xref: /aoo41x/main/sw/source/core/fields/reffld.cxx (revision c0286415)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
30 #include <svl/svstdarr.hxx>
31 #include <com/sun/star/text/ReferenceFieldPart.hpp>
32 #include <com/sun/star/text/ReferenceFieldSource.hpp>
33 #include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx>
34 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
35 #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
36 #include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
37 #include <doc.hxx>
38 #include <pam.hxx>
39 #include <cntfrm.hxx>
40 #include <pagefrm.hxx>
41 #include <docary.hxx>
42 #include <fmtfld.hxx>
43 #include <txtfld.hxx>
44 #include <txtftn.hxx>
45 #include <fmtrfmrk.hxx>
46 #include <txtrfmrk.hxx>
47 #include <fmtftn.hxx>
48 #include <ndtxt.hxx>
49 #include <chpfld.hxx>
50 #include <reffld.hxx>
51 #include <expfld.hxx>
52 #include <txtfrm.hxx>
53 #include <flyfrm.hxx>
54 #include <pagedesc.hxx>
55 #include <IMark.hxx>
56 #include <crossrefbookmark.hxx>
57 #include <ftnidx.hxx>
58 #include <viewsh.hxx>
59 #include <unofldmid.h>
60 #include <SwStyleNameMapper.hxx>
61 #include <shellres.hxx>
62 #include <poolfmt.hxx>
63 #include <poolfmt.hrc>
64 #include <comcore.hrc>
65 #include <numrule.hxx>
66 #include <SwNodeNum.hxx>
67 #include <switerator.hxx>
69 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
70 using namespace ::com::sun::star::text;
71 using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
72 using ::rtl::OUString;
74 extern void InsertSort( SvUShorts& rArr, sal_uInt16 nIdx, sal_uInt16* pInsPos = 0 );
76 void lcl_GetLayTree( const SwFrm* pFrm, SvPtrarr& rArr )
77 {
78 	while( pFrm )
79 	{
80 		if( pFrm->IsBodyFrm() )		// soll uns nicht weiter interessieren
81 			pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper();
82 		else
83 		{
84 			void* p = (void*)pFrm;
85 			rArr.Insert( p, rArr.Count() );
87 			// bei der Seite ist schluss
88 			if( pFrm->IsPageFrm() )
89 				break;
91 			if( pFrm->IsFlyFrm() )
92                 pFrm = ((SwFlyFrm*)pFrm)->GetAnchorFrm();
93 			else
94 				pFrm = pFrm->GetUpper();
95 		}
96 	}
97 }
100 sal_Bool IsFrameBehind( const SwTxtNode& rMyNd, sal_uInt16 nMySttPos,
101 					const SwTxtNode& rBehindNd, sal_uInt16 nSttPos )
102 {
103 	const SwTxtFrm *pMyFrm = (SwTxtFrm*)rMyNd.getLayoutFrm( rMyNd.GetDoc()->GetCurrentLayout(), 0,0,sal_False),
104 				   *pFrm = (SwTxtFrm*)rBehindNd.getLayoutFrm( rBehindNd.GetDoc()->GetCurrentLayout(), 0,0,sal_False);
106 	while( pFrm && !pFrm->IsInside( nSttPos ) )
107 		pFrm = (SwTxtFrm*)pFrm->GetFollow();
108 	while( pMyFrm && !pMyFrm->IsInside( nMySttPos ) )
109 		pMyFrm = (SwTxtFrm*)pMyFrm->GetFollow();
111 	if( !pFrm || !pMyFrm || pFrm == pMyFrm )
112 		return sal_False;
114 	SvPtrarr aRefArr( 10, 10 ), aArr( 10, 10 );
115 	::lcl_GetLayTree( pFrm, aRefArr );
116 	::lcl_GetLayTree( pMyFrm, aArr );
118 	sal_uInt16 nRefCnt = aRefArr.Count() - 1, nCnt = aArr.Count() - 1;
119     sal_Bool bVert = sal_False;
120     sal_Bool bR2L = sal_False;
122 	// solange bis ein Frame ungleich ist ?
123 	while( nRefCnt && nCnt && aRefArr[ nRefCnt ] == aArr[ nCnt ] )
124     {
125         const SwFrm* pTmpFrm = (const SwFrm*)aArr[ nCnt ];
126         bVert = pTmpFrm->IsVertical();
127         bR2L = pTmpFrm->IsRightToLeft();
128         --nCnt, --nRefCnt;
129     }
131 	// sollte einer der Counter ueberlaeufen?
132 	if( aRefArr[ nRefCnt ] == aArr[ nCnt ] )
133 	{
134 		if( nCnt )
135 			--nCnt;
136 		else
137 			--nRefCnt;
138 	}
140 	const SwFrm* pRefFrm = (const SwFrm*)aRefArr[ nRefCnt ];
141 	const SwFrm* pFldFrm = (const SwFrm*)aArr[ nCnt ];
143 	// unterschiedliche Frames, dann ueberpruefe deren Y-/X-Position
144 	sal_Bool bRefIsLower = sal_False;
145 	if( ( FRM_COLUMN | FRM_CELL ) & pFldFrm->GetType() ||
146 		( FRM_COLUMN | FRM_CELL ) & pRefFrm->GetType() )
147 	{
148 		if( pFldFrm->GetType() == pRefFrm->GetType() )
149 		{
150 			// hier ist die X-Pos wichtiger!
