xref: /aoo41x/main/sw/source/core/doc/doclay.cxx (revision dec99bbd)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
27 #include <unotools/linguprops.hxx>
28 #include <unotools/lingucfg.hxx>
29 #include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedStates.hpp>
30 #include <hintids.hxx>
31 #include <com/sun/star/util/XCloseable.hpp>
32 #include <sfx2/progress.hxx>
33 #include <svx/svdmodel.hxx>
34 #include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
35 #include <editeng/keepitem.hxx>
36 #include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
37 #include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
38 #include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
39 #include <editeng/shaditem.hxx>
40 #include <editeng/protitem.hxx>
41 #include <editeng/opaqitem.hxx>
42 #include <editeng/prntitem.hxx>
43 #include <svx/fmglob.hxx>
44 #include <svx/svdouno.hxx>
45 #include <svx/fmpage.hxx>
46 #include <editeng/frmdiritem.hxx>
48 #include <swmodule.hxx>
49 #include <modcfg.hxx>
50 #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
51 #include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
52 #include <SwStyleNameMapper.hxx>
53 #include <fchrfmt.hxx>
54 #include <errhdl.hxx>
55 #include <frmatr.hxx>
56 #include <txatbase.hxx>
57 #include <fmtfld.hxx>
58 #include <fmtornt.hxx>
59 #include <fmtcntnt.hxx>
60 #include <fmtanchr.hxx>
61 #include <fmtfsize.hxx>
62 #include <fmtsrnd.hxx>
63 #include <fmtflcnt.hxx>
64 #include <fmtcnct.hxx>
65 #include <frmfmt.hxx>
66 #include <dcontact.hxx>
67 #include <txtflcnt.hxx>
68 #include <docfld.hxx>   // fuer Expression-Felder
69 #include <pam.hxx>
70 #include <ndtxt.hxx>
71 #include <ndnotxt.hxx>
72 #include <ndole.hxx>
73 #include <doc.hxx>
74 #include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
75 #include <rootfrm.hxx>
76 #include <pagefrm.hxx>
77 #include <cntfrm.hxx>
78 #include <flyfrm.hxx>
79 #include <fesh.hxx>
80 #include <docsh.hxx>
81 #include <dflyobj.hxx>
82 #include <dcontact.hxx>
83 #include <swundo.hxx>
84 #include <flypos.hxx>
85 #include <UndoInsert.hxx>
86 #include <expfld.hxx>		// InsertLabel
87 #include <poolfmt.hxx>		// PoolVorlagen-Id's
88 #include <docary.hxx>
89 #include <swtable.hxx>
90 #include <tblsel.hxx>
91 #include <viewopt.hxx>
92 #include <fldupde.hxx>
93 #include <txtftn.hxx>
94 #include <ftnidx.hxx>
95 #include <ftninfo.hxx>
96 #include <pagedesc.hxx>
97 #include <PostItMgr.hxx>
98 #include <comcore.hrc>		// STR-ResId's
100 // #i11176#
101 #include <unoframe.hxx>
102 // OD 2004-05-24 #i28701#
103 #include <sortedobjs.hxx>
105 // --> OD 2004-07-26 #i32089#
106 #include <vector>
107 // <--
109 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
110 using ::rtl::OUString;
112 #define DEF_FLY_WIDTH	 2268	//Defaultbreite fuer FlyFrms	(2268 == 4cm)
114 /* #109161# */
115 static bool lcl_IsItemSet(const SwCntntNode & rNode, sal_uInt16 which)
116 {
117     bool bResult = false;
119     if (SFX_ITEM_SET == rNode.GetSwAttrSet().GetItemState(which))
120         bResult = true;
122     return bResult;
123 }
125 /*************************************************************************
126 |*
127 |*	SwDoc::MakeLayoutFmt()
128 |*
129 |*	Beschreibung		Erzeugt ein neues Format das in seinen Einstellungen
130 |* 		Defaultmaessig zu dem Request passt. Das Format wird in das
131 |* 		entsprechende Formate-Array gestellt.
132 |* 		Wenn bereits ein passendes Format existiert, so wird dies
133 |* 		zurueckgeliefert.
134 |*	Ersterstellung		MA 22. Sep. 92
135 |*	Letzte Aenderung	JP 08.05.98
136 |*
137 |*************************************************************************/
139 SwFrmFmt *SwDoc::MakeLayoutFmt( RndStdIds eRequest, const SfxItemSet* pSet )
140 {
141 	SwFrmFmt *pFmt = 0;
142 	const sal_Bool bMod = IsModified();
143 	sal_Bool bHeader = sal_False;
145 	switch ( eRequest )
146 	{
147 	case RND_STD_HEADER:
148 	case RND_STD_HEADERL:
149 	case RND_STD_HEADERR:
150 		{
151 			bHeader = sal_True;
152 			// kein break, es geht unten weiter
153 		}
154 	case RND_STD_FOOTER:
155 	case RND_STD_FOOTERL:
156 	case RND_STD_FOOTERR:
157 		{
158             pFmt = new SwFrmFmt( GetAttrPool(),
159                                  (bHeader ? "Header" : "Footer"),
160                                  GetDfltFrmFmt() );
162 			SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() );
163 			SwStartNode* pSttNd =
164                 GetNodes().MakeTextSection
165                 ( aTmpIdx,
166                   bHeader ? SwHeaderStartNode : SwFooterStartNode,
167                   GetTxtCollFromPool(static_cast<sal_uInt16>( bHeader
168                                      ? ( eRequest == RND_STD_HEADERL
169                                          ? RES_POOLCOLL_HEADERL
170                                          : eRequest == RND_STD_HEADERR
171                                          ? RES_POOLCOLL_HEADERR
172                                          : RES_POOLCOLL_HEADER )
173                                      : ( eRequest == RND_STD_FOOTERL
174                                          ? RES_POOLCOLL_FOOTERL
175                                          : eRequest == RND_STD_FOOTERR
176                                          ? RES_POOLCOLL_FOOTERR
177                                          : RES_POOLCOLL_FOOTER )
178                                      ) ) );
179             pFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtCntnt( pSttNd ));
181 			if( pSet )		// noch ein paar Attribute setzen ?
182                 pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pSet );
184             // JP: warum zuruecksetzen ???	Doc. ist doch veraendert ???
185             // bei den Fly auf jedenfall verkehrt !!
186 			if ( !bMod )
187 				ResetModified();
188 		}
189 		break;
191 	case RND_DRAW_OBJECT:
192 		{
193 			pFmt = MakeDrawFrmFmt( aEmptyStr, GetDfltFrmFmt() );
194 			if( pSet )		// noch ein paar Attribute setzen ?
195                 pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pSet );
197             if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
198             {
199                 GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(
200                     new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pFmt, 0, 0));
201             }
202         }
203 		break;
205 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
206     case FLY_AT_PAGE:
207     case FLY_AT_CHAR:
208     case FLY_AT_FLY:
209     case FLY_AT_PARA:
210     case FLY_AS_CHAR:
211         ASSERT( false, "use new interface instead: SwDoc::MakeFlySection!" );
212         break;
213 #endif
215 	default:
216 		ASSERT( !this,
217 				"Layoutformat mit ungueltigem Request angefordert." );
219 	}
220 	return pFmt;
221 }
222 /*************************************************************************
223 |*
224 |*	SwDoc::DelLayoutFmt()
225 |*
226 |*	Beschreibung		Loescht das angegebene Format, der Inhalt wird mit
227 |* 		geloescht.
228 |*	Ersterstellung		MA 23. Sep. 92
229 |*	Letzte Aenderung	MA 05. Feb. 93
230 |*
231 |*************************************************************************/
233 void SwDoc::DelLayoutFmt( SwFrmFmt *pFmt )
234 {
235 	//Verkettung von Rahmen muss ggf. zusammengefuehrt werden.
236 	//Bevor die Frames vernichtet werden, damit die Inhalte der Rahmen
237 	//ggf. entsprechend gerichtet werden.
238 	const SwFmtChain &rChain = pFmt->GetChain();
239 	if ( rChain.GetPrev() )
240 	{
241 		SwFmtChain aChain( rChain.GetPrev()->GetChain() );
242 		aChain.SetNext( rChain.GetNext() );
243 		SetAttr( aChain, *rChain.GetPrev() );
244 	}
245 	if ( rChain.GetNext() )
246 	{
247 		SwFmtChain aChain( rChain.GetNext()->GetChain() );
248 		aChain.SetPrev( rChain.GetPrev() );
249 		SetAttr( aChain, *rChain.GetNext() );
250 	}
252 	const SwNodeIndex* pCntIdx = pFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx();
253     if (pCntIdx && !GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
254     {
255 		//Verbindung abbauen, falls es sich um ein OLE-Objekt handelt.
256 		SwOLENode* pOLENd = GetNodes()[ pCntIdx->GetIndex()+1 ]->GetOLENode();
257 		if( pOLENd && pOLENd->GetOLEObj().IsOleRef() )
258 		{
259             /*
260 			SwDoc* pDoc = (SwDoc*)pFmt->GetDoc();
261 			if( pDoc )
262 			{
263                 SfxObjectShell* p = pDoc->GetPersist();
264 				if( p )		// muss da sein
265 				{
266 					SvInfoObjectRef aRef( p->Find( pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetName() ) );
267 					if( aRef.Is() )
268 						aRef->SetObj(0);
269 				}
270             } */
272             // TODO/MBA: the old object closed the object, cleared all references to it, but didn't remove it from the container.
273             // I have no idea, why, nobody could explain it - so I do my very best to mimic this behavior
274             //uno::Reference < util::XCloseable > xClose( pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetOleRef(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
275             //if ( xClose.is() )
276             {
277                 try
278                 {
279                     pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetOleRef()->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::LOADED );
280                 }
281                 catch ( uno::Exception& )
282                 {
283                 }
284             }
286             //pOLENd->GetOLEObj().GetOleRef() = 0;
287 		}
288 	}
290 	//Frms vernichten.
291 	pFmt->DelFrms();
293 	// erstmal sind nur Fly's Undofaehig
294 	const sal_uInt16 nWh = pFmt->Which();
295     if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() &&
296         (RES_FLYFRMFMT == nWh || RES_DRAWFRMFMT == nWh))
297     {
298         GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( new SwUndoDelLayFmt( pFmt ));
299     }
300     else
301     {
302         // --> OD 2004-07-26 #i32089# - delete at-frame anchored objects
303         if ( nWh == RES_FLYFRMFMT )
304         {
305             // determine frame formats of at-frame anchored objects
306             const SwNodeIndex* pCntntIdx = pFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx();
307             if ( pCntntIdx )
308             {
309                 const SwSpzFrmFmts* pTbl = pFmt->GetDoc()->GetSpzFrmFmts();
310                 if ( pTbl )
311                 {
312                     std::vector<SwFrmFmt*> aToDeleteFrmFmts;
313                     const sal_uLong nNodeIdxOfFlyFmt( pCntntIdx->GetIndex() );
315                     for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pTbl->Count(); ++i )
316                     {
317                         SwFrmFmt* pTmpFmt = (*pTbl)[i];
318                         const SwFmtAnchor &rAnch = pTmpFmt->GetAnchor();
319                         if ( rAnch.GetAnchorId() == FLY_AT_FLY &&
320                              rAnch.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.GetIndex() == nNodeIdxOfFlyFmt )
321                         {
322                             aToDeleteFrmFmts.push_back( pTmpFmt );
323                         }
324                     }
326                     // delete found frame formats
327                     while ( !aToDeleteFrmFmts.empty() )
328                     {
329                         SwFrmFmt* pTmpFmt = aToDeleteFrmFmts.back();
330                         pFmt->GetDoc()->DelLayoutFmt( pTmpFmt );
332                         aToDeleteFrmFmts.pop_back();
333                     }
334                 }
335             }
336         }
337         // <--
339 		//Inhalt Loeschen.
