xref: /aoo42x/main/xmlscript/dtd/dialog.dtd (revision dde34420)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 *
4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
6 * distributed with this work for additional information
7 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
9 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
10 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 *
12 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 *
14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
18 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
19 * under the License.
20 *
21 ***********************************************************-->
25<!ENTITY % boolean "(true|false)">
26<!ENTITY % numeric "CDATA">
28<!ENTITY % default-attributes "dlg:id CDATA #REQUIRED
29                               dlg:left %numeric; #REQUIRED
30                               dlg:top %numeric; #REQUIRED
31                               dlg:width %numeric; #REQUIRED
32                               dlg:height %numeric; #REQUIRED
33                               dlg:style-id CDATA #IMPLIED
34                               dlg:tab-index %numeric; #IMPLIED
35                               dlg:disabled %boolean; #IMPLIED
36                               dlg:printable %boolean; #IMPLIED
37                               dlg:page %numeric; #IMPLIED
38                               dlg:tag CDATA #IMPLIED
39                               dlg:help-text CDATA #IMPLIED
40                               dlg:help-url CDATA #IMPLIED
41                               ">
43<!ENTITY % event "(script:event|
44                   script:listener-event|
45                   dlg:event
46                  )">
48<!ENTITY % control "(dlg:bulletinboard|
49                     dlg:button|
50                     dlg:checkbox|
51                     dlg:combobox|
52                     dlg:menulist|
53                     dlg:radiogroup|
54                     dlg:titledbox|
55                     dlg:textfield|
56                     dlg:text|
57                     dlg:filecontrol|
58                     dlg:img|
59                     dlg:timefield|
60                     dlg:datefield|
61                     dlg:numericfield|
62                     dlg:currencyfield|
63                     dlg:patternfield|
64                     dlg:formattedfield|
65                     dlg:fixedline|
66                     dlg:progressmeter|
67                     dlg:scrollbar
68                    )">
70<!ELEMENT dlg:window (dlg:styles*, (%event;)*, dlg:bulletinboard*)>
71<!ATTLIST dlg:window %default-attributes;
72                     dlg:closeable %boolean; #IMPLIED
73                     dlg:moveable %boolean; #IMPLIED
74                     dlg:resizeable %boolean; #IMPLIED
75                     dlg:title CDATA #IMPLIED
76				     dlg:withtitlebar CDATA #IMPLIED
77					 dlg:image-src CDATA #IMPLIED
78                     xmlns:dlg CDATA #FIXED "http://openoffice.org/2000/dialog"
79                     xmlns:script CDATA #FIXED "http://openoffice.org/2000/script"
80                     >
82<!ELEMENT dlg:styles (dlg:style+)>
84<!ELEMENT dlg:style EMPTY>
85<!ATTLIST dlg:style dlg:style-id CDATA #REQUIRED
86                    dlg:background-color %numeric; #IMPLIED
87                    dlg:text-color %numeric; #IMPLIED
88                    dlg:textline-color %numeric; #IMPLIED
89                    dlg:fill-color %numeric; #IMPLIED
90                    dlg:border CDATA #IMPLIED
91                    dlg:font-name CDATA #IMPLIED
92                    dlg:font-height %numeric; #IMPLIED
93                    dlg:font-width %numeric; #IMPLIED
94                    dlg:font-stylename CDATA #IMPLIED
95                    dlg:font-family (decorative|modern|roman|script|swiss|system) #IMPLIED
96                    dlg:font-charset (ansi|mac|ibmpc_437|ibmpc_850|ibmpc_860|ibmpc_861|ibmpc_863|ibmpc_865|system|symbol) #IMPLIED
97                    dlg:font-pitch (fixed|variable) #IMPLIED
98                    dlg:font-charwidth %numeric; #IMPLIED
99                    dlg:font-weight %numeric; #IMPLIED
100                    dlg:font-slant (oblique|italic|reverse_oblique|reverse_italic) #IMPLIED
101                    dlg:font-underline (single|double|dotted|dash|longdash|dashdot|dashdotdot|smallwave|wave|doublewave|bold|bolddotted|bolddash|boldlongdash|bolddashdot|bolddashdotdot|boldwave) #IMPLIED
102                    dlg:font-strikeout (single|double|bold|slash|x) #IMPLIED
103                    dlg:font-orientation CDATA #IMPLIED
104                    dlg:font-kerning %boolean; #IMPLIED
105                    dlg:font-wordlinemode %boolean; #IMPLIED
106                    dlg:font-type (raster|device|scalable) #IMPLIED
107                    dlg:font-relief (none|embossed|engraved) #IMPLIED
108                    dlg:font-emphasismark (none|dot|circle|disc|accent|above|below) #IMPLIED
109                    dlg:look (none|3d|simple) #IMPLIED
110                    >
112<!ELEMENT script:event EMPTY>
113<!ATTLIST script:event script:location CDATA #IMPLIED
114                       script:language CDATA #REQUIRED
115                       script:macro-name CDATA #REQUIRED
116                       script:event-name CDATA #REQUIRED
117                       >
118<!ELEMENT script:listener-event EMPTY>
119<!ATTLIST script:listener-event script:location CDATA #IMPLIED
120                                script:language CDATA #REQUIRED
121                                script:macro-name CDATA #REQUIRED
122                                script:listener-type CDATA #REQUIRED
123                                script:listener-method CDATA #REQUIRED
124                                script:listener-param CDATA #IMPLIED
125                                >
126<!-- deprecated -->
127<!ELEMENT dlg:event EMPTY>
128<!ATTLIST dlg:event dlg:listener-type CDATA #REQUIRED
129                    dlg:event-method CDATA #REQUIRED
130                    dlg:script-type CDATA #IMPLIED
131                    dlg:script-code CDATA #IMPLIED
132                    dlg:param CDATA #IMPLIED
133                    >
134<!-- /deprecated -->
136<!ELEMENT dlg:bulletinboard ((%control;)*)>
137<!ATTLIST dlg:bulletinboard dlg:left %numeric; #IMPLIED
138                            dlg:top %numeric; #IMPLIED
139                            >
141<!ELEMENT dlg:button ((%event;)*)>
142<!ATTLIST dlg:button %default-attributes;
143                     dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
144                     dlg:align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
145                     dlg:valign (top|center|bottom) #IMPLIED
146                     dlg:checked %boolean; #IMPLIED
147                     dlg:image-src CDATA #IMPLIED
148                     dlg:image-position (left-top|left-center|left-bottom|right-top|right-center|right-bottom|top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right|center) #IMPLIED
149                     dlg:image-align (top|left|right|bottom) #IMPLIED
150                     dlg:default %boolean; #IMPLIED
151                     dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
152                     dlg:button-type (standard|ok|cancel|help) #IMPLIED
153                     dlg:repeat %numeric; #IMPLIED
154                     dlg:toggled (0|1) #IMPLIED
155                     dlg:grab-focus (true|false) #IMPLIED
156                     dlg:multiline %boolean; #IMPLIED
157                     >
159<!ELEMENT dlg:checkbox ((%event;)*)>
160<!ATTLIST dlg:checkbox %default-attributes;
161                       dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
162                       dlg:align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
163                       dlg:valign (top|center|bottom) #IMPLIED
164                       dlg:checked %boolean; #IMPLIED
165                       dlg:tristate %boolean; #IMPLIED
166                       dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
167                       dlg:image-src CDATA #IMPLIED
168                       dlg:image-position (left-top|left-center|left-bottom|right-top|right-center|right-bottom|top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right|center) #IMPLIED
169                       dlg:multiline %boolean; #IMPLIED
170                       >
172<!ELEMENT dlg:combobox (dlg:menupopup?, (%event;)*)>
173<!ATTLIST dlg:combobox %default-attributes;
174                       dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
175                       dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
176                       dlg:autocomplete %boolean; #IMPLIED
177                       dlg:spin %boolean; #IMPLIED
178                       dlg:maxlength %numeric; #IMPLIED
179                       dlg:linecount %numeric; #IMPLIED
180                       dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
181                       dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
182                       dlg:align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
183                       >
185<!ELEMENT dlg:menulist (dlg:menupopup?, (%event;)*)>
186<!ATTLIST dlg:menulist %default-attributes;
187                       dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
188                       dlg:spin %boolean; #IMPLIED
189                       dlg:multiselection %boolean; #IMPLIED
190                       dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
191                       dlg:linecount %numeric; #IMPLIED
192                       dlg:align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
193                       >
195<!ELEMENT dlg:menupopup (dlg:menuitem+)>
196<!ELEMENT dlg:menuitem EMPTY>
197<!ATTLIST dlg:menuitem dlg:value CDATA #REQUIRED
198                       dlg:selected %boolean; #IMPLIED
199                       >
201<!ELEMENT dlg:radiogroup (dlg:radio+)>
202<!ELEMENT dlg:radio ((%event;)*)>
203<!ATTLIST dlg:radio %default-attributes;
204                    dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
205                    dlg:align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
206                    dlg:valign (top|center|bottom) #IMPLIED
207                    dlg:checked %boolean; #IMPLIED
208                    dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
209                    dlg:image-src CDATA #IMPLIED
210                    dlg:image-position (left-top|left-center|left-bottom|right-top|right-center|right-bottom|top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right|center) #IMPLIED
211                    dlg:multiline %boolean; #IMPLIED