151             if( bVert )
152             {
153                 if( bR2L )
154                     bRefIsLower = pRefFrm->Frm().Top() < pFldFrm->Frm().Top() ||
155                             ( pRefFrm->Frm().Top() == pFldFrm->Frm().Top() &&
156                               pRefFrm->Frm().Left() < pFldFrm->Frm().Left() );
157                 else
158                     bRefIsLower = pRefFrm->Frm().Top() < pFldFrm->Frm().Top() ||
159                             ( pRefFrm->Frm().Top() == pFldFrm->Frm().Top() &&
160                               pRefFrm->Frm().Left() > pFldFrm->Frm().Left() );
161             }
162             else if( bR2L )
163                 bRefIsLower = pRefFrm->Frm().Left() > pFldFrm->Frm().Left() ||
164                             ( pRefFrm->Frm().Left() == pFldFrm->Frm().Left() &&
165                               pRefFrm->Frm().Top() < pFldFrm->Frm().Top() );
166             else
167                 bRefIsLower = pRefFrm->Frm().Left() < pFldFrm->Frm().Left() ||
168                             ( pRefFrm->Frm().Left() == pFldFrm->Frm().Left() &&
169                               pRefFrm->Frm().Top() < pFldFrm->Frm().Top() );
170             pRefFrm = 0;
171 		}
172 		else if( ( FRM_COLUMN | FRM_CELL ) & pFldFrm->GetType() )
173 			pFldFrm = (const SwFrm*)aArr[ nCnt - 1 ];
174 		else
175 			pRefFrm = (const SwFrm*)aRefArr[ nRefCnt - 1 ];
176 	}
178 	if( pRefFrm ) 				// als Flag missbrauchen
179     {
180         if( bVert )
181         {
182             if( bR2L )
183                 bRefIsLower = pRefFrm->Frm().Left() < pFldFrm->Frm().Left() ||
184                             ( pRefFrm->Frm().Left() == pFldFrm->Frm().Left() &&
185                                 pRefFrm->Frm().Top() < pFldFrm->Frm().Top() );
186             else
187                 bRefIsLower = pRefFrm->Frm().Left() > pFldFrm->Frm().Left() ||
188                             ( pRefFrm->Frm().Left() == pFldFrm->Frm().Left() &&
189                                 pRefFrm->Frm().Top() < pFldFrm->Frm().Top() );
190         }
191         else if( bR2L )
192             bRefIsLower = pRefFrm->Frm().Top() < pFldFrm->Frm().Top() ||
193                         ( pRefFrm->Frm().Top() == pFldFrm->Frm().Top() &&
194                             pRefFrm->Frm().Left() > pFldFrm->Frm().Left() );
195         else
196             bRefIsLower = pRefFrm->Frm().Top() < pFldFrm->Frm().Top() ||
197                         ( pRefFrm->Frm().Top() == pFldFrm->Frm().Top() &&
198                             pRefFrm->Frm().Left() < pFldFrm->Frm().Left() );
199     }
200     return bRefIsLower;
201 }
203 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
204 	Beschreibung: Referenzen holen
205  --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
208 SwGetRefField::SwGetRefField( SwGetRefFieldType* pFldType,
209 							  const String& rSetRef, sal_uInt16 nSubTyp,
210 							  sal_uInt16 nSeqenceNo, sal_uLong nFmt )
211     : SwField( pFldType, nFmt ),
212       sSetRefName( rSetRef ),
213       nSubType( nSubTyp ),
214       nSeqNo( nSeqenceNo )
215 {
216 }
218 SwGetRefField::~SwGetRefField()
219 {
220 }
222 String SwGetRefField::GetDescription() const
223 {
224     return SW_RES(STR_REFERENCE);
225 }
227 sal_uInt16 SwGetRefField::GetSubType() const
228 {
229 	return nSubType;
230 }
232 void SwGetRefField::SetSubType( sal_uInt16 n )
233 {
234 	nSubType = n;
235 }
237 // --> OD 2007-11-09 #i81002#
238 bool SwGetRefField::IsRefToHeadingCrossRefBookmark() const
239 {
240     return GetSubType() == REF_BOOKMARK &&
241         ::sw::mark::CrossRefHeadingBookmark::IsLegalName(sSetRefName);
242 }
244 bool SwGetRefField::IsRefToNumItemCrossRefBookmark() const
245 {
246     return GetSubType() == REF_BOOKMARK &&
247         ::sw::mark::CrossRefNumItemBookmark::IsLegalName(sSetRefName);
248 }
250 const SwTxtNode* SwGetRefField::GetReferencedTxtNode() const
251 {
252     SwDoc* pDoc = dynamic_cast<SwGetRefFieldType*>(GetTyp())->GetDoc();
253     sal_uInt16 nDummy = USHRT_MAX;
254     return SwGetRefFieldType::FindAnchor( pDoc, sSetRefName, nSubType, nSeqNo, &nDummy );
255 }
256 // <--
257 // --> OD 2008-01-09 #i85090#
258 String SwGetRefField::GetExpandedTxtOfReferencedTxtNode() const
259 {
260     const SwTxtNode* pReferencedTxtNode( GetReferencedTxtNode() );
261     return pReferencedTxtNode
262            ? pReferencedTxtNode->GetExpandTxt( 0, STRING_LEN, true, true )
263            : aEmptyStr;
264 }
266 String SwGetRefField::Expand() const
267 {
268 	return sTxt;
269 }
272 String SwGetRefField::GetFieldName() const
273 {
274 	String aStr(GetTyp()->GetName());