340 		if( pCntIdx )
341 		{
342 			SwNode *pNode = &pCntIdx->GetNode();
343             ((SwFmtCntnt&)pFmt->GetFmtAttr( RES_CNTNT )).SetNewCntntIdx( 0 );
344 			DeleteSection( pNode );
345 		}
347 		// ggfs. bei Zeichengebundenen Flys das Zeichen loeschen
348 		const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFmt->GetAnchor();
349         if ((FLY_AS_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) && rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor())
350         {
351 			const SwPosition* pPos = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
352 			SwTxtNode *pTxtNd = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
354             // attribute is still in text node, delete it
355             if ( pTxtNd )
356             {
357                 SwTxtFlyCnt* const pAttr = static_cast<SwTxtFlyCnt*>(
358                     pTxtNd->GetTxtAttrForCharAt( pPos->nContent.GetIndex(),
359                         RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT ));
360                 if ( pAttr && (pAttr->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt() == pFmt) )
361                 {
362                     // dont delete, set pointer to 0
363                     const_cast<SwFmtFlyCnt&>(pAttr->GetFlyCnt()).SetFlyFmt();
364                     SwIndex aIdx( pPos->nContent );
365                     pTxtNd->EraseText( aIdx, 1 );
366                 }
367             }
368         }
370 		DelFrmFmt( pFmt );
371 	}
372 	SetModified();
373 }
375 /*************************************************************************
376 |*
377 |*	SwDoc::CopyLayoutFmt()
378 |*
379 |*	Beschreibung		Kopiert das angegebene Format pSrc in pDest und
380 |*						returnt pDest. Wenn es noch kein pDest gibt, wird
381 |*						eins angelegt.
382 |*						JP: steht das Source Format in einem anderen
383 |*							Dokument, so kopiere auch dann noch richtig !!
384 |*							Vom chaos::Anchor-Attribut wird die Position immer
385 |*							auf 0 gesetzt !!!
386 |*
387 |*	Ersterstellung		BP 18.12.92
388 |*	Letzte Aenderung	MA 17. Jul. 96
389 |*
390 |*************************************************************************/
392 SwFrmFmt *SwDoc::CopyLayoutFmt(
393     const SwFrmFmt& rSource,
394     const SwFmtAnchor& rNewAnchor,
395     bool bSetTxtFlyAtt,
396     bool bMakeFrms )
397 {
398     const bool bFly = RES_FLYFRMFMT == rSource.Which();
399     const bool bDraw = RES_DRAWFRMFMT == rSource.Which();
400     ASSERT( bFly || bDraw, "this method only works for fly or draw" );
402 	SwDoc* pSrcDoc = (SwDoc*)rSource.GetDoc();
404     // #108784# may we copy this object?
405     // We may, unless it's 1) it's a control (and therfore a draw)
406     //                     2) anchored in a header/footer
407     //                     3) anchored (to paragraph?)
408     bool bMayNotCopy = false;
409     if( bDraw )
410     {
411         const SwDrawContact* pDrawContact =
412             static_cast<const SwDrawContact*>( rSource.FindContactObj() );
414         bMayNotCopy =
415             ((FLY_AT_PARA == rNewAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
416              (FLY_AT_FLY  == rNewAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
417              (FLY_AT_CHAR == rNewAnchor.GetAnchorId())) &&
418             rNewAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() &&
419             IsInHeaderFooter( rNewAnchor.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode ) &&
420             pDrawContact != NULL  &&
421             pDrawContact->GetMaster() != NULL  &&
422             CheckControlLayer( pDrawContact->GetMaster() );
423     }
425     // just return if we can't copy this
426     if( bMayNotCopy )
427         return NULL;
429 	SwFrmFmt* pDest = GetDfltFrmFmt();
430 	if( rSource.GetRegisteredIn() != pSrcDoc->GetDfltFrmFmt() )
431 		pDest = CopyFrmFmt( *(SwFrmFmt*)rSource.GetRegisteredIn() );
432 	if( bFly )
433 	{
434 		// #i11176#
435 		// To do a correct cloning concerning the ZOrder for all objects
436 		// it is necessary to actually create a draw object for fly frames, too.
437 		// These are then added to the DrawingLayer (which needs to exist).
438 		// Together with correct sorting of all drawinglayer based objects
439 		// before cloning ZOrder transfer works correctly then.
440 		SwFlyFrmFmt *pFormat = MakeFlyFrmFmt( rSource.GetName(), pDest );
441 		pDest = pFormat;
443 		SwXFrame::GetOrCreateSdrObject(pFormat);
444 	}
445 	else
446 		pDest = MakeDrawFrmFmt( aEmptyStr, pDest );
448 	// alle anderen/neue Attribute kopieren.
449 	pDest->CopyAttrs( rSource );
451 	//Chains werden nicht kopiert.
452     pDest->ResetFmtAttr( RES_CHAIN );
454 	if( bFly )
455 	{
456 		//Der Inhalt wird dupliziert.
457 		const SwNode& rCSttNd = rSource.GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx()->GetNode();
458 		SwNodeRange aRg( rCSttNd, 1, *rCSttNd.EndOfSectionNode() );
460 		SwNodeIndex aIdx( GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() );
461 		SwStartNode* pSttNd = GetNodes().MakeEmptySection( aIdx, SwFlyStartNode );
463 		// erst den chaos::Anchor/CntntIndex setzen, innerhalb des Kopierens
464 		// auf die Werte zugegriffen werden kann (DrawFmt in Kopf-/Fusszeilen)
465 		aIdx = *pSttNd;
466 		SwFmtCntnt aAttr( rSource.GetCntnt() );
467 		aAttr.SetNewCntntIdx( &aIdx );
468         pDest->SetFmtAttr( aAttr );
469         pDest->SetFmtAttr( rNewAnchor );
471 		if( !mbCopyIsMove || this != pSrcDoc )
472 		{
473 			if( mbInReading )
474 				pDest->SetName( aEmptyStr );
475 			else
476 			{
477 				// Teste erstmal ob der Name schon vergeben ist.
478 				// Wenn ja -> neuen generieren
479 				sal_Int8 nNdTyp = aRg.aStart.GetNode().GetNodeType();
481 				String sOld( pDest->GetName() );
482 				pDest->SetName( aEmptyStr );
483 				if( FindFlyByName( sOld, nNdTyp ) )		// einen gefunden
484 					switch( nNdTyp )
485 					{
486 					case ND_GRFNODE:	sOld = GetUniqueGrfName();		break;
487 					case ND_OLENODE:	sOld = GetUniqueOLEName();		break;
488 					default:			sOld = GetUniqueFrameName();	break;
489 					}
491 				pDest->SetName( sOld );
492 			}
493 		}
495         if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
496         {
497             GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pDest,0,0));
498         }
500 		// sorge dafuer das auch Fly's in Fly's kopiert werden
501 		aIdx = *pSttNd->EndOfSectionNode();
502         pSrcDoc->CopyWithFlyInFly( aRg, 0, aIdx, NULL, sal_False, sal_True, sal_True );
503 	}
504 	else
505 	{
506 		ASSERT( RES_DRAWFRMFMT == rSource.Which(), "Weder Fly noch Draw." );
507         // OD 2005-08-02 #i52780# - Note: moving object to visible layer not needed.
508         SwDrawContact* pSourceContact = (SwDrawContact *)rSource.FindContactObj();
510         SwDrawContact* pContact = new SwDrawContact( (SwDrawFrmFmt*)pDest,
511                                 CloneSdrObj( *pSourceContact->GetMaster(),
512                                         mbCopyIsMove && this == pSrcDoc ) );
513         // --> OD 2005-05-23 #i49730# - notify draw frame format
514         // that position attributes are already set, if the position attributes
515         // are already set at the source draw frame format.
516         if ( pDest->ISA(SwDrawFrmFmt) &&
517              rSource.ISA(SwDrawFrmFmt) &&
518              static_cast<const SwDrawFrmFmt&>(rSource).IsPosAttrSet() )
519         {
520             static_cast<SwDrawFrmFmt*>(pDest)->PosAttrSet();
521         }
522         // <--
524         if( pDest->GetAnchor() == rNewAnchor )
525         {
526             // OD 03.07.2003 #108784# - do *not* connect to layout, if
527             // a <MakeFrms> will not be called.
528             if ( bMakeFrms )
529             {
530                 pContact->ConnectToLayout( &rNewAnchor );
531             }
532         }
533 		else
534             pDest->SetFmtAttr( rNewAnchor );
536         if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
537         {
538             GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pDest,0,0));
539         }
540     }
542     if (bSetTxtFlyAtt && (FLY_AS_CHAR == rNewAnchor.GetAnchorId()))
543     {
544         const SwPosition* pPos = rNewAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
545         SwFmtFlyCnt aFmt( pDest );
546         pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode()->InsertItem(
547             aFmt, pPos->nContent.GetIndex(), 0 );
548 	}
550 	if( bMakeFrms )
551 		pDest->MakeFrms();
553 	return pDest;
554 }
556 SdrObject* SwDoc::CloneSdrObj( const SdrObject& rObj, sal_Bool bMoveWithinDoc,
557 								sal_Bool bInsInPage )
558 {
559     // --> OD 2005-08-08 #i52858# - method name changed
560     SdrPage *pPg = GetOrCreateDrawModel()->GetPage( 0 );
561     // <--
562 	if( !pPg )
563 	{
564 		pPg = GetDrawModel()->AllocPage( sal_False );
565 		GetDrawModel()->InsertPage( pPg );
566 	}
568 	SdrObject *pObj = rObj.Clone();
569 	if( bMoveWithinDoc && FmFormInventor == pObj->GetObjInventor() )
570 	{
571 		// bei Controls muss der Name erhalten bleiben
572 		uno::Reference< awt::XControlModel >  xModel = ((SdrUnoObj*)pObj)->GetUnoControlModel();
573 		uno::Any aVal;
574 		uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >  xSet(xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY);
575 		OUString sName( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("Name") );
576 		if( xSet.is() )
577 			aVal = xSet->getPropertyValue( sName );
578 		if( bInsInPage )
579 			pPg->InsertObject( pObj );
580 		if( xSet.is() )
581 			xSet->setPropertyValue( sName, aVal );
582 	}
583 	else if( bInsInPage )
584 		pPg->InsertObject( pObj );
586     // OD 02.07.2003 #108784# - for drawing objects: set layer of cloned object
587     // to invisible layer
588     SdrLayerID nLayerIdForClone = rObj.GetLayer();
589     if ( !pObj->ISA(SwFlyDrawObj) &&
590          !pObj->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) &&
591          !IS_TYPE(SdrObject,pObj) )
592     {
593         if ( IsVisibleLayerId( nLayerIdForClone ) )
594         {
595             nLayerIdForClone = GetInvisibleLayerIdByVisibleOne( nLayerIdForClone );
596         }
597     }
598     pObj->SetLayer( nLayerIdForClone );
601     return pObj;
602 }
604 SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::_MakeFlySection( const SwPosition& rAnchPos,
605 									const SwCntntNode& rNode,
606 									RndStdIds eRequestId,
607 									const SfxItemSet* pFlySet,
608 									SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt )
609 {
610 	if( !pFrmFmt )
611 		pFrmFmt = GetFrmFmtFromPool( RES_POOLFRM_FRAME );
613 	String sName;
614 	if( !mbInReading )
615 		switch( rNode.GetNodeType() )
616 		{
617 		case ND_GRFNODE:		sName = GetUniqueGrfName();		break;
618 		case ND_OLENODE:        sName = GetUniqueOLEName();		break;
619 		default:				sName = GetUniqueFrameName();		break;
620 		}
621 	SwFlyFrmFmt* pFmt = MakeFlyFrmFmt( sName, pFrmFmt );
623 	//Inhalt erzeugen und mit dem Format verbinden.
624 	//CntntNode erzeugen und in die Autotextsection stellen
625 	SwNodeRange aRange( GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext(), -1,
626 						GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() );
627 	GetNodes().SectionDown( &aRange, SwFlyStartNode );
629     pFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtCntnt( rNode.StartOfSectionNode() ));
632 	const SwFmtAnchor* pAnchor = 0;
633 	if( pFlySet )
634 	{
635 		pFlySet->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False,
636 								(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnchor );
637 		if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFlySet->GetItemState( RES_CNTNT, sal_False ))
638 		{
639 			SfxItemSet aTmpSet( *pFlySet );
640 			aTmpSet.ClearItem( RES_CNTNT );
641             pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aTmpSet );
642 		}
643 		else
644             pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pFlySet );
645 	}
647 	// Anker noch nicht gesetzt ?
648 	RndStdIds eAnchorId = pAnchor ? pAnchor->GetAnchorId()
649 								  : pFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId();
650     // --> OD 2010-01-07 #i107811#
651     // Assure that at-page anchored fly frames have a page num or a content anchor set.