212                    >
214<!ELEMENT dlg:titledbox (dlg:title?, dlg:radio*, (%control;)*, (%event;)*)>
215<!ATTLIST dlg:titledbox %default-attributes;
216                        >
217<!ELEMENT dlg:title EMPTY>
218<!ATTLIST dlg:title dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
219                    >
221<!ELEMENT dlg:text ((%event;)*)>
222<!ATTLIST dlg:text %default-attributes;
223                   dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
224                   dlg:align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
225                   dlg:valign (top|center|bottom) #IMPLIED
226                   dlg:multiline %boolean; #IMPLIED
227                   dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
228                   >
230<!ELEMENT dlg:textfield ((%event;)*)>
231<!ATTLIST dlg:textfield %default-attributes;
232                        dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
233                        dlg:align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
234                        dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
235                        dlg:echochar CDATA #IMPLIED
236                        dlg:hard-linebreaks %boolean; #IMPLIED
237                        dlg:hscroll %boolean; #IMPLIED
238                        dlg:vscroll %boolean; #IMPLIED
239                        dlg:maxlength %numeric; #IMPLIED
240                        dlg:multiline %boolean; #IMPLIED
241                        dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
242                        dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
243                        dlg:lineend-format (carriage-return|line-feed|carriage-return-line-feed) #IMPLIED
244                        >
246<!ELEMENT dlg:img ((%event;)*)>
247<!ATTLIST dlg:img %default-attributes;
248                  dlg:src CDATA #IMPLIED
249                  dlg:scale-image %boolean; #IMPLIED
250                  dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
251                  >
253<!ELEMENT dlg:filecontrol ((%event;)*)>
254<!ATTLIST dlg:filecontrol %default-attributes;
255                          dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
256                          dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
257                          dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
258                          dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
259                          >
261<!ELEMENT dlg:treecontrol ((%event;)*)>
262<!ATTLIST dlg:treecontrol %default-attributes;
263						  dlg:selectiontype CDATA #IMPLIED
264                          dlg:rootdisplayed %boolean; #IMPLIED
265                          dlg:showshandles %boolean; #IMPLIED
266                          dlg:showsroothandles %boolean; #IMPLIED
267                          dlg:rowheight %boolean; #IMPLIED
268	                      dlg:editable %numeric; #IMPLIED
269		                  dlg:invokesstopnodeediting %boolean; #IMPLIED
270                          >
272<!ELEMENT dlg:currencyfield ((%event;)*)>
273<!ATTLIST dlg:currencyfield %default-attributes;
274                            dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
275                            dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
276                            dlg:currency-symbol CDATA #IMPLIED
277                            dlg:strict-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
278                            dlg:decimal-accuracy %numeric; #IMPLIED
279                            dlg:thousands-separator %boolean; #IMPLIED
280                            dlg:value %numeric; #IMPLIED
281                            dlg:value-min %numeric; #IMPLIED
282                            dlg:value-max %numeric; #IMPLIED
283                            dlg:value-step %numeric; #IMPLIED
284                            dlg:spin %boolean; #IMPLIED
285                            dlg:repeat %numeric; #IMPLIED
286                            dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
287                            dlg:prepend-symbol %boolean; #IMPLIED
288                            dlg:enforce-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
289                            >
291<!ELEMENT dlg:datefield ((%event;)*)>
292<!ATTLIST dlg:datefield %default-attributes;
293                        dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
294                        dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
295                        dlg:strict-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
296                        dlg:date-format (system_short|system_short_YY|system_short_YYYY|system_long|short_DDMMYY|short_MMDDYY|short_YYMMDD|short_DDMMYYYY|short_MMDDYYYY|short_YYYYMMDD|short_YYMMDD_DIN5008|short_YYYYMMDD_DIN5008) #IMPLIED
297                        dlg:show-century %boolean; #IMPLIED
298                        dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
299                        dlg:value-min CDATA #IMPLIED
300                        dlg:value-max CDATA #IMPLIED
301                        dlg:spin %boolean; #IMPLIED
302                        dlg:repeat %numeric; #IMPLIED
303                        dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
