1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 package com.sun.star.comp.helper;
26 import com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver;
27 import com.sun.star.bridge.XUnoUrlResolver;
28 import com.sun.star.comp.loader.JavaLoader;
29 import com.sun.star.container.XSet;
30 import com.sun.star.lang.XInitialization;
31 import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory;
32 import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiComponentFactory;
33 import com.sun.star.lang.XSingleComponentFactory;
34 import com.sun.star.lib.util.NativeLibraryLoader;
35 import com.sun.star.loader.XImplementationLoader;
36 import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
37 import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;
39 import java.io.BufferedReader;
40 import java.io.File;
41 import java.io.InputStream;
42 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
43 import java.io.PrintStream;
44 import java.util.Enumeration;
45 import java.util.Hashtable;
46 import java.util.Random;
48 /** Bootstrap offers functionality to obtain a context or simply
49 	a service manager.
50 	The service manager can create a few basic services, whose implementations  are:
51 	<ul>
52 	<li>com.sun.star.comp.loader.JavaLoader</li>
53 	<li>com.sun.star.comp.urlresolver.UrlResolver</li>
54 	<li>com.sun.star.comp.bridgefactory.BridgeFactory</li>
55 	<li>com.sun.star.comp.connections.Connector</li>
56 	<li>com.sun.star.comp.connections.Acceptor</li>
57 	<li>com.sun.star.comp.servicemanager.ServiceManager</li>
58 	</ul>
60 	Other services can be inserted into the service manager by
61 	using its XSet interface:
62 	<pre>
63 		XSet xSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XSet.class, aMultiComponentFactory );
64 		// insert the service manager
65 		xSet.insert( aSingleComponentFactory );
66 	</pre>
67 */
68 public class Bootstrap {
70     private static void insertBasicFactories(
71         XSet xSet, XImplementationLoader xImpLoader )
72         throws Exception
73     {
74 		// insert the factory of the loader
75 		xSet.insert( xImpLoader.activate(
76             "com.sun.star.comp.loader.JavaLoader", null, null, null ) );
78 		// insert the factory of the URLResolver
79 		xSet.insert( xImpLoader.activate(
80             "com.sun.star.comp.urlresolver.UrlResolver", null, null, null ) );
82 		// insert the bridgefactory
83 		xSet.insert( xImpLoader.activate(
84             "com.sun.star.comp.bridgefactory.BridgeFactory", null, null, null ) );
86 		// insert the connector
87         xSet.insert( xImpLoader.activate(
88             "com.sun.star.comp.connections.Connector", null, null, null ) );
90 		// insert the acceptor
91         xSet.insert( xImpLoader.activate(
92             "com.sun.star.comp.connections.Acceptor", null, null, null ) );
93     }
95 	/** Bootstraps an initial component context with service manager and basic
96         jurt components inserted.
97 		@param context_entries the hash table contains mappings of entry names (type string) to
98 		context entries (type class ComponentContextEntry).
99 		@return a new context.
100     */
101 	static public XComponentContext createInitialComponentContext( Hashtable context_entries )
102         throws Exception
103     {
104 		XImplementationLoader xImpLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
105             XImplementationLoader.class, new JavaLoader() );
107 		// Get the factory of the ServiceManager
108 		XSingleComponentFactory smgr_fac = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
109             XSingleComponentFactory.class, xImpLoader.activate(
110                 "com.sun.star.comp.servicemanager.ServiceManager", null, null, null ) );
112 		// Create an instance of the ServiceManager
113 		XMultiComponentFactory xSMgr = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
114             XMultiComponentFactory.class, smgr_fac.createInstanceWithContext( null ) );
116 		// post init loader
117 		XInitialization xInit = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
118             XInitialization.class, xImpLoader );
119 		Object[] args = new Object [] { xSMgr };
120 		xInit.initialize( args );
122         // initial component context
123         if (context_entries == null)
124             context_entries = new Hashtable( 1 );
125         // add smgr
126         context_entries.put(
127             "/singletons/com.sun.star.lang.theServiceManager",
128             new ComponentContextEntry( null, xSMgr ) );
129         // ... xxx todo: add standard entries
130         XComponentContext xContext = new ComponentContext( context_entries, null );
132         // post init smgr
133 		xInit = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
134             XInitialization.class, xSMgr );
135 		args = new Object [] { null, xContext }; // no registry, default context
136 		xInit.initialize( args );
138 		XSet xSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XSet.class, xSMgr );
139 		// insert the service manager
140 		xSet.insert( smgr_fac );
141         // and basic jurt factories
142         insertBasicFactories( xSet, xImpLoader );
144 		return xContext;
145 	}
147 	/**
148 	 * Bootstraps a servicemanager with the jurt base components registered.
149 	 * <p>
150 	 * @return     a freshly boostrapped service manager
151 	 * @see        com.sun.star.lang.ServiceManager
152 	 */
153 	static public XMultiServiceFactory createSimpleServiceManager() throws Exception
154     {
155         return UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
156             XMultiServiceFactory.class, createInitialComponentContext( null ).getServiceManager() );
157     }
160     /** Bootstraps the initial component context from a native UNO installation.
162         @see cppuhelper/defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext()
163     */
164     static public final XComponentContext defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext()
165         throws Exception
166     {
167         return defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext( null, null );
168     }
169     /** Bootstraps the initial component context from a native UNO installation.