652     if ( !pAnchor ||
653          ( FLY_AT_PAGE != pAnchor->GetAnchorId() &&
654            !pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() ) ||
655          ( FLY_AT_PAGE == pAnchor->GetAnchorId() &&
656            !pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() &&
657            pAnchor->GetPageNum() == 0 ) )
658 	{
659 		// dann setze ihn, wird im Undo gebraucht
660 		SwFmtAnchor aAnch( pFmt->GetAnchor() );
661         if (pAnchor && (FLY_AT_FLY == pAnchor->GetAnchorId()))
662         {
663 			SwPosition aPos( *rAnchPos.nNode.GetNode().FindFlyStartNode() );
664 			aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos );
665 			eAnchorId = FLY_AT_FLY;
666 		}
667 		else
668 		{
669 			if( eRequestId != aAnch.GetAnchorId() &&
670 				SFX_ITEM_SET != pFmt->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_True ) )
671             {
672 				aAnch.SetType( eRequestId );
673             }
675 			eAnchorId = aAnch.GetAnchorId();
676             if ( FLY_AT_PAGE != eAnchorId ||
677                  ( FLY_AT_PAGE == eAnchorId &&
678                    ( !pAnchor ||
679                      aAnch.GetPageNum() == 0 ) ) )
680             {
681 				aAnch.SetAnchor( &rAnchPos );
682             }
683 		}
684         // <--
685         pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aAnch );
686 	}
687 	else
688 		eAnchorId = pFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId();
690     if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == eAnchorId )
691     {
692 		xub_StrLen nStt = rAnchPos.nContent.GetIndex();
693         SwTxtNode * pTxtNode = rAnchPos.nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
695         ASSERT(pTxtNode!= 0, "There should be a SwTxtNode!");
697         if (pTxtNode != NULL)
698         {
699             SwFmtFlyCnt aFmt( pFmt );
700             pTxtNode->InsertItem( aFmt, nStt, nStt );
701         }
702     }
704 	if( SFX_ITEM_SET != pFmt->GetAttrSet().GetItemState( RES_FRM_SIZE ))
705 	{
706 		SwFmtFrmSize aFmtSize( ATT_VAR_SIZE, 0, DEF_FLY_WIDTH );
707 		const SwNoTxtNode* pNoTxtNode = rNode.GetNoTxtNode();
708 		if( pNoTxtNode )
709 		{
710 			//Groesse einstellen.
711 		 	Size aSize( pNoTxtNode->GetTwipSize() );
712 			if( MINFLY > aSize.Width() )
713 				aSize.Width() = DEF_FLY_WIDTH;
714 			aFmtSize.SetWidth( aSize.Width() );
715 			if( aSize.Height() )
716 			{
717 				aFmtSize.SetHeight( aSize.Height() );
718                 aFmtSize.SetHeightSizeType( ATT_FIX_SIZE );
719 			}
720 		}
721         pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aFmtSize );
722 	}
724 	// Frames anlegen
725 	if( GetCurrentViewShell() )
726 		pFmt->MakeFrms();			// ???	//swmod 071108//swmod 071225
728     if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
729     {
730         sal_uLong nNodeIdx = rAnchPos.nNode.GetIndex();
731         xub_StrLen nCntIdx = rAnchPos.nContent.GetIndex();
732         GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(
733             new SwUndoInsLayFmt( pFmt, nNodeIdx, nCntIdx ));
734     }
736 	SetModified();
737 	return pFmt;
738 }
740 SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::MakeFlySection( RndStdIds eAnchorType,
741 									const SwPosition* pAnchorPos,
742 									const SfxItemSet* pFlySet,
743 									SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt, sal_Bool bCalledFromShell )
744 {
745 	SwFlyFrmFmt* pFmt = 0;
746 	sal_Bool bCallMake = sal_True;
747     if ( !pAnchorPos && (FLY_AT_PAGE != eAnchorType) )
748     {
749 		const SwFmtAnchor* pAnch;
750 		if( (pFlySet && SFX_ITEM_SET == pFlySet->GetItemState(
751 				RES_ANCHOR, sal_False, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnch )) ||
752 			( pFrmFmt && SFX_ITEM_SET == pFrmFmt->GetItemState(
753 				RES_ANCHOR, sal_True, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnch )) )
754 		{
755             if ( (FLY_AT_PAGE != pAnch->GetAnchorId()) )
756             {
757                 pAnchorPos = pAnch->GetCntntAnchor();
758                 if (pAnchorPos)
759                 {
760                     bCallMake = sal_False;
761                 }
762             }
763         }
764     }
766 	if( bCallMake )
767 	{
768 		if( !pFrmFmt )
769 			pFrmFmt = GetFrmFmtFromPool( RES_POOLFRM_FRAME );
771 		sal_uInt16 nCollId = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(
772             get(IDocumentSettingAccess::HTML_MODE) ? RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT : RES_POOLCOLL_FRAME );
774         /* #109161# If there exists no adjust item in the paragraph
775             style for the content node of the new fly section
776             propagate an existing adjust item at the anchor to the new
777             content node. */
778         SwCntntNode * pNewTxtNd = GetNodes().MakeTxtNode
779             (SwNodeIndex( GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext()),
780              GetTxtCollFromPool( nCollId ));
781         SwCntntNode * pAnchorNode = pAnchorPos->nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode();
783         const SfxPoolItem * pItem = NULL;
785         if (bCalledFromShell && !lcl_IsItemSet(*pNewTxtNd, RES_PARATR_ADJUST) &&
786             SFX_ITEM_SET == pAnchorNode->GetSwAttrSet().
787             GetItemState(RES_PARATR_ADJUST, sal_True, &pItem))
788             static_cast<SwCntntNode *>(pNewTxtNd)->SetAttr(*pItem);
790  		pFmt = _MakeFlySection( *pAnchorPos, *pNewTxtNd,
791 								eAnchorType, pFlySet, pFrmFmt );
792 	}
793 	return pFmt;
794 }
796 SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::MakeFlyAndMove( const SwPaM& rPam, const SfxItemSet& rSet,
797 									const SwSelBoxes* pSelBoxes,
798 									SwFrmFmt *pParent )
799 {
800 	SwFmtAnchor& rAnch = (SwFmtAnchor&)rSet.Get( RES_ANCHOR );
802     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( UNDO_INSLAYFMT, NULL );
804 	SwFlyFrmFmt* pFmt = MakeFlySection( rAnch.GetAnchorId(), rPam.GetPoint(),
805 										&rSet, pParent );
807 	// Wenn Inhalt selektiert ist, so wird dieser jetzt zum Inhalt des
808 	// neuen Rahmen. Sprich er wird in die entspr. Sektion des NodesArr
809 	//gemoved.
811 	if( pFmt )
812 	{
813 		do {		// middle check loop
814 			const SwFmtCntnt &rCntnt = pFmt->GetCntnt();
815 			ASSERT( rCntnt.GetCntntIdx(), "Kein Inhalt vorbereitet." );
816 			SwNodeIndex aIndex( *(rCntnt.GetCntntIdx()), 1 );
817 			SwCntntNode *pNode = aIndex.GetNode().GetCntntNode();
819 			// ACHTUNG: nicht einen Index auf dem Stack erzeugen, sonst
820 			// 		   	kann der CntntnNode am Ende nicht geloscht werden !!
821 			SwPosition aPos( aIndex );
822 			aPos.nContent.Assign( pNode, 0 );
824 			if( pSelBoxes && pSelBoxes->Count() )
825 			{
826 				// Tabellenselection
827 				// kopiere Teile aus einer Tabelle: lege eine Tabelle mit der
828 				// Breite der Originalen an und move (kopiere/loesche) die
829 				// selektierten Boxen. Die Groessen werden prozentual
830 				// korrigiert.
832 				SwTableNode* pTblNd = (SwTableNode*)(*pSelBoxes)[0]->
833 												GetSttNd()->FindTableNode();
834 				if( !pTblNd )
835 					break;
837 				SwTable& rTbl = pTblNd->GetTable();
839 				// ist die gesamte Tabelle selektiert ?
840 				if( pSelBoxes->Count() == rTbl.GetTabSortBoxes().Count() )
841 				{
842 					// verschiebe die gesamte Tabelle
843 					SwNodeRange aRg( *pTblNd, 0, *pTblNd->EndOfSectionNode(), 1 );
845 					// wird die gesamte Tabelle verschoben und steht diese
846 					// in einem FlyFrame, dann erzeuge dahinter einen neuen
847 					// TextNode. Dadurch bleibt dieser Fly erhalten !
848 					if( aRg.aEnd.GetNode().IsEndNode() )
849 						GetNodes().MakeTxtNode( aRg.aStart,
850 									(SwTxtFmtColl*)GetDfltTxtFmtColl() );
852                     MoveNodeRange( aRg, aPos.nNode, DOC_MOVEDEFAULT );
853                 }
854 				else
855 				{
856 					rTbl.MakeCopy( this, aPos, *pSelBoxes );
857                     // Don't delete a part of a table with row span!!
858                     // You could delete the content instead -> ToDo
859 					//rTbl.DeleteSel( this, *pSelBoxes, 0, 0, sal_True, sal_True );
860 				}
862 				// wenn Tabelle im Rahmen, dann ohne nachfolgenden TextNode
863 				aIndex = rCntnt.GetCntntIdx()->GetNode().EndOfSectionIndex() - 1;
864 				ASSERT( aIndex.GetNode().GetTxtNode(),
865 						"hier sollte ein TextNode stehen" );
866 				aPos.nContent.Assign( 0, 0 );		// Index abmelden !!
867 				GetNodes().Delete( aIndex, 1 );
869 //JP erstmal ein Hack, solange keine Flys/Headers/Footers Undofaehig sind
870 // werden erstmal alle Undo - Objecte geloescht.
871 if( GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() )
872 {
873     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DelAllUndoObj();
874 }
876 			}
877 			else
878 			{
879 /*
880 				// alle Pams verschieben
881 				SwPaM* pTmp = (SwPaM*)&rPam;
882 				do {
883 					if( pTmp->HasMark() &&
884 						*pTmp->GetPoint() != *pTmp->GetMark() )
885 						MoveAndJoin( *pTmp, aPos );
886 				} while( &rPam != ( pTmp = (SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ) );
887 */
888 				// copy all Pams and then delete all
889 				SwPaM* pTmp = (SwPaM*)&rPam;
890                 sal_Bool bOldFlag = mbCopyIsMove;
891                 bool const bOldUndo = GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo();
892 				mbCopyIsMove = sal_True;
893                 GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo(false);
894 				do {
895 					if( pTmp->HasMark() &&
896 						*pTmp->GetPoint() != *pTmp->GetMark() )
897                     {
898                         CopyRange( *pTmp, aPos, false );
899                     }
900                     pTmp = static_cast<SwPaM*>(pTmp->GetNext());
901                 } while ( &rPam != pTmp );
902 				mbCopyIsMove = bOldFlag;
903                 GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo(bOldUndo);
905 				pTmp = (SwPaM*)&rPam;
906 				do {
907 					if( pTmp->HasMark() &&
908 						*pTmp->GetPoint() != *pTmp->GetMark() )
909                     {
910 						DeleteAndJoin( *pTmp );
911                     }
912                     pTmp = static_cast<SwPaM*>(pTmp->GetNext());
913                 } while ( &rPam != pTmp );
914 			}
915 		} while( sal_False );
916 	}
918 	SetModified();
920     GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( UNDO_INSLAYFMT, NULL );
922 	return pFmt;
923 }
926 	//Einfuegen eines DrawObjectes. Das Object muss bereits im DrawModel
927 	// angemeldet sein.
928 SwDrawFrmFmt* SwDoc::Insert( const SwPaM &rRg,
929 							 SdrObject& rDrawObj,
930 							 const SfxItemSet* pFlyAttrSet,
931 							 SwFrmFmt* pDefFmt )
932 {
933 	SwDrawFrmFmt *pFmt = MakeDrawFrmFmt( aEmptyStr,
934 										pDefFmt ? pDefFmt : GetDfltFrmFmt() );
936 	const SwFmtAnchor* pAnchor = 0;
937 	if( pFlyAttrSet )
938 	{
939 		pFlyAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False,
940 									(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnchor );
941         pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pFlyAttrSet );
942 	}
944 	RndStdIds eAnchorId = pAnchor ? pAnchor->GetAnchorId()
945 								  : pFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId();
947 	// Anker noch nicht gesetzt ?
948 	// DrawObjecte duerfen niemals in Kopf-/Fusszeilen landen.
949     const bool bIsAtCntnt = (FLY_AT_PAGE != eAnchorId);
951 	const SwNodeIndex* pChkIdx = 0;
952 	if( !pAnchor )
953     {
954 		pChkIdx = &rRg.GetPoint()->nNode;
955     }
956 	else if( bIsAtCntnt )
957     {
958 		pChkIdx = pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()
959 					? &pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode
960 					: &rRg.GetPoint()->nNode;
961     }
963     // OD 24.06.2003 #108784# - allow drawing objects in header/footer, but
964     // control objects aren't allowed in header/footer.
965     if( pChkIdx &&
966         ::CheckControlLayer( &rDrawObj ) &&
967         IsInHeaderFooter( *pChkIdx ) )
968     {
969        pFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtAnchor( eAnchorId = FLY_AT_PAGE ) );
970     }
971     else if( !pAnchor || (bIsAtCntnt && !pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor() ))
972 	{
973 		// dann setze ihn, wird im Undo gebraucht
974 		SwFmtAnchor aAnch( pAnchor ? *pAnchor : pFmt->GetAnchor() );
975 		eAnchorId = aAnch.GetAnchorId();
976 		if( FLY_AT_FLY == eAnchorId )
977 		{
978 			SwPosition aPos( *rRg.GetNode()->FindFlyStartNode() );
979 			aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos );
980 		}
981 		else
982 		{
983 			aAnch.SetAnchor( rRg.GetPoint() );
984             if ( FLY_AT_PAGE == eAnchorId )
985 			{
986 				eAnchorId = rDrawObj.ISA( SdrUnoObj )
987                                     ? FLY_AS_CHAR : FLY_AT_PARA;
988 				aAnch.SetType( eAnchorId );
989 			}
990 		}
991         pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aAnch );
992 	}
994 	// bei als Zeichen gebundenen Draws das Attribut im Absatz setzen
995     if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == eAnchorId )
996     {
997 		xub_StrLen nStt = rRg.GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex();
998         SwFmtFlyCnt aFmt( pFmt );
999         rRg.GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode()->InsertItem(
1000                 aFmt, nStt, nStt );
1001     }
1003     SwDrawContact* pContact = new SwDrawContact( pFmt, &rDrawObj );
1005 	// ggfs. Frames anlegen
1006 	if( GetCurrentViewShell() )
1007     {
1008 		pFmt->MakeFrms();
1009         // --> OD 2005-02-09 #i42319# - follow-up of #i35635#
1010         // move object to visible layer
1011         // --> OD 2007-07-10 #i79391#
1012         if ( pContact->GetAnchorFrm() )
1013         {
1014             pContact->MoveObjToVisibleLayer( &rDrawObj );
1015         }
1016         // <--
1017     }
1019     if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
1020     {
1021         GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pFmt, 0, 0) );
1022     }
1024 	SetModified();
1025 	return pFmt;
1026 }
1028 /*************************************************************************
1029 |*
1030 |*	SwDoc::GetAllFlyFmts
1031 |*
1032 |*	Ersterstellung		MA 14. Jul. 93
1033 |*	Letzte Aenderung	MD 23. Feb. 95
1034 |*
1035 |*************************************************************************/
1037 /*sal_Bool TstFlyRange( const SwPaM* pPam, sal_uInt32 nFlyPos )
1038 {
1039 	sal_Bool bOk = sal_False;
1040 	const SwPaM* pTmp = pPam;
1041 	do {
1042 		bOk = pTmp->Start()->nNode.GetIndex() < nFlyPos &&
1043 				pTmp->End()->nNode.GetIndex() > nFlyPos;
1044 	} while( !bOk && pPam != ( pTmp = (const SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ));
1045 	return bOk;
1046 }
1047 */
1048 /* -----------------------------04.04.00 10:55--------------------------------
1049 	paragraph frames - o.k. if the PaM includes the paragraph from the beginning
1050 					   to the beginning of the next paragraph at least
1051 	frames at character - o.k. if the pam start at least at the same position
1052  						as the frame
1053  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1054 sal_Bool TstFlyRange( const SwPaM* pPam, const SwPosition* pFlyPos,
1055 						RndStdIds nAnchorId )
1056 {
1057 	sal_Bool bOk = sal_False;
1058 	const SwPaM* pTmp = pPam;
1059 	do {
1060 		const sal_uInt32 nFlyIndex = pFlyPos->nNode.GetIndex();
1061 		const SwPosition* pPaMStart = pTmp->Start();
1062 		const SwPosition* pPaMEnd = pTmp->End();
1063 		const sal_uInt32 nPamStartIndex = pPaMStart->nNode.GetIndex();
1064 		const sal_uInt32 nPamEndIndex = pPaMEnd->nNode.GetIndex();
1065         if (FLY_AT_PARA == nAnchorId)
1066 			bOk = (nPamStartIndex < nFlyIndex && nPamEndIndex > nFlyIndex) ||
1067 			   (((nPamStartIndex == nFlyIndex) && (pPaMStart->nContent.GetIndex() == 0)) &&
1068 			   (nPamEndIndex > nFlyIndex));
1069 		else
1070 		{
1071 			xub_StrLen nFlyContentIndex = pFlyPos->nContent.GetIndex();
1072 			xub_StrLen nPamEndContentIndex = pPaMEnd->nContent.GetIndex();
1073 			bOk = (nPamStartIndex < nFlyIndex &&
1074 				(( nPamEndIndex > nFlyIndex )||
1075 				 ((nPamEndIndex == nFlyIndex) &&
1076                   (nPamEndContentIndex > nFlyContentIndex))) )
1077 				||
1078 			   		(((nPamStartIndex == nFlyIndex) &&
1079 					  (pPaMStart->nContent.GetIndex() <= nFlyContentIndex)) &&
1080                      ((nPamEndIndex > nFlyIndex) ||
1081                      (nPamEndContentIndex > nFlyContentIndex )));
1082 		}
1084 	} while( !bOk && pPam != ( pTmp = (const SwPaM*)pTmp->GetNext() ));
1085 	return bOk;
1086 }
1089 SwPosFlyFrms SwDoc::GetAllFlyFmts( const SwPaM* pCmpRange, sal_Bool bDrawAlso ) const
1090 {
1091     SwPosFlyFrms aRetval;
1092 	SwFrmFmt *pFly;
1094 	// erstmal alle Absatzgebundenen einsammeln
1095 	for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count(); ++n )
1096 	{
1097 		pFly = (*GetSpzFrmFmts())[ n ];
1098 		bool bDrawFmt = bDrawAlso ? RES_DRAWFRMFMT == pFly->Which() : false;
1099 		bool bFlyFmt = RES_FLYFRMFMT == pFly->Which();
1100 		if( bFlyFmt || bDrawFmt )
1101 		{
1102 			const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFly->GetAnchor();
1103             SwPosition const*const pAPos = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
1104             if (pAPos &&
1105                 ((FLY_AT_PARA == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
1106                  (FLY_AT_FLY  == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
1107                  (FLY_AT_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId())))
1108 			{
1109 				if( pCmpRange &&
1110 					!TstFlyRange( pCmpRange, pAPos, rAnchor.GetAnchorId() ))
1111 						continue;		// kein gueltiger FlyFrame
1112                 aRetval.insert(SwPosFlyFrmPtr(new SwPosFlyFrm(pAPos->nNode, pFly, aRetval.size())));
1113 			}
1114 		}
1115 	}
1117 	// kein Layout oder nur ein Teil, dann wars das
1118 	// Seitenbezogen Flys nur, wenn vollstaendig "gewuenscht" wird !
1119 	if( !GetCurrentViewShell() || pCmpRange )	//swmod 071108//swmod 071225
1120     {
1121 		return aRetval;
1122     }
1124 	SwPageFrm *pPage = (SwPageFrm*)GetCurrentLayout()->GetLower();	//swmod 080218
1125 	while( pPage )
1126 	{
1127 		if( pPage->GetSortedObjs() )
1128 		{
1129             SwSortedObjs &rObjs = *pPage->GetSortedObjs();
1130 			for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rObjs.Count(); ++i)
1131 			{
1132                 SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = rObjs[i];
1133                 if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
1134                     pFly = &(pAnchoredObj->GetFrmFmt());
1135 				else if ( bDrawAlso )
1136                     pFly = &(pAnchoredObj->GetFrmFmt());
1137 				else
1138 					continue;
1140 				const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFly->GetAnchor();
1141                 if ((FLY_AT_PARA != rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) &&
1142                     (FLY_AT_FLY  != rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) &&
1143                     (FLY_AT_CHAR != rAnchor.GetAnchorId()))
1144 				{
1145 					const SwCntntFrm * pCntntFrm = pPage->FindFirstBodyCntnt();
1146 					if ( !pCntntFrm )
1147 					{
1148 						//Oops! Eine leere Seite. Damit der Rahmen nicht ganz
1149 						//verlorengeht (RTF) suchen wir schnell den letzen
1150 						//Cntnt der vor der Seite steht.
1151 						SwPageFrm *pPrv = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev();
1152 						while ( !pCntntFrm && pPrv )
1153 						{
1154 							pCntntFrm = pPrv->FindFirstBodyCntnt();
1155 							pPrv = (SwPageFrm*)pPrv->GetPrev();
1156 						}
1157 					}
1158 					if ( pCntntFrm )
1159 					{
1160 						SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pCntntFrm->GetNode() );
1161                         aRetval.insert(SwPosFlyFrmPtr(new SwPosFlyFrm(aIdx, pFly, aRetval.size())));
1162 					}
1163 				}
1164 			}
1165 		}
1166 		pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();
1167 	}
1169     return aRetval;
1170 }
1172 /*************************************************************************
1173 |*
1174 |*	SwDoc::InsertLabel()
1175 |*
1176 |*	Ersterstellung		MA 11. Feb. 94
1177 |*	Letzte Aenderung	MA 12. Nov. 97
1178 |*
1179 |*************************************************************************/
1181 /* #i6447# changed behaviour if lcl_CpyAttr:
1183    If the old item set contains the item to set (no inheritance) copy the item
1184    into the new set.
1186    If the old item set contains the item by inheritance and the new set
1187    contains the item, too:
1188       If the two items differ copy the item from the old set to the new set.
1190    Otherwise the new set will not be changed.
1191 */
1193 void lcl_CpyAttr( SfxItemSet &rNewSet, const SfxItemSet &rOldSet, sal_uInt16 nWhich )
1194 {
1195 	const SfxPoolItem *pOldItem = NULL, *pNewItem = NULL;
1197     rOldSet.GetItemState( nWhich, sal_False, &pOldItem);
1198 	if (pOldItem != NULL)
1199 		rNewSet.Put( *pOldItem );
1200     else
1201     {
1202         pOldItem = rOldSet.GetItem( nWhich, sal_True);
1203         if (pOldItem != NULL)
1204         {
1205             pNewItem = rNewSet.GetItem( nWhich, sal_True);
1206             if (pNewItem != NULL)
1207             {
1208                 if (*pOldItem != *pNewItem)
1209                     rNewSet.Put( *pOldItem );
1210             }
1211             else {
1212                 ASSERT(0, "What am I doing here?");
1213             }
1214         }
1215         else {
1216             ASSERT(0, "What am I doing here?");
1217         }
1218     }
1220 }
1223 static SwFlyFrmFmt *
1224 lcl_InsertLabel(SwDoc & rDoc, SwTxtFmtColls *const pTxtFmtCollTbl,
1225         SwUndoInsertLabel *const pUndo,
1226         SwLabelType const eType, String const& rTxt, String const& rSeparator,
1227             const String& rNumberingSeparator,
1228 			const sal_Bool bBefore, const sal_uInt16 nId, const sal_uLong nNdIdx,
1229             const String& rCharacterStyle,
1230 			const sal_Bool bCpyBrd )
1231 {
1232     ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
1234     sal_Bool bTable = sal_False;    //Um etwas Code zu sparen.
1236 	//Erstmal das Feld bauen, weil ueber den Namen die TxtColl besorgt werden
1237 	//muss
1238     OSL_ENSURE( nId == USHRT_MAX  || nId < rDoc.GetFldTypes()->Count(),
1239             "FldType index out of bounds." );
1240     SwFieldType *pType = (nId != USHRT_MAX) ? (*rDoc.GetFldTypes())[nId] : NULL;
1241     OSL_ENSURE(!pType || pType->Which() == RES_SETEXPFLD, "wrong Id for Label");
1243     SwTxtFmtColl * pColl = NULL;
1244     if( pType )
1245     {
1246 	    for( sal_uInt16 i = pTxtFmtCollTbl->Count(); i; )
1247 	    {
1248 		    if( (*pTxtFmtCollTbl)[ --i ]->GetName() == pType->GetName() )
1249 		    {
1250 			    pColl = (*pTxtFmtCollTbl)[i];
1251 			    break;
1252 		    }
1253 	    }
1254         DBG_ASSERT( pColl, "no text collection found" );
1255     }
1257     if( !pColl )
1258     {
1259         pColl = rDoc.GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL );
1260     }
1262     SwTxtNode *pNew = NULL;
1263     SwFlyFrmFmt* pNewFmt = NULL;
1265 	switch ( eType )
1266 	{
1267 		case LTYPE_TABLE:
1268 			bTable = sal_True;
1269 			/* Kein Break hier */
1270 		case LTYPE_FLY:
1271 			//Am Anfang/Ende der Fly-Section den entsprechenden Node mit Feld
1272 			//einfuegen (Frame wird automatisch erzeugt).
1273 			{
1274                 SwStartNode *pSttNd = rDoc.GetNodes()[nNdIdx]->GetStartNode();
1275 				ASSERT( pSttNd, "Kein StartNode in InsertLabel." );
1276 				sal_uLong nNode;
1277 				if( bBefore )
1278 				{
1279 					nNode = pSttNd->GetIndex();
1280 					if( !bTable )
1281 						++nNode;
1282 				}
1283 				else
1284 				{
1285 					nNode = pSttNd->EndOfSectionIndex();
1286 					if( bTable )
1287 						++nNode;
1288 				}
1290 				if( pUndo )
1291 					pUndo->SetNodePos( nNode );
1293 				//Node fuer Beschriftungsabsatz erzeugen.
1294                 SwNodeIndex aIdx( rDoc.GetNodes(), nNode );
1295                 pNew = rDoc.GetNodes().MakeTxtNode( aIdx, pColl );
1296 			}
1297 			break;
1299 		case LTYPE_OBJECT:
1300 			{
1301 				//Rahmen zerstoeren, neuen Rahmen einfuegen, entsprechenden
1302 				// Node mit Feld in den neuen Rahmen, den alten Rahmen mit
1303 				// dem Object (Grafik/Ole) absatzgebunden in den neuen Rahmen,
1304 				// Frames erzeugen.
1306 				//Erstmal das Format zum Fly besorgen und das Layout entkoppeln.
1307                 SwFrmFmt *pOldFmt = rDoc.GetNodes()[nNdIdx]->GetFlyFmt();
1308 				ASSERT( pOldFmt, "Format des Fly nicht gefunden." );
1309                 // --> OD #i115719#
1310                 // <title> and <description> attributes are lost when calling <DelFrms()>.
1311                 // Thus, keep them and restore them after the calling <MakeFrms()>
1312                 const bool bIsSwFlyFrmFmtInstance( dynamic_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt) != 0 );
1313                 const String sTitle( bIsSwFlyFrmFmtInstance
1314                                      ? static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt)->GetObjTitle()
1315                                      : String() );
1316                 const String sDescription( bIsSwFlyFrmFmtInstance
1317                                            ? static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt)->GetObjDescription()
1318                                            : String() );
1319                 // <--
1320 				pOldFmt->DelFrms();
1322                 pNewFmt = rDoc.MakeFlyFrmFmt( rDoc.GetUniqueFrameName(),
1323                                 rDoc.GetFrmFmtFromPool(RES_POOLFRM_FRAME) );
1325                 /* #i6447#: Only the selected items are copied from the old
1326                    format. */
1327 				SfxItemSet* pNewSet = pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().Clone( sal_True );
1330 				//Diejenigen Attribute uebertragen die auch gesetzt sind,
1331 				//andere sollen weiterhin aus den Vorlagen gueltig werden.
1332 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_PRINT );
1333 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_OPAQUE );
1334 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_PROTECT );
1335 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_SURROUND );
1336 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_VERT_ORIENT );
1337 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_HORI_ORIENT );
1338 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_LR_SPACE );
1339 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_UL_SPACE );
1340 				lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_BACKGROUND );
1341 				if( bCpyBrd )
1342 				{
1343 					// JP 07.07.99: Bug 67029 - if at Grafik no BoxItem but
1344 					// 				in the new Format is any, then set the
1345 					//				default item in the new Set. Because
1346 					// 				the Size of the Grafik have never been
1347 					//				changed!
1348 					const SfxPoolItem *pItem;
1349 					if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pOldFmt->GetAttrSet().
1350 							GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True, &pItem ))
1351 						pNewSet->Put( *pItem );
1352 					else if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().
1353 							GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True ))
1354 						pNewSet->Put( *GetDfltAttr( RES_BOX ) );
1356 					if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pOldFmt->GetAttrSet().
1357 							GetItemState( RES_SHADOW, sal_True, &pItem ))
1358 						pNewSet->Put( *pItem );
1359 					else if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().
1360 							GetItemState( RES_SHADOW, sal_True ))
1361 						pNewSet->Put( *GetDfltAttr( RES_SHADOW ) );
1362 				}
1363 				else
1364 				{
1365 					//Die Attribute hart setzen, weil sie sonst aus der
1366 					// Vorlage kommen koenten und dann passt die
1367 					// Grossenberechnung nicht mehr.
1368                     pNewSet->Put( SvxBoxItem(RES_BOX) );
1369                     pNewSet->Put( SvxShadowItem(RES_SHADOW) );
1371 				}
1373 				//Anker immer uebertragen, ist sowieso ein hartes Attribut.
1374 				pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetAnchor() );
1376 				//In der Hoehe soll der neue Varabel sein!
1377 				SwFmtFrmSize aFrmSize( pOldFmt->GetFrmSize() );
1378                 aFrmSize.SetHeightSizeType( ATT_MIN_SIZE );
1379 				pNewSet->Put( aFrmSize );
1381                 SwStartNode* pSttNd = rDoc.GetNodes().MakeTextSection(
1382                             SwNodeIndex( rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() ),
1383 							SwFlyStartNode, pColl );
1384 				pNewSet->Put( SwFmtCntnt( pSttNd ));
1386                 pNewFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pNewSet );
1388 				//Bei InCntnt's wird es spannend: Das TxtAttribut muss
1389 				//vernichtet werden. Leider reisst dies neben den Frms auch
1390 				//noch das Format mit in sein Grab. Um dass zu unterbinden
1391 				//loesen wir vorher die Verbindung zwischen Attribut und Format.
1393 				const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pNewFmt->GetAnchor();
1394                 if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId() )
1395                 {
1396 					const SwPosition *pPos = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
1397 					SwTxtNode *pTxtNode = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
1398 					ASSERT( pTxtNode->HasHints(), "Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." );
1399 					const xub_StrLen nIdx = pPos->nContent.GetIndex();
1400                     SwTxtAttr * const pHnt =
1401                         pTxtNode->GetTxtAttrForCharAt(nIdx, RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT);
1403 					ASSERT( pHnt && pHnt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT,
1404 								"Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." );
1405                     ASSERT( pHnt && pHnt->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt() == pOldFmt,
1406 								"Wrong TxtFlyCnt-Hint." );
1408                     const_cast<SwFmtFlyCnt&>(pHnt->GetFlyCnt()).SetFlyFmt(
1409                             pNewFmt );
1410                 }
1413 				//Der Alte soll keinen Umlauf haben, und er soll oben/mittig
1414 				//ausgerichtet sein.
1415 				//Ausserdem soll die Breite 100% betragen und bei Aenderungen
1416 				//Die Hoehe mit anpassen.
1417 				pNewSet->ClearItem();
1419 				pNewSet->Put( SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_NONE ) );
1420 				pNewSet->Put( SvxOpaqueItem( RES_OPAQUE, sal_True ) );
1421                 pNewSet->Put( SwFmtVertOrient( 0, text::VertOrientation::TOP, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ) );
1422                 pNewSet->Put( SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, text::HoriOrientation::CENTER, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ) );
1424 				aFrmSize = pOldFmt->GetFrmSize();
1425 				aFrmSize.SetWidthPercent( 100 );
1426 				aFrmSize.SetHeightPercent( 255 );
1427 				pNewSet->Put( aFrmSize );
1429 				//Die Attribute setzen wir hart, weil sie sonst aus der Vorlage
1430 				//kommen koenten und dann passt die Grossenberechnung nicht mehr.
1431 				if( bCpyBrd )
1432 				{
1433                     pNewSet->Put( SvxBoxItem(RES_BOX) );
1434                     pNewSet->Put( SvxShadowItem(RES_SHADOW) );
1435 				}
1436                 pNewSet->Put( SvxLRSpaceItem(RES_LR_SPACE) );
1437                 pNewSet->Put( SvxULSpaceItem(RES_UL_SPACE) );
1439 				//Der Alte ist absatzgebunden, und zwar am Absatz im neuen.
1440                 SwFmtAnchor aAnch( FLY_AT_PARA );
1441 				SwNodeIndex aAnchIdx( *pNewFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx(), 1 );
1442 				pNew = aAnchIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
1443 				SwPosition aPos( aAnchIdx );
1444 				aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos );
1445 				pNewSet->Put( aAnch );
1447 				if( pUndo )
1448 					pUndo->SetFlys( *pOldFmt, *pNewSet, *pNewFmt );
1449 				else
1450                     pOldFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pNewSet );
1452 				delete pNewSet;
1454 				//Nun nur noch die Flys erzeugen lassen. Das ueberlassen
1455 				//wir vorhanden Methoden (insb. fuer InCntFlys etwas aufwendig).