275 	aStr += ' ';
276 	aStr += sSetRefName;
277 	return aStr;
278 }
280 // --> OD 2007-09-07 #i81002# - parameter <pFldTxtAttr> added
281 void SwGetRefField::UpdateField( const SwTxtFld* pFldTxtAttr )
282 {
283 	sTxt.Erase();
285     SwDoc* pDoc = ((SwGetRefFieldType*)GetTyp())->GetDoc();
286     sal_uInt16 nStt = USHRT_MAX;
287     sal_uInt16 nEnd = USHRT_MAX;
288 	SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = SwGetRefFieldType::FindAnchor( pDoc, sSetRefName,
289 										nSubType, nSeqNo, &nStt, &nEnd );
290     if ( !pTxtNd )
291     {
292         sTxt = ViewShell::GetShellRes()->aGetRefFld_RefItemNotFound;
293 		return ;
294     }
296 	switch( GetFormat() )
297 	{
298 	case REF_CONTENT:
301 	case REF_ONLYSEQNO:
302 		{
303 			switch( nSubType )
304 			{
305 			case REF_SEQUENCEFLD:
306 				nEnd = pTxtNd->GetTxt().Len();
307 				switch( GetFormat() )
308 				{
309 				case REF_ONLYNUMBER:
310 					if( nStt + 1 < nEnd )
311 						nEnd = nStt + 1;
312 					nStt = 0;
313 					break;
315 				case REF_ONLYCAPTION:
316 					{
317                         const SwTxtAttr* const pTxtAttr =
318                             pTxtNd->GetTxtAttrForCharAt(nStt, RES_TXTATR_FIELD);
319 						if( pTxtAttr )
320 							nStt = SwGetExpField::GetReferenceTextPos(
321 												pTxtAttr->GetFmtFld(), *pDoc );
322 						else if( nStt + 1 < nEnd )
323 							++nStt;
324 					}
325 					break;
327 				case REF_ONLYSEQNO:
328 					if( nStt + 1 < nEnd )
329 						nEnd = nStt + 1;
330 					break;
332 				default:
333 					nStt = 0;
334 					break;
335 				}
336 				break;
338 			case REF_BOOKMARK:
339 				if( USHRT_MAX == nEnd )
340 				{
341 					// Text steht ueber verschiedene Nodes verteilt.
342 					// Gesamten Text oder nur bis zum Ende vom Node?
343 					nEnd = pTxtNd->GetTxt().Len();
344 				}
345 				break;
347 			case REF_OUTLINE:
348 				break;
350 			case REF_FOOTNOTE:
351 			case REF_ENDNOTE:
352 				{
353 					// die Nummer oder den NumString besorgen
354 					sal_uInt16 n, nFtnCnt = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs().Count();
355 					SwTxtFtn* pFtnIdx;
356 					for( n = 0; n < nFtnCnt; ++n )
357 						if( nSeqNo == (pFtnIdx = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs()[ n ])->GetSeqRefNo() )
358 						{
359 							sTxt = pFtnIdx->GetFtn().GetViewNumStr( *pDoc );
360 							break;
361 						}
362 					nStt = nEnd;		// kein Bereich, der String ist fertig
363 				}
364 				break;
365 			}
367 			if( nStt != nEnd )		// ein Bereich?
368 			{
369                 sTxt = pTxtNd->GetExpandTxt( nStt, nEnd - nStt );
371 				// alle Sonderzeichen entfernen (durch Blanks ersetzen):
372 				if( sTxt.Len() )
373                 {
374                     sTxt.EraseAllChars( 0xad );
375                     for( sal_Unicode* p = sTxt.GetBufferAccess(); *p; ++p )
376 					{
377 						if( *p < 0x20 )
378 							*p = 0x20;
379                         else if(*p == 0x2011)
380 							*p = '-';
381 					}
382                 }
383 			}
384 		}
385 		break;
387 	case REF_PAGE:
388 	case REF_PAGE_PGDESC:
389 		{
390 			const SwTxtFrm* pFrm = (SwTxtFrm*)pTxtNd->getLayoutFrm( pDoc->GetCurrentLayout(), 0,0,sal_False),
391 						*pSave = pFrm;
392 			while( pFrm && !pFrm->IsInside( nStt ) )
393 				pFrm = (SwTxtFrm*)pFrm->GetFollow();
395 			if( pFrm || 0 != ( pFrm = pSave ))
396 			{
397 				sal_uInt16 nPageNo = pFrm->GetVirtPageNum();
398 				const SwPageFrm *pPage;
399 				if( REF_PAGE_PGDESC == GetFormat() &&
400 					0 != ( pPage = pFrm->FindPageFrm() ) &&
401 					pPage->GetPageDesc() )
402 					sTxt = pPage->GetPageDesc()->GetNumType().GetNumStr( nPageNo );
403 				else
404 					sTxt = String::CreateFromInt32(nPageNo);
405 			}
406 		}
407 		break;
409 	case REF_CHAPTER:
410 		{
411 			// ein bischen trickreich: suche irgend einen Frame
412 			const SwFrm* pFrm = pTxtNd->getLayoutFrm( pDoc->GetCurrentLayout() );
413 			if( pFrm )
414 			{
415 				SwChapterFieldType aFldTyp;
416 				SwChapterField aFld( &aFldTyp, 0 );
417 				aFld.SetLevel( MAXLEVEL - 1 );
418 				aFld.ChangeExpansion( pFrm, pTxtNd, sal_True );
419 				sTxt = aFld.GetNumber();
420 			}
421 		}
422 		break;
424 	case REF_UPDOWN:
425 		{
426             // --> OD 2007-09-07 #i81002#
427             // simplified: use parameter <pFldTxtAttr>
428             if( !pFldTxtAttr || !pFldTxtAttr->GetpTxtNode() )
429 				break;
431 			LocaleDataWrapper aLocaleData(
432 							::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(),
433 							SvxCreateLocale( GetLanguage() ) );
435 			// erstmal ein "Kurz" - Test - falls beide im selben
436 			// Node stehen!
