/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_xmloff.hxx" #include "PageMasterPropHdlFactory.hxx" #include #include #include "xmlbahdl.hxx" #include #include "XMLTextColumnsPropertyHandler.hxx" #include #include "PageMasterPropHdl.hxx" #include #include //UUUU #include #include #include "XMLFillBitmapSizePropertyHandler.hxx" #include "XMLBitmapLogicalSizePropertyHandler.hxx" #include #include #include "XMLBitmapRepeatOffsetPropertyHandler.hxx" using ::rtl::OUString; using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer; using namespace ::xmloff::token; using namespace ::com::sun::star; //UUUU using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; //UUUU extern SvXMLEnumMapEntry aXML_FillStyle_EnumMap[]; extern SvXMLEnumMapEntry aXML_RefPoint_EnumMap[]; extern SvXMLEnumMapEntry aXML_BitmapMode_EnumMap[]; SvXMLEnumMapEntry aXML_TextGridMode_ConstantMap[] = { { XML_NONE, text::TextGridMode::NONE }, { XML_LINE, text::TextGridMode::LINES }, { XML_BOTH, text::TextGridMode::LINES_AND_CHARS }, { XML_TOKEN_INVALID, 0 } }; //______________________________________________________________________________ XMLPageMasterPropHdlFactory::XMLPageMasterPropHdlFactory() : XMLPropertyHandlerFactory() { } XMLPageMasterPropHdlFactory::~XMLPageMasterPropHdlFactory() { } const XMLPropertyHandler* XMLPageMasterPropHdlFactory::GetPropertyHandler( sal_Int32 nType ) const { nType &= MID_FLAG_MASK; XMLPropertyHandler* pHdl = (XMLPropertyHandler*) XMLPropertyHandlerFactory::GetPropertyHandler( nType ); if( !pHdl ) { switch( nType ) { case XML_PM_TYPE_PAGESTYLELAYOUT: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_PageStyleLayout(); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_NUMFORMAT: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_NumFormat(); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_NUMLETTERSYNC: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_NumLetterSync(); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PAPERTRAYNUMBER: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_PaperTrayNumber(); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTORIENTATION: pHdl = new XMLNamedBoolPropertyHdl( GetXMLToken( XML_LANDSCAPE ), GetXMLToken( XML_PORTRAIT ) ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTANNOTATIONS: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_Print( XML_ANNOTATIONS ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTCHARTS: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_Print( XML_CHARTS ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTDRAWING: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_Print( XML_DRAWINGS ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTFORMULAS: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_Print( XML_FORMULAS ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTGRID: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_Print( XML_GRID ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTHEADERS: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_Print( XML_HEADERS ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTOBJECTS: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_Print( XML_OBJECTS ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTZEROVALUES: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_Print( XML_ZERO_VALUES ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_PRINTPAGEORDER: pHdl = new XMLNamedBoolPropertyHdl( GetXMLToken( XML_TTB ), GetXMLToken( XML_LTR ) ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_FIRSTPAGENUMBER: pHdl = new XMLNumberNonePropHdl( XML_CONTINUE, 2 ); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_CENTER_HORIZONTAL: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_CenterHorizontal(); break; case XML_PM_TYPE_CENTER_VERTICAL: pHdl = new XMLPMPropHdl_CenterVertical(); break; case XML_TYPE_TEXT_COLUMNS: pHdl = new XMLTextColumnsPropertyHandler; break; case XML_TYPE_LAYOUT_GRID_MODE: pHdl = new XMLConstantsPropertyHandler( aXML_TextGridMode_ConstantMap, XML_NONE ); break; //UUUU case XML_SW_TYPE_FILLSTYLE: pHdl = new XMLEnumPropertyHdl( aXML_FillStyle_EnumMap, ::getCppuType((const FillStyle*)0) ); break; case XML_SW_TYPE_FILLBITMAPSIZE: pHdl = new XMLFillBitmapSizePropertyHandler(); break; case XML_SW_TYPE_LOGICAL_SIZE: pHdl = new XMLBitmapLogicalSizePropertyHandler(); break; case XML_SW_TYPE_BITMAP_REFPOINT: pHdl = new XMLEnumPropertyHdl( aXML_RefPoint_EnumMap, getCppuType((const RectanglePoint*)0) ); break; case XML_SW_TYPE_BITMAP_MODE: pHdl = new XMLEnumPropertyHdl( aXML_BitmapMode_EnumMap, getCppuType((const BitmapMode*)0) ); break; case XML_SW_TYPE_BITMAPREPOFFSETX: case XML_SW_TYPE_BITMAPREPOFFSETY: pHdl = new XMLBitmapRepeatOffsetPropertyHandler(XML_SW_TYPE_BITMAPREPOFFSETX == nType); break; //UUUU default: { OSL_ENSURE(false, "XMLPropertyHandler missing (!)"); break; } } if( pHdl ) PutHdlCache( nType, pHdl ); } return pHdl; }