1456 				pNewFmt->MakeFrms();
1457                 // --> OD #i115719#
1458                 if ( bIsSwFlyFrmFmtInstance )
1459                 {
1460                     static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt)->SetObjTitle( sTitle );
1461                     static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(pOldFmt)->SetObjDescription( sDescription );
1462                 }
1463                 // <--
1464 			}
1465 			break;
1467 		default:
1468             OSL_ENSURE(false, "unknown LabelType?");
1469 	}
1470 	ASSERT( pNew, "No Label inserted" );
1471 	if( pNew )
1472 	{
1473         //#i61007# order of captions
1474         sal_Bool bOrderNumberingFirst = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig()->IsCaptionOrderNumberingFirst();
1475 		//String aufbereiten
1476         String aTxt;
1477         if( bOrderNumberingFirst )
1478         {
1479             aTxt = rNumberingSeparator;
1480         }
1481         if( pType)
1482         {
1483             aTxt += pType->GetName();
1484             if( !bOrderNumberingFirst )
1485                 aTxt += ' ';
1486         }
1487 		xub_StrLen nIdx = aTxt.Len();
1488         if( rTxt.Len() > 0 )
1489         {
1490             aTxt += rSeparator;
1491         }
1492         xub_StrLen nSepIdx = aTxt.Len();
1493         aTxt += rTxt;
1495 		//String einfuegen
1496 		SwIndex aIdx( pNew, 0 );
1497         pNew->InsertText( aTxt, aIdx );
1499         //
1500 		//Feld einfuegen
1501         if(pType)
1502         {
1503             SwSetExpField aFld( (SwSetExpFieldType*)pType, aEmptyStr, SVX_NUM_ARABIC);
1504             if( bOrderNumberingFirst )
1505                 nIdx = 0;
1506             SwFmtFld aFmt( aFld );
1507             pNew->InsertItem( aFmt, nIdx, nIdx );
1508             if(rCharacterStyle.Len())
1509             {
1510                 SwCharFmt* pCharFmt = rDoc.FindCharFmtByName(rCharacterStyle);
1511                 if( !pCharFmt )
1512                 {
1513                     const sal_uInt16 nMyId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName(rCharacterStyle, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT);
1514                     pCharFmt = rDoc.GetCharFmtFromPool( nMyId );
1515                 }
1516                 if (pCharFmt)
1517                 {
1518                     SwFmtCharFmt aCharFmt( pCharFmt );
1519                     pNew->InsertItem( aCharFmt, 0,
1520                         nSepIdx + 1, nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DONTEXPAND );
1521                 }
1522             }
1523         }
1525 		if ( bTable )
1526 		{
1527 			if ( bBefore )
1528 			{
1529 				if ( !pNew->GetSwAttrSet().GetKeep().GetValue()  )
1530                     pNew->SetAttr( SvxFmtKeepItem( sal_True, RES_KEEP ) );
1531 			}
1532 			else
1533 			{
1534                 SwTableNode *const pNd =
1535                     rDoc.GetNodes()[nNdIdx]->GetStartNode()->GetTableNode();
1536 				SwTable &rTbl = pNd->GetTable();
1537 				if ( !rTbl.GetFrmFmt()->GetKeep().GetValue() )
1538                     rTbl.GetFrmFmt()->SetFmtAttr( SvxFmtKeepItem( sal_True, RES_KEEP ) );
1539 				if ( pUndo )
1540 					pUndo->SetUndoKeep();
1541 			}
1542 		}
1543 	    rDoc.SetModified();
1544 	}
1546 	return pNewFmt;
1547 }
1549 SwFlyFrmFmt *
1550 SwDoc::InsertLabel(
1551         SwLabelType const eType, String const& rTxt, String const& rSeparator,
1552         String const& rNumberingSeparator,
1553         sal_Bool const bBefore, sal_uInt16 const nId, sal_uLong const nNdIdx,
1554         String const& rCharacterStyle,
1555         sal_Bool const bCpyBrd )
1556 {
1557     SwUndoInsertLabel * pUndo(0);
1558     if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
1559     {
1560         pUndo = new SwUndoInsertLabel(
1561                         eType, rTxt, rSeparator, rNumberingSeparator,
1562                         bBefore, nId, rCharacterStyle, bCpyBrd );
1563     }
1565     SwFlyFrmFmt *const pNewFmt = lcl_InsertLabel(*this, pTxtFmtCollTbl, pUndo,
1566             eType, rTxt, rSeparator, rNumberingSeparator, bBefore,
1567             nId, nNdIdx, rCharacterStyle, bCpyBrd);
1569     if (pUndo)
1570     {
1571         GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo(pUndo);
1572     }
1573     else
1574     {
1575         GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DelAllUndoObj();
1576     }
1578     return pNewFmt;
1579 }
1582 /*************************************************************************
1583 |*
1584 |*	SwDoc::InsertDrawLabel()
1585 |*
1586 |*	Ersterstellung		MIB 7. Dez. 98
1587 |*	Letzte Aenderung	MIB 7. Dez. 98
1588 |*
1589 |*************************************************************************/
1591 static SwFlyFrmFmt *
1592 lcl_InsertDrawLabel( SwDoc & rDoc, SwTxtFmtColls *const pTxtFmtCollTbl,
1593         SwUndoInsertLabel *const pUndo, SwDrawFrmFmt *const pOldFmt,
1594         String const& rTxt,
1595                                      const String& rSeparator,
1596                                      const String& rNumberSeparator,
1597 									 const sal_uInt16 nId,
1598                                      const String& rCharacterStyle,
1599                                      SdrObject& rSdrObj )
1600 {
1601     ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
1602     ::sw::DrawUndoGuard const drawUndoGuard(rDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
1604 	// Erstmal das Feld bauen, weil ueber den Namen die TxtColl besorgt
1605 	// werden muss
1606     OSL_ENSURE( nId == USHRT_MAX  || nId < rDoc.GetFldTypes()->Count(),
1607             "FldType index out of bounds" );
1608     SwFieldType *pType = nId != USHRT_MAX ? (*rDoc.GetFldTypes())[nId] : 0;
1609     OSL_ENSURE( !pType || pType->Which() == RES_SETEXPFLD, "Wrong label id" );
1611     SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = NULL;
1612     if( pType )
1613     {
1614         for( sal_uInt16 i = pTxtFmtCollTbl->Count(); i; )
1615         {
1616             if( (*pTxtFmtCollTbl)[ --i ]->GetName() == pType->GetName() )
1617             {
1618                 pColl = (*pTxtFmtCollTbl)[i];
1619                 break;
1620             }
1621         }
1622         DBG_ASSERT( pColl, "no text collection found" );
1623     }
1625     if( !pColl )
1626     {
1627         pColl = rDoc.GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL );
1628     }
1630     SwTxtNode* pNew = NULL;
1631     SwFlyFrmFmt* pNewFmt = NULL;
1633 	// Rahmen zerstoeren, neuen Rahmen einfuegen, entsprechenden
1634 	// Node mit Feld in den neuen Rahmen, den alten Rahmen mit
1635 	// dem Object (Grafik/Ole) absatzgebunden in den neuen Rahmen,
1636 	// Frames erzeugen.
1638     // OD 27.11.2003 #112045# - Keep layer ID of drawing object before removing
1639     // its frames.
1640     // Note: The layer ID is passed to the undo and have to be the correct value.
1641     //       Removing the frames of the drawing object changes its layer.
1642     const SdrLayerID nLayerId = rSdrObj.GetLayer();
1644 	pOldFmt->DelFrms();
1646 	//Bei InCntnt's wird es spannend: Das TxtAttribut muss
1647 	//vernichtet werden. Leider reisst dies neben den Frms auch
1648 	//noch das Format mit in sein Grab. Um dass zu unterbinden
1649 	//loesen wir vorher die Verbindung zwischen Attribut und Format.
1650 	SfxItemSet* pNewSet = pOldFmt->GetAttrSet().Clone( sal_False );
1652 	// Ggf. Groesse und Position des Rahmens schuetzen
1653 	if ( rSdrObj.IsMoveProtect() || rSdrObj.IsResizeProtect() )
1654 	{
1655         SvxProtectItem aProtect(RES_PROTECT);
1656 		aProtect.SetCntntProtect( sal_False );
1657 		aProtect.SetPosProtect( rSdrObj.IsMoveProtect() );
1658 		aProtect.SetSizeProtect( rSdrObj.IsResizeProtect() );
1659 		pNewSet->Put( aProtect );
1660 	}
1662 	// Umlauf uebernehmen
1663 	lcl_CpyAttr( *pNewSet, pOldFmt->GetAttrSet(), RES_SURROUND );
1665 	// Den Rahmen ggf. in den Hintergrund schicken.
1666     // OD 02.07.2003 #108784# - consider 'invisible' hell layer.
1667     if ( rDoc.GetHellId() != nLayerId &&
1668          rDoc.GetInvisibleHellId() != nLayerId )
1669 	{
1670         SvxOpaqueItem aOpaque( RES_OPAQUE );
1671 		aOpaque.SetValue( sal_True );
1672 		pNewSet->Put( aOpaque );
1673 	}
1675 	// Position uebernehmen
1676     // OD 2004-04-15 #i26791# - use directly the positioning attributes of
1677     // the drawing object.
1678     pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetHoriOrient() );
1679     pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetVertOrient() );
1681 	pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetAnchor() );
1683 	//In der Hoehe soll der neue Varabel sein!
1684  	Size aSz( rSdrObj.GetCurrentBoundRect().GetSize() );
1685 	SwFmtFrmSize aFrmSize( ATT_MIN_SIZE, aSz.Width(), aSz.Height() );
1686 	pNewSet->Put( aFrmSize );
1688 	// Abstaende auf den neuen Rahmen uebertragen. Eine Umrandung
1689 	// gibt es beu Zeichen-Objekten nicht, also muss sie geloescht
1690 	// werden.
1691 	// MA: Falsch sie wird nicht gesetzt, denn die aus der Vorlage
1692 	// soll ruhig wirksam werden
1693 	pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetLRSpace() );
1694 	pNewSet->Put( pOldFmt->GetULSpace() );
1696     SwStartNode* pSttNd =
1697         rDoc.GetNodes().MakeTextSection(
1698             SwNodeIndex( rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext() ),
1699                                     SwFlyStartNode, pColl );
1701     pNewFmt = rDoc.MakeFlyFrmFmt( rDoc.GetUniqueFrameName(),
1702                  rDoc.GetFrmFmtFromPool( RES_POOLFRM_FRAME ) );
1704 	// JP 28.10.99: Bug 69487 - set border and shadow to default if the
1705 	// 				template contains any.
1706 	if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True ))
1707 		pNewSet->Put( *GetDfltAttr( RES_BOX ) );
1709 	if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pNewFmt->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(RES_SHADOW,sal_True))
1710 		pNewSet->Put( *GetDfltAttr( RES_SHADOW ) );
1712     pNewFmt->SetFmtAttr( SwFmtCntnt( pSttNd ));
1713     pNewFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pNewSet );
1715 	const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pNewFmt->GetAnchor();
1716     if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId() )
1717 	{
1718 		const SwPosition *pPos = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor();
1719 		SwTxtNode *pTxtNode = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
1720 		ASSERT( pTxtNode->HasHints(), "Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." );
1721 		const xub_StrLen nIdx = pPos->nContent.GetIndex();
1722         SwTxtAttr * const pHnt =
1723             pTxtNode->GetTxtAttrForCharAt( nIdx, RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT );
1725 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1726 		ASSERT( pHnt && pHnt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT,
1727 					"Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." );
1728 		ASSERT( pHnt && ((SwFmtFlyCnt&)pHnt->GetFlyCnt()).
1729 					GetFrmFmt() == (SwFrmFmt*)pOldFmt,
1730 					"Wrong TxtFlyCnt-Hint." );
1731 #endif
1732         const_cast<SwFmtFlyCnt&>(pHnt->GetFlyCnt()).SetFlyFmt( pNewFmt );
1733     }
1736 	//Der Alte soll keinen Umlauf haben, und er soll oben/mittig
1737 	//ausgerichtet sein.
1738 	pNewSet->ClearItem();
1740 	pNewSet->Put( SwFmtSurround( SURROUND_NONE ) );
1741     if (nLayerId == rDoc.GetHellId())
1742     {
1743         rSdrObj.SetLayer( rDoc.GetHeavenId() );
1744     }
1745     // OD 02.07.2003 #108784# - consider drawing objects in 'invisible' hell layer
1746     else if (nLayerId == rDoc.GetInvisibleHellId())
1747     {
1748         rSdrObj.SetLayer( rDoc.GetInvisibleHeavenId() );
1749     }
1750     pNewSet->Put( SvxLRSpaceItem( RES_LR_SPACE ) );
1751     pNewSet->Put( SvxULSpaceItem( RES_UL_SPACE ) );
1753     // OD 2004-04-15 #i26791# - set position of the drawing object, which is labeled.
1754     pNewSet->Put( SwFmtVertOrient( 0, text::VertOrientation::TOP, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ) );
1755     pNewSet->Put( SwFmtHoriOrient( 0, text::HoriOrientation::CENTER, text::RelOrientation::FRAME ) );
1757 	//Der Alte ist absatzgebunden, und zwar am Absatz im neuen.
1758     SwFmtAnchor aAnch( FLY_AT_PARA );
1759 	SwNodeIndex aAnchIdx( *pNewFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx(), 1 );
1760 	pNew = aAnchIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
1761 	SwPosition aPos( aAnchIdx );
1762 	aAnch.SetAnchor( &aPos );
1763 	pNewSet->Put( aAnch );
1765 	if( pUndo )
1766 	{
1767 		pUndo->SetFlys( *pOldFmt, *pNewSet, *pNewFmt );
1768         // OD 2004-04-15 #i26791# - position no longer needed
1769         pUndo->SetDrawObj( nLayerId );
1770 	}
1771 	else
1772         pOldFmt->SetFmtAttr( *pNewSet );
1774 	delete pNewSet;
1776 	//Nun nur noch die Flys erzeugen lassen. Das ueberlassen
1777 	//wir vorhanden Methoden (insb. fuer InCntFlys etwas aufwendig).