437             if( pFldTxtAttr->GetpTxtNode() == pTxtNd )
438 			{
439                 sTxt = nStt < *pFldTxtAttr->GetStart()
440 							? aLocaleData.getAboveWord()
441 							: aLocaleData.getBelowWord();
442 				break;
443 			}
445             sTxt = ::IsFrameBehind( *pFldTxtAttr->GetpTxtNode(), *pFldTxtAttr->GetStart(),
446 									*pTxtNd, nStt )
447 						? aLocaleData.getAboveWord()
448 						: aLocaleData.getBelowWord();
449 		}
450 		break;
451     // --> OD 2007-08-24 #i81002#
452     case REF_NUMBER:
455         {
456             if ( pFldTxtAttr && pFldTxtAttr->GetpTxtNode() )
457             {
458                 sTxt = MakeRefNumStr( pFldTxtAttr->GetTxtNode(), *pTxtNd, GetFormat() );
459             }
460         }
461         break;
462     // <--
463     default:
464         DBG_ERROR("<SwGetRefField::UpdateField(..)> - unknown format type");
465 	}
466 }
468 // --> OD 2007-09-06 #i81002#
469 String SwGetRefField::MakeRefNumStr( const SwTxtNode& rTxtNodeOfField,
470                                      const SwTxtNode& rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem,
471                                      const sal_uInt32 nRefNumFormat ) const
472 {
473     if ( rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.HasNumber() &&
474          rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.IsCountedInList() )
475     {
476         ASSERT( rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.GetNum(),
477                 "<SwGetRefField::MakeRefNumStr(..)> - referenced paragraph has number, but no <SwNodeNum> instance --> please inform OD!" );
479         // Determine, up to which level the superior list labels have to be
480         // included - default is to include all superior list labels.
481         sal_uInt8 nRestrictInclToThisLevel( 0 );
482         // Determine for format REF_NUMBER the level, up to which the superior
483         // list labels have to be restricted, if the text node of the reference
484         // field and the text node of the referenced item are in the same
485         // document context.
486         if ( nRefNumFormat == REF_NUMBER &&
487              rTxtNodeOfField.FindFlyStartNode()
488                             == rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.FindFlyStartNode() &&
489              rTxtNodeOfField.FindFootnoteStartNode()
490                             == rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.FindFootnoteStartNode() &&
491              rTxtNodeOfField.FindHeaderStartNode()
492                             == rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.FindHeaderStartNode() &&
493              rTxtNodeOfField.FindFooterStartNode()
494                             == rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.FindFooterStartNode() )
495         {
496             const SwNodeNum* pNodeNumForTxtNodeOfField( 0 );
497             if ( rTxtNodeOfField.HasNumber() &&
498                  rTxtNodeOfField.GetNumRule() == rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.GetNumRule() )
499             {
500                 pNodeNumForTxtNodeOfField = rTxtNodeOfField.GetNum();
501             }
502             else
503             {
504                 pNodeNumForTxtNodeOfField =
505                     rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.GetNum()->GetPrecedingNodeNumOf( rTxtNodeOfField );
506             }
507             if ( pNodeNumForTxtNodeOfField )
508             {
509                 const SwNumberTree::tNumberVector rFieldNumVec = pNodeNumForTxtNodeOfField->GetNumberVector();
510                 const SwNumberTree::tNumberVector rRefItemNumVec = rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.GetNum()->GetNumberVector();
511                 sal_uInt8 nLevel( 0 );
512                 while ( nLevel < rFieldNumVec.size() && nLevel < rRefItemNumVec.size() )
513                 {
514                     if ( rRefItemNumVec[nLevel] == rFieldNumVec[nLevel] )
515                     {
516                         nRestrictInclToThisLevel = nLevel + 1;
517                     }
518                     else
519                     {
520                         break;
521                     }
522                     ++nLevel;
523                 }
524             }
525         }
527         // Determine, if superior list labels have to be included
528         const bool bInclSuperiorNumLabels(
529             ( nRestrictInclToThisLevel < rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.GetActualListLevel() &&
530               ( nRefNumFormat == REF_NUMBER || nRefNumFormat == REF_NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT ) ) );
532         ASSERT( rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.GetNumRule(),
533                 "<SwGetRefField::MakeRefNumStr(..)> - referenced numbered paragraph has no numbering rule set --> please inform OD!" );
534         return rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.GetNumRule()->MakeRefNumString(
535                                             *(rTxtNodeOfReferencedItem.GetNum()),
536                                             bInclSuperiorNumLabels,
