xref: /aoo42x/main/solenv/bin/build.pl (revision 149f2bc0)
2    eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
3        if 0;
8# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
10# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
12# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
14# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
15# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
16# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
18# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
22# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
24# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
25# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
26# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
27# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
31# build - build entire project
33    use strict;
34    use Config;
35    use POSIX;
36    use Cwd qw (cwd);
37    use File::Path;
38    use File::Temp qw(tmpnam tempdir);
39    use File::Find;
40    use Socket;
41    use IO::Socket::INET;
42    use IO::Select;
43    use Fcntl;
44    use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
45    use Sys::Hostname;
47    use lib ("$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules");
48    use SourceConfig;
49    use RepositoryHelper;
50    use Cwd 'chdir';
52    my $in_so_env = 0;
53    if (defined $ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}) {
54        unshift(@INC, "$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/modules");
55        $in_so_env++;
56    };
57    if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}) {
58        require GenInfoParser; import GenInfoParser;
59        require IO::Handle; import IO::Handle;
60    };
61    my $verbose_mode = 0;
62    if (defined $ENV{verbose} || defined $ENV{VERBOSE}) {
63        $verbose_mode = ($ENV{verbose} =~ /^t\S*$/i);
64    }
65    my $enable_multiprocessing = 1;
66    ### for XML file format
67    eval { require XMLBuildListParser; import XMLBuildListParser; };
68    my $enable_xml = 0;
69    my @modes_array = ();
70    if (!$@) {
71        $enable_xml = 1;
72        @modes_array = split('\s' , $ENV{BUILD_TYPE});
73    };
74#### script id #####
76    ( my $script_name = $0 ) =~ s/^.*\b(\w+)\.pl$/$1/;
77    my $id_str = ' $Revision: 275224 $ ';
78    my $script_rev = 0;
79    $id_str =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)\s+\$/
80      ? ($script_rev = $1) : ($script_rev = "-");
82    print "$script_name -- version: $script_rev\n";
85#                       #
86#   Globale Variablen   #
87#                       #
90    my $modules_number++;
91    my $perl = 'perl';
92    my $remove_command = 'rm -rf';
93    my $nul = '> /dev/null';
95    my $processes_to_run = 0;
96# delete $pid when not needed
97    my %projects_deps_hash = ();   # hash of projects with no dependencies,
98                                # that could be built now
99    my %broken_build = ();         # hash of hashes of the modules,
100                                # where build was broken (error occurred)
101    my %folders_hashes = ();
102    my %running_children = ();
103    my $dependencies_hash = 0;
104    my $cmd_file = '';
105    my $build_all_parents = 0;
106    my $show = 0;
107    my $checkparents = 0;
108    my $deliver = 0;
109    my $pre_custom_job = '';
110    my $custom_job = '';
111    my $post_custom_job = '';
112    my %local_deps_hash = ();
113    my %path_hash = ();
114    my %platform_hash = ();
115    my %alive_dependencies = ();
116    my %global_deps_hash = (); # hash of dependencies of the all modules
117    my %global_deps_hash_backup = (); # backup hash of external dependencies of the all modules
118    my %module_deps_hash_backup = (); # backup hash of internal dependencies for aech module
119    my @broken_module_names = ();   # array of modules, which cannot be built further
120    my @dmake_args = ();
121    my %dead_parents = ();
122    my $initial_module = '';
123    my $all_dependent = 1;  # a flag indicating if the hash has independent keys
124    my $build_from_with_branches = '';
125    my $build_all_cont = '';
126    my $build_since = '';
127    my $dlv_switch = '';
128    my $child = 0;
129    my %processes_hash = ();
130    my %module_announced = ();
131    my $prepare = ''; # prepare for following incompatible build
132    my $ignore = '';
133    my $html = '';
134    my @ignored_errors = ();
135    my %incompatibles = ();
136    my %skip_modules = ();
137    my %exclude_branches = ();
138    my $only_platform = ''; # the only platform to prepare
139    my $only_common = ''; # the only common output tree to delete when preparing
140    my %build_modes = ();
141    my $maximal_processes = 0; # the max number of the processes run
142    my %modules_types = (); # modules types ('mod', 'img', 'lnk') hash
143    my %platforms = (); # platforms available or being working with
144    my %platforms_to_copy = (); # copy output trees for the platforms when --prepare
145    my $tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir(); # temp directory for checkout and other actions
146#    $dmake_batch = undef;     #
147    my @possible_build_lists = ('build.lst', 'build.xlist'); # build lists names
148    my %build_list_paths = (); # build lists names
149    my %build_lists_hash = (); # hash of arrays $build_lists_hash{$module} = \($path, $xml_list_object)
150    my $pre_job = 'announce'; # job to add for not-single module build
151    my $post_job = '';        # -"-
152    my @warnings = (); # array of warnings to be shown at the end of the process
153    my @errors = (); # array of errors to be shown at the end of the process
154    my %html_info = (); # hash containing all necessary info for generating of html page
155    my %module_by_hash = (); # hash containing all modules names as values and correspondent hashes as keys
156    my %build_in_progress = (); # hash of modules currently being built
157    my %build_is_finished = (); # hash of already built modules
158    my %modules_with_errors = (); # hash of modules with build errors
159    my %build_in_progress_shown = ();  # hash of modules being built,
160                                    # and shown last time (to keep order)
161    my $build_time = time;
162    my $html_last_updated = 0;
163    my %jobs_hash = ();
164    my $html_path = undef;
165    my $build_finished = 0;
166    my $html_file = '';
167    my %had_error = (); # hack for misteriuos windows problems - try run dmake 2 times if first time there was an error
168    my $mkout = correct_path("$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/mkout.pl");
169    my %weights_hash = (); # hash contains info about how many modules are dependent from one module
170#    %weight_stored = ();
171    my $grab_output = 1;
172    my $stop_build_on_error = 0; # for multiprocessing mode: do not build further module if there is an error
173    my $interactive = 0; # for interactive mode... (for testing purpose enabled by default)
174    my $parent_process = 1;
175    my $server_mode = 0;
176    my $setenv_string = ''; # string for configuration of the client environment
177    my $ports_string = ''; # string with possible ports for server
178    my @server_ports = ();
179    my $html_port = 0;
180    my $server_socket_obj = undef; # socket object for server
181    my $html_socket_obj = undef; # socket object for server
182    my %clients_jobs = ();
183    my %clients_times = ();
184    my $client_timeout = 0; # time for client to build (in sec)...
185                            # The longest time period after that
186                            # the server considered as an error/client crash
187    my %lost_client_jobs = (); # hash containing lost jobs
188    my %job_jobdir = (); # hash containing job-dir pairs
189    my $reschedule_queue = 0;
190    my %module_build_queue = ();
191    my %reversed_dependencies = ();
192    my %module_paths = (); # hash with absolute module paths
193    my %active_modules = ();
194    my $generate_config = 0;
195    my %add_to_config = ();
196    my %remove_from_config = ();
197    my $clear_config = 0;
198    my $finisched_children = 0;
199    my $debug = 0;
200    my %module_deps_hash_pids = ();
201    my @argv = @ARGV;
202    my $source_config_file;
203    my @modules_built = ();
204    my $deliver_command = $ENV{DELIVER};
205    my %prj_platform = ();
206    my $check_error_string = '';
207    my $dmake = '';
208    my $dmake_args = '';
209    my $echo = '';
210    my $new_line = "\n";
211    my $incompatible = 0;
212    my $local_host_ip = 'localhost';
213### main ###
215    get_options();
217#    my $temp_html_file = correct_path($tmp_dir. '/' . $ENV{INPATH}. '.build.html');
218    get_build_modes();
219    my %deliver_env = ();
220    if ($prepare) {
221        get_platforms(\%platforms);
223        $deliver_env{'BUILD_SOSL'}++;
224        $deliver_env{'COMMON_OUTDIR'}++;
225        $deliver_env{'GUI'}++;
226        $deliver_env{'INPATH'}++;
227        $deliver_env{'OFFENV_PATH'}++;
228        $deliver_env{'OUTPATH'}++;
229        $deliver_env{'L10N_framework'}++;
230    };
231    my $workspace_path = get_workspace_path();   # This also sets $initial_module
232    my @additional_repositories = ();
234    # Collect additional repository directories from the ADDITIONAL_REPOSITORIES
235    # environment variable (typically set by configure).
236    foreach my $additional_repository (split(";", $ENV{ADDITIONAL_REPOSITORIES}))
237    {
238        next if $additional_repository eq "";
239        # The repository path is expected to be relative to the workspace_path.
240        # For support of absolute paths we need functionality to distinguish between
241        # relative and absolute paths (provided by File::Spec).
242        my $path = Cwd::realpath(correct_path($workspace_path . "/" . $additional_repository));
243        if ( -d $path)
244        {
245            push @additional_repositories, $path;
246        }
247    }
249    my $source_config = SourceConfig -> new($workspace_path, @additional_repositories);
250    check_partial_gnumake_build($initial_module);
252    if ($html) {
253        if (defined $html_path) {
254            $html_file = correct_path($html_path . '/' . $ENV{INPATH}. '.build.html');
255        } else {
256            my $log_directory = Cwd::realpath(correct_path($workspace_path . '/..')) . '/log';
257            if ((!-d $log_directory) && (!mkdir($log_directory))) {
258                print_error("Cannot create $log_directory for writing html file\n");
259            };
260            $html_file = $log_directory . '/' . $ENV{INPATH}. '.build.html';
261            print "\nPath to html status page: $html_file\n";
262        };
263    };
265    if ($generate_config && ($clear_config || (scalar keys %remove_from_config)||(scalar keys %add_to_config))) {
266        generate_config_file();
267        exit 0;
268    }
269    get_module_and_buildlist_paths();
270    provide_consistency() if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP} && defined($ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}));
272    $deliver_command .= ' -verbose' if ($html);
273    $deliver_command .= ' '. $dlv_switch if ($dlv_switch);
274    $ENV{mk_tmp}++;
276    get_commands();
277    unlink ($cmd_file);
278    if ($cmd_file) {
279        if (open (CMD_FILE, ">>$cmd_file")) {
280            select CMD_FILE;
281            $echo = 'echo ';
282            if ($ENV{GUI} ne 'UNX') {
283                $new_line = "echo.\n";
284                print "\@$echo off\npushd\n";
285            } else {
286                $new_line = $echo."\"\"\n";
287            };
288        } else {
289            print_error ("Cannot open file $cmd_file");
290        };
291#    } elsif ($show) {
292#        select STDOUT;
293    };
295    print $new_line;
296    get_server_ports();
297    start_interactive() if ($interactive);
299    if ($checkparents) {
300	    get_parent_deps( $initial_module, \%global_deps_hash );
301    } else {
302	    build_all();
303    }
304    if (scalar keys %broken_build) {
305        cancel_build();
306#    } elsif (!$custom_job && $post_custom_job) {
307#        do_post_custom_job(correct_path($workspace_path.$initial_module));
308    };
309    print_warnings();
310    if (scalar keys %active_modules) {
311        foreach (keys %dead_parents) {
312            delete $dead_parents{$_} if (!defined $active_modules{$_});
313        };
314    };
315    if (scalar keys %dead_parents) {
316        print $new_line.$new_line;
317        print $echo."WARNING! Project(s):\n";
318        foreach (keys %dead_parents) {
319            print $echo."$_\n";
320        };
321        print $new_line;
322        print $echo."not found and couldn't be built. dependencies on that module(s) ignored. Maybe you should correct build lists.\n";
323        print $new_line;
324        do_exit(1) if ($checkparents);
325    };
326    if (($ENV{GUI} ne 'UNX') && $cmd_file) {
327        print "popd\n";
328    };
329    $ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
330    if ($cmd_file) {
331        close CMD_FILE;
332        print STDOUT "Script $cmd_file generated\n";
333    };
334    if ($ignore && scalar @ignored_errors) {
335        print STDERR "\nERROR: next directories could not be built:\n";
336        foreach (@ignored_errors) {
337            print STDERR "\t$_\n";
338        };
339        print STDERR "\nERROR: please check these directories and build the corresponding module(s) anew!!\n\n";
340        do_exit(1);
341    };
342    do_exit(0);
346#                       #
347#      Procedures       #
348#                       #
351sub print_warnings {
352    if (scalar @warnings) {
353        print STDERR "\nWARNING(S):\n";
354        print STDERR $_ foreach (@warnings);
355    };
358sub rename_file {
359    my ($old_file_name, $new_file_name, $throw_error) = @_;
361    if(-e $old_file_name) {
362        rename($old_file_name, $new_file_name) or system("mv", $old_file_name, $new_file_name);
363        if (-e $old_file_name) {
364            system("rm -rf $old_file_name") if (!unlink $old_file_name);
365        };
366    } elsif ($throw_error) {
367        print_error("No such file $old_file_name");
368    };
371sub generate_config_file {
372    $source_config->add_active_modules([keys %add_to_config], 1) if (scalar %add_to_config);
373    $source_config->remove_activated_modules([keys %remove_from_config], 1) if (scalar %remove_from_config);
374    $source_config->remove_all_activated_modules() if ($clear_config);
378sub start_interactive {
379    my $pid = open(HTML_PIPE, "-|");
380    print "Pipe is open\n";
382    if ($pid) {   # parent
383        # make file handle non-blocking
384        my $flags = '';
385        fcntl(HTML_PIPE, F_GETFL, $flags);
386        $flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
387        fcntl(HTML_PIPE, F_SETFL, $flags);
388    } else {      # child
389        $parent_process = 0;
390        start_html_listener();
391    };
394sub start_html_listener {
395    $html_port = $server_ports[$#server_ports];
396    do {
397        $html_port++
398    } while (start_server_on_port($html_port, \$html_socket_obj));
399    print "html_port:$html_port html_socket_obj: $html_socket_obj\n";
400    my $new_socket_obj;
401    do {
402        $new_socket_obj = accept_html_connection();
403        if (defined $new_socket_obj) {
404            my $html_message;
405            $html_message = <$new_socket_obj>;
406            chomp $html_message;
407            print $html_message . "\n";
408            my $socket_message = '';
409            for my $action ('rebuild', 'delete') {
410                if ($html_message =~ /$action=(\S+)/) {
411                    print $new_socket_obj "Module $1 is scheduled for $action";
412                };
413            };
414            close($new_socket_obj);
415        } else {
416            sleep(10);
417        };
418    } while(1);
421sub start_html_message_trigger {
422	my $child_id=fork(); ### VG: for windows there is a "simulation of the "fork"", no new procs... One can use Win32::Process::Create
424	if ($child_id) {
425	    # parent
426#	    print "started listener trigger\n";
427	} else {
428        my $buffer_size = 1024;
429        my $buffer;
430        my $rv;
431        my $full_buffer = '';
432        my %modules_to_rebuild = ();
433        my $paddr;
434        while ($rv = sysread(HTML_PIPE, $buffer, $buffer_size)) {
435            $full_buffer .= $buffer;
436        };
437        if (length $full_buffer) {
438            print "**********Got message $full_buffer\n";
439            socket(SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) or die "socket: $!";
440            if (connect(SOCKET, $paddr)) {
441                $full_buffer .= "\n";
442                syswrite SOCKET, $full_buffer, length $full_buffer;
443#                close SOCKET or die "Child close socket: $!";
444            } else {
445                die "Child connect: $!";
446            };
447        }
448        _exit(0);
449	};
452sub get_html_orders {
453    return if (!$interactive);
454    my $buffer_size = 1024;
455    my $buffer;
456    my $rv;
457    my $full_buffer = '';
458    my %modules_to_rebuild = ();
459    my %modules_to_delete = ();
460        while ($rv = sysread(HTML_PIPE, $buffer, $buffer_size)) {
461            $full_buffer .= $buffer;
462        };
463#    };
464    my @html_messages = split(/\n/, $full_buffer);
465    foreach (@html_messages) {
466        if (/^html_port:(\d+)/) {
467            $html_port = $1;
468            print "Html port is: $html_port\n";
469            next;
470        };# GET /rebuild=officenames HTTP/1.0
471        print "Message: $_\n";
472        chomp;
473        if (/GET\s+\/delete=(\S+)[:(\S+)]*\s*HTTP/) {
474            $modules_to_delete{$1} = $2;
475            print "$1 scheduled for removal from build for \n";
476        }
477        if (/GET\s+\/rebuild=(\S+)[:(\S+)]*\s*HTTP/) {
478            if (defined $global_deps_hash{$1}) {
479                print "!!! /tarModule $1 has not been built. Html order ignored\n";
480            } else {
481                $modules_to_rebuild{$1} = $2;
482                print "Scheduled $1 for rebuild\n";
483            }
484        }
485    };
486    if (scalar keys %modules_to_delete) {
487        $reschedule_queue++;
488        schedule_delete(\%modules_to_delete);
489        generate_html_file();
490    };
491    if (scalar keys %modules_to_rebuild) {
492        $reschedule_queue++;
493        schedule_rebuild(\%modules_to_rebuild);
494        generate_html_file();
495    };
498sub schedule_delete {
499    my $modules_to_delete = shift;
500    foreach (keys %$modules_to_delete) {
501        print "Schedule module $_ for delete\n";
502        delete ($global_deps_hash{$_});
503        delete ($global_deps_hash_backup{$_});
504        if (scalar keys %{$module_deps_hash_pids{$projects_deps_hash{$_}}}) {
505            kill 9, keys %{$module_deps_hash_pids{$projects_deps_hash{$_}}};
506            handle_dead_children(0);
507        };
508        remove_from_dependencies($_, \%global_deps_hash);
509        remove_from_dependencies($_, \%global_deps_hash_backup);
510        delete $reversed_dependencies{$_};
511        delete $build_is_finished{$_} if defined $build_is_finished{$_};
512        delete $modules_with_errors{$_} if defined $modules_with_errors{$_};
513        delete $module_announced{$_} if defined $module_announced{$_};
514        delete $html_info{$_} if defined $html_info{$_};
515        delete $projects_deps_hash{$_} if defined $projects_deps_hash{$_};
516    };
519sub schedule_rebuild {
520    my $modules_to_rebuild = shift;
521    foreach (keys %$modules_to_rebuild) {
522        if (defined $$modules_to_rebuild{$_}) {
523            print "Schedule directory for rebuild";
524        } else {
525            print "Schedule complete $_ module for rebuild\n";
526            if (scalar keys %{$module_deps_hash_pids{$projects_deps_hash{$_}}}) {
527                kill 9, keys %{$module_deps_hash_pids{$projects_deps_hash{$_}}};
528                handle_dead_children(0);
529            };
530            delete $build_is_finished{$_} if defined $build_is_finished{$_};
531            delete $modules_with_errors{$_} if defined $modules_with_errors{$_};
532            delete $module_announced{$_};
533            initialize_html_info($_);
535            foreach my $waiter (keys %{$reversed_dependencies{$_}}) {
536                # for rebuild_all_dependent - refacture "if" condition
537                ${$global_deps_hash{$waiter}}{$_}++ if (!defined $build_is_finished{$waiter});
538            };
539            delete $projects_deps_hash{$_} if defined $projects_deps_hash{$_};
540            my %single_module_dep_hash = ();
541            foreach my $module (keys %{$global_deps_hash_backup{$_}}) {
542                if (defined ${$global_deps_hash_backup{$_}}{$module} && (!defined $build_is_finished{$module})) {
543                    $single_module_dep_hash{$module}++;
544                };
545            };
546            $global_deps_hash{$_} = \%single_module_dep_hash;
547        };
548    };
553# procedure retrieves build list path
554# (all possibilities are taken into account)
556sub get_build_list_path {
557    my $module = shift;
558    return $build_list_paths{$module} if (defined $build_list_paths{$module});
559    my @possible_dirs = ($module, $module. '.lnk', $module. '.link');
560    return $build_list_paths{$module} if (defined $build_list_paths{$module});
561    foreach (@possible_dirs) {
562        my $possible_dir_path = $module_paths{$_}.'/prj/';
563        if (-d $possible_dir_path) {
564            foreach my $build_list (@possible_build_lists) {
565                my $possible_build_list_path = correct_path($possible_dir_path . $build_list);
566                if (-f $possible_build_list_path) {
567                    $build_list_paths{$module} = $possible_build_list_path;
568                    return $possible_build_list_path;
569                };
570            }
571            print_error("There's no build list for $module");
572        };
573    };
574    $dead_parents{$module}++;
575    $build_list_paths{$module} = correct_path(retrieve_build_list($module)) if (!defined $build_list_paths{$module});
576    return $build_list_paths{$module};
580# Get dependencies hash of the current and all parent projects
582sub get_parent_deps {
583    my $prj_dir = shift;
584    my $deps_hash = shift;
585    my @unresolved_parents = ($prj_dir);
586    my %skipped_branches = ();
587    while (my $module = pop(@unresolved_parents)) {
588        next if (defined $$deps_hash{$module});
589        my %parents_deps_hash = ();
590        foreach (get_parents_array($module)) {
591            if (defined $exclude_branches{$_}) {
592                $skipped_branches{$_}++;
593                next;
594            };
595            $parents_deps_hash{$_}++;
596        }
597        $$deps_hash{$module} = \%parents_deps_hash;
598        foreach my $parent (keys %parents_deps_hash) {
599            if (!defined($$deps_hash{$parent}) && (!defined $exclude_branches{$module})) {
600                push (@unresolved_parents, $parent);
601            };
602        };
603    };
604    check_deps_hash($deps_hash);
605    foreach (keys %skipped_branches) {
606        print $echo . "Skipping module's $_ branch\n";
607        delete $exclude_branches{$_};
608    };
609    my @missing_branches = keys %exclude_branches;
610    if (scalar @missing_branches) {
611        print_error("For $prj_dir branche(s): \"@missing_branches\" not found\n");
612    };
615sub store_weights {
616    my $deps_hash = shift;
617    foreach (keys %$deps_hash) {
618        foreach my $module_deps_hash ($$deps_hash{$_}) {
619            foreach my $dependency (keys %$module_deps_hash) {
620                $weights_hash{$dependency}++;
621            };
622        };
623    };
627# This procedure builds comlete dependency for each module, ie if the deps look like:
628# mod1 -> mod2 -> mod3 -> mod4,mod5,
629# than mod1 get mod3,mod4,mod5 as eplicit list of deps, not only mod2 as earlier
631sub expand_dependencies {
632    my $deps_hash = shift;
634    foreach my $module1 (keys %$deps_hash) {
635        foreach my $module2 (keys %$deps_hash) {
636            next if ($module1 eq $module2);
637            if (defined ${$$deps_hash{$module2}}{$module1}) {
638                ${$$deps_hash{$module2}}{$_}++ foreach (keys %{$$deps_hash{$module1}})
639            };
640        };
641    };
645# This procedure fills the second hash with reversed dependencies,
646# ie, with info about modules "waiting" for the module
648sub reverse_dependensies {
649    my ($deps_hash, $reversed) = @_;
650    foreach my $module (keys %$deps_hash) {
651        foreach (keys %{$$deps_hash{$module}}) {
652            if (defined $$reversed{$_}) {
653                ${$$reversed{$_}}{$module}++
654            } else {
655                my %single_module_dep_hash = ($module => 1);
656                $$reversed{$_} = \%single_module_dep_hash;
657            };
658        };
659    };
663# Build everything that should be built
665sub build_all {
666    if ($build_all_parents) {
667        my ($prj, $prj_dir, $orig_prj);
668        get_parent_deps( $initial_module, \%global_deps_hash);
669        if (scalar keys %active_modules) {
670            $active_modules{$initial_module}++;
671            $modules_types{$initial_module} = 'mod';
672        };
673        modules_classify(keys %global_deps_hash);
674        expand_dependencies (\%global_deps_hash);
675        prepare_incompatible_build(\%global_deps_hash) if ($incompatible && (!$build_from_with_branches));
676        if ($build_from_with_branches) {
677            my %reversed_full_deps_hash = ();
678            reverse_dependensies(\%global_deps_hash, \%reversed_full_deps_hash);
679            prepare_build_from_with_branches(\%global_deps_hash, \%reversed_full_deps_hash);
680        }
681        if ($build_all_cont || $build_since) {
682            store_weights(\%global_deps_hash);
683            prepare_build_all_cont(\%global_deps_hash);
684            %weights_hash = ();
685        };
686        if ($generate_config) {
687            %add_to_config = %global_deps_hash;
688            generate_config_file();
689            exit 0;
690        } elsif ($incompatible) {
691            my @missing_modules = ();
692            foreach (sort keys %global_deps_hash) {
693                push(@missing_modules, $_) if (!defined $active_modules{$_});
694            };
695            if (scalar @missing_modules) {
696                push(@warnings, "The modules: \"@missing_modules\" should be have been built, but they are not activated and have been skipped. Be aware, that can cause compatibility problems. Maybe you should verify your $source_config_file.\n");
697            };
698        };
699        foreach my $module (keys %dead_parents, keys %skip_modules) {
700            remove_from_dependencies($module, \%global_deps_hash);
701            delete ($global_deps_hash{$module}) if (defined $global_deps_hash{$module});
702        };
703        store_weights(\%global_deps_hash);
704        backup_deps_hash(\%global_deps_hash, \%global_deps_hash_backup);
705        reverse_dependensies(\%global_deps_hash_backup, \%reversed_dependencies);
706        $modules_number = scalar keys %global_deps_hash;
707        initialize_html_info($_) foreach (keys %global_deps_hash);
708        if ($processes_to_run) {
709            build_multiprocessing();
710            return;
711        };
712        if ($server_mode) {
713            run_server();
714        };
715        while ($prj = pick_prj_to_build(\%global_deps_hash)) {
716            if (!defined $dead_parents{$prj}) {
717                if (scalar keys %broken_build) {
718                    print $echo . "Skipping project $prj because of error(s)\n";
719                    remove_from_dependencies($prj, \%global_deps_hash);
720                    $build_is_finished{$prj}++;
721                    next;
722                };
724                $prj_dir = $module_paths{$prj};
725                get_module_dep_hash($prj, \%local_deps_hash);
726                my $info_hash = $html_info{$prj};
727                $$info_hash{DIRS} = check_deps_hash(\%local_deps_hash, $prj);
728                $module_by_hash{\%local_deps_hash} = $prj;
729                build_dependent(\%local_deps_hash);
730                print $check_error_string;
731            };
733            remove_from_dependencies($prj, \%global_deps_hash);
734            $build_is_finished{$prj}++;
735        };
736    } else {
737        store_build_list_content($initial_module);
738        get_module_dep_hash($initial_module, \%local_deps_hash);
739        initialize_html_info($initial_module);
740        my $info_hash = $html_info{$initial_module};
741        $$info_hash{DIRS} = check_deps_hash(\%local_deps_hash, $initial_module);
742        $module_by_hash{\%local_deps_hash} = $initial_module;
743        if ($server_mode) {
744            run_server();
745        } else {
746            build_dependent(\%local_deps_hash);
747        };
748    };
751sub backup_deps_hash {
752    my $source_hash = shift;
753    my $backup_hash = shift;
754    foreach my $key (keys %$source_hash) {
755        my %values_hash = %{$$source_hash{$key}};
756        $$backup_hash{$key} = \%values_hash;
757    };
760sub initialize_html_info {
761    my $module = shift;
762    return if (defined $dead_parents{$module});
763    $html_info{$module} = { 'DIRS' => [],
764                            'ERRORFUL' => [],
765                            'SUCCESSFUL' => [],
766                            'BUILD_TIME' => 0};
770# Do job
772sub dmake_dir {
773    my ($new_job_name, $error_code);
774    my $job_name = shift;
775    $jobs_hash{$job_name}->{START_TIME} = time();
776    $jobs_hash{$job_name}->{STATUS} = 'building';
777    if ($job_name =~ /(\s)/o && (!-d $job_name)) {
778        $error_code = do_custom_job($job_name, \%local_deps_hash);
779    } else {
780        html_store_job_info(\%local_deps_hash, $job_name);
781        print_error("$job_name not found!!\n") if (!-d $job_name);
782        if (!-d $job_name) {
783            $new_job_name = $job_name;
784            $new_job_name =~ s/_simple//g;
785            if ((-d $new_job_name)) {
786                print("\nTrying $new_job_name, $job_name not found!!\n");
787                $job_name = $new_job_name;
788            } else {
789                print_error("\n$job_name not found!!\n");
790            }
791        }
792        if ($cmd_file) {
793            print "cd $job_name\n";
794            print $check_error_string;
795            print $echo.$job_name."\n";
796            print "$dmake\n";
797            print $check_error_string;
798        } else {
799            print "\n" if ( ! $show );
800            print "Entering $job_name\n";
801        };
802        remove_from_dependencies($job_name, \%local_deps_hash) if (!$child);
803        return if ($cmd_file || $show);
804        $error_code = run_job($dmake, $job_name);
805        html_store_job_info(\%local_deps_hash, $job_name, $error_code) if (!$child);
806    };
808    if ($error_code && $ignore) {
809        push(@ignored_errors, $job_name);
810        $error_code = 0;
811    };
812    if ($child) {
813        my $oldfh = select STDERR;
814        $| = 1;
815        select $oldfh;
816        $| =1;
817        if ($error_code) {
818            _exit($error_code >> 8);
819        } else {
820            _exit($? >> 8) if ($? && ($? != -1));
821        };
822        _exit(0);
823    } elsif ($error_code && ($error_code != -1)) {
824        $broken_build{$job_name} = $error_code;
825        return $error_code;
826    };
830# Procedure stores information about build list (and)
831# build list object in build_lists_hash
833sub store_build_list_content {
834    my $module = shift;
835    my $build_list_path = get_build_list_path($module);
836    return undef if (!defined $build_list_path);
837    return if (!$build_list_path);
838    my $xml_list = undef;
839    if ($build_list_path =~ /\.xlist$/o) {
840        print_error("XMLBuildListParser.pm couldn\'t be found, so XML format for build lists is not enabled") if (!defined $enable_xml);
841        $xml_list = XMLBuildListParser->new();
842        if (!$xml_list->loadXMLFile($build_list_path)) {
843            print_error("Cannot use $build_list_path");
844        };
845        $build_lists_hash{$module} = $xml_list;
846    } else {
847        if (open (BUILD_LST, $build_list_path)) {
848            my @build_lst = <BUILD_LST>;
849            $build_lists_hash{$module} = \@build_lst;
850            close BUILD_LST;
851            return;
852        }
853        $dead_parents{$module}++;
854    };
857# Get string (list) of parent projects to build
859sub get_parents_array {
860    my $module = shift;
861    store_build_list_content($module);
862    my $build_list_ref = $build_lists_hash{$module};
864    if (ref($build_list_ref) eq 'XMLBuildListParser') {
865        return $build_list_ref->getModuleDependencies(\@modes_array);
866    };
867    foreach (@$build_list_ref) {
868        if ($_ =~ /#/) {
869            if ($`) {
870                $_ = $`;
871            } else {
872                next;
873            };
874        };
875        s/\r\n//;
876        if ($_ =~ /\:+\s+/) {
877            return pick_for_build_type($');
878        };
879    };
880    return ();
884# get folders' platform infos
886sub get_prj_platform {
887    my $build_list_ref = shift;
888    my ($prj_alias, $line);
889    foreach(@$build_list_ref) {
890        s/\r\n//;
891        $line++;
892        if ($_ =~ /\snmake\s/) {
893            if ($' =~ /\s*-\s+(\w+)[,\S+]*\s+(\S+)/ ) {
894                my $platform = $1;
895                my $alias = $2;
896                print_error ("There is no correct alias set in the line $line!") if ($alias eq 'NULL');
897                mark_platform($alias, $platform);
898            } else {
899                print_error("Misspelling in line: \n$_");
900            };
901        };
902    };
906# Procedure populate the dependencies hash with
907# information from XML build list object
909sub get_deps_from_object {
910    my ($module, $build_list_object, $dependencies_hash) = @_;
912    foreach my $dir ($build_list_object->getJobDirectories("make", $ENV{GUI})) {
913        $path_hash{$dir} = $module_paths{$module};
914        $path_hash{$dir} .= $dir if ($dir ne '/');
915        my %deps_hash = ();
917        foreach my $dep ($build_list_object->getJobDependencies($dir, "make", $ENV{GUI})) {
918            $deps_hash{$dep}++;
919        };
920        $$dependencies_hash{$dir} = \%deps_hash;
921    };
925# this function wraps the get_module_dep_hash and backups the resultung hash
927sub get_module_dep_hash {
928    my ($module, $module_dep_hash) = @_;
929    if (defined $module_deps_hash_backup{$module}) {
930        backup_deps_hash($module_deps_hash_backup{$module}, $module_dep_hash);
931    } else {
932        get_deps_hash($module, $module_dep_hash);
933        my %values_hash = ();
934        backup_deps_hash($module_dep_hash, \%values_hash);
935        $module_deps_hash_backup{$module} = \%values_hash;
936    }
940# Getting hashes of all internal dependencies and additional
941# information for given project
943sub get_deps_hash {
944    my ($dummy, $module_to_build);
945    my %dead_dependencies = ();
946    $module_to_build = shift;
947    my $dependencies_hash = shift;
948    if ($custom_job) {
949        if ($modules_types{$module_to_build} ne 'lnk') {
950            add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_custom_job);
951            add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_job);
952            add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $custom_job);
953            add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $post_job);
954            add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $post_custom_job);
955        };
956        return;
957    };
958    if ( defined $modules_types{$module_to_build} && $modules_types{$module_to_build} ne 'mod') {
959        add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_job);
960        return;
961    };
963    my  $build_list_ref = $build_lists_hash{$module_to_build};
964#    delete $build_lists_hash{$module_to_build};
965    if (ref($build_list_ref) eq 'XMLBuildListParser') {
966        get_deps_from_object($module_to_build, $build_list_ref, $dependencies_hash);
967    } else {
968        get_prj_platform($build_list_ref);
969        foreach (@$build_list_ref) {
970            if ($_ =~ /#/o) {
971                next if (!$`);
972                $_ = $`;
973            };
974            s/\r\n//;
975            if ($_ =~ /\s+nmake\s+/o) {
976                my ($platform, $dependencies, $dir, $dir_alias);
977                my %deps_hash = ();
978                $dependencies = $';
979                $dummy = $`;
980                $dummy =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S*)/o;
981                $dir = $2;
982                $dependencies =~ /(\w+)/o;
983                $platform = $1;
984                $dependencies = $';
985                while ($dependencies =~ /,(\w+)/o) {
986                    $dependencies = $';
987                };
988                $dependencies =~ /\s+(\S+)\s+/o;
989                $dir_alias = $1;
990                if (!check_platform($platform)) {
991                    next if (defined $platform_hash{$dir_alias});
992                    $dead_dependencies{$dir_alias}++;
993                    next;
994                };
995                delete $dead_dependencies{$dir_alias} if (defined $dead_dependencies{$dir_alias});
996                print_error("Directory alias $dir_alias is defined at least twice!! Please, correct build.lst in module $module_to_build") if (defined $$dependencies_hash{$dir_alias});
997                $platform_hash{$dir_alias}++;
998                $dependencies = $';
999                print_error("$module_to_build/prj/build.lst has wrongly written dependencies string:\n$_\n") if (!$dependencies);
1000                $deps_hash{$_}++ foreach (get_dependency_array($dependencies));
1001                $$dependencies_hash{$dir_alias} = \%deps_hash;
1002                my $local_dir = '';
1003                if ($dir =~ /(\\|\/)/o) {
1004                    $local_dir = "/$'";
1005                };
1006                $path_hash{$dir_alias} = correct_path($module_paths{$module_to_build} . $local_dir);
1007            } elsif ($_ !~ /^\s*$/ && $_ !~ /^\w*\s/o) {
1008                chomp;
1009                push(@errors, $_);
1010            };
1011        };
1012        if (scalar @errors) {
1013            my $message = "$module_to_build/prj/build.lst has wrongly written string(s):\n";
1014            $message .= "$_\n" foreach(@errors);
1015            if ($processes_to_run) {
1016                $broken_build{$module_to_build} = $message;
1017                $dependencies_hash = undef;
1018                return;
1019            } else {
1020                print_error($message);
1021            };
1022        };
1023        foreach my $alias (keys %dead_dependencies) {
1024            next if defined $alive_dependencies{$alias};
1025#            if (!IsHashNative($alias)) {
1026                remove_from_dependencies($alias, $dependencies_hash);
1027                delete $dead_dependencies{$alias};
1028#            };
1029        };
1030    };
1031    resolve_aliases($dependencies_hash, \%path_hash);
1032    if (!$prepare) {
1033        add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_custom_job);
1034        add_prerequisite_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $pre_job);
1035        add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $custom_job);
1036        add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $post_job) if ($module_to_build ne $initial_module);
1037        add_dependent_job($dependencies_hash, $module_to_build, $post_custom_job);
1038    };
1039    store_weights($dependencies_hash);
1043# procedure adds which is independent from anothers, but anothers are dependent from it
1045sub add_prerequisite_job {
1046    my ($dependencies_hash, $module, $job) = @_;
1047    return if (!$job);
1048    $job = "$module $job";
1049    foreach (keys %$dependencies_hash) {
1050        my $deps_hash = $$dependencies_hash{$_};
1051        $$deps_hash{$job}++;
1052    };
1053    $$dependencies_hash{$job} = {};
1057# procedure adds a job wich is dependent from all already registered jobs
1059sub add_dependent_job {
1060    # $post_job is dependent from all jobs
1061    my ($dependencies_hash, $module, $job) = @_;
1062    return if (!$job);
1063    my %deps_hash = ();
1064    $deps_hash{$_}++ foreach (keys %$dependencies_hash);
1065    $$dependencies_hash{"$module $job"} = \%deps_hash;
1069# this procedure converts aliases to absolute paths
1071sub resolve_aliases {
1072    my ($dependencies_hash, $path_hash) = @_;
1073    foreach my $dir_alias (keys %$dependencies_hash) {
1074        my $aliases_hash_ref = $$dependencies_hash{$dir_alias};
1075        my %paths_hash = ();
1076        foreach (keys %$aliases_hash_ref) {
1077            $paths_hash{$$path_hash{$_}}++;
1078        };
1079        delete $$dependencies_hash{$dir_alias};
1080        $$dependencies_hash{$$path_hash{$dir_alias}} = \%paths_hash;
1081    };
1085# mark platform in order to prove if alias has been used according to specs
1087sub mark_platform {
1088    my $prj_alias = shift;
1089    if (exists $prj_platform{$prj_alias}) {
1090        $prj_platform{$prj_alias} = 'all';
1091    } else {
1092        $prj_platform{$prj_alias} = shift;
1093    };
1097# Convert path from abstract (with '\' and/or '/' delimiters)
1098# to system-independent
1100sub correct_path {
1101    $_ = shift;
1102    s/\\/\//g;
1103    return $_;
1107sub check_dmake {
1108#print "Checking dmake...";
1109    if (open(DMAKEVERSION, "dmake -V |")) {
1110#    if (open(DMAKEVERSION, "dmake -V |")) {
1111        my @dmake_version = <DMAKEVERSION>;
1112        close DMAKEVERSION;
1113#       if ($dmake_version[0] =~ /^dmake\s\-\sCopyright\s\(c\)/) {
1114#            print " Using version $1\n" if ($dmake_version[0] =~ /Version\s(\d+\.*\d*)/);
1115#        };
1116        return;
1117    };
1118    my $error_message = 'dmake: Command not found.';
1119    $error_message .= ' Please rerun bootstrap' if (!defined $ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS});
1120    print_error($error_message);
1124# Get platform-dependent commands
1126sub get_commands {
1127    my $arg = '';
1128    # Setting alias for dmake
1129    $dmake = 'dmake';
1130    check_dmake();
1132    if ($cmd_file) {
1133        if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'UNX') {
1134            $check_error_string = "if \"\$?\" != \"0\" exit\n";
1135        } else {
1136            $check_error_string = "if \"\%?\" != \"0\" quit\n";
1137        };
1138    };
1140    $dmake_args = join(' ', 'dmake', @dmake_args);
1142    while ($arg = pop(@dmake_args)) {
1143        $dmake .= ' '.$arg;
1144    };
1145    $dmake .= ' verbose=true' if ($html);
1149# Procedure retrieves list of projects to be built from build.lst
1151sub get_workspace_path {
1152    if (!defined $ENV{GUI}) {
1153        $ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
1154        die "No environment set\n";
1155    };
1156    my $repository_helper = RepositoryHelper->new();
1157    my $workspace_path = $repository_helper->get_repository_root();
1158    my $initial_dir = $repository_helper->get_initial_directory();
1159    if ($workspace_path eq $initial_dir) {
1160        print_error('Found no project to build');
1161    };
1162    $initial_module = substr($initial_dir, length($workspace_path) + 1);
1163    if ($initial_module =~ /(\\|\/)/) {
1164        $initial_module = $`;
1165    };
1166    $module_paths{$initial_module} = $workspace_path . "/$initial_module";
1167    return $workspace_path;
1171# Picks project which can be built now from hash and then deletes it from hash
1173sub pick_prj_to_build {
1174    my $deps_hash = shift;
1175    get_html_orders();
1176    my $prj = find_indep_prj($deps_hash);
1177    if ($prj) {
1178        delete $$deps_hash{$prj};
1179        generate_html_file();
1180    };
1181    return $prj;
1185# Make a decision if the project should be built on this platform
1187sub check_platform {
1188    my $platform = shift;
1189    return 1 if ($platform eq 'all');
1190    return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WIN') && ($platform eq 'w'));
1191    return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'UNX') && ($platform eq 'u'));
1192    return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'OS2') && ($platform eq 'p'));
1193    return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') &&
1194                 (($platform eq 'w') || ($platform eq 'n')));
1195    return 0;
1199# Remove project to build ahead from dependencies and make an array
1200# of all from given project dependent projects
1202sub remove_from_dependencies {
1203    my ($exclude_prj, $i, $prj, $dependencies);
1204    $exclude_prj = shift;
1205    my $exclude_prj_orig = '';
1206    $exclude_prj_orig = $` if (($exclude_prj =~ /\.lnk$/o) || ($exclude_prj =~ /\.link$/o));
1207    $dependencies = shift;
1208    foreach $prj (keys %$dependencies) {
1209        my $prj_deps_hash = $$dependencies{$prj};
1210        delete $$prj_deps_hash{$exclude_prj} if (defined $$prj_deps_hash{$exclude_prj});
1211    };
1216# Check the hash for consistency
1218sub check_deps_hash {
1219    my ($deps_hash_ref, $module) = @_;
1220    my @possible_order;
1221    my $module_path = $module_paths{$module} if (defined $module);
1222    return if (!scalar keys %$deps_hash_ref);
1223    my %deps_hash = ();
1224    my $consistent;
1225    backup_deps_hash($deps_hash_ref, \%deps_hash);
1226    my $string;
1227    my $log_name;
1228    my $build_number = 0;
1230    do {
1231        $consistent = '';
1232        foreach my $key (sort keys %deps_hash) {
1233            my $local_deps_ref = $deps_hash{$key};
1234            if (!scalar keys %$local_deps_ref) {
1235                if (defined $module) {
1236                    $build_number++;
1237                    $string = undef;
1238                    if ($key =~ /(\s)/o) {
1239                        $string = $key;
1240                    } else {
1241                        if (length($key) == length($module_path)) {
1242                            $string = './';
1243                        } else {
1244                            $string = substr($key, length($module_path) + 1);
1245                            $string =~ s/\\/\//go;
1246                        };
1247                    };
1248                    $log_name = $string;
1249                    if ($log_name eq "$module $custom_job") {
1250                        $log_name = "custom_job";
1251                    };
1252                    if ($log_name eq "$module $pre_custom_job") {
1253                        $log_name = "pre_custom_job";
1254                    };
1255                    if ($log_name eq "$module $post_custom_job") {
1256                        $log_name = "post_custom_job";
1257                    };
1258                    $log_name =~ s/\\|\//\./g;
1259                    $log_name =~ s/\s/_/g;
1260                    $log_name = $module if ($log_name =~ /^\.+$/);
1261                    $log_name .= '.txt';
1262                    push(@possible_order, $key);
1263                    $jobs_hash{$key} = {    SHORT_NAME => $string,
1264                                            BUILD_NUMBER => $build_number,
1265                                            STATUS => 'waiting',
1266                                            LOG_PATH => '../' . $source_config->get_module_repository($module) . "/$module/$ENV{INPATH}/misc/logs/$log_name",
1267                                            LONG_LOG_PATH => correct_path($module_paths{$module} . "/$ENV{INPATH}/misc/logs/$log_name"),
1268                                            START_TIME => 0,
1269                                            FINISH_TIME => 0,
1270                                            CLIENT => '-'
1271                    };
1272                };
1273                remove_from_dependencies($key, \%deps_hash);
1274                delete $deps_hash{$key};
1275                $consistent++;
1276            };
1277        };
1278    } while ($consistent && (scalar keys %deps_hash));
1279    return \@possible_order if ($consistent);
1280    print STDERR "Fatal error:";
1281    foreach (keys %deps_hash) {
1282        print STDERR "\n\t$_ depends on: ";
1283        foreach my $i (keys %{$deps_hash{$_}}) {
1284            print STDERR (' ', $i);
1285        };
1286    };
1287    if ($child) {
1288        my $oldfh = select STDERR;
1289        $| = 1;
1290        _do_exit(1);
1291    } else {
1292        print_error("There are dead or circular dependencies\n");
1293    };
1297# Find project with no dependencies left.
1299sub find_indep_prj {
1300    my ($dependencies, $i);
1301    my @candidates = ();
1302    $all_dependent = 1;
1303    handle_dead_children(0) if ($processes_to_run);
1304    my $children = children_number();
1305    return '' if (!$server_mode && $children && ($children >= $processes_to_run));
1306    $dependencies = shift;
1307    if (scalar keys %$dependencies) {
1308        foreach my $job (keys %$dependencies) {
1309            if (!scalar keys %{$$dependencies{$job}}) {
1310                push(@candidates, $job);
1311                last if (!$processes_to_run);
1312            };
1313        };
1314        if (scalar @candidates) {
1315            $all_dependent = 0;
1316            my $best_candidate = undef;
1317            my $best_weight = 0;
1318            if (scalar @candidates > 1) {
1319                foreach my $candidate (@candidates) {
1320                    my $candidate_weight = get_waiters_number($candidate);
1321                    if ($candidate_weight > $best_weight) {
1322                        $best_candidate = $candidate;
1323                        $best_weight = $candidate_weight;
1324                    };
1325                };
1326                if (defined $best_candidate) {
1327                    return $best_candidate;
1328                }
1329            }
1330            my @sorted_candidates = sort(@candidates);
1331            return $sorted_candidates[0];
1332        };
1333    };
1334    return '';
1337sub get_waiters_number {
1338    my $module = shift;
1339    if (defined $weights_hash{$module}) {
1340        return $weights_hash{$module};
1341    };
1342    if (defined $reversed_dependencies{$module}) {
1343        return scalar keys %{$reversed_dependencies{$module}};
1344    };
1345    return 0;
1349# Check if given entry is HASH-native, that is not a user-defined data
1351#sub IsHashNative {
1352#    my $prj = shift;
1353#    return 1 if ($prj =~ /^HASH\(0x[\d | a | b | c | d | e | f]{6,}\)/);
1354#    return 0;
1358# Getting array of dependencies from the string given
1360sub get_dependency_array {
1361    my ($dep_string, @dependencies, $parent_prj, $prj, $string);
1362    @dependencies = ();
1363    $dep_string = shift;
1364    $string = $dep_string;
1365    $prj = shift;
1366    while ($dep_string !~ /^NULL/o) {
1367        print_error("Project $prj has wrongly written dependencies string:\n $string") if (!$dep_string);
1368        $dep_string =~ /(\S+)\s*/o;
1369        $parent_prj = $1;
1370        $dep_string = $';
1371        if ($parent_prj =~ /\.(\w+)$/o) {
1372            $parent_prj = $`;
1373            if (($prj_platform{$parent_prj} ne $1) &&
1374                ($prj_platform{$parent_prj} ne 'all')) {
1375                print_error ("$parent_prj\.$1 is a wrongly dependency identifier!\nCheck if it is platform dependent");
1376            };
1377            $alive_dependencies{$parent_prj}++ if (check_platform($1));
1378            push(@dependencies, $parent_prj);
1379        } else {
1380            if ((exists($prj_platform{$parent_prj})) &&
1381                ($prj_platform{$parent_prj} ne 'all') ) {
1382                print_error("$parent_prj is a wrongly used dependency identifier!\nCheck if it is platform dependent");
1383            };
1384            push(@dependencies, $parent_prj);
1385        };
1386    };
1387    return @dependencies;
1392# Getting current directory list
1394sub get_directory_list {
1395    my $path = shift;
1396    opendir(CurrentDirList, $path);
1397    my @directory_list = readdir(CurrentDirList);
1398    closedir(CurrentDirList);
1399    return @directory_list;
1402sub print_error {
1403    my $message = shift;
1404    my $force = shift;
1405    $modules_number -= scalar keys %global_deps_hash;
1406    $modules_number -= 1;
1407    print STDERR "\nERROR: $message\n";
1408    $ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
1409    if ($cmd_file) {
1410        close CMD_FILE;
1411        unlink ($cmd_file);
1412    };
1413    if (!$child) {
1414        $ENV{mk_tmp} = '';
1415        close CMD_FILE if ($cmd_file);
1416        unlink ($cmd_file);
1417        do_exit(1);
1418    };
1419    do_exit(1) if (defined $force);
1422sub usage {
1423    print STDERR "\nbuild\n";
1424    print STDERR "Syntax:    build    [--all|-a[:prj_name]]|[--from|-f prj_name1[:prj_name2] [prj_name3 [...]]]|[--since|-c prj_name] [--with_branches prj_name1[:prj_name2] [--skip prj_name1[:prj_name2] [prj_name3 [...]] [prj_name3 [...]|-b]|[--prepare|-p][:platform] [--deliver|-d [--dlv_switch deliver_switch]]] [-P processes|--server [--setenvstring \"string\"] [--client_timeout MIN] [--port port1[:port2:...:portN]]] [--show|-s] [--help|-h] [--file|-F] [--ignore|-i] [--version|-V] [--mode|-m OOo[,SO[,EXT]] [--html [--html_path html_file_path] [--dontgraboutput]] [--pre_job=pre_job_sring] [--job=job_string|-j] [--post_job=post_job_sring] [--stoponerror] [--genconf [--removeall|--clear|--remove|--add [module1,module2[,...,moduleN]]]] [--exclude_branch_from prj_name1[:prj_name2] [prj_name3 [...]]] [--interactive]\n";
1425    print STDERR "Example1:    build --from sfx2\n";
1426    print STDERR "                     - build all projects dependent from sfx2, starting with sfx2, finishing with the current module\n";
1427    print STDERR "Example2:    build --all:sfx2\n";
1428    print STDERR "                     - the same as --all, but skip all projects that have been already built when using \"--all\" switch before sfx2\n";
1429    print STDERR "Example3:    build --all --server\n";
1430    print STDERR "                     - build all projects in server mode, use first available port from default range 7890-7894 (running clients required!!)\n";
1431    print STDERR "Example4(for unixes):\n";
1432    print STDERR "             build --all --pre_job=echo\\ Starting\\ job\\ in\\ \\\$PWD --job=some_script.sh --post_job=echo\\ Job\\ in\\ \\\$PWD\\ is\\ made\n";
1433    print STDERR "                     - go through all projects, echo \"Starting job in \$PWD\" in each module, execute script some_script.sh, and finally echo \"Job in \$PWD is made\"\n";
1434    print STDERR "\nSwitches:\n";
1435    print STDERR "        --all        - build all projects from very beginning till current one\n";
1436    print STDERR "        --from       - build all projects dependent from the specified (including it) till current one\n";
1437    print STDERR "        --exclude_branch_from    - exclude module(s) and its branch from the build\n";
1438    print STDERR "        --mode OOo   - build only projects needed for OpenOffice.org\n";
1439    print STDERR "        --prepare    - clear all projects for incompatible build from prj_name till current one [for platform] (cws version)\n";
1440    print STDERR "        --with_branches- the same as \"--from\" but with build all projects in neighbour branches\n";
1441    print STDERR "        --skip       - do not build certain module(s)\n";
1442    print STDERR "        --since      - build all projects beginning from the specified till current one (the same as \"--all:prj_name\", but skipping prj_name)\n";
1443    print STDERR "        --checkmodules      - check if all required parent projects are availlable\n";
1444    print STDERR "        --show       - show what is going to be built\n";
1445    print STDERR "        --file       - generate command file file_name\n";
1446    print STDERR "        --deliver    - only deliver, no build (usable for \'-all\' and \'-from\' keys)\n";
1447    print STDERR "        -P           - start multiprocessing build, with number of processes passed\n";
1448    print STDERR "        --server     - start build in server mode (clients required)\n";
1449    print STDERR "          --setenvstring  - string for configuration of the client environment\n";
1450    print STDERR "          --port          - set server port, default is 7890. You may pass several ports, the server will be started on the first available\n";
1451    print STDERR "                            otherwise the server will be started on first available port from the default range 7890-7894\n";
1452    print STDERR "          --client_timeout  - time frame after which the client/job is considered to be lost. Default is 120 min\n";
1453    print STDERR "        --dlv_switch - use deliver with the switch specified\n";
1454    print STDERR "        --help       - print help info\n";
1455    print STDERR "        --ignore     - force tool to ignore errors\n";
1456    print STDERR "        --html       - generate html page with build status\n";
1457    print STDERR "                       file named $ENV{INPATH}.build.html will be generated in $ENV{SOLARSRC}\n";
1458    print STDERR "          --html_path      - set html page path\n";
1459    print STDERR "          --dontgraboutput - do not grab console output when generating html page\n";
1460    print STDERR "        --genconf    - generate/modify workspace configuration file\n";
1461    print STDERR "          --add            - add active module(s) to configuration file\n";
1462    print STDERR "          --remove         - removeactive  modules(s) from configuration file\n";
1463    print STDERR "          --removeall|--clear          - remove all active modules(s) from configuration file\n";
1465    print STDERR "        --stoponerror      - stop build when error occurs (for mp builds)\n";
1466    print STDERR "        --interactive      - start interactive build process (process can be managed via html page)\n";
1467    print STDERR "   Custom jobs:\n";
1468    print STDERR "        --job=job_string        - execute custom job in (each) module. job_string is a shell script/command to be executed instead of regular dmake jobs\n";
1469    print STDERR "        --pre_job=pre_job_string        - execute preliminary job in (each) module. pre_job_string is a shell script/command to be executed before regular job in the module\n";
1470    print STDERR "        --post_job=job_string        - execute a postprocess job in (each) module. post_job_string is a shell script/command to be executed after regular job in the module\n";
1471    print STDERR "Default:             - build current project\n";
1472    print STDERR "Unknown switches passed to dmake\n";
1476# Get all options passed
1478sub get_options {
1479    my ($arg, $dont_grab_output);
1480    while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
1481        $arg =~ /^-P$/            and $processes_to_run = shift @ARGV     and next;
1482        $arg =~ /^-P(\d+)$/            and $processes_to_run = $1 and next;
1483        $arg =~ /^--all$/        and $build_all_parents = 1             and next;
1484        $arg =~ /^-a$/        and $build_all_parents = 1             and next;
1485        $arg =~ /^--show$/        and $show = 1                         and next;
1486        $arg =~ /^--checkmodules$/       and $checkparents = 1 and $ignore = 1 and next;
1487        $arg =~ /^-s$/        and $show = 1                         and next;
1488        $arg =~ /^--deliver$/    and $deliver = 1                     and next;
1489        $arg =~ /^(--job=)/       and $custom_job = $' and next;
1490        $arg =~ /^(--pre_job=)/       and $pre_custom_job = $' and next;
1491        $arg =~ /^(--post_job=)/       and $post_custom_job = $' and next;
1492        $arg =~ /^-d$/    and $deliver = 1                     and next;
1493        $arg =~ /^--dlv_switch$/    and $dlv_switch = shift @ARGV    and next;
1494        $arg =~ /^--file$/        and $cmd_file = shift @ARGV             and next;
1495        $arg =~ /^-F$/        and $cmd_file = shift @ARGV             and next;
1496        $arg =~ /^--skip$/    and get_modules_passed(\%skip_modules)      and next;
1498        if ($arg =~ /^--with_branches$/ || $arg =~ /^-b$/) {
1499                                    $build_from_with_branches = 1;
1500                                    $build_all_parents = 1;
1501                                    get_modules_passed(\%incompatibles);
1502                                    next;
1503        };
1504        $arg =~ /^--all:(\S+)$/ and $build_all_parents = 1
1505                                and $build_all_cont = $1            and next;
1506        $arg =~ /^-a:(\S+)$/ and $build_all_parents = 1
1507                                and $build_all_cont = $1            and next;
1508        if ($arg =~ /^--from$/ || $arg =~ /^-f$/) {
1509                                    $build_all_parents = 1;
1510                                    get_modules_passed(\%incompatibles);
1511                                    next;
1512        };
1513        if ($arg =~ /^--exclude_branch_from$/) {
1514                                    get_modules_passed(\%exclude_branches);
1515                                    next;
1516        };
1517        $arg =~ /^--prepare$/    and $prepare = 1 and next;
1518        $arg =~ /^-p$/            and $prepare = 1 and next;
1519        $arg =~ /^--prepare:/    and $prepare = 1 and $only_platform = $' and next;
1520        $arg =~ /^-p:/            and $prepare = 1 and $only_platform = $' and next;
1521        $arg =~ /^--since$/        and $build_all_parents = 1
1522                                and $build_since = shift @ARGV         and next;
1523        $arg =~ /^-c$/        and $build_all_parents = 1
1524                                and $build_since = shift @ARGV         and next;
1525        $arg =~ /^-s$/            and $build_all_parents = 1
1526                                and $build_since = shift @ARGV         and next;
1527        $arg =~ /^--help$/        and usage()                            and do_exit(0);
1528        $arg =~ /^-h$/        and usage()                            and do_exit(0);
1529        $arg =~ /^--ignore$/        and $ignore = 1                            and next;
1530        $arg =~ /^--genconf$/        and $generate_config = 1                  and next;
1531        if ($arg =~ /^--add$/)      {
1532                                        get_list_of_modules(\%add_to_config);
1533                                        next;
1534        };
1535        if ($arg =~ /^--remove$/)   {
1536                                        get_list_of_modules(\%remove_from_config);
1537                                        if (!scalar %remove_from_config) {
1538                                            print_error('No module list supplied!!');
1539                                        };
1540                                        next;
1541        };
1542        ($arg =~ /^--clear$/ || $arg =~ /^--removeall$/)  and $clear_config = 1 and next;
1543        $arg =~ /^--html$/        and $html = 1                            and next;
1544        $arg =~ /^--dontgraboutput$/        and $dont_grab_output = 1      and next;
1545        $arg =~ /^--html_path$/ and $html_path = shift @ARGV  and next;
1546        $arg =~ /^-i$/        and $ignore = 1                            and next;
1547        $arg =~ /^--server$/        and $server_mode = 1                      and next;
1548        $arg =~ /^--client_timeout$/ and $client_timeout = (shift @ARGV)*60  and next;
1549        $arg =~ /^--setenvstring$/            and $setenv_string =  shift @ARGV         and next;
1550        $arg =~ /^--port$/            and $ports_string =  shift @ARGV         and next;
1551        $arg =~ /^--version$/   and do_exit(0);
1552        $arg =~ /^-V$/          and do_exit(0);
1553        $arg =~ /^-m$/            and get_modes()         and next;
1554        $arg =~ /^--mode$/        and get_modes()         and next;
1555        $arg =~ /^--stoponerror$/        and $stop_build_on_error = 1         and next;
1556        $arg =~ /^--interactive$/        and $interactive = 1         and next;
1557        if ($arg =~ /^--$/) {
1558            push (@dmake_args, get_dmake_args()) if (!$custom_job);
1559            next;
1560        };
1561        push (@dmake_args, $arg);
1562    };
1563    if (!$html) {
1564        print_error("\"--html_path\" switch is used only with \"--html\"") if ($html_path);
1565        print_error("\"--dontgraboutput\" switch is used only with \"--html\"") if ($dont_grab_output);
1566    };
1567    if ((scalar keys %exclude_branches) && !$build_all_parents) {
1568        print_error("\"--exclude_branch_from\" is not applicable for one module builds!!");
1569    };
1570    $grab_output = 0 if ($dont_grab_output);
1571    print_error('Switches --with_branches and --all collision') if ($build_from_with_branches && $build_all_cont);
1572    print_error('Switch --skip is for building multiple modules only!!') if ((scalar keys %skip_modules) && (!$build_all_parents));
1573#    print_error('Please prepare the workspace on one of UNIX platforms') if ($prepare && ($ENV{GUI} ne 'UNX'));
1574    print_error('Switches --with_branches and --since collision') if ($build_from_with_branches && $build_since);
1575    if ($show) {
1576        $processes_to_run = 0;
1577        $cmd_file = '';
1578    };
1579    print_error('Switches --job and --deliver collision') if ($custom_job && $deliver);
1580    $custom_job = 'deliver' if $deliver;
1581    $post_job = 'deliver' if (!$custom_job);
1582    $incompatible = scalar keys %incompatibles;
1583    if ($prepare) {
1584        print_error("--prepare is for use with --from switch only!\n") if (!$incompatible);
1585    };
1586    if ($processes_to_run) {
1587        if ($ignore && !$html) {
1588            print_error("Cannot ignore errors in multiprocessing build");
1589        };
1590        if (!$enable_multiprocessing) {
1591            print_error("Cannot load Win32::Process module for multiprocessing build");
1592        };
1593        if ($server_mode) {
1594            print_error("Switches -P and --server collision");
1595        };
1596    } elsif ($stop_build_on_error) {
1597        print_error("Switch --stoponerror is only for multiprocessing builds");
1598    };
1599    if ($server_mode) {
1600        $html++;
1601        $client_timeout = 60 * 60 * 2 if (!$client_timeout);
1602    } else {
1603        print_error("--ports switch is for server mode only!!") if ($ports_string);
1604        print_error("--setenvstring switch is for server mode only!!") if ($setenv_string);
1605        print_error("--client_timeout switch is for server mode only!!") if ($client_timeout);
1606    };
1608    if (!$generate_config) {
1609        my $error_message = ' switch(es) should be used only with "--genconf"';
1610        print_error('"--removeall" ("--clear")' . $error_message) if ($clear_config);
1611        if ((scalar %add_to_config) || (scalar %remove_from_config)) {
1612            print_error('"--add" or/and "--remove"' . $error_message);
1613        };
1614    } elsif ((!scalar %add_to_config) && !$clear_config && (!scalar %remove_from_config) && !$build_all_parents){
1615        print_error('Please supply necessary switch for "--genconf" (--add|--remove|--removeall). --add can be used with --from and such');
1616    };
1618    if ($only_platform) {
1619        $only_common = 'common';
1620        $only_common .= '.pro' if ($only_platform =~ /\.pro$/);
1621    };
1622    if ($interactive) {
1623        $html++; # enable html page generation...
1624        my $local_host_name = hostname();
1625        $local_host_ip = inet_ntoa(scalar(gethostbyname($local_host_name)) || 'localhost');
1626    }
1627    # Default build modes(for OpenOffice.org)
1628    $ENV{BUILD_TYPE} = 'OOo EXT' if (!defined $ENV{BUILD_TYPE});
1629    @ARGV = @dmake_args;
1630	foreach $arg (@dmake_args) {
1631        $arg =~ /^verbose=(\S+)$/i and $verbose_mode = ($1 =~ /^t\S*$/i);
1632	}
1635sub get_module_and_buildlist_paths {
1636    if ($build_all_parents || $checkparents) {
1637        $source_config_file = $source_config->get_config_file_path();
1638        $active_modules{$_}++ foreach ($source_config->get_active_modules());
1639        my %active_modules_copy = %active_modules;
1640        foreach ($source_config->get_all_modules()) {
1641            delete $active_modules_copy{$_} if defined($active_modules_copy{$_});
1642            next if ($_ eq $initial_module);
1643            $module_paths{$_} = $source_config->get_module_path($_);
1644            $build_list_paths{$_} = $source_config->get_module_build_list($_)
1645        }
1646        $dead_parents{$_}++ foreach (keys %active_modules_copy);
1647    };
1651sub get_dmake_args {
1652    my $arg;
1653    my @job_args = ();
1654    while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
1655        next if ($arg =~ /^--$/);
1656        push (@job_args, $arg);
1657    };
1658    return @job_args;
1662# get all options without '-'
1664sub get_switch_options {
1665    my $string = '';
1666    my $option = '';
1667    while ($option = shift @ARGV) {
1668        if (!($option =~ /^-+/)) {
1669            $string .= '-' . $option;
1670            $string .= ' ';
1671        } else {
1672            unshift(@ARGV, $option);
1673            last;
1674        };
1675    };
1676    $string =~ s/\s$//;
1677    return $string;
1681# cancel build when one of children has error exit code
1683sub cancel_build {
1684#    close_server_socket();
1685    my $broken_modules_number = scalar @broken_module_names;
1686    my $message_part = 'build ';
1687    if (scalar keys %incompatibles) {
1688        my @incompatible_modules = keys %incompatibles;
1689        if ($stop_build_on_error) {
1690            $message_part .= "--from @incompatible_modules:@broken_module_names\n";
1691        } else {
1692            $message_part .= "--from @broken_module_names\n";
1693        };
1694    } else {
1695        if ($processes_to_run) {
1696            $message_part .= "--from ";
1697        } else {
1698            $message_part .= "--all:";
1699        };
1700        $message_part .= "@broken_module_names\n";
1702    };
1703    if ($broken_modules_number && $build_all_parents) {
1704        print STDERR "\n";
1705        print STDERR $broken_modules_number;
1706        print STDERR " module(s): ";
1707        foreach (@broken_module_names) {
1708            print STDERR "\n\t$_";
1709        };
1710        print STDERR "\nneed(s) to be rebuilt\n\nReason(s):\n\n";
1711        foreach (keys %broken_build) {
1712            print STDERR "ERROR: error " . $broken_build{$_} . " occurred while making $_\n";
1713        };
1714        print STDERR "\nWhen you have fixed the errors in " .
1715		(length(@broken_module_names)==1 ? "that module" : "these modules") .
1716		" you can resume the build by running:\n\n\t" . $message_part;
1717    } else {
1718        while (children_number()) {
1719            handle_dead_children(1);
1720        }
1721        foreach (keys %broken_build) {
1722            print STDERR "ERROR: error " . $broken_build{$_} . " occurred while making $_\n";
1723        };
1724    };
1725    print "\n";
1726    do_exit(1);
1730# Function for storing errors in multiprocessing AllParents build
1732sub store_error {
1733    my ($pid, $error_code) = @_;
1734    return 0 if (!$error_code);
1735    my $child_nick = $processes_hash{$pid};
1736    if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') {
1737        if (!defined $had_error{$child_nick}) {
1738            $had_error{$child_nick}++;
1739            return 1;
1740        };
1741    };
1742    $modules_with_errors{$folders_hashes{$child_nick}}++;
1743    $broken_build{$child_nick} = $error_code;
1744    if ($stop_build_on_error) {
1745        clear_from_child($pid);
1746        # Let all children finish their work
1747        while (children_number()) {
1748            handle_dead_children(1);
1749        };
1750        cancel_build();
1751    };
1752    return 0;
1756# child handler (clears (or stores info about) the terminated child)
1758sub handle_dead_children {
1759    my $running_children = children_number();
1760    return if (!$running_children);
1761    my $force_wait = shift;
1762    my $try_once_more = 0;
1763    do {
1764        my $pid = 0;
1765        if (children_number() >= $processes_to_run ||
1766                ($force_wait && ($running_children == children_number()))) {
1767            $pid = wait();
1768        } else {
1769            $pid = waitpid( -1, &WNOHANG);
1770        };
1771        if ($pid > 0) {
1772            $try_once_more = store_error($pid, $?);
1773            if ($try_once_more) {
1774                give_second_chance($pid);
1775            } else {
1776                clear_from_child($pid);
1777            };
1778            $finisched_children++;
1779        };
1780    } while(children_number() >= $processes_to_run);
1783sub give_second_chance {
1784    my $pid = shift;
1785    # A malicious hack for misterious windows problems - try 2 times
1786    # to run dmake in the same directory if errors occurs
1787    my $child_nick = $processes_hash{$pid};
1788    $running_children{$folders_hashes{$child_nick}}--;
1789    delete $processes_hash{$pid};
1790    start_child($child_nick, $folders_hashes{$child_nick});
1793sub clear_from_child {
1794    my $pid = shift;
1795    my $child_nick = $processes_hash{$pid};
1796    my $error_code = 0;
1797    if (defined $broken_build{$child_nick}) {
1798        $error_code = $broken_build{$child_nick};
1799    } else {
1800        remove_from_dependencies($child_nick,
1801                            $folders_hashes{$child_nick});
1802    };
1803    foreach (keys %module_deps_hash_pids) {
1804        delete ${$module_deps_hash_pids{$_}}{$pid} if defined (${$module_deps_hash_pids{$_}}{$pid});
1805    };
1806    my $module = $module_by_hash{$folders_hashes{$child_nick}};
1807    html_store_job_info($folders_hashes{$child_nick}, $child_nick, $error_code);
1808    $running_children{$folders_hashes{$child_nick}}--;
1809    delete $processes_hash{$pid};
1810    $verbose_mode && print 'Running processes: ' . children_number() . "\n";
1814# Build the entire project according to queue of dependencies
1816sub build_dependent {
1817    $dependencies_hash = shift;
1818    my $pid = 0;
1819    my $child_nick = '';
1820    $running_children{$dependencies_hash} = 0 if (!defined $running_children{$dependencies_hash});
1821    while ($child_nick = pick_prj_to_build($dependencies_hash)) {
1822        if ($processes_to_run) {
1823            do {
1824                if (defined $modules_with_errors{$dependencies_hash} && !$ignore) {
1825                    return 0 if ($build_all_parents);
1826                    last;
1827                };
1828                # start current child & all
1829                # that could be started now
1830                if ($child_nick) {
1831                    start_child($child_nick, $dependencies_hash);
1832                    return 1 if ($build_all_parents);
1833                } else {
1834                    return 0 if ($build_all_parents);
1835                    if (scalar keys %$dependencies_hash) {
1836                        handle_dead_children(1);
1837                    };
1838                };
1839                $child_nick = pick_prj_to_build($dependencies_hash);
1840            } while (scalar keys %$dependencies_hash || $child_nick);
1841            while (children_number()) {
1842                handle_dead_children(1);
1843            };
1845            if (defined $modules_with_errors{$dependencies_hash}) {
1846                cancel_build();
1847            }
1848            mp_success_exit();
1849        } else {
1850            if (dmake_dir($child_nick)) {
1851                push(@broken_module_names, $module_by_hash{$dependencies_hash});
1852                cancel_build();
1853            };
1854        };
1855        $child_nick = '';
1856    };
1859sub children_number {
1860    return scalar keys %processes_hash;
1863sub start_child {
1864    my ($job_dir, $dependencies_hash) = @_;
1865    $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{START_TIME} = time();
1866    $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{STATUS} = 'building';
1867    if ($job_dir =~ /(\s)/o) {
1868        my $error_code = undef;
1869        if ($job_dir !~ /\sdeliver$/o) {
1870            $error_code = do_custom_job($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
1871            return;
1872        }
1873    };
1874    $build_in_progress{$module_by_hash{$dependencies_hash}}++;
1875    html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $job_dir);
1876    my $pid = undef;
1877    my $children_running;
1878    my $oldfh = select STDOUT;
1879    $| = 1;
1880    if ($pid = fork) { # parent
1881        select $oldfh;
1882        $processes_hash{$pid} = $job_dir;
1883        $children_running = children_number();
1884        $verbose_mode && print 'Running processes: ', $children_running, "\n";
1885        $maximal_processes = $children_running if ($children_running > $maximal_processes);
1886        $folders_hashes{$job_dir} = $dependencies_hash;
1887        store_pid($dependencies_hash, $pid);
1888        $running_children{$dependencies_hash}++;
1889    } elsif (defined $pid) { # child
1890        select $oldfh;
1891        $child = 1;
1892        dmake_dir($job_dir);
1893        do_exit(1);
1894    };
1897sub store_pid {
1898    my ($deps_hash, $pid) = @_;
1899    if (!defined $module_deps_hash_pids{$deps_hash}) {
1900        my %module_hash_pids = ();
1901        $module_deps_hash_pids{$deps_hash} = \%module_hash_pids;
1902    };
1903    ${$module_deps_hash_pids{$deps_hash}}{$pid}++;
1907# Build everything that should be built multiprocessing version
1909sub build_multiprocessing {
1910    my $prj;
1911    do {
1912        my $got_module = 0;
1913        $finisched_children = 0;
1914        while ($prj = pick_prj_to_build(\%global_deps_hash)) {
1915            if (!defined $projects_deps_hash{$prj}) {
1916                $projects_deps_hash{$prj} = {};
1917                get_module_dep_hash($prj, $projects_deps_hash{$prj});
1918                my $info_hash = $html_info{$prj};
1919                $$info_hash{DIRS} = check_deps_hash($projects_deps_hash{$prj}, $prj);
1920                $module_by_hash{$projects_deps_hash{$prj}} = $prj;
1921            }
1922            $module_build_queue{$prj}++;
1923            $got_module++;
1924        };
1925        if (!$got_module) {
1926            cancel_build() if ((!scalar keys %module_build_queue) && !children_number());
1927            if (!$finisched_children) {
1928#                print "#### 1979: Starting waiting for dead child\n";
1929                handle_dead_children(1);
1930            };
1931        };
1932        build_actual_queue(\%module_build_queue);
1933    } while (scalar keys %global_deps_hash);
1934    # Let the last module be built till the end
1935    while (scalar keys %module_build_queue) {
1936        build_actual_queue(\%module_build_queue);
1937#        print "#### 1988: Starting waiting for dead child\n";
1938        handle_dead_children(1);
1939    };
1940    # Let all children finish their work
1941    while (children_number()) {
1942        handle_dead_children(1);
1943    };
1944    cancel_build() if (scalar keys %broken_build);
1945    mp_success_exit();
1948sub mp_success_exit {
1949#    close_server_socket();
1950#    if (!$custom_job && $post_custom_job) {
1951#        do_post_custom_job(correct_path($workspace_path.$initial_module));
1952#    };
1953    print "\nMultiprocessing build is finished\n";
1954    print "Maximal number of processes run: $maximal_processes\n";
1955    do_exit(0);
1959# Here the built queue is built as long as possible
1961sub build_actual_queue {
1962    my $build_queue = shift;
1963    my $finished_projects = 0;
1964    do {
1965        my @sorted_queue = sort {(scalar keys %{$projects_deps_hash{$a}}) <=> (scalar keys %{$projects_deps_hash{$b}})} keys %$build_queue;
1966        my $started_children = 0;
1967        foreach my $prj (keys %$build_queue) {
1968            get_html_orders();
1969            if ($reschedule_queue) {
1970                $reschedule_queue = 0;
1971                foreach (keys %$build_queue) {
1972                    # Remove the module from the build queue if there is a dependency emerged
1973                    if ((defined $global_deps_hash{$_}) && (scalar keys %{$global_deps_hash{$_}})) {
1974                        delete $$build_queue{$_};
1975                    };
1976                    delete $$build_queue{$_} if (!defined $global_deps_hash_backup{$_})
1977                };
1978                return;
1979            };
1980            if (defined $modules_with_errors{$projects_deps_hash{$prj}} && !$ignore) {
1981                push (@broken_module_names, $prj);
1982                delete $$build_queue{$prj};
1983                next;
1984            };
1985            $started_children += build_dependent($projects_deps_hash{$prj});
1986            if ((!scalar keys %{$projects_deps_hash{$prj}}) &&
1987                !$running_children{$projects_deps_hash{$prj}}) {
1988                if (!defined $modules_with_errors{$projects_deps_hash{$prj}} || $ignore)
1989                {
1990                    remove_from_dependencies($prj, \%global_deps_hash);
1991                    $build_is_finished{$prj}++;
1992                    delete $$build_queue{$prj};
1993                    $finished_projects++;
1994                };
1995            };
1996        };
1997        # trigger wait
1998        if (!$started_children) {
1999            if ($finished_projects) {
2000                return;
2001            } else {
2002                handle_dead_children(1);
2003            };
2004        };
2005    } while (scalar keys %$build_queue);
2008sub run_job {
2009    my ($job, $path, $registered_name) = @_;
2010    my $job_to_do = $job;
2011    my $error_code = 0;
2012    print "$registered_name\n";
2013    return 0 if ( $show );
2014    $job_to_do = $deliver_command if ($job eq 'deliver');
2015    $registered_name = $path if (!defined $registered_name);
2016    chdir $path;
2017    getcwd();
2019    if ($html) {
2020        my $log_file = $jobs_hash{$registered_name}->{LONG_LOG_PATH};
2021        my $log_dir = File::Basename::dirname($log_file);
2022        if (!-d $log_dir) {
2023             system("$perl $mkout");
2024        };
2025        $error_code = system ("$job_to_do > $log_file 2>&1");
2026        if (!$grab_output && -f $log_file) {
2027            system("cat $log_file");
2028        };
2029    } else {
2030        $error_code = system ("$job_to_do");
2031    };
2032    return $error_code;
2035sub do_custom_job {
2036    my ($module_job, $dependencies_hash) = @_;
2037    $module_job =~ /(\s)/o;
2038    my $module = $`;
2039    my $job = $';
2040    html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $module_job);
2041    my $error_code = 0;
2042    if ($job eq $pre_job) {
2043        announce_module($module);
2044#        html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $job_dir);
2045        remove_from_dependencies($module_job, $dependencies_hash);
2046    } else {
2047        $error_code = run_job($job, $module_paths{$module}, $module_job);
2048        if ($error_code) {
2049            # give windows one more chance
2050            if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') {
2051                $error_code = run_job($job, $module_paths{$module}, $module_job);
2052            };
2053        };
2054        if ($error_code && $ignore) {
2055            push(@ignored_errors, $module_job);
2056            $error_code = 0;
2057        };
2058        if ($error_code) {
2059            $modules_with_errors{$dependencies_hash}++;
2060#            $broken_build{$module_job} = $error_code;
2061        } else {
2062            remove_from_dependencies($module_job, $dependencies_hash);
2063        };
2064    };
2065    html_store_job_info($dependencies_hash, $module_job, $error_code);
2066    return $error_code;
2070# Print announcement for module just started
2072sub announce_module {
2073    my $prj = shift;
2074    $build_in_progress{$prj}++;
2075    print_announce($prj);
2078sub print_announce {
2079    my $prj = shift;
2080    return if (defined $module_announced{$prj});
2081    my $prj_type = '';
2082    $prj_type = $modules_types{$prj} if (defined $modules_types{$prj});
2083    my $text;
2084    if ($prj_type eq 'lnk') {
2085        if (!defined $active_modules{$prj}) {
2086            $text = "Skipping module $prj\n";
2087        } else {
2088            $text = "Skipping link to $prj\n";
2089        };
2090        $build_is_finished{$prj}++;
2091    } elsif ($prj_type eq 'img') {
2092        $text = "Skipping incomplete $prj\n";
2093        $build_is_finished{$prj}++;
2094    } elsif ($custom_job) {
2095        $text = "Running custom job \"$custom_job\" in module $prj\n";
2096    } else {
2097        $text = "Building module $prj\n";
2098    };
2099    my $announce_string = $new_line;
2100    $announce_string .= $echo . "=============\n";
2101    $announce_string .= $echo . $text;
2102    $announce_string .= $echo . "=============\n";
2103    print $announce_string;
2104    $module_announced{$prj}++;
2107sub are_all_dependent {
2108    my $build_queue = shift;
2109    my $folder = '';
2110    my $first_candidate = undef;
2111    foreach my $prj (keys %$build_queue) {
2112        $folder = find_indep_prj($projects_deps_hash{$prj});
2113        $first_candidate = $folder if (!defined $first_candidate);
2114    };
2115    $folder = $first_candidate;
2116    return '' if ($first_candidate);
2117    return '1';
2122# Procedure defines if the local directory is a
2123# complete module, an image or a link
2124# return values: lnk link
2125#                img incomplete (image)
2126#                mod complete (module)
2128sub modules_classify {
2129    my @modules = @_;
2130    foreach my $module (sort @modules) {
2131        if (!defined $module_paths{$module}) {
2132            $modules_types{$module} = 'img';
2133            next;
2134        };
2135        if (( $module_paths{$module} =~ /\.lnk$/) || ($module_paths{$module} =~ /\.link$/)
2136                || (!defined $active_modules{$module})) {
2137            $modules_types{$module} = 'lnk';
2138            next;
2139        };
2140        $modules_types{$module} = 'mod';
2141    };
2145# This procedure provides consistency for cws
2146# and optimized build (ie in case of --with_branches, -all:prj_name
2147# and -since switches)
2149sub provide_consistency {
2150    check_dir();
2151    foreach my $var_ref (\$build_all_cont, \$build_since) {
2152        if ($$var_ref) {
2153            return if (defined $module_paths{$$var_ref});
2154            print_error("Cannot find module '$$var_ref'", 9);
2155            return;
2156        };
2157    };
2161# Get the workspace list ('stand.lst'), either from 'localini'
2162# or, if this is not possible, from 'globalini.
2163# (Heiner's proprietary :)
2165sub get_workspace_lst
2167    my $home = $ENV{HOME};
2168    my $inifile = $ENV{HOME}. '/localini/stand.lst';
2169    if (-f $inifile) {
2170        return $inifile;
2171    };
2172    return '';
2176# Procedure clears up module for incompatible build
2178sub ensure_clear_module {
2179    my $module = shift;
2180    if ($modules_types{$module} eq 'mod') {
2181         clear_module($module);
2182         return;
2183    };
2184    if ($modules_types{$module} eq 'lnk' && (File::Basename::basename($module_paths{$module}) ne $module)) {
2185        if(rename($module_paths{$module}, File::Basename::dirname($module_paths{$module}) ."/$module")) {
2186            $module_paths{$module} = File::Basename::dirname($module_paths{$module}) ."/$module";
2187            clear_module($module);
2188        } else {
2189            print_error("Cannot rename link to $module. Please rename it manually");
2190        };
2191    };
2195# Procedure removes output tree from the module (without common trees)
2197sub clear_module {
2198    my $module = shift;
2199    print "Removing module's $module output trees...\n";
2200    print "\n" and return if ($show);
2201    opendir DIRHANDLE, $module_paths{$module};
2202    my @dir_content = readdir(DIRHANDLE);
2203    closedir(DIRHANDLE);
2204    foreach (@dir_content) {
2205        next if (/^\.+$/);
2206        my $dir = correct_path($module_paths{$module}.'/'.$_);
2207        if ((!-d $dir.'/.svn') && is_output_tree($dir)) {
2208            #print "I would delete $dir\n";
2209            rmtree("$dir", 0, 1);
2210            if (-d $dir) {
2211                system("$remove_command $dir");
2212                if (-d $dir) {
2213                    push(@warnings, "Cannot delete $dir");
2214#print_error("Cannot delete $dir");
2215                } else {
2216                    print STDERR (">>> Removed $dir by force\n");
2217                };
2218            };
2219        };
2220    };
2224# Figure out if the directory is an output tree
2226sub is_output_tree {
2227    my $dir = shift;
2228    $dir =~ /([\w\d\.]+)$/;
2229    $_ = $1;
2230    return '1' if (defined $platforms{$_});
2231    if ($only_common) {
2232        return '1' if ($_ eq $only_common);
2233    } else {
2234        if (scalar keys %platforms < scalar keys %platforms_to_copy) {
2235            return '';
2236        };
2237        return '1' if (/^common$/);
2238        return '1' if (/^common\.pro$/);
2239    };
2240    return '';
2242sub get_tmp_dir {
2243    my $tmp_dir;
2244    if( defined($ENV{TMPDIR}) ) {
2245       $tmp_dir = $ENV{TMPDIR} . '/';
2246    } elsif( defined($ENV{TMP}) ) {
2247       $tmp_dir = $ENV{TMP} . '/';
2248    } else {
2249       $tmp_dir = '/tmp/';
2250    }
2251    $tmp_dir = tempdir ( DIR => $tmp_dir );
2252    if (!-d $tmp_dir) {
2253        print_error("Cannot create temporary directory for checkout in $tmp_dir") if ($@);
2254    };
2255    return $tmp_dir;
2258sub retrieve_build_list {
2259    my $module = shift;
2260    my $old_fh = select(STDOUT);
2262    # Try to get global depencies from solver's build.lst if such exists
2263    my $solver_inc_dir = "$ENV{SOLARVER}/$ENV{OUTPATH}";
2264    $solver_inc_dir .= $ENV{PROEXT} if (defined $ENV{PROEXT});
2265    $solver_inc_dir .= '/inc';
2266    $solver_inc_dir .= $ENV{UPDMINOREXT} if (defined $ENV{UPDMINOREXT});
2267    $solver_inc_dir .= "/$module";
2268    $solver_inc_dir = correct_path($solver_inc_dir);
2269    $dead_parents{$module}++;
2270    print "Fetching dependencies for module $module from solver...";
2271    foreach my $onelist (@possible_build_lists) {
2272        my $build_list_candidate = "$solver_inc_dir/$onelist";
2273        if (-e $build_list_candidate) {
2274            print " ok\n";
2275            select($old_fh);
2276            return $build_list_candidate;
2277        };
2278    }
2279    print(" failed\n");
2280    print_error("incomplete dependencies!\n");
2281    return undef;
2284sub fix_permissions {
2285     my $file = $File::Find::name;
2286     return unless -f $file;
2287     chmod '0664', $file;
2290sub prepare_build_from_with_branches {
2291    my ($full_deps_hash, $reversed_full_deps_hash) = @_;
2292    foreach my $prerequisite (keys %$full_deps_hash) {
2293        foreach my $dependent_module (keys %incompatibles) {
2294            if (defined ${$$reversed_full_deps_hash{$prerequisite}}{$dependent_module}) {
2295                remove_from_dependencies($prerequisite, $full_deps_hash);
2296                delete $$full_deps_hash{$prerequisite};
2297#                print "Removed $prerequisite\n";
2298                last;
2299            };
2300        };
2301    };
2305# Removes projects which it is not necessary to build
2306# in incompatible build
2308sub prepare_incompatible_build {
2309    my ($prj, $deps_hash, @missing_modules);
2310    $deps_hash = shift;
2311    foreach my $module (keys %incompatibles) {
2312        if (!defined $$deps_hash{$module}) {
2313            print_error("The module $initial_module is independent from $module\n");
2314        }
2315        $incompatibles{$module} = $$deps_hash{$module};
2316        delete $$deps_hash{$module};
2317    }
2318    while ($prj = pick_prj_to_build($deps_hash)) {
2319        remove_from_dependencies($prj, $deps_hash);
2320        remove_from_dependencies($prj, \%incompatibles);
2321    };
2322    foreach (keys %incompatibles) {
2323        $$deps_hash{$_} = $incompatibles{$_};
2324    };
2325    if ($build_all_cont) {
2326        prepare_build_all_cont($deps_hash);
2327        delete $$deps_hash{$build_all_cont};
2328    };
2329    @modules_built = keys %$deps_hash;
2330    %add_to_config = %$deps_hash;
2331    if ($prepare) {
2332        if ((!(defined $ENV{UPDATER} && (!defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}))) || (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP})) {
2333            $source_config->add_active_modules([keys %add_to_config], 0);
2334        }
2335        clear_delivered();
2336    }
2337    my @old_output_trees = ();
2338    foreach $prj (sort keys %$deps_hash) {
2339        if ($prepare) {
2340            ensure_clear_module($prj);
2341        } else {
2342            next if ($show);
2343            if ($modules_types{$prj} ne 'mod') {
2344                push(@missing_modules, $prj);
2345            } elsif (-d $module_paths{$prj}. '/'. $ENV{INPATH}) {
2346                push(@old_output_trees, $prj);
2347            };
2348        };
2349    };
2350    if (scalar @missing_modules) {
2351        my $warning_string = 'Following modules are inconsistent/missing: ' . "@missing_modules";
2352        push(@warnings, $warning_string);
2353    };
2354    if ($build_all_cont) {
2355        $$deps_hash{$build_all_cont} = ();
2356        $build_all_cont = '';
2357    };
2358    if( scalar @old_output_trees) {
2359        my $warning_string = 'Some modules contain old output trees! Please check: ' . "@old_output_trees";
2360        push(@warnings, $warning_string);
2361    };
2362    if (!$generate_config && scalar @warnings) {
2363        print "WARNING(S):\n";
2364        print STDERR "$_\n" foreach (@warnings);
2365        print "\nATTENTION: If you are performing an incompatible build, please break the build with Ctrl+C and prepare the workspace with \"--prepare\" switch!\n\n" if (!$prepare);
2366        sleep(10);
2367    };
2368    if ($prepare) {
2369    print "\nPreparation finished";
2370        if (scalar @warnings) {
2371            print " with WARNINGS!!\n\n";
2372        } else {print " successfully\n\n";}
2373    }
2374    do_exit(0) if ($prepare);
2378# Removes projects which it is not necessary to build
2379# with --all:prj_name or --since switch
2381sub prepare_build_all_cont {
2382    my ($prj, $deps_hash, $border_prj);
2383    $deps_hash = shift;
2384    $border_prj = $build_all_cont if ($build_all_cont);
2385    $border_prj = $build_since if ($build_since);
2386    while ($prj = pick_prj_to_build($deps_hash)) {
2387        my $orig_prj = '';
2388        $orig_prj = $` if ($prj =~ /\.lnk$/o);
2389        $orig_prj = $` if ($prj =~ /\.link$/o);
2390        if (($border_prj ne $prj) &&
2391            ($border_prj ne $orig_prj)) {
2392            remove_from_dependencies($prj, $deps_hash);
2393            next;
2394        } else {
2395            if ($build_all_cont) {
2396                $$deps_hash{$prj} = ();
2397            } else {
2398                remove_from_dependencies($prj, $deps_hash);
2399            };
2400            return;
2401        };
2402    };
2405sub get_modes {
2406    my $option = '';
2407    while ($option = shift @ARGV) {
2408        if ($option =~ /^-+/) {
2409            unshift(@ARGV, $option);
2410            return;
2411        } else {
2412            if ($option =~ /,/) {
2413                $build_modes{$`}++;
2414                unshift(@ARGV, $') if ($');
2415            } else {$build_modes{$option}++;};
2416        };
2417    };
2418    $build_modes{$option}++;
2421sub get_list_of_modules {
2422    my $option = '';
2423    my $hash_ref = shift;
2424    while ($option = shift @ARGV) {
2425        if ($option =~ /^-+/) {
2426            unshift(@ARGV, $option);
2427            return;
2428        } else {
2429            if ($option =~ /,/) {
2430                foreach (split /,/, $option) {
2431                    next if (!$_);
2432                    $$hash_ref{$_}++;
2433                };
2434            } else {
2435                $$hash_ref{$option}++;
2436            };
2437        };
2438    };
2439#    if (!scalar %$hash_ref) {
2440#        print_error('No module list supplied!!');
2441#    };
2444sub get_modules_passed {
2445    my $hash_ref = shift;
2446    my $option = '';
2447    while ($option = shift @ARGV) {
2448        if ($option =~ /^-+/) {
2449            unshift(@ARGV, $option);
2450            return;
2451        } else {
2452            if ($option =~ /(:)/) {
2453                $option = $`;
2454                print_error("\'--from\' switch collision") if ($build_all_cont);
2455                $build_all_cont = $';
2456            };
2457            $$hash_ref{$option}++;
2458        };
2459    };
2462sub get_workspace_platforms {
2463    my $workspace_patforms = shift;
2464    my $solver_path = $ENV{SOLARVERSION};
2465    opendir(SOLVERDIR, $solver_path);
2466    my @dir_list = readdir(SOLVERDIR);
2467    close SOLVERDIR;
2468    foreach (@dir_list) {
2469        next if /^common/;
2470        next if /^\./;
2471        if (open(LS, "ls $solver_path/$_/inc/*minor.mk 2>$nul |")) {
2472            foreach my $string (<LS>) {
2473                chomp $string;
2474                if ($string =~ /minor.mk$/) {
2475                    $$workspace_patforms{$_}++
2476                };
2477            };
2478            close LS;
2479        };
2480    };
2483sub get_platforms {
2484    my $platforms_ref = shift;
2485    if ($only_platform) {
2486        foreach (split(',', $only_platform)) {
2487            $$platforms_ref{$_}++;
2488        }
2489        $platforms_ref = \%platforms_to_copy;
2490    };
2492    my $workspace_lst = get_workspace_lst();
2493    if ($workspace_lst) {
2494        my $workspace_db;
2495        eval { $workspace_db = GenInfoParser->new(); };
2496        if (!$@) {
2497            my $success = $workspace_db->load_list($workspace_lst);
2498            if ( !$success ) {
2499                print_error("Can't load workspace list '$workspace_lst'.", 4);
2500            }
2501            my $access_path = $ENV{WORK_STAMP} . '/Environments';
2502            my @platforms_available = $workspace_db->get_keys($access_path);
2503            my $solver = $ENV{SOLARVERSION};
2504            foreach (@platforms_available) {
2505                my $s_path = $solver . '/' .  $_;
2506                $$platforms_ref{$_}++ if (-d $s_path);
2507            };
2508        } else {
2509            get_workspace_platforms(\%platforms);
2510        };
2511    };
2513    if (!scalar keys %platforms) {
2514        # An Auses wish - fallback to INPATH for new platforms
2515        if (defined $ENV{INPATH}) {
2516            $$platforms_ref{$ENV{INPATH}}++;
2517        } else {
2518            print_error("There is no platform found!!") ;
2519        };
2520    };
2524# This procedure clears solver from delivered
2525# by the modules to be build
2527sub clear_delivered {
2528    my $message = 'Clearing up delivered';
2529    my %backup_vars;
2530    my $deliver_delete_switches = '-delete';
2531    if (scalar keys %platforms < scalar keys %platforms_to_copy) {
2532        $message .= ' without common trees';
2533        $deliver_delete_switches .= ' -dontdeletecommon';
2534        $only_common = '';
2535    };
2536    print "$message\n";
2538    foreach my $platform (keys %platforms) {
2539        print "\nRemoving files delivered for $platform\n";
2540        my %solar_vars = ();
2541        read_ssolar_vars($platform, \%solar_vars);
2542        if (scalar keys %solar_vars) {
2543            foreach (keys %solar_vars) {
2544                if (!defined $backup_vars{$_}) {
2545                    $backup_vars{$_} = $ENV{$_};
2546                };
2547                $ENV{$_} = $solar_vars{$_};
2548            };
2549        };
2550        my $undeliver = "$deliver_command $deliver_delete_switches $nul";
2551#        my $current_dir = getcwd();
2552        foreach my $module (sort @modules_built) {
2553            if (chdir($module_paths{$module})) {
2554                print "Removing delivered from module $module\n";
2555                next if ($show);
2556                if (system($undeliver)) {
2557                    $ENV{$_} = $backup_vars{$_} foreach (keys %backup_vars);
2558                    print_error("Cannot run: $undeliver");
2559                }
2560            } else {
2561                push(@warnings, "Could not remove delivered files from the module $module. Your build can become inconsistent.\n");
2562            };
2563        };
2564#        chdir $current_dir;
2565#        getcwd();
2566    };
2567    $ENV{$_} = $backup_vars{$_} foreach (keys %backup_vars);
2571# Run setsolar for given platform and
2572# write all variables needed in %solar_vars hash
2574sub read_ssolar_vars {
2575    my ($setsolar, $tmp_file);
2576    $setsolar = $ENV{ENV_ROOT} . '/etools/setsolar.pl';
2577    my ($platform, $solar_vars) = @_;
2578    $setsolar = '/net/jumbo2.germany/buildenv/r/etools/setsolar.pl' if ! -e $setsolar;
2579    $tmp_file = $ENV{HOME} . "/.solar.env.$$.tmp";
2580    if (!-e $setsolar) {
2581        print STDERR "There is no setsolar found. Falling back to current platform settings\n";
2582        return;
2583    }
2584    my $pro = "";
2585    if ($platform =~ /\.pro$/) {
2586        $pro = "-pro";
2587        $platform = $`;
2588    };
2590    my ($verswitch, $source_root, $cwsname);
2591	$verswitch = "-ver $ENV{UPDMINOR}" if (defined $ENV{UPDMINOR});
2592    $source_root = '-sourceroot' if (defined $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT_USED});
2593    my $cws_name = "-cwsname $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}" if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP});
2595    my $param = "-$ENV{WORK_STAMP} $verswitch $source_root $cws_name $pro $platform";
2596    my $ss_command = "$perl $setsolar -file $tmp_file $param $nul";
2597    if (system($ss_command)) {
2598        unlink $tmp_file;
2599        print_error("Cannot run command:\n$ss_command");
2600    };
2601    get_solar_vars($solar_vars, $tmp_file);
2605# read variables to hash
2607sub get_solar_vars {
2608    my ($solar_vars, $file) = @_;
2609    my ($var, $value);
2610    open SOLARTABLE, "<$file" or die "can�t open solarfile $file";
2611    while(<SOLARTABLE>) {
2612        s/\r\n//o;
2613        next if(!/^\w+\s+(\w+)/o);
2614        next if (!defined $deliver_env{$1});
2615        $var = $1;
2616        /\'(\S+)\'$/o;
2617        $value = $1;
2618        $$solar_vars{$var} = $value;
2619    };
2620    close SOLARTABLE;
2621    unlink $file;
2625# Procedure renames <module>.lnk (.link) into <module>
2627sub get_current_module {
2628    my $module_name = shift;
2629    my $link_name = $module_name . '.lnk';
2630    $link_name .= '.link' if (-e $workspace_path.$module_name . '.link');
2631    chdir $workspace_path;
2632    getcwd();
2633    print "\nBreaking link to module $module_name";
2634    my $result = rename $link_name, $module_name;
2635    if ( ! $result ) {
2636        print_error("Cannot rename $module_name: $!\n");
2637    }
2638    if ( $initial_module eq $link_name) {
2639        $initial_module = $module_name;
2640    }
2641    chdir $module_name;
2642    getcwd();
2645sub check_dir {
2646    my $start_dir = getcwd();
2647    my @dir_entries = split(/[\\\/]/, $ENV{PWD});
2648    my $current_module = $dir_entries[$#dir_entries];
2649    if (($current_module =~ /(\.lnk)$/) || ($current_module =~ /(\.link)$/)) {
2650        $current_module = $`;
2651        # we're dealing with a link => fallback to SOLARSRC under UNIX
2652        $workspace_path = $ENV{SOLARSRC}.'/';
2653        get_current_module($current_module);
2654        return;
2655    } else {
2656        chdir $start_dir;
2657        getcwd();
2658    };
2662# Store all available build modi in %build_modes
2664sub get_build_modes {
2665    return if (scalar keys %build_modes);
2666    if (defined $ENV{BUILD_TYPE}) {
2667        if ($ENV{BUILD_TYPE} =~ /\s+/o) {
2668            my @build_modes = split (/\s+/, $ENV{BUILD_TYPE});
2669            $build_modes{$_}++ foreach (@build_modes);
2670        } else {
2671            $build_modes{$ENV{BUILD_TYPE}}++;
2672        };
2673        return;
2674    };
2678# pick only the modules, that should be built for
2679# build types from %build_modes
2681sub pick_for_build_type {
2682    my $modules = shift;
2683    my @mod_array = split(/\s+/, $modules);
2684    print_error("Wrongly written dependencies string:\n $modules\n") if ($mod_array[$#mod_array] ne 'NULL');
2685    pop @mod_array;
2686    my @modules_to_build;
2687    foreach (@mod_array) {
2688        if (/(\w+):(\S+)/o) {
2689            push(@modules_to_build, $2) if (defined $build_modes{$1});
2690            next;
2691        };
2692        push(@modules_to_build, $_);
2693    };
2694    return @modules_to_build;
2697sub do_exit {
2698#    close_server_socket();
2699    my $exit_code = shift;
2700    $build_finished++;
2701    generate_html_file(1);
2702    if ( $^O eq 'os2' )
2703    {
2704        # perl 5.10 returns 'resource busy' for rmtree
2705        rmdir(correct_path($tmp_dir)) if ($tmp_dir);
2706    }
2707    rmtree(correct_path($tmp_dir), 0, 0) if ($tmp_dir);
2708    print STDERR "Cannot delete $tmp_dir. Please remove it manually\n" if (-d $tmp_dir);
2709    exit($exit_code);
2713# Procedure sorts module in user-frendly order
2715sub sort_modules_appearance {
2716    foreach (keys %dead_parents) {
2717        delete $build_is_finished{$_} if (defined $build_is_finished{$_});
2718        delete $build_in_progress{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress{$_});
2719    };
2720    foreach (keys %build_is_finished) {
2721        delete $build_in_progress{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress{$_});
2722        delete $build_in_progress_shown{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress_shown{$_});
2723    };
2724    my @modules_order = sort keys %modules_with_errors;
2725    foreach (keys %modules_with_errors) {
2726        delete $build_in_progress{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress{$_});
2727        delete $build_is_finished{$_} if (defined $build_is_finished{$_});
2728        delete $build_in_progress_shown{$_} if (defined $build_in_progress_shown{$_});
2729    };
2730    $build_in_progress_shown{$_}++ foreach (keys %build_in_progress);
2731    push(@modules_order, $_) foreach (sort { $build_in_progress_shown{$b} <=> $build_in_progress_shown{$a} }  keys %build_in_progress_shown);
2732    push(@modules_order, $_) foreach (sort keys %build_is_finished);
2733    foreach(sort keys %html_info) {
2734        next if (defined $build_is_finished{$_} || defined $build_in_progress{$_} || defined $modules_with_errors{$_});
2735        push(@modules_order, $_);
2736    };
2737    return @modules_order;
2740sub generate_html_file {
2741    return if (!$html);
2742    my $force_update = shift;
2743    $force_update++ if ($debug);
2744    $html_last_updated = time;
2745    my @modules_order = sort_modules_appearance();
2746    my ($successes_percent, $errors_percent) = get_progress_percentage(scalar keys %html_info, scalar keys %build_is_finished, scalar keys %modules_with_errors);
2747    my $build_duration = get_time_line(time - $build_time);
2748    my $temp_html_file = File::Temp::tmpnam($tmp_dir);
2749    my $title;
2750    $title = $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP} . ': ' if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP});
2751    $title .= $ENV{INPATH};
2752    die("Cannot open $temp_html_file") if (!open(HTML, ">$temp_html_file"));
2753    print HTML '<html><head>';
2754    print HTML '<TITLE id=MainTitle>' . $title . '</TITLE>';
2755    print HTML '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
2756    print HTML 'initFrames();' . "\n";
2757    print HTML 'var IntervalID;' . "\n";
2758    print HTML 'function loadFrame_0() {' . "\n";
2759    print HTML '    document.write("<html>");' . "\n";
2760    print HTML '    document.write("<head>");' . "\n";
2761    print HTML '    document.write("</head>");' . "\n";
2762    print HTML '    document.write("<body>");' . "\n";
2763    if ($build_finished) {
2764        print HTML 'document.write("<h3 align=center style=\"color:red\">Build process is finished</h3>");' . "\n";
2765        print HTML '        top.frames[0].clearInterval(top.frames[0].IntervalID);' . "\n";
2766    } elsif ($interactive) {
2767        print HTML 'document.write("    <div id=divContext style=\"border: 1px solid; display: none; position: absolute\">");' . "\n";
2768        print HTML 'document.write("        <ul style=\"margin: 0; padding: 0.3em; list-style-type: none; background-color: lightgrey;\" :li:hover {} :hr {border: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid grey; margin: 3px 0px 3px 0px; width: 10em;} :a {border: 0 !important;} >");' . "\n";
2769        print HTML 'document.write("            <li><a onmouseover=\"this.style.color=\'red\'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.color=\'black\'\" id=aRebuild href=\"#\">Rebuild module</a></li>");' . "\n";
2770        print HTML 'document.write("            <li><a onmouseover=\"this.style.color=\'red\'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.color=\'black\'\" id=aDelete href=\"#\" >Remove module</a></li>");' . "\n";
2771        print HTML 'document.write("        </ul>");' . "\n";
2772        print HTML 'document.write("    </div>");' . "\n";
2773    };
2774    if ($build_all_parents) {
2775        print HTML 'document.write("<table valign=top cellpadding=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>");' . "\n";
2776        print HTML 'document.write("    <tr>");' . "\n";
2777        print HTML 'document.write("        <td><a id=ErroneousModules href=\"javascript:top.Error(\'\', \'';
2778        print HTML join('<br>', sort keys %modules_with_errors);
2779        print HTML '\', \'\')\"); title=\"';
2780        print HTML scalar keys %modules_with_errors;
2781        print HTML ' module(s) with errors\">Total Progress:</a></td>");' . "\n";
2782        print HTML 'document.write("        <td>");' . "\n";
2783        print HTML 'document.write("            <table width=100px valign=top cellpadding=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>");' . "\n";
2784        print HTML 'document.write("                <tr>");' . "\n";
2785        print HTML 'document.write("                    <td height=20px width=';
2786        print HTML $successes_percent + $errors_percent;
2787        if (scalar keys %modules_with_errors) {
2788            print HTML '% bgcolor=red valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2789        } else {
2790            print HTML '% bgcolor=#25A528 valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2791        };
2792        print HTML 'document.write("                    <td width=';
2793        print HTML 100 - ($successes_percent + $errors_percent);
2794        print HTML '% bgcolor=lightgrey valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2795        print HTML 'document.write("                </tr>");' . "\n";
2796        print HTML 'document.write("            </table>");' . "\n";
2797        print HTML 'document.write("        </td>");' . "\n";
2798        print HTML 'document.write("        <td align=right>&nbsp Build time: ' . $build_duration .'</td>");' . "\n";
2799        print HTML 'document.write("    </tr>");' . "\n";
2800        print HTML 'document.write("</table>");' . "\n";
2801    };
2803    print HTML 'document.write("<table width=100% bgcolor=white>");' . "\n";
2804    print HTML 'document.write("    <tr>");' . "\n";
2805    print HTML 'document.write("        <td width=30% align=\"center\"><strong style=\"color:blue\">Module</strong></td>");' . "\n";
2806    print HTML 'document.write("        <td width=* align=\"center\"><strong style=\"color:blue\">Status</strong></td>");' . "\n";
2807    print HTML 'document.write("        <td width=15% align=\"center\"><strong style=\"color:blue\">CPU Time</strong></td>");' . "\n";
2808    print HTML 'document.write("    </tr>");' . "\n";
2810    foreach (@modules_order) {
2811        next if ($modules_types{$_} eq 'lnk');
2812        next if (!defined $active_modules{$_});
2813        my ($errors_info_line, $dirs_info_line, $errors_number, $successes_percent, $errors_percent, $time) = get_html_info($_);
2814#<one module>
2815        print HTML 'document.write("    <tr>");' . "\n";
2816        print HTML 'document.write("        <td width=*>");' . "\n";
2818        if (defined $dirs_info_line) {
2819            print HTML 'document.write("            <a id=';
2820            print HTML $_;
2821            print HTML ' href=\"javascript:top.Error(\'';
2822            print HTML $_ , '\', ' ;
2823            print HTML $errors_info_line;
2824            print HTML ',';
2825            print HTML $dirs_info_line;
2826            print HTML ')\"); title=\"';
2827            print HTML $errors_number;
2828            print HTML ' error(s)\">', $_, '</a>");' . "\n";
2829        } else {
2830#            print HTML 'document.write("<em style=color:gray>' . $_ . '</em>");';
2831####            print HTML 'document.write("<em style=color:gray>' . $_ ."href=\'http://$local_host_ip:$html_port/delete=\'$_". '</em>");';
2833            print HTML 'document.write("            <a target=\'infoframe\' id=';
2834            print HTML $_;
2835            print HTML ' href=\"javascript:void(0)\"; title=\"Remove module\">' . $_ . '</a>");' . "\n";
2836        };
2839        print HTML 'document.write("        </td>");' . "\n";
2840        print HTML 'document.write("        <td>");' . "\n";
2841        print HTML 'document.write("            <table width=100% valign=top cellpadding=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>");' . "\n";
2842        print HTML 'document.write("                <tr>");' . "\n";
2843        print HTML 'document.write("                    <td height=15 width=';
2845        print HTML $successes_percent + $errors_percent;
2846        if ($errors_number) {
2847            print HTML '% bgcolor=red valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2848        } else {
2849            print HTML '% bgcolor=#25A528 valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2850        };
2851        print HTML 'document.write("                    <td width=';
2853        print HTML 100 - ($successes_percent + $errors_percent);
2854        print HTML '% bgcolor=lightgrey valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2855        print HTML 'document.write("                </tr>");' . "\n";
2856        print HTML 'document.write("            </table>");' . "\n";
2857        print HTML 'document.write("        </td>");' . "\n";
2858        print HTML 'document.write("        <td align=\"center\">', $time, '</td>");' . "\n";
2859        print HTML 'document.write("    </tr>");' . "\n";
2860# </one module>
2861    }
2862    print HTML 'document.write("        </table>");' . "\n";
2863    print HTML 'document.write("    </body>");' . "\n";
2864    print HTML 'document.write("</html>");' . "\n";
2865    print HTML 'document.close();' . "\n";
2866    print HTML 'refreshInfoFrames();' . "\n";
2867    print HTML '}' . "\n";
2870    if (!$build_finished && $interactive ) {
2871        print HTML 'var _replaceContext = false;' . "\n";
2872        print HTML 'var _mouseOverContext = false;' . "\n";
2873        print HTML 'var _noContext = false;' . "\n";
2874        print HTML 'var _divContext = $(\'divContext\');' . "\n";
2875        print HTML 'var activeElement = 0;' . "\n";
2876        print HTML 'function $(id) {return document.getElementById(id);}' . "\n";
2877        print HTML 'InitContext();' . "\n";
2878        print HTML 'function InitContext()' . "\n";
2879        print HTML '{' . "\n";
2880        print HTML '    $(\'aRebuild\').target = \'infoframe\';' . "\n";
2881        print HTML '    $(\'aDelete\').target = \'infoframe\';' . "\n";
2882        print HTML '    $(\'aRebuild\').style.color = \'black\';' . "\n";
2883        print HTML '    $(\'aDelete\').style.color = \'black\';' . "\n";
2884        print HTML '    _divContext.onmouseover = function() { _mouseOverContext = true; };' . "\n";
2885        print HTML '    _divContext.onmouseout = function() { _mouseOverContext = false; };' . "\n";
2886        print HTML '    _divContext.onclick = function() { _divContext.style.display = \'none\'; };' . "\n";
2887        print HTML '    document.body.onmousedown = ContextMouseDown;' . "\n";
2888        print HTML '    document.body.oncontextmenu = ContextShow;' . "\n";
2889        print HTML '}' . "\n";
2890        print HTML 'function ContextMouseDown(event) {' . "\n";
2891        print HTML '    if (_noContext || _mouseOverContext) return;' . "\n";
2892        print HTML '    if (event == null) event = window.event;' . "\n";
2893        print HTML '    var target = event.target != null ? event.target : event.srcElement;' . "\n";
2894        print HTML '    if (event.button == 2 && target.tagName.toLowerCase() == \'a\')' . "\n";
2895        print HTML '        _replaceContext = true;' . "\n";
2896        print HTML '    else if (!_mouseOverContext)' . "\n";
2897        print HTML '        _divContext.style.display = \'none\';' . "\n";
2898        print HTML '}' . "\n";
2899        print HTML 'function ContextShow(event) {' . "\n";
2900        print HTML '    if (_noContext || _mouseOverContext) return;' . "\n";
2901        print HTML '    if (event == null) event = window.event;' . "\n";
2902        print HTML '    var target = event.target != null ? event.target : event.srcElement;' . "\n";
2903        print HTML '    if (_replaceContext) {' . "\n";
2904        print HTML '        $(\'aRebuild\').href = \'http://'. $local_host_ip .':' . $html_port . '/rebuild=\' + target.id;' . "\n";
2905        print HTML '        $(\'aDelete\').href = \'http://'. $local_host_ip .':' . $html_port . '/delete=\' + target.id' . "\n";
2906        print HTML '        var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : ';
2907        print HTML 'document.documentElement.scrollTop;' . "\n";
2908        print HTML '        var scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft ? document.body.scrollLeft : ';
2909        print HTML 'document.documentElement.scrollLeft;' . "\n";
2910        print HTML '        _divContext.style.display = \'none\';' . "\n";
2911        print HTML '        _divContext.style.left = event.clientX + scrollLeft + \'px\';' . "\n";
2912        print HTML '        _divContext.style.top = event.clientY + scrollTop + \'px\';' . "\n";
2913        print HTML '        _divContext.style.display = \'block\';' . "\n";
2914        print HTML '        _replaceContext = false;' . "\n";
2915        print HTML '        return false;' . "\n";
2916        print HTML '    }' . "\n";
2917        print HTML '}' . "\n";
2918    };
2920    print HTML 'function refreshInfoFrames() {        ' . "\n";
2921    print HTML '    var ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById("ErroneousModules").getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
2922    print HTML '    eval(ModuleHref);' . "\n";
2923    print HTML '    if (top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs") != null) {' . "\n";
2924    print HTML '        var ModuleName = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
2925    print HTML '        ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(ModuleName).getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
2926    print HTML '        var HrefString = ModuleHref.toString();' . "\n";
2927    print HTML '        var RefEntries = HrefString.split(",");' . "\n";
2928    print HTML '        var RefreshParams = new Array();' . "\n";
2929    print HTML '        for (i = 0; i < RefEntries.length; i++) {' . "\n";
2930    print HTML '            RefreshParams[i] = RefEntries[i].substring(RefEntries[i].indexOf("\'") + 1, RefEntries[i].lastIndexOf("\'"));' . "\n";
2931    print HTML '        };' . "\n";
2932    print HTML '        FillFrame_1(RefreshParams[0], RefreshParams[1], RefreshParams[2]);' . "\n";
2933    print HTML '    }' . "\n";
2934    print HTML '}' . "\n";
2935    print HTML 'function loadFrame_1() {' . "\n";
2936    print HTML '    document.write("<h3 align=center>Jobs</h3>");' . "\n";
2937    print HTML '    document.write("Click on the project of interest");' . "\n";
2938    print HTML '    document.close();' . "\n";
2939    print HTML '}' . "\n";
2940    print HTML 'function loadFrame_2() {' . "\n";
2941    print HTML '    document.write("<tr bgcolor=lightgrey<td><h3>Errors</h3></pre></td></tr>");' . "\n";
2942    print HTML '    document.write("Click on the project of interest");' . "\n";
2943    print HTML '    document.close();' . "\n";
2944    print HTML '}    function getStatusInnerHTML(Status) {        var StatusInnerHtml;' . "\n";
2945    print HTML '    if (Status == "success") {' . "\n";
2946    print HTML '        StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:green>";' . "\n";
2947    print HTML '    } else if (Status == "building") {' . "\n";
2948    print HTML '        StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:blue>";' . "\n";
2949    print HTML '    } else if (Status == "error") {' . "\n";
2950    print HTML '        StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:red>";' . "\n";
2951    print HTML '    } else {' . "\n";
2952    print HTML '        StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:gray>";' . "\n";
2953    print HTML '    };' . "\n";
2954    print HTML '    StatusInnerHtml += Status + "</em>";' . "\n";
2955    print HTML '    return StatusInnerHtml;' . "\n";
2956    print HTML '}    ' . "\n";
2957    print HTML 'function ShowLog(LogFilePath, ModuleJob) {' . "\n";
2958    print HTML '    top.innerFrame.frames[2].location = LogFilePath;' . "\n";
2959    print HTML '};' . "\n";
2960    print HTML 'function FillFrame_1(Module, Message1, Message2) {' . "\n";
2961    print HTML '    var FullUpdate = 1;' . "\n";
2962    print HTML '    if (top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs") != null) {' . "\n";
2963    print HTML '        var ModuleName = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
2964    print HTML '        if (Module == ModuleName) FullUpdate = 0;' . "\n";
2965    print HTML '    }' . "\n";
2966    print HTML '    if (FullUpdate) {' . "\n";
2967    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("<h3 align=center>Jobs in module " + Module + ":</h3>");' . "\n";
2968    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("<table id=ModuleJobs  name=" + Module + " width=100% bgcolor=white>");' . "\n";
2969    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("    <tr>");' . "\n";
2970    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Status</strong></td>");' . "\n";
2971    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Job</strong></td>");' . "\n";
2972    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Start Time</strong></td>");' . "\n";
2973    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Finish Time</strong></td>");' . "\n";
2974    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td width=* align=center><strong style=color:blue>Client</strong></td>");' . "\n" if ($server_mode);
2975    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("    </tr>");' . "\n";
2976    print HTML '        var dir_info_strings = Message2.split("<br><br>");' . "\n";
2977    print HTML '        for (i = 0; i < dir_info_strings.length; i++) {' . "\n";
2978    print HTML '            var dir_info_array = dir_info_strings[i].split("<br>");' . "\n";
2979    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("    <tr status=" + dir_info_array[0] + ">");' . "\n";
2980    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td align=center>");' . "\n";
2981    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write(               getStatusInnerHTML(dir_info_array[0]) + "&nbsp");' . "\n";
2982    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        </td>");' . "\n";
2983    print HTML '            if (dir_info_array[4] == "@") {' . "\n";
2984    print HTML '                top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td style=white-space:nowrap>" + dir_info_array[1] + "</td>");' . "\n";
2985    print HTML '            } else {' . "\n";
2986    print HTML '                top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td><a href=\"javascript:top.ShowLog(\'" + dir_info_array[4] + "\', \'" + dir_info_array[1] + "\')\"); title=\"Show Log\">" + dir_info_array[1] + "</a></td>");' . "\n";
2987    print HTML '            };' . "\n";
2988    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td align=center>" + dir_info_array[2] + "</td>");' . "\n";
2989    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td align=center>" + dir_info_array[3] + "</td>");' . "\n";
2990    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("        <td align=center>" + dir_info_array[5] + "</td>");' . "\n" if ($server_mode);
2991    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("    </tr>");' . "\n";
2992    print HTML '        };' . "\n";
2993    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.write("</table>");' . "\n";
2994    print HTML '    } else {' . "\n";
2995    print HTML '        var dir_info_strings = Message2.split("<br><br>");' . "\n";
2996    print HTML '        var ModuleRows = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").rows;' . "\n";
2997    print HTML '        for (i = 0; i < dir_info_strings.length; i++) {' . "\n";
2998    print HTML '            var dir_info_array = dir_info_strings[i].split("<br>");' . "\n";
2999    print HTML '            var OldStatus = ModuleRows[i + 1].getAttribute(\'status\');' . "\n";
3000    print HTML '            if(dir_info_array[0] != OldStatus) {' . "\n";
3001    print HTML '                var DirectoryInfos = ModuleRows[i + 1].cells;' . "\n";
3002    print HTML '                DirectoryInfos[0].innerHTML = getStatusInnerHTML(dir_info_array[0]) + "&nbsp";' . "\n";
3003    print HTML '                if (dir_info_array[4] != "@") {' . "\n";
3004    print HTML '                    DirectoryInfos[1].innerHTML = "<a href=\"javascript:top.ShowLog(\'" + dir_info_array[4] + "\', \'" + dir_info_array[1] + "\')\"); title=\"Show Log\">" + dir_info_array[1] + "</a>";' . "\n";
3005    print HTML '                };' . "\n";
3006    print HTML '                DirectoryInfos[2].innerHTML = dir_info_array[2];' . "\n";
3007    print HTML '                DirectoryInfos[3].innerHTML = dir_info_array[3];' . "\n";
3008    print HTML '                DirectoryInfos[4].innerHTML = dir_info_array[5];' . "\n" if ($server_mode);
3009    print HTML '            };' . "\n";
3010    print HTML '        };' . "\n";
3011    print HTML '    };' . "\n";
3012    print HTML '    top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.close();' . "\n";
3013    print HTML '};' . "\n";
3014    print HTML 'function Error(Module, Message1, Message2) {' . "\n";
3015    print HTML '    if (top.innerFrame.frames[2].location) {' . "\n";
3016    print HTML '        var urlquery = location.href.split("?");' . "\n";
3017    print HTML '        top.innerFrame.frames[2].location = urlquery[0] + "?initFrame2";' . "\n";
3018    print HTML '    }' . "\n";
3019    print HTML '    if (Module == \'\') {' . "\n";
3020    print HTML '        if (Message1 != \'\') {' . "\n";
3021    print HTML '            var erroneous_modules = Message1.split("<br>");' . "\n";
3022    print HTML '            var ErrorNumber = erroneous_modules.length;' . "\n";
3024    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<h3 id=ErroneousModules errors=" + erroneous_modules.length + ">Modules with errors:</h3>");' . "\n";
3025    print HTML '            for (i = 0; i < ErrorNumber; i++) {' . "\n";
3026    print HTML '                var ModuleObj = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(erroneous_modules[i]);' . "\n";
3027    print HTML '                top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<a href=\"");' . "\n";
3028    print HTML '                top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write(ModuleObj.getAttribute(\'href\'));' . "\n";
3029    print HTML '                top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("\"); title=\"");' . "\n";
3030    print HTML '                top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("\">" + erroneous_modules[i] + "</a>&nbsp ");' . "\n";
3031    print HTML '            };' . "\n";
3032    print HTML '            top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.close();' . "\n";
3033    print HTML '        };' . "\n";
3034    print HTML '    }' . "\n";
3035    print HTML '}' . "\n";
3036    print HTML 'function updateInnerFrame() {' . "\n";
3037    print HTML '     top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.location.reload();' . "\n";
3038    print HTML '     refreshInfoFrames();' . "\n";
3039    print HTML '};' . "\n\n";
3041    print HTML 'function setRefreshRate() {' . "\n";
3042    print HTML '    RefreshRate = document.Formular.rate.value;' . "\n";
3043    print HTML '    if (!isNaN(RefreshRate * 1)) {' . "\n";
3044    print HTML '        top.frames[0].clearInterval(IntervalID);' . "\n";
3045    print HTML '        IntervalID = top.frames[0].setInterval("updateInnerFrame()", RefreshRate * 1000);' . "\n";
3046    print HTML '    };' . "\n";
3047    print HTML '};' . "\n";
3049    print HTML 'function initFrames() {' . "\n";
3050    print HTML '    var urlquery = location.href.split("?");' . "\n";
3051    print HTML '    if (urlquery.length == 1) {' . "\n";
3052    print HTML '        document.write("<html><head><TITLE id=MainTitle>' . $ENV{INPATH} .'</TITLE>");' . "\n";
3053    print HTML '        document.write("    <frameset rows=\"36,*\">");' . "\n";
3054    print HTML '        document.write("        <frame name=\"topFrame\" src=\"" + urlquery + "?initTop\"/>");' . "\n";
3055    print HTML '        document.write("        <frame name=\"innerFrame\" src=\"" + urlquery + "?initInnerPage\"/>");' . "\n";
3056    print HTML '        document.write("    </frameset>");' . "\n";
3057    print HTML '        document.write("</head></html>");' . "\n";
3058    print HTML '    } else if (urlquery[1].substring(0,7) == "initTop") {' . "\n";
3059    print HTML '        var urlquerycontent = urlquery[1].split("=");' . "\n";
3060    print HTML '        var UpdateRate = 10' . "\n";
3061    print HTML '        if (urlquerycontent.length > 2) {' . "\n";
3062    print HTML '            if (isNaN(urlquerycontent[2] * 1)) {' . "\n";
3063    print HTML '                alert(urlquerycontent[2] + " is not a number. Ignored.");' . "\n";
3064    print HTML '            } else {' . "\n";
3065    print HTML '                UpdateRate = urlquerycontent[2];' . "\n";
3066    print HTML '            };' . "\n";
3067    print HTML '        };' . "\n";
3068    print HTML '        document.write("<html><body>");' . "\n";
3069    print HTML '        document.write("<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr>");' . "\n";
3070    print HTML '        document.write("<td align=\"left\"><h3>Build process progress status</h3></td>");' . "\n";
3071    print HTML '        document.write("<td align=\"right\">");' . "\n";
3072    print HTML '        document.write("<FORM name=\"Formular\" onsubmit=\"setRefreshRate()\">");' . "\n";
3073    print HTML '        document.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"initTop\" value=\"\"/>");' . "\n";
3074    print HTML '        document.write("<input type=\"text\" id=\"RateValue\" name=\"rate\" autocomplete=\"off\" value=\"" + UpdateRate + "\" size=\"1\"/>");' . "\n";
3075    print HTML '        document.write("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update refresh rate (sec)\">");' . "\n";
3076    print HTML '        document.write("</FORM>");' . "\n";
3077    print HTML '        document.write("</td></tr></table>");' . "\n";
3078    print HTML '        document.write("    </frameset>");' . "\n";
3079    print HTML '        document.write("</body></html>");' . "\n";
3080    print HTML '        top.frames[0].clearInterval(IntervalID);' . "\n";
3081    print HTML '        IntervalID = top.frames[0].setInterval("updateInnerFrame()", UpdateRate * 1000);' . "\n";
3082    print HTML '    } else if (urlquery[1] == "initInnerPage") {' . "\n";
3083    print HTML '        document.write("<html><head>");' . "\n";
3084    print HTML '        document.write(\'    <frameset rows="50%,50%\">\');' . "\n";
3085    print HTML '        document.write(\'        <frameset cols="50%,50%">\');' . "\n";
3086    print HTML '        document.write(\'            <frame src="\');' . "\n";