1778 	pNewFmt->MakeFrms();
1780 	ASSERT( pNew, "No Label inserted" );
1782 	if( pNew )
1783 	{
1784         //#i61007# order of captions
1785         sal_Bool bOrderNumberingFirst = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig()->IsCaptionOrderNumberingFirst();
1787         // prepare string
1788         String aTxt;
1789         if( bOrderNumberingFirst )
1790         {
1791             aTxt = rNumberSeparator;
1792         }
1793         if ( pType )
1794         {
1795             aTxt += pType->GetName();
1796             if( !bOrderNumberingFirst )
1797                 aTxt += ' ';
1798         }
1799 		xub_StrLen nIdx = aTxt.Len();
1800         aTxt += rSeparator;
1801         xub_StrLen nSepIdx = aTxt.Len();
1802         aTxt += rTxt;
1804         // insert text
1805 		SwIndex aIdx( pNew, 0 );
1806         pNew->InsertText( aTxt, aIdx );
1808         // insert field
1809         if ( pType )
1810         {
1811             SwSetExpField aFld( (SwSetExpFieldType*)pType, aEmptyStr, SVX_NUM_ARABIC );
1812             if( bOrderNumberingFirst )
1813                 nIdx = 0;
1814             SwFmtFld aFmt( aFld );
1815             pNew->InsertItem( aFmt, nIdx, nIdx );
1816             if ( rCharacterStyle.Len() )
1817             {
1818                 SwCharFmt * pCharFmt = rDoc.FindCharFmtByName(rCharacterStyle);
1819                 if ( !pCharFmt )
1820                 {
1821                     const sal_uInt16 nMyId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName( rCharacterStyle, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT );
1822                     pCharFmt = rDoc.GetCharFmtFromPool( nMyId );
1823                 }
1824                 if ( pCharFmt )
1825                 {
1826                     SwFmtCharFmt aCharFmt( pCharFmt );
1827                     pNew->InsertItem( aCharFmt, 0, nSepIdx + 1,
1828                             nsSetAttrMode::SETATTR_DONTEXPAND );
1829                 }
1830             }
1831         }
1832     }
1834 	return pNewFmt;
1835 }
1837 SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::InsertDrawLabel(
1838         String const& rTxt,
1839         String const& rSeparator,
1840         String const& rNumberSeparator,
1841         sal_uInt16 const nId,
1842         String const& rCharacterStyle,
1843         SdrObject& rSdrObj )
1844 {
1845     SwDrawContact *const pContact =
1846         static_cast<SwDrawContact*>(GetUserCall( &rSdrObj ));
1847     OSL_ENSURE( RES_DRAWFRMFMT == pContact->GetFmt()->Which(),
1848             "InsertDrawLabel(): not a DrawFrmFmt" );
1849     if (!pContact)
1850         return 0;
1852     SwDrawFrmFmt* pOldFmt = (SwDrawFrmFmt *)pContact->GetFmt();
1853     if (!pOldFmt)
1854         return 0;
1856     SwUndoInsertLabel * pUndo = 0;
1857     if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
1858     {
1859         GetIDocumentUndoRedo().ClearRedo();
1860         pUndo = new SwUndoInsertLabel(
1861             LTYPE_DRAW, rTxt, rSeparator, rNumberSeparator, sal_False,
1862             nId, rCharacterStyle, sal_False );
1863     }
1865     SwFlyFrmFmt *const pNewFmt = lcl_InsertDrawLabel(
1866         *this, pTxtFmtCollTbl, pUndo, pOldFmt,
1867         rTxt, rSeparator, rNumberSeparator, nId, rCharacterStyle, rSdrObj);
1869     if (pUndo)
1870     {
1871         GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( pUndo );
1872     }
1873     else
1874     {
1875         GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DelAllUndoObj();
1876     }
1878     return pNewFmt;
1879 }
1882 /*************************************************************************
1883 |*
1884 |*	IDocumentTimerAccess-methods
1885 |*
1886 |*************************************************************************/
1888 void SwDoc::StartIdling()
1889 {
1890     mbStartIdleTimer = sal_True;
1891     if( !mIdleBlockCount )
1892         aIdleTimer.Start();
1893 }
1895 void SwDoc::StopIdling()
1896 {
1897     mbStartIdleTimer = sal_False;
1898     aIdleTimer.Stop();
1899 }
1901 void SwDoc::BlockIdling()
1902 {
1903     aIdleTimer.Stop();
1904     ++mIdleBlockCount;
1905 }
1907 void SwDoc::UnblockIdling()
1908 {
1909     --mIdleBlockCount;
1910     if( !mIdleBlockCount && mbStartIdleTimer && !aIdleTimer.IsActive() )
1911         aIdleTimer.Start();
1912 }
1915 /*************************************************************************
1916 |*
1917 |*	SwDoc::DoIdleJobs()
1918 |*
1919 |*	Ersterstellung		OK 30.03.94
1920 |*	Letzte Aenderung	MA 09. Jun. 95
1921 |*
1922 |*************************************************************************/
1924 IMPL_LINK( SwDoc, DoIdleJobs, Timer *, pTimer )
1925 {
1926 #ifdef TIMELOG
1927 	static ::rtl::Logfile* pModLogFile = 0;
1928 	if( !pModLogFile )
1929 		pModLogFile = new ::rtl::Logfile( "First DoIdleJobs" );
1930 #endif
1932 	SwRootFrm* pTmpRoot = GetCurrentLayout();//swmod 080219
1933 	if( pTmpRoot &&
1934         !SfxProgress::GetActiveProgress( pDocShell ) )
1935 	{
1936 		ViewShell *pSh, *pStartSh;
1937 		pSh = pStartSh = GetCurrentViewShell();
1938 		do {
1939 			if( pSh->ActionPend() )
1940             {
1941                 if( pTimer )
1942                     pTimer->Start();
1943 				return 0;
1944             }
1945 			pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext();
1946 		} while( pSh != pStartSh );
1948         if( pTmpRoot->IsNeedGrammarCheck() )
1949         {
1950             sal_Bool bIsOnlineSpell = pSh->GetViewOptions()->IsOnlineSpell();
1951             sal_Bool bIsAutoGrammar = sal_False;
1952             SvtLinguConfig().GetProperty( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(
1953                         UPN_IS_GRAMMAR_AUTO ) ) >>= bIsAutoGrammar;
1955             if (bIsOnlineSpell && bIsAutoGrammar)
1956                 StartGrammarChecking( *this );
1957         }
1958 		SwFldUpdateFlags nFldUpdFlag;
1959 		std::set<SwRootFrm*> aAllLayouts = GetAllLayouts();//swmod 080320
1960 		std::set<SwRootFrm*>::iterator pLayIter = aAllLayouts.begin();
1961 		for ( ;pLayIter != aAllLayouts.end();pLayIter++ )
1962 		{
1963 			if ((*pLayIter)->IsIdleFormat())
1964 			{
1965 				(*pLayIter)->GetCurrShell()->LayoutIdle();
1966 				break;
1967 			}
1968 		}
1969 	    bool bAllValid = pLayIter == aAllLayouts.end() ? 1 : 0;
1970         if( bAllValid && ( AUTOUPD_FIELD_ONLY ==
1971                  ( nFldUpdFlag = getFieldUpdateFlags(true) )
1972 					|| AUTOUPD_FIELD_AND_CHARTS == nFldUpdFlag ) &&
1973 				GetUpdtFlds().IsFieldsDirty() &&
1974 				!GetUpdtFlds().IsInUpdateFlds() &&
1975 				!IsExpFldsLocked()
1976 				// das umschalten der Feldname fuehrt zu keinem Update der
1977 				// Felder, also der "Hintergrund-Update" immer erfolgen
1978 				/* && !pStartSh->GetViewOptions()->IsFldName()*/ )
1979 		{
1980 			// chaos::Action-Klammerung!
1981 			GetUpdtFlds().SetInUpdateFlds( sal_True );
1983 			pTmpRoot->StartAllAction();
1985             // no jump on update of fields #i85168#
1986             const sal_Bool bOldLockView = pStartSh->IsViewLocked();
1987             pStartSh->LockView( sal_True );
1989 			GetSysFldType( RES_CHAPTERFLD )->ModifyNotification( 0, 0 );	// KapitelFld
1990 			UpdateExpFlds( 0, sal_False );		// Expression-Felder Updaten
1991 			UpdateTblFlds(NULL);				// Tabellen
1992 			UpdateRefFlds(NULL);				// Referenzen
1994 			pTmpRoot->EndAllAction();
1996             pStartSh->LockView( bOldLockView );
1998 			GetUpdtFlds().SetInUpdateFlds( sal_False );
1999 			GetUpdtFlds().SetFieldsDirty( sal_False );
2000 		}
2001 	}	//swmod 080219
2002 #ifdef TIMELOG
2003 	if( pModLogFile && 1 != (long)pModLogFile )
2004 		delete pModLogFile, ((long&)pModLogFile) = 1;
2005 #endif
2006     if( pTimer )
2007         pTimer->Start();
2008 	return 0;
2009 }
2011 IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SwDoc, BackgroundDone, SvxBrushItem*, EMPTYARG )
2012 {
2013 	ViewShell *pSh, *pStartSh;
2014 	pSh = pStartSh = pThis->GetCurrentViewShell();	//swmod 071108//swmod 071225
2015 	if( pStartSh )
2016 		do {
2017 			if( pSh->GetWin() )
2018 			{
2019 				//Fuer Repaint mir virtuellen Device sorgen.
2020 				pSh->LockPaint();
2021 				pSh->UnlockPaint( sal_True );
2022 			}
2023 			pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext();
2024 		} while( pSh != pStartSh );
2025 	return 0;
2026 }
2028 static String lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( const SwDoc* pDoc, sal_uInt16 nDefStrId )
2029 {
2030 	ResId aId( nDefStrId, *pSwResMgr );
2031 	String aName( aId );
2032 	xub_StrLen nNmLen = aName.Len();
2034 	const SwSpzFrmFmts& rFmts = *pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts();
2036 	sal_uInt16 nNum, nTmp, nFlagSize = ( rFmts.Count() / 8 ) +2;
2037 	sal_uInt8* pSetFlags = new sal_uInt8[ nFlagSize ];
2038 	sal_uInt16 n;
2040 	memset( pSetFlags, 0, nFlagSize );
2042 	for( n = 0; n < rFmts.Count(); ++n )
2043 	{
2044 		const SwFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = rFmts[ n ];
2045 		if( RES_FLYFRMFMT == pFlyFmt->Which() &&
2046 			pFlyFmt->GetName().Match( aName ) == nNmLen )
2047 		{
2048 			// Nummer bestimmen und das Flag setzen
2049             nNum = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( pFlyFmt->GetName().Copy( nNmLen ).ToInt32() );
2050 			if( nNum-- && nNum < rFmts.Count() )
2051 				pSetFlags[ nNum / 8 ] |= (0x01 << ( nNum & 0x07 ));
2052 		}
2053 	}
2055 	// alle Nummern entsprechend geflag, also bestimme die richtige Nummer
2056 	nNum = rFmts.Count();
2057 	for( n = 0; n < nFlagSize; ++n )
2058 		if( 0xff != ( nTmp = pSetFlags[ n ] ))
2059 		{
2060 			// also die Nummer bestimmen
2061 			nNum = n * 8;
2062 			while( nTmp & 1 )
2063 				++nNum, nTmp >>= 1;
2064 			break;
2065 		}
2067 	delete [] pSetFlags;
2068 	return aName += String::CreateFromInt32( ++nNum );
2069 }
2071 String SwDoc::GetUniqueGrfName() const
2072 {
2073 	return lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( this, STR_GRAPHIC_DEFNAME );
2074 }
2076 String SwDoc::GetUniqueOLEName() const
2077 {
2078 	return lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( this, STR_OBJECT_DEFNAME );
2079 }
2081 String SwDoc::GetUniqueFrameName() const
2082 {
2083 	return lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( this, STR_FRAME_DEFNAME );
2084 }
2086 const SwFlyFrmFmt* SwDoc::FindFlyByName( const String& rName, sal_Int8 nNdTyp ) const
2087 {
2088 	const SwSpzFrmFmts& rFmts = *GetSpzFrmFmts();
2089 	for( sal_uInt16 n = rFmts.Count(); n; )
2090 	{
2091 		const SwFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = rFmts[ --n ];
2092 		const SwNodeIndex* pIdx;
2093 		if( RES_FLYFRMFMT == pFlyFmt->Which() && pFlyFmt->GetName() == rName &&
2094 			0 != ( pIdx = pFlyFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx() ) &&