537                                             nRestrictInclToThisLevel );
538     }
540     return String();
541 }
542 // <--
544 SwField* SwGetRefField::Copy() const
545 {
546 	SwGetRefField* pFld = new SwGetRefField( (SwGetRefFieldType*)GetTyp(),
547 												sSetRefName, nSubType,
548 												nSeqNo, GetFormat() );
549 	pFld->sTxt = sTxt;
550 	return pFld;
551 }
553 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
554 	Beschreibung: ReferenzName holen
555  --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
558 const String& SwGetRefField::GetPar1() const
559 {
560 	return sSetRefName;
561 }
564 void SwGetRefField::SetPar1( const String& rName )
565 {
566 	sSetRefName = rName;
567 }
570 String SwGetRefField::GetPar2() const
571 {
572 	return Expand();
573 }
575 sal_Bool SwGetRefField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const
576 {
577     switch( nWhichId )
578 	{
580 		{
581 			sal_Int16 nPart = 0;
582 			switch(GetFormat())
583 			{
584 			case REF_PAGE		: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::PAGE 				  ; break;
585 			case REF_CHAPTER	: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::CHAPTER	 		  ; break;
586 			case REF_CONTENT	: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::TEXT 				  ; break;
587 			case REF_UPDOWN		: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::UP_DOWN 			  ; break;
588 			case REF_PAGE_PGDESC: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::PAGE_DESC 		  ; break;
589 			case REF_ONLYNUMBER	: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::CATEGORY_AND_NUMBER ; break;
590 			case REF_ONLYCAPTION: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::ONLY_CAPTION 		  ; break;
591 			case REF_ONLYSEQNO	: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::ONLY_SEQUENCE_NUMBER; break;
592             // --> OD 2007-09-06 #i81002#
593             case REF_NUMBER:              nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER;              break;
594             case REF_NUMBER_NO_CONTEXT:   nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER_NO_CONTEXT;   break;
595             case REF_NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT: nPart = ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT; break;
596             // <--
597 			}
598 			rAny <<= nPart;
599 		}
600 		break;
602 		{
603 			sal_Int16 nSource = 0;
604 			switch(nSubType)
605 			{
606 			case  REF_SETREFATTR : nSource = ReferenceFieldSource::REFERENCE_MARK; break;
607 			case  REF_SEQUENCEFLD: nSource = ReferenceFieldSource::SEQUENCE_FIELD; break;
608 			case  REF_BOOKMARK   : nSource = ReferenceFieldSource::BOOKMARK; break;
609 			case  REF_OUTLINE    : DBG_ERROR("not implemented"); break;
610 			case  REF_FOOTNOTE   : nSource = ReferenceFieldSource::FOOTNOTE; break;
611 			case  REF_ENDNOTE    : nSource = ReferenceFieldSource::ENDNOTE; break;
612 			}
613 			rAny <<= nSource;
614 		}
615 		break;
616 	case FIELD_PROP_PAR1:
617     {
618         String  sTmp(GetPar1());
619         if(REF_SEQUENCEFLD == nSubType)
620         {
621             sal_uInt16 nPoolId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName( sTmp, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_TXTCOLL );
622             switch( nPoolId )
623             {
624                 case RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_ABB:
625                 case RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_TABLE:
626                 case RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_FRAME:
627                 case RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_DRAWING:
628                     SwStyleNameMapper::FillProgName(nPoolId, sTmp) ;
629                 break;
630             }
631         }
632         rAny <<= rtl::OUString(sTmp);
633     }
634     break;
635 	case FIELD_PROP_PAR3:
636 		rAny <<= rtl::OUString(Expand());
637 		break;
638 	case FIELD_PROP_SHORT1:
639 		rAny <<= (sal_Int16)nSeqNo;
640 		break;
641 	default:
642 		DBG_ERROR("illegal property");
643 	}
644 	return sal_True;
645 }
647 sal_Bool SwGetRefField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId )
648 {
649 	String sTmp;
650     switch( nWhichId )
651 	{
653 		{
654 			sal_Int16 nPart = 0;
655 			rAny >>= nPart;
656 			switch(nPart)
657 			{
658 			case ReferenceFieldPart::PAGE: 					nPart = REF_PAGE; break;
659 			case ReferenceFieldPart::CHAPTER:	 			nPart = REF_CHAPTER; break;
660 			case ReferenceFieldPart::TEXT: 					nPart = REF_CONTENT; break;
661 			case ReferenceFieldPart::UP_DOWN: 				nPart = REF_UPDOWN; break;
662 			case ReferenceFieldPart::PAGE_DESC: 			nPart = REF_PAGE_PGDESC; break;
663 			case ReferenceFieldPart::CATEGORY_AND_NUMBER: 	nPart = REF_ONLYNUMBER; break;
664 			case ReferenceFieldPart::ONLY_CAPTION: 			nPart = REF_ONLYCAPTION; break;
665 			case ReferenceFieldPart::ONLY_SEQUENCE_NUMBER : nPart = REF_ONLYSEQNO; break;
666             // --> OD 2007-09-06 #i81002#
667             case ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER:              nPart = REF_NUMBER;              break;
668             case ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER_NO_CONTEXT:   nPart = REF_NUMBER_NO_CONTEXT;   break;
