xref: /aoo41x/main/basic/source/sbx/sbxscan.cxx (revision cdf0e10c)
1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_basic.hxx"
30 #include <tools/errcode.hxx>
31 #include <basic/sbx.hxx>
32 #include "sbxconv.hxx"
34 #include "unotools/syslocale.hxx"
36 #if defined ( UNX )
37 #include <stdlib.h>
38 #endif
40 #ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen
41 #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
42 #endif
43 #include <math.h>
44 #include <string.h>
45 #include <ctype.h>
47 #include "sbxres.hxx"
48 #include <basic/sbxbase.hxx>
49 #include <basic/sbxform.hxx>
50 #include <svtools/svtools.hrc>
52 #include "basrid.hxx"
53 #include "runtime.hxx"
55 #include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
56 #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
59 void ImpGetIntntlSep( sal_Unicode& rcDecimalSep, sal_Unicode& rcThousandSep )
60 {
61     SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
62     const LocaleDataWrapper& rData = aSysLocale.GetLocaleData();
63 	rcDecimalSep = rData.getNumDecimalSep().GetBuffer()[0];
64 	rcThousandSep = rData.getNumThousandSep().GetBuffer()[0];
65 }
67 // Scannen eines Strings nach BASIC-Konventionen
68 // Dies entspricht den ueblichen Konventionen, nur dass der Exponent
69 // auch ein D sein darf, was den Datentyp auf SbxDOUBLE festlegt.
70 // Die Routine versucht, den Datentyp so klein wie moeglich zu gestalten.
71 // Das ganze gibt auch noch einen Konversionsfehler, wenn der Datentyp
72 // Fixed ist und das ganze nicht hineinpasst!
74 SbxError ImpScan( const ::rtl::OUString& rWSrc, double& nVal, SbxDataType& rType,
75 				  sal_uInt16* pLen, sal_Bool bAllowIntntl, sal_Bool bOnlyIntntl )
76 {
77 	::rtl::OString aBStr( ::rtl::OUStringToOString( rWSrc, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
79 	// Bei International Komma besorgen
80 	char cIntntlComma, cIntntl1000;
81 	char cNonIntntlComma = '.';
83     sal_Unicode cDecimalSep, cThousandSep = 0;
84 	if( bAllowIntntl || bOnlyIntntl )
85 	{
86         ImpGetIntntlSep( cDecimalSep, cThousandSep );
87 		cIntntlComma = (char)cDecimalSep;
88         cIntntl1000 = (char)cThousandSep;
89 	}
90 	// Sonst einfach auch auf . setzen
91 	else
92 	{
93 		cIntntlComma = cNonIntntlComma;
94 		cIntntl1000 = cNonIntntlComma;	// Unschaedlich machen
95 	}
96 	// Nur International -> IntnlComma uebernehmen
97 	if( bOnlyIntntl )
98 	{
99 		cNonIntntlComma = cIntntlComma;
100 		cIntntl1000 = (char)cThousandSep;
101 	}
103 	const char* pStart = aBStr.getStr();
104 	const char* p = pStart;
105 	char buf[ 80 ], *q = buf;
106 	sal_Bool bRes = sal_True;
107 	sal_Bool bMinus = sal_False;
108 	nVal = 0;
109 	SbxDataType eScanType = SbxSINGLE;
110 	// Whitespace wech
111 	while( *p &&( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ) ) p++;
112 	// Zahl? Dann einlesen und konvertieren.
113 	if( *p == '-' )
114 		p++, bMinus = sal_True;
115 	if( isdigit( *p ) ||( (*p == cNonIntntlComma || *p == cIntntlComma ||
116 			*p == cIntntl1000) && isdigit( *(p+1 ) ) ) )
117 	{
118 		short exp = 0;		// >0: Exponentteil
119 		short comma = 0;	// >0: Nachkomma
120 		short ndig = 0;		// Anzahl Ziffern
121 		short ncdig = 0;	// Anzahl Ziffern nach Komma
122 		ByteString aSearchStr( "0123456789DEde" );
123 		// Kommas ergaenzen
124 		aSearchStr += cNonIntntlComma;
125 		if( cIntntlComma != cNonIntntlComma )
126 			aSearchStr += cIntntlComma;
127 		if( bOnlyIntntl )
128 			aSearchStr += cIntntl1000;
129 		const char* pSearchStr = aSearchStr.GetBuffer();
130 		while( strchr( pSearchStr, *p ) && *p )
131 		{
132 			// 1000er-Trenner ueberlesen
133 			if( bOnlyIntntl && *p == cIntntl1000 )
134 			{
135 				p++;
136 				continue;
137 			}
139 			// Komma oder Exponent?
140 			if( *p == cNonIntntlComma || *p == cIntntlComma )
141 			{
142 				// Immer '.' einfuegen, damit atof funktioniert
143 				p++;
144 				if( ++comma > 1 )
145 					continue;
146 				else
147 					*q++ = '.';
148 			}
149 			else if( strchr( "DdEe", *p ) )
150 			{
151 				if( ++exp > 1 )
152 				{
153 					p++; continue;
154 				}
155 				if( toupper( *p ) == 'D' )
156 					eScanType = SbxDOUBLE;
157 				*q++ = 'E'; p++;
158 				// Vorzeichen hinter Exponent?
159 				if( *p == '+' )
160 					p++;
161 				else
162 				if( *p == '-' )
163 					*q++ = *p++;
164 			}
165 			else
166 			{
167 				*q++ = *p++;
168 				if( comma && !exp ) ncdig++;
169 			}
170 			if( !exp ) ndig++;
171 		}
172 		*q = 0;
173 		// Komma, Exponent mehrfach vorhanden?
174 		if( comma > 1 || exp > 1 )
175 			bRes = sal_False;
176 		// Kann auf Integer gefaltet werden?
177 		if( !comma && !exp )
178 		{
179 			if( nVal >= SbxMININT && nVal <= SbxMAXINT )
180 				eScanType = SbxINTEGER;
181 			else if( nVal >= SbxMINLNG && nVal <= SbxMAXLNG )
182 				eScanType = SbxLONG;
183 		}
185 		nVal = atof( buf );
186 		ndig = ndig - comma;
187 		// zu viele Zahlen fuer SINGLE?
188 		if( ndig > 15 || ncdig > 6 )
189 			eScanType = SbxDOUBLE;
191 		// Typkennung?
192 		if( strchr( "%!&#", *p ) && *p ) p++;
193 	}
194 	// Hex/Oktalzahl? Einlesen und konvertieren:
195 	else if( *p == '&' )
196 	{
197 		p++;
198 		eScanType = SbxLONG;
199 		const char *cmp = "0123456789ABCDEF";
200 		char base = 16;
201 		char ndig = 8;
202 		char xch  = *p++;
203 		switch( toupper( xch ) )
204 		{
205 			case 'O': cmp = "01234567"; base = 8; ndig = 11; break;
206 			case 'H': break;
207 			default : bRes = sal_False;
208 		}
209 		long l = 0;
210 		int i;
211 		while( isalnum( *p ) )
212 		{
213 			char ch = sal::static_int_cast< char >( toupper( *p ) );
214 			p++;
215 			if( strchr( cmp, ch ) ) *q++ = ch;
216 			else bRes = sal_False;
217 		}
218 		*q = 0;
219 		for( q = buf; *q; q++ )
220 		{
221 			i =( *q & 0xFF ) - '0';
222 			if( i > 9 ) i -= 7;
223 			l =( l * base ) + i;
224 			if( !ndig-- )
225 				bRes = sal_False;
226 		}
227 		if( *p == '&' ) p++;
228 		nVal = (double) l;
229 		if( l >= SbxMININT && l <= SbxMAXINT )
230 			eScanType = SbxINTEGER;
231 	}
232 	else if ( SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled() )
233 	{
234 		OSL_TRACE("Reporting error converting");
235 		return SbxERR_CONVERSION;
236 	}
237 	if( pLen )
238 		*pLen = (sal_uInt16) ( p - pStart );
239 	if( !bRes )
240 		return SbxERR_CONVERSION;
241 	if( bMinus )
242 		nVal = -nVal;
243 	rType = eScanType;
244 	return SbxERR_OK;
245 }
247 // Schnittstelle fuer CDbl im Basic
248 SbxError SbxValue::ScanNumIntnl( const String& rSrc, double& nVal, sal_Bool bSingle )
249 {
250 	SbxDataType t;
251 	sal_uInt16 nLen = 0;
252 	SbxError nRetError = ImpScan( rSrc, nVal, t, &nLen,
253 		/*bAllowIntntl*/sal_False, /*bOnlyIntntl*/sal_True );
254 	// Komplett gelesen?
255 	if( nRetError == SbxERR_OK && nLen != rSrc.Len() )
256 		nRetError = SbxERR_CONVERSION;
258 	if( bSingle )
259 	{
260 		SbxValues aValues( nVal );
261 		nVal = (double)ImpGetSingle( &aValues );	// Hier Error bei Overflow
262 	}
263 	return nRetError;
264 }
266 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
268 static double roundArray[] = {
269 	5.0e+0, 0.5e+0,	0.5e-1,	0.5e-2,	0.5e-3,	0.5e-4,	0.5e-5,	0.5e-6,	0.5e-7,
270 	0.5e-8,	0.5e-9,	0.5e-10,0.5e-11,0.5e-12,0.5e-13,0.5e-14,0.5e-15 };
272 /***************************************************************************
273 |*
274 |*	void myftoa( double, char *, short, short, sal_Bool, sal_Bool )
275 |*
276 |*	Beschreibung:		Konversion double --> ASCII
277 |*	Parameter:			double				die Zahl.
278 |*						char *				der Zielpuffer
279 |*						short				Anzahl Nachkommastellen
280 |*						short				Weite des Exponenten( 0=kein E )
281 |*						sal_Bool				sal_True: mit 1000er Punkten
282 |*						sal_Bool				sal_True: formatfreie Ausgabe
283 |*
284 ***************************************************************************/
286 static void myftoa( double nNum, char * pBuf, short nPrec, short nExpWidth,
287 					sal_Bool bPt, sal_Bool bFix, sal_Unicode cForceThousandSep = 0 )
288 {
290 	short nExp = 0;						// Exponent
291 	short nDig = nPrec + 1;				// Anzahl Digits in Zahl
292 	short nDec;							// Anzahl Vorkommastellen
293 	register int i, digit;
295 	// Komma besorgen
296     sal_Unicode cDecimalSep, cThousandSep;
297     ImpGetIntntlSep( cDecimalSep, cThousandSep );
298     if( cForceThousandSep )
299         cThousandSep = cForceThousandSep;
301 	// Exponentberechnung:
302 	nExp = 0;
303 	if( nNum > 0.0 )
304 	{
305 		while( nNum <   1.0 ) nNum *= 10.0, nExp--;
306 		while( nNum >= 10.0 ) nNum /= 10.0, nExp++;
307 	}
308 	if( !bFix && !nExpWidth )
309 		nDig = nDig + nExp;
310 	else if( bFix && !nPrec )
311 		nDig = nExp + 1;
313 	// Zahl runden:
314 	if( (nNum += roundArray [( nDig > 16 ) ? 16 : nDig] ) >= 10.0 )
315 	{
316 		nNum = 1.0;
317 		++nExp;
318 		if( !nExpWidth ) ++nDig;
319 	}
321 	// Bestimmung der Vorkommastellen:
322 	if( !nExpWidth )
323 	{
324 		if( nExp < 0 )
325 		{
326 			// #41691: Auch bei bFix eine 0 spendieren
327 			*pBuf++ = '0';
328 			if( nPrec ) *pBuf++ = (char)cDecimalSep;
329 			i = -nExp - 1;
330 			if( nDig <= 0 ) i = nPrec;
331 			while( i-- )	*pBuf++ = '0';
332 			nDec = 0;
333 		}
334 		else
335 			nDec = nExp+1;
336 	}
337 	else
338 		nDec = 1;
340 	// Zahl ausgeben:
341 	if( nDig > 0 )
342 	{
343 		for( i = 0 ; ; ++i )
344 		{
345 			if( i < 16 )
346 			{
347 				digit = (int) nNum;
348 				*pBuf++ = sal::static_int_cast< char >(digit + '0');
349 				nNum =( nNum - digit ) * 10.0;
350 			} else
351 				*pBuf++ = '0';
352 			if( --nDig == 0 ) break;
353 			if( nDec )
354 			{
355 				nDec--;
356 				if( !nDec )
357 					*pBuf++ = (char)cDecimalSep;
358 				else if( !(nDec % 3 ) && bPt )
359 					*pBuf++ = (char)cThousandSep;
360 			}
361 		}
362 	}
364 	// Exponent ausgeben:
365 	if( nExpWidth )
366 	{
367 		if( nExpWidth < 3 ) nExpWidth = 3;
368 		nExpWidth -= 2;
369 		*pBuf++ = 'E';
370 		*pBuf++ =( nExp < 0 ) ?( (nExp = -nExp ), '-' ) : '+';
371 		while( nExpWidth > 3 ) *pBuf++ = '0', nExpWidth--;
372 		if( nExp >= 100 || nExpWidth == 3 )
373 		{
374 			*pBuf++ = sal::static_int_cast< char >(nExp/100 + '0');
375 			nExp %= 100;
376 		}
377 		if( nExp/10 || nExpWidth >= 2 )
378 			*pBuf++ = sal::static_int_cast< char >(nExp/10 + '0');
379 		*pBuf++ = sal::static_int_cast< char >(nExp%10 + '0');
380 	}
381 	*pBuf = 0;
382 }
384 // Die Zahl wird unformatiert mit der angegebenen Anzahl NK-Stellen
385 // aufbereitet. Evtl. wird ein Minus vorangestellt.
386 // Diese Routine ist public, weil sie auch von den Put-Funktionen
387 // der Klasse SbxImpSTRING verwendet wird.
389 #ifdef _MSC_VER
390 #pragma optimize( "", off )
391 #pragma warning(disable: 4748) // "... because optimizations are disabled ..."
392 #endif
394 void ImpCvtNum( double nNum, short nPrec, ::rtl::OUString& rRes, sal_Bool bCoreString )
395 {
396 	char *q;
397 	char cBuf[ 40 ], *p = cBuf;
399     sal_Unicode cDecimalSep, cThousandSep;
400     ImpGetIntntlSep( cDecimalSep, cThousandSep );
401     if( bCoreString )
402         cDecimalSep = '.';
404 	if( nNum < 0.0 ) {
405 		nNum = -nNum;
406 		*p++ = '-';
407 	}
408 	double dMaxNumWithoutExp = (nPrec == 6) ? 1E6 : 1E14;
409 	myftoa( nNum, p, nPrec,( nNum &&( nNum < 1E-1 || nNum > dMaxNumWithoutExp ) ) ? 4:0,
410         sal_False, sal_True, cDecimalSep );
411 	// Trailing Zeroes weg:
412 	for( p = cBuf; *p &&( *p != 'E' ); p++ ) {}
413 	q = p; p--;
414 	while( nPrec && *p == '0' ) nPrec--, p--;
415 	if( *p == cDecimalSep ) p--;
416 	while( *q ) *++p = *q++;
417 	*++p = 0;
418 	rRes = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( cBuf );
419 }
421 #ifdef _MSC_VER
422 #pragma optimize( "", on )
423 #endif
425 sal_Bool ImpConvStringExt( ::rtl::OUString& rSrc, SbxDataType eTargetType )
426 {
427 	// Merken, ob ueberhaupt was geaendert wurde
428 	sal_Bool bChanged = sal_False;
429 	::rtl::OUString aNewString;
431 	// Nur Spezial-F�lle behandeln, als Default tun wir nichts
432 	switch( eTargetType )
433 	{
434 		// Bei Fliesskomma International beruecksichtigen
435 		case SbxSINGLE:
436 		case SbxDOUBLE:
437 		case SbxCURRENCY:
438 		{
439 			::rtl::OString aBStr( ::rtl::OUStringToOString( rSrc, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
441 			// Komma besorgen
442             sal_Unicode cDecimalSep, cThousandSep;
443             ImpGetIntntlSep( cDecimalSep, cThousandSep );
444 			aNewString = rSrc;
446 			// Ersetzen, wenn DecimalSep kein '.' (nur den ersten)
447 			if( cDecimalSep != (sal_Unicode)'.' )
448 			{
449 				sal_Int32 nPos = aNewString.indexOf( cDecimalSep );
450 				if( nPos != -1 )
451 				{
452                     sal_Unicode* pStr = (sal_Unicode*)aNewString.getStr();
453 					pStr[nPos] = (sal_Unicode)'.';
454 					bChanged = sal_True;
455 				}
456 			}
457 			break;
458 		}
460 		// Bei sal_Bool sal_True und sal_False als String pruefen
461 		case SbxBOOL:
462 		{
463 			if( rSrc.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( "true" ) )
464 			{
465 				aNewString = ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)SbxTRUE );
466 				bChanged = sal_True;
467 			}
468 			else
469 			if( rSrc.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( "false" ) )
470 			{
471 				aNewString = ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)SbxFALSE );
472 				bChanged = sal_True;
473 			}
474 			break;
475 		}
476 		default: break;
477 	}
478 	// String bei Aenderung uebernehmen
479 	if( bChanged )
480 		rSrc = aNewString;
481 	return bChanged;
482 }
485 // Formatierte Zahlenausgabe
486 // Der Returnwert ist die Anzahl Zeichen, die aus dem
487 // Format verwendt wurden.
