1*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski/**************************************************************
2*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
3*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * distributed with this work for additional information
6*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
11*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
13*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * under the License.
19*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
20*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *************************************************************/
21*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
22*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
23*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
24*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdb_tools_XObjectNames_idl__
25*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#define __com_sun_star_sdb_tools_XObjectNames_idl__
26*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
27*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_lang_IllegalArgumentException_idl__
28*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.idl>
29*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
30*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
31*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdbc_SQLException_idl__
32*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/SQLException.idl>
33*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
34*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
35*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
36*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskimodule com {  module sun {  module star {  module sdb { module tools {
37*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
38*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
39*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski/** encapsulates functionality which you might find useful when writing a
41*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    database application which deals with query and table names.
42*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
43*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    <p>The most important task fulfilled by this instance is that it hides
44*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    different naming restrictions from you, which are caused by server-side
45*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    or client side specialities.</p>
46*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
47*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    <p>For instance, it can validate names against
48*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    the characters allowed in the object names of a connection. Also, it
49*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    relieves you from caring whether a database supports queries in a <code>SELECT</code>
50*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    statment's <code>FROM</code> part (known as "queries in queries"). In such
51*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    databases, query and table names share a common namespace, thus they must be
52*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    unique. Using this interface, you can easily ensure this uniqueness.</p>
53*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
54*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    <p>All of the functionality present in this interface depends on a connection,
55*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    thus it entry point for obtaining it is a <type scope="com::sun::star::sdb">Connection</type>
56*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    service.</p>
57*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
58*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    <p>The component itself does not have life-time control mechanimns, i.e. you
59*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    cannot explicitly dispose it (<member scope="com::sun::star::lang">XComponent::dispose</member>),
60*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    and you cannot be notified when it dies.<br/>
61*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    However, if your try to access any of its methods or attributes, after the
62*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    connection which was used to create it was closed, a <type scope="com::sun::star::lang">DisposedException</type>
63*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    will be thrown.</p>
64*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
65*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    @see XConnectionTools
66*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
67*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    @since OpenOffice 2.0.4
68*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski*/
69*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskipublished interface XObjectNames
70*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski{
71*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** suggests a (unique) table or query name
72*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
73*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>If in the database, tables and queries share a common namespace, this will be respected
74*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        by this function.</p>
75*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
76*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>Note that in an multi-threaded environment, the name you obtain here is not absolutely
77*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        guaranteed to be unique. It is unique at the very moment the function returns to you.
78*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        But already when you evaluate the returned value, it might not be uniquey anymore, if
79*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        another process or thread created a query or table with this name.</p>
80*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
81*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>This implies that you cannot rely on the name's uniqueness, but you can use it as
82*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        first guess to present to the user. In most cases, it will still be sufficient when
83*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        you are actually creating the table respectively query.</p>
84*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
85*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @param CommandType
86*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            specifies the <type scope="com::sun::star::sdb">CommandType</type> of the object for which
87*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            a unique name is to be generated. Must be either <member scope="com::sun::star::sdb">CommandType::TABLE</member>
88*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            or <member scope="com::sun::star::sdb">CommandType::QUERY</member>.
89*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
90*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @param BaseName
91*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            specifies the base of the to-be-created object name. If empty, a default
92*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            base name will be used.
93*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
94*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException
95*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            if <arg>CommandType</arg> specifies an invalid command type.
96*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    */
97*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    string  suggestName( [in] long CommandType, [in] string BaseName )
98*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        raises ( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );
99*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
100*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** converts the given object name to a name which is valid in the database.
101*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
102*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>The conversion takes place by converting every character which is neither
103*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        allowed by the SQL-92 standard, nor part of the special characters supported
104*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        by the database, with an underscore character (_).</p>
105*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
106*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see com::sun::star::sdbc::XDatabaseMetaData::getExtraNameCharacters
107*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    */
108*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    string  convertToSQLName( [in] string Name );
109*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
110*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** checks whether a given name is used as table respectively query name in the database.
111*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
112*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>If in the database, tables and queries share a common namespace, this will be respected
113*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        by this function.</p>
114*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
115*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>As before, the information you obtain by calling this method might be obsolete
116*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        in the very moment you evaluate this, in case another process or thread interferes.
117*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        However, it's usually sufficiently up-to-date for purpose of using it in a database
118*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        application driven by user interactions.</p>
119*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
120*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @param CommandType
121*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            specifies the <type scope="com::sun::star::sdb">CommandType</type> of the object whose
122*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            name should be checked. Must be either <member scope="com::sun::star::sdb">CommandType::TABLE</member>
123*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            or <member scope="com::sun::star::sdb">CommandType::QUERY</member>.
124*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
125*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @param Name
126*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            specifies the to-be-checked name of the object.
127*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
128*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @return
129*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            <TRUE/> if and only if the given name is legitimate as table respectively query name
130*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            to be used in the database.
131*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
132*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException
133*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            if <arg>CommandType</arg> specifies an invalid command type.
134*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
135*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see checkNameIsUsed
136*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    */
137*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    boolean isNameUsed( [in] long CommandType, [in] string Name )
138*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        raises ( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );
139*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
140*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** checks whether a given name is valid as table or query name
141*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
142*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>For tables, the name must consist of characters allowed by the SQL-92 standard,
143*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        plus characters allowed by the connection as extra name characters.</p>
144*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
145*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>For queries, names are nearly arbitrary, except that usual quoting characters
146*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        must not be part of the name.</p>
147*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
148*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see com::sun::star::sdbc::XDatabaseMetaData::getExtraNameCharacters
149*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    */
150*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    boolean isNameValid( [in] long CommandType, [in] string Name )
151*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        raises ( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );
152*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
153*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** checks whether a given name is allowed for a to-be-created table or query in the
154*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        database.
155*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
156*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>This method basically does the same checks as <member>isNameUsed</member> and
157*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <member>isNameValid</member>. In case the given name is not allowed, it throws an
158*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        exception. This error can be presented to the user, to give it a common experience
159*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        in all cases where he's required to enter an object name.</p>
160*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
161*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see isNameUsed
162*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see isNameValid
163*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see com::sun::star::sdb::ErrorMessageDialog
164*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see com::sun::star::sdb::InteractionHandler
165*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    */
166*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    void    checkNameForCreate( [in] long CommandType, [in] string Name )
167*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            raises ( com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException );
168*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski};
169*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
170*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
171*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski}; }; }; }; };
172*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
173*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
174*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
175*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski