xref: /aoo42x/main/sw/source/core/access/accpara.cxx (revision 64b14621)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
27 #include <txtfrm.hxx>
28 #include <flyfrm.hxx>
29 #include <ndtxt.hxx>
30 #include <pam.hxx>
31 #include <unotextrange.hxx>
32 #include <unocrsrhelper.hxx>
33 #include <crstate.hxx>
34 #include <accmap.hxx>
35 #include <fesh.hxx>
36 #include <viewopt.hxx>
37 #include <vos/mutex.hxx>
38 #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
39 #include <vcl/window.hxx>
40 #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
41 #include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRole.hpp>
42 #include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
43 #include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleTextType.hpp>
44 #include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
45 #include <unotools/accessiblestatesethelper.hxx>
46 #include <com/sun/star/i18n/CharacterIteratorMode.hpp>
47 #include <com/sun/star/i18n/WordType.hpp>
48 #include <com/sun/star/i18n/XBreakIterator.hpp>
49 #include <com/sun/star/beans/UnknownPropertyException.hpp>
50 #include <breakit.hxx>
51 #include <accpara.hxx>
52 #include <access.hrc>
53 #include <accportions.hxx>
54 #include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>      // for ExecuteAtViewShell(...)
55 #include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>      // for ExecuteAtViewShell(...)
56 #include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>    // for ExecuteAtViewShell(...)
57 #include <unotools/charclass.hxx>   // for GetWordBoundary
58 // for get/setCharacterAttribute(...)
60 #include <reffld.hxx>
61 #include <docufld.hxx>
62 #include <expfld.hxx>
63 #include <flddat.hxx>
64 #include <fldui.hrc>
65 #include "../../ui/inc/fldmgr.hxx"
66 #include "fldbas.hxx"      // SwField
67 #include <svl/svstdarr.hxx>
68 #include <unocrsr.hxx>
69 //#include <unoobj.hxx>
70 #include <unoport.hxx>
71 #include <doc.hxx>
72 #include <crsskip.hxx>
73 #include <txtatr.hxx>
74 #include <acchyperlink.hxx>
75 #include <acchypertextdata.hxx>
76 #include <unotools/accessiblerelationsethelper.hxx>
77 #include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRelationType.hpp>
78 #include <section.hxx>
79 #include <doctxm.hxx>
80 #include <comphelper/accessibletexthelper.hxx>
81 #include <algorithm>
82 #include <docufld.hxx>
83 #include <txtfld.hxx>
84 #include <fmtfld.hxx>
85 #include <modcfg.hxx>
86 //#include "accnote.hxx"
87 #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
88 #include "swmodule.hxx"
89 #include "redline.hxx"
90 #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontWeight.hpp>
91 #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontStrikeout.hpp>
92 #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontSlant.hpp>
93 #include <wrong.hxx>
94 #include <editeng/brshitem.hxx>
95 #include <swatrset.hxx>
96 #include <frmatr.hxx>
97 #include <unosett.hxx>
98 #include <paratr.hxx>
99 #include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexReplace.hpp>
100 // --> OD 2006-07-12 #i63870#
101 #include <unomap.hxx>
102 #include <unoprnms.hxx>
103 #include <com/sun/star/text/WritingMode2.hpp>
104 #include <editeng/brshitem.hxx>
105 #include <viewimp.hxx>
106 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
107 #include <textmarkuphelper.hxx>
108 // --> OD 2010-02-22 #i10825#
109 #include <parachangetrackinginfo.hxx>
110 #include <com/sun/star/text/TextMarkupType.hpp>
111 // <--
112 // --> OD 2010-03-08 #i92233#
113 #include <comphelper/stlunosequence.hxx>
114 // <--
116 #include <algorithm>
118 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
119 using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;
120 using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
121 using ::rtl::OUString;
123 using beans::PropertyValue;
124 using beans::XMultiPropertySet;
125 using beans::UnknownPropertyException;
126 using beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
128 using std::max;
129 using std::min;
130 using std::sort;
132 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
133     namespace text {
134         class XText;
135     }
136 } } }
139 const sal_Char sServiceName[] = "com.sun.star.text.AccessibleParagraphView";
140 const sal_Char sImplementationName[] = "com.sun.star.comp.Writer.SwAccessibleParagraphView";
141 const xub_StrLen MAX_DESC_TEXT_LEN = 40;
142 const SwTxtNode* SwAccessibleParagraph::GetTxtNode() const
143 {
144     const SwFrm* pFrm = GetFrm();
145     DBG_ASSERT( pFrm->IsTxtFrm(), "The text frame has mutated!" );
147     const SwTxtNode* pNode = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>(pFrm)->GetTxtNode();
148     DBG_ASSERT( pNode != NULL, "A text frame without a text node." );
150     return pNode;
151 }
153 ::rtl::OUString SwAccessibleParagraph::GetString()
154 {
155     return GetPortionData().GetAccessibleString();
156 }
158 ::rtl::OUString SwAccessibleParagraph::GetDescription()
159 {
160     // --> OD 2004-09-29 #117933# - provide empty description for paragraphs
161     return ::rtl::OUString();
162     // <--
163 }
165 sal_Int32 SwAccessibleParagraph::GetCaretPos()
166 {
167     sal_Int32 nRet = -1;
169     // get the selection's point, and test whether it's in our node
170     // --> OD 2005-12-20 #i27301# - consider adjusted method signature
171     SwPaM* pCaret = GetCursor( false );  // caret is first PaM in PaM-ring
172     // <--
173     if( pCaret != NULL )
174     {
175         const SwTxtNode* pNode = GetTxtNode();
177         // check whether the point points into 'our' node
178         SwPosition* pPoint = pCaret->GetPoint();
179         if( pNode->GetIndex() == pPoint->nNode.GetIndex() )
180         {
181             // same node? Then check whether it's also within 'our' part
182             // of the paragraph
183             sal_uInt16 nIndex = pPoint->nContent.GetIndex();
184 			if(!GetPortionData().IsValidCorePosition( nIndex ) ||
185 				( GetPortionData().IsZeroCorePositionData() && nIndex== 0) )
186 			{
187 				SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm = PTR_CAST( SwTxtFrm, GetFrm() );
188 				bool bFormat = (pTxtFrm && pTxtFrm->HasPara());
189 				if(bFormat)
190 				{
191 					ClearPortionData();
192 					UpdatePortionData();
193 				}
194 			}
195             if( GetPortionData().IsValidCorePosition( nIndex ) )
196             {
197                 // Yes, it's us!
198                 // --> OD 2006-10-19 #70538#
199                 // consider that cursor/caret is in front of the list label
200                 if ( pCaret->IsInFrontOfLabel() )
201                 {
202                     nRet = 0;
203                 }
204                 else
205                 {
206                     nRet = GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition( nIndex );
207                 }
208                 // <--
210                 DBG_ASSERT( nRet >= 0, "invalid cursor?" );
211                 DBG_ASSERT( nRet <= GetPortionData().GetAccessibleString().
212                                               getLength(), "invalid cursor?" );
213             }
214             // else: in this paragraph, but in different frame
215         }
216         // else: not in this paragraph
217     }
218     // else: no cursor -> no caret
220     return nRet;
221 }
223 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetSelection(
224     sal_Int32& nStart, sal_Int32& nEnd)
225 {
226     sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
227     nStart = -1;
228     nEnd = -1;
230     // get the selection, and test whether it affects our text node
231     // --> OD 2005-12-20 #i27301# - consider adjusted method signature
232     SwPaM* pCrsr = GetCursor( true );
233     // <--
234     if( pCrsr != NULL )
235     {
236         // get SwPosition for my node
237         const SwTxtNode* pNode = GetTxtNode();
238         sal_uLong nHere = pNode->GetIndex();
240         // iterate over ring
241         SwPaM* pRingStart = pCrsr;
242         do
243         {
244             // ignore, if no mark
245             if( pCrsr->HasMark() )
246             {
247                 // check whether nHere is 'inside' pCrsr
248                 SwPosition* pStart = pCrsr->Start();
249                 sal_uLong nStartIndex = pStart->nNode.GetIndex();
250                 SwPosition* pEnd = pCrsr->End();
251                 sal_uLong nEndIndex = pEnd->nNode.GetIndex();
252                 if( ( nHere >= nStartIndex ) &&
253                     ( nHere <= nEndIndex )      )
254                 {
255                     // translate start and end positions
257                     // start position
258                     sal_Int32 nLocalStart = -1;
259                     if( nHere > nStartIndex )
260                     {
261                         // selection starts in previous node:
262                         // then our local selection starts with the paragraph
263                         nLocalStart = 0;
264                     }
265                     else
266                     {
267                         DBG_ASSERT( nHere == nStartIndex,
268                                     "miscalculated index" );
270                         // selection starts in this node:
271                         // then check whether it's before or inside our part of
272                         // the paragraph, and if so, get the proper position
273                         sal_uInt16 nCoreStart = pStart->nContent.GetIndex();
274                         if( nCoreStart <
275                             GetPortionData().GetFirstValidCorePosition() )
276                         {
277                             nLocalStart = 0;
278                         }
279                         else if( nCoreStart <=
280                                  GetPortionData().GetLastValidCorePosition() )
281                         {
282                             DBG_ASSERT(
283                                 GetPortionData().IsValidCorePosition(
284                                                                   nCoreStart ),
285                                  "problem determining valid core position" );
287                             nLocalStart =
288                                 GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition(
289                                                                   nCoreStart );
290                         }
291                     }
293                     // end position
294                     sal_Int32 nLocalEnd = -1;
295                     if( nHere < nEndIndex )
296                     {
297                         // selection ends in following node:
298                         // then our local selection extends to the end
299                         nLocalEnd = GetPortionData().GetAccessibleString().
300                                                                    getLength();
301                     }
302                     else
303                     {
304                         DBG_ASSERT( nHere == nEndIndex,
305                                     "miscalculated index" );
307                         // selection ends in this node: then select everything
308                         // before our part of the node
309                         sal_uInt16 nCoreEnd = pEnd->nContent.GetIndex();
310                         if( nCoreEnd >
311                                 GetPortionData().GetLastValidCorePosition() )
312                         {
313                             // selection extends beyond out part of this para
314                             nLocalEnd = GetPortionData().GetAccessibleString().
315                                                                    getLength();
316                         }
317                         else if( nCoreEnd >=
318                                  GetPortionData().GetFirstValidCorePosition() )
319                         {
320                             // selection is inside our part of this para
321                             DBG_ASSERT(
322                                 GetPortionData().IsValidCorePosition(
323                                                                   nCoreEnd ),
324                                  "problem determining valid core position" );
326                             nLocalEnd = GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition(
327                                                                    nCoreEnd );
328                         }
329                     }
331                     if( ( nLocalStart != -1 ) && ( nLocalEnd != -1 ) )
332                     {
333                         nStart = nLocalStart;
334                         nEnd = nLocalEnd;
335                         bRet = sal_True;
336                     }
337                 }
338                 // else: this PaM doesn't point to this paragraph
339             }
340             // else: this PaM is collapsed and doesn't select anything
342             // next PaM in ring
343             pCrsr = static_cast<SwPaM*>( pCrsr->GetNext() );
344         }
345         while( !bRet && (pCrsr != pRingStart) );
346     }
347     // else: nocursor -> no selection
349     return bRet;
350 }
352 // --> OD 2005-12-20 #i27301# - new parameter <_bForSelection>
353 SwPaM* SwAccessibleParagraph::GetCursor( const bool _bForSelection )
354 {
355     // get the cursor shell; if we don't have any, we don't have a
356     // cursor/selection either
357     SwPaM* pCrsr = NULL;
358     SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell = SwAccessibleParagraph::GetCrsrShell();
359     // --> OD 2005-12-20 #i27301#
360     // - if cursor is retrieved for selection, the cursors for a table selection
361     //   has to be returned.
362     if ( pCrsrShell != NULL &&
363          ( _bForSelection || !pCrsrShell->IsTableMode() ) )
364     // <--
365     {
366 		SwFEShell *pFESh = pCrsrShell->ISA( SwFEShell )
367 							? static_cast< SwFEShell * >( pCrsrShell ) : 0;
368 		if( !pFESh ||
369 			!(pFESh->IsFrmSelected() || pFESh->IsObjSelected() > 0) )
370 		{
371 			// get the selection, and test whether it affects our text node
372 			pCrsr = pCrsrShell->GetCrsr( sal_False /* ??? */ );
373 		}
374     }
376     return pCrsr;
377 }
379 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::IsHeading() const
380 {
381 	const SwTxtNode *pTxtNd = GetTxtNode();
382 	return pTxtNd->IsOutline();
383 }
385 void SwAccessibleParagraph::GetStates(
386 		::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& rStateSet )
387 {
388 	SwAccessibleContext::GetStates( rStateSet );
391 	rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::MULTI_LINE );
394 	SwCrsrShell *pCrsrSh = GetCrsrShell();
395 	if( pCrsrSh )
396 		rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::MULTI_SELECTABLE );
399 	if( pCrsrSh )
400 		rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE );
402 	// FOCUSED (simulates node index of cursor)
403     // --> OD 2005-12-20 #i27301# - consider adjusted method signature
404     SwPaM* pCaret = GetCursor( false );
405     // <--
406 	const SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = GetTxtNode();
407 	if( pCaret != 0 && pTxtNd != 0 &&
408 		pTxtNd->GetIndex() == pCaret->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex() &&
409 		nOldCaretPos != -1)
410 	{
411 		Window *pWin = GetWindow();
412 		if( pWin && pWin->HasFocus() )
413 			rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );
414 		::vos::ORef < SwAccessibleContext > xThis( this );
415 		GetMap()->SetCursorContext( xThis );
416 	}
417 }
419 void SwAccessibleParagraph::_InvalidateContent( sal_Bool bVisibleDataFired )
420 {
421     ::rtl::OUString sOldText( GetString() );
423 	ClearPortionData();
425     const ::rtl::OUString& rText = GetString();
427 	if( rText != sOldText )
428 	{
429 		// The text is changed
430 		AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
431 		aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::TEXT_CHANGED;
433         // determine exact changes between sOldText and rText
434         comphelper::OCommonAccessibleText::implInitTextChangedEvent(
435             sOldText, rText,
436             aEvent.OldValue, aEvent.NewValue );
438 		FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
439 		uno::Reference< XAccessible > xparent = getAccessibleParent();
440 		uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext > xAccContext(xparent,uno::UNO_QUERY);
441 		if (xAccContext.is() && xAccContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::TABLE_CELL)
442 		{
443 			SwAccessibleContext* pPara = static_cast< SwAccessibleContext* >(xparent.get());
444 			if(pPara)
445 			{
446 				AccessibleEventObject aParaEvent;
447 				aParaEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::VALUE_CHANGED;
448 				pPara->FireAccessibleEvent(aParaEvent);
449 			}
450 		}
451 	}
452 	else if( !bVisibleDataFired )
453 	{
454 		FireVisibleDataEvent();
455 	}
457 	sal_Bool bNewIsHeading = IsHeading();
458 	//Get the real heading level, Heading1 ~ Heading10
459 	nHeadingLevel = GetRealHeadingLevel();
460 	sal_Bool bOldIsHeading;
461 	{
462 		vos::OGuard aGuard( aMutex );
463 		bOldIsHeading = bIsHeading;
464 		if( bIsHeading != bNewIsHeading )
465 			bIsHeading = bNewIsHeading;
466 	}
469 	if( bNewIsHeading != bOldIsHeading || rText != sOldText )
470 	{
471         ::rtl::OUString sNewDesc( GetDescription() );
472         ::rtl::OUString sOldDesc;
473 		{
474 			vos::OGuard aGuard( aMutex );
475 			sOldDesc = sDesc;
476 			if( sDesc != sNewDesc )
477 				sDesc = sNewDesc;
478 		}
480 		if( sNewDesc != sOldDesc )
481 		{
482 			// The text is changed
483 			AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
484 			aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::DESCRIPTION_CHANGED;
485 			aEvent.OldValue <<= sOldDesc;
486 			aEvent.NewValue <<= sNewDesc;
488 			FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
489 		}
490 	}
491 }
493 void SwAccessibleParagraph::_InvalidateCursorPos()
494 {
495 	// The text is changed
496 	sal_Int32 nNew = GetCaretPos();
497 	sal_Int32 nOld;
498 	{
499 		vos::OGuard aGuard( aMutex );
500 		nOld = nOldCaretPos;
501 		nOldCaretPos = nNew;
502 	}
503 	if( -1 != nNew )
504 	{
505 		// remember that object as the one that has the caret. This is
506 		// neccessary to notify that object if the cursor leaves it.
507 		::vos::ORef < SwAccessibleContext > xThis( this );
508 		GetMap()->SetCursorContext( xThis );
509 	}
511 	Window *pWin = GetWindow();
512 	if( nOld != nNew )
513 	{
514 		// The cursor's node position is sumilated by the focus!
515 		if( pWin && pWin->HasFocus() && -1 == nOld )
516 			FireStateChangedEvent( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED, sal_True );
519 		AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
520 		aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::CARET_CHANGED;
521 		aEvent.OldValue <<= nOld;
522 		aEvent.NewValue <<= nNew;
524 		FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
526 		if( pWin && pWin->HasFocus() && -1 == nNew )
527 			FireStateChangedEvent( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED, sal_False );
528 		//To send TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED event
529 		sal_Int32 nStart=0;
530 		sal_Int32 nEnd  =0;
531 		sal_Bool bCurSelection=GetSelection(nStart,nEnd);
532 		if(m_bLastHasSelection || bCurSelection )
533 		{
534 			aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED;
535 			aEvent.OldValue <<= uno::Any();
536 			aEvent.NewValue <<= uno::Any();
537 			FireAccessibleEvent(aEvent);
538 		}
539 		m_bLastHasSelection =bCurSelection;
540 	}
541 }
543 void SwAccessibleParagraph::_InvalidateFocus()
544 {
545 	Window *pWin = GetWindow();
546 	if( pWin )
547 	{
548 		sal_Int32 nPos;
549 		{
550 			vos::OGuard aGuard( aMutex );
551 			nPos = nOldCaretPos;
552 		}
553 		ASSERT( nPos != -1, "focus object should be selected" );
555 		FireStateChangedEvent( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED,
556 							   pWin->HasFocus() && nPos != -1 );
557 	}
558 }
560 SwAccessibleParagraph::SwAccessibleParagraph(
561         SwAccessibleMap& rInitMap,
562         const SwTxtFrm& rTxtFrm )
563     // --> OD 2010-02-24 #i108125#
564     : SwClient( const_cast<SwTxtNode*>(rTxtFrm.GetTxtNode()) )
565     // <--
566     , SwAccessibleContext( &rInitMap, AccessibleRole::PARAGRAPH, &rTxtFrm )
567     , sDesc()
568     , pPortionData( NULL )
569     , pHyperTextData( NULL )
570     , nOldCaretPos( -1 )
571     , bIsHeading( sal_False )
572     //Get the real heading level, Heading1 ~ Heading10
573     , nHeadingLevel (-1)
574     , aSelectionHelper( *this )
575     // --> OD 2010-02-19 #i108125#
576     , mpParaChangeTrackInfo( new SwParaChangeTrackingInfo( rTxtFrm ) )
577     // <--
578     , m_bLastHasSelection(false)  //To add TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED event
579 {
580 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
582 	bIsHeading = IsHeading();
583 	//Get the real heading level, Heading1 ~ Heading10
584 	nHeadingLevel = GetRealHeadingLevel();
585     // --> OD 2004-09-27 #117970# - set an empty accessibility name for paragraphs
586     SetName( ::rtl::OUString() );
587     // <--
589 	// If this object has the focus, then it is remembered by the map itself.
590 	// not necessary to remember this pos here. Generally, the pos will be updated in invalidateXXX method, which may fire the
591 	//Focus event based on the difference of new & old caret pos.
592 	//nOldCaretPos = GetCaretPos();
593 }
595 SwAccessibleParagraph::~SwAccessibleParagraph()
596 {
597 	if(Application::GetUnoWrapper())
598 		vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
600     delete pPortionData;
601     delete pHyperTextData;
602     // --> OD 2010-02-22 #i108125#
603     delete mpParaChangeTrackInfo;
604     // <--
605 }
607 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::HasCursor()
608 {
609 	vos::OGuard aGuard( aMutex );
610 	return nOldCaretPos != -1;
611 }
613 void SwAccessibleParagraph::UpdatePortionData()
614     throw( uno::RuntimeException )
615 {
616     // obtain the text frame
617     DBG_ASSERT( GetFrm() != NULL, "The text frame has vanished!" );
618     DBG_ASSERT( GetFrm()->IsTxtFrm(), "The text frame has mutated!" );
619     const SwTxtFrm* pFrm = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>( GetFrm() );
621     // build new portion data
622     delete pPortionData;
623     pPortionData = new SwAccessiblePortionData(
624         pFrm->GetTxtNode(), GetMap()->GetShell()->GetViewOptions() );
625     pFrm->VisitPortions( *pPortionData );
627     DBG_ASSERT( pPortionData != NULL, "UpdatePortionData() failed" );
628 }
630 void SwAccessibleParagraph::ClearPortionData()
631 {
632     delete pPortionData;
633     pPortionData = NULL;
635 	delete pHyperTextData;
636 	pHyperTextData = 0;
637 }
640 void SwAccessibleParagraph::ExecuteAtViewShell( sal_uInt16 nSlot )
641 {
642     DBG_ASSERT( GetMap() != NULL, "no map?" );
643     ViewShell* pViewShell = GetMap()->GetShell();
645     DBG_ASSERT( pViewShell != NULL, "View shell exptected!" );
646     SfxViewShell* pSfxShell = pViewShell->GetSfxViewShell();
648     DBG_ASSERT( pSfxShell != NULL, "SfxViewShell shell exptected!" );
649     if( !pSfxShell )
650 		return;
652 	SfxViewFrame *pFrame = pSfxShell->GetViewFrame();
653     DBG_ASSERT( pFrame != NULL, "View frame exptected!" );
654 	if( !pFrame )
655 		return;
657 	SfxDispatcher *pDispatcher = pFrame->GetDispatcher();
658     DBG_ASSERT( pDispatcher != NULL, "Dispatcher exptected!" );
659 	if( !pDispatcher )
660 		return;
662 	pDispatcher->Execute( nSlot );
663 }
665 SwXTextPortion* SwAccessibleParagraph::CreateUnoPortion(
666     sal_Int32 nStartIndex,
667     sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
668 {
669     DBG_ASSERT( (IsValidChar(nStartIndex, GetString().getLength()) &&
670                  (nEndIndex == -1)) ||
671                 IsValidRange(nStartIndex, nEndIndex, GetString().getLength()),
672                 "please check parameters before calling this method" );
674     sal_uInt16 nStart = GetPortionData().GetModelPosition( nStartIndex );
675     sal_uInt16 nEnd = (nEndIndex == -1) ? (nStart + 1) :
676                         GetPortionData().GetModelPosition( nEndIndex );
678     // create UNO cursor
679     SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
680     SwIndex aIndex( pTxtNode, nStart );
681     SwPosition aStartPos( *pTxtNode, aIndex );
682     SwUnoCrsr* pUnoCursor = pTxtNode->GetDoc()->CreateUnoCrsr( aStartPos );
683     pUnoCursor->SetMark();
684     pUnoCursor->GetMark()->nContent = nEnd;
686     // create a (dummy) text portion to be returned
687     uno::Reference<text::XText> aEmpty;
688     SwXTextPortion* pPortion =
689         new SwXTextPortion ( pUnoCursor, aEmpty, PORTION_TEXT);
690     delete pUnoCursor;
692     return pPortion;
693 }
696 //
697 // range checking for parameter
698 //
700 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::IsValidChar(
701     sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Int32 nLength)
702 {
703     return (nPos >= 0) && (nPos < nLength);
704 }
706 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::IsValidPosition(
707     sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Int32 nLength)
708 {
709     return (nPos >= 0) && (nPos <= nLength);
710 }
712 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::IsValidRange(
713     sal_Int32 nBegin, sal_Int32 nEnd, sal_Int32 nLength)
714 {
715     return IsValidPosition(nBegin, nLength) && IsValidPosition(nEnd, nLength);
716 }
717 SwTOXSortTabBase* SwAccessibleParagraph::GetTOXSortTabBase()
718 {
719 	const SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = GetTxtNode();
720 	if( pTxtNd )
721 	{
722 		const SwSectionNode * pSectNd = pTxtNd->FindSectionNode();
723 		if( pSectNd )
724 		{
725 			const SwSection * pSect = &pSectNd->GetSection();
726 			SwTOXBaseSection *pTOXBaseSect = (SwTOXBaseSection *)pSect;
727 			if( pSect->GetType() == TOX_CONTENT_SECTION )
728 			{
729 				SwTOXSortTabBase* pSortBase = 0;
730 				int nSize = pTOXBaseSect->GetTOXSortTabBases()->Count();
732 				for(int nIndex = 0; nIndex<nSize; nIndex++ )
733 				{
734 					pSortBase = (*(pTOXBaseSect->GetTOXSortTabBases()))[nIndex];
735 					if( pSortBase->pTOXNd == pTxtNd )
736 						break;
737 				}
739 				if (pSortBase)
740 				{
741 					return pSortBase;
742 				}
743 			}
744 		}
745 	}
746 	return NULL;
747 }
749 short SwAccessibleParagraph::GetTOCLevel()
750 {
751 	SwTOXSortTabBase* pToxBase = GetTOXSortTabBase();
752 	if( pToxBase )
753 	{
754 		const SwCntntNode*	pNd = pToxBase->aTOXSources[0].pNd;
755 		if( pNd )
756 			return pToxBase->GetLevel();
757 		else
758 			return -1;
759 	}
760 	else
761 		return -1;
762 }
764 //the function is to check whether the position is in a redline range.
765 const SwRedline* SwAccessibleParagraph::GetRedlineAtIndex( sal_Int32 )
766 {
767 	const SwRedline* pRedline = NULL;
768 	SwPaM* pCrSr = GetCursor( true );
769 	if ( pCrSr )
770 	{
771 		SwPosition* pStart = pCrSr->Start();
772 		const SwTxtNode* pNode = GetTxtNode();
773 		if ( pNode )
774 		{
775 			const SwDoc* pDoc = pNode->GetDoc();
776 			if ( pDoc )
777 			{
778 				pRedline = pDoc->GetRedline( *pStart, NULL );
779 			}
780 		}
781 	}
783 	return pRedline;
784 }
786 //
787 // text boundaries
788 //
791 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetCharBoundary(
792     i18n::Boundary& rBound,
793     const ::rtl::OUString&,
794     sal_Int32 nPos )
795 {
796     if( GetPortionData().FillBoundaryIFDateField( rBound,  nPos) )
797 		return sal_True;
799     rBound.startPos = nPos;
800     rBound.endPos = nPos+1;
801     return sal_True;
802 }
804 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetWordBoundary(
805     i18n::Boundary& rBound,
806     const ::rtl::OUString& rText,
807     sal_Int32 nPos )
808 {
809     sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
811     // now ask the Break-Iterator for the word
812     DBG_ASSERT( pBreakIt != NULL, "We always need a break." );
813     DBG_ASSERT( pBreakIt->GetBreakIter().is(), "No break-iterator." );
814     if( pBreakIt->GetBreakIter().is() )
815     {
816         // get locale for this position
817         sal_uInt16 nModelPos = GetPortionData().GetModelPosition( nPos );
818         lang::Locale aLocale = pBreakIt->GetLocale(
819                               GetTxtNode()->GetLang( nModelPos ) );
821         // which type of word are we interested in?
822         // (DICTIONARY_WORD includes punctuation, ANY_WORD doesn't.)
823         const sal_uInt16 nWordType = i18n::WordType::ANY_WORD;
825 /*
826 		// get word boundary, as the Break-Iterator sees fit.
827 		sal_Unicode SpaceChar(' ');
828 		if (rText.getCodePointAt(nPos) == SpaceChar)
829 		{
830 			int nStartPos = nPos;
831 			int nEndPos = nPos+1;
832 			while (nStartPos >= 0 && rText.getCodePointAt(nStartPos) == SpaceChar)
833 				--nStartPos;
834 			while (nEndPos < rText.getLength() && rText.getCodePointAt(nEndPos) == SpaceChar)
835 				++nEndPos;
836 			//Get the previous word boundary + the followed space characters
837 			if (nStartPos >= 0)
838 			{
839 				rBound = pBreakIt->xBreak->getWordBoundary( rText, nStartPos, aLocale, nWordType, sal_True );
840 				rBound.endPos += (nEndPos-nStartPos - 1);
841 			}
842 			//When the frontal characters are whitespace, return the all space characters directly.
843 			else
844 			{
845 				rBound.startPos = 0;
846 				rBound.endPos = nEndPos;
847 			}
848 		}
849 		// add the " " into the word boundry
850 		else
851 		{
852 			rBound = pBreakIt->xBreak->getWordBoundary(rText, nPos, aLocale, nWordType, sal_True );
853 			sal_Int32 nEndPos = rBound.endPos, nLength = rText.getLength();
854 			while ( nEndPos < nLength && rText.getCodePointAt(nEndPos) == SpaceChar )
855 				nEndPos++;
856 			rBound.endPos = nEndPos;
857 		}
858 		tabCharInWord( nPos, rBound);
859 		if( GetPortionData().FillBoundaryIFDateField( rBound,  rBound.startPos) )
860 			return sal_True;
861         return sal_True; // MT: So why do we need the return TRUE above???
862 */
863         // get word boundary, as the Break-Iterator sees fit.
864         rBound = pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getWordBoundary(
865             rText, nPos, aLocale, nWordType, sal_True );
867         // It's a word if the first character is an alpha-numeric character.
868         bRet = GetAppCharClass().isLetterNumeric(
869             rText.getStr()[ rBound.startPos ] );
870     }
871     else
872     {
873         // no break Iterator -> no word
874         rBound.startPos = nPos;
875         rBound.endPos = nPos;
876     }
878     return bRet;
879 }
881 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetSentenceBoundary(
882     i18n::Boundary& rBound,
883     const ::rtl::OUString& rText,
884     sal_Int32 nPos )
885 {
886 	const sal_Unicode* pStr = rText.getStr();
887 	if (pStr)
888 	{
889 		while( pStr[nPos] == sal_Unicode(' ') && nPos < rText.getLength())
890 			nPos++;
891 	}
892     GetPortionData().GetSentenceBoundary( rBound, nPos );
893     return sal_True;
894 }
896 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetLineBoundary(
897     i18n::Boundary& rBound,
898     const ::rtl::OUString& rText,
899     sal_Int32 nPos )
900 {
901 	if( rText.getLength() == nPos )
902 		GetPortionData().GetLastLineBoundary( rBound );
903 	else
904 		GetPortionData().GetLineBoundary( rBound, nPos );
905     return sal_True;
906 }
908 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetParagraphBoundary(
909     i18n::Boundary& rBound,
910     const ::rtl::OUString& rText,
911     sal_Int32 )
912 {
913     rBound.startPos = 0;
914     rBound.endPos = rText.getLength();
915     return sal_True;
916 }
918 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetAttributeBoundary(
919     i18n::Boundary& rBound,
920     const ::rtl::OUString&,
921     sal_Int32 nPos )
922 {
923     GetPortionData().GetAttributeBoundary( rBound, nPos );
924     return sal_True;
925 }
927 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetGlyphBoundary(
928     i18n::Boundary& rBound,
929     const ::rtl::OUString& rText,
930     sal_Int32 nPos )
931 {
932     sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
934     // ask the Break-Iterator for the glyph by moving one cell
935     // forward, and then one cell back
936     DBG_ASSERT( pBreakIt != NULL, "We always need a break." );
937     DBG_ASSERT( pBreakIt->GetBreakIter().is(), "No break-iterator." );
938     if( pBreakIt->GetBreakIter().is() )
939     {
940         // get locale for this position
941         sal_uInt16 nModelPos = GetPortionData().GetModelPosition( nPos );
942         lang::Locale aLocale = pBreakIt->GetLocale(
943                               GetTxtNode()->GetLang( nModelPos ) );
945         // get word boundary, as the Break-Iterator sees fit.
946         const sal_uInt16 nIterMode = i18n::CharacterIteratorMode::SKIPCELL;
947         sal_Int32 nDone = 0;
948         rBound.endPos = pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->nextCharacters(
949              rText, nPos, aLocale, nIterMode, 1, nDone );
950         rBound.startPos = pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->previousCharacters(
951              rText, rBound.endPos, aLocale, nIterMode, 1, nDone );
953         bRet = ((rBound.startPos <= nPos) && (nPos <= rBound.endPos));
954         DBG_ASSERT( rBound.startPos <= nPos, "start pos too high" );
955         DBG_ASSERT( rBound.endPos >= nPos, "end pos too low" );
956     }
957     else
958     {
959         // no break Iterator -> no glyph
960         rBound.startPos = nPos;
961         rBound.endPos = nPos;
962     }
964     return bRet;
965 }
968 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetTextBoundary(
969     i18n::Boundary& rBound,
970     const ::rtl::OUString& rText,
971     sal_Int32 nPos,
972     sal_Int16 nTextType )
973     throw (
974         lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
975         lang::IllegalArgumentException,
976         uno::RuntimeException)
977 {
978     // error checking
979     if( !( AccessibleTextType::LINE == nTextType
980 				? IsValidPosition( nPos, rText.getLength() )
981 				: IsValidChar( nPos, rText.getLength() ) ) )
982         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
984     sal_Bool bRet;
986     switch( nTextType )
987     {
988         case AccessibleTextType::WORD:
989             bRet = GetWordBoundary( rBound, rText, nPos );
990             break;
992         case AccessibleTextType::SENTENCE:
993             bRet = GetSentenceBoundary( rBound, rText, nPos );
994             break;
996         case AccessibleTextType::PARAGRAPH:
997             bRet = GetParagraphBoundary( rBound, rText, nPos );
998             break;
1000         case AccessibleTextType::CHARACTER:
1001             bRet = GetCharBoundary( rBound, rText, nPos );
1002             break;
1004         case AccessibleTextType::LINE:
1005             //Solve the problem of returning wrong LINE and PARAGRAPH
1006             if((nPos == rText.getLength()) && nPos > 0)
1007             	bRet = GetLineBoundary( rBound, rText, nPos - 1);
1008             else
1009             	bRet = GetLineBoundary( rBound, rText, nPos );
1010             break;
1012         case AccessibleTextType::ATTRIBUTE_RUN:
1013             bRet = GetAttributeBoundary( rBound, rText, nPos );
1014 			if(bRet)
1015 			{
1016 				SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell = GetCrsrShell();
1017 				if( pCrsrShell != NULL && pCrsrShell->GetViewOptions() && pCrsrShell->GetViewOptions()->IsOnlineSpell())
1018 				{
1019 					SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
1020 					if(pTxtNode)
1021 					{
1022 						const SwWrongList* pWrongList = pTxtNode->GetWrong();
1023 						if( NULL != pWrongList )
1024 						{
1025 							xub_StrLen nBegin = nPos;
1026 							xub_StrLen nLen = 1;
1027 							const xub_StrLen nNext = pWrongList->NextWrong(nBegin);
1028 							xub_StrLen nLast;
1029                             xub_StrLen nWrongPos = pWrongList->GetWrongPos( nBegin );
1030                             if ( nWrongPos >= pWrongList->Count() ||
1031                                  ( nLast = pWrongList->Pos( nWrongPos ) ) >= nBegin )
1032                             {
1033                                 nLast = nWrongPos
1034                                         ? pWrongList->Pos( --nWrongPos )
1035                                         : STRING_LEN;
1036                             }
1037                             if ( nBegin > pWrongList->GetBeginInv() &&
1038                                  ( nLast == STRING_LEN || nLast < pWrongList->GetEndInv() ) )
1039                             {
1040                                 nLast = nBegin > pWrongList->GetEndInv()
1041                                         ? pWrongList->GetEndInv()
1042                                         : nBegin;
1043                             }
1044                             else if ( nLast < STRING_LEN )
1045                             {
1046                                 nLast += pWrongList->Len( nWrongPos );
1047                             }
1048 							//
1049 							sal_Bool bIn = pWrongList->InWrongWord(nBegin,nLen); // && !pTxtNode->IsSymbol(nBegin) )
1050 							if(bIn)
1051 							{
1052 								rBound.startPos = max(nNext,(xub_StrLen)rBound.startPos);
1053 								rBound.endPos = min(xub_StrLen(nNext + nLen),(xub_StrLen)rBound.endPos);
1054 							}
1055 							else
1056 							{
1057 								if (STRING_LEN == nLast)//first
1058 								{
1059 									rBound.endPos = min(nNext,(xub_StrLen)rBound.endPos);
1060 								}
1061 								else if(STRING_LEN == nNext)
1062 								{
1063 									rBound.startPos = max(nLast,(xub_StrLen)rBound.startPos);
1064 								}
1065 								else
1066 								{
1067 									rBound.startPos = max(nLast,(xub_StrLen)rBound.startPos);
1068 									rBound.endPos = min(nNext,(xub_StrLen)rBound.endPos);
1069 								}
1070 							}
1071 						}
1072 					}
1073 				}
1074 			}
1075             break;
1077         case AccessibleTextType::GLYPH:
1078             bRet = GetGlyphBoundary( rBound, rText, nPos );
1079             break;
1081         default:
1082             throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( );
1083     }
1085     return bRet;
1086 }
1088 ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getAccessibleDescription (void)
1089         throw (uno::RuntimeException)
1090 {
1091 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1093 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleContext );
1095 	vos::OGuard aGuard2( aMutex );
1096 	if( !sDesc.getLength() )
1097 		sDesc = GetDescription();
1099     return sDesc;
1100 }
1102 lang::Locale SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getLocale (void)
1103         throw (IllegalAccessibleComponentStateException, uno::RuntimeException)
1104 {
1105 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1107 	SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm = PTR_CAST( SwTxtFrm, GetFrm() );
1108 	if( !pTxtFrm )
1109 	{
1110 		THROW_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION( XAccessibleContext, "internal error (no text frame)" );
1111 	}
1113 	const SwTxtNode *pTxtNd = pTxtFrm->GetTxtNode();
1114     lang::Locale aLoc( pBreakIt->GetLocale( pTxtNd->GetLang( 0 ) ) );
1116 	return aLoc;
1117 }
1119 /** paragraphs are in relation CONTENT_FLOWS_FROM and/or CONTENT_FLOWS_TO
1121     OD 2005-12-02 #i27138#
1123     @author OD
1124 */
1125 uno::Reference<XAccessibleRelationSet> SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getAccessibleRelationSet()
1126     throw ( uno::RuntimeException )
1127 {
1128     vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1129     CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleContext );
1131     utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper* pHelper = new utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper();
1133     const SwTxtFrm* pTxtFrm = dynamic_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>(GetFrm());
1134     ASSERT( pTxtFrm,
1135             "<SwAccessibleParagraph::getAccessibleRelationSet()> - missing text frame");
1136     if ( pTxtFrm )
1137     {
1138         const SwCntntFrm* pPrevCntFrm( pTxtFrm->FindPrevCnt( true ) );
1139         if ( pPrevCntFrm )
1140         {
1141             uno::Sequence< uno::Reference<XInterface> > aSequence(1);
1142             aSequence[0] = GetMap()->GetContext( pPrevCntFrm );
1143             AccessibleRelation aAccRel( AccessibleRelationType::CONTENT_FLOWS_FROM,
1144                                         aSequence );
1145             pHelper->AddRelation( aAccRel );
1146         }
1148         const SwCntntFrm* pNextCntFrm( pTxtFrm->FindNextCnt( true ) );
1149         if ( pNextCntFrm )
1150         {
1151             uno::Sequence< uno::Reference<XInterface> > aSequence(1);
1152             aSequence[0] = GetMap()->GetContext( pNextCntFrm );
1153             AccessibleRelation aAccRel( AccessibleRelationType::CONTENT_FLOWS_TO,
1154                                         aSequence );
1155             pHelper->AddRelation( aAccRel );
1156         }
1157     }
1159     return pHelper;
1160 }
1162 void SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::grabFocus()
1163         throw (uno::RuntimeException)
1164 {
1165 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1167 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleContext );
1169     // get cursor shell
1170 	SwCrsrShell *pCrsrSh = GetCrsrShell();
1171     // --> OD 2005-12-20 #i27301# - consider new method signature
1172     SwPaM *pCrsr = GetCursor( false );
1173     // <--
1174 	const SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>( GetFrm() );
1175 	const SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = pTxtFrm->GetTxtNode();
1177     if( pCrsrSh != 0 && pTxtNd != 0 &&
1178 		( pCrsr == 0 ||
1179 	 	  pCrsr->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex() != pTxtNd->GetIndex() ||
1180 		  !pTxtFrm->IsInside( pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex()) ) )
1181     {
1182         // create pam for selection
1183         SwIndex aIndex( const_cast< SwTxtNode * >( pTxtNd ),
1184 						pTxtFrm->GetOfst() );
1185         SwPosition aStartPos( *pTxtNd, aIndex );
1186         SwPaM aPaM( aStartPos );
1188         // set PaM at cursor shell
1189 		Select( aPaM );
1192     }
1194     /* ->#i13955# */
1195     Window * pWindow = GetWindow();
1197     if (pWindow != NULL)
1198         pWindow->GrabFocus();
1199     /* <-#i13955# */
1200 }
1202 // --> OD 2007-01-17 #i71385#
1203 bool lcl_GetBackgroundColor( Color & rColor,
1204                              const SwFrm* pFrm,
1205                              SwCrsrShell* pCrsrSh )
1206 {
1207     const SvxBrushItem* pBackgrdBrush = 0;
1208     const Color* pSectionTOXColor = 0;
1209     SwRect aDummyRect;
1211     //UUUU
1212     FillAttributesPtr aFillAttributes;
1214     if ( pFrm &&
1215          pFrm->GetBackgroundBrush( aFillAttributes, pBackgrdBrush, pSectionTOXColor, aDummyRect, false ) )
1216     {
1217         if ( pSectionTOXColor )
1218         {
1219             rColor = *pSectionTOXColor;
1220             return true;
1221         }
1222         else
1223         {
1224             rColor =  pBackgrdBrush->GetColor();
1225             return true;
1226         }
1227     }
1228     else if ( pCrsrSh )
1229     {
1230         rColor = pCrsrSh->Imp()->GetRetoucheColor();
1231         return true;
1232     }
1234     return false;
1235 }
1237 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getForeground()
1238                                 throw (uno::RuntimeException)
1239 {
1240     Color aBackgroundCol;
1242     if ( lcl_GetBackgroundColor( aBackgroundCol, GetFrm(), GetCrsrShell() ) )
1243     {
1244         if ( aBackgroundCol.IsDark() )
1245         {
1246             return COL_WHITE;
1247         }
1248         else
1249         {
1250             return COL_BLACK;
1251         }
1252     }
1254     return SwAccessibleContext::getForeground();
1255 }
1257 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getBackground()
1258                                 throw (uno::RuntimeException)
1259 {
1260     Color aBackgroundCol;
1262     if ( lcl_GetBackgroundColor( aBackgroundCol, GetFrm(), GetCrsrShell() ) )
1263     {
1264         return aBackgroundCol.GetColor();
1265     }
1267     return SwAccessibleContext::getBackground();
1268 }
1269 // <--
1271 ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getImplementationName()
1272         throw( uno::RuntimeException )
1273 {
1274     return ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(sImplementationName));
1275 }
1277 sal_Bool SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::supportsService(
1278 		const ::rtl::OUString& sTestServiceName)
1279     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
1280 {
1281 	return sTestServiceName.equalsAsciiL( sServiceName,
1282 										  sizeof(sServiceName)-1 ) ||
1283 		   sTestServiceName.equalsAsciiL( sAccessibleServiceName,
1284 				   						  sizeof(sAccessibleServiceName)-1 );
1285 }
1287 uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getSupportedServiceNames()
1288         throw( uno::RuntimeException )
1289 {
1290     uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aRet(2);
1291     ::rtl::OUString* pArray = aRet.getArray();
1292     pArray[0] = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(sServiceName) );
1293     pArray[1] = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(sAccessibleServiceName) );
1294 	return aRet;
1295 }
1297 uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > getAttributeNames()
1298 {
1299     static uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >* pNames = NULL;
1301     if( pNames == NULL )
1302     {
1303         // Add the font name to attribute list
1304         uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >* pSeq = new uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >( 13 );
1306         ::rtl::OUString* pStrings = pSeq->getArray();
1308         // sorted list of strings
1309         sal_Int32 i = 0;
1311 #define STR(x) pStrings[i++] = OUString::createFromAscii(x)
1312         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_BACK_COLOR ).pName );
1313         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_COLOR ).pName );
1314        	STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_CONTOURED ).pName );
1315 		STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_EMPHASIS ).pName );
1316         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT ).pName );
1317         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_FONT_NAME ).pName );
1318         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_HEIGHT ).pName );
1319         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_POSTURE ).pName );
1320         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_SHADOWED ).pName );
1321         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_STRIKEOUT ).pName );
1322         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_UNDERLINE ).pName );
1323 		STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_UNDERLINE_COLOR ).pName );
1324         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_WEIGHT ).pName );
1325 #undef STR
1326         DBG_ASSERT( i == pSeq->getLength(), "Please adjust length" );
1327         if( i != pSeq->getLength() )
1328             pSeq->realloc( i );
1329         pNames = pSeq;
1330     }
1331     return *pNames;
1332 }
1334 uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > getSupplementalAttributeNames()
1335 {
1336     static uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >* pNames = NULL;
1338     if( pNames == NULL )
1339     {
1340         uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >* pSeq = new uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >( 9 );
1342         ::rtl::OUString* pStrings = pSeq->getArray();
1344         // sorted list of strings
1345         sal_Int32 i = 0;
1347 #define STR(x) pStrings[i++] = OUString::createFromAscii(x)
1348         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_NUMBERING_LEVEL ).pName );
1349 		STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_NUMBERING_RULES ).pName );
1350         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_PARA_ADJUST ).pName );
1351         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_PARA_BOTTOM_MARGIN ).pName );
1352         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_PARA_FIRST_LINE_INDENT ).pName );
1353         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_PARA_LEFT_MARGIN ).pName );
1354         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_PARA_LINE_SPACING ).pName );
1355         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_PARA_RIGHT_MARGIN ).pName );
1356         STR( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_TABSTOPS ).pName );
1357 #undef STR
1358         DBG_ASSERT( i == pSeq->getLength(), "Please adjust length" );
1359         if( i != pSeq->getLength() )
1360             pSeq->realloc( i );
1361         pNames = pSeq;
1362     }
1363     return *pNames;
1364 }
1365 //
1366 //=====  XInterface  =======================================================
1367 //
1369 uno::Any SwAccessibleParagraph::queryInterface( const uno::Type& rType )
1370     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
1371 {
1372     uno::Any aRet;
1373     if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleText> *)0) )
1374     {
1375         uno::Reference<XAccessibleText> aAccText = (XAccessibleText *) *this; // resolve ambiguity
1376         aRet <<= aAccText;
1377     }
1378     else if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleEditableText> *)0) )
1379     {
1380         uno::Reference<XAccessibleEditableText> aAccEditText = this;
1381         aRet <<= aAccEditText;
1382     }
1383     else if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleSelection> *)0) )
1384     {
1385         uno::Reference<XAccessibleSelection> aAccSel = this;
1386         aRet <<= aAccSel;
1387     }
1388     else if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleHypertext> *)0) )
1389     {
1390         uno::Reference<XAccessibleHypertext> aAccHyp = this;
1391         aRet <<= aAccHyp;
1392     }
1393     // --> OD 2006-07-13 #i63870#
1394     // add interface com::sun:star:accessibility::XAccessibleTextAttributes
1395     else if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleTextAttributes> *)0) )
1396     {
1397         uno::Reference<XAccessibleTextAttributes> aAccTextAttr = this;
1398         aRet <<= aAccTextAttr;
1399     }
1400     // <--
1401     // --> OD 2008-06-10 #i89175#
1402     // add interface com::sun:star:accessibility::XAccessibleTextMarkup
1403     else if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleTextMarkup> *)0) )
1404     {
1405         uno::Reference<XAccessibleTextMarkup> aAccTextMarkup = this;
1406         aRet <<= aAccTextMarkup;
1407     }
1408     // add interface com::sun:star:accessibility::XAccessibleMultiLineText
1409     else if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleMultiLineText> *)0) )
1410     {
1411         uno::Reference<XAccessibleMultiLineText> aAccMultiLineText = this;
1412         aRet <<= aAccMultiLineText;
1413     }
1414     // <--
1415 	//MSAA Extension Implementation in app  module
1416     else if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleTextSelection> *)NULL) )
1417     {
1418         uno::Reference< com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleTextSelection > aTextExtension = this;
1419         aRet <<= aTextExtension;
1420     }
1421 	else if ( rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference<XAccessibleExtendedAttributes> *)NULL) )
1422     {
1423 		uno::Reference<XAccessibleExtendedAttributes> xAttr = this;
1424         aRet <<= xAttr;
1425     }
1426     else
1427     {
1428         aRet = SwAccessibleContext::queryInterface(rType);
1429     }
1431     return aRet;
1432 }
1434 //====== XTypeProvider ====================================================
1435 uno::Sequence< uno::Type > SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getTypes() throw(uno::RuntimeException)
1436 {
1437     uno::Sequence< uno::Type > aTypes( SwAccessibleContext::getTypes() );
1439 	sal_Int32 nIndex = aTypes.getLength();
1440     // --> OD 2006-07-13 #i63870#
1441     // add type accessibility::XAccessibleTextAttributes
1442     // --> OD 2008-06-10 #i89175#
1443     // add type accessibility::XAccessibleTextMarkup and accessibility::XAccessibleMultiLineText
1444     aTypes.realloc( nIndex + 6 );
1446     uno::Type* pTypes = aTypes.getArray();
1447 	pTypes[nIndex++] = ::getCppuType( static_cast< uno::Reference< XAccessibleEditableText > * >( 0 ) );
1448     pTypes[nIndex++] = ::getCppuType( static_cast< uno::Reference< XAccessibleTextAttributes > * >( 0 ) );
1449 	pTypes[nIndex++] = ::getCppuType( static_cast< uno::Reference< XAccessibleSelection > * >( 0 ) );
1450     pTypes[nIndex++] = ::getCppuType( static_cast< uno::Reference< XAccessibleTextMarkup > * >( 0 ) );
1451     pTypes[nIndex++] = ::getCppuType( static_cast< uno::Reference< XAccessibleMultiLineText > * >( 0 ) );
1452 	pTypes[nIndex] = ::getCppuType( static_cast< uno::Reference< XAccessibleHypertext > * >( 0 ) );
1453     // <--
1455 	return aTypes;
1456 }
1458 uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getImplementationId()
1459         throw(uno::RuntimeException)
1460 {
1461     vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1462     static uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aId( 16 );
1463     static sal_Bool bInit = sal_False;
1464     if(!bInit)
1465     {
1466         rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8 *)(aId.getArray() ), 0, sal_True );
1467         bInit = sal_True;
1468     }
1469     return aId;
1470 }
1473 //
1474 //=====  XAccesibleText  ===================================================
1475 //
1477 sal_Int32 SwAccessibleParagraph::getCaretPosition()
1478     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
1479 {
1480 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1482 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
1484     sal_Int32 nRet = GetCaretPos();
1485 	{
1486         vos::OGuard aOldCaretPosGuard( aMutex );
1487 		ASSERT( nRet == nOldCaretPos, "caret pos out of sync" );
1488 		nOldCaretPos = nRet;
1489 	}
1490 	if( -1 != nRet )
1491 	{
1492 		::vos::ORef < SwAccessibleContext > xThis( this );
1493 		GetMap()->SetCursorContext( xThis );
1494 	}
1496     return nRet;
1497 }
1499 sal_Bool SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::setCaretPosition( sal_Int32 nIndex )
1500     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
1501 {
1502 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1504 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
1506     // parameter checking
1507     sal_Int32 nLength = GetString().getLength();
1508     if ( ! IsValidPosition( nIndex, nLength ) )
1509     {
1510         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
1511     }
1513     sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
1515     // get cursor shell
1516     SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell = GetCrsrShell();
1517     if( pCrsrShell != NULL )
1518     {
1519         // create pam for selection
1520         SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
1521         SwIndex aIndex( pNode, GetPortionData().GetModelPosition(nIndex));
1522         SwPosition aStartPos( *pNode, aIndex );
1523         SwPaM aPaM( aStartPos );
1525         // set PaM at cursor shell
1526         bRet = Select( aPaM );
1527     }
1529     return bRet;
1530 }
1532 sal_Unicode SwAccessibleParagraph::getCharacter( sal_Int32 nIndex )
1533     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
1534 {
1535 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1537 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
1539     ::rtl::OUString sText( GetString() );
1541     // return character (if valid)
1542     if( IsValidChar(nIndex, sText.getLength() ) )
1543     {
1544         return sText.getStr()[nIndex];
1545     }
1546     else
1547         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
1548 }
1550 com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop > SwAccessibleParagraph::GetCurrentTabStop( sal_Int32 nIndex  )
1551 {
1552 vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1553 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
1557     /*  #i12332# The position after the string needs special treatment.
1558         IsValidChar -> IsValidPosition
1559     */
1560     if( ! (IsValidPosition( nIndex, GetString().getLength() ) ) )
1561         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
1563     /*  #i12332#  */
1564     sal_Bool bBehindText = sal_False;
1565     if ( nIndex == GetString().getLength() )
1566         bBehindText = sal_True;
1568     // get model position & prepare GetCharRect() arguments
1569     SwCrsrMoveState aMoveState;
1570     aMoveState.bRealHeight = sal_True;
1571     aMoveState.bRealWidth = sal_True;
1572     SwSpecialPos aSpecialPos;
1573     SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
1575     sal_uInt16 nPos = 0;
1577     /*  #i12332# FillSpecialPos does not accept nIndex ==
1578          GetString().getLength(). In that case nPos is set to the
1579          length of the string in the core. This way GetCharRect
1580          returns the rectangle for a cursor at the end of the
1581          paragraph. */
1582     if (bBehindText)
1583     {
1584         nPos = pNode->GetTxt().Len();
1585     }
1586     else
1587         nPos = GetPortionData().FillSpecialPos
1588             (nIndex, aSpecialPos, aMoveState.pSpecialPos );
1590     // call GetCharRect
1591     SwRect aCoreRect;
1592     SwIndex aIndex( pNode, nPos );
1593     SwPosition aPosition( *pNode, aIndex );
1594     GetFrm()->GetCharRect( aCoreRect, aPosition, &aMoveState );
1596 	// already get the caret postion
1598 	/*SwFrm* pTFrm = const_cast<SwFrm*>(GetFrm());
1599 	com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop > tabs =
1600 		pTFrm->GetTabStopInfo(aCoreRect.Left());*/
1602 	com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop > tabs;
1603 	const xub_StrLen nStrLen = GetTxtNode()->GetTxt().Len();
1604 	if( nStrLen > 0 )
1605 	{
1606 		SwFrm* pTFrm = const_cast<SwFrm*>(GetFrm());
1607 		tabs = pTFrm->GetTabStopInfo(aCoreRect.Left());
1608 	}
1610 	if( tabs.hasElements() )
1611 	{
1612 		// translate core coordinates into accessibility coordinates
1613 		Window *pWin = GetWindow();
1614 		CHECK_FOR_WINDOW( XAccessibleComponent, pWin );
1616 		SwRect aTmpRect(0, 0, tabs[0].Position, 0);
1618 		Rectangle aScreenRect( GetMap()->CoreToPixel( aTmpRect.SVRect() ));
1619         SwRect aFrmLogBounds( GetBounds( *(GetMap()) ) ); // twip rel to doc root
1621 		Point aFrmPixPos( GetMap()->CoreToPixel( aFrmLogBounds.SVRect() ).TopLeft() );
1622 		aScreenRect.Move( -aFrmPixPos.X(), -aFrmPixPos.Y() );
1624 		tabs[0].Position = aScreenRect.GetWidth();
1625 	}
1627 	return tabs;
1628 }
1630 struct IndexCompare
1631 {
1632 	const PropertyValue* pValues;
1633 	IndexCompare( const PropertyValue* pVals ) : pValues(pVals) {}
1634 	bool operator() ( const sal_Int32& a, const sal_Int32& b ) const
1635 	{
1636 		return (pValues[a].Name < pValues[b].Name) ? true : false;
1637 	}
1638 };
1640 String SwAccessibleParagraph::GetFieldTypeNameAtIndex(sal_Int32 nIndex)
1641 {
1642 	String strTypeName;
1643 	SwFldMgr aMgr;
1644 	SwTxtFld* pTxtFld = NULL;
1645 	SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
1646 	SwIndex fldIndex( pTxtNd, nIndex );
1647 	sal_Int32 nFldIndex = GetPortionData().GetFieldIndex(nIndex);
1648 	if (nFldIndex >= 0)
1649 	{
1650 		const SwpHints* pSwpHints = GetTxtNode()->GetpSwpHints();
1651 		if (pSwpHints)
1652 		{
1653 			const sal_uInt16  nSize = pSwpHints ? pSwpHints->Count() : 0;
1654 			for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSize; ++i )
1655 			{
1656 				const SwTxtAttr* pHt = (*pSwpHints)[i];
1657 				if ( ( pHt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_FIELD
1658                        || pHt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_ANNOTATION
1659                        || pHt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD )
1660                      && (nFldIndex-- == 0))
1661 				{
1662 					pTxtFld = (SwTxtFld *)pHt;
1663 					break;
1664 				}
1665 				else if ( pHt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_REFMARK
1666                           && (nFldIndex-- == 0) )
1667 					strTypeName = String(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("set reference")));
1668 			}
1669 		}
1670 	}
1671 	if (pTxtFld)
1672 	{
1673 		const SwField* pField = (pTxtFld->GetFmtFld()).GetField();
1674 		if (pField)
1675 		{
1676 			strTypeName = pField->GetTyp()->GetTypeStr(pField->GetTypeId());
1677 			sal_uInt16 nWhich = pField->GetTyp()->Which();
1678 			rtl::OUString sEntry;
1679 			sal_Int32 subType = 0;
1680 			switch (nWhich)
1681 			{
1682 			case RES_DOCSTATFLD:
1683 				subType = ((SwDocStatField*)pField)->GetSubType();
1684 				break;
1685 			case RES_GETREFFLD:
1686 				{
1687 					sal_uInt16 nSub = pField->GetSubType();
1688 					switch( nSub )
1689 					{
1690 					case REF_BOOKMARK:
1691 						{
1692 							const SwGetRefField* pRefFld = dynamic_cast<const SwGetRefField*>(pField);
1693 							if ( pRefFld && pRefFld->IsRefToHeadingCrossRefBookmark() )
1694 								sEntry = OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Headings"));
1695 							else if ( pRefFld && pRefFld->IsRefToNumItemCrossRefBookmark() )
1696 								sEntry = OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Numbered Paragraphs"));
1697 							else
1698 								sEntry = OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Bookmarks"));
1699 						}
1700 						break;
1701 					case REF_FOOTNOTE:
1702 						sEntry = OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Footnotes"));
1703 						break;
1704 					case REF_ENDNOTE:
1705 						sEntry = OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Endnotes"));
1706 						break;
1707 					case REF_SETREFATTR:
1708 						sEntry = OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Insert Reference"));
1709 						break;
1710 					case REF_SEQUENCEFLD:
1711 						sEntry = ((SwGetRefField*)pField)->GetSetRefName();
1712 						break;
1713 					}
1714 					//Get format string
1715 					strTypeName = sEntry;
1716                     // <pField->GetFormat() >= 0> is always true as <pField->GetFormat()> is unsigned
1717 //                    if (pField->GetFormat() >= 0)
1718 					{
1719 						sEntry = aMgr.GetFormatStr( pField->GetTypeId(), pField->GetFormat() );
1720 						if (sEntry.getLength() > 0)
1721 						{
1722 							strTypeName.AppendAscii("-");
1723 							strTypeName += String(sEntry);
1724 						}
1725 					}
1726 				}
1727 				break;
1728 			case RES_DATETIMEFLD:
1729 				subType = ((SwDateTimeField*)pField)->GetSubType();
1730 				break;
1731 			case RES_JUMPEDITFLD:
1732 				{
1733 					sal_uInt16 nFormat= pField->GetFormat();
1734 					sal_uInt16 nSize = aMgr.GetFormatCount(pField->GetTypeId(), sal_False);
1735 					if (nFormat < nSize)
1736 					{
1737 						sEntry = aMgr.GetFormatStr(pField->GetTypeId(), nFormat);
1738 						if (sEntry.getLength() > 0)
1739 						{
1740 							strTypeName.AppendAscii("-");
1741 							strTypeName += String(sEntry);
1742 						}
1743 					}
1744 				}
1745 				break;
1746 			case RES_EXTUSERFLD:
1747 				subType = ((SwExtUserField*)pField)->GetSubType();
1748 				break;
1749 			case RES_HIDDENTXTFLD:
1750 			case RES_SETEXPFLD:
1751 				{
1752 					sEntry = pField->GetTyp()->GetName();
1753 					if (sEntry.getLength() > 0)
1754 					{
1755 						strTypeName.AppendAscii("-");
1756 						strTypeName += String(sEntry);
1757 					}
1758 				}
1759 				break;
1760 			case RES_DOCINFOFLD:
1761 				subType = pField->GetSubType();
1762 				subType &= 0x00ff;
1763 				break;
1765 				{
1766 					SwRefPageSetField* pRPld = (SwRefPageSetField*)pField;
1767 					sal_Bool bOn = pRPld->IsOn();
1768 					strTypeName.AppendAscii("-");
1769 					if (bOn)
1770 						strTypeName += String(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("on")));
1771 					else
1772 						strTypeName += String(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("off")));
1773 				}
1774 				break;
1775 			case RES_AUTHORFLD:
1776 				{
1777 					strTypeName.AppendAscii("-");
1778 					strTypeName += aMgr.GetFormatStr(pField->GetTypeId(), pField->GetFormat() & 0xff);
1779 				}
1780 				break;
1781 			}
1782 			if (subType > 0 || (subType == 0 && (nWhich == RES_DOCINFOFLD || nWhich == RES_EXTUSERFLD || nWhich == RES_DOCSTATFLD)))
1783 			{
1784 				SvStringsDtor aLst;
1785 				aMgr.GetSubTypes(pField->GetTypeId(), aLst);
1786 				if (subType < aLst.Count())
1787 					sEntry = *aLst[subType];
1788 				if (sEntry.getLength() > 0)
1789 				{
1790 					if (nWhich == RES_DOCINFOFLD)
1791 					{
1792 						strTypeName = String(sEntry);
1793 						sal_uInt32 nSize = aMgr.GetFormatCount(pField->GetTypeId(), sal_False);
1794 						sal_uInt16 nExSub = pField->GetSubType() & 0xff00;
1795 						if (nSize > 0 && nExSub > 0)
1796 						{
1797 							//Get extra subtype string
1798 							strTypeName.AppendAscii("-");
1799 							sEntry = aMgr.GetFormatStr(pField->GetTypeId(), nExSub/0x0100-1);
1800 							strTypeName += String(sEntry);
1801 						}
1802 					}
1803 					else
1804 					{
1805 						strTypeName.AppendAscii("-");
1806 						strTypeName += String(sEntry);
1807 					}
1808 				}
1809 			}
1810 		}
1811 	}
1812 	return strTypeName;
1813 }
1814 // --> OD 2006-07-20 #i63870#
1815 // re-implement method on behalf of methods <_getDefaultAttributesImpl(..)> and
1816 // <_getRunAttributesImpl(..)>
1817 uno::Sequence<PropertyValue> SwAccessibleParagraph::getCharacterAttributes(
1818     sal_Int32 nIndex,
1819     const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& aRequestedAttributes )
1820     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
1821 {
1823 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
1824 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
1826     const ::rtl::OUString& rText = GetString();
1828     if( ! IsValidChar( nIndex, rText.getLength()+1 ) )
1829         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
1831 	bool bSupplementalMode = false;
1832     uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aNames = aRequestedAttributes;
1833 	if (aNames.getLength() == 0)
1834 	{
1835 		bSupplementalMode = true;
1836 		aNames = getAttributeNames();
1837 	}
1838     // retrieve default character attributes
1839     tAccParaPropValMap aDefAttrSeq;
1840     _getDefaultAttributesImpl( aNames, aDefAttrSeq, true );
1842     // retrieved run character attributes
1843     tAccParaPropValMap aRunAttrSeq;
1844     _getRunAttributesImpl( nIndex, aNames, aRunAttrSeq );
1846     // merge default and run attributes
1847     uno::Sequence< PropertyValue > aValues( aDefAttrSeq.size() );
1848     PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getArray();
1849     sal_Int32 i = 0;
1850     for ( tAccParaPropValMap::const_iterator aDefIter = aDefAttrSeq.begin();
1851           aDefIter != aDefAttrSeq.end();
1852           ++aDefIter )
1853     {
1854         tAccParaPropValMap::const_iterator aRunIter =
1855                                         aRunAttrSeq.find( aDefIter->first );
1856         if ( aRunIter != aRunAttrSeq.end() )
1857         {
1858             pValues[i] = aRunIter->second;
1859         }
1860         else
1861         {
1862             pValues[i] = aDefIter->second;
1863         }
1864         ++i;
1865     }
1866 	if( bSupplementalMode )
1867 	{
1868         uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aSupplementalNames = aRequestedAttributes;
1869 		if (aSupplementalNames.getLength() == 0)
1870 			aSupplementalNames = getSupplementalAttributeNames();
1872 		tAccParaPropValMap aSupplementalAttrSeq;
1873 		_getSupplementalAttributesImpl( nIndex, aSupplementalNames, aSupplementalAttrSeq );
1875 		aValues.realloc( aValues.getLength() + aSupplementalAttrSeq.size() );
1876 		pValues = aValues.getArray();
1878 		for ( tAccParaPropValMap::const_iterator aSupplementalIter = aSupplementalAttrSeq.begin();
1879 			aSupplementalIter != aSupplementalAttrSeq.end();
1880 			++aSupplementalIter )
1881 		{
1882 			pValues[i] = aSupplementalIter->second;
1883 			++i;
1884 		}
1886 		_correctValues( nIndex, aValues );
1888 		aValues.realloc( aValues.getLength() + 1 );
1890 		pValues = aValues.getArray();
1892 		const SwTxtNode* pTxtNode( GetTxtNode() );
1893 		PropertyValue& rValue = pValues[aValues.getLength() - 1 ];
1894 		rValue.Name = OUString::createFromAscii("NumberingPrefix");
1895 		OUString sNumBullet = pTxtNode->GetNumString();
1896 		rValue.Value <<= sNumBullet;
1897 		rValue.Handle = -1;
1898 		rValue.State = PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
1900 		String strTypeName = GetFieldTypeNameAtIndex(nIndex);
1901 		if (strTypeName.Len() > 0)
1902 		{
1903 			aValues.realloc( aValues.getLength() + 1 );
1904 			pValues = aValues.getArray();
1905 			rValue = pValues[aValues.getLength() - 1];
1906 			rValue.Name = OUString::createFromAscii("FieldType");
1907 			rValue.Value <<= rtl::OUString(strTypeName.ToLowerAscii());
1908 			rValue.Handle = -1;
1909 			rValue.State = PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
1910 		}
1912 		//sort property values
1913 		// build sorted index array
1914 		sal_Int32 nLength = aValues.getLength();
1915 		const PropertyValue* pPairs = aValues.getConstArray();
1916 		sal_Int32* pIndices = new sal_Int32[nLength];
1917 		for( i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
1918 			pIndices[i] = i;
1919 		sort( &pIndices[0], &pIndices[nLength], IndexCompare(pPairs) );
1920 		// create sorted sequences accoring to index array
1921         uno::Sequence<PropertyValue> aNewValues( nLength );
1922 		PropertyValue* pNewValues = aNewValues.getArray();
1923 		for( i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
1924 		{
1925 			pNewValues[i] = pPairs[pIndices[i]];
1926 		}
1927 		delete[] pIndices;
1928 		return aNewValues;
1929 	}
1931 //    // create a (dummy) text portion for the sole purpose of calling
1932 //    // getPropertyValues on it
1933 //    Reference<XMultiPropertySet> xPortion = CreateUnoPortion( nIndex, nIndex + 1 );
1935 //    // get values
1936 //    Sequence<OUString> aNames = getAttributeNames();
1937 //    sal_Int32 nLength = aNames.getLength();
1938 //    Sequence<Any> aAnys( nLength );
1939 //    aAnys = xPortion->getPropertyValues( aNames );
1941 //    // copy names + anys into return sequence
1942 //    Sequence<PropertyValue> aValues( aNames.getLength() );
1943 //    const OUString* pNames = aNames.getConstArray();
1944 //    const Any* pAnys = aAnys.getConstArray();
1945 //    PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getArray();
1946 //    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
1947 //    {
1948 //        PropertyValue& rValue = pValues[i];
1949 //        rValue.Name = pNames[i];
1950 //        rValue.Value = pAnys[i];
1951 //        rValue.Handle = -1;                         // handle not supported
1952 //        rValue.State = PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;  // states not supported
1953 //    }
1955 //    // adjust background color if we're in a gray portion
1956 //    DBG_ASSERT( pValues[CHAR_BACK_COLOR_POS].Name.
1957 //                equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("CharBackColor")),
1958 //                "Please adjust CHAR_BACK_COLOR_POS constant." );
1959 //    if( GetPortionData().IsInGrayPortion( nIndex ) )
1960 //        pValues[CHAR_BACK_COLOR_POS].Value <<= SwViewOption::GetFieldShadingsColor().GetColor();
1962     return aValues;
1963 }
1965 // --> OD 2006-07-11 #i63870#
1966 void SwAccessibleParagraph::_getDefaultAttributesImpl(
1967         const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& aRequestedAttributes,
1968         tAccParaPropValMap& rDefAttrSeq,
1969         const bool bOnlyCharAttrs )
1970 {
1971     // retrieve default attributes
1972     const SwTxtNode* pTxtNode( GetTxtNode() );
1973     ::boost::scoped_ptr<SfxItemSet> pSet;
1974     if ( !bOnlyCharAttrs )
1975     {
1976         pSet.reset( new SfxItemSet( const_cast<SwAttrPool&>(pTxtNode->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool()),
1977                                RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END - 1,
1978                                RES_PARATR_BEGIN, RES_PARATR_END - 1,
1979                                RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END - 1,
1980                                0 ) );
1981     }
1982     else
1983     {
1984         pSet.reset( new SfxItemSet( const_cast<SwAttrPool&>(pTxtNode->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool()),
1985                                RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END - 1,
1986                                0 ) );
1987     }
1988     // --> OD 2007-11-12 #i82637#
1989     // From the perspective of the a11y API the default character attributes
1990     // are the character attributes, which are set at the paragraph style
1991     // of the paragraph. The character attributes set at the automatic paragraph
1992     // style of the paragraph are treated as run attributes.
1993 //    pTxtNode->SwCntntNode::GetAttr( *pSet );
1994     // get default paragraph attributes, if needed, and merge these into <pSet>
1995     if ( !bOnlyCharAttrs )
1996     {
1997         SfxItemSet aParaSet( const_cast<SwAttrPool&>(pTxtNode->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool()),
1998                              RES_PARATR_BEGIN, RES_PARATR_END - 1,
1999                              RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END - 1,
2000                              0 );
2001         pTxtNode->SwCntntNode::GetAttr( aParaSet );
2002         pSet->Put( aParaSet );
2003     }
2004     // get default character attributes and merge these into <pSet>
2005     ASSERT( pTxtNode->GetTxtColl(),
2006             "<SwAccessibleParagraph::_getDefaultAttributesImpl(..)> - missing paragraph style. Serious defect, please inform OD!" );
2007     if ( pTxtNode->GetTxtColl() )
2008     {
2009         SfxItemSet aCharSet( const_cast<SwAttrPool&>(pTxtNode->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool()),
2010                              RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END - 1,
2011                              0 );
2012         aCharSet.Put( pTxtNode->GetTxtColl()->GetAttrSet() );
2013         pSet->Put( aCharSet );
2014     }
2015     // <--
2017     // build-up sequence containing the run attributes <rDefAttrSeq>
2018     tAccParaPropValMap aDefAttrSeq;
2019     {
2020         const SfxItemPropertyMap* pPropMap =
2021                     aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet( PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_CURSOR )->getPropertyMap();
2022         PropertyEntryVector_t aPropertyEntries = pPropMap->getPropertyEntries();
2023         PropertyEntryVector_t::const_iterator aPropIt = aPropertyEntries.begin();
2024         while ( aPropIt != aPropertyEntries.end() )
2025         {
2026             const SfxPoolItem* pItem = pSet->GetItem( aPropIt->nWID );
2027             if ( pItem )
2028             {
2029                 uno::Any aVal;
2030                 pItem->QueryValue( aVal, aPropIt->nMemberId );
2032                 PropertyValue rPropVal;
2033                 rPropVal.Name = aPropIt->sName;
2034                 rPropVal.Value = aVal;
2035                 rPropVal.Handle = -1;
2036                 rPropVal.State = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
2038                 aDefAttrSeq[rPropVal.Name] = rPropVal;
2039             }
2040             ++aPropIt;
2041         }
2043         // --> OD 2007-01-15 #i72800#
2044         // add property value entry for the paragraph style
2045         if ( !bOnlyCharAttrs && pTxtNode->GetTxtColl() )
2046         {
2047             const ::rtl::OUString sParaStyleName =
2048                     ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(
2049                             GetPropName( UNO_NAME_PARA_STYLE_NAME ).pName );
2050             if ( aDefAttrSeq.find( sParaStyleName ) == aDefAttrSeq.end() )
2051             {
2052                 PropertyValue rPropVal;
2053                 rPropVal.Name = sParaStyleName;
2054                 uno::Any aVal( uno::makeAny( ::rtl::OUString( pTxtNode->GetTxtColl()->GetName() ) ) );
2055                 rPropVal.Value = aVal;
2056                 rPropVal.Handle = -1;
2057                 rPropVal.State = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
2059                 aDefAttrSeq[rPropVal.Name] = rPropVal;
2060             }
2061         }
2062         // <--
2064         // --> OD 2007-01-15 #i73371#
2065         // resolve value text::WritingMode2::PAGE of property value entry WritingMode
2066         if ( !bOnlyCharAttrs && GetFrm() )
2067         {
2068             const ::rtl::OUString sWritingMode =
2069                     ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(
2070                             GetPropName( UNO_NAME_WRITING_MODE ).pName );
2071             tAccParaPropValMap::iterator aIter = aDefAttrSeq.find( sWritingMode );
2072             if ( aIter != aDefAttrSeq.end() )
2073             {
2074                 PropertyValue rPropVal( aIter->second );
2075                 sal_Int16 nVal = rPropVal.Value.get<sal_Int16>();
2076                 if ( nVal == text::WritingMode2::PAGE )
2077                 {
2078                     const SwFrm* pUpperFrm( GetFrm()->GetUpper() );
2079                     while ( pUpperFrm )
2080                     {
2081                         if ( pUpperFrm->GetType() &
2082                                ( FRM_PAGE | FRM_FLY | FRM_SECTION | FRM_TAB | FRM_CELL ) )
2083                         {
2084                             if ( pUpperFrm->IsVertical() )
2085                             {
2086                                 nVal = text::WritingMode2::TB_RL;
2087                             }
2088                             else if ( pUpperFrm->IsRightToLeft() )
2089                             {
2090                                 nVal = text::WritingMode2::RL_TB;
2091                             }
2092                             else
2093                             {
2094                                 nVal = text::WritingMode2::LR_TB;
2095                             }
2096                             rPropVal.Value <<= nVal;
2097                             aDefAttrSeq[rPropVal.Name] = rPropVal;
2098                             break;
2099                         }
2101                         if ( dynamic_cast<const SwFlyFrm*>(pUpperFrm) )
2102                         {
2103                             pUpperFrm = dynamic_cast<const SwFlyFrm*>(pUpperFrm)->GetAnchorFrm();
2104                         }
2105                         else
2106                         {
2107                             pUpperFrm = pUpperFrm->GetUpper();
2108                         }
2109                     }
2110                 }
2111             }
2112         }
2113         // <--
2114     }
2116     if ( aRequestedAttributes.getLength() == 0 )
2117     {
2118         rDefAttrSeq = aDefAttrSeq;
2119     }
2120     else
2121     {
2122         const ::rtl::OUString* pReqAttrs = aRequestedAttributes.getConstArray();
2123         const sal_Int32 nLength = aRequestedAttributes.getLength();
2124         for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; ++i )
2125         {
2126             tAccParaPropValMap::const_iterator const aIter = aDefAttrSeq.find( pReqAttrs[i] );
2127             if ( aIter != aDefAttrSeq.end() )
2128             {
2129                 rDefAttrSeq[ aIter->first ] = aIter->second;
2130             }
2131         }
2132     }
2133 }
2135 uno::Sequence< PropertyValue > SwAccessibleParagraph::getDefaultAttributes(
2136         const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& aRequestedAttributes )
2137         throw ( uno::RuntimeException )
2138 {
2139     vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2140     CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2142     tAccParaPropValMap aDefAttrSeq;
2143     _getDefaultAttributesImpl( aRequestedAttributes, aDefAttrSeq );
2145     // --> OD 2010-03-08 #i92233#
2146     static rtl::OUString sMMToPixelRatio( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "MMToPixelRatio" ) );
2147     bool bProvideMMToPixelRatio( false );
2148     {
2149         if ( aRequestedAttributes.getLength() == 0 )
2150         {
2151             bProvideMMToPixelRatio = true;
2152         }
2153         else
2154         {
2155             const rtl::OUString* aRequestedAttrIter =
2156                   ::std::find( ::comphelper::stl_begin( aRequestedAttributes ),
2157                                ::comphelper::stl_end( aRequestedAttributes ),
2158                                sMMToPixelRatio );
2159             if ( aRequestedAttrIter != ::comphelper::stl_end( aRequestedAttributes ) )
2160             {
2161                 bProvideMMToPixelRatio = true;
2162             }
2163         }
2164     }
2165     // <--
2167     uno::Sequence< PropertyValue > aValues( aDefAttrSeq.size() +
2168                                             ( bProvideMMToPixelRatio ? 1 : 0 ) );
2169     PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getArray();
2170     sal_Int32 i = 0;
2171     for ( tAccParaPropValMap::const_iterator aIter  = aDefAttrSeq.begin();
2172           aIter != aDefAttrSeq.end();
2173           ++aIter )
2174     {
2175         pValues[i] = aIter->second;
2176         ++i;
2177     }
2179     // --> OD 2010-03-08 #i92233#
2180     if ( bProvideMMToPixelRatio )
2181     {
2182         PropertyValue rPropVal;
2183         rPropVal.Name = sMMToPixelRatio;
2184         const Size a100thMMSize( 1000, 1000 );
2185         const Size aPixelSize = GetMap()->LogicToPixel( a100thMMSize );
2186         const float fRatio = ((float)a100thMMSize.Width()/100)/aPixelSize.Width();
2187         rPropVal.Value = uno::makeAny( fRatio );
2188         rPropVal.Handle = -1;
2189         rPropVal.State = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
2190         pValues[ aValues.getLength() - 1 ] = rPropVal;
2191     }
2192     // <--
2194     return aValues;
2195 }
2197 void SwAccessibleParagraph::_getRunAttributesImpl(
2198         const sal_Int32 nIndex,
2199         const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& aRequestedAttributes,
2200         tAccParaPropValMap& rRunAttrSeq )
2201 {
2202     // create PaM for character at position <nIndex>
2203     SwPaM* pPaM( 0 );
2204     {
2205         const SwTxtNode* pTxtNode( GetTxtNode() );
2206         SwPosition* pStartPos = new SwPosition( *pTxtNode );
2207         pStartPos->nContent.Assign( const_cast<SwTxtNode*>(pTxtNode), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nIndex) );
2208         SwPosition* pEndPos = new SwPosition( *pTxtNode );
2209         pEndPos->nContent.Assign( const_cast<SwTxtNode*>(pTxtNode), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nIndex+1) );
2211         pPaM = new SwPaM( *pStartPos, *pEndPos );
2213         delete pStartPos;
2214         delete pEndPos;
2215     }
2217     // retrieve character attributes for the created PaM <pPaM>
2218     SfxItemSet aSet( pPaM->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(),
2219                      RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END -1,
2220                      0 );
2221     // --> OD 2007-11-12 #i82637#
2222     // From the perspective of the a11y API the character attributes, which
2223     // are set at the automatic paragraph style of the paragraph are treated
2224     // as run attributes.
