 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


#include "formattributes.hxx"
#include <comphelper/stl_types.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertyState.hpp>
#include <callbacks.hxx>
#include <xmloff/xmlexp.hxx>
#include "callbacks.hxx"
#include "strings.hxx"

namespace xmloff


	// if sal_True, indicates that the semantic of the property referred by <arg>_pPropertyName</arg>
	// is inverse to the semantic of the XML attribute.<br/>
	// I.e. if the property value is <TRUE/>, <FALSE/> has to be written and vice versa.
	// <p>Be careful with <arg>_bDefault</arg> and <arg>_bInverseSemantics</arg>: if <arg>_bInverseSemantics</arg>
	// is <TRUE/>, the current property value is inverted <em>before</em> comparing it to the default.</p>

	class IFormsExportContext;
	//= OPropertyExport
	/** provides export related tools for attribute handling

		<p>(The name is somewhat misleading. It's not only a PropertyExport, but in real a ElementExport.
	class OPropertyExport
		DECLARE_STL_STDKEY_SET(::rtl::OUString, StringSet);
		StringSet		m_aRemainingProps;
			// see examinePersistence

		void exportRelativeTargetLocation(const ConstAsciiString& _sPropertyName,sal_Int32 _nProperty,bool _bAddType);

		IFormsExportContext&	m_rContext;

		const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet >
		const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo >
		const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyState >

		// caching
		::rtl::OUString		m_sValueTrue;
		::rtl::OUString		m_sValueFalse;

		/** constructs an object capable of handling attributes for export
			@param	_rContext
				the export context to which's attribute list the property translation should be added
			@param	m_xControl
				the property set to be exported
		OPropertyExport(IFormsExportContext& _rContext,
			const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet >& _rxProps);

		/** examines a property set given for all properties which's value are to made persistent

			<p>upon return the <method>m_aRemainingProps</method> will be filled with the names of all properties
			which need to be stored</p>
		void examinePersistence();

		void exportRemainingProperties();

		/** indicates that a property has been handled by a derived class, without using the helper methods of this

			<p>Calling this method is necessary in case you use the suggested mechanism for the generic export of
			properties. This means that you want to use <method>exportRemainingProperties</method>, which exports
			all properties which need to ('cause they haven't been exported with one of the other type-specific

			<p>In this case you should call exportedProperty for every property you export yourself, so the property
			will be flagged as <em>already handled</em></p>
		void exportedProperty(const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName)
			{ m_aRemainingProps.erase(_rPropertyName); }

		/** add an attribute which is represented by a string property to the export context

			@param _nNamespaceKey
				the key of the namespace to use for the attribute name. Is used with the namespace map
				provided by the export context.
			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attribute to add. Must not contain any namespace
			@param _pPropertyName
				the name of the property to ask the control for
		void exportStringPropertyAttribute(
			const sal_uInt16 _nNamespaceKey,
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
			const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName

		/** add an attribute which is represented by a boolean property to the export context

			@param _nNamespaceKey
				the key of the namespace to use for the attribute name. Is used with the namespace map
				provided by the export context.
			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attribute to add. Must not contain any namespace (it's added automatically)
			@param _pPropertyName
				the name of the property to ask the control for
			@param _nBooleanAttributeFlags
				specifies the default and the "alignment" (inverse semantics) of the boolean property
		void exportBooleanPropertyAttribute(
			const sal_uInt16 _nNamespaceKey,
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
			const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_Int8 _nBooleanAttributeFlags);

		/** add an attribute which is represented by a sal_Int16 property to the export context

			@param _nNamespaceKey
				the key of the namespace to use for the attribute name. Is used with the namespace map
				provided by the export context.
			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attribute to add. Must not contain any namespace (it's added automatically)
			@param _pPropertyName
				the name of the property to ask the control for
			@param _nDefault
				the default of the attribute. If the current property value equals this default, no
				attribute is added.
		void exportInt16PropertyAttribute(
			const sal_uInt16 _nNamespaceKey,
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
			const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_Int16 _nDefault);

		/** add an attribute which is represented by a sal_Int32 property to the export context

