xref: /aoo41x/main/wizards/source/depot/Currency.xba (revision cdf0e10c)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Currency" script:language="StarBasic">REM  *****  BASIC  *****
4Option Explicit
6Dim bDoUnLoad as Boolean
9Sub Startup()
10Dim i as Integer
11Dim a as Integer
12Dim ListString as String
13Dim MarketListBoxControl as Object
14	Initialize(False)
15	MarketListBoxControl = DlgStartUp.GetControl(&quot;lstMarkets&quot;)
16	a = 0
17	For i = 0 To Ubound(sMarket(),1)
18		ListString = sMarket(i,0)
19		If sMarket(i,0) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
20			If sMarket(i,3) = &quot;&quot; Then
21				ListString = ListString &amp; &quot;    (&quot; &amp; sNoInternetUpdate &amp; &quot;)&quot;
22			Else
23				ListString = ListString &amp; &quot;    (&quot; &amp; sMarketplace &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; sMarket(i,2) &amp; &quot;)&quot;
24			End If
25			MarketListBoxControl.AddItem(ListString, a)
26			a = a + 1
27		End If
28	Next i
29	MarketListBoxControl.SelectItemPos(GlobListIndex, True)
30	DlgStartUp.Title = sDepotCurrency
31	DlgStartUp.Model.cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
32	DlgStartUp.GetControl(&quot;lstMarkets&quot;).SetFocus()
33	DlgStartUp.Execute()
34	DlgStartUp.Dispose()
35End Sub
38Sub EnableGoOnButton()
39	StartUpModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
40	StartUpModel.cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
41End Sub
44Sub CloseStartUpDialog()
45	DlgStartUp.EndExecute()
46&apos;	oDocument.Dispose()
47End Sub
50Sub DisposeDocument()
51	If bDoUnload Then
52		oDocument.Dispose()
53	End If
54End Sub
57Sub ChooseMarket(Optional aEvent)
58Dim Index as Integer
59Dim bIsDocLanguage as Boolean
60Dim bIsDocCountry as Boolean
61	oInternetModel = GetControlModel(oDocument.Sheets(0), &quot;CmdInternet&quot;)
62	If Not IsMissing(aEvent) Then
63		Index = StartupModel.lstMarkets.SelectedItems(0)
64		oInternetModel.Tag = Index
65	Else
66		Index = oInternetModel.Tag
67	End If
68	oMarketModel = GetControlModel(oDocument.Sheets(0), &quot;CmdHistory&quot;)
69	sCurCurrency = sMarket(Index,1)
70	If Index = 0 Then
71		HistoryChartSource = sMarket(Index,4)
72	End If
73	sCurStockIDLabel = sMarket(Index,5)
74	sCurExtension = sMarket(Index,8)
75	iValueCol = Val(sMarket(Index,10)
76	If Instr(sCurExtension,&quot;;&quot;) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
77		&apos; Take the german extension as the stock place is Frankfurt
78		sCurExtension = &quot;407&quot;
79	End If
80	sCurChartSource = sMarket(Index,3)
81	bIsDocLanguage = Instr(1, sMarket(Index,6), sDocLanguage, SBBINARY) &lt;&gt; 0
82	bIsDocCountry = Instr(1, sMarket(Index,7), sDocCountry, SBBINARY) &lt;&gt; 0  OR SDocCountry = &quot;&quot;
83	sCurSeparator = sMarket(Index,9)
84	TransactModel.txtRate.CurrencySymbol = sCurCurrency
85	TransactModel.txtFix.CurrencySymbol = sCurCurrency
86	TransactModel.txtMinimum.CurrencySymbol = sCurCurrency
87	bEnableMarket = Index = 0
88	bEnableInternet = sCurChartSource &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
89	oMarketModel.Enabled = bEnableMarket
90	oInternetModel.Enabled = bEnableInternet
91	If Not IsMissing(aEvent) Then
92		ConvertStylesCurrencies()
93		bDoUnload = False
94		DlgStartUp.EndExecute()
95	End If
96End Sub
99Sub ConvertStylesCurrencies()
100Dim m as integer
101Dim aStyleFormat as Object
102Dim StyleName as String
103Dim bAddToList as Boolean
104Dim oStyle as Object
105Dim oStyles as Object
106 	UnprotectSheets(oSheets)
107	oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNID1, SBROWHEADER1).SetString(sCurStockIDLabel)
108	oStyles = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyIndex(0)
109	For m = 0 To oStyles.count-1
110		oStyle = oStyles.GetbyIndex(m)
111		StyleName = oStyle.Name
112		bAddToList = CheckFormatType(oStyle)
113		If bAddToList Then
114			SwitchNumberFormat(ostyle, oDocFormats, sCurCurrency, sCurExtension)
115		End If
116	Next m
117	ProtectSheets(oSheets)
118End Sub
121Sub SwitchNumberFormat(oObject as Object, oFormats as object, sNewSymbol as String, sNewExtension as String)
122Dim nFormatLanguage as Integer
123Dim nFormatDecimals as Integer
124Dim nFormatLeading as Integer
125Dim bFormatLeading as Integer
126Dim bFormatNegRed as Integer
127Dim bFormatThousands as Integer
128Dim aNewStr as String
129Dim iNumberFormat as Long
130Dim sSimpleStr as String
131Dim nSimpleKey as Long
132Dim aFormat()
133Dim oLocale as New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
134	&apos; Numberformat with the new Symbol as Base for new Format
135	sSimpleStr = &quot;0 [$&quot; &amp; sNewSymbol &amp; &quot;-&quot; &amp; sNewExtension &amp; &quot;]&quot;
136	nSimpleKey = Numberformat(oFormats, sSimpleStr, oDocLocale)
137	On Local Error Resume Next
138	iNumberFormat = oObject.NumberFormat
139	If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
140		Msgbox &quot;Error Reading the Number Format&quot;
141		Resume CLERROR
142	End If
144	On Local Error GoTo NOKEY
145	aFormat() = oFormats.getByKey(iNumberFormat)
146	On Local Error GoTo 0
147	&apos; set new currency format with according settings
148	nFormatDecimals = aFormat.Decimals
149	nFormatLeading = aFormat.LeadingZeros
150	bFormatNegRed = aFormat.NegativeRed
151	bFormatThousands = aFormat.ThousandsSeparator
152	oLocale = aFormat.Locale
153	aNewStr = oFormats.generateFormat(nSimpleKey, oLocale, bFormatThousands, bFormatNegRed, nFormatDecimals, nFormatLeading)
154	oObject.NumberFormat = Numberformat(oFormats, aNewStr, oLocale)
155	NOKEY:
156	If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
157		Resume CLERROR
158	End If
160End Sub
163Function Numberformat( oFormats as Object, aFormatStr as String, oLocale as Variant )
164Dim nRetkey
165	nRetKey = oFormats.queryKey(aFormatStr, oLocale, True)
166	If nRetKey = -1 Then
167		nRetKey = oFormats.addNew( aFormatStr, oLocale )
168		If nRetKey = -1 Then nRetKey = 0
169	End If
170	Numberformat = nRetKey
171End Function
174Function CheckFormatType(oStyle as Object)
175Dim oFormatofObject as Object
176	oFormatofObject = oDocFormats.getByKey(oStyle.NumberFormat)
177  	CheckFormatType = INT(oFormatOfObject.Type) AND com.sun.star.util.NumberFormat.CURRENCY
178End Function</script:module>