xref: /aoo42x/main/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx (revision ebfcd9af)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 #ifndef _SV_SVDATA_HXX
25 #define _SV_SVDATA_HXX
27 #include "rtl/ref.hxx"
29 #include "vos/thread.hxx"
31 #include "tools/string.hxx"
32 #include "tools/gen.hxx"
33 #include "tools/shl.hxx"
34 #include "tools/link.hxx"
35 #include "tools/fldunit.hxx"
36 #include "tools/color.hxx"
37 #include "tools/debug.hxx"
39 #include "vcl/vclevent.hxx"
40 #include "vcl/sv.h"
41 #include "vcl/dllapi.h"
43 #include "unotools/options.hxx"
45 #include "xconnection.hxx"
47 #include "com/sun/star/uno/Reference.hxx"
49 #include <hash_map>
51 namespace com {
52 namespace sun {
53 namespace star {
54 namespace lang {
55     class XMultiServiceFactory;
56 }
57 namespace frame {
58 	class XSessionManagerClient;
59 }
60 }}}
62 struct ImplTimerData;
63 struct ImplFileImageCacheData;
64 struct ImplConfigData;
65 class ImplDirectFontSubstitution;
66 struct ImplHotKey;
67 struct ImplEventHook;
68 class Point;
69 class Rectangle;
70 class ImpResMgr;
71 class ResMgr;
72 class UniqueIndex;
73 class ImplAccelManager;
74 class ImplDevFontList;
75 class ImplFontCache;
76 class HelpTextWindow;
77 class ImplTBDragMgr;
78 class ImplButtonList;
79 class ImplIdleMgr;
80 class DbgWindow;
81 class FloatingWindow;
82 class AllSettings;
83 class KeyCode;
84 class NotifyEvent;
85 class Timer;
86 class AutoTimer;
87 class Help;
88 class ImageList;
89 class Image;
90 class PopupMenu;
91 class Application;
92 class OutputDevice;
93 class Window;
94 class SystemWindow;
95 class WorkWindow;
96 class Dialog;
97 class VirtualDevice;
98 class Printer;
99 class SalFrame;
100 class SalInstance;
101 class SalSystem;
102 class SalProcessWindowList;
103 class SalTrayList;
104 class UniqueIdContainer;
105 class List;
106 class ImplPrnQueueList;
107 class ImplVDevCache;
108 class UnoWrapperBase;
109 class GraphicConverter;
110 class ImplWheelWindow;
111 class SalTimer;
112 class SalI18NImeStatus;
113 class DockingManager;
114 class VclEventListeners2;
116 namespace vos { class OMutex; }
117 namespace vos { class OCondition; }
118 namespace vcl { class DisplayConnection; class SettingsConfigItem; class DeleteOnDeinitBase; }
119 namespace utl { class DefaultFontConfiguration; class FontSubstConfiguration; }
121 // -----------------
122 // - ImplSVAppData -
123 // -----------------
124 class LocaleConfigurationListener : public utl::ConfigurationListener
125 {
126 public:
127 	virtual void ConfigurationChanged( utl::ConfigurationBroadcaster*, sal_uInt32 );
128 };
130 struct ImplSVAppData
131 {
132     enum ImeStatusWindowMode
133     {
134         ImeStatusWindowMode_UNKNOWN,
135         ImeStatusWindowMode_HIDE,
136         ImeStatusWindowMode_SHOW
137     };
139     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >    mxMSF;
140     String*                 mpMSFTempFileName;
141     AllSettings*            mpSettings;         // Application settings
142 	LocaleConfigurationListener* mpCfgListener;
143     VclEventListeners*      mpEventListeners;   // listeners for vcl events (eg, extended toolkit)
144     VclEventListeners*      mpKeyListeners;     // listeners for key events only (eg, extended toolkit)
145     ImplAccelManager*       mpAccelMgr;         // Accelerator Manager
146     XubString*              mpAppName;          // Application name
147     XubString*              mpAppFileName;      // Abs. Application FileName
148     XubString*              mpDisplayName;      // Application Display Name
149     String*                 mpFontPath;         // Additional Fontpath
150     Help*                   mpHelp;             // Application help
151     PopupMenu*              mpActivePopupMenu;  // Actives Popup-Menu (in Execute)
152     UniqueIdContainer*      mpUniqueIdCont;     // Fuer Eindeutige Id's
153     ImplIdleMgr*            mpIdleMgr;          // Idle-Manager
154     ImplWheelWindow*        mpWheelWindow;      // WheelWindow
155     ImplHotKey*             mpFirstHotKey;      // HotKey-Verwaltung
156     ImplEventHook*          mpFirstEventHook;   // Event-Hooks
157     VclEventListeners2*     mpPostYieldListeners;           // post yield listeners
158     sal_uLong                   mnLastInputTime;                // GetLastInputTime()
159     sal_uInt16                  mnDispatchLevel;                // DispatchLevel
160     sal_uInt16                  mnModalMode;                    // ModalMode Count
161     sal_uInt16                  mnModalDialog;                  // ModalDialog Count
162     sal_uInt16                  mnAccessCount;                  // AccessHdl Count
163     sal_uInt16                  mnSysWinMode;                   // Modus, wann SystemWindows erzeugt werden sollen
164     sal_uInt16                  mnLayout;                       // --- RTL-Flags --- currently not used, only for testing
165     short                   mnDialogScaleX;                 // Scale X-Positions and sizes in Dialogs
166     sal_Bool                    mbInAppMain;                    // is Application::Main() on stack
167     sal_Bool                    mbInAppExecute;                 // is Application::Execute() on stack
168     sal_Bool                    mbAppQuit;                      // is Application::Quit() called
169     sal_Bool                    mbSettingsInit;                 // sal_True: Settings are initialized
170     sal_Bool                    mbDialogCancel;                 // sal_True: Alle Dialog::Execute()-Aufrufe werden mit return sal_False sofort beendet
171     sal_Bool                    mbNoYield;                      // Application::Yield will not wait for events if the queue is empty
172                                                             // essentially that makes it the same as Application::Reschedule
173     long                    mnDefaultLayoutBorder;          // default value in pixel for layout distances used
174                                                             // in window arrangers
176     /** Controls whether showing any IME status window is toggled on or off.
178         Only meaningful if showing IME status windows can be toggled on and off
179         externally (see Application::CanToggleImeStatusWindow).
180      */
181     ImeStatusWindowMode meShowImeStatusWindow;
183                             DECL_STATIC_LINK( ImplSVAppData, ImplQuitMsg, void* );
185 };
188 // -----------------
189 // - ImplSVGDIData -
190 // -----------------
192 struct ImplSVGDIData
193 {
194     OutputDevice*           mpFirstWinGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a Frame Graphics
195     OutputDevice*           mpLastWinGraphics;  // Last OutputDevice with a Frame Graphics
196     OutputDevice*           mpFirstVirGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a VirtualDevice Graphics
197     OutputDevice*           mpLastVirGraphics;  // Last OutputDevice with a VirtualDevice Graphics
198     OutputDevice*           mpFirstPrnGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a InfoPrinter Graphics
199     OutputDevice*           mpLastPrnGraphics;  // Last OutputDevice with a InfoPrinter Graphics
200     VirtualDevice*          mpFirstVirDev;      // First VirtualDevice
201     VirtualDevice*          mpLastVirDev;       // Last VirtualDevice
202     Printer*                mpFirstPrinter;     // First Printer
203     Printer*                mpLastPrinter;      // Last Printer
204     ImplPrnQueueList*       mpPrinterQueueList; // List of all printer queue
205     ImplDevFontList*        mpScreenFontList;   // Screen-Font-List
206     ImplFontCache*          mpScreenFontCache;  // Screen-Font-Cache
207     ImplDirectFontSubstitution* mpDirectFontSubst;// Font-Substitutons defined in Tools->Options->Fonts
208     GraphicConverter*       mpGrfConverter;     // Converter for graphics
209     long                    mnRealAppFontX;     // AppFont X-Numenator for 40/tel Width
210     long                    mnAppFontX;         // AppFont X-Numenator for 40/tel Width + DialogScaleX
211     long                    mnAppFontY;         // AppFont Y-Numenator for 80/tel Height
212     sal_Bool                    mbFontSubChanged;   // sal_True: FontSubstitution wurde zwischen Begin/End geaendert
213     utl::DefaultFontConfiguration* mpDefaultFontConfiguration;
214     utl::FontSubstConfiguration* mpFontSubstConfiguration;
215     bool                    mbNativeFontConfig; // true: do not override UI font
216     bool                    mbNoXORClipping;    // true: do not use XOR to achieve clipping effects
217 };
220 // -----------------
221 // - ImplSVWinData -
222 // -----------------
224 struct ImplSVWinData
225 {
226     Window*                 mpFirstFrame;       // First FrameWindow
