTED		0x00000010
	#define CCA_CURRENT_VALUE			0x00000020
	#define CCA_DISABLED				0x00000040
	#define CCA_DROPDOWN				0x00000080
	#define CCA_FOR						0x00000100
	#define CCA_IMAGE_DATA				0x00000200
	#define CCA_LABEL					0x00000400
	#define CCA_MAX_LENGTH				0x00000800
	#define CCA_PRINTABLE				0x00001000
	#define CCA_READONLY				0x00002000
	#define CCA_SELECTED				0x00004000
	#define CCA_SIZE					0x00008000
	#define CCA_TAB_INDEX				0x00010000
	#define CCA_TARGET_FRAME			0x00020000
	#define CCA_TARGET_LOCATION			0x00040000
	#define CCA_TAB_STOP				0x00080000
	#define CCA_TITLE					0x00100000
	#define CCA_VALUE					0x00200000
    #define CCA_ORIENTATION             0x00400000
    #define CCA_VISUAL_EFFECT           0x00800000
    #define CCA_ENABLEVISIBLE                 0x01000000

	// flags for database control atttributes
	#define DA_BOUND_COLUMN				0x00000001
	#define DA_CONVERT_EMPTY			0x00000002
	#define DA_DATA_FIELD				0x00000004
	#define DA_LIST_SOURCE				0x00000008
	#define DA_LIST_SOURCE_TYPE			0x00000010
	#define DA_INPUT_REQUIRED           0x00000020

    // flags for binding related control attributes
    #define BA_LINKED_CELL              0x00000001
    #define BA_LIST_LINKING_TYPE        0x00000002
    #define BA_LIST_CELL_RANGE          0x00000004
    #define BA_XFORMS_BIND              0x00000008
    #define BA_XFORMS_LISTBIND          0x00000010
    #define BA_XFORMS_SUBMISSION        0x00000020

	// flags for event attributes
	#define EA_CONTROL_EVENTS			0x00000001
	#define EA_ON_CHANGE				0x00000002
	#define EA_ON_CLICK					0x00000004
	#define EA_ON_DBLCLICK				0x00000008
	#define EA_ON_SELECT				0x00000010

	/// attributes in the xml tag representing a form
	enum FormAttributes

	// any other attributes, which are special to some control types
	#define SCA_ECHO_CHAR				0x00000001
	#define SCA_MAX_VALUE				0x00000002
	#define SCA_MIN_VALUE				0x00000004
	#define SCA_VALIDATION				0x00000008
	#define SCA_MULTI_LINE				0x00000020
	#define SCA_AUTOMATIC_COMPLETION	0x00000080
	#define SCA_MULTIPLE				0x00000100
	#define SCA_DEFAULT_BUTTON			0x00000200
	#define SCA_CURRENT_STATE			0x00000400
	#define SCA_IS_TRISTATE				0x00000800
	#define SCA_STATE					0x00001000
	#define SCA_COLUMN_STYLE_NAME		0x00002000
	#define SCA_STEP_SIZE               0x00004000
	#define SCA_PAGE_STEP_SIZE          0x00008000
	#define SCA_REPEAT_DELAY            0x00010000
    #define SCA_TOGGLE                  0x00020000
    #define SCA_FOCUS_ON_CLICK          0x00040000
    #define SCA_IMAGE_POSITION          0x00080000

	// attributes of the office:forms element
	enum OfficeFormsAttributes

	//= OAttributeMetaData
	/** allows the translation of attribute ids into strings.

		<p>This class does not allow to connect xml attributes to property names or
		something like that, it only deals with the xml side</p>
	class OAttributeMetaData
		/** calculates the xml attribute representation of a common control attribute.
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute. Has to be one of the CCA_* constants.
		static const sal_Char* getCommonControlAttributeName(sal_Int32 _nId);

		/** calculates the xml namespace key to use for a common control attribute
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute. Has to be one of the CCA_* constants.
		static sal_uInt16 getCommonControlAttributeNamespace(sal_Int32 _nId);

		/** retrieves the name of an attribute of a form xml representation
			@param	_eAttrib
				enum value specifying the attribute
		static const sal_Char* getFormAttributeName(FormAttributes _eAttrib);

		/** calculates the xml namespace key to use for a attribute of a form xml representation
			@param	_eAttrib
				enum value specifying the attribute
		static sal_uInt16 getFormAttributeNamespace(FormAttributes _eAttrib);

		/** calculates the xml attribute representation of a database attribute.
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute. Has to be one of the DA_* constants.
		static const sal_Char* getDatabaseAttributeName(sal_Int32 _nId);

		/** calculates the xml namespace key to use for a database attribute.
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute. Has to be one of the DA_* constants.
		static sal_uInt16 getDatabaseAttributeNamespace(sal_Int32 _nId);