489 #ifdef _old_format_code_
490 // lasse diesen Code vorl"aufig drin, zum 'abgucken'
491 // der bisherigen Implementation
493 static sal_uInt16 printfmtnum( double nNum, XubString& rRes, const XubString& rWFmt )
494 {
495 	const String& rFmt = rWFmt;
496 	char	cFill  = ' ';			// Fuellzeichen
497 	char	cPre   = 0;				// Startzeichen( evtl. "$" )
498 	short	nExpDig= 0;				// Anzahl Exponentstellen
499 	short	nPrec  = 0;				// Anzahl Nachkommastellen
500 	short	nWidth = 0;				// Zahlenweite gesamnt
501 	short	nLen;					// Laenge konvertierte Zahl
502 	sal_Bool	bPoint = sal_False;			// sal_True: mit 1000er Kommas
503 	sal_Bool	bTrail = sal_False;			// sal_True, wenn folgendes Minus
504 	sal_Bool	bSign  = sal_False;			// sal_True: immer mit Vorzeichen
505 	sal_Bool	bNeg   = sal_False;			// sal_True: Zahl ist negativ
506 	char	cBuf [1024];			// Zahlenpuffer
507 	char  * p;
508 	const char* pFmt = rFmt;
509 	rRes.Erase();
510 	// $$ und ** abfangen. Einfach wird als Zeichen ausgegeben.
511 	if( *pFmt == '$' )
512 	  if( *++pFmt != '$' ) rRes += '$';
513 	if( *pFmt == '*' )
514 	  if( *++pFmt != '*' ) rRes += '*';
516 	switch( *pFmt++ )
517 	{
518 		case 0:
519 			break;
520 		case '+':
521 			bSign = sal_True; nWidth++; break;
522 		case '*':
523 			nWidth++; cFill = '*';
524 			if( *pFmt == '$' ) nWidth++, pFmt++, cPre = '$';
525 			break;
526 		case '$':
527 			nWidth++; cPre = '$'; break;
528 		case '#':
529 		case '.':
530 		case ',':
531 			pFmt--; break;
532 	}
533 	// Vorkomma:
534 	for( ;; )
535 	{
536 		while( *pFmt == '#' ) pFmt++, nWidth++;
537 		// 1000er Kommas?
538 		if( *pFmt == ',' )
539 		{
540 			nWidth++; pFmt++; bPoint = sal_True;
541 		} else break;
542 	}
543 	// Nachkomma:
544 	if( *pFmt == '.' )
545 	{
546 		while( *++pFmt == '#' ) nPrec++;
547 		nWidth += nPrec + 1;
548 	}
549 	// Exponent:
550 	while( *pFmt == '^' )
551 		pFmt++, nExpDig++, nWidth++;
552 	// Folgendes Minus:
553 	if( !bSign && *pFmt == '-' )
554 		pFmt++, bTrail = sal_True;
556 	// Zahl konvertieren:
557 	if( nPrec > 15 ) nPrec = 15;
558 	if( nNum < 0.0 ) nNum = -nNum, bNeg = sal_True;
559 	p = cBuf;
560 	if( bSign ) *p++ = bNeg ? '-' : '+';
561 	myftoa( nNum, p, nPrec, nExpDig, bPoint, sal_False );
562 	nLen = strlen( cBuf );
564 	// Ueberlauf?
565 	if( cPre ) nLen++;
566 	if( nLen > nWidth ) rRes += '%';
567 	else {
568 		nWidth -= nLen;
569 		while( nWidth-- ) rRes += (xub_Unicode)cFill;
570 		if( cPre ) rRes += (xub_Unicode)cPre;
571 	}
572 	rRes += (xub_Unicode*)&(cBuf[0]);
573 	if( bTrail )
574 		rRes += bNeg ? '-' : ' ';
576 	return (sal_uInt16) ( pFmt - (const char*) rFmt );
577 }
579 #endif //_old_format_code_
581 static sal_uInt16 printfmtstr( const XubString& rStr, XubString& rRes, const XubString& rFmt )
582 {
583 	const xub_Unicode* pStr = rStr.GetBuffer();
584 	const xub_Unicode* pFmtStart = rFmt.GetBuffer();
585 	const xub_Unicode* pFmt = pFmtStart;
586 	rRes.Erase();
587 	switch( *pFmt )
588 	{
589 		case '!':
590 				rRes += *pStr++; pFmt++; break;
591 		case '\\':
592 			do
593 			{
594 				rRes += *pStr ? *pStr++ : static_cast< xub_Unicode >(' ');
595 				pFmt++;
596 			} while( *pFmt != '\\' );
597 			rRes += *pStr ? *pStr++ : static_cast< xub_Unicode >(' ');
598 			pFmt++; break;
599 		case '&':
600 			rRes = rStr;
601 			pFmt++; break;
602 		default:
603 			rRes = rStr;
604 			break;
605 	}
606 	return (sal_uInt16) ( pFmt - pFmtStart );
607 }
609 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
611 sal_Bool SbxValue::Scan( const XubString& rSrc, sal_uInt16* pLen )
612 {
613 	SbxError eRes = SbxERR_OK;
614 	if( !CanWrite() )
615 		eRes = SbxERR_PROP_READONLY;
616 	else
617 	{
618 		double n;
619 		SbxDataType t;
620 		eRes = ImpScan( rSrc, n, t, pLen );
621 		if( eRes == SbxERR_OK )
622 		{
623 			if( !IsFixed() )
624 				SetType( t );
625 			PutDouble( n );
626 		}
627 	}
628 	if( eRes )
629 	{