669             case ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT: nPart = REF_NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT; break;
670             // <--
671 			default: return sal_False;
672 			}
673 			SetFormat(nPart);
674 		}
675 		break;
677 		{
678 			sal_Int16 nSource = 0;
679 			rAny >>= nSource;
680 			switch(nSource)
681 			{
682 			case ReferenceFieldSource::REFERENCE_MARK : nSubType = REF_SETREFATTR ; break;
683             case ReferenceFieldSource::SEQUENCE_FIELD :
684             {
685                 if(REF_SEQUENCEFLD == nSubType)
686                     break;
687                 nSubType = REF_SEQUENCEFLD;
688                 ConvertProgrammaticToUIName();
689             }
690             break;
691 			case ReferenceFieldSource::BOOKMARK		  : nSubType = REF_BOOKMARK   ; break;
692 			case ReferenceFieldSource::FOOTNOTE		  : nSubType = REF_FOOTNOTE   ; break;
693 			case ReferenceFieldSource::ENDNOTE		  : nSubType = REF_ENDNOTE    ; break;
694 			}
695 		}
696 		break;
697 	case FIELD_PROP_PAR1:
698     {
699         OUString sTmpStr;
700         rAny >>= sTmpStr;
701         SetPar1(sTmpStr);
702         ConvertProgrammaticToUIName();
703     }
704     break;
705 	case FIELD_PROP_PAR3:
706 		SetExpand( ::GetString( rAny, sTmp ));
707 		break;
708 	case FIELD_PROP_SHORT1:
709 		{
710 			sal_Int16 nSetSeq = 0;
711 			rAny >>= nSetSeq;
712 			if(nSetSeq >= 0)
713 				nSeqNo = nSetSeq;
714 		}
715 		break;
716 	default:
717 		DBG_ERROR("illegal property");
718 	}
719 	return sal_True;
720 }
722 void SwGetRefField::ConvertProgrammaticToUIName()
723 {
724     if(GetTyp() && REF_SEQUENCEFLD == nSubType)
725     {
726         SwDoc* pDoc = ((SwGetRefFieldType*)GetTyp())->GetDoc();
727         const String& rPar1 = GetPar1();
728         //don't convert when the name points to an existing field type
729         if(!pDoc->GetFldType(RES_SETEXPFLD, rPar1, false))
730         {
731             sal_uInt16 nPoolId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromProgName( rPar1, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_TXTCOLL );
732             sal_uInt16 nResId = USHRT_MAX;
733             switch( nPoolId )
734             {
735                 case RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_ABB:
736                     nResId = STR_POOLCOLL_LABEL_ABB;
737                 break;
738                 case RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_TABLE:
739                     nResId = STR_POOLCOLL_LABEL_TABLE;
740                 break;
741                 case RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_FRAME:
742                     nResId = STR_POOLCOLL_LABEL_FRAME;
743                 break;
744                 case RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_DRAWING:
745                     nResId = STR_POOLCOLL_LABEL_DRAWING;
746                 break;
747             }
748             if( nResId != USHRT_MAX )
749                 SetPar1(SW_RESSTR( nResId ));
750         }
751     }
752 }
754 SwGetRefFieldType::SwGetRefFieldType( SwDoc* pDc )
755 	: SwFieldType( RES_GETREFFLD ), pDoc( pDc )
756 {}
759 SwFieldType* SwGetRefFieldType::Copy() const
760 {
761 	return new SwGetRefFieldType( pDoc );
762 }
765 void SwGetRefFieldType::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew )
766 {
767     // Update auf alle GetReferenz-Felder
768     if( !pNew && !pOld )
769     {
770         SwIterator<SwFmtFld,SwFieldType> aIter( *this );
771         for( SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = aIter.First(); pFmtFld; pFmtFld = aIter.Next() )
772         {
773             // nur die GetRef-Felder Updaten
774             //JP 3.4.2001: Task 71231 - we need the correct language
775             SwGetRefField* pGRef = (SwGetRefField*)pFmtFld->GetField();
776             const SwTxtFld* pTFld;
777             if( !pGRef->GetLanguage() &&
778                 0 != ( pTFld = pFmtFld->GetTxtFld()) &&
779                 pTFld->GetpTxtNode() )
780             {
781                 pGRef->SetLanguage( pTFld->GetpTxtNode()->GetLang(
782                                                 *pTFld->GetStart() ) );
783             }
785             pGRef->UpdateField( pFmtFld->GetTxtFld() );
786         }
787     }
788     // weiter an die Text-Felder, diese "Expandieren" den Text
789     NotifyClients( pOld, pNew );
790 }
792 SwTxtNode* SwGetRefFieldType::FindAnchor( SwDoc* pDoc, const String& rRefMark,
793 										sal_uInt16 nSubType, sal_uInt16 nSeqNo,
794 										sal_uInt16* pStt, sal_uInt16* pEnd )
795 {
796 	ASSERT( pStt, "warum wird keine StartPos abgefragt?" );
798 	SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = 0;
799 	switch( nSubType )
800 	{
802 		{
803 			const SwFmtRefMark *pRef = pDoc->GetRefMark( rRefMark );
804 			if( pRef && pRef->GetTxtRefMark() )
805 			{
806 				pTxtNd = (SwTxtNode*)&pRef->GetTxtRefMark()->GetTxtNode();
807 				*pStt = *pRef->GetTxtRefMark()->GetStart();
808 				if( pEnd )
809 					*pEnd = *pRef->GetTxtRefMark()->GetAnyEnd();
810 			}
811 		}
812 		break;
815 		{
816 			SwFieldType* pFldType = pDoc->GetFldType( RES_SETEXPFLD, rRefMark, false );
817 			if( pFldType && pFldType->GetDepends() &&