227     Window*                 mpDefDialogParent;  // Default Dialog Parent
228     WorkWindow*             mpAppWin;           // Application-Window
229     Window*                 mpFocusWin;         // window, that has the focus
230     Window*                 mpActiveApplicationFrame; // the last active application frame, can be used as DefModalDialogParent if no focuswin set
231     Window*                 mpCaptureWin;       // window, that has the mouse capture
232     Window*                 mpLastDeacWin;      // Window, that need a deactivate (FloatingWindow-Handling)
233     DbgWindow*              mpDbgWin;           // debug window
234     FloatingWindow*         mpFirstFloat;       // First FloatingWindow in PopupMode
235     Dialog*                 mpLastExecuteDlg;   // Erster Dialog, der sich in Execute befindet
236     Window*                 mpExtTextInputWin;  // Window, which is in ExtTextInput
237     Window*                 mpTrackWin;         // window, that is in tracking mode
238     AutoTimer*              mpTrackTimer;       // tracking timer
239     ImageList*              mpMsgBoxImgList;    // ImageList for MessageBox
240     ImageList*              mpMsgBoxHCImgList;  // ImageList for MessageBox (high contrast mode)
241     Window*                 mpAutoScrollWin;    // window, that is in AutoScrollMode mode
242     sal_uInt16                  mnTrackFlags;       // tracking flags
243     sal_uInt16                  mnAutoScrollFlags;  // auto scroll flags
244     sal_Bool                    mbNoDeactivate;     // sal_True: keine Deactivate durchfuehren
245 	sal_Bool					mbNoSaveFocus;		// sal_True: menues must not save/restore focus
246     sal_Bool                    mbNoSaveBackground; // sal_True: save background is unnecessary or even less performant
247 };
250 // ------------------
251 // - ImplSVCtrlData -
252 // ------------------
254 typedef std::vector< std::pair< String, FieldUnit > > FieldUnitStringList;
256 struct ImplSVCtrlData
257 {
258     ImageList*              mpCheckImgList;     // ImageList for CheckBoxes
259     ImageList*              mpRadioImgList;     // ImageList for RadioButtons
260     ImageList*              mpPinImgList;       // ImageList for PIN
261     ImageList*              mpSplitHPinImgList; // ImageList for Horizontale SplitWindows
262     ImageList*              mpSplitVPinImgList; // ImageList for Vertikale SplitWindows (PIN's)
263     ImageList*              mpSplitHArwImgList; // ImageList for Horizontale SplitWindows (Arrows)
264     ImageList*              mpSplitVArwImgList; // ImageList for Vertikale SplitWindows (Arrows)
265     Image*                  mpDisclosurePlus;
266     Image*                  mpDisclosurePlusHC;
267     Image*                  mpDisclosureMinus;
268     Image*                  mpDisclosureMinusHC;
269     ImplTBDragMgr*          mpTBDragMgr;        // DragMgr for ToolBox
270     sal_uInt16                  mnCheckStyle;       // CheckBox-Style for ImageList-Update
271     sal_uInt16                  mnRadioStyle;       // Radio-Style for ImageList-Update
272     sal_uLong                   mnLastCheckFColor;  // Letzte FaceColor fuer CheckImage
273     sal_uLong                   mnLastCheckWColor;  // Letzte WindowColor fuer CheckImage
274     sal_uLong                   mnLastCheckWTextColor;  // Letzte WindowTextColor fuer CheckImage
275     sal_uLong                   mnLastCheckLColor;  // Letzte LightColor fuer CheckImage
276     sal_uLong                   mnLastRadioFColor;  // Letzte FaceColor fuer RadioImage
277     sal_uLong                   mnLastRadioWColor;  // Letzte WindowColor fuer RadioImage
278     sal_uLong                   mnLastRadioLColor;  // Letzte LightColor fuer RadioImage
279     FieldUnitStringList*    mpFieldUnitStrings; // list with field units
280     FieldUnitStringList*    mpCleanUnitStrings; // same list but with some "fluff" like spaces removed
281 };
284 // ------------------
285 // - ImplSVHelpData -
286 // ------------------
288 struct ImplSVHelpData
289 {
290     sal_Bool                    mbContextHelp       : 1;    // is ContextHelp enabled
291     sal_Bool                    mbExtHelp           : 1;    // is ExtendedHelp enabled
292     sal_Bool                    mbExtHelpMode       : 1;    // is in ExtendedHelp Mode
293     sal_Bool                    mbOldBalloonMode    : 1;    // BallonMode, befor ExtHelpMode started