630 		SetError( eRes ); return sal_False;
631 	}
632 	else
633 		return sal_True;
634 }
637 ResMgr* implGetResMgr( void )
638 {
639 	static ResMgr* pResMgr = NULL;
640 	if( !pResMgr )
641 	{
642 		::com::sun::star::lang::Locale aLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale();
643 		pResMgr = ResMgr::CreateResMgr(CREATEVERSIONRESMGR_NAME(sb), aLocale );
644 	}
645 	return pResMgr;
646 }
648 class SbxValueFormatResId : public ResId
649 {
650 public:
651 	SbxValueFormatResId( sal_uInt16 nId )
652 		: ResId( nId, *implGetResMgr() )
653 	{}
654 };
657 enum VbaFormatType
658 {
659     VBA_FORMAT_TYPE_OFFSET, // standard number format
660     VBA_FORMAT_TYPE_USERDEFINED, // user defined number format
662 };
664 struct VbaFormatInfo
665 {
666     VbaFormatType meType;
667     const char* mpVbaFormat; // Format string in vba
668     NfIndexTableOffset meOffset; // SvNumberFormatter format index, if meType = VBA_FORMAT_TYPE_OFFSET
669     const char* mpOOoFormat; // if meType = VBA_FORMAT_TYPE_USERDEFINED
670 };
672 #define VBA_FORMAT_OFFSET( pcUtf8, eOffset ) \
673     { VBA_FORMAT_TYPE_OFFSET, pcUtf8, eOffset, 0 }
675 #define VBA_FORMAT_USERDEFINED( pcUtf8, pcDefinedUtf8 ) \
678 static VbaFormatInfo pFormatInfoTable[] =
679 {
681     VBA_FORMAT_USERDEFINED( "Medium Date", "DD-MMM-YY" ),
683     VBA_FORMAT_USERDEFINED( "Long Time", "H:MM:SS AM/PM" ),
685     VBA_FORMAT_OFFSET( "Short Time", NF_TIME_HHMM ),
688     VBA_FORMAT_USERDEFINED( "ttttt", "H:MM:SS AM/PM" ),
689     VBA_FORMAT_OFFSET( "ww", NF_DATE_WW ),
691 };
693 VbaFormatInfo* getFormatInfo( const String& rFmt )
694 {
695     VbaFormatInfo* pInfo = NULL;
696     sal_Int16 i = 0;
697     while( (pInfo = pFormatInfoTable + i )->mpVbaFormat != NULL )
698     {
699         if( rFmt.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pInfo->mpVbaFormat ) )
700             break;
701         i++;
702     }
703     return pInfo;
704 }
706 #define VBAFORMAT_GENERALDATE       "General Date"
707 #define VBAFORMAT_C                 "c"
708 #define VBAFORMAT_N                 "n"
709 #define VBAFORMAT_NN                "nn"
710 #define VBAFORMAT_W                 "w"
711 #define VBAFORMAT_Y                 "y"
712 #define VBAFORMAT_LOWERCASE  		"<"
713 #define VBAFORMAT_UPPERCASE  		">"
715 // From methods1.cxx
716 sal_Int16 implGetWeekDay( double aDate, bool bFirstDayParam = false, sal_Int16 nFirstDay = 0 );
717 // from methods.cxx
718 sal_Int16 implGetMinute( double dDate );
719 sal_Int16 implGetDateYear( double aDate );
720 sal_Bool implDateSerial( sal_Int16 nYear, sal_Int16 nMonth, sal_Int16 nDay, double& rdRet );
722 void SbxValue::Format( XubString& rRes, const XubString* pFmt ) const
723 {
724 	short nComma = 0;
725 	double d = 0;
727 	// pflin, It is better to use SvNumberFormatter to handle the date/time/number format.
728 	// the SvNumberFormatter output is mostly compatible with
729 	// VBA output besides the OOo-basic output
730 	if( pFmt && !SbxBasicFormater::isBasicFormat( *pFmt ) )
731 	{
732 		String aStr = GetString();
734 		if( pFmt->EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_LOWERCASE ) )
735 		{
736 			rRes = aStr.ToLowerAscii();
737 			return;
738 		}
739 		if( pFmt->EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_UPPERCASE ) )
740 		{
741 			rRes = aStr.ToUpperAscii();
742 			return;
743 		}
745 		LanguageType eLangType = GetpApp()->GetSettings().GetLanguage();
746 		com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >
747 			xFactory = comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory();
748 		SvNumberFormatter aFormatter( xFactory, eLangType );
750 		sal_uInt32 nIndex;
751 		xub_StrLen nCheckPos = 0;
752 		short nType;
753 		double nNumber;
754 		Color* pCol;
756 	    sal_Bool bSuccess = aFormatter.IsNumberFormat( aStr, nIndex, nNumber );
758     	// number format, use SvNumberFormatter to handle it.
