1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
23 package com.sun.star.wizards.report;
25 // import java.util.Vector;
26 import com.sun.star.awt.TextEvent;
27 import com.sun.star.awt.VclWindowPeerAttribute;
28 import com.sun.star.awt.XTextListener;
29 import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue;
31 import com.sun.star.container.XContentEnumerationAccess;
32 import com.sun.star.deployment.XPackageInformationProvider;
33 import com.sun.star.lang.EventObject;
34 import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory;
35 import com.sun.star.logging.XLogger;
36 import com.sun.star.logging.XLoggerPool;
37 import com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType;
39 import com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter;
40 import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
41 import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;
43 import com.sun.star.logging.LogLevel;
44 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.Helper;
45 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.JavaTools;
46 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.Resource;
47 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.SystemDialog;
48 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.PropertyNames;
49 import com.sun.star.wizards.db.DBMetaData;
50 import com.sun.star.wizards.db.DatabaseObjectWizard;
51 import com.sun.star.wizards.db.RecordParser;
52 import com.sun.star.wizards.db.SQLQueryComposer;
53 import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.CommandFieldSelection;
54 import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.FieldSelection;
55 import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.SortingComponent;
56 import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.TitlesComponent;
57 import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.UIConsts;
58 import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.UnoDialog;
59 import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.XCompletion;
60 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
61 import java.net.URI;
62 import java.net.URL;
63 import java.net.URLClassLoader;
64 import java.util.Map;
66 public class ReportWizard extends DatabaseObjectWizard implements XTextListener, XCompletion
67 {
69     protected FieldSelection CurGroupFieldSelection;
70     private SortingComponent CurSortingComponent;
71     private TitlesComponent CurTitlesComponent;
72     private CommandFieldSelection CurDBCommandFieldSelection;
73     private GroupFieldHandler CurGroupFieldHandler;
74     private ReportLayouter CurReportLayouter;
75     private ReportFinalizer CurReportFinalizer;
76     private int nReportMode = ReportFinalizer.SOCREATEDOCUMENT;
77     private String m_sReportName = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING;
78     protected static final String SOREPORTFORMNAME = "ReportSource";
79     private static final int SOMAINPAGE = 1;
80     private static final int SOTITLEPAGE = 2;
81     protected static final int SOGROUPPAGE = 3;
82     private static final int SOSORTPAGE = 4;
83     protected static final int SOTEMPLATEPAGE = 5;
84     protected static final int SOSTOREPAGE = 6;
85     private IReportDocument m_reportDocument;
86     private static String sMsgWizardName;
87     private static String slblFields;
88     private static String slblSelFields;
89     private static String sShowBinaryFields;
90     private String[] WizardHeaderText = new String[6];
91     private static String slblColumnTitles;
92     private static String slblColumnNames;
93     private static String slblTables;
94     protected static boolean bCloseDocument;
95     private boolean bHasEscapeProcessing = true;
ReportWizard(XMultiServiceFactory i_serviceFactory, final PropertyValue[] i_wizardContext)97     public ReportWizard(XMultiServiceFactory i_serviceFactory, final PropertyValue[] i_wizardContext)
98     {
99         super(i_serviceFactory, 34320, i_wizardContext);
100         super.addResourceHandler("Report Wizard", "dbw");
101         if (getReportResources(false))
102         {
103             Helper.setUnoPropertyValues(xDialogModel,
104                     new String[]
105                     {
106                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
107                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_MOVEABLE,
108                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME,
109                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
110                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
111                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
112                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
113                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TITLE,
114                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH
115                     },
116                     new Object[]
117                     {
118                         Integer.valueOf(210),
119                         Boolean.TRUE,
120                         "DialogReport",
121                         102,
122                         41,
123                         1,
124                         new Short((short) 0),
125                         sMsgWizardName,
126                         310
127                     });
128             drawNaviBar();
129             setRightPaneHeaders(this.WizardHeaderText);
130         }
131     }
enterStep(int nOldStep, int nNewStep)133     protected void enterStep(int nOldStep, int nNewStep)
134     {
135         if ((nOldStep >= SOTEMPLATEPAGE) && (nNewStep < SOTEMPLATEPAGE))
136         {
137             // CurReportDocument.getDoc().oTextSectionHandler.removeTextSectionbyName("RecordSection");
138             // CurReportDocument.getDoc().oTextTableHandler.removeTextTablebyName("Tbl_RecordSection");
139             m_reportDocument.removeTextTableAndTextSection();
140         }
141         switch (nNewStep)
142         {
143             case SOMAINPAGE:
144                 CurDBCommandFieldSelection.setModified(false);
145                 break;
147             case SOTITLEPAGE:
148                 String[] aFieldNames = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().getFieldNames();
149                 Map aFieldTitleSet = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().getFieldTitleSet();
150                 CurTitlesComponent.initialize(aFieldNames, aFieldTitleSet);
151                 break;
153             case SOGROUPPAGE:
154                 CurGroupFieldHandler.initialize();
155                 break;
157             case SOSORTPAGE:
158                 String[] aFieldNames2 = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().getFieldNames();
159                 String[][] aSortFieldNames = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().getSortFieldNames();
160                 CurSortingComponent.initialize(aFieldNames2, aSortFieldNames);
161                 int nLength = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().GroupFieldNames.length;
162                 CurSortingComponent.setReadOnlyUntil(nLength, false);
163                 break;
165             case SOTEMPLATEPAGE:
166                 break;
168             case SOSTOREPAGE:
169                 //TODO initialize with suitable PathName
170                 CurReportFinalizer.initialize(m_reportDocument.getRecordParser());
171                 break;
173             default:
174                 break;
175         }
176     }
leaveStep(int nOldStep, int nNewStep)178     protected void leaveStep(int nOldStep, int nNewStep)
179     {
181         switch (nOldStep)
182         {
183             case SOMAINPAGE:
184                 String[] aSelectedFieldNames = CurDBCommandFieldSelection.getSelectedFieldNames();
185                 String aTableName = CurDBCommandFieldSelection.getSelectedCommandName();
186                 int nType = CurDBCommandFieldSelection.getSelectedCommandType();
187                 m_reportDocument.initializeFieldColumns(nType, aTableName, aSelectedFieldNames);
188                 if (CurDBCommandFieldSelection.isModified())
189                 {
190                     // cleanup document
191                     m_reportDocument.clearDocument();
192                     m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().setGroupFieldNames(new String[]
193                             {
194                             });
195                     CurGroupFieldHandler.removeGroupFieldNames();
196                 }
197                 break;
199             case SOTITLEPAGE:
200                 String[] sFieldTitles = CurTitlesComponent.getFieldTitles();
201                 // set new field name titles
202                 // CurReportDocument.getRecordParser().setFieldTitles(sFieldTitles);
203                 m_reportDocument.setFieldTitles(sFieldTitles);
204                 break;
206             case SOGROUPPAGE:
207                 // TODO: DESIGN!!! a getter should return a value!!!
208                 CurGroupFieldHandler.getGroupFieldNames(m_reportDocument.getRecordParser());
209                 String[] aGroupFieldNames = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().GroupFieldNames;
210                 // CurReportDocument.getRecordParser().prependSortFieldNames(aGroupFieldNames);
211                 m_reportDocument.setGrouping(aGroupFieldNames);
212                 break;
214             case SOSORTPAGE:
215                 String[][] aSortFieldNames = CurSortingComponent.getSortFieldNames();
216                 // CurReportDocument.getRecordParser().SortFieldNames = aSortFieldNames;
217                 m_reportDocument.setSorting(aSortFieldNames);
218                 // TODO: why do we make a switch here
219                 super.enablefromStep(SOTEMPLATEPAGE, true);
220                 break;
222             case SOTEMPLATEPAGE:
223                 break;
225             case SOSTOREPAGE:
226                 break;
228             default:
229                 break;
230         }
232         if ((nOldStep < SOTEMPLATEPAGE) && (super.getNewStep() >= SOTEMPLATEPAGE))
233         {
234 // this is called before SOTEMPLATEPAGE, after SOGROUPPAGE
235             m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().createRecordFieldNames();
236             CurReportLayouter.initialize(m_reportDocument.getContentPath());
237         }
238     }
dialogFinish()240     private void dialogFinish()
241     {
242         this.xComponent.dispose();
243         if (bCloseDocument)
244         {
245             m_reportDocument.dispose();
246             return;
247         }
249         if ((nReportMode == ReportFinalizer.SOCREATETEMPLATE)
250                 || (nReportMode == ReportFinalizer.SOUSETEMPLATE))
251         {
252             m_reportDocument.addReportToDBView();
253             boolean bOpenInDesign = (nReportMode == ReportFinalizer.SOCREATETEMPLATE);
254             m_reportDocument.createAndOpenReportDocument(m_sReportName, true, bOpenInDesign);
255         }
256         else
257         {
258             m_reportDocument.importReportData(this);
259             m_reportDocument.createAndOpenReportDocument(m_sReportName, false, false);
260         }
261     }
executeQuery()263     private boolean executeQuery()
264     {
265         boolean bQueryCreated = false;
266         final RecordParser recordParser = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser();
267         final SQLQueryComposer sqlQueryComposer = recordParser.getSQLQueryComposer();
268         if (this.CurDBCommandFieldSelection.getSelectedCommandType() == CommandType.TABLE)
269         {
270             if (m_reportDocument instanceof ReportTextImplementation)
271             {
272                 bQueryCreated = sqlQueryComposer.setQueryCommand(this.xWindow, false, false);
273                 m_reportDocument.setCommandType(CommandType.COMMAND);
274                 String sQuery = sqlQueryComposer.getQuery();
275                 m_reportDocument.setCommand(sQuery);
276             }
277             else
278             {
279                 bQueryCreated = true;
280             }
281         }
282         else
283         {
284             try
285             {
286                 String sQueryName = CurDBCommandFieldSelection.getSelectedCommandName();
287                 DBMetaData.CommandObject oCommand = recordParser.getQueryByName(sQueryName);
288                 bHasEscapeProcessing = recordParser.hasEscapeProcessing(oCommand.getPropertySet());
289                 String sCommand = (String) oCommand.getPropertySet().getPropertyValue(PropertyNames.COMMAND);
290                 if (bHasEscapeProcessing)
291                 {
292                     // String sCommand = (String) oCommand.xPropertySet.getPropertyValue(PropertyNames.COMMAND);
293                     bQueryCreated = (!sCommand.equals(PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING));
294                     if (m_reportDocument instanceof ReportTextImplementation)
295                     {
296                         sqlQueryComposer.m_xQueryAnalyzer.setQuery(sCommand);
297                         sqlQueryComposer.prependSortingCriteria();
298                         m_reportDocument.setCommandType(CommandType.COMMAND);
299                         m_reportDocument.setCommand(sqlQueryComposer.getQuery());
300                     }
301                 }
302                 else
303                 {
304                     m_reportDocument.setCommandType(CommandType.COMMAND);
305                     m_reportDocument.setCommand(sCommand);
306                 }
307                 bQueryCreated = true;
308             }
309             catch (Exception e)
310             {
311                 e.printStackTrace(System.out);
312             }
313         }
314         if (!bQueryCreated)
315         {
316             super.vetoableChange(null);
317         }
318         return bQueryCreated;
319     }
buildSteps()321     public void buildSteps()
322     {
323         // CurReportDocument.getDoc().xProgressBar.setValue(30);
324         CurDBCommandFieldSelection = new CommandFieldSelection(this, m_reportDocument.getRecordParser(), 100, slblFields, slblSelFields, slblTables, true, 34330);
325         CurDBCommandFieldSelection.addFieldSelectionListener(new FieldSelectionListener());
326         if (!isReportBuilderInstalled())
327         {
328             insertLabel("lblBinaryFields",
329                     new String[]
330                     {
331                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH
332                     },
333                     new Object[]
334                     {
335                         16, sShowBinaryFields, 95, 162, 1, 210
336                     });
337         }
338         // CurReportDocument.getDoc().xProgressBar.setValue(40);
339         CurTitlesComponent = new TitlesComponent(this, SOTITLEPAGE, 97, 37, 210, 7, slblColumnNames, slblColumnTitles, 34381);
340         CurTitlesComponent.addTextListener(this);
341         // CurReportDocument.getDoc().xProgressBar.setValue(50);
342         CurGroupFieldHandler = new GroupFieldHandler(m_reportDocument, this);
343         // CurReportDocument.getDoc().xProgressBar.setValue(60);
344         CurSortingComponent = new SortingComponent(this, SOSORTPAGE, 95, 30, 210, 34346);
345         // CurReportDocument.getDoc().xProgressBar.setValue(70);
346         CurReportLayouter = new ReportLayouter(xMSF, m_reportDocument, this);
347         // CurReportDocument.getDoc().xProgressBar.setValue(80);
348         CurReportFinalizer = new ReportFinalizer(xMSF, m_reportDocument, this);
349         // CurReportDocument.getDoc().xProgressBar.setValue(100);
350         bCloseDocument = true;
351         // CurReportDocument.getDoc().xProgressBar.end();
352         enableNavigationButtons(false, false, false);
353     }
finishWizard()355     public boolean finishWizard()
356     {
357         final int ncurStep = getCurrentStep();
358         if ((switchToStep(ncurStep, SOSTOREPAGE)) || (ncurStep == SOSTOREPAGE))
359         {
360             if (this.executeQuery())
361             {
362                 if (CurReportFinalizer.finish())
363                 {
364                     nReportMode = CurReportFinalizer.getReportOpenMode();
365                     m_sReportName = CurReportFinalizer.getStoreName();
366                     xDialog.endExecute();
367                     return true;
368                 }
369             }
370         }
371         return false;
372     }
cancelWizard()374     public void cancelWizard()
375     {
376         xDialog.endExecute();
377     }
insertQueryRelatedSteps()379     public void insertQueryRelatedSteps()
380     {
381         setRMItemLabels(m_oResource, UIConsts.RID_QUERY + 80);
382         addRoadmap();
383         int i = 0;
384         i = insertRoadmapItem(0, true, m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_QUERY + 80), SOMAINPAGE);
385         i = insertRoadmapItem(i, false, m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 68), SOTITLEPAGE);
386         i = insertRoadmapItem(i, false, m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 11), SOGROUPPAGE);
387         i = insertRoadmapItem(i, false, m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 12), SOSORTPAGE);       // Orderby is always supported
388         i = insertRoadmapItem(i, false, m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 13), SOTEMPLATEPAGE);
389         i = insertRoadmapItem(i, false, m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 14), SOSTOREPAGE);
390         setRoadmapInteractive(true);
391         setRoadmapComplete(true);
392         setCurrentRoadmapItemID((short) 1);
393     }
isReportBuilderInstalled()395     private boolean isReportBuilderInstalled()
396     {
397         //! Check if the new Report Builder Extension is available
398         XContentEnumerationAccess a = com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XContentEnumerationAccess.class, xMSF);
399         com.sun.star.container.XEnumeration e = a.createContentEnumeration("com.sun.star.report.pentaho.SOReportJobFactory");
400         if (e == null)
401         {
402             return false;
403         }
404         return e.hasMoreElements();
405         }
407     /**
408      * Return the path to the "com.sun.reportdesigner" extension
409      * @param _xMSF
410      * @return
411      */
getPathToExtension(XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF)412     public static String getPathToExtension(XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF)
413     {
414         // Get the path to the extension and try to add the path to the class loader
415         final XComponentContext xComponentContext = Helper.getComponentContext(_xMSF);
416         final Object aSingleton = xComponentContext.getValueByName("/singletons/com.sun.star.deployment.PackageInformationProvider");
417         XPackageInformationProvider xProvider = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPackageInformationProvider.class, aSingleton);
418         return xProvider.getPackageLocation("com.sun.reportdesigner");
419     }
420     private static XLogger m_xLogger;
initializeLogger(XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF)422     private static void initializeLogger(XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF)
423     {
424         XComponentContext xContext = Helper.getComponentContext(_xMSF);
426         final Object aLoggerPool = xContext.getValueByName("/singletons/com.sun.star.logging.LoggerPool");
427         if (aLoggerPool == null)
428         {
429             System.out.println("Can't get singleton from logging");
430         }
431         final XLoggerPool xLoggerPool = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XLoggerPool.class, aLoggerPool);
432         m_xLogger = xLoggerPool.getNamedLogger("com.sun.star.wizards.ReportBuilder");
433     }
getLogger()435     public static XLogger getLogger()
436     {
437         return m_xLogger;
438     }
startReportWizard()440     public void startReportWizard()
441     {
442         initializeLogger(xMSF);
443         getLogger().log(LogLevel.SEVERE, "Start Report Wizard");
445         if (isReportBuilderInstalled())
446         {
447             // Get the path to the extension and try to add the path to the class loader
448             String sLocation = getPathToExtension(xMSF);
449             // TODO: Umlaut in filename!
450             if (sLocation.length() > 0)
451             {
452                 try
453                 {
454                     URI aLocationURI = URI.create(sLocation + "/" + "reportbuilderwizard.jar");
456                     URL[] aURLs = new URL[1];
457                     aURLs[0] = aLocationURI.toURL();
458                     URLClassLoader aClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(aURLs, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
459                     Class a = aClassLoader.loadClass("com.sun.star.wizards.reportbuilder.ReportBuilderImplementation");
460                     Method aMethod = a.getMethod("create", new Class[]
461                             {
462                                 XMultiServiceFactory.class
463                             });
464                     m_reportDocument = (IReportDocument) aMethod.invoke(a, xMSF
465                             );
466                 }
467                 catch (Exception e)
468                 {
469                     // Maybe problems in URI create() if a wrong char is used like '[' ']', ...
470                     System.out.println("There could be a problem with the path '" + sLocation + "'");
471                 }
472             }
473         }
475         try
476         {
477             if (m_reportDocument == null)
478             {
479                 // Fallback, if there is no reportbuilder wizard implementation, we use the old wizard
480                 m_reportDocument = new ReportTextImplementation(xMSF);
481             }
483             m_reportDocument.initialize(m_docUI, m_oResource);
485             if (m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().getConnection(m_wizardContext))
486             {
487                 buildSteps();
489                 m_reportDocument.checkInvariants();
491                 this.CurDBCommandFieldSelection.preselectCommand(m_wizardContext, false);
493                 createWindowPeer(m_reportDocument.getWizardParent());
495                 m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().setWindowPeer(this.xControl.getPeer());
496                 insertQueryRelatedSteps();
497                 short RetValue = executeDialog(m_reportDocument.getFrame().getComponentWindow().getPosSize());
498                 if (RetValue == 0)
499                 {
500                     dialogFinish();
501                 }
502             }
503             m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().dispose();
504         }
505         catch (java.io.IOException e)
506         {
507             String sMessage = e.getMessage();
508             if (sMessage.equals("default.otr"))
509             {
510                 sMessage = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 92);
511             }
512             else
513             {
514             }
515             // show a dialog with the error message
516             SystemDialog.showMessageBox(xMSF, "ErrorBox", VclWindowPeerAttribute.OK, sMessage);
517         }
518         catch (java.lang.Exception jexception)
519         {
520             jexception.printStackTrace(System.out);
521         }
522     }
importReportData(final XMultiServiceFactory xMSF, final Dataimport CurDataimport)524     public void importReportData(final XMultiServiceFactory xMSF, final Dataimport CurDataimport)
525     {
526         boolean bDocisStored = false;
527         try
528         {
529             boolean bexecute = false;
530             if (!bHasEscapeProcessing)
531             {
532                 bexecute = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().executeCommand(com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.QUERY);   //            sMsgQueryCreationImpossible + (char) 13 + sMsgEndAutopilot))
533             }
534             else
535             {
536                 bexecute = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().executeCommand(com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.COMMAND);   //            sMsgQueryCreationImpossible + (char) 13 + sMsgEndAutopilot))
537             }
538             if (bexecute)
539             {
540                 bexecute = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().getFields(m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().getFieldNames(), false);
541             }
542             if (bexecute)
543             {
544                 // CurDataimport.insertDatabaseDatatoReportDocument(xMSF);
545                 m_reportDocument.insertDatabaseDatatoReportDocument(xMSF);
546             }
548             if (CurReportFinalizer.getReportOpenMode() == ReportFinalizer.SOCREATEDOCUMENT)
549             {
550                 bDocisStored = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().storeDatabaseDocumentToTempPath(m_reportDocument.getComponent(), CurReportFinalizer.getStoreName());
551             }
552         }
553         catch (com.sun.star.wizards.common.InvalidQueryException queryexception)
554         {
555         }
556         CurDataimport.xComponent.dispose();
557         if (bDocisStored)
558         {
559             m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().addReportDocument(m_reportDocument.getComponent(), false);
560         }
562         m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().dispose();
563     }
getReportResources(boolean bgetProgressResourcesOnly)565     public boolean getReportResources(boolean bgetProgressResourcesOnly)
566     {
567         sMsgWizardName = super.m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT);
568         if (!bgetProgressResourcesOnly)
569         {
570             sShowBinaryFields = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 60);
571             slblTables = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_FORM + 6);
572             slblFields = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_FORM + 12);
573             slblSelFields = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 9);
574             WizardHeaderText[0] = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 28);
575             WizardHeaderText[1] = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 69);
576             WizardHeaderText[2] = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 29);
577             WizardHeaderText[3] = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 30);
578             WizardHeaderText[4] = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 31);
579             WizardHeaderText[5] = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 32);
580         }
581         slblColumnTitles = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 70);
582         slblColumnNames = m_oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 71);
583         return true;
584     }
getBlindTextNote(Object _aDocument, Resource _oResource)586     public static String getBlindTextNote(Object _aDocument, Resource _oResource)
587     {
588         String sBlindTextNote = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING;
589         if (_aDocument instanceof ReportTextImplementation)
590         {
591             sBlindTextNote = _oResource.getResText(UIConsts.RID_REPORT + 75);
592             sBlindTextNote = JavaTools.replaceSubString(sBlindTextNote, String.valueOf((char) 13), "<BR>");
593         }
594         return sBlindTextNote;
595     }
enableRoadmapItems(boolean _bEnabled)597     public void enableRoadmapItems(boolean _bEnabled)
598     {
599         try
600         {
601             Object oRoadmapItem = null;
602             int CurStep = AnyConverter.toInt(Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(xDialogModel, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP));
603             boolean bEnabled = false;
604             int CurItemID;
605             for (int i = 0; i < getRMItemCount(); i++)
606             {
607                 oRoadmapItem = this.xIndexContRoadmap.getByIndex(i);
608                 CurItemID = AnyConverter.toInt(Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(oRoadmapItem, "ID"));
609                 if (CurItemID > CurStep)
610                 {
611                     bEnabled = _bEnabled;
612                 }
613                 else
614                 {
615                     bEnabled = true;
616                 }
618                 Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(oRoadmapItem, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(bEnabled));
619             }
620         }
621         catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception exception)
622         {
623             exception.printStackTrace(System.out);
624         }
625     }
enableWizardSteps(String[] NewItems)627     private void enableWizardSteps(String[] NewItems)
628     {
629         boolean bEnabled = NewItems.length > 0;
630         setControlProperty("btnWizardNext", PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(bEnabled));
631         setControlProperty("btnWizardFinish", PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(bEnabled));
632         enableRoadmapItems(bEnabled);   // Note: Performancewise this could be improved
633     }
textChanged(TextEvent xTextEvent)635     public void textChanged(TextEvent xTextEvent)
636     {
637         try
638         {
639             Object oModel = UnoDialog.getModel(xTextEvent.Source);
640             String sContent = (String) Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(oModel, "Text");
641             String fieldname = this.CurTitlesComponent.getFieldNameByTitleControl(oModel);
642             // CurReportDocument.getDoc().oTextFieldHandler.changeUserFieldContent(fieldname, sfieldtitle);
643             m_reportDocument.liveupdate_changeUserFieldContent(fieldname, sContent);