171         @param ini_file
172                ini_file (may be null: uno.rc besides cppuhelper lib)
173         @param bootstrap_parameters
174                bootstrap parameters (maybe null)
176         @see cppuhelper/defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext()
177     */
178     static public final XComponentContext defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext(
179         String ini_file, Hashtable bootstrap_parameters )
180         throws Exception
181     {
182         // jni convenience: easier to iterate over array than calling Hashtable
183         String pairs [] = null;
184         if (null != bootstrap_parameters)
185         {
186             pairs = new String [ 2 * bootstrap_parameters.size() ];
187             Enumeration keys = bootstrap_parameters.keys();
188             int n = 0;
189             while (keys.hasMoreElements())
190             {
191                 String name = (String)keys.nextElement();
192                 pairs[ n++ ] = name;
193                 pairs[ n++ ] = (String)bootstrap_parameters.get( name );
194             }
195         }
197         if (! m_loaded_juh)
198         {
199             NativeLibraryLoader.loadLibrary( Bootstrap.class.getClassLoader(), "juh" );
200             m_loaded_juh = true;
201         }
202         return UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
203             XComponentContext.class,
204             cppuhelper_bootstrap(
205                 ini_file, pairs, Bootstrap.class.getClassLoader() ) );
206     }
208     static private boolean m_loaded_juh = false;
209     static private native Object cppuhelper_bootstrap(
210         String ini_file, String bootstrap_parameters [], ClassLoader loader )
211         throws Exception;
213     /**
214      * Bootstraps the component context from a UNO installation.
215      *
216      * @return a bootstrapped component context.
217 	 *
218 	 * @since UDK 3.1.0
219      */
220     public static final XComponentContext bootstrap()
221         throws BootstrapException {
223         XComponentContext xContext = null;
225         try {
226             // create default local component context
227             XComponentContext xLocalContext =
228                 createInitialComponentContext( null );
229             if ( xLocalContext == null )
230                 throw new BootstrapException( "no local component context!" );
232             // find office executable relative to this class's class loader
233             String sOffice =
234                 System.getProperty( "os.name" ).startsWith( "Windows" ) ?
235                 "soffice.exe" : "soffice";
236             File fOffice = NativeLibraryLoader.getResource(
237                 Bootstrap.class.getClassLoader(), sOffice );
238             if ( fOffice == null )
239                 throw new BootstrapException( "no office executable found!" );
241             // create random pipe name
242             String sPipeName = "uno" +
243                 Long.toString( (new Random()).nextLong() & 0x7fffffffffffffffL );
245             // create call with arguments
246             String[] cmdArray = new String[7];
247             cmdArray[0] = fOffice.getPath();
248             cmdArray[1] = "-nologo";
249             cmdArray[2] = "-nodefault";
250             cmdArray[3] = "-norestore";
251             cmdArray[4] = "-nocrashreport";
252             cmdArray[5] = "-nolockcheck";
253             cmdArray[6] = "-accept=pipe,name=" + sPipeName + ";urp;";
255             // start office process
256             Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmdArray );
257             pipe( p.getInputStream(), System.out, "CO> " );
258             pipe( p.getErrorStream(), System.err, "CE> " );
260             // initial service manager
261             XMultiComponentFactory xLocalServiceManager =
262                 xLocalContext.getServiceManager();
263             if ( xLocalServiceManager == null )
264                 throw new BootstrapException( "no initial service manager!" );
266             // create a URL resolver
267             XUnoUrlResolver xUrlResolver =
268                 UnoUrlResolver.create( xLocalContext );
270             // connection string
271             String sConnect = "uno:pipe,name=" + sPipeName +
272                 ";urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext";
274             // wait until office is started
275             for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
276                 try {
277                     // try to connect to office
278                     Object context = xUrlResolver.resolve( sConnect );
279                     xContext = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
280                         XComponentContext.class, context);
281                     if ( xContext == null )
282                         throw new BootstrapException( "no component context!" );
283                     break;
284                 } catch ( com.sun.star.connection.NoConnectException ex ) {
285                     // Wait 500 ms, then try to connect again, but do not wait
286                     // longer than 5 min (= 600 * 500 ms) total:
287                     if (i == 600) {
288                         throw new BootstrapException(ex.toString());
289                     }
290                     Thread.currentThread().sleep( 500 );
291                 }
292             }
293         } catch ( BootstrapException e ) {
294             throw e;
295         } catch ( java.lang.RuntimeException e ) {
296             throw e;
297         } catch ( java.lang.Exception e ) {
298             throw new BootstrapException( e );
299         }
301 		return xContext;
302     }
304     private static void pipe(
305         final InputStream in, final PrintStream out, final String prefix ) {
307         new Thread( "Pipe: " + prefix) {
308             public void run() {
309                 BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(
310                     new InputStreamReader( in ) );
311                 try {
312                     for ( ; ; ) {
313                         String s = r.readLine();
314                         if ( s == null ) {
315                             break;
316                         }
317                         out.println( prefix + s );
318                     }
319                 } catch ( java.io.IOException e ) {
320                     e.printStackTrace( System.err );
321                 }
322             }
323         }.start();
324     }
325 }