759 	    if( bSuccess )
760     	{
761 			String aFmtStr = *pFmt;
762 	        VbaFormatInfo* pInfo = getFormatInfo( aFmtStr );
763     	    if( pInfo && pInfo->meType != VBA_FORMAT_TYPE_NULL )
764        		{
765             	if( pInfo->meType == VBA_FORMAT_TYPE_OFFSET )
766 	            {
767     	            nIndex = aFormatter.GetFormatIndex( pInfo->meOffset, eLangType );
768             	}
769         	    else
770            		{
771                 	aFmtStr.AssignAscii( pInfo->mpOOoFormat );
772 	                aFormatter.PutandConvertEntry( aFmtStr, nCheckPos, nType, nIndex, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH, eLangType );
773     	        }
774 	    	    aFormatter.GetOutputString( nNumber, nIndex, rRes, &pCol );
775 	        }
776     	    else if( aFmtStr.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_GENERALDATE )
777         	        || aFmtStr.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_C ))
778 	        {
779             	if( nNumber <=-1.0 || nNumber >= 1.0 )
780         	    {
781     	            // short date
782             	    nIndex = aFormatter.GetFormatIndex( NF_DATE_SYSTEM_SHORT, eLangType );
783 	           		aFormatter.GetOutputString( nNumber, nIndex, rRes, &pCol );
785 	                // long time
786     	            if( floor( nNumber ) != nNumber )
787         	        {
788                 		aFmtStr.AssignAscii( "H:MM:SS AM/PM" );
789 		                aFormatter.PutandConvertEntry( aFmtStr, nCheckPos, nType, nIndex, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH, eLangType );
790                 	    String aTime;
791 		                aFormatter.GetOutputString( nNumber, nIndex, aTime, &pCol );
792     	                rRes.AppendAscii(" ");
793             	        rRes += aTime;
794         	        }
795             	}
796 	            else
797     	        {
798         	        // long time only
799                 	aFmtStr.AssignAscii( "H:MM:SS AM/PM" );
800 		            aFormatter.PutandConvertEntry( aFmtStr, nCheckPos, nType, nIndex, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH, eLangType );
801 	            	aFormatter.GetOutputString( nNumber, nIndex, rRes, &pCol );
802 	            }
803     	    }
804         	else if( aFmtStr.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_N )
805             	    || aFmtStr.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_NN ))
806 	        {
807     	        sal_Int32 nMin = implGetMinute( nNumber );
808         	    if( nMin < 10 && aFmtStr.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_NN ) )
809             	{
810                 	// Minute in two digits
811 	                 sal_Unicode* p = rRes.AllocBuffer( 2 );
812     	             *p++ = '0';
813         	         *p = sal_Unicode( '0' + nMin );
814             	}
815 	            else
816     	        {
817         	        rRes = String::CreateFromInt32( nMin );
818             	}
819 	        }
820     	    else if( aFmtStr.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_W ))
821         	{
822 	            sal_Int32 nWeekDay = implGetWeekDay( nNumber );
823     	        rRes = String::CreateFromInt32( nWeekDay );
824         	}
825 	        else if( aFmtStr.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( VBAFORMAT_Y ))
826     	    {
827 				sal_Int16 nYear = implGetDateYear( nNumber );
828 				double dBaseDate;
829 				implDateSerial( nYear, 1, 1, dBaseDate );
830 				sal_Int32 nYear32 = 1 + sal_Int32( nNumber - dBaseDate );
831             	rRes = String::CreateFromInt32( nYear32 );
832 	        }
833     	    else
834         	{
835 	            aFormatter.PutandConvertEntry( aFmtStr, nCheckPos, nType, nIndex, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH, eLangType );
836 		        aFormatter.GetOutputString( nNumber, nIndex, rRes, &pCol );
837         	}
839 			return;
840 	    }
841 	}
843 	SbxDataType eType = GetType();
844 	switch( eType )
845 	{
846 		case SbxCHAR:
847 		case SbxBYTE:
848 		case SbxINTEGER:
849 		case SbxUSHORT:
850 		case SbxLONG:
851 		case SbxULONG:
852 		case SbxINT:
853 		case SbxUINT:
854 		case SbxNULL:		// #45929 NULL mit durchschummeln
855 			nComma = 0;		goto cvt;
856 		case SbxSINGLE:
857 			nComma = 6;		goto cvt;
858 		case SbxDOUBLE:
859 			nComma = 14;
861 		cvt:
862 			if( eType != SbxNULL )
863 				d = GetDouble();
865 			// #45355 weiterer Einsprungpunkt fuer isnumeric-String
866 		cvt2:
867 			if( pFmt )
868 			{
869 				// hole die 'statischen' Daten f"ur Sbx
870 				SbxAppData* pData = GetSbxData_Impl();
872                 LanguageType eLangType = GetpApp()->GetSettings().GetLanguage();
873 				if( pData->pBasicFormater )
874                 {
875                     if( pData->eBasicFormaterLangType != eLangType )
876                     {
877                         delete pData->pBasicFormater;
878                         pData->pBasicFormater = NULL;
879                     }
880                 }
881                 pData->eBasicFormaterLangType = eLangType;
883 				// falls bisher noch kein BasicFormater-Objekt
884 				// existiert, so erzeuge dieses
885 				if( !pData->pBasicFormater )
886 				{
887                     SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
888                     const LocaleDataWrapper& rData = aSysLocale.GetLocaleData();
889 					sal_Unicode cComma = rData.getNumDecimalSep().GetBuffer()[0];
890 					sal_Unicode c1000  = rData.getNumThousandSep().GetBuffer()[0];
891 					String aCurrencyStrg = rData.getCurrSymbol();
893 					// Initialisierung des Basic-Formater-Hilfsobjekts:
894 					// hole die Resourcen f"ur die vordefinierten Ausgaben
895 					// des Format()-Befehls, z.B. f"ur "On/Off".
896 					String aOnStrg = String( SbxValueFormatResId(
898 					String aOffStrg = String( SbxValueFormatResId(
900 					String aYesStrg = String( SbxValueFormatResId(
902 					String aNoStrg = String( SbxValueFormatResId(
904 					String aTrueStrg = String( SbxValueFormatResId(
906 					String aFalseStrg = String( SbxValueFormatResId(
908 					String aCurrencyFormatStrg = String( SbxValueFormatResId(
910 					// erzeuge das Basic-Formater-Objekt
911 					pData->pBasicFormater
912 						= new SbxBasicFormater( cComma,c1000,aOnStrg,aOffStrg,
913 									aYesStrg,aNoStrg,aTrueStrg,aFalseStrg,
914 									aCurrencyStrg,aCurrencyFormatStrg );
915 				}
916 				// Bem.: Aus Performance-Gr"unden wird nur EIN BasicFormater-
917 				//    Objekt erzeugt und 'gespeichert', dadurch erspart man
918 				// 	  sich das teure Resourcen-Laden (f"ur landesspezifische
919 				//    vordefinierte Ausgaben, z.B. "On/Off") und die st"andige
920 				//    String-Erzeugungs Operationen.
921 				// ABER: dadurch ist dieser Code NICHT multithreading f"ahig !
923 				// hier gibt es Probleme mit ;;;Null, da diese Methode nur aufgerufen
924 				// wird, wenn der SbxValue eine Zahl ist !!!
925 				// dazu koennte: pData->pBasicFormater->BasicFormatNull( *pFmt ); aufgerufen werden !
926 				if( eType != SbxNULL )
927 				{
928 					rRes = pData->pBasicFormater->BasicFormat( d ,*pFmt );
929 				}
930 				else
931 				{
932 					rRes = pData->pBasicFormater->BasicFormatNull( *pFmt );
933 				}
935 				// Die alte Implementierung:
936 				//old: printfmtnum( GetDouble(), rRes, *pFmt );
937 			}
938 			else
939             {
940                 ::rtl::OUString aTmpString( rRes );
941 				ImpCvtNum( GetDouble(), nComma, aTmpString );
942                 rRes = aTmpString;
943             }
944 			break;
945 		case SbxSTRING:
946 			if( pFmt )
947 			{
948 				// #45355 wenn es numerisch ist, muss gewandelt werden
949 				if( IsNumericRTL() )
950 				{
951 					ScanNumIntnl( GetString(), d, /*bSingle*/sal_False );
952 					goto cvt2;
953 				}
954 				else
955 				{
956 					// Sonst String-Formatierung
957 					printfmtstr( GetString(), rRes, *pFmt );
958 				}
959 			}
960 			else
961 				rRes = GetString();
962 			break;
963 		default:
964 			rRes = GetString();
965 	}
966 }