3087    print HTML '        document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
3088    print HTML '        document.write(\'?initFrame0"/>\');' . "\n";
3089    print HTML '        document.write(\'            <frame src="\');' . "\n";
3090    print HTML '        document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
3091    print HTML '        document.write(\'?initFrame1"/>\');' . "\n";
3092    print HTML '        document.write(\'        </frameset>\');' . "\n";
3093    print HTML '        document.write(\'            <frame src="\');' . "\n";
3094    print HTML '        document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
3095    print HTML '        document.write(\'?initFrame2"  name="infoframe"/>\');' . "\n";
3096    print HTML '        document.write(\'    </frameset>\');' . "\n";
3097    print HTML '        document.write("</head></html>");' . "\n";
3098    print HTML '    } else {' . "\n";
3099    print HTML '        if (urlquery[1] == "initFrame0" ) {' . "\n";
3100    print HTML '            loadFrame_0();' . "\n";
3101    print HTML '        } else if (urlquery[1] == "initFrame1" ) {          ' . "\n";
3102    print HTML '            loadFrame_1();' . "\n";
3103    print HTML '        } else if (urlquery[1] == "initFrame2" ) {' . "\n";
3104    print HTML '            loadFrame_2();' . "\n";
3105    print HTML '        }' . "\n";
3106    print HTML '    };' . "\n";
3107    print HTML '};' . "\n";
3108    print HTML '</script><noscript>Your browser doesn\'t support JavaScript!</noscript></head></html>' . "\n";
3109    close HTML;
3110    rename_file($temp_html_file, $html_file);
3113sub get_local_time_line {
3114    my $epoch_time = shift;
3115    my $local_time_line;
3116    my @time_array;
3117    if ($epoch_time) {
3118        @time_array = localtime($epoch_time);
3119        $local_time_line = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $time_array[2], $time_array[1], $time_array[0]);
3120    } else {
3121        $local_time_line = '-';
3122    };
3123    return $local_time_line;
3126sub get_dirs_info_line {
3127    my $job = shift;
3128    my $dirs_info_line = $jobs_hash{$job}->{STATUS} . '<br>';
3129    my @time_array;
3130    my $log_path_string;
3131    $dirs_info_line .= $jobs_hash{$job}->{SHORT_NAME} . '<br>';
3132    $dirs_info_line .= get_local_time_line($jobs_hash{$job}->{START_TIME}) . '<br>';
3133    $dirs_info_line .= get_local_time_line($jobs_hash{$job}->{FINISH_TIME}) . '<br>';
3134    if ($jobs_hash{$job}->{STATUS} eq 'waiting' || (!-f $jobs_hash{$job}->{LONG_LOG_PATH})) {
3135        $dirs_info_line .= '@';
3136    } else {
3137        if (defined $html_path) {
3138            $log_path_string = $jobs_hash{$job}->{LONG_LOG_PATH};
3139        } else {
3140            $log_path_string = $jobs_hash{$job}->{LOG_PATH};
3141        };
3142        $log_path_string =~ s/\\/\//g;
3143        $dirs_info_line .= $log_path_string;
3144    };
3145    $dirs_info_line .= '<br>';
3146    $dirs_info_line .= $jobs_hash{$job}->{CLIENT} . '<br>' if ($server_mode);
3147    return $dirs_info_line;
3150sub get_html_info {
3151    my $module = shift;
3152    my $module_info_hash = $html_info{$module};
3153    my $dirs = $$module_info_hash{DIRS};
3154    my $dirs_number = scalar @$dirs;
3155    my $dirs_info_line = '\'';
3156    if ($dirs_number) {
3157        my %dirs_sorted_by_order = ();
3158        foreach (@$dirs) {
3159            $dirs_sorted_by_order{$jobs_hash{$_}->{BUILD_NUMBER}} = $_;
3160        }
3161        foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %dirs_sorted_by_order) {
3162            $dirs_info_line .= get_dirs_info_line($dirs_sorted_by_order{$_}) . '<br>';
3163        }
3164    } else {
3165        return(undef, undef, 0, 0, 0, '-');
3166#        $dirs_info_line .= 'No information available yet';
3167    };
3168    $dirs_info_line =~ s/(<br>)*$//o;
3169    $dirs_info_line .= '\'';
3170    $dirs = $$module_info_hash{SUCCESSFUL};
3171    my $successful_number = scalar @$dirs;
3172    $dirs = $$module_info_hash{ERRORFUL};
3173    my $errorful_number = scalar @$dirs;
3174    my $errors_info_line = '\'';
3175    if ($errorful_number) {
3176        $errors_info_line .= $_ . '<br>' foreach (@$dirs);
3177    } else {
3178        $errors_info_line .= 'No errors';
3179    };
3180    $errors_info_line .= '\'';
3181#    if (defined $full_info) {
3182    my $time_line = get_time_line($$module_info_hash{BUILD_TIME});
3183        my ($successes_percent, $errors_percent) = get_progress_percentage($dirs_number - 1, $successful_number - 1, $errorful_number);
3184        return($errors_info_line, $dirs_info_line, $errorful_number, $successes_percent, $errors_percent, $time_line);
3185#    } else {
3186#        return($errors_info_line, $dirs_info_line, $errorful_number);
3187#    };
3190sub get_time_line {
3191    use integer;
3192    my $seconds = shift;
3193    my $hours = $seconds/3600;
3194    my $minits = ($seconds/60)%60;
3195    $seconds -= ($hours*3600 + $minits*60);
3196    return(sprintf("%02d\:%02d\:%02d" , $hours, $minits, $seconds));
3199sub get_progress_percentage {
3200    use integer;
3201    my ($dirs_number, $successful_number, $errorful_number) = @_;
3202    return (0 ,0) if (!$dirs_number);
3203    my $errors_percent = ($errorful_number * 100)/ $dirs_number;
3204    my $successes_percent;
3205    if ($dirs_number == ($successful_number + $errorful_number)) {
3206        $successes_percent = 100 - $errors_percent;
3207    } else {
3208        $successes_percent = ($successful_number * 100)/ $dirs_number;
3209    };
3210    return ($successes_percent, $errors_percent);
3214# This procedure stores the dmake result in %html_info
3216sub html_store_job_info {
3217    return if (!$html);
3218    my ($deps_hash, $build_dir, $error_code) = @_;
3219    my $force_update = 0;
3220    if ($build_dir =~ /(\s)/o && (defined $error_code)) {
3221        $force_update++ if (!children_number());
3222    }
3223    my $module = $module_by_hash{$deps_hash};
3224    my $module_info_hash = $html_info{$module};
3225    my $dmake_array;
3226    if (defined $error_code) {
3227        $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{FINISH_TIME} = time();
3228        $$module_info_hash{BUILD_TIME} += $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{FINISH_TIME} - $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{START_TIME};
3229        if ($error_code) {
3230            $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{STATUS} = 'error';
3231            $dmake_array = $$module_info_hash{ERRORFUL};
3232            $build_dir =~ s/\\/\//g;
3233            $modules_with_errors{$module}++;
3234        } else {
3235            if ($build_dir =~ /(\s)announce/o) {
3236                $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{STATUS} = '-';
3237            } else {
3238                $jobs_hash{$build_dir}->{STATUS} = 'success';
3239            };
3240            $dmake_array = $$module_info_hash{SUCCESSFUL};
3241        };
3242        push (@$dmake_array, $build_dir);
3243    };
3246sub start_server_on_port {
3247    my $port = shift;
3248    my $socket_obj = shift;
3249    $client_timeout = 1 if (!$parent_process);
3250    if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') {
3251        $$socket_obj = new IO::Socket::INET (#LocalAddr => hostname(),
3252                                  LocalPort => $port,
3253                                  Proto     => 'tcp',
3254                                  Listen    => 100); # 100 clients can be on queue, I think it is enough
3255    } else {
3256        $$socket_obj = new IO::Socket::INET (#LocalAddr => hostname(),
3257                                  LocalPort => $port,
3258                                  Proto     => 'tcp',
3259                                  ReuseAddr     => 1,
3260                                  Listen    => 100); # 100 clients can be on queue, I think it is enough
3261    };
3262    return('Cannot create socket object') if (!defined $$socket_obj);
3263    my $timeout = $$socket_obj->timeout($client_timeout);
3264    $$socket_obj->autoflush(1);
3265    if ($parent_process && $debug) {
3266        print "SERVER started on port $port\n";
3267    } else {
3268        print "html_port:$html_port html_socket_obj: $html_socket_obj\n";
3269    };
3270    return 0;
3273sub accept_html_connection {
3274    my $new_socket_obj = undef;
3275    $new_socket_obj = $html_socket_obj->accept();
3276    return $new_socket_obj;
3279sub accept_connection {
3280    my $new_socket_obj = undef;
3281    do {
3282        $new_socket_obj = $server_socket_obj->accept();
3283        if (!$new_socket_obj) {
3284            print "Timeout on incoming connection\n";
3285            check_client_jobs();
3286        };
3287    } while (!$new_socket_obj);
3288    return $new_socket_obj;
3291sub check_client_jobs {
3292    foreach (keys %clients_times) {
3293        if (time - $clients_times{$_} > $client_timeout) {
3294            print "Client's $_ Job: \"$clients_jobs{$_}\" apparently got lost...\n";
3295            print "Scheduling for rebuild...\n";
3296            print "You might need to check the $_\n";
3297            $lost_client_jobs{$clients_jobs{$_}}++;
3298            delete $processes_hash{$_};
3299            delete $clients_jobs{$_};
3300            delete $clients_times{$_};
3301#        } else {
3302#            print time - $clients_times{$_} . "\n";
3303        };
3304    };
3307sub get_server_ports {
3308    # use port 7890 as default
3309    my $default_port = 7890;
3310    if ($ports_string) {
3311        @server_ports = split( /:/, $ports_string);
3312    } else {
3313        @server_ports = ($default_port .. $default_port + 4);
3314    };
3317sub run_server {
3318    my @build_queue = ();        # array, containing queue of projects
3319                                # to build
3320    my $error = 0;
3321    if (scalar @server_ports) {
3322        foreach (@server_ports) {
3323            $error = start_server_on_port($_, \$server_socket_obj);
3324            if ($error) {
3325                print STDERR "port $_: $error\n";
3326            } else {
3327#                $SIG{KILL} = \&stop_server;
3328#                $SIG{INT} = \&stop_server;
3329#                $SIG{TERM} = \&stop_server;
3330#                $SIG{QUIT} = \&stop_server;
3331                last;
3332            };
3333        };
3334        print_error('Unable to start server on port(s): ' . "@server_ports\n") if ($error);
3335    } else {
3336        print_error('No ports for server to start');
3337    };
3339    my $client_addr;
3340    my $job_string_base = get_job_string_base();
3341    my $new_socket_obj;
3342     while ($new_socket_obj = accept_connection()) {
3343        check_client_jobs();
3344    	# find out who connected
3345    	my $client_ipnum = $new_socket_obj->peerhost();
3346        my $client_host = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($client_ipnum), AF_INET);
3347    	# print who is connected
3348    	# send them a message, close connection
3349        my $client_message = <$new_socket_obj>;
3350        chomp $client_message;
3351        my @client_data = split(/ /, $client_message);
3352        my %client_hash = ();
3353        foreach (@client_data) {
3354            /(=)/;
3355            $client_hash{$`} = $';
3356        }
3357        my $pid = $client_hash{pid} . '@' . $client_host;
3358        if (defined $client_hash{platform}) {
3359            if ($client_hash{platform} ne $ENV{OUTPATH} || (defined $client_hash{osname} && ($^O ne $client_hash{osname}))) {
3360                print $new_socket_obj "Wrong platform";
3361                close($new_socket_obj);
3362                next;
3363            };
3364        } else {
3365            if ($client_hash{result} eq "0") {
3366#                print "$clients_jobs{$pid} succedded on $pid\n";
3367            } else {
3368                print "Error $client_hash{result}\n";
3369                if (store_error($pid, $client_hash{result})) {
3370                    print $new_socket_obj $job_string_base . $clients_jobs{$pid};
3371                    close($new_socket_obj);
3372                    $clients_times{$pid} = time;
3373                    next;
3374                };
3375            };
3376            delete $clients_times{$pid};
3377            clear_from_child($pid);
3378            delete $clients_jobs{$pid};
3379            $verbose_mode && print 'Running processes: ', children_number(), "\n";
3380            # Actually, next 3 strings are only for even distribution
3381            # of clients if there are more than one build server running
3382    	    print $new_socket_obj 'No job';
3383            close($new_socket_obj);
3384            next;
3385        };
3386        my $job_string;
3387        my @lost_jobs = keys %lost_client_jobs;
3388        if (scalar @lost_jobs) {
3389            $job_string = $lost_jobs[0];
3390            delete $lost_client_jobs{$lost_jobs[0]};
3391        } else {
3392#            $job_string = get_job_string(\@build_queue, $pid);
3393            $job_string = get_job_string(\@build_queue);
3394        };
3395        if ($job_string) {
3396            my $job_dir = $job_jobdir{$job_string};
3397            $processes_hash{$pid} = $job_dir;
3398            $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{CLIENT} = $pid;
3399            print "$pid got $job_dir\n";
3400    	    print $new_socket_obj $job_string_base . $job_string;
3401            $clients_jobs{$pid} = $job_string;
3402            $clients_times{$pid} = time;
3403            my $children_running = children_number();
3404            $verbose_mode && print 'Running processes: ', $children_running, "\n";
3405            $maximal_processes = $children_running if ($children_running > $maximal_processes);
3406        } else {
3407    	    print $new_socket_obj 'No job';
3408        };
3409        close($new_socket_obj);
3410    };
3414# Procedure returns the part of the job string that is similar for all clients
3416sub get_job_string_base {
3417    if ($setenv_string) {
3418        return "setenv_string=$setenv_string ";
3419    };
3420	my $job_string_base = "server_pid=$$ setsolar_cmd=$ENV{SETSOLAR_CMD} ";
3421    $job_string_base .= "source_root=$ENV{SOURCE_ROOT} " if (defined $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT});
3422    $job_string_base .= "updater=$ENV{UPDATER} " if (defined $ENV{UPDATER});
3423    return $job_string_base;
3426sub get_job_string {
3427    my $build_queue = shift;
3428	my $job = $dmake;
3429    my ($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
3430    if ($build_all_parents) {
3431        fill_modules_queue($build_queue);
3432        do {
3433            ($job_dir, $dependencies_hash) = pick_jobdir($build_queue);
3434            return '' if (!$job_dir);
3435            $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{START_TIME} = time();
3436            $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{STATUS} = 'building';
3437            if ($job_dir =~ /(\s)$pre_job/o) {
3438                do_custom_job($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
3439                $job_dir = '';
3440            };
3441        } while (!$job_dir);
3442    } else {
3443        $dependencies_hash = \%local_deps_hash;
3444        do {
3445            $job_dir = pick_prj_to_build(\%local_deps_hash);
3446            if (!$job_dir && !children_number()) {
3447                cancel_build() if (scalar keys %broken_build);
3448                mp_success_exit();
3449            };
3450            return '' if (!$job_dir);
3451            $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{START_TIME} = time();
3452            $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{STATUS} = 'building';
3453            if ($job_dir =~ /(\s)$pre_job/o) {
3454#                if ($' eq $pre_job) {
3455                    do_custom_job($job_dir, $dependencies_hash);
3456                    $job_dir = '';
3457#                }
3458            };
3459        } while (!$job_dir);
3460    };
3461    $running_children{$dependencies_hash}++;
3462    $folders_hashes{$job_dir} = $dependencies_hash;
3463    my $log_file = $jobs_hash{$job_dir}->{LONG_LOG_PATH};
3464    my $full_job_dir = $job_dir;
3465    if ($job_dir =~ /(\s)/o) {
3466        $job = $';
3467        $job = $deliver_command if ($job eq $post_job);
3468        $full_job_dir = $module_paths{$`};
3469    }
3470    my $log_dir = File::Basename::dirname($log_file);
3471    if (!-d $log_dir) {
3472        chdir $full_job_dir;
3473        getcwd();
3474        system("$perl $mkout");
3475    };
3476    my $job_string = "job_dir=$full_job_dir job=$job log=$log_file";
3477    $job_jobdir{$job_string} = $job_dir;
3478    return $job_string;
3481sub pick_jobdir {
3482    my $build_queue = shift;
3483    my $i = 0;
3484    foreach (@$build_queue) {
3485        my $prj = $$build_queue[$i];
3486        my $prj_deps_hash = $projects_deps_hash{$prj};
3487        if (defined $modules_with_errors{$prj_deps_hash} && !$ignore) {
3488            push (@broken_module_names, $prj);
3489            splice (@$build_queue, $i, 1);
3490            next;
3491        };
3492        $running_children{$prj_deps_hash} = 0 if (!defined $running_children{$prj_deps_hash});
3493        my $child_nick = pick_prj_to_build($prj_deps_hash);
3494        if ($child_nick) {
3495            return ($child_nick, $prj_deps_hash);
3496        }
3497        if ((!scalar keys %$prj_deps_hash) && !$running_children{$prj_deps_hash}) {
3498            if (!defined $modules_with_errors{$prj_deps_hash} || $ignore)
3499            {
3500                remove_from_dependencies($prj, \%global_deps_hash);
3501                $build_is_finished{$prj}++;
3502                splice (@$build_queue, $i, 1);
3503                next;
3504            };
3505        };
3506        $i++;
3507    };
3510sub fill_modules_queue {
3511    my $build_queue = shift;
3512    my $prj;
3513    while ($prj = pick_prj_to_build(\%global_deps_hash)) {
3514        push @$build_queue, $prj;
3515        $projects_deps_hash{$prj} = {};
3516        get_module_dep_hash($prj, $projects_deps_hash{$prj});
3517        my $info_hash = $html_info{$prj};
3518        $$info_hash{DIRS} = check_deps_hash($projects_deps_hash{$prj}, $prj);
3519        $module_by_hash{$projects_deps_hash{$prj}} = $prj;
3520    };
3521    if (!$prj && !children_number() && (!scalar @$build_queue)) {
3522        cancel_build() if (scalar keys %broken_build);
3523        mp_success_exit();
3524    };
3527sub is_gnumake_module {
3528    my $module = shift;
3529    my $bridgemakefile = $source_config->get_module_path($module) . "/prj/makefile.mk";
3530    return (-e $bridgemakefile);
3533sub check_partial_gnumake_build {
3534    if(!$build_all_parents && is_gnumake_module(shift)) {
3535        print "This module has been migrated to GNU make.\n";
3536        print "You can only use build --all/--since here with build.pl.\n";
3537        print "To do the equivalent of 'build && deliver' call:\n";
3538        print "\tmake -sr\n";
3539        print "in the module root (This will modify the solver).\n";
3540        exit 1;
3541    }