294     sal_Bool                    mbBalloonHelp       : 1;    // is BalloonHelp enabled
295     sal_Bool                    mbQuickHelp         : 1;    // is QuickHelp enabled
296     sal_Bool                    mbSetKeyboardHelp   : 1;    // tiphelp was activated by keyboard
297     sal_Bool                    mbKeyboardHelp      : 1;    // tiphelp was activated by keyboard
298     sal_Bool                    mbAutoHelpId        : 1;    // generate HelpIds
299     sal_Bool                    mbRequestingHelp    : 1;    // In Window::RequestHelp
300     HelpTextWindow*         mpHelpWin;                  // HelpWindow
301     sal_uLong                   mnLastHelpHideTime;         // ticks of last show
302 };
304 struct ImplSVNWFData
305 {
306     bool                    mbMenuBarDockingAreaCommonBG; // e.g. WinXP default theme
307     bool                    mbDockingAreaSeparateTB;      // individual toolbar backgrounds
308                                                           // instead of one for docking area
309     bool                    mbToolboxDropDownSeparate;    // two adjacent buttons for
310                                                           // toolbox dropdown buttons
311     int                     mnMenuFormatExtraBorder;      // inner popup menu border
312     bool                    mbFlatMenu;                   // no popup 3D border
313     Color                   maMenuBarHighlightTextColor;  // override higlight text color
314                                                           // in menubar if not transparent
315     bool                    mbOpenMenuOnF10;              // on gnome the first menu opens on F10
316     bool                    mbNoFocusRects;               // on Aqua focus rects are not used
317     bool                    mbNoBoldTabFocus;             // on Aqua and Gnome the focused tab has not bold text
318     bool                    mbCenteredTabs;               // on Aqua, tabs are centered
319     bool                    mbNoActiveTabTextRaise;       // on Aqua the text for the selected tab
320                                                           // should not "jump up" a pixel
321     bool                    mbProgressNeedsErase;         // set true for platforms that should draw the
322                                                           // window background before drawing the native
323                                                           // progress bar
324     bool                    mbCheckBoxNeedsErase;         // set true for platforms that should draw the
325                                                           // window background before drawing the native
326                                                           // checkbox
327     bool                    mbScrollbarJumpPage;          // true for "jump to here" behavior
328     int                     mnStatusBarLowerRightOffset;  // amount in pixel to avoid in the lower righthand corner
329     bool                    mbCanDrawWidgetAnySize;       // set to true currently on gtk
330 };
333 // --------------
334 // - ImplSVData -
335 // --------------
337 struct ImplSVData
338 {
339     void*                   mpSalData;          // SalData
340     SalInstance*            mpDefInst;          // Default SalInstance
341     Application*            mpApp;              // pApp
342     WorkWindow*             mpDefaultWin;       // Default-Window
343     sal_Bool                    mbDeInit;             // Is VCL deinitializing
344     sal_uLong                   mnThreadCount;      // is VCL MultiThread enabled
345     ImplConfigData*         mpFirstConfigData;  // Zeiger auf ersten Config-Block
346     ImplTimerData*          mpFirstTimerData;   // list of all running timers
347     SalTimer*				mpSalTimer;			// interface to sal event loop/timers
348     SalI18NImeStatus*		mpImeStatus;		// interface to ime status window
349     SalSystem*				mpSalSystem;		// SalSystem interface
350     ResMgr*                 mpResMgr;           // SV-Resource-Manager
351     sal_uLong                   mnTimerPeriod;      // current timer period
352     sal_uLong                   mnTimerUpdate;      // TimerCallbackProcs on stack
353     sal_Bool                    mbNotAllTimerCalled;// sal_True: Es muessen noch Timer abgearbeitet werden