			@param _nNamespaceKey
				the key of the namespace to use for the attribute name. Is used with the namespace map
				provided by the export context.
			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attribute to add. Must not contain any namespace (it's added automatically)
			@param _pPropertyName
				the name of the property to ask the control for
			@param _nDefault
				the default of the attribute. If the current property value equals this default, no
				attribute is added.
		void exportInt32PropertyAttribute(
			const sal_uInt16 _nNamespaceKey,
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
			const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_Int32 _nDefault);

		/** add an attribute which is represented by a enum property to the export context

			@param _nNamespaceKey
				the key of the namespace to use for the attribute name. Is used with the namespace map
				provided by the export context.
			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attribute to add. Must not contain any namespace (it's added automatically)
			@param _pPropertyName
				the name of the property to ask the control for
			@param _pValueMap
				the map to use when converting the property value to an attribute value
			@param _nDefault
				the default of the attribute. If the current property value equals this default, no
				attribute is added.
		void exportEnumPropertyAttribute(
			const sal_uInt16 _nNamespaceKey,
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
			const sal_Char* _pPropertyName,
			const SvXMLEnumMapEntry* _pValueMap,
			const sal_Int32 _nDefault,
			const sal_Bool _bVoidDefault = sal_False);

		// some very special methods for some very special attribute/property pairs

		/** add the hlink:target-frame attribute to the export context.

			<p>The value of this attribute is extracted from the TargetFrame property of the object given.</p>

			<p>The property needs a special handling because conflicts between the default values for the attribute
			and the property.</p>
		void exportTargetFrameAttribute();

		/** add the form:href attribute to the export context.

			<p>The value of this attribute is extracted from the TargetURL property of the object given.</p>

			<p>The property needs a special handling because the URL's need to be made relative</p>

			<p>If _bAddType is set, an additional xlink:type="simple" attribute is also added.</p>
		inline void exportTargetLocationAttribute(bool _bAddType) { exportRelativeTargetLocation(PROPERTY_TARGETURL,CCA_TARGET_LOCATION,_bAddType); }

		/** add the form:image attribute to the export context.

			<p>The value of this attribute is extracted from the ImageURL property of the object given.</p>

			<p>The property needs a special handling because the URL's need to be made relative</p>
		inline void exportImageDataAttribute() { exportRelativeTargetLocation(PROPERTY_IMAGEURL,CCA_IMAGE_DATA,false); }

		/** flag the style properties as 'already exported'

			<p>We don't have style support right now, so the only thing the method does is removing the style-relevant
			properties from the list of yet-to-be-exported properties (<member>m_aRemainingProps</member>)</p>
		void flagStyleProperties();

		/** add an arbitrary attribute extracted from an arbitrary property to the export context

			<p>The current value of the property specified with <arg>_pPropertyName</arg> is taken and converted
			into a string, no matter what type it has. (Okay, there are the usual limitations: We know Date, Datetime,
			double, integer ... to name just a few).</p>

			<p>In case the property value is <NULL/> (void), no attribute is added</p>

			<p>In case the property value is an empty string, and the property is a not allowed to be <NULL/> (void),
			no attribute is added</p>

			<p>In case the property value is a sequence of any type, no attribute is added, 'cause sequences can't be
			transported as attribute. In the debug version, an additional assertion will occur if you nonetheless try
			to do this.</p>

			@param _nNamespaceKey
				the key of the namespace to use for the attribute name. Is used with the namespace map
				provided by the export context.
			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attribute to add. Must not contain any namespace (it's added automatically)
			@param _pPropertyName
				the name of the property to ask the object for
		void exportGenericPropertyAttribute(
			const sal_uInt16 _nAttributeNamespaceKey,
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
			const sal_Char* _pPropertyName);

		/** exports a property value, which is a string sequence, as attribute

			<p>The elements of the string sequence given are quoted and concatenated, with the characters used for
			this to be chosen by the caller</p>

			<p>If you use the quote character, no check (except assertions) is made if one of the list items
			contains the quote character</p>

			<p>If you don't use the quote character, no check (except assertions) is made if one of the list items
			contains the separator character (which would be deadly when reimporting the string)</p>

			@param _nNamespaceKey
				the key of the namespace to use for the attribute name. Is used with the namespace map
				provided by the export context.
			@param _pAttributeName
				the name of the attribute to add. Must not contain any namespace (it's added automatically)
			@param _pPropertyName
				the name of the property to ask the object for
			@param _aQuoteCharacter
				the character to use to quote the sequence elements with. May be 0, in this case no quoting happens
			@param _aListSeparator
				the character to use to separate the list entries
		void exportStringSequenceAttribute(
			const sal_uInt16 _nAttributeNamespaceKey,
			const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
			const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const sal_Unicode _aQuoteCharacter = '"',
			const sal_Unicode _aListSeparator = ',');