2225 //    SwXTextCursor::GetCrsrAttr( *pPaM, aSet, sal_True, sal_True );
2226     // get character attributes from automatic paragraph style and merge these into <aSet>
2227     {
2228         const SwTxtNode* pTxtNode( GetTxtNode() );
2229         if ( pTxtNode->HasSwAttrSet() )
2230         {
2231             SfxItemSet aAutomaticParaStyleCharAttrs( pPaM->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(),
2232                                                      RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END -1,
2233                                                      0 );
2234             aAutomaticParaStyleCharAttrs.Put( *(pTxtNode->GetpSwAttrSet()), sal_False );
2235             aSet.Put( aAutomaticParaStyleCharAttrs );
2236         }
2237     }
2238     // get character attributes at <pPaM> and merge these into <aSet>
2239     {
2240         SfxItemSet aCharAttrsAtPaM( pPaM->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(),
2241                                     RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_CHRATR_END -1,
2242                                     0 );
2243         SwUnoCursorHelper::GetCrsrAttr(*pPaM, aCharAttrsAtPaM, sal_True, sal_True);
2244         aSet.Put( aCharAttrsAtPaM );
2245     }
2246     // <--
2248     // build-up sequence containing the run attributes <rRunAttrSeq>
2249     {
2250         tAccParaPropValMap aRunAttrSeq;
2251         {
2252             // --> OD 2007-11-12 #i82637#
2253             tAccParaPropValMap aDefAttrSeq;
2254             uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aDummy;
2255             _getDefaultAttributesImpl( aDummy, aDefAttrSeq, true );
2256             // <--
2258             const SfxItemPropertyMap* pPropMap =
2259                     aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet( PROPERTY_MAP_TEXT_CURSOR )->getPropertyMap();
2260             PropertyEntryVector_t aPropertyEntries = pPropMap->getPropertyEntries();
2261             PropertyEntryVector_t::const_iterator aPropIt = aPropertyEntries.begin();
2262             while ( aPropIt != aPropertyEntries.end() )
2263             {
2264                 const SfxPoolItem* pItem( 0 );
2265                 // --> OD 2007-11-12 #i82637#
2266                 // Found character attributes, whose value equals the value of
2267                 // the corresponding default character attributes, are excluded.
2268                 if ( aSet.GetItemState( aPropIt->nWID, sal_True, &pItem ) == SFX_ITEM_SET )
2269                 {
2270                     uno::Any aVal;
2271                     pItem->QueryValue( aVal, aPropIt->nMemberId );
2273                     PropertyValue rPropVal;
2274                     rPropVal.Name = aPropIt->sName;
2275                     rPropVal.Value = aVal;
2276                     rPropVal.Handle = -1;
2277                     rPropVal.State = PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
2279                     tAccParaPropValMap::const_iterator aDefIter =
2280                                             aDefAttrSeq.find( rPropVal.Name );
2281                     if ( aDefIter == aDefAttrSeq.end() ||
2282                          rPropVal.Value != aDefIter->second.Value )
2283                     {
2284                         aRunAttrSeq[rPropVal.Name] = rPropVal;
2285                     }
2286                 }
2288                 ++aPropIt;
2289             }
2290         }
2292         if ( aRequestedAttributes.getLength() == 0 )
2293         {
2294             rRunAttrSeq = aRunAttrSeq;
2295         }
2296         else
2297         {
2298             const ::rtl::OUString* pReqAttrs = aRequestedAttributes.getConstArray();
2299             const sal_Int32 nLength = aRequestedAttributes.getLength();
2300             for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; ++i )
2301             {
2302                 tAccParaPropValMap::iterator aIter = aRunAttrSeq.find( pReqAttrs[i] );
2303                 if ( aIter != aRunAttrSeq.end() )
2304                 {
2305                     rRunAttrSeq[ (*aIter).first ] = (*aIter).second;
2306                 }
2307             }
2308         }
2309     }
2311     delete pPaM;
2312 }
2314 uno::Sequence< PropertyValue > SwAccessibleParagraph::getRunAttributes(
2315         sal_Int32 nIndex,
2316         const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& aRequestedAttributes )
2317         throw ( lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
2318                 uno::RuntimeException )
2319 {
2320     vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2321     CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2323     {
2324         const ::rtl::OUString& rText = GetString();
2325         if ( !IsValidChar( nIndex, rText.getLength() ) )
2326         {
2327             throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
2328         }
2329     }
2331     tAccParaPropValMap aRunAttrSeq;
2332     _getRunAttributesImpl( nIndex, aRequestedAttributes, aRunAttrSeq );
2334     uno::Sequence< PropertyValue > aValues( aRunAttrSeq.size() );
2335     PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getArray();
2336     sal_Int32 i = 0;
2337     for ( tAccParaPropValMap::const_iterator aIter  = aRunAttrSeq.begin();
2338           aIter != aRunAttrSeq.end();
2339           ++aIter )
2340     {
2341         pValues[i] = aIter->second;
2342         ++i;
2343     }
2345     return aValues;
2346 }
2347 // <--
2348 void SwAccessibleParagraph::_getSupplementalAttributesImpl(
2349         const sal_Int32,
2350         const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& aRequestedAttributes,
2351         tAccParaPropValMap& rSupplementalAttrSeq )
2352 {
2353 	const SwTxtNode* pTxtNode( GetTxtNode() );
2354 	::boost::scoped_ptr<SfxItemSet> pSet;
2355 	pSet.reset( new SfxItemSet( const_cast<SwAttrPool&>(pTxtNode->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool()),
2363 		0 ) );
2365 	if ( pTxtNode->HasBullet() || pTxtNode->HasNumber() )
2366 	{
2367 		pSet->Put( pTxtNode->GetAttr(RES_PARATR_LIST_LEVEL, RES_PARATR_LIST_LEVEL) );
2368 	}
2369 	pSet->Put( pTxtNode->SwCntntNode::GetAttr(RES_UL_SPACE) );
2370 	pSet->Put( pTxtNode->SwCntntNode::GetAttr(RES_LR_SPACE) );
2371 	pSet->Put( pTxtNode->SwCntntNode::GetAttr(RES_PARATR_ADJUST) );
2373 	tAccParaPropValMap aSupplementalAttrSeq;
2374     {
2375 //        const SfxItemPropertySet& rPropSet =
2376 //                    aSwMapProvider.GetPropertyMap( PROPERTY_MAP_ACCESSIBILITY_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE );
2377 //        const SfxItemPropertyMap* pPropMap( rPropSet.getPropertyMap() );
2378         const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pPropMap(
2379                 aSwMapProvider.GetPropertyMapEntries( PROPERTY_MAP_ACCESSIBILITY_TEXT_ATTRIBUTE ) );
2380         while ( pPropMap->pName )
2381         {
2382             const SfxPoolItem* pItem = pSet->GetItem( pPropMap->nWID );
2383             if ( pItem )
2384             {
2385                 uno::Any aVal;
2386                 pItem->QueryValue( aVal, pPropMap->nMemberId );
2388                 PropertyValue rPropVal;
2389                 rPropVal.Name = OUString::createFromAscii( pPropMap->pName );
2390                 rPropVal.Value = aVal;
2391                 rPropVal.Handle = -1;
2392                 rPropVal.State = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
2394                 aSupplementalAttrSeq[rPropVal.Name] = rPropVal;
2395             }
2397             ++pPropMap;
2398         }
2399 	}
2401 	const OUString* pSupplementalAttrs = aRequestedAttributes.getConstArray();
2402 	const sal_Int32 nSupplementalLength = aRequestedAttributes.getLength();
2404 	for( sal_Int32 index = 0; index < nSupplementalLength; ++index )
2405 	{
2406 		tAccParaPropValMap::const_iterator const aIter = aSupplementalAttrSeq.find( pSupplementalAttrs[index] );
2407 		if ( aIter != aSupplementalAttrSeq.end() )
2408 		{
2409 			rSupplementalAttrSeq[ aIter->first ] = aIter->second;
2410 		}
2411 	}
2412 }
2414 void SwAccessibleParagraph::_correctValues( const sal_Int32 nIndex,
2415 										   uno::Sequence< PropertyValue >& rValues)
2416 {
2417 	PropertyValue ChangeAttr, ChangeAttrColor;
2419 	const SwRedline* pRedline = GetRedlineAtIndex( nIndex );
2420 	if ( pRedline )
2421 	{
2423 		const SwModuleOptions *pOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig();
2424 		AuthorCharAttr aChangeAttr;
2425 		if ( pOpt )
2426 		{
2427 			switch( pRedline->GetType())
2428 			{
2429 			case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT:
2430 				aChangeAttr = pOpt->GetInsertAuthorAttr();
2431 				break;
2432 			case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE:
2433 				aChangeAttr = pOpt->GetDeletedAuthorAttr();
2434 				break;
2435 			case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FORMAT:
2436 				aChangeAttr = pOpt->GetFormatAuthorAttr();
2437 				break;
2438 			}
2439 		}
2440 		switch( aChangeAttr.nItemId )
2441 		{
2443 			ChangeAttr.Name = OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_WEIGHT).pName );
2444 			ChangeAttr.Value <<= awt::FontWeight::BOLD;
2445 			break;
2447 			ChangeAttr.Name = OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_POSTURE).pName );
2448 			ChangeAttr.Value <<= awt::FontSlant_ITALIC; //char posture
2449 			break;
2451 			ChangeAttr.Name = OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_STRIKEOUT).pName );
2452 			ChangeAttr.Value <<= awt::FontStrikeout::SINGLE; //char strikeout
2453 			break;
2455 			ChangeAttr.Name = OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_UNDERLINE).pName );
2456 			ChangeAttr.Value <<= aChangeAttr.nAttr; //underline line
2457 			break;
2458 		}
2459 		if( aChangeAttr.nColor != COL_NONE )
2460 		{
2461 			if( aChangeAttr.nItemId == SID_ATTR_BRUSH )
2462 			{
2463 				ChangeAttrColor.Name = OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_BACK_COLOR).pName );
2464 				if( aChangeAttr.nColor == COL_TRANSPARENT )//char backcolor
2465 					ChangeAttrColor.Value <<= COL_BLUE;
2466 				else
2467 					ChangeAttrColor.Value <<= aChangeAttr.nColor;
2468 			}
2469 			else
2470 			{
2471 				ChangeAttrColor.Name = OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_COLOR ).pName );
2472 				if( aChangeAttr.nColor == COL_TRANSPARENT )//char color
2473 					ChangeAttrColor.Value <<= COL_BLUE;
2474 				else
2475 					ChangeAttrColor.Value <<= aChangeAttr.nColor;
2476 			}
2477 		}
2478 	}
2480 	PropertyValue* pValues = rValues.getArray();
2482 	const SwTxtNode* pTxtNode( GetTxtNode() );
2484 	sal_Int32 nValues = rValues.getLength();
2485 	for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nValues;  ++i)
2486 	{
2487 		PropertyValue& rValue = pValues[i];
2489 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo( ChangeAttr.Name )==0)
2490 		{
2491 			rValue.Value = ChangeAttr.Value;
2492 			continue;
2493 		}
2495 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo( ChangeAttrColor.Name )==0)
2496 		{
2497 			rValue.Value = ChangeAttr.Value;
2498 			continue;
2499 		}
2501 		//back color
2502 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_BACK_COLOR ).pName ) )==0)
2503 		{
2504 			uno::Any &anyChar = rValue.Value;
2505 			sal_uInt32 crBack = static_cast<sal_uInt32>( reinterpret_cast<sal_uIntPtr>(anyChar.pReserved));
2506 			if (COL_AUTO == crBack)
2507 			{
2508                 uno::Reference<XAccessibleComponent> xComponent(this);
2509 				if (xComponent.is())
2510 				{
2511 					crBack = (sal_uInt32)xComponent->getBackground();
2512 				}
2513 				rValue.Value <<= crBack;
2514 			}
2515 			continue;
2516 		}
2518 		//char color
2519 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_COLOR ).pName ) )==0)
2520 		{
2521 			if( GetPortionData().IsInGrayPortion( nIndex ) )
2522 				 rValue.Value <<= SwViewOption::GetFieldShadingsColor().GetColor();
2523 			uno::Any &anyChar = rValue.Value;
2524 			sal_uInt32 crChar = static_cast<sal_uInt32>( reinterpret_cast<sal_uIntPtr>(anyChar.pReserved));
2526 			if( COL_AUTO == crChar )
2527 			{
2528                 uno::Reference<XAccessibleComponent> xComponent(this);
2529 				if (xComponent.is())
2530 				{
2531 					Color cr(xComponent->getBackground());
2532 					crChar = cr.IsDark() ? COL_WHITE : COL_BLACK;
2533 					rValue.Value <<= crChar;
2534 				}
2535 			}
2536 			continue;
2537 		}
2539 		// UnderLine
2540 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_UNDERLINE ).pName ) )==0)
2541 		{
2542 			//misspelled word
2543 			SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell = GetCrsrShell();
2544 			if( pCrsrShell != NULL && pCrsrShell->GetViewOptions() && pCrsrShell->GetViewOptions()->IsOnlineSpell())
2545 			{
2546 				const SwWrongList* pWrongList = pTxtNode->GetWrong();
2547 				if( NULL != pWrongList )
2548 				{
2549 					xub_StrLen nBegin = nIndex;
2550 					xub_StrLen nLen = 1;
2551 					if(	pWrongList->InWrongWord(nBegin,nLen) && !pTxtNode->IsSymbol(nBegin) )
2552 					{
2553 						rValue.Value <<= (sal_uInt16)UNDERLINE_WAVE;
2554 					}
2555 				}
2556 			}
2557 			continue;
2558 		}
2560 		// UnderLineColor
2561 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_UNDERLINE_COLOR ).pName ) )==0)
2562 		{
2563 			//misspelled word
2564 			SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell = GetCrsrShell();
2565 			if( pCrsrShell != NULL && pCrsrShell->GetViewOptions() && pCrsrShell->GetViewOptions()->IsOnlineSpell())
2566 			{
2567 				const SwWrongList* pWrongList = pTxtNode->GetWrong();
2568 				if( NULL != pWrongList )
2569 				{
2570 					xub_StrLen nBegin = nIndex;
2571 					xub_StrLen nLen = 1;
2572 					if(	pWrongList->InWrongWord(nBegin,nLen) && !pTxtNode->IsSymbol(nBegin) )
2573 					{
2574 						rValue.Value <<= (sal_Int32)0x00ff0000;
2575 						continue;
2576 					}
2577 				}
2578 			}
2580 			uno::Any &anyChar = rValue.Value;
2581 			sal_uInt32 crUnderline = static_cast<sal_uInt32>( reinterpret_cast<sal_uIntPtr>(anyChar.pReserved));
2582 			if ( COL_AUTO == crUnderline )
2583 			{
2584                 uno::Reference<XAccessibleComponent> xComponent(this);
2585 				if (xComponent.is())
2586 				{
2587 					Color cr(xComponent->getBackground());
2588 					crUnderline = cr.IsDark() ? COL_WHITE : COL_BLACK;
2589 					rValue.Value <<= crUnderline;
2590 				}
2591 			}
2593 			continue;
2594 		}
2596 		//tab stop
2597 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_TABSTOPS ).pName ) )==0)
2598 		{
2599 			com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::style::TabStop > tabs = GetCurrentTabStop( nIndex );
2600 			if( !tabs.hasElements() )
2601 			{
2602 				tabs.realloc(1);
2603 				::com::sun::star::style::TabStop ts;
2604 				com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle rc0 = getCharacterBounds(0);
2605 				com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle rc1 = getCharacterBounds(nIndex);
2606 				if( rc1.X - rc0.X >= 48 )
2607 					ts.Position = (rc1.X - rc0.X) - (rc1.X - rc0.X - 48)% 47 + 47;
2608 				else
2609 					ts.Position = 48;
2610 				ts.DecimalChar = ' ';
2611 				ts.FillChar = ' ';
2612 				ts.Alignment = ::com::sun::star::style::TabAlign_LEFT;
2613 				tabs[0] = ts;
2614 			}
2615 			rValue.Value <<= tabs;
2616 			continue;
2617 		}
2619 		//number bullet
2620 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_NUMBERING_RULES ).pName ) )==0)
2621 		{
2622 			if ( pTxtNode->HasBullet() || pTxtNode->HasNumber() )
2623 			{
2624                 uno::Any aVal;
2625 				SwNumRule* pNumRule = pTxtNode->GetNumRule();
2626 				if (pNumRule)
2627 				{
2628                     uno::Reference< container::XIndexReplace >  xNum = new SwXNumberingRules(*pNumRule);
2629                     aVal.setValue(&xNum, ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< container::XIndexReplace >*)0));
2630 				}
2631 				rValue.Value <<= aVal;
2632 			}
2633 			continue;
2634 		}
2636 		//footnote & endnote
2637 		if (rValue.Name.compareTo(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT ).pName ) )==0)
2638 		{
2639 			if ( GetPortionData().IsIndexInFootnode(nIndex) )
2640 			{
2641 				const OUString sEscapmentName = OUString::createFromAscii( GetPropName( UNO_NAME_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT ).pName );
2642 				rValue.Value <<= (sal_Int32)101;
2643 			}
2644 			continue;
2645 		}
2646 	}
2647 }
2649 awt::Rectangle SwAccessibleParagraph::getCharacterBounds(
2650     sal_Int32 nIndex )
2651     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
2652 {
2653 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2655 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2658     /*  #i12332# The position after the string needs special treatment.
