1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
23 package complex.dbaccess;
25 import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet;
26 import com.sun.star.container.XIndexAccess;
27 import com.sun.star.sdb.XParametersSupplier;
28 import com.sun.star.sdb.XSingleSelectQueryComposer;
29 import com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType;
30 import com.sun.star.sdbc.SQLException;
31 import com.sun.star.uno.Exception;
32 import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
35 // ---------- junit imports -----------------
36 import org.junit.Test;
37 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
38 // ------------------------------------------
40 public class Parser extends CRMBasedTestCase
41 {
42     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43     @Override
createTestCase()44     protected void createTestCase()
45     {
46         try
47         {
48             super.createTestCase();
49             m_database.getDatabase().getDataSource().createQuery( "query products", "SELECT * FROM \"products\"" );
50         }
51         catch ( Exception e )
52         {
53             e.printStackTrace( System.err );
54             fail( "caught an exception (" + e.getMessage() + ") while creating the test case");
55         }
56     }
58     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59     @Test
checkWhere()60     public void checkWhere() throws Exception
61     {
62         final XSingleSelectQueryComposer composer = createQueryComposer();
63         final String SELECT = "SELECT \"products\".\"Name\" FROM \"products\" WHERE ";
64         final String[] queries = new String[]
65         {
66              "\"ID\" in ( 1,2,3,4)"
67             ,"not ( \"ID\" in ( 1,2,3,4))"
68             ,"(1 = 1) is true"
69             ,"(1 = 1) is not false"
70             ,"(1 = 1) is not null"
71             ,"not ( (1 = 1) is not null)"
72             ,"'a' like 'a%'"
73             ,"not ( 'a' like 'a%')"
74             ,"'a' not like 'a%'"
75             ,"1 between 0 and 2"
76             ,"not ( 1 between 0 and 2 )"
77             ,"1 not between 3 and 4"
78             ,"1 not between ( select \"ID\" from \"categories\") and ( select \"ID\" from \"categories\")"
79             ,"1 = 1"
80             ,"0 < 1"
81             ,"not(0 < 1)"
82             ,"1 > 0"
83             ,"not(1 > 0)"
84             ,"1 <> 0"
85             ,"(1 <> 0 and 'a' = 'a' and 'c' = 'd') or (1 = 1 and 2 = 2 and 3 = 4)"
86             ,"not ( 1 <> 0 )"
87             ,"\"CategoryID\" in ( select \"ID\" from \"categories\")"
88             ,"not (\"CategoryID\" in ( select \"ID\" from \"categories\"))"
89             ,"\"CategoryID\" not in ( select \"ID\" from \"categories\")"
90         };
91         for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++)
92         {
93             composer.setQuery( SELECT + queries[i]);
94         }
95     }
96     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97     /** verifies that aliases for inner queries work as expected
98      */
99     @Test
checkJoinSyntax()100     public void checkJoinSyntax() throws Exception
101     {
102         final XSingleSelectQueryComposer composer = createQueryComposer();
104         // feed the composer with some statements. If any of those cannot be parsed, the composer
105         // will throw an exception - which is a regression then
106         composer.setQuery(
107             "SELECT \"categories\".\"Name\", " +
108                     "\"products\".\"Name\" " +
109             "FROM \"products\" RIGHT OUTER JOIN \"categories\" AS \"categories\" ON \"products\".\"CategoryID\" = \"categories\".\"ID\"" );
111         composer.setQuery(
112             "SELECT \"categories\".\"Name\", " +
113                     "\"products\".\"Name\" " +
114             "FROM \"products\" LEFT OUTER JOIN \"categories\" AS \"categories\" ON \"products\".\"CategoryID\" = \"categories\".\"ID\"" );
116         composer.setQuery(
117             "SELECT \"categories\".\"Name\", " +
118                     "\"products\".\"Name\" " +
119             "FROM \"products\" CROSS JOIN \"categories\" AS \"categories\"" );
121         composer.setQuery(
122             "SELECT \"categories\".\"Name\", " +
123                     "\"products\".\"Name\" " +
124             "FROM \"products\" INNER JOIN \"categories\" AS \"categories\" ON \"products\".\"CategoryID\" = \"categories\".\"ID\"" );
126         // just to be sure the composer *really* parses upon setting the query: feed it with
127         // an unparseable statement
128         boolean caughtExpected = false;
129         try
130         {
131             composer.setQuery( "NONSENSE" );
132         }
133         catch( SQLException e )
134         {
135             caughtExpected = true;
136         }
137         assertTrue( "pre-condition not met: parser should except on unparseable statements, else the complete" +
138             "test is bogus!", caughtExpected );
139     }
141     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
impl_checkParameters( final String _statement, final String[] _expectedParameterNames, final int[] _expectedParameterTypes,final String _context )142     private void impl_checkParameters( final String _statement, final String[] _expectedParameterNames, final int[] _expectedParameterTypes,final String _context ) throws Exception
143     {
144         final XSingleSelectQueryComposer composer = createQueryComposer();
145         composer.setQuery( _statement );
147         assertEquals( "checkParameterTypes: internal error", _expectedParameterNames.length, _expectedParameterTypes.length );
149         final XParametersSupplier paramSupp = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XParametersSupplier.class, composer);
150         final XIndexAccess parameters = paramSupp.getParameters();
152         assertEquals( "(ctx: " + _context + ") unexpected parameter count", _expectedParameterNames.length, parameters.getCount() );
153         for ( int i=0; i<parameters.getCount(); ++i )
154         {
155             final XPropertySet parameter = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, parameters.getByIndex(i));
157             final String name = (String)parameter.getPropertyValue( "Name" );
158             assertEquals( "(ctx: " + _context + ") unexpected parameter name for parameter number " + ( i + 1 ), _expectedParameterNames[i], name );
160             final int type = ((Integer)parameter.getPropertyValue( "Type" )).intValue();
161             assertEquals( "(ctx: " + _context + ") unexpected data type for parameter number " + ( i + 1 ), _expectedParameterTypes[i], type );
162         }
163     }
165     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166     /** verifies that the parser properly recognizes the types of parameters
167      */
168     @Test
checkParameterTypes()169     public void checkParameterTypes() throws Exception
170     {
171         impl_checkParameters(
172             "SELECT * FROM \"all orders\" " +
173             "WHERE ( \"Order Date\" >= :order_date ) " +
174             "  AND (    ( \"Customer Name\" LIKE :customer ) " +
175             "      OR   ( \"Product Name\" LIKE ? ) " +
176             "      )",
177             new String[] { "order_date", "customer", "Product Name" },
178             new int[] { DataType.DATE, DataType.VARCHAR, DataType.VARCHAR },
179             ">= && LIKE"
180         );
182         impl_checkParameters(
183             "SELECT * FROM \"categories\" " +
184             "WHERE \"ID\" BETWEEN :id_lo AND :id_hi",
185             new String[] { "id_lo", "id_hi" },
186             new int[] { DataType.INTEGER, DataType.INTEGER },
187             "BETWEEN"
188         );
190         impl_checkParameters(
191             "SELECT CONCAT( :prefix, CONCAT( \"Name\", :suffix ) ) FROM \"customers\"",
192             new String[] { "prefix", "suffix" },
193             new int[] { DataType.VARCHAR, DataType.VARCHAR },
194             "CONCAT"
195         );
196     }
197 }