1*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski/**************************************************************
2*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
3*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * distributed with this work for additional information
6*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
11*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
13*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * under the License.
19*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
20*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *************************************************************/
21*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
22*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
23*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_animations_XAnimate_idl__
24*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#define __com_sun_star_animations_XAnimate_idl__
25*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
26*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_animations_XAnimationNode_idl__
27*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/animations/XAnimationNode.idl>
28*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
29*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
30*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_animations_TimeFilterPair_idl__
31*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/animations/TimeFilterPair.idl>
32*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
33*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
34*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
35*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
36*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski module com {  module sun {  module star {  module animations {
37*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
38*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
39*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
40*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski/** Interface for generic animation.
41*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
42*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	@see http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#edef-animate
43*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski*/
44*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiinterface XAnimate : XAnimationNode
45*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski{
46*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** This attribute specifies the target element to be animated.
47*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		<br>
48*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		See documentation of used animation engine for supported targets.
49*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
50*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] any Target;
51*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
52*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** This attribute specifies an optional subitem from the target element
53*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		that should be animated.
54*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		<br>
55*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		A value of zero should always be the default and animate the complete target.
56*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		<br>
57*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		See documentation of used animation engine for supported subitems.
58*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
59*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] short SubItem;
60*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
61*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** Specifies the target attribute.
62*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
63*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-attributeName
64*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
65*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] string AttributeName;
66*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
67*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** A sequence of one or more values, each of which must be a legal value for
68*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		the specified attribute.
69*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
70*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-values
71*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
72*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] sequence< any > Values;
73*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
74*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/**
75*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
76*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] sequence< double > KeyTimes;
77*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
78*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/**
79*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see AnimationValueType
80*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
81*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] short ValueType;
82*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
83*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** Specifies the interpolation mode for the animation.
84*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		<br>
85*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		If the target attribute does not support linear interpolation (e.g. for strings),
86*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		or if the values attribute has only one value, the CalcMode attribute is ignored
87*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		and discrete interpolation is used.
88*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
89*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see AnimationCalcMode;
90*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
91*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] short CalcMode;
92*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
93*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** Controls whether or not the animation is cumulative.
94*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
95*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-accumulate
96*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
97*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] boolean Accumulate;
98*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
99*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** Controls whether or not the animation is additive.
100*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
101*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see AnimationAdditiveMode
102*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-additive
103*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
104*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] short Additive;
105*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
106*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** Specifies the starting value of the animation.
107*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		<br>
108*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		Must be a legal value for the specified attribute.
109*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		Ignored if the <member>Values</member> attribute is specified.
110*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
111*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-from
112*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
113*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] any From;
114*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
115*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** Specifies the ending value of the animation.
116*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		<br>
117*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		Must be a legal value for the specified attribute.
118*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		Ignored if the <member>Values</member> attribute is specified.
119*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
120*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-to
121*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
122*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] any To;
123*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
124*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** Specifies a relative offset value for the animation.
125*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		<br>
126*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		Must be a legal value of a domain for which addition to the attributeType
127*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		domain is defined and which yields a value in the attributeType domain.
128*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		Ignored if the values attribute is specified.
129*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		Ignored if the <member>Values</member> attribute is specified.
130*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
131*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-by
132*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
133*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] any By;
134*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
135*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/**	todo: timeFilter="0,0; 0.14,0.36; 0.43,0.73; 0.71,0.91; 1.0,1.0" ?
136*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
137*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] sequence< TimeFilterPair > TimeFilter;
138*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
139*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** if this string is set, its contents will be parsed as a formula.
140*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		All values are used as a parameter for this formula and the computet
141*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		result will be used.
142*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
143*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[attribute] string Formula;
144*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski};
145*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
146*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
147*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
148*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski}; }; }; };
149*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
150*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
151*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski