1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
23 package com.sun.star.wizards.web;
25 import com.sun.star.awt.XWindowPeer;
26 import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory;
27 import com.sun.star.util.XStringSubstitution;
28 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.FileAccess;
29 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.Helper;
30 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.HelpIds;
31 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.JavaTools;
32 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.PropertyNames;
33 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.SystemDialog;
34 import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.event.ListModelBinder;
35 import com.sun.star.wizards.web.data.CGDocument;
36 import com.sun.star.wizards.web.data.CGFilter;
37 import com.sun.star.wizards.web.data.CGPublish;
38 import com.sun.star.wizards.web.data.CGSettings;
40 /**
41  * @author rpiterman
42  * This class implements general methods, used by different sub-classes (either WWD_Sturtup, or WWD_Events)
43  * or both.
44  */
45 public abstract class WWD_General extends WebWizardDialog
46 {
48     private FileAccess fileAccess;
49     private SystemDialog docAddDialog,  folderDialog,  favIconDialog,  zipDialog;
50     protected FTPDialog ftpDialog;
51     protected CGSettings settings;
52     /**
53      * true if proxies are on, which means, ftp is disabled.
54      */
55     protected boolean proxies;
56     private XStringSubstitution xStringSubstitution;
getStatusDialog()58     protected StatusDialog getStatusDialog()
59     {
61         StatusDialog statusDialog = new StatusDialog(xMSF, StatusDialog.STANDARD_WIDTH, resources.resLoadingSession, false, new String[]
62                 {
63                     resources.prodName, PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING, PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING, PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING, PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING, PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING
64                 }, HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID0_STATUS_DIALOG));
65         try
66         {
67             statusDialog.createWindowPeer(xControl.getPeer());
68         }
69         catch (Exception e)
70         {
71             e.printStackTrace();
72         }
74         return statusDialog;
75     }
77     /**
78      * @param xmsf
79      */
WWD_General(XMultiServiceFactory xmsf)80     public WWD_General(XMultiServiceFactory xmsf)
81     {
82         super(xmsf);
83         xStringSubstitution = SystemDialog.createStringSubstitution(xmsf);
84     }
86     /*
87      *  File Dialog methods
88      */
getDocAddDialog()89     protected SystemDialog getDocAddDialog()
90     {
91         //if (docAddDialog == null) {
92         docAddDialog = SystemDialog.createOpenDialog(xMSF);
93         for (int i = 0; i < settings.cp_Filters.getSize(); i++)
94         {
95             CGFilter f = ((CGFilter) settings.cp_Filters.getElementAt(i));
96             docAddDialog.addFilter(
97                     JavaTools.replaceSubString(f.cp_Name, resources.prodName, "%PRODNAME"), f.cp_Filter, i == 0);
98         }
99         //docAddDialog.addFilter(resources.resSODocs, "*.oxt;*.sxw;*.sxc;*.sxd;*.sxi;*.sdw;*.sdc;*.sdd;*.sdi;*.sda;*.sdp"  ,true);
100         //docAddDialog.addFilter(resources.resMSDocs, "*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt;*.pps",false);
101         //docAddDialog.addFilter(resources.resImages, "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.tiff;*.jpeg;*.jpe",false);
102         //docAddDialog.addFilter(resources.resAllFiles,"*.*",false);
103         //}
104         return docAddDialog;
105     }
getZipDialog()107     protected SystemDialog getZipDialog()
108     {
109         if (zipDialog == null)
110         {
111             zipDialog = SystemDialog.createStoreDialog(xMSF);
112             zipDialog.addFilter(resources.resZipFiles, "*.zip", true);
113         }
114         return zipDialog;
115     }
getFTPDialog(CGPublish pub)117     protected FTPDialog getFTPDialog(CGPublish pub)
118     {
119         if (ftpDialog == null)
120         {
121             try
122             {
123                 ftpDialog = new FTPDialog(xMSF, pub);
124                 ftpDialog.createWindowPeer(xControl.getPeer());
125             }
126             catch (Exception ex)
127             {
128                 ex.printStackTrace();
129             }
130         }
131         return ftpDialog;
132     }
showFolderDialog(String title, String description, String dir)134     protected String showFolderDialog(String title, String description, String dir)
135     {
136         if (folderDialog == null)
137         {
138             folderDialog = SystemDialog.createFolderDialog(xMSF);
139         }
140         return folderDialog.callFolderDialog(title, description, dir);
141     }
getFileAccess()143     protected FileAccess getFileAccess()
144     {
145         if (fileAccess == null)
146         {
147             try
148             {
149                 fileAccess = new FileAccess(xMSF);
150             }
151             catch (Exception ex)
152             {
153                 ex.printStackTrace();
154             }
155         }
156         return fileAccess;
157     }
159     /**
160      * returns the document specified
161      * by the given short array.
162      * @param s
163      * @return
164      */
getDoc(short[] s)165     protected CGDocument getDoc(short[] s)
166     {
167         if (s.length == 0)
168         {
169             return null;
170         }
171         else if (settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getSize() <= s[0])
172         {
173             return null;
174         }
175         else
176         {
177             return (CGDocument) settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getElementAt(s[0]);
178         }
179     }
181     /**
182      * how many documents are in the list?
183      * @return the number of documents in the docs list.
184      */
getDocsCount()185     protected int getDocsCount()
186     {
187         return settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getSize();
188     }
190     /**
191      * fills the export listbox.
192      * @param listContent
193      */
fillExportList(Object[] listContent)194     protected void fillExportList(Object[] listContent)
195     {
196         ListModelBinder.fillList(lstDocTargetType, listContent, null);
197     }
199     /**
200      * returns a publisher object for the given name
201      * @param name one of the WebWizardConst constants : FTP
202      * @return
203      */
getPublisher(String name)204     protected CGPublish getPublisher(String name)
205     {
206         return (CGPublish) settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Publishing.getElement(name);
207     }
209     /**
210      * @return true if the checkbox "save session" is checked.
211      */
isSaveSession()212     protected boolean isSaveSession()
213     {
214         return (((Number) Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(
215                 getModel(chkSaveSettings), PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STATE)).intValue() == 1);
216     }
218     /**
219      * @return the name to save the session (step 7)
220      */
getSessionSaveName()221     protected String getSessionSaveName()
222     {
223         return (String) Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(
224                 getModel(cbSaveSettings), "Text");
225     }
227     /**
228      * This method checks the status of the wizards and
229      * enables or disables the 'next' and the 'create' button.
230      *
231      */
checkSteps()232     protected void checkSteps()
233     {
234         /* first I check the document list.
235          * If it is empty, then step3 and on are disabled.
236          */
237         if (checkDocList())
238         {
239             checkPublish();
240         }
241     }
243     /**
244      * enables/disables the steps 3 to 7)
245      * @param enabled true = enabled, false = disabled.
246      */
enableSteps(boolean enabled)247     private void enableSteps(boolean enabled)
248     {
250         if (!enabled && !isStepEnabled(3))
251         {
252             return;
253         /*
254          * disbale steps 3-7
255          */
256         }
257         for (int i = 3; i < 8; i++)
258         {
259             setStepEnabled(i, enabled, true);
260         /* in this place i just disable the finish button.
261          * later, in the checkPublish, which is only performed if
262          * this one is true, it will be enabled (if the check
263          * is positive)
264          */
265         }
266         if (!enabled)
267         {
268             enableFinishButton(false);
269         }
270     }
272     /**
273      * Checks if the documents list is
274      * empty. If it is, disables the steps 3-7, and the
275      * create button.
276      * @return
277      */
checkDocList()278     protected boolean checkDocList()
279     {
280         if (settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getSize() == 0)
281         {
282             enableSteps(false);
283             return false;
284         }
285         else
286         {
287             enableSteps(true);
288             return true;
289         }
290     }
292     /**
293      * check if the save-settings input is ok.
294      * (eather the checkbox is unmarked, or,
295      * if it is marked, a session name exists.
296      *
297      */
checkSaveSession()298     public boolean checkSaveSession()
299     {
300         return (!isSaveSession() ||
301                 !getSessionSaveName().equals(PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING));
303     }
305     /**
306      * @return false if this publisher is not active, or, if it
307      * active, returns true if the url is not empty...
308      * if the url is empty, throws an exception
309      */
checkPublish(String s, Object text, String property)310     private boolean checkPublish(String s, Object text, String property)
311     {
312         CGPublish p = getPublisher(s);
313         if (p.cp_Publish)
314         {
315             String url = (String) Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(getModel(text), property);
316             if ((url == null) || (url.equals(PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING)))
317             {
318                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
319             }
320             else
321             {
322                 return true;
323             }
324         }
325         else
326         {
327             return false;
328         }
329     }
331     /**
332      *
333      * @return false either if publishing input is wrong or there
334      * are no publishing targets chosen. returns true when at least
335      * one target is chosen, *and* all
336      * which are chosen are legal.
337      * If proxies are on, ftp publisher is ignored.
338      */
checkPublish_()339     private boolean checkPublish_()
340     {
341         try
342         {
343             return (checkPublish(LOCAL_PUBLISHER, txtLocalDir, "Text") | (!proxies && checkPublish(FTP_PUBLISHER, lblFTP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL)) | checkPublish(ZIP_PUBLISHER, txtZip, "Text")) && checkSaveSession();
344         }
345         catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
346         {
347             return false;
348         }
349     }
351     /**
352      * This method checks if the publishing
353      * input is ok, and enables and disables
354      * the 'create' button.
355      * public because it is called from
356      * an event listener object.
357      */
checkPublish()358     public void checkPublish()
359     {
360         enableFinishButton(checkPublish_());
361     }
363     /**
364      * shows a message box "Unexpected Error... " :-)
365      * @param ex
366      */
unexpectedError(Exception ex)367     protected void unexpectedError(Exception ex)
368     {
369         ex.printStackTrace();
370         XWindowPeer peer = xControl.getPeer();
371         AbstractErrorHandler.showMessage(xMSF, peer, resources.resErrUnexpected, ErrorHandler.ERROR_PROCESS_FATAL);
372     }
374     /**
375      * substitutes path variables with the corresponding values.
376      * @param path a path, which might contain OOo path variables.
377      * @return the path, after substituing path variables.
378      */
substitute(String path)379     protected String substitute(String path)
380     {
381         try
382         {
383             return xStringSubstitution.substituteVariables(path, false);
384         }
385         catch (Exception ex)
386         {
387             return path;
388         }
389     }
390 }