818 				nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_SEQ & ((SwSetExpFieldType*)pFldType)->GetType() )
819 			{
820 				SwIterator<SwFmtFld,SwFieldType> aIter( *pFldType );
821 				for( SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = aIter.First(); pFmtFld; pFmtFld = aIter.Next() )
822 				{
823 					if( pFmtFld->GetTxtFld() && nSeqNo ==
824 						((SwSetExpField*)pFmtFld->GetField())->GetSeqNumber() )
825 					{
826 						SwTxtFld* pTxtFld = pFmtFld->GetTxtFld();
827 						pTxtNd = (SwTxtNode*)pTxtFld->GetpTxtNode();
828 						*pStt = *pTxtFld->GetStart();
829 						if( pEnd )
830 							*pEnd = (*pStt) + 1;
831 						break;
832 					}
833 				}
834 			}
835 		}
836 		break;
838     case REF_BOOKMARK:
839         {
840             IDocumentMarkAccess::const_iterator_t ppMark = pDoc->getIDocumentMarkAccess()->findMark(rRefMark);
841             if(ppMark != pDoc->getIDocumentMarkAccess()->getMarksEnd())
842             {
843                 const ::sw::mark::IMark* pBkmk = ppMark->get();
844                 const SwPosition* pPos = &pBkmk->GetMarkStart();
846                 pTxtNd = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
847                 *pStt = pPos->nContent.GetIndex();
848                 if(pEnd)
849                 {
850                     if(!pBkmk->IsExpanded())
851                     {
852                         *pEnd = *pStt;
853                         // --> OD 2007-10-18 #i81002#
854                         if(dynamic_cast< ::sw::mark::CrossRefBookmark const *>(pBkmk))
855                         {
856                             ASSERT( pTxtNd,
857                                     "<SwGetRefFieldType::FindAnchor(..)> - node marked by cross-reference bookmark isn't a text node --> crash" );
858                             *pEnd = pTxtNd->Len();
859                         }
860                         // <--
861                     }
862                     else if(pBkmk->GetOtherMarkPos().nNode == pBkmk->GetMarkPos().nNode)
863                         *pEnd = pBkmk->GetMarkEnd().nContent.GetIndex();
864                     else
865                         *pEnd = USHRT_MAX;
866                 }
867             }
868         }
869         break;
871 	case REF_OUTLINE:
872 		break;
874 	case REF_FOOTNOTE:
875 	case REF_ENDNOTE:
876 		{
877 			sal_uInt16 n, nFtnCnt = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs().Count();
878 			SwTxtFtn* pFtnIdx;
879 			for( n = 0; n < nFtnCnt; ++n )
880 				if( nSeqNo == (pFtnIdx = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs()[ n ])->GetSeqRefNo() )
881 				{
882 					SwNodeIndex* pIdx = pFtnIdx->GetStartNode();
883 					if( pIdx )
884 					{
885 						SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pIdx, 1 );
886 						if( 0 == ( pTxtNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode()))
887 							pTxtNd = (SwTxtNode*)pDoc->GetNodes().GoNext( &aIdx );
888 					}
889 					*pStt = 0;
890 					if( pEnd )
891 						*pEnd = 0;
892 					break;
893 				}
894 		}
895 		break;
896 	}
898 	return pTxtNd;
899 }
902 struct _RefIdsMap
903 {
904 	String aName;
905 	SvUShortsSort aIds, aDstIds, aIdsMap;
906 	SvUShorts aMap;
907 	sal_Bool bInit;
909 	_RefIdsMap( const String& rName )
910 		: aName( rName ), aIds( 16, 16 ), aIdsMap( 16, 16 ), aMap( 16, 16 ),
911 		bInit( sal_False )
912 	{}
914 	void Check( SwDoc& rDoc, SwDoc& rDestDoc, SwGetRefField& rFld,
915 					sal_Bool bField = sal_True );
917 	sal_Bool IsInit() const { return bInit; }
918 };
920 SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL( _RefIdsMaps, _RefIdsMap*, 5, 5 )
921 SV_IMPL_PTRARR( _RefIdsMaps, _RefIdsMap* )
923 void _RefIdsMap::Check( SwDoc& rDoc, SwDoc& rDestDoc, SwGetRefField& rFld,
924 						sal_Bool bField )
925 {
927 	if( !bInit )
928 	{
929 		if( bField )
930 		{
931 			const SwTxtNode* pNd;
932 			SwFieldType* pType;
933 			if( 0 != ( pType = rDestDoc.GetFldType( RES_SETEXPFLD, aName, false ) ))
934 			{
935 				SwIterator<SwFmtFld,SwFieldType> aIter( *pType );
936 				for( SwFmtFld* pF = aIter.First(); pF; pF = aIter.Next() )
937 					if( pF->GetTxtFld() &&
938 						0 != ( pNd = pF->GetTxtFld()->GetpTxtNode() ) &&
939 						pNd->GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
940 						aIds.Insert( ((SwSetExpField*)pF->GetField())->GetSeqNumber() );
941 			}
942 			if( 0 != ( pType = rDoc.GetFldType( RES_SETEXPFLD, aName, false ) ))
943 			{
944 				SwIterator<SwFmtFld,SwFieldType> aIter( *pType );
945 				for( SwFmtFld* pF = aIter.First(); pF; pF = aIter.Next() )
946 					if( pF->GetTxtFld() &&
947 						0 != ( pNd = pF->GetTxtFld()->GetpTxtNode() ) &&
948 						pNd->GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
949 						aDstIds.Insert( ((SwSetExpField*)pF->GetField())->GetSeqNumber() );
950 			}
951 		}
952 		else
953 		{
954 			sal_uInt16 n;
956 			for( n = rDestDoc.GetFtnIdxs().Count(); n; )
957 				aIds.Insert( rDestDoc.GetFtnIdxs()[ --n ]->GetSeqRefNo() );
958 			for( n = rDoc.GetFtnIdxs().Count(); n; )
959 				aDstIds.Insert( rDoc.GetFtnIdxs()[ --n ]->GetSeqRefNo() );
960 		}
961 		bInit = sal_True;
962 	}
964 	// dann teste mal, ob die Nummer schon vergeben ist
965 	// oder ob eine neue bestimmt werden muss.
