1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
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25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 #include "bessel.hxx"
29 #include "analysishelper.hxx"
31 #include <rtl/math.hxx>
33 using ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException;
34 using ::com::sun::star::sheet::NoConvergenceException;
36 namespace sca {
37 namespace analysis {
39 // ============================================================================
41 const double f_PI       = 3.1415926535897932385;
42 const double f_2_PI     = 2.0 * f_PI;
43 const double f_PI_DIV_2 = f_PI / 2.0;
44 const double f_PI_DIV_4 = f_PI / 4.0;
45 const double f_2_DIV_PI = 2.0 / f_PI;
47 const double THRESHOLD  = 30.0;     // Threshold for usage of approximation formula.
48 const double MAXEPSILON = 1e-10;    // Maximum epsilon for end of iteration.
49 const sal_Int32 MAXITER = 100;      // Maximum number of iterations.
51 // ============================================================================
52 // BESSEL J
53 // ============================================================================
55 /*  The BESSEL function, first kind, unmodified:
56     The algorithm follows
57     http://www.reference-global.com/isbn/978-3-11-020354-7
58     Numerical Mathematics 1 / Numerische Mathematik 1,
59     An algorithm-based introduction / Eine algorithmisch orientierte Einfuehrung
60     Deuflhard, Peter; Hohmann, Andreas
61     Berlin, New York (Walter de Gruyter) 2008
62     4. ueberarb. u. erw. Aufl. 2008
63     eBook ISBN: 978-3-11-020355-4
64     Chapter 6.3.2 , algorithm 6.24
65     The source is in German.
66     The BesselJ-function is a special case of the adjoint summation with
67     a_k = 2*(k-1)/x for k=1,...
68     b_k = -1, for all k, directly substituted
69     m_0=1, m_k=2 for k even, and m_k=0 for k odd, calculated on the fly
70     alpha_k=1 for k=N and alpha_k=0 otherwise
71 */
73 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 double BesselJ( double x, sal_Int32 N ) throw (IllegalArgumentException, NoConvergenceException)
77 {
78     if( N < 0 )
79         throw IllegalArgumentException();
80     if (x==0.0)
81         return (N==0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
83     /*  The algorithm works only for x>0, therefore remember sign. BesselJ
84         with integer order N is an even function for even N (means J(-x)=J(x))
85         and an odd function for odd N (means J(-x)=-J(x)).*/
86     double fSign = (N % 2 == 1 && x < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
87     double fX = fabs(x);
89     const double fMaxIteration = 9000000.0; //experimental, for to return in < 3 seconds
90     double fEstimateIteration = fX * 1.5 + N;
91     bool bAsymptoticPossible = pow(fX,0.4) > N;
92     if (fEstimateIteration > fMaxIteration)
93     {
94         if (bAsymptoticPossible)
95             return fSign * sqrt(f_2_DIV_PI/fX)* cos(fX-N*f_PI_DIV_2-f_PI_DIV_4);
96         else
97             throw NoConvergenceException();
98     }
100     double epsilon = 1.0e-15; // relative error
101     bool bHasfound = false;
102     double k= 0.0;
103     // e_{-1} = 0; e_0 = alpha_0 / b_2
104     double  u ; // u_0 = e_0/f_0 = alpha_0/m_0 = alpha_0
106     // first used with k=1
107     double m_bar;         // m_bar_k = m_k * f_bar_{k-1}
108     double g_bar;         // g_bar_k = m_bar_k - a_{k+1} + g_{k-1}
109     double g_bar_delta_u; // g_bar_delta_u_k = f_bar_{k-1} * alpha_k
110                           // - g_{k-1} * delta_u_{k-1} - m_bar_k * u_{k-1}
111     // f_{-1} = 0.0; f_0 = m_0 / b_2 = 1/(-1) = -1
112     double g = 0.0;       // g_0= f_{-1} / f_0 = 0/(-1) = 0
113     double delta_u = 0.0; // dummy initialize, first used with * 0
114     double f_bar = -1.0;  // f_bar_k = 1/f_k, but only used for k=0
116     if (N==0)
117     {
118         //k=0; alpha_0 = 1.0
119         u = 1.0; // u_0 = alpha_0
120         // k = 1.0; at least one step is necessary
121         // m_bar_k = m_k * f_bar_{k-1} ==> m_bar_1 = 0.0
122         g_bar_delta_u = 0.0;    // alpha_k = 0.0, m_bar = 0.0; g= 0.0
123         g_bar = - 2.0/fX;       // k = 1.0, g = 0.0
124         delta_u = g_bar_delta_u / g_bar;
125         u = u + delta_u ;       // u_k = u_{k-1} + delta_u_k
126         g = -1.0 / g_bar;       // g_k=b_{k+2}/g_bar_k
127         f_bar = f_bar * g;      // f_bar_k = f_bar_{k-1}* g_k
128         k = 2.0;
129         // From now on all alpha_k = 0.0 and k > N+1
130     }
131     else
132     {   // N >= 1 and alpha_k = 0.0 for k<N
133         u=0.0; // u_0 = alpha_0
134         for (k =1.0; k<= N-1; k = k + 1.0)
135         {
136             m_bar=2.0 * fmod(k-1.0, 2.0) * f_bar;
137             g_bar_delta_u = - g * delta_u - m_bar * u; // alpha_k = 0.0
138             g_bar = m_bar - 2.0*k/fX + g;
139             delta_u = g_bar_delta_u / g_bar;
140             u = u + delta_u;
141             g = -1.0/g_bar;
142             f_bar=f_bar * g;
143         }
144         // Step alpha_N = 1.0
145         m_bar=2.0 * fmod(k-1.0, 2.0) * f_bar;
146         g_bar_delta_u = f_bar - g * delta_u - m_bar * u; // alpha_k = 1.0
147         g_bar = m_bar - 2.0*k/fX + g;
148         delta_u = g_bar_delta_u / g_bar;
149         u = u + delta_u;
150         g = -1.0/g_bar;
151         f_bar = f_bar * g;
152         k = k + 1.0;
153     }
154     // Loop until desired accuracy, always alpha_k = 0.0
155     do
156     {
157         m_bar = 2.0 * fmod(k-1.0, 2.0) * f_bar;
158         g_bar_delta_u = - g * delta_u - m_bar * u;
159         g_bar = m_bar - 2.0*k/fX + g;
160         delta_u = g_bar_delta_u / g_bar;
161         u = u + delta_u;
162         g = -1.0/g_bar;
163         f_bar = f_bar * g;
164         bHasfound = (fabs(delta_u)<=fabs(u)*epsilon);
165         k = k + 1.0;
166     }
167     while (!bHasfound && k <= fMaxIteration);
168     if (bHasfound)
169         return u * fSign;
170     else
171         throw NoConvergenceException(); // unlikely to happen
172 }
174 // ============================================================================
175 // BESSEL I
176 // ============================================================================
178 /*  The BESSEL function, first kind, modified:
180                      inf                                  (x/2)^(n+2k)
181         I_n(x)  =  SUM   TERM(n,k)   with   TERM(n,k) := --------------
182                      k=0                                   k! (n+k)!
184     No asymptotic approximation used, see issue 43040.
185  */
187 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 double BesselI( double x, sal_Int32 n ) throw( IllegalArgumentException, NoConvergenceException )
190 {
191     const double fEpsilon = 1.0E-15;
192     const sal_Int32 nMaxIteration = 2000;
193     const double fXHalf = x / 2.0;
194     if( n < 0 )
195         throw IllegalArgumentException();
197     double fResult = 0.0;
199     /*  Start the iteration without TERM(n,0), which is set here.
201             TERM(n,0) = (x/2)^n / n!
202      */
203     sal_Int32 nK = 0;
204     double fTerm = 1.0;
205     // avoid overflow in Fak(n)
206     for( nK = 1; nK <= n; ++nK )
207     {
208         fTerm = fTerm / static_cast< double >( nK ) * fXHalf;
209     }
210     fResult = fTerm;    // Start result with TERM(n,0).
211     if( fTerm != 0.0 )
212     {
213         nK = 1;
214         do
215         {
216             /*  Calculation of TERM(n,k) from TERM(n,k-1):
218                                    (x/2)^(n+2k)
219                     TERM(n,k)  =  --------------
220                                     k! (n+k)!
222                                    (x/2)^2 (x/2)^(n+2(k-1))
223                                =  --------------------------
224                                    k (k-1)! (n+k) (n+k-1)!
226                                    (x/2)^2     (x/2)^(n+2(k-1))
227                                =  --------- * ------------------
228                                    k(n+k)      (k-1)! (n+k-1)!