304                        dlg:dropdown %boolean; #IMPLIED
305			            dlg:text CDATA #IMPLIED
306                        dlg:enforce-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
307                        >
309<!ELEMENT dlg:numericfield ((%event;)*)>
310<!ATTLIST dlg:numericfield %default-attributes;
311                           dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
312                           dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
313                           dlg:strict-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
314                           dlg:decimal-accuracy %numeric; #IMPLIED
315                           dlg:thousands-separator %boolean; #IMPLIED
316                           dlg:value %numeric; #IMPLIED
317                           dlg:value-min %numeric; #IMPLIED
318                           dlg:value-max %numeric; #IMPLIED
319                           dlg:value-step %numeric; #IMPLIED
320                           dlg:spin %boolean; #IMPLIED
321                           dlg:repeat %numeric; #IMPLIED
322                           dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
323                           dlg:enforce-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
324                           >
326<!ELEMENT dlg:timefield ((%event;)*)>
327<!ATTLIST dlg:timefield %default-attributes;
328                        dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
329                        dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
330                        dlg:strict-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
331                        dlg:time-format (24h_short|24h_long|12h_short|12h_long|Duration_short|Duration_long) #IMPLIED
332                        dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
333                        dlg:value-min CDATA #IMPLIED
334                        dlg:value-max CDATA #IMPLIED
335                        dlg:spin %boolean; #IMPLIED
336                        dlg:repeat %numeric; #IMPLIED
337                        dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
338			            dlg:text CDATA #IMPLIED
339                        dlg:enforce-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
340                        >
342<!ELEMENT dlg:patternfield ((%event;)*)>
343<!ATTLIST dlg:patternfield %default-attributes;
344                           dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
345                           dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
346                           dlg:strict-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
347                           dlg:edit-mask CDATA #IMPLIED
348                           dlg:literal-mask CDATA #IMPLIED
349                           dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
350                           dlg:maxlength %numeric; #IMPLIED
351                           dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
352                           >
354<!ELEMENT dlg:formattedfield ((%event;)*)>
355<!ATTLIST dlg:formattedfield %default-attributes;
356			     dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
357			     dlg:readonly %boolean; #IMPLIED
358			     dlg:strict-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
359			     dlg:maxlength %numeric; #IMPLIED
360			     dlg:spin %boolean; #IMPLIED
361			     dlg:align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
362			     dlg:text CDATA #IMPLIED
363			     dlg:value-default CDATA #IMPLIED
364			     dlg:value-max %numeric; #IMPLIED
365			     dlg:value-min %numeric; #IMPLIED
366			     dlg:value %numeric; #IMPLIED
367			     dlg:format-code CDATA #IMPLIED
368			     dlg:format-locale CDATA #IMPLIED
369                 dlg:repeat %numeric; #IMPLIED
370                 dlg:hide-inactive-selection %boolean; #IMPLIED
371			     dlg:treat-as-number %boolean; #IMPLIED
372                 dlg:enforce-format %boolean; #IMPLIED
373			     >
375<!ELEMENT dlg:fixedline ((%event;)*)>
376<!ATTLIST dlg:fixedline %default-attributes;
377                        dlg:align (horizontal|vertical) #IMPLIED
378                        dlg:value CDATA #IMPLIED
379                        >
381<!ELEMENT dlg:scrollbar ((%event;)*)>
382<!ATTLIST dlg:scrollbar %default-attributes;
383                        dlg:align (horizontal|vertical) #IMPLIED
384                        dlg:curpos %numeric; #IMPLIED
385                        dlg:maxpos %numeric; #IMPLIED
386                        dlg:minpos %numeric; #IMPLIED
387                        dlg:increment %numeric; #IMPLIED
388                        dlg:pageincrement %numeric; #IMPLIED
389                        dlg:visible-size %numeric; #IMPLIED
390                        dlg:repeat %numeric; #IMPLIED
391                        dlg:tabstop %boolean; #IMPLIED
392                        dlg:live-scroll %boolean; #IMPLIED
393                        dlg:symbol-color %numeric; #IMPLIED
394                        >
396<!ELEMENT dlg:progressmeter ((%event;)*)>
397<!ATTLIST dlg:progressmeter %default-attributes;
398                            dlg:value %numeric; #IMPLIED
399                            dlg:value-min %numeric; #IMPLIED
400                            dlg:value-max %numeric; #IMPLIED
401                            >