/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/style/ |
H A D | PageProperties.idl | 211 //[property, maybevoid] HeaderBackGraphic; 227 [property, maybevoid] long HeaderLeftMargin; 231 [property, maybevoid] long HeaderRightMargin; 279 [property, maybevoid] long HeaderBodyDistance; 283 [property, maybevoid] boolean HeaderIsShared; 287 [property, maybevoid] long HeaderHeight; 317 //[property, maybevoid] FooterBackGraphic; 333 [property, maybevoid] long FooterLeftMargin; 337 [property, maybevoid] long FooterRightMargin; 389 [property, maybevoid] boolean FooterIsShared; [all …]
H A D | ParagraphProperties.idl | 234 [optional, property, maybevoid, readonly] string PageStyleName; 429 [optional, property, maybevoid] boolean NumberingIsNumber; 436 [optional, property, maybevoid] boolean ParaIsConnectBorder;
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/text/ |
H A D | PrintPreviewSettings.idl | 43 /** All properties have the property attribute 'maybevoid' 48 [property, maybevoid] long PreviewPrintLeftMargin; 51 [property, maybevoid] long PreviewPrintRightMargin; 54 [property, maybevoid] long PreviewPrintTopMargin; 57 [property, maybevoid] long PreviewPrintBottomMargin; 60 [property, maybevoid] long PreviewPrintHorizontalSpacing; 62 [property, maybevoid] long PreviewPrintVerticalSpacing; 65 [property, maybevoid] byte PreviewPrintNumRows; 68 [property, maybevoid] byte PreviewPrintNumColumns; 71 [property, maybevoid] boolean PreviewPrintLandscape;
H A D | Text.idl | 108 <LI><P>[maybevoid] com::sun::star::text::XText RedlineText (maybevoid)</P></LI> 129 <LI><P>[maybevoid] com::sun::star::text::XText RedlineText (maybevoid)</P></LI> 135 [optional, maybevoid, property] ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValues EndRedline;
H A D | ChainedTextFrame.idl | 55 [property, maybevoid] string ChainNextName; 62 [property, maybevoid] string ChainPrevName;
H A D | TextEmbeddedObject.idl | 68 [readonly, maybevoid, property] com::sun::star::frame::XModel Model; 74 [readonly, maybevoid, property] com::sun::star::lang::XComponent Component;
/aoo42x/main/testtools/source/servicetests/ |
H A D | TestService1.idl | 35 /*[attribute, readonly, maybevoid] long Prop3Void;*/ 36 [attribute, readonly/*, maybevoid*/] long Prop3Long; 39 /*[attribute, readonly, maybevoid, optional] long Prop5None;*/ 40 /*[attribute, readonly, maybevoid, optional] long Prop5Void;*/ 41 [attribute, readonly/*, maybevoid, optional*/] long Prop5Long; 42 [attribute/*, maybevoid*/] long Prop6; 43 /*[attribute, maybevoid, optional] long Prop7None;*/ 44 [attribute/*, maybevoid, optional*/] long Prop7;
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/awt/grid/ |
H A D | UnoControlGridModel.idl | 78 [property, maybevoid] long ColumnHeaderHeight; 84 [property, maybevoid] long RowHeight; 142 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::util::Color GridLineColor; 149 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::util::Color HeaderBackgroundColor; 156 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::util::Color HeaderTextColor; 163 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::util::Color ActiveSelectionBackgroundColor; 178 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::util::Color ActiveSelectionTextColor; 186 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::util::Color InactiveSelectionTextColor; 200 [property, maybevoid] sequence< ::com::sun::star::util::Color > RowBackgroundColors; 215 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::util::Color TextColor; [all …]
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/xsd/ |
H A D | Decimal.idl | 50 [property, maybevoid] long TotalDigits; 59 [property, maybevoid] long FractionDigits; 64 [property, maybevoid] double MaxInclusiveDouble; 69 [property, maybevoid] double MaxExclusiveDouble; 74 [property, maybevoid] double MinInclusiveDouble; 79 [property, maybevoid] double MinExclusiveDouble;
H A D | Day.idl | 46 [property, maybevoid] short MaxInclusiveInt; 51 [property, maybevoid] short MaxExclusiveInt; 56 [property, maybevoid] short MinInclusiveInt; 61 [property, maybevoid] short MinExclusiveInt;
H A D | Month.idl | 46 [property, maybevoid] short MaxInclusiveInt; 51 [property, maybevoid] short MaxExclusiveInt; 56 [property, maybevoid] short MinInclusiveInt; 61 [property, maybevoid] short MinExclusiveInt;
H A D | Year.idl | 46 [property, maybevoid] short MaxInclusiveInt; 51 [property, maybevoid] short MaxExclusiveInt; 56 [property, maybevoid] short MinInclusiveInt; 61 [property, maybevoid] short MinExclusiveInt;
H A D | DateTime.idl | 49 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::DateTime MaxInclusiveDateTime; 54 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::DateTime MaxExclusiveDateTime; 59 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::DateTime MinInclusiveDateTime; 64 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::DateTime MinExclusiveDateTime;
H A D | Date.idl | 49 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::Date MaxInclusiveDate; 54 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::Date MaxExclusiveDate; 59 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::Date MinInclusiveDate; 64 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::Date MinExclusiveDate;
H A D | Time.idl | 49 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::Time MaxInclusiveTime; 54 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::Time MaxExclusiveTime; 59 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::Time MinInclusiveTime; 64 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::util::Time MinExclusiveTime;
H A D | String.idl | 48 [property, maybevoid] long Length; 55 [property, maybevoid] long MinLength; 62 [property, maybevoid] long MaxLength;
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/chart2/ |
H A D | DataPointProperties.idl | 286 [maybevoid, property] com::sun::star::awt::Size ReferencePageSize; 296 [optional, maybevoid, property] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet ErrorBarX; 304 [optional, maybevoid, property] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet ErrorBarY; 310 [optional, maybevoid, property] boolean ShowErrorBox; 315 [optional, maybevoid, property] short PercentDiagonal;
H A D | RegressionCurveEquation.idl | 50 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::chart2::RelativePosition RelativePosition; 51 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::awt::Size ReferencePageSize;
H A D | Title.idl | 73 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::chart2::RelativePosition RelativePosition; 82 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::awt::Size ReferencePageSize;
H A D | Legend.idl | 79 [property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::awt::Size ReferencePageSize; 89 [property, maybevoid] ::com::sun::star::chart2::RelativePosition RelativePosition;
H A D | CandleStickChartType.idl | 73 [maybevoid, property] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet WhiteDay; 86 [maybevoid, property] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet BlackDay;
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/linguistic2/ |
H A D | LinguProperties.idl | 64 [property, maybevoid] boolean IsGermanPreReform; 141 [property, maybevoid] boolean IsSpellHide; 149 [property, maybevoid] boolean IsSpellInAllLanguages;
/aoo42x/main/autodoc/inc/ary/idl/ |
H A D | i_property.hxx | 60 maybevoid = 32, enumerator 76 bool IsMayBeVoid() const { return (nFlags & UINT32(maybevoid)) != 0; } in IsMayBeVoid()
/aoo42x/main/offapi/type_reference/ |
H A D | typelibrary_history.txt | 77 the attribute maybevoid was inserted 162 to maybevoid and deprecate. They should be removed in a future version. The
/aoo42x/main/idlc/test/ |
H A D | service.idl | 39 [maybevoid, property] long p3;