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2cdf0e10cSrcweir  *
3ef39d40dSAndrew Rist  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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5ef39d40dSAndrew Rist  * distributed with this work for additional information
6ef39d40dSAndrew Rist  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7ef39d40dSAndrew Rist  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8ef39d40dSAndrew Rist  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9ef39d40dSAndrew Rist  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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13ef39d40dSAndrew Rist  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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21ef39d40dSAndrew Rist 
22ef39d40dSAndrew Rist 
24cdf0e10cSrcweir package util;
26cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.container.XIndexAccess;
27cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException;
28cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;
29cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException;
30cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent;
31cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.sheet.XCellRangeData;
32cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet;
33cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheetDocument;
34cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheets;
35cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.table.XCellRange;
36cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter;
37cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.uno.Exception;
38cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.uno.Type;
39cdf0e10cSrcweir import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
41cdf0e10cSrcweir /**
42*bb6af6bcSPedro Giffuni  * This class contains some useful mathods to handle Calc documents
43cdf0e10cSrcweir  * and its sheets.
44cdf0e10cSrcweir  */
45cdf0e10cSrcweir public class CalcTools {
47cdf0e10cSrcweir     /**
48cdf0e10cSrcweir      * fills a range of a calc sheet with computed data of type
49cdf0e10cSrcweir      * <CODE>Double</CODE>.
50*bb6af6bcSPedro Giffuni      * @param xSheetDoc the Clac documents which should be filled
51cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param sheetNumber the number of the sheet of <CODE>xSheetDoc</CODE>
52cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param startCellX the cell number of the X start point (row) of the range to fill
53cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param startCellY the cell number of the Y start point (column) of the range to fill
54cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param rangeLengthX the size of the range expansion in X-direction
55cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param rangeLengthY the size of the range expansion in Y-direction
56cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @throws java.lang.Exception on any error an <CODE>java.lang.Exception</CODE> was thrown
57cdf0e10cSrcweir      */
fillCalcSheetWithContent(XComponent xSheetDoc, int sheetNumber, int startCellX, int startCellY, int rangeLengthX, int rangeLengthY)58cdf0e10cSrcweir     public static void fillCalcSheetWithContent(XComponent xSheetDoc, int sheetNumber,
59cdf0e10cSrcweir                         int startCellX, int startCellY, int rangeLengthX, int rangeLengthY)
60cdf0e10cSrcweir                   throws java.lang.Exception {
61cdf0e10cSrcweir         try{
62cdf0e10cSrcweir             XSpreadsheet xSheet = getSpreadSheetFromSheetDoc(xSheetDoc, sheetNumber);
64cdf0e10cSrcweir             fillCalcSheetWithContent(xSheet, startCellX, startCellY, rangeLengthX, rangeLengthY);
66cdf0e10cSrcweir         } catch (Exception e){
67cdf0e10cSrcweir                 throw new Exception(
68cdf0e10cSrcweir                         "Couldn't fill CalcSheet with content: " + e.toString());
69cdf0e10cSrcweir         }
70cdf0e10cSrcweir     }
72cdf0e10cSrcweir     /**
73cdf0e10cSrcweir      * fills a range of a calc sheet with computed data of type
74cdf0e10cSrcweir      * <CODE>Double</CODE>.
75cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param xSheet the sheet to fill with content
76cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param startCellX the cell number of the X start point (row) of the range to fill
77cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param startCellY the cell number of the Y start point (column) of the range to fill
78cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param rangeLengthX the size of the range expansion in X-direction
79cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param rangeLengthY the size of the range expansion in Y-direction
80cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @throws java.lang.Exception on any error an <CODE>java.lang.Exception</CODE> was thrown
81cdf0e10cSrcweir      */
fillCalcSheetWithContent(XSpreadsheet xSheet, int startCellX, int startCellY, int rangeLengthX, int rangeLengthY)82cdf0e10cSrcweir     public static void fillCalcSheetWithContent(XSpreadsheet xSheet,
83cdf0e10cSrcweir                         int startCellX, int startCellY, int rangeLengthX, int rangeLengthY)
84cdf0e10cSrcweir                   throws java.lang.Exception {
86cdf0e10cSrcweir         try{
87cdf0e10cSrcweir             // create a range with content
88cdf0e10cSrcweir             Object[][] newData = new Object[rangeLengthY][rangeLengthX];
89cdf0e10cSrcweir             for (int i=0; i<rangeLengthY; i++) {
90cdf0e10cSrcweir                 for (int j=0; j<rangeLengthX; j++) {
91cdf0e10cSrcweir                     newData[i][j] = new Double(10*i +j);
92cdf0e10cSrcweir                 }
93cdf0e10cSrcweir             }
94cdf0e10cSrcweir             XCellRange xRange = null;
95cdf0e10cSrcweir             try {
96cdf0e10cSrcweir                 xRange = xSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(startCellX, startCellY,
97cdf0e10cSrcweir                                     startCellX+rangeLengthX-1, startCellY+rangeLengthY-1);
98cdf0e10cSrcweir             } catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
99cdf0e10cSrcweir                     throw new Exception(
100cdf0e10cSrcweir                             "Couldn't get CellRange from sheett: " + e.toString());
101cdf0e10cSrcweir             }
103cdf0e10cSrcweir             XCellRangeData xRangeData = (XCellRangeData) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCellRangeData.class, xRange);
105cdf0e10cSrcweir             xRangeData.setDataArray(newData);
106cdf0e10cSrcweir         } catch (Exception e){
107cdf0e10cSrcweir                 throw new Exception(
108cdf0e10cSrcweir                         "Couldn't fill CalcSheet with content: " + e.toString());
109cdf0e10cSrcweir         }
110cdf0e10cSrcweir     }
112cdf0e10cSrcweir     /**
113cdf0e10cSrcweir      *
114cdf0e10cSrcweir      * returns an <CODE>XSpreadsheet</CODE> from a Calc document.
115*bb6af6bcSPedro Giffuni      * @param xSheetDoc the Calc docuent which contains the sheet
116cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @param sheetNumber the number of the sheet to return
117cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @throws java.lang.Exception on any error an <CODE>java.lang.Exception</CODE> was thrown
118cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @return calc sheet
119cdf0e10cSrcweir      * @see com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet
120cdf0e10cSrcweir      */
getSpreadSheetFromSheetDoc(XComponent xSheetDoc, int sheetNumber)121cdf0e10cSrcweir     public static XSpreadsheet getSpreadSheetFromSheetDoc(XComponent xSheetDoc, int sheetNumber)
122cdf0e10cSrcweir                   throws java.lang.Exception {
124cdf0e10cSrcweir         XSpreadsheet xSheet = null;
126cdf0e10cSrcweir         try{
127cdf0e10cSrcweir             XSpreadsheetDocument xSpreadsheetDoc = (XSpreadsheetDocument)
128cdf0e10cSrcweir                     UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSpreadsheetDocument.class, xSheetDoc);
130cdf0e10cSrcweir             XSpreadsheets xSpreadsheets = xSpreadsheetDoc.getSheets();
132cdf0e10cSrcweir             XIndexAccess xSheetsIndexArray = (XIndexAccess)
133cdf0e10cSrcweir                         UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XIndexAccess.class, xSpreadsheets);
135cdf0e10cSrcweir             try{
136cdf0e10cSrcweir                 xSheet = (XSpreadsheet) AnyConverter.toObject(
137cdf0e10cSrcweir                         new Type(XSpreadsheet.class),xSheetsIndexArray.getByIndex(sheetNumber));
139cdf0e10cSrcweir             } catch (IllegalArgumentException e){
140cdf0e10cSrcweir                 throw new Exception(
141cdf0e10cSrcweir                         "Couldn't get sheet '" +sheetNumber + "' : " + e.toString());
142cdf0e10cSrcweir             } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
143cdf0e10cSrcweir                 throw new Exception(
144cdf0e10cSrcweir                         "Couldn't get sheet '" +sheetNumber + "' : " + e.toString());
145cdf0e10cSrcweir             } catch (WrappedTargetException e){
146cdf0e10cSrcweir                 throw new Exception(
147cdf0e10cSrcweir                         "Couldn't get sheet '" +sheetNumber + "' : " + e.toString());
148cdf0e10cSrcweir             }
149cdf0e10cSrcweir         } catch (Exception e){
150cdf0e10cSrcweir             throw new Exception(
151cdf0e10cSrcweir                 "Couldn't get sheet '" +sheetNumber + "' : " + e.toString());
152cdf0e10cSrcweir         }
153cdf0e10cSrcweir          return xSheet;
154cdf0e10cSrcweir     }
155cdf0e10cSrcweir }