		/** calculates the xml attribute representation of a special attribute.
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute. Has to be one of the SCA_* constants.
		static const sal_Char* getSpecialAttributeName(sal_Int32 _nId);

		/** calculates the xml attribute representation of a binding attribute.
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute. Has to be one of the BA_* constants.
		static const sal_Char* getBindingAttributeName(sal_Int32 _nId);

        /** calculates the xml namespace key to use for a binding attribute.
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute. Has to be one of the BA_* constants.
		static sal_uInt16 getBindingAttributeNamespace(sal_Int32 _nId);

        /** calculates the xml namespace key to use for a special attribute.
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute. Has to be one of the SCA_* constants.
		static sal_uInt16 getSpecialAttributeNamespace(sal_Int32 _nId);

		/** calculates the xml attribute representation of a attribute of the office:forms element
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute
		static const sal_Char* getOfficeFormsAttributeName(OfficeFormsAttributes _eAttrib);

		/** calculates the xml namedspace key of a attribute of the office:forms element
			@param _nId
				the id of the attribute
		static sal_uInt16 getOfficeFormsAttributeNamespace(OfficeFormsAttributes _eAttrib);

	//= OAttribute2Property
	/** some kind of opposite to the OAttributeMetaData class. Able to translate
		attributes into property names/types

		<p>The construction of this class is rather expensive (or at least it's initialization from outside),
		so it should be shared</p>
	class OAttribute2Property
		// TODO: maybe the following struct should be used for exports, too. In this case we would not need to
		// store it's instances in a map, but in a vector for faster access.
		struct AttributeAssignment
			::rtl::OUString					sAttributeName;			// the attribute name
			::rtl::OUString					sPropertyName;			// the property name
			::com::sun::star::uno::Type		aPropertyType;			// the property type
			::rtl::OUString					sAttributeDefault;		// the default if the attribute is not present

			// entries which are special to some value types
			const SvXMLEnumMapEntry*		pEnumMap;				// the enum map, if appliable
			sal_Bool						bInverseSemantics;		// for booleanss: attribute and property value have the same or an inverse semantics?

			AttributeAssignment() : pEnumMap(NULL), bInverseSemantics(sal_False) { }

		DECLARE_STL_USTRINGACCESS_MAP( AttributeAssignment, AttributeAssignments );
		AttributeAssignments		m_aKnownProperties;

		virtual ~OAttribute2Property();

		/** return the AttributeAssignment which corresponds to the given attribute

			@param _rAttribName
				the name of the attrribute
				a pointer to the <type>AttributeAssignment</type> structure as requested, NULL if the attribute
				does not represent a property.
		const AttributeAssignment* getAttributeTranslation(
			const ::rtl::OUString& _rAttribName);

		/** add a attribute assignment referring to a string property to the map
			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attrribute
			@param _rPropertyName
				the name of the property assigned to the attribute
			@param _pAttributeDefault
				the default value for the attribute, if any. May be NULL, in this case the default is assumed to be
				an empty string.
		void	addStringProperty(
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeDefault = NULL);

		/** add a attribute assignment referring to a boolean property to the map

			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attrribute
			@param _rPropertyName
				the name of the property assigned to the attribute
			@param _bAttributeDefault
				the default value for the attribute.
			@param _bInverseSemantics
				if <TRUE/>, a attribute value of <TRUE/> means a property value of <FALSE/> and vice verse.<br/>
				if <FALSE/>, the attribute value is used as property value directly
		void	addBooleanProperty(
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_Bool _bAttributeDefault, const sal_Bool _bInverseSemantics = sal_False);

		/** add a attribute assignment referring to an int16 property to the map

			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attrribute
			@param _rPropertyName
				the name of the property assigned to the attribute
			@param _nAttributeDefault
				the default value for the attribute.
		void	addInt16Property(
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_Int16 _nAttributeDefault);

		/** add a attribute assignment referring to an int32 property to the map

			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attrribute
			@param _rPropertyName
				the name of the property assigned to the attribute
			@param _nAttributeDefault
				the default value for the attribute.
		void	addInt32Property(
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_Int32 _nAttributeDefault );

		/** add a attribute assignment referring to an enum property to the map

			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attrribute
			@param _rPropertyName
				the name of the property assigned to the attribute
			@param _nAttributeDefault
				the default value for the attribute, as (32bit) integer
			@param _pValueMap
				the map to translate strings into enum values
			@param _pType
				the type of the property. May be NULL, in this case 32bit integer is assumed.
		void	addEnumProperty(
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_uInt16 _nAttributeDefault, const SvXMLEnumMapEntry* _pValueMap,
			const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type* _pType = NULL);

		/// some common code for the various add*Property methods
		AttributeAssignment& implAdd(
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type& _rType, const ::rtl::OUString& _rDefaultString);
}	// namespace xmloff