1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_connectivity.hxx"
30 #include "hsqldb/HStorageMap.hxx"
31 #include <comphelper/types.hxx>
32 #include <com/sun/star/embed/XTransactionBroadcaster.hpp>
33 #include <com/sun/star/embed/XTransactedObject.hpp>
34 #include <com/sun/star/embed/ElementModes.hpp>
35 #include <com/sun/star/lang/DisposedException.hpp>
36 #include "diagnose_ex.h"
37 #include <osl/thread.h>
39 //........................................................................
40 namespace connectivity
41 {
42 //........................................................................
43 	namespace hsqldb
44 	{
45 	//........................................................................
46 		using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
47 		using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
48 		using namespace ::com::sun::star::embed;
49 		using namespace ::com::sun::star::io;
51 #define ThrowException(env, type, msg) { \
52 	env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass(type), msg); }
55 		StreamHelper::StreamHelper(const Reference< XStream>& _xStream)
56 			: m_xStream(_xStream)
57 		{
58 		}
59 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 		StreamHelper::~StreamHelper()
61 		{
62 			try
63 			{
64                 m_xStream.clear();
65 			    m_xSeek.clear();
66 				if ( m_xInputStream.is() )
67 				{
68 					m_xInputStream->closeInput();
69 				    m_xInputStream.clear();
70 				}
71                 // this is done implicity by the closing of the input stream
72 				else if ( m_xOutputStream.is() )
73 				{
74 					m_xOutputStream->closeOutput();
75 					try
76 					{
77 						::comphelper::disposeComponent(m_xOutputStream);
78 					}
79                     catch(DisposedException&)
80                     {
81                     }
82 					catch(const Exception& e)
83 					{
84                         OSL_UNUSED( e );
85                         OSL_ENSURE(0,"Could not dispose OutputStream");
86                     }
87 				    m_xOutputStream.clear();
88 				}
89 			}
90 			catch(Exception& ex)
91 			{
92                 OSL_UNUSED( ex );
93 				OSL_ENSURE(0,"Exception catched!");
94 			}
95 		}
96 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 		Reference< XInputStream> StreamHelper::getInputStream()
98 		{
99 			if ( !m_xInputStream.is() )
100 				m_xInputStream = m_xStream->getInputStream();
101 			return m_xInputStream;
102 		}
103 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 		Reference< XOutputStream> StreamHelper::getOutputStream()
105 		{
106 			if ( !m_xOutputStream.is() )
107 				m_xOutputStream = m_xStream->getOutputStream();
108 			return m_xOutputStream;
109 		}
110 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 		Reference< XSeekable> StreamHelper::getSeek()
112 		{
113 			if ( !m_xSeek.is() )
114 				m_xSeek.set(m_xStream,UNO_QUERY);
115 			return m_xSeek;
116 		}
117 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 		TStorages& lcl_getStorageMap()
119 		{
120 			static TStorages s_aMap;
121 			return s_aMap;
122 		}
123 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 		::rtl::OUString lcl_getNextCount()
125 		{
126 			static sal_Int32 s_nCount = 0;
127 			return ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(s_nCount++);
128 		}
129 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
130         ::rtl::OUString StorageContainer::removeURLPrefix(const ::rtl::OUString& _sURL,const ::rtl::OUString& _sFileURL)
131 		{
132 			return _sURL.copy(_sFileURL.getLength()+1);
133 		}
134 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 		::rtl::OUString StorageContainer::removeOldURLPrefix(const ::rtl::OUString& _sURL)
136 		{
137 			::rtl::OUString sRet = _sURL;
138 #if defined(WNT)
139 			sal_Int32 nIndex = sRet.lastIndexOf('\\');
140 #else
141 			sal_Int32 nIndex = sRet.lastIndexOf('/');
142 #endif
143 			if ( nIndex != -1 )
144 			{
145 				sRet = _sURL.copy(nIndex+1);
146 			}
147 			return sRet;
149 		}
150 		/*****************************************************************************/
151 		/* convert jstring to rtl_uString */
153 		::rtl::OUString StorageContainer::jstring2ustring(JNIEnv * env, jstring jstr)
154 		{
155 			if (JNI_FALSE != env->ExceptionCheck())
156 			{
157 				env->ExceptionClear();
158 				OSL_ENSURE(0,"ExceptionClear");
159 			}
160 			::rtl::OUString aStr;
161 			if ( jstr )
162 			{
163 				jboolean bCopy(sal_True);
164 				const jchar* pChar = env->GetStringChars(jstr,&bCopy);
165 				jsize len = env->GetStringLength(jstr);
166 				aStr = ::rtl::OUString(pChar,len);
168 				if(bCopy)
169 					env->ReleaseStringChars(jstr,pChar);
170 			}
172 			if (JNI_FALSE != env->ExceptionCheck())
173 			{
174 				env->ExceptionClear();
175 				OSL_ENSURE(0,"ExceptionClear");
176 			}
177 			return aStr;
178 		}
180 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 		::rtl::OUString StorageContainer::registerStorage(const Reference< XStorage>& _xStorage,const ::rtl::OUString& _sURL)
182 		{
183 			OSL_ENSURE(_xStorage.is(),"Storage is NULL!");
184 			TStorages& rMap = lcl_getStorageMap();
185 			// check if the storage is already in our map
186 			TStorages::iterator aFind = ::std::find_if(rMap.begin(),rMap.end(),
187 										::std::compose1(
188 											::std::bind2nd(::std::equal_to<Reference<XStorage> >(),_xStorage)
189 											,::std::compose1(::std::select1st<TStorageURLPair>(),::std::compose1(::std::select1st<TStorages::mapped_type>(),::std::select2nd<TStorages::value_type>())))
190 					);
191 			if ( aFind == rMap.end() )
192 			{
193 				aFind = rMap.insert(TStorages::value_type(lcl_getNextCount(),TStorages::mapped_type(TStorageURLPair(_xStorage,_sURL),TStreamMap()))).first;
194 			}
196 			return aFind->first;
197 		}
198 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 		TStorages::mapped_type StorageContainer::getRegisteredStorage(const ::rtl::OUString& _sKey)
200 		{
201 			TStorages::mapped_type aRet;
202 			TStorages& rMap = lcl_getStorageMap();
203 			TStorages::iterator aFind = rMap.find(_sKey);
204 			OSL_ENSURE(aFind != rMap.end(),"Storage could not be found in list!");
205 			if ( aFind != rMap.end() )
206 				aRet = aFind->second;
208 			return aRet;
209 		}
210         // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
211         ::rtl::OUString StorageContainer::getRegisteredKey(const Reference< XStorage>& _xStorage)
212         {
213             ::rtl::OUString sKey;
214             OSL_ENSURE(_xStorage.is(),"Storage is NULL!");
215 			TStorages& rMap = lcl_getStorageMap();
216 			// check if the storage is already in our map
217 			TStorages::iterator aFind = ::std::find_if(rMap.begin(),rMap.end(),
218 										::std::compose1(
219 											::std::bind2nd(::std::equal_to<Reference<XStorage> >(),_xStorage)
220 											,::std::compose1(::std::select1st<TStorageURLPair>(),::std::compose1(::std::select1st<TStorages::mapped_type>(),::std::select2nd<TStorages::value_type>())))
221 					);
222 			if ( aFind != rMap.end() )
223                 sKey = aFind->first;
224             return sKey;
225         }
226 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 		void StorageContainer::revokeStorage(const ::rtl::OUString& _sKey,const Reference<XTransactionListener>& _xListener)
228 		{
229 			TStorages& rMap = lcl_getStorageMap();
230             TStorages::iterator aFind = rMap.find(_sKey);
231             if ( aFind != rMap.end() )
232             {
233                 try
234                 {
235                     if ( _xListener.is() )
236                     {
237                         Reference<XTransactionBroadcaster> xBroad(aFind->second.first.first,UNO_QUERY);
238                         if ( xBroad.is() )
239                             xBroad->removeTransactionListener(_xListener);
240                         Reference<XTransactedObject> xTrans(aFind->second.first.first,UNO_QUERY);
241                         if ( xTrans.is() )
242                             xTrans->commit();
243                     }
244                 }
245                 catch(Exception&)
246                 {
247                 }
248 			    rMap.erase(aFind);
249             }
250 		}
251 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 		TStreamMap::mapped_type StorageContainer::registerStream(JNIEnv * env,jstring name, jstring key,sal_Int32 _nMode)
253 		{
254 			TStreamMap::mapped_type pHelper;
255 			TStorages& rMap = lcl_getStorageMap();
256 			::rtl::OUString sKey = jstring2ustring(env,key);
257 			TStorages::iterator aFind = rMap.find(sKey);
258 			OSL_ENSURE(aFind != rMap.end(),"Storage could not be found in list!");
259 			if ( aFind != rMap.end() )
260 			{
261 				TStorages::mapped_type aStoragePair = StorageContainer::getRegisteredStorage(sKey);
262 				OSL_ENSURE(aStoragePair.first.first.is(),"No Storage available!");
263 				if ( aStoragePair.first.first.is() )
264 				{
265                     ::rtl::OUString sOrgName = StorageContainer::jstring2ustring(env,name);
266 					::rtl::OUString sName = removeURLPrefix(sOrgName,aStoragePair.first.second);
267 					TStreamMap::iterator aStreamFind = aFind->second.second.find(sName);
268 					OSL_ENSURE( aStreamFind == aFind->second.second.end(),"A Stream was already registered for this object!");
269 					if ( aStreamFind != aFind->second.second.end() )
270 					{
271 						pHelper = aStreamFind->second;
272 					}
273 					else
274 					{
275 						try
276 						{
277                             try
278 						    {
279 							    pHelper.reset(new StreamHelper(aStoragePair.first.first->openStreamElement(sName,_nMode)));
280                             }
281                             catch(Exception& )
282 						    {
283                                 ::rtl::OUString sStrippedName = removeOldURLPrefix(sOrgName);
285                                 if ( ((_nMode & ElementModes::WRITE) != ElementModes::WRITE ) )
286                                 {
287                                     sal_Bool bIsStream = sal_True;
288                                     try
289                                     {
290                                        bIsStream = aStoragePair.first.first->isStreamElement(sStrippedName);
291                                     }
292                                     catch(Exception& )
293 						            {
294                                         bIsStream = sal_False;
295                                     }
296                                     if ( !bIsStream )
297 									    return pHelper; // readonly file without data stream
298                                 }
299                                 pHelper.reset( new StreamHelper(aStoragePair.first.first->openStreamElement( sStrippedName, _nMode ) ) );
300                             }
301 							aFind->second.second.insert(TStreamMap::value_type(sName,pHelper));
302 						}
303 						catch(Exception& e)
304 						{
305 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
306                             ::rtl::OString sMessage( "[HSQLDB-SDBC] caught an exception while opening a stream\n" );
307                             sMessage += "Name: ";
308                             sMessage += ::rtl::OString( sName.getStr(), sName.getLength(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() );
309                             sMessage += "\nMode: 0x";
310                             if ( _nMode < 16 )
311                                 sMessage += "0";
312                             sMessage += ::rtl::OString::valueOf( _nMode, 16 ).toAsciiUpperCase();
313 							OSL_ENSURE( false, sMessage.getStr() );
314 #endif
315                             StorageContainer::throwJavaException(e,env);
316 						}
317 					}
318 				}
319 			}
320 			return pHelper;
321 		}
322 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 		void StorageContainer::revokeStream( JNIEnv * env,jstring name, jstring key)
324 		{
325 			TStorages& rMap = lcl_getStorageMap();
326 			TStorages::iterator aFind = rMap.find(jstring2ustring(env,key));
327 			OSL_ENSURE(aFind != rMap.end(),"Storage could not be found in list!");
328 			if ( aFind != rMap.end() )
329 				aFind->second.second.erase(removeURLPrefix(jstring2ustring(env,name),aFind->second.first.second));
330 		}
331 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 		TStreamMap::mapped_type StorageContainer::getRegisteredStream( JNIEnv * env,jstring name, jstring key)
333 		{
334 			TStreamMap::mapped_type  pRet;
335 			TStorages& rMap = lcl_getStorageMap();
336 			TStorages::iterator aFind = rMap.find(jstring2ustring(env,key));
337 			OSL_ENSURE(aFind != rMap.end(),"Storage could not be found in list!");
338 			if ( aFind != rMap.end() )
339 			{
340 				TStreamMap::iterator aStreamFind = aFind->second.second.find(removeURLPrefix(jstring2ustring(env,name),aFind->second.first.second));
341 				if ( aStreamFind != aFind->second.second.end() )
342 					pRet = aStreamFind->second;
343 			}
345 			return pRet;
346 		}
347 		// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
348         void StorageContainer::throwJavaException(const Exception& _aException,JNIEnv * env)
349         {
350             if (JNI_FALSE != env->ExceptionCheck())
351 			    env->ExceptionClear();
352 		    ::rtl::OString cstr( ::rtl::OUStringToOString(_aException.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_JAVA_UTF8 ) );
353 		    OSL_TRACE( __FILE__": forwarding Exception: %s", cstr.getStr() );
354             env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/io/IOException"), cstr.getStr());
355         }
356 	//........................................................................
357 	}	// namespace hsqldb
358 	//........................................................................
359 //........................................................................
360 }
361 // namespace connectivity
362 //........................................................................