        /** determines whether the given property is to be exported

            <p>Currently, the method simply checks whether the property's state is <em>not</em> PropertyState.DEFAULT,
            or whether the property is a dynamic property (i.e. added via an <code>XPropertyContainer</code>).
            So, take care when using the method - the heuristics is not applicable for all properties.</p>
        bool shouldExportProperty( const ::rtl::OUString& i_propertyName ) const;

		/** tries to convert an arbitrary <type scope="com.sun:star.uno">Any</type> into an string

			<p>If the type contained in the Any is not supported, the returned string will be empty. In the
			debug version, an additional assertion occurs.</p>

			@param	_rValue
				the value to convert
		::rtl::OUString implConvertAny(
			const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& _rValue);

				token which can be used in the <code>form:property</code> element's <code>type</code> attribute
				to describe the type of a value.<br/>
				Possible types returned are
					<li><b>boolean</b>: <arg>_rValue</arg> was interpreted as boolean value before converting
						it into a string</li>
					<li><b>float</b>: <arg>_rValue</arg> was interpreted as 64 bit floating point 16bit integer, 32bit integer or 64 bit integer value before
						converting it into a string</li>
					<li><b>string</b>: <arg>_rValue</arg> did not need any conversion as it already was a string</li>
				If the type is not convertable, float is returned
		::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum implGetPropertyXMLType(const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type& _rType);

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
				void AddAttribute(sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, const sal_Char* _pName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rValue);
                void AddAttribute( sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, const ::rtl::OUString& _rName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rValue );
				void AddAttributeASCII( sal_uInt16 nPrefix, const sal_Char *pName, const sal_Char *pValue );
				void AddAttribute(sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum _eName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rValue);
				void AddAttribute(sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum _eName, ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum _eValue );
		//  in the product version, inline this, so it does not cost us extra time calling into our method
		inline	void AddAttribute(sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, const sal_Char* _pName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rValue)
			{ m_rContext.getGlobalContext().AddAttribute(_nPrefix, _pName, _rValue); }
        inline void AddAttribute( sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, const ::rtl::OUString& _rName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rValue )
            { m_rContext.getGlobalContext().AddAttribute( _nPrefix, _rName, _rValue ); }
		inline	void AddAttributeASCII( sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, const sal_Char* _pName, const sal_Char *pValue )
			{ m_rContext.getGlobalContext().AddAttributeASCII(_nPrefix, _pName, pValue); }
		inline void AddAttribute(sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum _eName, const ::rtl::OUString& _rValue)
			{ m_rContext.getGlobalContext().AddAttribute(_nPrefix, _eName, _rValue); }
		inline void AddAttribute(sal_uInt16 _nPrefix, ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum _eName, ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum _eValue )
			{ m_rContext.getGlobalContext().AddAttribute(_nPrefix, _eName, _eValue); }

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
		/** check a given property set for the existence and type correctness of a given property

			<p>This method is available in the non-product version only.</p>

			@param _rPropertyName
				the name of the property to ask the control model for
			@param _pType
				the expected type of the property. May be NULL, in this case no type check is made.
			@return sal_True, if the property exists and is of the correct type
		void dbg_implCheckProperty(
			const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName,
			const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type* _pType);

//		void dbg_implCheckProperty(
//			const sal_Char* _rPropertyName,
//			const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type* _pType)
//		{
//			dbg_implCheckProperty(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(_rPropertyName), _pType);
//		}

	//= helper
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
	#define DBG_CHECK_PROPERTY(name, type)	\
		dbg_implCheckProperty(name, &::getCppuType(static_cast< type* >(NULL)))

		dbg_implCheckProperty(name, NULL)

	#define DBG_CHECK_PROPERTY_ASCII( name, type ) \
		dbg_implCheckProperty( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( name ), &::getCppuType(static_cast< type* >(NULL)))

		dbg_implCheckProperty( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( name ), NULL )
	#define DBG_CHECK_PROPERTY(name, type)

}	// namespace xmloff