644         }
645         catch (Exception exception)
646         {
647             exception.printStackTrace(System.out);
648         }
649     }
disposing(EventObject EventObject)651     public void disposing(EventObject EventObject)
652     {
653     }
setmodified(int _ndialogpage, Object ooldValue, Object onewValue)655     public void setmodified(int _ndialogpage, Object ooldValue, Object onewValue)
656     {
657         switch (_ndialogpage)
658         {
659             case SOMAINPAGE:
660                 break;
661             default:
662                 break;
663         }
664     }
toggleSortingPage()666     private void toggleSortingPage()
667     {
668         int nlCommandType = this.CurDBCommandFieldSelection.getSelectedCommandType();
669         boolean bdoenable = (nlCommandType == CommandType.TABLE);
670         if (!bdoenable)
671         {
672             String sQueryName = CurDBCommandFieldSelection.getSelectedCommandName();
673             DBMetaData.CommandObject oCommand = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().getQueryByName(sQueryName);
674             bdoenable = m_reportDocument.getRecordParser().hasEscapeProcessing(oCommand.getPropertySet());
675         }
676         super.setStepEnabled(SOSORTPAGE, bdoenable);
678         // int nCommandType = this.CurDBCommandFieldSelection.getSelectedCommandType();
679         // super.setStepEnabled(SOSORTPAGE, (nCommandType == CommandType.TABLE));
680     }
682     public class FieldSelectionListener implements com.sun.star.wizards.ui.XFieldSelectionListener
683     {
685         protected int m_nID;
getID()687         public int getID()
688         {
689             return m_nID;
690         }
setID(String sIncSuffix)692         public void setID(String sIncSuffix)
693         {
694             m_nID = 1;
695             if (sIncSuffix != null)
696             {
697                 if ((!sIncSuffix.equals(PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING)) && (!sIncSuffix.equals("_")))
698                 {
699                     String sID = JavaTools.ArrayoutofString(sIncSuffix, "_")[1];
700                     m_nID = Integer.parseInt(sID);
701                 }
702             }
703         }
shiftFromLeftToRight(String[] SelItems, String[] NewItems)705         public void shiftFromLeftToRight(String[] SelItems, String[] NewItems)
706         {
707             if (m_nID == 1)
708             {
709                 CurDBCommandFieldSelection.setModified(true);
710                 enableWizardSteps(NewItems);
711                 toggleSortingPage();
712             }
713             else
714             {
715                 boolean bEnabled = (CurGroupFieldSelection.getSelectedFieldNames().length > 0);
716                 Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(getRoadmapItemByID(SOGROUPPAGE), PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, bEnabled);
717             }
718         }
shiftFromRightToLeft(String[] SelItems, String[] NewItems)720         public void shiftFromRightToLeft(String[] SelItems, String[] NewItems)
721         {
722             // TODO When the ListFieldbox is refilled only fields of the current Command may be merged into the Listbox
723             if (m_nID == 1)
724             {
725                 enableWizardSteps(NewItems);
726                 CurDBCommandFieldSelection.setModified(true);
727             }
728             else
729             {
730                 boolean bEnabled = (CurGroupFieldSelection.getSelectedFieldNames().length > 0);
731                 Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(getRoadmapItemByID(SOGROUPPAGE), PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, bEnabled);
732             }
733         }
moveItemDown(String item)735         public void moveItemDown(String item)
736         {
737         }
moveItemUp(String item)739         public void moveItemUp(String item)
740         {
741         }
742     }
743 //    public void tests()
744 //    {
745 //
746 //        Calendar aCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
747 //        aCalendar.setTimeInMillis(1202382900000L);
748 //        String aCalStr = aCalendar.toString();
749 //
750 //        Date aDate = new Date();
751 //        aDate.setSeconds(0);
752 //        aDate.setMinutes(15);
753 //        aDate.setHours(12);
754 //        // aDate.setMonth(2);
755 //        // aDate.setYear(2008);
756 //        // aDate.setDay(7);
757 //        long nTime = aDate.getTime();
758 //        Long aLong = new Long(nTime);
759 //        String aStr = aLong.toString();
760 //
761 //        Date aNewDate = new Date(1202382900000L);
762 ////         aNewDate.
763 //        String aDateStr = aNewDate.toString();
764 ////         Datetime aNewTime = new Time(1202382900);
765 ////         String aTimeStr = aNewTime.toString();
766 //
767 //    }
768 }