 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_xmlsecurity.hxx"

#include "resourcemanager.hxx"

#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
#include <svtools/stdctrl.hxx>
#include <svl/solar.hrc>
#include <unotools/syslocale.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.h>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.h>
#include <vector>

using ::rtl::OUString;
using namespace std;

namespace XmlSec
	static ResMgr*			pResMgr = 0;
    static SvtSysLocale*    pSysLocale = 0;

	ResMgr* GetResMgr( void )
		if( !pResMgr )
			ByteString	aName( "xmlsec" );
//    		pResMgr = ResMgr::CreateResMgr( aName.GetBuffer(), Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguage() );
//			LanguageType	aLang( LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US );
//			pResMgr = ResMgr::CreateResMgr( aName.GetBuffer(), aLang );
// MT: Change to Locale
			pResMgr = ResMgr::CreateResMgr( aName.GetBuffer() );

	return pResMgr;

	const LocaleDataWrapper&    GetLocaleData( void )
        if (!pSysLocale)
            pSysLocale = new SvtSysLocale;
        return pSysLocale->GetLocaleData();

	DateTime GetDateTime( const ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime& _rDT )
		return DateTime(
			Date( _rDT.Day, _rDT.Month, _rDT.Year ),
			Time( _rDT.Hours, _rDT.Minutes, _rDT.Seconds, _rDT.HundredthSeconds ) );

	String GetDateTimeString( const ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime& _rDT )
        // --> PB 2004-10-12 #i20172# String with date and time information
        DateTime aDT( GetDateTime( _rDT ) );
        const LocaleDataWrapper& rLoDa = GetLocaleData();
        String sRet( rLoDa.getDate( aDT ) );
        sRet += ' ';
        sRet += rLoDa.getTime( aDT );
        return sRet;

	String GetDateTimeString( const rtl::OUString& _rDate, const rtl::OUString& _rTime )
		String sDay( _rDate, 6, 2 );
		String sMonth( _rDate, 4, 2 );
		String sYear( _rDate, 0, 4 );

		String sHour( _rTime, 0, 2 );
		String sMin( _rTime, 4, 2 );
		String sSec( _rTime, 6, 2 );

		Date aDate( (sal_uInt16)sDay.ToInt32(), (sal_uInt16) sMonth.ToInt32(), (sal_uInt16)sYear.ToInt32() );
		Time aTime( sHour.ToInt32(), sMin.ToInt32(), sSec.ToInt32(), 0 );
        const LocaleDataWrapper& rLoDa = GetLocaleData();
		String aStr( rLoDa.getDate( aDate ) );
		aStr.AppendAscii( " " );
		aStr += rLoDa.getTime( aTime );
		return aStr;

	String GetDateString( const ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime& _rDT )
		return GetLocaleData().getDate( GetDateTime( _rDT ) );

        Creates two strings based on the distinguished name which are displayed in the 
        certificate details view. The first string contains only the values of the attribute
        and valudes pairs, which are separated by commas. All escape characters ('"') are
        The second string is for the details view at the bottom. It shows the attribute/value 
        pairs on different lines. All escape characters ('"') are removed.
    pair< OUString, OUString> GetDNForCertDetailsView( const OUString & rRawString)
        vector< pair< OUString, OUString > > vecAttrValueOfDN = parseDN(rRawString);
        ::rtl::OUStringBuffer s1, s2;
        OUString sEqual(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(" = "));
        typedef vector< pair < OUString, OUString > >::const_iterator CIT;
        for (CIT i = vecAttrValueOfDN.begin(); i < vecAttrValueOfDN.end(); i ++)
            if (i != vecAttrValueOfDN.begin())
        return make_pair(s1.makeStringAndClear(), s2.makeStringAndClear());
    Whenever the attribute value contains special characters, such as '"' or ',' (without '')
    then the value will be enclosed in double quotes by the respective Windows or NSS function
    which we use to retrieve, for example, the subject name. If double quotes appear in the value then 
    they are escaped with a double quote. This function removes the escape characters.
#ifdef WNT
vector< pair< OUString, OUString> > parseDN(const OUString& rRawString)
        vector< pair<OUString, OUString> > retVal;
        bool bInEscape = false;
        bool bInValue = false;
        bool bInType = true;
        sal_Int32 nTypeNameStart = 0;
        OUString sType;
        ::rtl::OUStringBuffer sbufValue;
        sal_Int32 length = rRawString.getLength();

        for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < length; i++)
            sal_Unicode c = rRawString[i];
            if (c == '=')
                if (! bInValue)
                    sType = rRawString.copy(nTypeNameStart, i - nTypeNameStart);
                    sType = sType.trim();
                    bInType = false;
            else if (c == '"')
                if (!bInEscape)
                    //If this is the quote is the first of the couple which enclose the 
                    //whole value, because the value contains special characters
                    //then we just drop it. That is, this character must be followed by 
                    //a character which is not '"'.
                    if ( i + 1 < length && rRawString[i+1] == '"')
                        bInEscape = true;
                        bInValue = !bInValue; //value is enclosed in " "
                    //This quote is escaped by a preceding quote and therefore is 
                    //part of the value
                    bInEscape = false;
            else if (c == ',' || c == '+')
                //The comma separate the attribute value pairs. 
                //If the comma is not part of a value (the value would then be enclosed in '"'), 
                //then we have reached the end of the value
                if (!bInValue)
                    retVal.push_back(make_pair(sType, sbufValue.makeStringAndClear()));
                    sType = OUString();
                    //The next char is the start of the new type
                    nTypeNameStart = i + 1;
                    bInType = true;
                    //The whole string is enclosed because it contains special characters.
                    //The enclosing '"' are not part of certificate but will be added by 
                    //the function (Windows or NSS) which retrieves DN
                if (!bInType)
        if (sbufValue.getLength())
            retVal.push_back(make_pair(sType, sbufValue.makeStringAndClear()));
        return retVal;
vector< pair< OUString, OUString> > parseDN(const OUString& rRawString)
        vector< pair<OUString, OUString> > retVal;
        //bInEscape == true means that the preceding character is an escape character
        bool bInEscape = false;
        bool bInValue = false;
        bool bInType = true;
        sal_Int32 nTypeNameStart = 0;
        OUString sType;
        ::rtl::OUStringBuffer sbufValue;
        sal_Int32 length = rRawString.getLength();

