xref: /aoo41x/main/vcl/inc/window.h (revision cdf0e10c)
1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 #ifndef _SV_WINDOW_H
29 #define _SV_WINDOW_H
31 #include <vector>
32 #include <vcl/sv.h>
33 #include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
34 #include <vcl/timer.hxx>
35 #ifndef _SV_INPUTCTX_HXX
36 #include <vcl/inputctx.hxx>
37 #endif
38 #ifndef _SV_POINTR_HXX
39 #include <vcl/pointr.hxx>
40 #endif
41 #include <tools/wintypes.hxx>
42 #include <vcl/vclevent.hxx>
43 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx>
44 #include <cppuhelper/weakref.hxx>
46 #include <vcl/salnativewidgets.hxx>
48 #include <list>
50 struct SalPaintEvent;
51 struct ImplDelData;
52 struct ImplAccessibleInfos;
54 class Window;
55 class VirtualDevice;
56 class Cursor;
57 class ImplDevFontList;
58 class ImplFontCache;
59 class VCLXWindow;
60 class SalFrame;
61 class SalObject;
64 namespace com {
65 namespace sun {
66 namespace star {
67 namespace accessibility {
68     class XAccessible;
69 }}}}
71 namespace com {
72 namespace sun {
73 namespace star {
74 namespace rendering {
75     class XCanvas;
76 }}}}
78 namespace com {
79 namespace sun {
80 namespace star {
81 namespace awt {
82     class XWindowPeer;
83     class XWindow;
84 }
85 namespace uno {
86     class Any;
87     class XInterface;
88 }
89 namespace datatransfer {
90 namespace clipboard {
91     class XClipboard;
92 }
94 namespace dnd {
95     class XDropTargetListener;
96     class XDragGestureRecognizer;
97     class XDragSource;
98     class XDropTarget;
99 } } } } }
101 namespace vcl {
102     struct ControlLayoutData;
103     struct ExtWindowImpl;
104 }
107 // --------------
108 // - Prototypes -
109 // --------------
111 long ImplWindowFrameProc( Window* pInst, SalFrame* pFrame, sal_uInt16 nEvent, const void* pEvent );
113 // -----------
114 // - HitTest -
115 // -----------
117 #define WINDOW_HITTEST_INSIDE           ((sal_uInt16)0x0001)
118 #define WINDOW_HITTEST_TRANSPARENT      ((sal_uInt16)0x0002)
120 // ---------------
121 // - ImplWinData -
122 // ---------------
124 struct ImplWinData
125 {
126     UniString*          mpExtOldText;
127     sal_uInt16*             mpExtOldAttrAry;
128     Rectangle*          mpCursorRect;
129     long                mnCursorExtWidth;
130     Rectangle*          mpFocusRect;
131     Rectangle*          mpTrackRect;
132     sal_uInt16              mnTrackFlags;
133     sal_uInt16				mnIsTopWindow;
134     sal_Bool                mbMouseOver;          // tracks mouse over for native widget paint effect
135     sal_Bool                mbEnableNativeWidget; // toggle native widget rendering
136     ::std::list< Window* >
137                         maTopWindowChildren;
138 };
140 // -------------------
141 // - ImplOverlapData -
142 // -------------------
144 struct ImplOverlapData
145 {
146     VirtualDevice*      mpSaveBackDev;      // Gesicherte Hintergrund-Bitmap
147     Region*             mpSaveBackRgn;      // Gesicherte Region, was invalidiert werden muss
148     Window*             mpNextBackWin;      // Naechstes Fenster mit Hintergrund-Sicherung
149     sal_uIntPtr               mnSaveBackSize;     // Groesse Bitmap fuer Hintergrund-Sicherung
150     sal_Bool                mbSaveBack;         // sal_True: Background sichern
151     sal_uInt8                mnTopLevel;         // Level for Overlap-Window
152 };
154 // -----------------
155 // - ImplFrameData -
156 // -----------------
158 struct ImplFrameData
159 {
160     Timer               maPaintTimer;       // paint timer
161     Timer				maResizeTimer;		// resize timer
162     InputContext        maOldInputContext;  // Last set Input Context
163     Window*             mpNextFrame;        // next frame window
164     Window*             mpFirstOverlap;     // first overlap window
165     Window*             mpFocusWin;         // focus window (is also set, when frame doesn't have the focous)
166     Window*             mpMouseMoveWin;     // last window, where MouseMove() called
167     Window*             mpMouseDownWin;     // last window, where MouseButtonDown() called
168     Window*             mpFirstBackWin;     // Erstes Overlap-Window mit Hintergrund-Sicherung
169 	::std::vector<Window *> maOwnerDrawList; // List of system windows with owner draw decoration
170     ImplDevFontList*    mpFontList;         // Font-List for this frame
171     ImplFontCache*      mpFontCache;        // Font-Cache for this frame
172     sal_Int32           mnDPIX;             // Original Screen Resolution
173     sal_Int32           mnDPIY;             // Original Screen Resolution
174     ImplMapRes          maMapUnitRes;       // for LogicUnitToPixel
175     sal_uIntPtr               mnAllSaveBackSize;  // Groesse aller Bitmaps fuer Hintergrund-Sicherung
176     sal_uIntPtr               mnFocusId;          // FocusId for PostUserLink
177     sal_uIntPtr               mnMouseMoveId;      // MoveId for PostUserLink
178     long                mnLastMouseX;       // last x mouse position
179     long                mnLastMouseY;       // last y mouse position
180     long                mnBeforeLastMouseX; // last but one x mouse position
181     long                mnBeforeLastMouseY; // last but one y mouse position