2659         IsValidChar -> IsValidPosition
2660     */
2661     if( ! (IsValidPosition( nIndex, GetString().getLength() ) ) )
2662         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
2664     /*  #i12332#  */
2665     sal_Bool bBehindText = sal_False;
2666     if ( nIndex == GetString().getLength() )
2667         bBehindText = sal_True;
2669     // get model position & prepare GetCharRect() arguments
2670     SwCrsrMoveState aMoveState;
2671     aMoveState.bRealHeight = sal_True;
2672     aMoveState.bRealWidth = sal_True;
2673     SwSpecialPos aSpecialPos;
2674     SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
2676     sal_uInt16 nPos = 0;
2678     /*  #i12332# FillSpecialPos does not accept nIndex ==
2679          GetString().getLength(). In that case nPos is set to the
2680          length of the string in the core. This way GetCharRect
2681          returns the rectangle for a cursor at the end of the
2682          paragraph. */
2683     if (bBehindText)
2684     {
2685         nPos = pNode->GetTxt().Len();
2686     }
2687     else
2688         nPos = GetPortionData().FillSpecialPos
2689             (nIndex, aSpecialPos, aMoveState.pSpecialPos );
2691     // call GetCharRect
2692     SwRect aCoreRect;
2693     SwIndex aIndex( pNode, nPos );
2694     SwPosition aPosition( *pNode, aIndex );
2695     GetFrm()->GetCharRect( aCoreRect, aPosition, &aMoveState );
2697     // translate core coordinates into accessibility coordinates
2698 	Window *pWin = GetWindow();
2699 	CHECK_FOR_WINDOW( XAccessibleComponent, pWin );
2701 	Rectangle aScreenRect( GetMap()->CoreToPixel( aCoreRect.SVRect() ));
2702     SwRect aFrmLogBounds( GetBounds( *(GetMap()) ) ); // twip rel to doc root
2704 	Point aFrmPixPos( GetMap()->CoreToPixel( aFrmLogBounds.SVRect() ).TopLeft() );
2705 	aScreenRect.Move( -aFrmPixPos.X(), -aFrmPixPos.Y() );
2707     // convert into AWT Rectangle
2708     return awt::Rectangle(
2709         aScreenRect.Left(), aScreenRect.Top(),
2710         aScreenRect.GetWidth(), aScreenRect.GetHeight() );
2711 }
2713 sal_Int32 SwAccessibleParagraph::getCharacterCount()
2714     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
2715 {
2716 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2718 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2720     return GetString().getLength();
2721 }
2723 sal_Int32 SwAccessibleParagraph::getIndexAtPoint( const awt::Point& rPoint )
2724     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
2725 {
2726 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2729 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2731     // construct SwPosition (where GetCrsrOfst() will put the result into)
2732     SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
2733     SwIndex aIndex( pNode, 0);
2734     SwPosition aPos( *pNode, aIndex );
2736     // construct Point (translate into layout coordinates)
2737 	Window *pWin = GetWindow();
2738 	CHECK_FOR_WINDOW( XAccessibleComponent, pWin );
2739     Point aPoint( rPoint.X, rPoint.Y );
2740     SwRect aLogBounds( GetBounds( *(GetMap()), GetFrm() ) ); // twip rel to doc root
2741 	Point aPixPos( GetMap()->CoreToPixel( aLogBounds.SVRect() ).TopLeft() );
2742 	aPoint.X() += aPixPos.X();
2743 	aPoint.Y() += aPixPos.Y();
2744     MapMode aMapMode = pWin->GetMapMode();
2745 	Point aCorePoint( GetMap()->PixelToCore( aPoint ) );
2746 	if( !aLogBounds.IsInside( aCorePoint ) )
2747     {
2748         /* #i12332# rPoint is may also be in rectangle returned by
2749             getCharacterBounds(getCharacterCount() */
2751         awt::Rectangle aRectEndPos =
2752             getCharacterBounds(getCharacterCount());
2754         if (rPoint.X - aRectEndPos.X >= 0 &&
2755             rPoint.X - aRectEndPos.X < aRectEndPos.Width &&
2756             rPoint.Y - aRectEndPos.Y >= 0 &&
2757             rPoint.Y - aRectEndPos.Y < aRectEndPos.Height)
2758             return getCharacterCount();
2760 		return -1;
2761     }
2763     // ask core for position
2764     DBG_ASSERT( GetFrm() != NULL, "The text frame has vanished!" );
2765     DBG_ASSERT( GetFrm()->IsTxtFrm(), "The text frame has mutated!" );
2766     const SwTxtFrm* pFrm = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>( GetFrm() );
2767     SwCrsrMoveState aMoveState;
2768     aMoveState.bPosMatchesBounds = sal_True;
2769     sal_Bool bSuccess = pFrm->GetCrsrOfst( &aPos, aCorePoint, &aMoveState );
2771     SwIndex aCntntIdx = aPos.nContent;
2772     const xub_StrLen nIndex = aCntntIdx.GetIndex();
2773     if ( nIndex > 0 )
2774     {
2775         SwRect aResultRect;
2776         pFrm->GetCharRect( aResultRect, aPos );
2777         bool bVert = pFrm->IsVertical();
2778         bool bR2L = pFrm->IsRightToLeft();
2780         if ( (!bVert && aResultRect.Pos().X() > aCorePoint.X()) ||
2781              ( bVert && aResultRect.Pos().Y() > aCorePoint.Y()) ||
2782              ( bR2L  && aResultRect.Right()   < aCorePoint.X()) )
2783         {
2784             SwIndex aIdxPrev( pNode, nIndex - 1);
2785             SwPosition aPosPrev( *pNode, aIdxPrev );
2786             SwRect aResultRectPrev;
2787             pFrm->GetCharRect( aResultRectPrev, aPosPrev );
2788             if ( (!bVert && aResultRectPrev.Pos().X() < aCorePoint.X() && aResultRect.Pos().Y() == aResultRectPrev.Pos().Y()) ||
2789                  ( bVert && aResultRectPrev.Pos().Y() < aCorePoint.Y() && aResultRect.Pos().X() == aResultRectPrev.Pos().X()) ||
2790                  (  bR2L && aResultRectPrev.Right()   > aCorePoint.X() && aResultRect.Pos().Y() == aResultRectPrev.Pos().Y()) )
2791                 aPos = aPosPrev;
2792         }
2793     }
2795     return bSuccess ?
2796         GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition( aPos.nContent.GetIndex() )
2797         : -1L;
2798 }
2800 ::rtl::OUString SwAccessibleParagraph::getSelectedText()
2801     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
2802 {
2803     vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2805 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2807     sal_Int32 nStart, nEnd;
2808     sal_Bool bSelected = GetSelection( nStart, nEnd );
2809     return bSelected
2810            ? GetString().copy( nStart, nEnd - nStart )
2811            : ::rtl::OUString();
2812 }
2814 sal_Int32 SwAccessibleParagraph::getSelectionStart()
2815     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
2816 {
2817 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2819 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2821     sal_Int32 nStart, nEnd;
2822     GetSelection( nStart, nEnd );
2823     return nStart;
2824 }
2826 sal_Int32 SwAccessibleParagraph::getSelectionEnd()
2827     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
2828 {
2829 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2831 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2833     sal_Int32 nStart, nEnd;
2834     GetSelection( nStart, nEnd );
2835     return nEnd;
2836 }
2838 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::setSelection( sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
2839     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
2840 {
2841 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2843 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2845     // parameter checking
2846     sal_Int32 nLength = GetString().getLength();
2847     if ( ! IsValidRange( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, nLength ) )
2848     {
2849         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
2850     }
2852     sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
2854     // get cursor shell
2855     SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell = GetCrsrShell();
2856     if( pCrsrShell != NULL )
2857     {
2858         // create pam for selection
2859         SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
2860         SwIndex aIndex( pNode, GetPortionData().GetModelPosition(nStartIndex));
2861         SwPosition aStartPos( *pNode, aIndex );
2862         SwPaM aPaM( aStartPos );
2863         aPaM.SetMark();
2864         aPaM.GetPoint()->nContent =
2865             GetPortionData().GetModelPosition(nEndIndex);
2867         // set PaM at cursor shell
2868         bRet = Select( aPaM );
2869     }
2871     return bRet;
2872 }
2874 ::rtl::OUString SwAccessibleParagraph::getText()
2875     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
2876 {
2877 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2879 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2881     return GetString();
2882 }
2884 ::rtl::OUString SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextRange(
2885     sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
2886     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
2887 {
2888 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2890 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2892     ::rtl::OUString sText( GetString() );
2894     if ( IsValidRange( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, sText.getLength() ) )
2895     {
2896         OrderRange( nStartIndex, nEndIndex );
2897         return sText.copy(nStartIndex, nEndIndex-nStartIndex );
2898     }
2899     else
2900         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
2901 }
2903 /*accessibility::*/TextSegment SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextAtIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 nTextType ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException)
2904 {
2905 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2907 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2909     /*accessibility::*/TextSegment aResult;
2910     aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
2911     aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;
2913     const ::rtl::OUString rText = GetString();
2914     // implement the silly specification that first position after
2915     // text must return an empty string, rather than throwing an
2916     // IndexOutOfBoundsException, except for LINE, where the last
2917 	// line is returned
2918     if( nIndex == rText.getLength() && AccessibleTextType::LINE != nTextType )
2919 		return aResult;
2921     // with error checking
2922     i18n::Boundary aBound;
2923     sal_Bool bWord = GetTextBoundary( aBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
2925     DBG_ASSERT( aBound.startPos >= 0,               "illegal boundary" );
2926     DBG_ASSERT( aBound.startPos <= aBound.endPos,   "illegal boundary" );
2928     // return word (if present)
2929     if ( bWord )
2930     {
2931     	aResult.SegmentText = rText.copy( aBound.startPos, aBound.endPos - aBound.startPos );
2932     	aResult.SegmentStart = aBound.startPos;
2933     	aResult.SegmentEnd = aBound.endPos;
2934     }
2936     return aResult;
2937 }
2939 /*accessibility::*/TextSegment SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextBeforeIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 nTextType ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException)
2940 {
2941 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
2943 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
2945     const ::rtl::OUString rText = GetString();
2947     /*accessibility::*/TextSegment aResult;
2948     aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
2949     aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;
2950 	//If nIndex = 0, then nobefore text so return -1 directly.
2951     if( nIndex == 0 )
2952         	return aResult;
2953 	//Tab will be return when call WORDTYPE
2955     // get starting pos
2956     i18n::Boundary aBound;
2957     if (nIndex ==  rText.getLength())
2958         aBound.startPos = aBound.endPos = nIndex;
2959     else
2960     {
2961         sal_Bool bTmp = GetTextBoundary( aBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
2963         if ( ! bTmp )
2964             aBound.startPos = aBound.endPos = nIndex;
2965     }
2967     // now skip to previous word
2968 	if (nTextType==2 || nTextType == 3)
2969 	{
2970         i18n::Boundary preBound = aBound;
2971 		while(preBound.startPos==aBound.startPos && nIndex > 0)
2972 		{
2973 			nIndex = min( nIndex, preBound.startPos ) - 1;
2974 			if( nIndex < 0 ) break;
2975 			GetTextBoundary( preBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
2976 		}
2977 		//if (nIndex>0)
2978 		if (nIndex>=0)
2979 		//Tab will be return when call WORDTYPE
2980 		{
2981 			aResult.SegmentText = rText.copy( preBound.startPos, preBound.endPos - preBound.startPos );
2982 			aResult.SegmentStart = preBound.startPos;
2983 			aResult.SegmentEnd = preBound.endPos;
2984 		}
2985 	}
2986 	else
2987 	{
2988 		sal_Bool bWord = sal_False;
2989 		while( !bWord )
2990 		{
2991 			nIndex = min( nIndex, aBound.startPos ) - 1;
2992 			if( nIndex >= 0 )
2993 			{
2994 				bWord = GetTextBoundary( aBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
2995 			}
2996 			else
2997 				break;  // exit if beginning of string is reached
2998 		}
3000 		if (bWord && nIndex<rText.getLength())
3001 		{
3002 			aResult.SegmentText = rText.copy( aBound.startPos, aBound.endPos - aBound.startPos );
3003 			aResult.SegmentStart = aBound.startPos;
3004 			aResult.SegmentEnd = aBound.endPos;
3005 		}
3006 	}
3007     return aResult;
3008 }
3010 /*accessibility::*/TextSegment SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextBehindIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 nTextType ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException)
3011 {
3012 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3014 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
3016     /*accessibility::*/TextSegment aResult;
3017     aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
3018     aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;
3019     const ::rtl::OUString rText = GetString();
3021     // implement the silly specification that first position after
3022     // text must return an empty string, rather than throwing an
3023     // IndexOutOfBoundsException
3024     if( nIndex == rText.getLength() )
3025         return aResult;
3028     // get first word, then skip to next word
3029     i18n::Boundary aBound;
3030     GetTextBoundary( aBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
3031     sal_Bool bWord = sal_False;
3032     while( !bWord )
3033     {
3034         nIndex = max( sal_Int32(nIndex+1), aBound.endPos );
3035         if( nIndex < rText.getLength() )
3036             bWord = GetTextBoundary( aBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
3037         else
3038             break;  // exit if end of string is reached
3039     }
3041     if ( bWord )
3042     {
3043     	aResult.SegmentText = rText.copy( aBound.startPos, aBound.endPos - aBound.startPos );
3044     	aResult.SegmentStart = aBound.startPos;
3045     	aResult.SegmentEnd = aBound.endPos;
3046     }
3048 /*
3049         sal_Bool bWord = sal_False;
3050     bWord = GetTextBoundary( aBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
3052         if (nTextType==2)
3053         {
3054                 Boundary nexBound=aBound;
3056 		// real current word
3057 		if( nIndex <= aBound.endPos && nIndex >= aBound.startPos )
3058 		{
3059 			while(nexBound.endPos==aBound.endPos&&nIndex<rText.getLength())
3060 			{
3061 				// nIndex = max( (sal_Int32)(nIndex), nexBound.endPos) + 1;
3062 				nIndex = max( (sal_Int32)(nIndex), nexBound.endPos) ;
3063 				const sal_Unicode* pStr = rText.getStr();
3064 				if (pStr)
3065 				{
3066 					if( pStr[nIndex] == sal_Unicode(' ') )
3067 						nIndex++;
3068 				}
3069 				if( nIndex < rText.getLength() )
3070 				{
3071 					bWord = GetTextBoundary( nexBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
3072 				}
3073 			}
3074 		}
3076 		if (bWord && nIndex<rText.getLength())
3077 		{
3078 			aResult.SegmentText = rText.copy( nexBound.startPos, nexBound.endPos - nexBound.startPos );
3079 			aResult.SegmentStart = nexBound.startPos;
3080 			aResult.SegmentEnd = nexBound.endPos;
3081 		}
3083 	}
3084 	else
3085 	{
3086 		bWord = sal_False;
3087 		while( !bWord )
3088 		{
3089 			nIndex = max( (sal_Int32)(nIndex+1), aBound.endPos );
3090 			if( nIndex < rText.getLength() )
3091 			{
3092 				bWord = GetTextBoundary( aBound, rText, nIndex, nTextType );
3093 			}
3094 			else
3095 				break;  // exit if end of string is reached
3096 		}
3097 		if (bWord && nIndex<rText.getLength())
3098 		{
3099 			aResult.SegmentText = rText.copy( aBound.startPos, aBound.endPos - aBound.startPos );
3100 			aResult.SegmentStart = aBound.startPos;
3101 			aResult.SegmentEnd = aBound.endPos;
3102 		}
3103 	}
3104 */
3105     return aResult;
3106 }
3108 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::copyText( sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
3109     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3110 {
3111 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
3112 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3114     // select and copy (through dispatch mechanism)
3115     setSelection( nStartIndex, nEndIndex );
3116     ExecuteAtViewShell( SID_COPY );
3117     return sal_True;
3118 }
3121 //
3122 //=====  XAccesibleEditableText  ==========================================
3123 //
3125 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::cutText( sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
3126     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3127 {
3128 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleEditableText );
3129 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3131 	if( !IsEditableState() )
3132 		return sal_False;
3134     // select and cut (through dispatch mechanism)
3135     setSelection( nStartIndex, nEndIndex );
3136     ExecuteAtViewShell( SID_CUT );
3137     return sal_True;
3138 }
3140 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::pasteText( sal_Int32 nIndex )
3141     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3142 {
3143 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleEditableText );
3144 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3146 	if( !IsEditableState() )
3147 		return sal_False;
3149     // select and paste (through dispatch mechanism)
3150     setSelection( nIndex, nIndex );
3151     ExecuteAtViewShell( SID_PASTE );
3152     return sal_True;
3153 }
3155 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::deleteText( sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
3156     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3157 {
3158     return replaceText( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, ::rtl::OUString() );
3159 }
3161 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::insertText( const ::rtl::OUString& sText, sal_Int32 nIndex )
3162     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3163 {
3164     return replaceText( nIndex, nIndex, sText );
3165 }
3167 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::replaceText(
3168     sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex,
3169     const ::rtl::OUString& sReplacement )
3170     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3171 {
3172 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3174 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleEditableText );
3176     const ::rtl::OUString& rText = GetString();
3178     if( IsValidRange( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, rText.getLength() ) )
3179     {
3180 		if( !IsEditableState() )
3181 			return sal_False;
3183         SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
3185         // translate positions
3186         sal_uInt16 nStart, nEnd;
3187         sal_Bool bSuccess = GetPortionData().GetEditableRange(
3188                                         nStartIndex, nEndIndex, nStart, nEnd );
3190         // edit only if the range is editable
3191         if( bSuccess )
3192         {
3193             // create SwPosition for nStartIndex
3194             SwIndex aIndex( pNode, nStart );
3195             SwPosition aStartPos( *pNode, aIndex );
3197             // create SwPosition for nEndIndex
3198             SwPosition aEndPos( aStartPos );
3199             aEndPos.nContent = nEnd;
3201             // now create XTextRange as helper and set string
3202             const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xRange(
3203                 SwXTextRange::CreateXTextRange(
3204                     *pNode->GetDoc(), aStartPos, &aEndPos));
3205             xRange->setString(sReplacement);
3207             // delete portion data
3208             ClearPortionData();
3209         }
3211         return bSuccess;
3212     }
3213     else
3214         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3215 }
3218 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::setAttributes(
3219     sal_Int32 nStartIndex,
3220     sal_Int32 nEndIndex,
3221     const uno::Sequence<PropertyValue>& rAttributeSet )
3222     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3223 {
3224 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3225 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleEditableText );
3227     const ::rtl::OUString& rText = GetString();
3229     if( ! IsValidRange( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, rText.getLength() ) )
3230         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3232 	if( !IsEditableState() )
3233 		return sal_False;
3236     // create a (dummy) text portion for the sole purpose of calling
3237     // setPropertyValue on it
3238     uno::Reference<XMultiPropertySet> xPortion = CreateUnoPortion( nStartIndex,
3239                                                               nEndIndex );
3241     // build sorted index array
3242     sal_Int32 nLength = rAttributeSet.getLength();
3243     const PropertyValue* pPairs = rAttributeSet.getConstArray();
3244     sal_Int32* pIndices = new sal_Int32[nLength];
3245     sal_Int32 i;
3246     for( i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
3247         pIndices[i] = i;
3248     sort( &pIndices[0], &pIndices[nLength], IndexCompare(pPairs) );
3250     // create sorted sequences accoring to index array
3251     uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aNames( nLength );
3252     ::rtl::OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray();
3253     uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues( nLength );
3254     uno::Any* pValues = aValues.getArray();
3255     for( i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
3256     {
3257         const PropertyValue& rVal = pPairs[pIndices[i]];
3258         pNames[i]  = rVal.Name;
3259         pValues[i] = rVal.Value;
3260     }
3261     delete[] pIndices;
3263     // now set the values
3264     sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;
3265     try
3266     {
3267         xPortion->setPropertyValues( aNames, aValues );
3268     }
3269     catch( UnknownPropertyException e )
3270     {
3271         // error handling through return code!