2095 			pIdx->GetNode().GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
2096 		{
2097 			if( nNdTyp )
2098 			{
2099 				// dann noch auf den richtigen Node-Typ abfragen
2100 				const SwNode* pNd = GetNodes()[ pIdx->GetIndex()+1 ];
2101 				if( nNdTyp == ND_TEXTNODE
2102 						? !pNd->IsNoTxtNode()
2103 						: nNdTyp == pNd->GetNodeType() )
2104 					return (SwFlyFrmFmt*)pFlyFmt;
2105 			}
2106 			else
2107 				return (SwFlyFrmFmt*)pFlyFmt;
2108 		}
2109 	}
2110 	return 0;
2111 }
2113 void SwDoc::SetFlyName( SwFlyFrmFmt& rFmt, const String& rName )
2114 {
2115 	String sName( rName );
2116 	if( !rName.Len() || FindFlyByName( rName ) )
2117 	{
2118 		sal_uInt16 nTyp = STR_FRAME_DEFNAME;
2119 		const SwNodeIndex* pIdx = rFmt.GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx();
2120 		if( pIdx && pIdx->GetNode().GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
2121 			switch( GetNodes()[ pIdx->GetIndex() + 1 ]->GetNodeType() )
2122 			{
2123 			case ND_GRFNODE:	nTyp = STR_GRAPHIC_DEFNAME;	break;
2124 			case ND_OLENODE:	nTyp = STR_OBJECT_DEFNAME;	break;
2125 			}
2126 		sName = lcl_GetUniqueFlyName( this, nTyp );
2127 	}
2128 	rFmt.SetName( sName, sal_True );
2129     SetModified();
2130 }
2132 void SwDoc::SetAllUniqueFlyNames()
2133 {
2134 	sal_uInt16 n, nFlyNum = 0, nGrfNum = 0, nOLENum = 0;
2136 	ResId nFrmId( STR_FRAME_DEFNAME, *pSwResMgr ),
2137 		  nGrfId( STR_GRAPHIC_DEFNAME, *pSwResMgr ),
2138 		  nOLEId( STR_OBJECT_DEFNAME, *pSwResMgr );
2139 	String sFlyNm( nFrmId );
2140 	String sGrfNm( nGrfId );
2141 	String sOLENm( nOLEId );
2143 	if( 255 < ( n = GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count() ))
2144 		n = 255;
2145 	SwSpzFrmFmts aArr( (sal_Int8)n, 10 );
2146 	SwFrmFmtPtr pFlyFmt;
2147 	bool bContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor = false;
2149 	for( n = GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count(); n; )
2150 	{
2151 		if( RES_FLYFRMFMT == (pFlyFmt = (*GetSpzFrmFmts())[ --n ])->Which() )
2152 		{
2153 			sal_uInt16 *pNum = 0;
2154 			xub_StrLen nLen;
2155 			const String& rNm = pFlyFmt->GetName();
2156 			if( rNm.Len() )
2157 			{
2158 				if( rNm.Match( sGrfNm ) == ( nLen = sGrfNm.Len() ))
2159 					pNum = &nGrfNum;
2160 				else if( rNm.Match( sFlyNm ) == ( nLen = sFlyNm.Len() ))
2161 					pNum = &nFlyNum;
2162 				else if( rNm.Match( sOLENm ) == ( nLen = sOLENm.Len() ))
2163 					pNum = &nOLENum;
2165                 if ( pNum && *pNum < ( nLen = static_cast< xub_StrLen >( rNm.Copy( nLen ).ToInt32() ) ) )
2166 					*pNum = nLen;
2167 			}
2168 			else
2169 				// das wollen wir nachher setzen
2170 				aArr.Insert( pFlyFmt, aArr.Count() );
2172 		}
2173 		if ( !bContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor )
2174 		{
2175 			const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFlyFmt->GetAnchor();
2176             if ( (FLY_AT_PAGE == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) &&
2177                  rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() )
2178             {
2179 				bContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor = true;
2180             }
2181 		}
2182 	}
2183     SetContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor( bContainsAtPageObjWithContentAnchor );
2185 	const SwNodeIndex* pIdx;
2187 	for( n = aArr.Count(); n; )
2188 		if( 0 != ( pIdx = ( pFlyFmt = aArr[ --n ])->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx() )
2189 			&& pIdx->GetNode().GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
2190 		{
2191 			sal_uInt16 nNum;
2192 			String sNm;
2193 			switch( GetNodes()[ pIdx->GetIndex() + 1 ]->GetNodeType() )
2194 			{
2195 			case ND_GRFNODE:
2196 				sNm = sGrfNm;
2197 				nNum = ++nGrfNum;
2198 				break;
2199 			case ND_OLENODE:
2200 				sNm = sOLENm;
2201 				nNum = ++nOLENum;
2202 				break;
2203 			default:
2204 				sNm = sFlyNm;
2205 				nNum = ++nFlyNum;
2206 				break;
2207 			}
2208 			pFlyFmt->SetName( sNm += String::CreateFromInt32( nNum ));
2209 		}
2210 	aArr.Remove( 0, aArr.Count() );
2212 	if( GetFtnIdxs().Count() )
2213 	{
2214 		SwTxtFtn::SetUniqueSeqRefNo( *this );
2215         // --> FME 2005-08-02 #i52775# Chapter footnotes did not
2216         // get updated correctly. Calling UpdateAllFtn() instead of
2217         // UpdateFtn() solves this problem, but I do not dare to
2218         // call UpdateAllFtn() in all cases: Safety first.
2219         if ( FTNNUM_CHAPTER == GetFtnInfo().eNum )
2220         {
2221             GetFtnIdxs().UpdateAllFtn();
2222         }
2223         // <--
2224         else
2225         {
2226             SwNodeIndex aTmp( GetNodes() );
2227             GetFtnIdxs().UpdateFtn( aTmp );
2228         }
2229     }
2230 }
2232 sal_Bool SwDoc::IsInHeaderFooter( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx ) const
2233 {
2234 	// gibt es ein Layout, dann ueber das laufen!!
2235 	//	(Das kann dann auch Fly in Fly in Kopfzeile !)
2236 	// MIB 9.2.98: Wird auch vom sw3io benutzt, um festzustellen, ob sich
2237 	// ein Redline-Objekt in einer Kopf- oder Fusszeile befindet. Da
2238 	// Redlines auch an Start- und Endnodes haengen, muss der Index nicht
2239 	// unbedingt der eines Content-Nodes sein.
2240 	SwNode* pNd = &rIdx.GetNode();
2241 	if( pNd->IsCntntNode() && pCurrentView )//swmod 071029//swmod 071225
2242 	{
2243         const SwFrm *pFrm = pNd->GetCntntNode()->getLayoutFrm( GetCurrentLayout() );
2244 		if( pFrm )
2245 		{
2246             const SwFrm *pUp = pFrm->GetUpper();
2247 			while ( pUp && !pUp->IsHeaderFrm() && !pUp->IsFooterFrm() )
2248 			{
2249 				if ( pUp->IsFlyFrm() )
2250                     pUp = ((SwFlyFrm*)pUp)->GetAnchorFrm();
2251 				pUp = pUp->GetUpper();
2252 			}
2253 			if ( pUp )
2254 				return sal_True;
2256 			return sal_False;
2257 		}
2258 	}
2261 	const SwNode* pFlyNd = pNd->FindFlyStartNode();
2262 	while( pFlyNd )
2263 	{
2264 		// dann ueber den Anker nach oben "hangeln"
2265 		sal_uInt16 n;
2266 		for( n = 0; n < GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count(); ++n )
2267 		{
2268 			const SwFrmFmt* pFmt = (*GetSpzFrmFmts())[ n ];
2269 			const SwNodeIndex* pIdx = pFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx();
2270 			if( pIdx && pFlyNd == &pIdx->GetNode() )
2271 			{
2272 				const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = pFmt->GetAnchor();
2273                 if ((FLY_AT_PAGE == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
2274 					!rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() )
2275                 {
2276 					return sal_False;
2277                 }
2279 				pNd = &rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.GetNode();
2280 				pFlyNd = pNd->FindFlyStartNode();
2281 				break;
2282 			}
2283 		}
2284 		if( n >= GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count() )
2285 		{
2286 			ASSERT( mbInReading, "Fly-Section aber kein Format gefunden" );
2287 			return sal_False;
2288 		}
2289 	}
2291 	return 0 != pNd->FindHeaderStartNode() ||
2292 			0 != pNd->FindFooterStartNode();
2293 }
2295 short SwDoc::GetTextDirection( const SwPosition& rPos,
2296                                const Point* pPt ) const
2297 {
2298     short nRet = -1;
2300 	SwCntntNode *pNd = rPos.nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode();
2302     // --> OD 2005-02-21 #i42921# - use new method <SwCntntNode::GetTextDirection(..)>
2303     if ( pNd )
2304     {
2305         nRet = pNd->GetTextDirection( rPos, pPt );
2306     }
2307     if ( nRet == -1 )
2308     // <--
2309 	{
2310 		const SvxFrameDirectionItem* pItem = 0;
2311 		if( pNd )
2312 		{
2313 			// in a flyframe? Then look at that for the correct attribute
2314 			const SwFrmFmt* pFlyFmt = pNd->GetFlyFmt();
2315 			while( pFlyFmt )
2316 			{
2317 				pItem = &pFlyFmt->GetFrmDir();
2318 				if( FRMDIR_ENVIRONMENT == pItem->GetValue() )
2319 				{
2320 					pItem = 0;
2321 					const SwFmtAnchor* pAnchor = &pFlyFmt->GetAnchor();
2322                     if ((FLY_AT_PAGE != pAnchor->GetAnchorId()) &&
2323                         pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor())
2324                     {
2325 						pFlyFmt = pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.
2326 											GetNode().GetFlyFmt();
2327                     }
2328 					else
2329 						pFlyFmt = 0;
2330 				}
2331 				else
2332 					pFlyFmt = 0;
2333 			}
2335 			if( !pItem )
2336 			{
2337 				const SwPageDesc* pPgDsc = pNd->FindPageDesc( sal_False );
2338 				if( pPgDsc )
2339 					pItem = &pPgDsc->GetMaster().GetFrmDir();
2340 			}
2341 		}
2342 		if( !pItem )
2343 			pItem = (SvxFrameDirectionItem*)&GetAttrPool().GetDefaultItem(
2344 															RES_FRAMEDIR );
2345         nRet = pItem->GetValue();
2346 	}
2347     return nRet;
2348 }
2350 sal_Bool SwDoc::IsInVerticalText( const SwPosition& rPos, const Point* pPt ) const
2351 {
2352     const short nDir = GetTextDirection( rPos, pPt );
2353     return FRMDIR_VERT_TOP_RIGHT == nDir || FRMDIR_VERT_TOP_LEFT == nDir;
2354 }
2356 void SwDoc::SetCurrentViewShell( ViewShell* pNew )
2357 {
2358     pCurrentView = pNew;
2359 }
2361 SwLayouter* SwDoc::GetLayouter()
2362 {
2363     return pLayouter;
2364 }
2366 const SwLayouter* SwDoc::GetLayouter() const
2367 {
2368     return pLayouter;
2369 }
2371 void SwDoc::SetLayouter( SwLayouter* pNew )
2372 {
2373     pLayouter = pNew;
2374 }
2376 const ViewShell *SwDoc::GetCurrentViewShell() const
2377 {
2378     return pCurrentView;
2379 }
2381 ViewShell *SwDoc::GetCurrentViewShell()
2382 {
2383     return pCurrentView;
2384 }	//swmod 080219 It must be able to communicate to a ViewShell.This is going to be removedd later.
2386 const SwRootFrm *SwDoc::GetCurrentLayout() const
2387 {
2388 	if(GetCurrentViewShell())
2389 		return GetCurrentViewShell()->GetLayout();
2390 	return 0;
2391 }
2393 SwRootFrm *SwDoc::GetCurrentLayout()
2394 {
2395 	if(GetCurrentViewShell())
2396 		return GetCurrentViewShell()->GetLayout();
2397 	return 0;
2398 }
2400 bool SwDoc::HasLayout() const
2401 {
2402     // if there is a view, there is always a layout
2403     return (pCurrentView != 0);
2404 }
2406 std::set<SwRootFrm*> SwDoc::GetAllLayouts()
2407 {
2408     std::set<SwRootFrm*> aAllLayouts;
2409     ViewShell *pStart = GetCurrentViewShell();
2410     ViewShell *pTemp = pStart;
2411     if ( pTemp )
2412     {
2413         do
2414         {
2415             if (pTemp->GetLayout())
2416             {
2417                 aAllLayouts.insert(pTemp->GetLayout());
2418                 pTemp = (ViewShell*)pTemp->GetNext();
2419             }
2420         } while(pTemp!=pStart);
2421     }
2423     return aAllLayouts;
2424 }//swmod 070825
2427 void SwDoc::ShareLayout(boost::shared_ptr<SwRootFrm>& rPtr)
2428 {
2429     pLayoutPtr = rPtr;
2430 }