182     long                mnFirstMouseX;      // first x mouse position by mousebuttondown
183     long                mnFirstMouseY;      // first y mouse position by mousebuttondown
184     long                mnLastMouseWinX;    // last x mouse position, rel. to pMouseMoveWin
185     long                mnLastMouseWinY;    // last y mouse position, rel. to pMouseMoveWin
186     sal_uInt16              mnModalMode;        // frame based modal count (app based makes no sense anymore)
187     sal_uIntPtr               mnMouseDownTime;    // mouse button down time for double click
188     sal_uInt16              mnClickCount;       // mouse click count
189     sal_uInt16              mnFirstMouseCode;   // mouse code by mousebuttondown
190     sal_uInt16              mnMouseCode;        // mouse code
191     sal_uInt16              mnMouseMode;        // mouse mode
192     MapUnit             meMapUnit;          // last MapUnit for LogicUnitToPixel
193     sal_Bool                mbHasFocus;         // focus
194     sal_Bool                mbInMouseMove;      // is MouseMove on stack
195     sal_Bool                mbMouseIn;          // is Mouse inside the frame
196     sal_Bool                mbStartDragCalled;  // is command startdrag called
197     sal_Bool                mbNeedSysWindow;    // set, when FrameSize <= IMPL_MIN_NEEDSYSWIN
198     sal_Bool                mbMinimized;        // set, when FrameSize <= 0
199     sal_Bool                mbStartFocusState;  // FocusState, beim abschicken des Events
200     sal_Bool                mbInSysObjFocusHdl; // Innerhalb vom GetFocus-Handler eines SysChilds
201     sal_Bool                mbInSysObjToTopHdl; // Innerhalb vom ToTop-Handler eines SysChilds
202     sal_Bool                mbSysObjFocus;      // Hat ein SysChild den Focus
204     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd::XDragSource > mxDragSource;
205     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget > mxDropTarget;
206     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTargetListener > mxDropTargetListener;
207     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > mxClipboard;
208     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > mxSelection;
210     sal_Bool                mbInternalDragGestureRecognizer;
211 };
213 // -----------------------
214 // - ImplAccessibleInfos -
215 // -----------------------
217 struct ImplAccessibleInfos
218 {
219     sal_uInt16 nAccessibleRole;
220     String* pAccessibleName;
221     String* pAccessibleDescription;
222     Window* pLabeledByWindow;
223     Window* pLabelForWindow;
224     Window* pMemberOfWindow;
226     ImplAccessibleInfos();
227     ~ImplAccessibleInfos();
228 };
231 // ---------------
232 // - WindowImpl -
233 // ---------------
235 enum AlwaysInputMode { AlwaysInputNone = 0, AlwaysInputEnabled = 1, AlwaysInputDisabled =2 };
237 class WindowImpl
238 {
239 public:
240     WindowImpl();
241     ~WindowImpl();
243     ImplWinData*        mpWinData;
244     ImplOverlapData*    mpOverlapData;
245     ImplFrameData*      mpFrameData;
246     SalFrame*           mpFrame;
247     SalObject*          mpSysObj;
248     Window*             mpFrameWindow;
249     Window*             mpOverlapWindow;
250     Window*             mpBorderWindow;
251     Window*             mpClientWindow;
252     Window*             mpParent;
253     Window*             mpRealParent;
254     Window*             mpFirstChild;
255     Window*             mpLastChild;
256     Window*             mpFirstOverlap;
257     Window*             mpLastOverlap;
258     Window*             mpPrev;
259     Window*             mpNext;
260     Window*             mpNextOverlap;
261     Window*             mpLastFocusWindow;
262     Window*             mpDlgCtrlDownWindow;
263     VclEventListeners   maEventListeners;
264     VclEventListeners   maChildEventListeners;
266     // The canvas interface for this VCL window. Is persistent after the first GetCanvas() call
267     ::com::sun::star::uno::WeakReference< ::com::sun::star::rendering::XCanvas > 	mxCanvas;
269     ImplDelData*        mpFirstDel;
270     void*               mpUserData;
271     vcl::ExtWindowImpl* mpExtImpl;
272     Cursor*             mpCursor;
273     Pointer             maPointer;
274     Fraction            maZoom;
275     XubString           maText;
276     Font*               mpControlFont;
277     Color               maControlForeground;
278     Color               maControlBackground;
279     sal_Int32           mnLeftBorder;
280     sal_Int32           mnTopBorder;
281     sal_Int32           mnRightBorder;
282     sal_Int32           mnBottomBorder;
283     long                mnX;
284     long                mnY;
285     long                mnAbsScreenX;
286     Point               maPos;
287     rtl::OString        maHelpId;
288     rtl::OString        maUniqId;
289     XubString           maHelpText;
290     XubString           maQuickHelpText;
291     InputContext        maInputContext;
292     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XWindowPeer > mxWindowPeer;
293     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > mxAccessible;
294     ImplAccessibleInfos* mpAccessibleInfos;