        for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < length; i++)
            sal_Unicode c = rRawString[i];
            if (c == '=')
                if (! bInValue)
                    sType = rRawString.copy(nTypeNameStart, i - nTypeNameStart);
                    sType = sType.trim();
                    bInType = false;
            else if (c == '\\')
                if (!bInEscape)
                    bInEscape = true;
                { // bInEscape is true
                    bInEscape = false;
            else if (c == '"')
                //an unescaped '"' is either at the beginning or end of the value
                if (!bInEscape)
                    if ( !bInValue)
                        bInValue = true;
                    else if (bInValue)
                        bInValue = false;
                    //This quote is escaped by a preceding quote and therefore is 
                    //part of the value
                    bInEscape = false;
            else if (c == ',' || c == '+')
                //The comma separate the attribute value pairs. 
                //If the comma is not part of a value (the value would then be enclosed in '"'), 
                //then we have reached the end of the value
                if (!bInValue)
                    retVal.push_back(make_pair(sType, sbufValue.makeStringAndClear()));
                    sType = OUString();
                    //The next char is the start of the new type
                    nTypeNameStart = i + 1;
                    bInType = true;
                    //The whole string is enclosed because it contains special characters.
                    //The enclosing '"' are not part of certificate but will be added by 
                    //the function (Windows or NSS) which retrieves DN
                if (!bInType)
                    bInEscape = false;
        if (sbufValue.getLength())
            retVal.push_back(make_pair(sType, sbufValue.makeStringAndClear()));
        return retVal;


    String GetContentPart( const String& _rRawString )
        char const * aIDs[] = { "CN", "OU", "O", "E", NULL };
        OUString retVal;
        int i = 0;
        vector< pair< OUString, OUString > > vecAttrValueOfDN = parseDN(_rRawString);
        while ( aIDs[i] )
            OUString sPartId = OUString::createFromAscii( aIDs[i++] );
            typedef vector< pair < OUString, OUString > >::const_iterator CIT;
            for (CIT idn = vecAttrValueOfDN.begin(); idn != vecAttrValueOfDN.end(); idn++)
                if (idn->first.equals(sPartId))
                    retVal = idn->second;
            if (retVal.getLength())
        return retVal;

	String GetHexString( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& _rSeq, const char* _pSep, sal_uInt16 _nLineBreak )
		const sal_Int8*			pSerNumSeq = _rSeq.getConstArray();
		int						nCnt = _rSeq.getLength();
		String					aStr;
		const char				pHexDigs[ 17 ] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
		char					pBuffer[ 3 ] = "  ";
		sal_uInt8					nNum;
		sal_uInt16					nBreakStart = _nLineBreak? _nLineBreak : 1;
		sal_uInt16					nBreak = nBreakStart;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < nCnt ; ++i )
			nNum = sal_uInt8( pSerNumSeq[ i ] );

			//MM : exchange the buffer[0] and buffer[1], which make it consistent with Mozilla and Windows
			pBuffer[ 1 ] = pHexDigs[ nNum & 0x0F ];
			nNum >>= 4;
			pBuffer[ 0 ] = pHexDigs[ nNum ];
			aStr.AppendAscii( pBuffer );

			if( nBreak )
				aStr.AppendAscii( _pSep );
				nBreak = nBreakStart;
				aStr.AppendAscii( "\n" );

		return aStr;

	long ShrinkToFitWidth( Control& _rCtrl, long _nOffs )
		long	nWidth = _rCtrl.GetTextWidth( _rCtrl.GetText() );
		Size	aSize( _rCtrl.GetSizePixel() );
		nWidth += _nOffs;
		aSize.Width() = nWidth;
		_rCtrl.SetSizePixel( aSize );
		return nWidth;

	void AlignAfterImage( const FixedImage& _rImage, Control& _rCtrl, long _nXOffset )
		Point	aPos( _rImage.GetPosPixel() );
		Size	aSize( _rImage.GetSizePixel() );
		long	n = aPos.X();
		n += aSize.Width();
		n += _nXOffset;
		aPos.X() = n;
		n = aPos.Y();
		n += aSize.Height() / 2;					// y-position is in the middle of the image
		n -= _rCtrl.GetSizePixel().Height() / 2;	// center Control
		aPos.Y() = n;
		_rCtrl.SetPosPixel( aPos );

	void AlignAfterImage( const FixedImage& _rImage, FixedInfo& _rFI, long _nXOffset )
		AlignAfterImage( _rImage, static_cast< Control& >( _rFI ), _nXOffset );
		ShrinkToFitWidth( _rFI );

	void AlignAndFitImageAndControl( FixedImage& _rImage, FixedInfo& _rFI, long _nXOffset )
		_rImage.SetSizePixel( _rImage.GetImage().GetSizePixel() );
		AlignAfterImage( _rImage, _rFI, _nXOffset );