354     sal_Bool                    mbNoCallTimer;      // sal_True: No Timeout calls
355     ImplSVAppData           maAppData;          // indepen data for class Application
356     ImplSVGDIData           maGDIData;          // indepen data for Output classes
357     ImplSVWinData           maWinData;          // indepen data for Windows classes
358     ImplSVCtrlData          maCtrlData;         // indepen data for Control classes
359     ImplSVHelpData          maHelpData;         // indepen data for Help classes
360     ImplSVNWFData           maNWFData;
361     UnoWrapperBase*         mpUnoWrapper;
362     Window*                 mpIntroWindow;      // the splash screen
363     DockingManager*         mpDockingManager;
364     sal_Bool                    mbIsTestTool;
366     vos::OThread::TThreadIdentifier                     mnMainThreadId;
367     rtl::Reference< vcl::DisplayConnection >            mxDisplayConnection;
369     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface > mxAccessBridge;
370     com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::frame::XSessionManagerClient > xSMClient;
371     ::vcl::SettingsConfigItem*			mpSettingsConfigItem;
372     std::list< vcl::DeleteOnDeinitBase* >*   mpDeinitDeleteList;
373     std::hash_map< int, rtl::OUString >*     mpPaperNames;
374 };
376 void        ImplInitSVData();
377 void        ImplDeInitSVData();
378 void        ImplDestroySVData();
379 Window*     ImplGetDefaultWindow();
380 VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC ResMgr*     ImplGetResMgr();
381 VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC ResId VclResId( sal_Int32 nId ); // throws std::bad_alloc if no res mgr
382 DockingManager*     ImplGetDockingManager();
383 void        ImplWindowAutoMnemonic( Window* pWindow );
385 void        ImplUpdateSystemProcessWindow();
386 Window*     ImplFindWindow( const SalFrame* pFrame, Point& rSalFramePos );
388 // SVAPP.CXX
389 sal_Bool        ImplCallHotKey( const KeyCode& rKeyCode );
390 void        ImplFreeHotKeyData();
391 void        ImplFreeEventHookData();
394 long        ImplCallPreNotify( NotifyEvent& rEvt );
395 long        ImplCallEvent( NotifyEvent& rEvt );
397 extern VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC ImplSVData* pImplSVData;
398 inline VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC ImplSVData* ImplGetSVData() { return pImplSVData; }
399 inline ImplSVData* ImplGetAppSVData() { return ImplGetSVData(); }
401 bool ImplInitAccessBridge( sal_Bool bAllowCancel, sal_Bool &rCancelled );
403 FieldUnitStringList* ImplGetFieldUnits();
404 FieldUnitStringList* ImplGetCleanedFieldUnits();
407 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
409 // -----------------
410 // - ImplSVEmpyStr -
411 // -----------------
413 // Empty-SV-String
415 inline const String& ImplGetSVEmptyStr()
416     { return String::EmptyString(); }
417 inline const ByteString& ImplGetSVEmptyByteStr()
418     { return ByteString::EmptyString(); }
420 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
422 // ----------------------
423 // - struct ImplDelData -
424 // ----------------------
425 // ImplDelData is used as a "dog tag" by a window when it
426 // does something that could indirectly destroy the window
427 // TODO: wild destruction of a window should not be possible
429 struct ImplDelData
430 {
431     ImplDelData*    mpNext;
432     const Window*   mpWindow;
433     sal_Bool            mbDel;
435                     ImplDelData( const Window* pWindow = NULL )
436                     : mpNext( NULL ), mpWindow( NULL ), mbDel( sal_False )
437                     { if( pWindow ) AttachToWindow( pWindow ); }
439     virtual         ~ImplDelData();
441     bool            IsDead() const
442     {
443         DBG_ASSERT( mbDel == sal_False, "object deleted while in use !" );
444         return (mbDel!=sal_False);
445     }
446     sal_Bool /*deprecated */IsDelete() const { return (sal_Bool)IsDead(); }
448 private:
449     void            AttachToWindow( const Window* );
450 };
452 // ---------------
453 // - ImplSVEvent -
454 // ---------------
456 struct ImplSVEvent
457 {
458     sal_uLong               mnEvent;
459     void*               mpData;
460     Link*               mpLink;
461     Window*             mpWindow;
462     ImplDelData         maDelData;
463     sal_Bool                mbCall;
464 };
466 #endif  // _SV_SVDATA_HXX