295     VCLXWindow*         mpVCLXWindow;
296     Region              maWinRegion;        // region to 'shape' the VCL window (frame coordinates)
297     Region              maWinClipRegion;    // the (clipping) region that finally corresponds to the VCL window (frame coordinates)
298     Region              maInvalidateRegion; // region that has to be redrawn (frame coordinates)
299     Region*             mpChildClipRegion;  // child clip region if CLIPCHILDREN is set (frame coordinates)
300     Region*             mpPaintRegion;      // only set during Paint() method call (window coordinates)
301     WinBits             mnStyle;
302     WinBits             mnPrevStyle;
303     WinBits             mnExtendedStyle;
304     WinBits             mnPrevExtendedStyle;
305     WindowType          mnType;
306     ControlPart         mnNativeBackground;
307     sal_uInt16              mnWaitCount;
308     sal_uInt16              mnPaintFlags;
309     sal_uInt16              mnGetFocusFlags;
310     sal_uInt16              mnParentClipMode;
311     sal_uInt16              mnActivateMode;
312     sal_uInt16              mnDlgCtrlFlags;
313     sal_uInt16              mnLockCount;
314     AlwaysInputMode     meAlwaysInputMode;
315     sal_Bool                mbFrame:1,
316                         mbBorderWin:1,
317                         mbOverlapWin:1,
318                         mbSysWin:1,
319                         mbDialog:1,
320                         mbDockWin:1,
321                         mbFloatWin:1,
322                         mbPushButton:1,
323                         mbVisible:1,
324                         mbDisabled:1,
325                         mbInputDisabled:1,
326                         mbDropDisabled:1,
327                         mbNoUpdate:1,
328                         mbNoParentUpdate:1,
329                         mbActive:1,
330                         mbParentActive:1,
331                         mbReallyVisible:1,
332                         mbReallyShown:1,
333                         mbInInitShow:1,
334                         mbChildNotify:1,
335                         mbChildPtrOverwrite:1,
336                         mbNoPtrVisible:1,
337                         mbPaintFrame:1,
338                         mbInPaint:1,
339                         mbMouseMove:1,
340                         mbMouseButtonDown:1,
341                         mbMouseButtonUp:1,
342                         mbKeyInput:1,
343                         mbKeyUp:1,
344                         mbCommand:1,
345                         mbDefPos:1,
346                         mbDefSize:1,
347                         mbCallMove:1,
348                         mbCallResize:1,
349                         mbWaitSystemResize:1,
350                         mbInitWinClipRegion:1,
351                         mbInitChildRegion:1,
352                         mbWinRegion:1,
353                         mbClipChildren:1,
354                         mbClipSiblings:1,
355                         mbChildTransparent:1,
356                         mbPaintTransparent:1,
357                         mbMouseTransparent:1,
358                         mbDlgCtrlStart:1,
359                         mbFocusVisible:1,
360                         mbTrackVisible:1,
361                         mbUseNativeFocus:1,
362                         mbNativeFocusVisible:1,
363                         mbInShowFocus:1,
364                         mbInHideFocus:1,
365                         mbControlForeground:1,
366                         mbControlBackground:1,
367                         mbAlwaysOnTop:1,
368                         mbCompoundControl:1,
369                         mbCompoundControlHasFocus:1,
370                         mbPaintDisabled:1,
371                         mbAllResize:1,
372                         mbInDtor:1,
373                         mbExtTextInput:1,
374                         mbInFocusHdl:1,
375                         mbOverlapVisible:1,
376                         mbCreatedWithToolkit:1,
377                         mbToolBox:1,
378                         mbSplitter:1,
379                         mbSuppressAccessibilityEvents:1,
380                         mbMenuFloatingWindow:1,
381                         mbDrawSelectionBackground:1,
382                         mbIsInTaskPaneList:1,
383                         mbToolbarFloatingWindow:1,
384                         mbCallHandlersDuringInputDisabled:1,
385                         mbDisableAccessibleLabelForRelation:1,
386                         mbDisableAccessibleLabeledByRelation:1,
387                         mbHelpTextDynamic:1,
388                         mbFakeFocusSet:1,
389                         mbInterceptChildWindowKeyDown:1;
391     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface > mxDNDListenerContainer;
392 };
394 // -----------------
395 // - Hilfsmethoden -
396 // -----------------
398 long ImplHandleMouseEvent( Window* pWindow, sal_uInt16 nSVEvent, sal_Bool bMouseLeave,
399                            long nX, long nY, sal_uIntPtr nMsgTime,
400                            sal_uInt16 nCode, sal_uInt16 nMode );
401 void ImplHandleResize( Window* pWindow, long nNewWidth, long nNewHeight );
403 #endif // _SV_WINDOW_H