230                                    x^2/4
231                                =  -------- TERM(n,k-1)
232                                    k(n+k)
233             */
234         fTerm = fTerm * fXHalf / static_cast<double>(nK) * fXHalf / static_cast<double>(nK+n);
235         fResult += fTerm;
236         nK++;
237         }
238         while( (fabs( fTerm ) > fabs(fResult) * fEpsilon) && (nK < nMaxIteration) );
240     }
241     return fResult;
242 }
245 // ============================================================================
247 double Besselk0( double fNum ) throw( IllegalArgumentException, NoConvergenceException )
248 {
249 	double	fRet;
251 	if( fNum <= 2.0 )
252 	{
253 		double	fNum2 = fNum * 0.5;
254 		double	y = fNum2 * fNum2;
256         fRet = -log( fNum2 ) * BesselI( fNum, 0 ) +
257 				( -0.57721566 + y * ( 0.42278420 + y * ( 0.23069756 + y * ( 0.3488590e-1 +
258 					y * ( 0.262698e-2 + y * ( 0.10750e-3 + y * 0.74e-5 ) ) ) ) ) );
259 	}
260 	else
261 	{
262 		double	y = 2.0 / fNum;
264 		fRet = exp( -fNum ) / sqrt( fNum ) * ( 1.25331414 + y * ( -0.7832358e-1 +
265 				y * ( 0.2189568e-1 + y * ( -0.1062446e-1 + y * ( 0.587872e-2 +
266 				y * ( -0.251540e-2 + y * 0.53208e-3 ) ) ) ) ) );
267 	}
269 	return fRet;
270 }
273 double Besselk1( double fNum ) throw( IllegalArgumentException, NoConvergenceException )
274 {
275 	double	fRet;
277 	if( fNum <= 2.0 )
278 	{
279 		double	fNum2 = fNum * 0.5;
280 		double	y = fNum2 * fNum2;
282         fRet = log( fNum2 ) * BesselI( fNum, 1 ) +
283 				( 1.0 + y * ( 0.15443144 + y * ( -0.67278579 + y * ( -0.18156897 + y * ( -0.1919402e-1 +
284 					y * ( -0.110404e-2 + y * ( -0.4686e-4 ) ) ) ) ) ) )
285 				/ fNum;
286 	}
287 	else
288 	{
289 		double	y = 2.0 / fNum;
291 		fRet = exp( -fNum ) / sqrt( fNum ) * ( 1.25331414 + y * ( 0.23498619 +
292 				y * ( -0.3655620e-1 + y * ( 0.1504268e-1 + y * ( -0.780353e-2 +
293 				y * ( 0.325614e-2 + y * ( -0.68245e-3 ) ) ) ) ) ) );
294 	}
296 	return fRet;
297 }
300 double BesselK( double fNum, sal_Int32 nOrder ) throw( IllegalArgumentException, NoConvergenceException )
301 {
302 	switch( nOrder )
303 	{
304 		case 0:		return Besselk0( fNum );
305 		case 1:		return Besselk1( fNum );
306 		default:
307 		{
308 			double		fBkp;
310 			double		fTox = 2.0 / fNum;
311 			double		fBkm = Besselk0( fNum );
312 			double		fBk = Besselk1( fNum );
314 			for( sal_Int32 n = 1 ; n < nOrder ; n++ )
315 			{
316 				fBkp = fBkm + double( n ) * fTox * fBk;
317 				fBkm = fBk;
318 				fBk = fBkp;
319 			}
321 			return fBk;
322 		}
323 	}
324 }
326 // ============================================================================
327 // BESSEL Y
328 // ============================================================================
330 /*  The BESSEL function, second kind, unmodified:
331     The algorithm for order 0 and for order 1 follows
332     http://www.reference-global.com/isbn/978-3-11-020354-7
333     Numerical Mathematics 1 / Numerische Mathematik 1,
334     An algorithm-based introduction / Eine algorithmisch orientierte Einfuehrung
335     Deuflhard, Peter; Hohmann, Andreas
336     Berlin, New York (Walter de Gruyter) 2008
337     4. ueberarb. u. erw. Aufl. 2008
338     eBook ISBN: 978-3-11-020355-4
339     Chapter 6.3.2 , algorithm 6.24
340     The source is in German.
341     See #i31656# for a commented version of the implementation, attachment #desc6
342     http://www.openoffice.org/nonav/issues/showattachment.cgi/63609/Comments%20to%20the%20implementation%20of%20the%20Bessel%20functions.odt
343 */
345 double Bessely0( double fX ) throw( IllegalArgumentException, NoConvergenceException )
346 {
347     if (fX <= 0)
348         throw IllegalArgumentException();
349     const double fMaxIteration = 9000000.0; // should not be reached
350     if (fX > 5.0e+6) // iteration is not considerable better then approximation
351         return sqrt(1/f_PI/fX)
352                 *(rtl::math::sin(fX)-rtl::math::cos(fX));
353     const double epsilon = 1.0e-15;
354     const double EulerGamma = 0.57721566490153286060;
355     double alpha = log(fX/2.0)+EulerGamma;
356     double u = alpha;
358     double k = 1.0;
359     double m_bar = 0.0;
360     double g_bar_delta_u = 0.0;
361     double g_bar = -2.0 / fX;
362     double delta_u = g_bar_delta_u / g_bar;
363     double g = -1.0/g_bar;
364     double f_bar = -1 * g;
366     double sign_alpha = 1.0;
367     double km1mod2;
368     bool bHasFound = false;
369     k = k + 1;
370     do
371     {
372         km1mod2 = fmod(k-1.0,2.0);
373         m_bar=(2.0*km1mod2) * f_bar;
374         if (km1mod2 == 0.0)
375             alpha = 0.0;
376         else
377         {
378            alpha = sign_alpha * (4.0/k);
379            sign_alpha = -sign_alpha;
380         }
381         g_bar_delta_u = f_bar * alpha - g * delta_u - m_bar * u;
382         g_bar = m_bar - (2.0*k)/fX + g;
383         delta_u = g_bar_delta_u / g_bar;
384         u = u+delta_u;
385         g = -1.0 / g_bar;
386         f_bar = f_bar*g;
387         bHasFound = (fabs(delta_u)<=fabs(u)*epsilon);
388         k=k+1;
389     }
390     while (!bHasFound && k<fMaxIteration);
391     if (bHasFound)
392         return u*f_2_DIV_PI;
393     else
394         throw NoConvergenceException(); // not likely to happen
395 }
397 // See #i31656# for a commented version of this implementation, attachment #desc6
398 // http://www.openoffice.org/nonav/issues/showattachment.cgi/63609/Comments%20to%20the%20implementation%20of%20the%20Bessel%20functions.odt
399 double Bessely1( double fX ) throw( IllegalArgumentException, NoConvergenceException )
400 {
401     if (fX <= 0)
402         throw IllegalArgumentException();
403     const double fMaxIteration = 9000000.0; // should not be reached
404     if (fX > 5.0e+6) // iteration is not considerable better then approximation
405         return - sqrt(1/f_PI/fX)
406                 *(rtl::math::sin(fX)+rtl::math::cos(fX));
407     const double epsilon = 1.0e-15;
408     const double EulerGamma = 0.57721566490153286060;
409     double alpha = 1.0/fX;
410     double f_bar = -1.0;
411     double g = 0.0;
412     double u = alpha;
413     double k = 1.0;
414     double m_bar = 0.0;
415     alpha = 1.0 - EulerGamma - log(fX/2.0);
416     double g_bar_delta_u = -alpha;
417     double g_bar = -2.0 / fX;
418     double delta_u = g_bar_delta_u / g_bar;
419     u = u + delta_u;
420     g = -1.0/g_bar;
421     f_bar = f_bar * g;
422     double sign_alpha = -1.0;
423     double km1mod2; //will be (k-1) mod 2
424     double q; // will be (k-1) div 2
425     bool bHasFound = false;
426     k = k + 1.0;
427     do
428     {
429         km1mod2 = fmod(k-1.0,2.0);
430         m_bar=(2.0*km1mod2) * f_bar;
431         q = (k-1.0)/2.0;
432         if (km1mod2 == 0.0) // k is odd
433         {
434            alpha = sign_alpha * (1.0/q + 1.0/(q+1.0));
435            sign_alpha = -sign_alpha;
436         }
437         else
438             alpha = 0.0;
439         g_bar_delta_u = f_bar * alpha - g * delta_u - m_bar * u;
440         g_bar = m_bar - (2.0*k)/fX + g;
441         delta_u = g_bar_delta_u / g_bar;
442         u = u+delta_u;
443         g = -1.0 / g_bar;
444         f_bar = f_bar*g;
445         bHasFound = (fabs(delta_u)<=fabs(u)*epsilon);
446         k=k+1;
447     }
448     while (!bHasFound && k<fMaxIteration);
449     if (bHasFound)
450         return -u*2.0/f_PI;
451     else
452         throw NoConvergenceException();
453 }
455 double BesselY( double fNum, sal_Int32 nOrder ) throw( IllegalArgumentException, NoConvergenceException )
456 {
457     switch( nOrder )
458     {
459         case 0:     return Bessely0( fNum );
460         case 1:     return Bessely1( fNum );
461         default:
462         {
463             double      fByp;
465             double      fTox = 2.0 / fNum;
466             double      fBym = Bessely0( fNum );
467             double      fBy = Bessely1( fNum );
469             for( sal_Int32 n = 1 ; n < nOrder ; n++ )
470             {
471                 fByp = double( n ) * fTox * fBy - fBym;
472                 fBym = fBy;
473                 fBy = fByp;
474             }
476             return fBy;
477         }
478     }
479 }
481 // ============================================================================
483 } // namespace analysis
484 } // namespace sca