3272         bRet = sal_False;
3273     }
3275     return bRet;
3276 }
3278 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::setText( const ::rtl::OUString& sText )
3279     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
3280 {
3281     return replaceText(0, GetString().getLength(), sText);
3282 }
3284 //=====  XAccessibleSelection  ============================================
3286 void SwAccessibleParagraph::selectAccessibleChild(
3287     sal_Int32 nChildIndex )
3288     throw ( lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
3289             uno::RuntimeException )
3290 {
3291 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleSelection );
3293     aSelectionHelper.selectAccessibleChild(nChildIndex);
3294 }
3296 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::isAccessibleChildSelected(
3297     sal_Int32 nChildIndex )
3298     throw ( lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
3299             uno::RuntimeException )
3300 {
3301 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleSelection );
3303     return aSelectionHelper.isAccessibleChildSelected(nChildIndex);
3304 }
3306 void SwAccessibleParagraph::clearAccessibleSelection(  )
3307     throw ( uno::RuntimeException )
3308 {
3309 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleSelection );
3311     aSelectionHelper.clearAccessibleSelection();
3312 }
3314 void SwAccessibleParagraph::selectAllAccessibleChildren(  )
3315     throw ( uno::RuntimeException )
3316 {
3317 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleSelection );
3319     aSelectionHelper.selectAllAccessibleChildren();
3320 }
3322 sal_Int32 SwAccessibleParagraph::getSelectedAccessibleChildCount(  )
3323     throw ( uno::RuntimeException )
3324 {
3325 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleSelection );
3327     return aSelectionHelper.getSelectedAccessibleChildCount();
3328 }
3330 uno::Reference<XAccessible> SwAccessibleParagraph::getSelectedAccessibleChild(
3331     sal_Int32 nSelectedChildIndex )
3332     throw ( lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
3333             uno::RuntimeException)
3334 {
3335 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleSelection );
3337     return aSelectionHelper.getSelectedAccessibleChild(nSelectedChildIndex);
3338 }
3340 // --> OD 2004-11-16 #111714# - index has to be treated as global child index.
3341 void SwAccessibleParagraph::deselectAccessibleChild(
3342     sal_Int32 nChildIndex )
3343     throw ( lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
3344             uno::RuntimeException )
3345 {
3346 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleSelection );
3348     aSelectionHelper.deselectAccessibleChild( nChildIndex );
3349 }
3351 //=====  XAccessibleHypertext  ============================================
3353 class SwHyperlinkIter_Impl
3354 {
3355 	const SwpHints *pHints;
3356 	xub_StrLen nStt;
3357 	xub_StrLen nEnd;
3358 	sal_uInt16 nPos;
3360 public:
3361 	SwHyperlinkIter_Impl( const SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm );
3362 	const SwTxtAttr *next();
3363 	sal_uInt16 getCurrHintPos() const { return nPos-1; }
3365 	xub_StrLen startIdx() const { return nStt; }
3366 	xub_StrLen endIdx() const { return nEnd; }
3367 };
3369 SwHyperlinkIter_Impl::SwHyperlinkIter_Impl( const SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm ) :
3370 	pHints( pTxtFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetpSwpHints() ),
3371 	nStt( pTxtFrm->GetOfst() ),
3372 	nPos( 0 )
3373 {
3374 	const SwTxtFrm *pFollFrm = pTxtFrm->GetFollow();
3375 	nEnd = pFollFrm ? pFollFrm->GetOfst() : pTxtFrm->GetTxtNode()->Len();
3376 }
3378 const SwTxtAttr *SwHyperlinkIter_Impl::next()
3379 {
3380 	const SwTxtAttr *pAttr = 0;
3381 	if( pHints )
3382 	{
3383 		while( !pAttr && nPos < pHints->Count() )
3384 		{
3385 			const SwTxtAttr *pHt = (*pHints)[nPos];
3386 			if( RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == pHt->Which() )
3387 			{
3388 				xub_StrLen nHtStt = *pHt->GetStart();
3389 				xub_StrLen nHtEnd = *pHt->GetAnyEnd();
3390 				if( nHtEnd > nHtStt &&
3391 					( (nHtStt >= nStt && nHtStt < nEnd) ||
3392 					  (nHtEnd > nStt && nHtEnd <= nEnd) ) )
3393 				{
3394 					pAttr = pHt;
3395 				}
3396 			}
3397 			++nPos;
3398 		}
3399 	}
3401 	return pAttr;
3402 };
3404 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getHyperLinkCount()
3405     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
3406 {
3407 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3409 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleHypertext );
3411 	sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
3412     // --> OD 2007-06-27 #i77108# - provide hyperlinks also in editable documents.
3413 //    if( !IsEditableState() )
3414     // <--
3415 	{
3416 		const SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>( GetFrm() );
3417 		SwHyperlinkIter_Impl aIter( pTxtFrm );
3418 		while( aIter.next() )
3419 			nCount++;
3420 	}
3422 	/* Can't fin the function "GetTOCFirstWordEndIndex" declaration in sym2.0 (Added by yanjun)
3423 	if( GetTOXSortTabBase()  )
3424 	{
3425 		SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>(GetTxtNode());
3426 		if(pNode && pNode->GetTOCFirstWordEndIndex() > 0)
3427 			nCount++;
3428 	}
3429 	*/
3430 	return nCount;
3431 }
3433 uno::Reference< XAccessibleHyperlink > SAL_CALL
3434 	SwAccessibleParagraph::getHyperLink( sal_Int32 nLinkIndex )
3435     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3436 {
3437 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3438 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleHypertext );
3440     uno::Reference< XAccessibleHyperlink > xRet;
3442     // --> OD 2007-06-27 #i77108# - provide hyperlinks also in editable documents.
3443 //    if( !IsEditableState() )
3444 	const SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>( GetFrm() );
3445 	SwHyperlinkIter_Impl aHIter( pTxtFrm );
3446 	//SwAccessibleAutoRecognizerHelper_Impl aARHelper( pTxtFrm );
3447 	sal_Int32 nARCount = 0;
3448 	sal_Int32 nARIndex = 0;
3449 	sal_Int32 nTIndex = -1;
3450 	sal_Int32 nTOCEndIndex = -1;
3451 	SwTxtNode* pNode = NULL;
3452 	SwTOXSortTabBase* pTBase = GetTOXSortTabBase();
3453 	if( pTBase )
3454 	{
3455 		pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>(GetTxtNode());
3456 	}
3457 	nTOCEndIndex = -1;
3458 	//if(pNode)
3459 	//	nTOCEndIndex = pNode->GetTOCFirstWordEndIndex();
3460 	SwTxtAttr* pHt = (SwTxtAttr*)(aHIter.next());
3461 	while( (nLinkIndex < getHyperLinkCount()) && nTIndex < nLinkIndex)
3462 	{
3463 		// no candidates, exit
3464 		//if( (!pHt) && (nARIndex >= nARCount) && nTOCEndIndex <= 0)
3465 		//	break;
3467 		sal_Int32 nHStt = -1;
3468 		sal_Int32 nAStt = -1;
3469 		sal_Bool bH = sal_False;
3470 		sal_Bool bA = sal_False;
3473 		if( pHt )
3474 			nHStt = *pHt->GetStart();
3475 		if( nARIndex < nARCount )
3476 		{
3477 			/*
3478 			sal_Int32 nAEnd;
3479 			aARHelper.getPosition( nARIndex, nAStt, nAEnd );
3480 			*/
3481 		}
3482 		sal_Bool bTOC = sal_False;
3483 		// Inside TOC & get the first link
3484 		if( pTBase && nTIndex == -1 )
3485 		{
3486 			nTIndex++;
3487 			bTOC = sal_True;
3488 		}
3489 		else
3490 		{
3491 			if( nHStt >=0 && nAStt >=0 )
3492 			{	// both hyperlink and smart tag available
3493 				nTIndex++;
3494 				if( nHStt <= nAStt )
3495 					bH = sal_True;
3496 				else
3497 					bA = sal_True;
3498 			}
3499 			else if( nHStt >= 0 )
3500 			{	// only hyperlink available
3501 				nTIndex++;
3502 				bH = sal_True;
3503 			}
3504 			else if( nAStt >= 0 )
3505 			{	// only smart tag available
3506 				nTIndex++;
3507 				bA = sal_True;
3508 			}
3509 		}
3511 		if( nTIndex == nLinkIndex )
3512 		{	// found
3513 			if( bH )
3514 			{	// it's a hyperlink
3515 				if( pHt )
3516 				{
3517 //                    const SwField* pFFld = pHt->GetFld().GetFld();
3518                     {
3519 						if( !pHyperTextData )
3520 							pHyperTextData = new SwAccessibleHyperTextData;
3521 						SwAccessibleHyperTextData::iterator aIter =
3522 							pHyperTextData ->find( pHt );
3523 						if( aIter != pHyperTextData->end() )
3524 						{
3525 							xRet = (*aIter).second;
3526 						}
3527 						if( !xRet.is() )
3528 						{
3529                             {
3530                                 const sal_Int32 nTmpHStt= GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition(
3531                                     max( aHIter.startIdx(), *pHt->GetStart() ) );
3532                                 const sal_Int32 nTmpHEnd= GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition(
3533                                     min( aHIter.endIdx(), *pHt->GetAnyEnd() ) );
3534                                 xRet = new SwAccessibleHyperlink( aHIter.getCurrHintPos(),
3535                                     this, nTmpHStt, nTmpHEnd );
3536                             }
3537 							if( aIter != pHyperTextData->end() )
3538 							{
3539 								(*aIter).second = xRet;
3540 							}
3541 							else
3542 							{
3543 								SwAccessibleHyperTextData::value_type aEntry( pHt, xRet );
3544 								pHyperTextData->insert( aEntry );
3545 							}
3546 						}
3547 					}
3548 				}
3549 			}
3550 			else if( bTOC )
3551 			{
3552 				//xRet = new SwAccessibleTOCLink( this );
3553 			}
3554 			else if( bA )
3555 			{
3556 				/*
3557 				// it's a smart tag
3558 				if( !pAutoRecognizerData )
3559 					pAutoRecognizerData = new SwAccessibleAutoRecognizerData;
3560 				SwAccessibleAutoRecognizerData::iterator aIter =
3561 					pAutoRecognizerData ->find( nARIndex );
3562 				if( aIter != pAutoRecognizerData->end() )
3563 				{
3564 					xRet = (*aIter).second;
3565 				}
3566 				if( !xRet.is() )
3567 				{
3568 					sal_Int32 nAStt = 0;
3569 					sal_Int32 nAEnd = 0;
3570 					//aARHelper.getPosition( nARIndex, nAStt, nAEnd );
3571 					xRet = new SwAccessibleAutoRecognizer( this, nAStt, nAEnd );
3572 					if( aIter != pAutoRecognizerData->end() )
3573 					{
3574 						(*aIter).second = xRet;
3575 					}
3576 					else
3577 					{
3578 						SwAccessibleAutoRecognizerData::value_type aEntry( nARIndex, xRet );
3579 						pAutoRecognizerData->insert( aEntry );
3580 					}
3581 				}
3582 				*/
3583 			}
3584 			break;
3585 		}
3587 		// iterate next
3588 		if( bH )
3589 			// iterate next hyperlink
3590 			pHt = (SwTxtAttr*)(aHIter.next());
3591 		else if( bA )
3592 			// iterate next smart tag
3593 			nARIndex++;
3594 		else if(bTOC)
3595 			continue;
3596 		else
3597 			// no candidate, exit
3598 			break;
3599 	}
3600 	/*
3601 		const SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>( GetFrm() );
3602 		SwHyperlinkIter_Impl aHIter( pTxtFrm );
3603 		while( nLinkIndex-- )
3604 			aHIter.next();
3606 		const SwTxtAttr *pHt = aHIter.next();
3607 		if( pHt )
3608 		{
3609 			if( !pHyperTextData )
3610 				pHyperTextData = new SwAccessibleHyperTextData;
3611 			SwAccessibleHyperTextData::iterator aIter =
3612 				pHyperTextData ->find( pHt );
3613 			if( aIter != pHyperTextData->end() )
3614 			{
3615 				xRet = (*aIter).second;
3616 			}
3617 			if( !xRet.is() )
3618 			{
3619 				sal_Int32 nHStt= GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition(
3620 								max( aHIter.startIdx(), *pHt->GetStart() ) );
3621 				sal_Int32 nHEnd= GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition(
3622 								min( aHIter.endIdx(), *pHt->GetAnyEnd() ) );
3623 				xRet = new SwAccessibleHyperlink( aHIter.getCurrHintPos(),
3624 												  this, nHStt, nHEnd );
3625 				if( aIter != pHyperTextData->end() )
3626 				{
3627 					(*aIter).second = xRet;
3628 				}
3629 				else
3630 				{
3631 					SwAccessibleHyperTextData::value_type aEntry( pHt, xRet );
3632 					pHyperTextData->insert( aEntry );
3633 				}
3634 			}
3635 		}
3636 	}
3637 	*/
3638 	if( !xRet.is() )
3639         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3641 	return xRet;
3642 }
3644 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getHyperLinkIndex( sal_Int32 nCharIndex )
3645     throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException)
3646 {
3647 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3648 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC( XAccessibleHypertext );
3650     // parameter checking
3651     sal_Int32 nLength = GetString().getLength();
3652     if ( ! IsValidPosition( nCharIndex, nLength ) )
3653     {
3654         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3655     }
3657 	sal_Int32 nRet = -1;
3658     // --> OD 2007-06-27 #i77108# - provide hyperlinks also in editable documents.