966 	sal_uInt16 nPos, nSeqNo = rFld.GetSeqNo();
967 	if( aIds.Seek_Entry( nSeqNo ) && aDstIds.Seek_Entry( nSeqNo ))
968 	{
969 		// ist schon vergeben, also muss eine neue
970 		// erzeugt werden.
971 		if( aIdsMap.Seek_Entry( nSeqNo, &nPos ))
972 			rFld.SetSeqNo( aMap[ nPos ] );
973 		else
974 		{
975 			sal_uInt16 n;
977 			for( n = 0; n < aIds.Count(); ++n )
978 				if( n != aIds[ n ] )
979 					break;
981 			// die neue SeqNo eintragen, damit die "belegt" ist
982 			aIds.Insert( n );
983 			aIdsMap.Insert( nSeqNo, nPos );
984 			aMap.Insert( n, nPos );
985 			rFld.SetSeqNo( n );
987 			// und noch die Felder oder Fuss-/EndNote auf die neue
988 			// Id umsetzen
989 			if( bField )
990 			{
991 				SwFieldType* pType = rDoc.GetFldType( RES_SETEXPFLD, aName, false );
992 				if( pType )
993 				{
994 				    SwIterator<SwFmtFld,SwFieldType> aIter( *pType );
995 				    for( SwFmtFld* pF = aIter.First(); pF; pF = aIter.Next() )
996 						if( pF->GetTxtFld() && nSeqNo ==
997 							((SwSetExpField*)pF->GetField())->GetSeqNumber() )
998 							((SwSetExpField*)pF->GetField())->SetSeqNumber( n );
999 				}
1000 			}
1001 			else
1002 			{
1003 				SwTxtFtn* pFtnIdx;
1004 				for( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCnt = rDoc.GetFtnIdxs().Count(); i < nCnt; ++i )
1005 					if( nSeqNo == (pFtnIdx = rDoc.GetFtnIdxs()[ i ])->GetSeqRefNo() )
1006 					{
1007 						pFtnIdx->SetSeqNo( n );
1008 						break;
1009 					}
1010 			}
1011 		}
1012 	}
1013 	else
1014 	{
1015 		aIds.Insert( nSeqNo );
1016 		aIdsMap.Insert( nSeqNo, nPos );
1017 		aMap.Insert( nSeqNo, nPos );
1018 	}
1019 }
1022 void SwGetRefFieldType::MergeWithOtherDoc( SwDoc& rDestDoc )
1023 {
1024 	if( &rDestDoc != pDoc &&
1025 		rDestDoc.GetSysFldType( RES_GETREFFLD )->GetDepends() )
1026 	{
1027 		// dann gibt es im DestDoc RefFelder, also muessen im SourceDoc
1028 		// alle RefFelder auf einduetige Ids in beiden Docs umgestellt
1029 		// werden.
1030 		_RefIdsMap aFntMap( aEmptyStr );
1031 		_RefIdsMaps aFldMap;
1033 		SwIterator<SwFmtFld,SwFieldType> aIter( *this );
1034 		for( SwFmtFld* pFld = aIter.First(); pFld; pFld = aIter.Next() )
1035 		{
1036 			SwGetRefField& rRefFld = *(SwGetRefField*)pFld->GetField();
1037 			switch( rRefFld.GetSubType() )
1038 			{
1039 			case REF_SEQUENCEFLD:
1040 				{
1041 					_RefIdsMap* pMap = 0;
1042 					for( sal_uInt16 n = aFldMap.Count(); n; )
1043 						if( aFldMap[ --n ]->aName == rRefFld.GetSetRefName() )
1044 						{
1045 							pMap = aFldMap[ n ];
1046 							break;
1047 						}
1048 					if( !pMap )
1049 					{
1050 						pMap = new _RefIdsMap( rRefFld.GetSetRefName() );
1051 						aFldMap.C40_INSERT( _RefIdsMap, pMap, aFldMap.Count() );
1052 					}
1054 					pMap->Check( *pDoc, rDestDoc, rRefFld, sal_True );
1055 				}
1056 				break;
1058 			case REF_FOOTNOTE:
1059 			case REF_ENDNOTE:
1060 				aFntMap.Check( *pDoc, rDestDoc, rRefFld, sal_False );
1061 				break;
1062 			}
1063 		}
1064 	}
1065 }