xref: /trunk/main/dtrans/source/os2/dnd/globals.hxx (revision cc13e73e)
1*cc13e73eSYuri Dario /**************************************************************
2*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  *
3*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * distributed with this work for additional information
6*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  *
11*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  *
13*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  * under the License.
19*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  *
20*cc13e73eSYuri Dario  *************************************************************/
21*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
22*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
23*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #ifndef _GLOBALS_HXX_
24*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define _GLOBALS_HXX_
25*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
26*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #include <svpm.h>
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28*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #include <rtl/unload.h>
29*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
30*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define OS2_DNDSOURCE_SERVICE_NAME  "com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd.OleDragSource"
31*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define OS2_DNDSOURCE_IMPL_NAME  "com.sun.star.comp.datatransfer.dnd.OleDragSource_V1"
32*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
33*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define OS2_DNDTARGET_SERVICE_NAME  "com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd.OleDropTarget"
34*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define OS2_DNDTARGET_IMPL_NAME  "com.sun.star.comp.datatransfer.dnd.OleDropTarget_V1"
35*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
36*cc13e73eSYuri Dario // from saldata.hxx: these offsets are hardcoded in dnd/globals.hxx too to avoid vcl dependancies
37*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define SAL_FRAME_DROPTARGET			sizeof(ULONG)
38*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define SAL_FRAME_DRAGSOURCE			(sizeof(ULONG)*2)
39*cc13e73eSYuri Dario // from saldata.hxx: drag&drop internal messages (see dnd/globals.hxx)
40*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define DM_AOO_ENDCONVERSATION      (WM_USER+170)
41*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
42*cc13e73eSYuri Dario extern rtl_StandardModuleCount g_moduleCount;
43*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
44*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL>0
45*cc13e73eSYuri Dario extern "C" int debug_printf(const char *f, ...);
46*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #else
47*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #define debug_printf( ...)
48*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #endif
49*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
50*cc13e73eSYuri Dario MRESULT OfficeToSystemDragActions( sal_Int8 dragActions);
51*cc13e73eSYuri Dario sal_Int8 SystemToOfficeDragActions( USHORT usOperation);
52*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
53*cc13e73eSYuri Dario extern "C" MRESULT EXPENTRY dndFrameProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2);
54*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
55*cc13e73eSYuri Dario // private exports from saldata.hxx
56*cc13e73eSYuri Dario void SetWindowDropTargetPtr( HWND hWnd, void* dt);
57*cc13e73eSYuri Dario void* GetWindowDropTargetPtr( HWND hWnd);
58*cc13e73eSYuri Dario void SetWindowDragSourcePtr( HWND hWnd, void* ds);
59*cc13e73eSYuri Dario void* GetWindowDragSourcePtr( HWND hWnd);
60*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
61*cc13e73eSYuri Dario void MapWindowPoint( HWND, PDRAGINFO, PPOINTL);
62*cc13e73eSYuri Dario 
63*cc13e73eSYuri Dario #endif