3659 //    if( !IsEditableState() )
3660     // <--
3661 	{
3662 		const SwTxtFrm *pTxtFrm = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>( GetFrm() );
3663 		SwHyperlinkIter_Impl aHIter( pTxtFrm );
3665 		xub_StrLen nIdx = GetPortionData().GetModelPosition( nCharIndex );
3666 		sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
3667 		const SwTxtAttr *pHt = aHIter.next();
3668 		while( pHt && !(nIdx >= *pHt->GetStart() && nIdx < *pHt->GetAnyEnd()) )
3669 		{
3670 			pHt = aHIter.next();
3671 			nPos++;
3672 		}
3674 		if( pHt )
3675 			nRet = nPos;
3676 	}
3677 	/* Added by yanjun for acc miagration
3678 	if( nRet == -1 && GetTOXSortTabBase() )
3679 	{
3680 		SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>(GetTxtNode());
3681 		if( nCharIndex >= 0 && nCharIndex < pNode->GetTOCFirstWordEndIndex())
3682 			nRet = 0;
3683 	}
3684 	*/
3686 	if (nRet == -1)
3687 		throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3688 	else
3689 		return nRet;
3690 	//return nRet;
3691 }
3693 // --> OD 2008-05-26 #i71360#
3694 // --> OD 2010-02-22 #i108125# - adjustments for change tracking text markup
3695 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextMarkupCount( sal_Int32 nTextMarkupType )
3696                                         throw (lang::IllegalArgumentException,
3697                                                uno::RuntimeException)
3698 {
3699     std::auto_ptr<SwTextMarkupHelper> pTextMarkupHelper;
3700     switch ( nTextMarkupType )
3701     {
3702         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_INSERTION:
3703         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_DELETION:
3704         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_FORMATCHANGE:
3705         {
3706             pTextMarkupHelper.reset( new SwTextMarkupHelper(
3707                 GetPortionData(),
3708                 *(mpParaChangeTrackInfo->getChangeTrackingTextMarkupList( nTextMarkupType ) )) );
3709         }
3710         break;
3711         default:
3712         {
3713             pTextMarkupHelper.reset( new SwTextMarkupHelper( GetPortionData(), *GetTxtNode() ) );
3714         }
3715     }
3717     return pTextMarkupHelper->getTextMarkupCount( nTextMarkupType );
3718 }
3719 //MSAA Extension Implementation in app  module
3720 sal_Bool SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::scrollToPosition( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point&, sal_Bool )
3721 	throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
3722 {
3723 	return sal_False;
3724 }
3726 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getSelectedPortionCount(  )
3727 	throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
3728 {
3729 	sal_Int32 nSeleted = 0;
3730 	SwPaM* pCrsr = GetCursor( true );
3731     if( pCrsr != NULL )
3732     {
3733         // get SwPosition for my node
3734         const SwTxtNode* pNode = GetTxtNode();
3735         sal_uLong nHere = pNode->GetIndex();
3737         // iterate over ring
3738         SwPaM* pRingStart = pCrsr;
3739         do
3740         {
3741             // ignore, if no mark
3742             if( pCrsr->HasMark() )
3743             {
3744                 // check whether nHere is 'inside' pCrsr
3745                 SwPosition* pStart = pCrsr->Start();
3746                 sal_uLong nStartIndex = pStart->nNode.GetIndex();
3747                 SwPosition* pEnd = pCrsr->End();
3748                 sal_uLong nEndIndex = pEnd->nNode.GetIndex();
3749                 if( ( nHere >= nStartIndex ) &&
3750                     ( nHere <= nEndIndex )      )
3751                 {
3752 					nSeleted++;
3753                 }
3754                 // else: this PaM doesn't point to this paragraph
3755             }
3756             // else: this PaM is collapsed and doesn't select anything
3758             // next PaM in ring
3759             pCrsr = static_cast<SwPaM*>( pCrsr->GetNext() );
3760         }
3761         while( pCrsr != pRingStart );
3762     }
3763 	return nSeleted;
3765 }
3767 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getSeletedPositionStart( sal_Int32 nSelectedPortionIndex )
3768 	throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
3769 {
3770 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3772 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
3774 	sal_Int32 nStart, nEnd;
3775     /*sal_Bool bSelected = */GetSelectionAtIndex(nSelectedPortionIndex, nStart, nEnd );
3776 	return nStart;
3777 }
3779 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getSeletedPositionEnd( sal_Int32 nSelectedPortionIndex )
3780 	throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
3781 {
3782 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3784 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
3786 	sal_Int32 nStart, nEnd;
3787     /*sal_Bool bSelected = */GetSelectionAtIndex(nSelectedPortionIndex, nStart, nEnd );
3788 	return nEnd;
3789 }
3791 sal_Bool SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::removeSelection( sal_Int32 selectionIndex )
3792 	throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
3793 {
3794 	if(selectionIndex < 0) return sal_False;
3796     sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
3797 	sal_Int32 nSelected = selectionIndex;
3799     // get the selection, and test whether it affects our text node
3800 	SwPaM* pCrsr = GetCursor( true );
3801 //  SwPaM* pFirst = pCrsr;
3802 	SwPaM* pPrev = pCrsr;
3804     if( pCrsr != NULL )
3805     {
3806         // get SwPosition for my node
3807         const SwTxtNode* pNode = GetTxtNode();
3808         sal_uLong nHere = pNode->GetIndex();
3810         // iterate over ring
3811         SwPaM* pRingStart = pCrsr;
3812         do
3813         {
3814             // ignore, if no mark
3815             if( pCrsr->HasMark() )
3816             {
3817                 // check whether nHere is 'inside' pCrsr
3818                 SwPosition* pStart = pCrsr->Start();
3819                 sal_uLong nStartIndex = pStart->nNode.GetIndex();
3820                 SwPosition* pEnd = pCrsr->End();
3821                 sal_uLong nEndIndex = pEnd->nNode.GetIndex();
3822                 if( ( nHere >= nStartIndex ) &&
3823                     ( nHere <= nEndIndex )      )
3824                 {
3825 					if( nSelected == 0 )
3826 					{
3827 						pCrsr->MoveTo((Ring*)0);
3828 						delete pCrsr;
3829 						bRet = sal_True;
3830 					}
3831 					else
3832 					{
3833 						nSelected--;
3834 					}
3835 				}
3836 			}
3837             // else: this PaM is collapsed and doesn't select anything
3838 		   pPrev = pCrsr;
3839            pCrsr = static_cast<SwPaM*>( pCrsr->GetNext() );
3840         }
3841         while( !bRet && (pCrsr != pRingStart) );
3842 	}
3843 	return sal_True;
3844 }
3846 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::addSelection( sal_Int32, sal_Int32 startOffset, sal_Int32 endOffset)
3847 	throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
3848 {
3849 	vos::OGuard aGuard(Application::GetSolarMutex());
3851 	CHECK_FOR_DEFUNC_THIS( XAccessibleText, *this );
3853     // parameter checking
3854     sal_Int32 nLength = GetString().getLength();
3855     if ( ! IsValidRange( startOffset, endOffset, nLength ) )
3856     {
3857         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3858     }
3860 	sal_Int32 nSelectedCount = getSelectedPortionCount();
3861 	for ( sal_Int32 i = nSelectedCount ; i >= 0 ; i--)
3862 	{
3863 		sal_Int32 nStart, nEnd;
3864 		sal_Bool bSelected = GetSelectionAtIndex(i, nStart, nEnd );
3865 		if(bSelected)
3866 		{
3867 			if(nStart <= nEnd )
3868 			{
3869 				if (( startOffset>=nStart && startOffset <=nEnd ) ||     //startOffset in a selection
3870 			   		( endOffset>=nStart && endOffset <=nEnd )     ||  //endOffset in a selection
3871 					( startOffset <= nStart && endOffset >=nEnd)  ||       //start and  end include the old selection
3872 					( startOffset >= nStart && endOffset <=nEnd) )
3873 				{
3874 					removeSelection(i);
3875 				}
3877 			}
3878 			else
3879 			{
3880 				if (( startOffset>=nEnd && startOffset <=nStart ) ||     //startOffset in a selection
3881 			   		( endOffset>=nEnd && endOffset <=nStart )     || //endOffset in a selection
3882 					( startOffset <= nStart && endOffset >=nEnd)  ||       //start and  end include the old selection
3883 					( startOffset >= nStart && endOffset <=nEnd) )
3885 				{
3886 					removeSelection(i);
3887 				}
3888 			}
3889 		}
3891 	}
3893     sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
3895     // get cursor shell
3896     SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell = GetCrsrShell();
3897     if( pCrsrShell != NULL )
3898     {
3899         // create pam for selection
3900 		pCrsrShell->StartAction();
3901 //        SwTxtNode* pNode = const_cast<SwTxtNode*>( GetTxtNode() );
3902         SwPaM* aPaM = pCrsrShell->CreateCrsr();
3903         aPaM->SetMark();
3904 		aPaM->GetPoint()->nContent = GetPortionData().GetModelPosition(startOffset);
3905         aPaM->GetMark()->nContent =  GetPortionData().GetModelPosition(endOffset);
3906 		//pCrsrShell->ShowCrsr();
3907 		pCrsrShell->EndAction();
3908         // set PaM at cursor shell
3909         //bRet = Select( aPaM );
3910     }
3912     return bRet;
3913 }
3915 /*accessibility::*/TextSegment SAL_CALL
3916         SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextMarkup( sal_Int32 nTextMarkupIndex,
3917                                               sal_Int32 nTextMarkupType )
3918                                         throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
3919                                                lang::IllegalArgumentException,
3920                                                uno::RuntimeException)
3921 {
3922     std::auto_ptr<SwTextMarkupHelper> pTextMarkupHelper;
3923     switch ( nTextMarkupType )
3924     {
3925         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_INSERTION:
3926         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_DELETION:
3927         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_FORMATCHANGE:
3928         {
3929             pTextMarkupHelper.reset( new SwTextMarkupHelper(
3930                 GetPortionData(),
3931                 *(mpParaChangeTrackInfo->getChangeTrackingTextMarkupList( nTextMarkupType ) )) );
3932         }
3933         break;
3934         default:
3935         {
3936             pTextMarkupHelper.reset( new SwTextMarkupHelper( GetPortionData(), *GetTxtNode() ) );
3937         }
3938     }
3940     return pTextMarkupHelper->getTextMarkup( nTextMarkupIndex, nTextMarkupType );
3941 }
3943 uno::Sequence< /*accessibility::*/TextSegment > SAL_CALL
3944         SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextMarkupAtIndex( sal_Int32 nCharIndex,
3945                                                      sal_Int32 nTextMarkupType )
3946                                         throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
3947                                                lang::IllegalArgumentException,
3948                                                uno::RuntimeException)
3949 {
3950     // parameter checking
3951     const sal_Int32 nLength = GetString().getLength();
3952     if ( ! IsValidPosition( nCharIndex, nLength ) )
3953     {
3954         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3955     }
3957     std::auto_ptr<SwTextMarkupHelper> pTextMarkupHelper;
3958     switch ( nTextMarkupType )
3959     {
3960         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_INSERTION:
3961         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_DELETION:
3962         case text::TextMarkupType::TRACK_CHANGE_FORMATCHANGE:
3963         {
3964             pTextMarkupHelper.reset( new SwTextMarkupHelper(
3965                 GetPortionData(),
3966                 *(mpParaChangeTrackInfo->getChangeTrackingTextMarkupList( nTextMarkupType ) )) );
3967         }
3968         break;
3969         default:
3970         {
3971             pTextMarkupHelper.reset( new SwTextMarkupHelper( GetPortionData(), *GetTxtNode() ) );
3972         }
3973     }
3975     return pTextMarkupHelper->getTextMarkupAtIndex( nCharIndex, nTextMarkupType );
3976 }
3977 // <--
3979 // --> OD 2008-05-29 #i89175#
3980 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getLineNumberAtIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
3981                                         throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
3982                                                uno::RuntimeException)
3983 {
3984     // parameter checking
3985     const sal_Int32 nLength = GetString().getLength();
3986     if ( ! IsValidPosition( nIndex, nLength ) )
3987     {
3988         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3989     }
3991     const sal_Int32 nLineNo = GetPortionData().GetLineNo( nIndex );
3992     return nLineNo;
3993 }
3995 /*accessibility::*/TextSegment SAL_CALL
3996         SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextAtLineNumber( sal_Int32 nLineNo )
3997                                         throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException,
3998                                                uno::RuntimeException)
3999 {
4000     // parameter checking
4001     if ( nLineNo < 0 ||
4002          nLineNo >= GetPortionData().GetLineCount() )
4003     {
4004         throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
4005     }
4007     i18n::Boundary aLineBound;
4008     GetPortionData().GetBoundaryOfLine( nLineNo, aLineBound );
4010     /*accessibility::*/TextSegment aTextAtLine;
4011     const ::rtl::OUString rText = GetString();
4012     aTextAtLine.SegmentText = rText.copy( aLineBound.startPos,
4013                                           aLineBound.endPos - aLineBound.startPos );
4014     aTextAtLine.SegmentStart = aLineBound.startPos;
4015     aTextAtLine.SegmentEnd = aLineBound.endPos;
4017     return aTextAtLine;
4018 }
4020 /*accessibility::*/TextSegment SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getTextAtLineWithCaret()
4021                                         throw (uno::RuntimeException)
4022 {
4023     const sal_Int32 nLineNoOfCaret = getNumberOfLineWithCaret();
4025     if ( nLineNoOfCaret >= 0 &&
4026          nLineNoOfCaret < GetPortionData().GetLineCount() )
4027     {
4028         return getTextAtLineNumber( nLineNoOfCaret );
4029     }
4031     return /*accessibility::*/TextSegment();
4032 }
4034 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getNumberOfLineWithCaret()
4035                                         throw (uno::RuntimeException)
4036 {
4037     const sal_Int32 nCaretPos = getCaretPosition();
4038     const sal_Int32 nLength = GetString().getLength();
4039     if ( !IsValidPosition( nCaretPos, nLength ) )
4040     {
4041         return -1;
4042     }
4044     sal_Int32 nLineNo = GetPortionData().GetLineNo( nCaretPos );
4046     // special handling for cursor positioned at end of text line via End key
4047     if ( nCaretPos != 0 )
4048     {
4049         i18n::Boundary aLineBound;
4050         GetPortionData().GetBoundaryOfLine( nLineNo, aLineBound );
4051         if ( nCaretPos == aLineBound.startPos )
4052         {
4053             SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell = SwAccessibleParagraph::GetCrsrShell();
4054             if ( pCrsrShell != 0 )
4055             {
4056                 const awt::Rectangle aCharRect = getCharacterBounds( nCaretPos );
4058                 const SwRect& aCursorCoreRect = pCrsrShell->GetCharRect();
4059                 // translate core coordinates into accessibility coordinates
4060                 Window *pWin = GetWindow();
4061                 CHECK_FOR_WINDOW( XAccessibleComponent, pWin );
4063                 Rectangle aScreenRect( GetMap()->CoreToPixel( aCursorCoreRect.SVRect() ));
4065                 SwRect aFrmLogBounds( GetBounds( *(GetMap()) ) ); // twip rel to doc root
4066                 Point aFrmPixPos( GetMap()->CoreToPixel( aFrmLogBounds.SVRect() ).TopLeft() );
4067                 aScreenRect.Move( -aFrmPixPos.X(), -aFrmPixPos.Y() );
4069                 // convert into AWT Rectangle
4070                 const awt::Rectangle aCursorRect( aScreenRect.Left(),
4071                                                   aScreenRect.Top(),
4072                                                   aScreenRect.GetWidth(),
4073                                                   aScreenRect.GetHeight() );
4075                 if ( aCharRect.X != aCursorRect.X ||
4076                      aCharRect.Y != aCursorRect.Y )
4077                 {
4078                     --nLineNo;
4079                 }
4080             }
4081         }
4082     }
4084     return nLineNo;
4085 }
4087 // --> OD 2010-02-19 #i108125#
4088 void SwAccessibleParagraph::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew )
4089 {
4090     mpParaChangeTrackInfo->reset();
4092     CheckRegistration( pOld, pNew );
4093 }
4094 // <--
4096 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::GetSelectionAtIndex(
4097     sal_Int32& nIndex, sal_Int32& nStart, sal_Int32& nEnd)
4098 {
4099         if(nIndex < 0) return sal_False;
4102     sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
4103     nStart = -1;
4104     nEnd = -1;
4105 	sal_Int32 nSelected = nIndex;
4107     // get the selection, and test whether it affects our text node
4108 	SwPaM* pCrsr = GetCursor( true );
4109     if( pCrsr != NULL )
4110     {
4111         // get SwPosition for my node
4112         const SwTxtNode* pNode = GetTxtNode();
4113         sal_uLong nHere = pNode->GetIndex();
4115         // iterate over ring
4116         SwPaM* pRingStart = pCrsr;
4117         do
4118         {
4119             // ignore, if no mark
4120             if( pCrsr->HasMark() )
4121             {
4122                 // check whether nHere is 'inside' pCrsr
4123                 SwPosition* pStart = pCrsr->Start();
4124                 sal_uLong nStartIndex = pStart->nNode.GetIndex();
4125                 SwPosition* pEnd = pCrsr->End();
4126                 sal_uLong nEndIndex = pEnd->nNode.GetIndex();
4127                 if( ( nHere >= nStartIndex ) &&
4128                     ( nHere <= nEndIndex )      )
4129                 {
4130 					if( nSelected == 0 )
4131 					{
4132 						// translate start and end positions
4134 						// start position
4135 						sal_Int32 nLocalStart = -1;
4136 						if( nHere > nStartIndex )
4137 						{
4138 							// selection starts in previous node:
4139 							// then our local selection starts with the paragraph
4140 							nLocalStart = 0;
4141 						}
4142 						else
4143 						{
4144 							DBG_ASSERT( nHere == nStartIndex,
4145 										"miscalculated index" );
4147 							// selection starts in this node:
4148 							// then check whether it's before or inside our part of
4149 							// the paragraph, and if so, get the proper position
4150 							sal_uInt16 nCoreStart = pStart->nContent.GetIndex();
4151 							if( nCoreStart <
4152 								GetPortionData().GetFirstValidCorePosition() )
4153 							{
4154 								nLocalStart = 0;
4155 							}
4156 							else if( nCoreStart <=
4157 									 GetPortionData().GetLastValidCorePosition() )
4158 							{
4159 								DBG_ASSERT(
4160 									GetPortionData().IsValidCorePosition(
4161 																	  nCoreStart ),
4162 									 "problem determining valid core position" );
4164 								nLocalStart =
4165 									GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition(
4166 																	  nCoreStart );
4167 							}
4168 						}
4170 						// end position
4171 						sal_Int32 nLocalEnd = -1;
4172 						if( nHere < nEndIndex )
4173 						{
4174 							// selection ends in following node:
4175 							// then our local selection extends to the end
4176 							nLocalEnd = GetPortionData().GetAccessibleString().
4177 																	   getLength();
4178 						}
4179 						else
4180 						{
4181 							DBG_ASSERT( nHere == nStartIndex,
4182 										"miscalculated index" );
4184 							// selection ends in this node: then select everything
4185 							// before our part of the node
4186 							sal_uInt16 nCoreEnd = pEnd->nContent.GetIndex();
4187 							if( nCoreEnd >
4188 									GetPortionData().GetLastValidCorePosition() )
4189 							{
4190 								// selection extends beyond out part of this para
4191 								nLocalEnd = GetPortionData().GetAccessibleString().
4192 																	   getLength();
4193 							}
4194 							else if( nCoreEnd >=
4195 									 GetPortionData().GetFirstValidCorePosition() )
4196 							{
4197 								// selection is inside our part of this para
4198 								DBG_ASSERT(
4199 									GetPortionData().IsValidCorePosition(
4200 																	  nCoreEnd ),
4201 									 "problem determining valid core position" );
4203 								nLocalEnd = GetPortionData().GetAccessiblePosition(
4204 																	   nCoreEnd );
4205 							}
4206 						}
4208 						if( ( nLocalStart != -1 ) && ( nLocalEnd != -1 ) )
4209 						{
4210 							nStart = nLocalStart;
4211 							nEnd = nLocalEnd;
4212 							bRet = sal_True;
4213 						}
4214 					} // if hit the index
4215 					else
4216 					{
4217 						nSelected--;
4218 					}
4219                 }
4220                 // else: this PaM doesn't point to this paragraph
4221             }
4222             // else: this PaM is collapsed and doesn't select anything
4224             // next PaM in ring
4225             pCrsr = static_cast<SwPaM*>( pCrsr->GetNext() );
4226         }
4227         while( !bRet && (pCrsr != pRingStart) );
4228     }
4229     // else: nocursor -> no selection
4231     if( bRet )
4232     {
4233 		sal_Int32 nCaretPos = GetCaretPos();
4234 		if( nStart == nCaretPos )
4235 		{
4236 			sal_Int32 tmp = nStart;
4237 			nStart = nEnd;
4238 			nEnd = tmp;
4239 		}
4240     }
4241     return bRet;
4242 }
4244 sal_Int16 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getAccessibleRole (void) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4245 {
4246 	//Get the real heading level, Heading1 ~ Heading10
4247 	if (nHeadingLevel > 0)
4248 	{
4249 		return AccessibleRole::HEADING;
4250 	}
4251 	else
4252 	{
4253 		return AccessibleRole::PARAGRAPH;
4254 	}
4255 }
4257 // End Add
4260 /* This funcion is already defined in accpara.cxx(Added by yanjun)
4261 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getBackground()
4262 		throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4263 {
4264 // Test Code
4265 //     Sequence<OUString> seNames(1);
4266 //     OUString* pStrings = seNames.getArray();
4267 // 	pStrings[0] = OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ParaBackColor"));
4268 //
4269 //     Sequence<Any> aAnys(1);
4270 // 	Reference<XMultiPropertySet> xPortion = CreateUnoPortion( 0, 0 );
4271 //     aAnys = xPortion->getPropertyValues( seNames );
4272 // 	const Any* pAnys = aAnys.getConstArray();
4273 //
4274 // 	sal_uInt32 crColorT=0;
4275 // 	pAnys[0] >>= crColorT;
4276 // End Test Code
4278 	const SvxBrushItem &rBack = GetFrm()->GetAttrSet()->GetBackground();
4279 	sal_uInt32 crBack = rBack.GetColor().GetColor();
4281 	if (COL_AUTO == crBack)
4282 	{
4283 		Reference<XAccessible> xAccDoc = getAccessibleParent();
4284 		if (xAccDoc.is())
4285 		{
4286 			Reference<XAccessibleComponent> xCompoentDoc(xAccDoc,UNO_QUERY);
4287 			if (xCompoentDoc.is())
4288 			{
4289 				crBack = (sal_uInt32)xCompoentDoc->getBackground();
4290 			}
4291 		}
4292 	}
4293 	return crBack;
4294 }
4295 */
4297 //Get the real heading level, Heading1 ~ Heading10
4298 sal_Int32 SwAccessibleParagraph::GetRealHeadingLevel()
4299 {
4300     uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > xPortion = CreateUnoPortion( 0, 0 );
4301     ::rtl::OUString pString = ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ParaStyleName"));
4302     uno::Any styleAny = xPortion->getPropertyValue( pString );
4303     ::rtl::OUString sValue;
4304 	if (styleAny >>= sValue)
4305 	{
4306 		//Modified by yanjun for acc migration
4307 		sal_Int32 length = sValue.getLength/*GetCharCount*/();
4308 		if (length == 9 || length == 10)
4309 		{
4310             ::rtl::OUString headStr = sValue.copy(0, 7);
4311             if (headStr.equals(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("Heading")))
4312 			{
4313                 ::rtl::OUString intStr = sValue.copy(8);
4314 				sal_Int32 headingLevel = intStr.toInt32(10);
4315 				return headingLevel;
4316 			}
4317 		}
4318 	}
4319 	return -1;
4320 }
4322 uno::Any SAL_CALL SwAccessibleParagraph::getExtendedAttributes()
4323 		throw (::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4324 {
4325     uno::Any Ret;
4326     ::rtl::OUString strHeading(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("heading-level:"));
4327 	if( nHeadingLevel >= 0 )
4328 		strHeading += OUString::valueOf(nHeadingLevel, 10);
4329 	strHeading += OUString::createFromAscii(";");
4331 	Ret <<= strHeading;
4333 	return Ret;
4334 }
4336 //Tab will be return when call WORDTYPE
4337 sal_Bool SwAccessibleParagraph::tabCharInWord( sal_Int32 nIndex, i18n::Boundary& aBound)
4338 {
4339 	sal_Bool bFind =  sal_False;
4340 	if( aBound.startPos != nIndex)
4341 	{
4342 		OUString tabStr;
4343 		if(aBound.startPos>nIndex)
4344 			tabStr = GetString().copy(nIndex,(aBound.startPos - nIndex) );
4346 		sal_Unicode tabChar('\t');
4347 		sal_Int32 tabIndex = tabStr.indexOf(tabChar);
4348 		if( tabIndex > -1 )
4349 		{
4350 			aBound.startPos = nIndex + tabIndex ;
4351 			aBound.endPos = aBound.startPos + 1;
4352 			bFind = sal_True;
4353 		}
4354 	}
4355 	return bFind;
4356 }