1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
23 #include "precompiled_reportdesign.hxx"
25 #include "ViewsWindow.hxx"
26 #include "ScrollHelper.hxx"
27 #include "UndoActions.hxx"
28 #include "ReportWindow.hxx"
29 #include "DesignView.hxx"
30 #include <svtools/colorcfg.hxx>
31 #include "ReportController.hxx"
32 #include "UITools.hxx"
33 #include "RptDef.hxx"
34 #include "RptResId.hrc"
35 #include "SectionView.hxx"
36 #include "ReportSection.hxx"
37 #include "uistrings.hrc"
38 #include "rptui_slotid.hrc"
39 #include "dlgedclip.hxx"
40 #include "ColorChanger.hxx"
41 #include "RptObject.hxx"
42 #include "RptObject.hxx"
43 #include "ModuleHelper.hxx"
44 #include "EndMarker.hxx"
45 #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
46 #include <svx/unoshape.hxx>
47 #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
48 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
50 #include "helpids.hrc"
51 #include <svx/svdundo.hxx>
52 #include <toolkit/helper/convert.hxx>
53 #include <algorithm>
54 #include <numeric>
56 namespace rptui
57 {
58 #define DEFAUL_MOVE_SIZE    100
60 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
61 using namespace ::comphelper;
62 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 bool lcl_getNewRectSize(const Rectangle& _aObjRect,long& _nXMov, long& _nYMov,SdrObject* _pObj,SdrView* _pView,sal_Int32 _nControlModification, bool _bBoundRects)
64 {
65     bool bMoveAllowed = _nXMov != 0 || _nYMov != 0;
66     if ( bMoveAllowed )
67 	{
68         Rectangle aNewRect = _aObjRect;
69         SdrObject* pOverlappedObj = NULL;
70         do
71         {
72             aNewRect = _aObjRect;
73             switch(_nControlModification)
74             {
75                 case ControlModification::HEIGHT_GREATEST:
76                 case ControlModification::WIDTH_GREATEST:
77                     aNewRect.setWidth(_nXMov);
78                     aNewRect.setHeight(_nYMov);
79                     break;
80                 default:
81                     aNewRect.Move(_nXMov,_nYMov);
82                     break;
83             }
84             if (dynamic_cast<OUnoObject*>(_pObj) != NULL || dynamic_cast<OOle2Obj*>(_pObj) != NULL)
85             {
86                 pOverlappedObj = isOver(aNewRect,*_pObj->GetPage(),*_pView,true,_pObj);
87                 if ( pOverlappedObj && _pObj != pOverlappedObj )
88                 {
89                     Rectangle aOverlappingRect = (_bBoundRects ? pOverlappedObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() : pOverlappedObj->GetSnapRect());
90                     sal_Int32 nXTemp = _nXMov;
91                     sal_Int32 nYTemp = _nYMov;
92                     switch(_nControlModification)
93                     {
94                         case ControlModification::LEFT:
95                             nXTemp += aOverlappingRect.Right() - aNewRect.Left();
96                             bMoveAllowed = _nXMov != nXTemp;
97                             break;
98                         case ControlModification::RIGHT:
99                             nXTemp += aOverlappingRect.Left() - aNewRect.Right();
100                             bMoveAllowed = _nXMov != nXTemp;
101                             break;
102                         case ControlModification::TOP:
103                             nYTemp += aOverlappingRect.Bottom() - aNewRect.Top();
104                             bMoveAllowed = _nYMov != nYTemp;
105                             break;
106                         case ControlModification::BOTTOM:
107                             nYTemp += aOverlappingRect.Top() - aNewRect.Bottom();
108                             bMoveAllowed = _nYMov != nYTemp;
109                             break;
110                         case ControlModification::CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
111                             if ( _aObjRect.Left() < aOverlappingRect.Left() )
112                                 nXTemp += aOverlappingRect.Left() - aNewRect.Left() - aNewRect.getWidth();
113                             else
114                                 nXTemp += aOverlappingRect.Right() - aNewRect.Left();
115                             bMoveAllowed = _nXMov != nXTemp;
116                             break;
117                         case ControlModification::CENTER_VERTICAL:
118                             if ( _aObjRect.Top() < aOverlappingRect.Top() )
119                                 nYTemp += aOverlappingRect.Top() - aNewRect.Top() - aNewRect.getHeight();
120                             else
121                                 nYTemp += aOverlappingRect.Bottom() - aNewRect.Top();
122                             bMoveAllowed = _nYMov != nYTemp;
123                             break;
124                         case ControlModification::HEIGHT_GREATEST:
125                         case ControlModification::WIDTH_GREATEST:
126                             {
127                                 Rectangle aIntersectionRect = aNewRect.GetIntersection(aOverlappingRect);
128                                 if ( !aIntersectionRect.IsEmpty() )
129                                 {
130                                     if ( _nControlModification == ControlModification::WIDTH_GREATEST )
131                                     {
132                                         if ( aNewRect.Left() < aIntersectionRect.Left() )
133                                         {
134                                             aNewRect.Right() = aIntersectionRect.Left();
135                                         }
136                                         else if ( aNewRect.Left() < aIntersectionRect.Right() )
137                                         {
138                                             aNewRect.Left() = aIntersectionRect.Right();
139                                         }
140                                     }
141                                     else if ( _nControlModification == ControlModification::HEIGHT_GREATEST )
142                                     {
143                                         if ( aNewRect.Top() < aIntersectionRect.Top() )
144                                         {
145                                             aNewRect.Bottom() = aIntersectionRect.Top();
146                                         }
147                                         else if ( aNewRect.Top() < aIntersectionRect.Bottom() )
148                                         {
149                                             aNewRect.Top() = aIntersectionRect.Bottom();
150                                         }
151                                     }
152                                     nYTemp = aNewRect.getHeight();
153                                     bMoveAllowed = _nYMov != nYTemp;
154                                     nXTemp = aNewRect.getWidth();
155                                     bMoveAllowed = bMoveAllowed && _nXMov != nXTemp;
156                                 }
157                             }
158                             break;
159                         default:
160                             break;
161                     }
163                     _nXMov = nXTemp;
164                     _nYMov = nYTemp;
165                 }
166                 else
167                     pOverlappedObj = NULL;
168             }
169         }
170         while ( pOverlappedObj && bMoveAllowed );
171 	}
172     return bMoveAllowed;
173 }
174 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
176 DBG_NAME( rpt_OViewsWindow );
177 OViewsWindow::OViewsWindow( OReportWindow* _pReportWindow)
178 : Window( _pReportWindow,WB_DIALOGCONTROL)
179 ,m_pParent(_pReportWindow)
180 ,m_bInUnmark(sal_False)
181 {
182 	DBG_CTOR( rpt_OViewsWindow,NULL);
183     SetPaintTransparent(sal_True);
184     SetUniqueId(UID_RPT_VIEWSWINDOW);
185 	SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ) );
186 	m_aColorConfig.AddListener(this);
187 	ImplInitSettings();
188 }
189 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 OViewsWindow::~OViewsWindow()
191 {
192 	m_aColorConfig.RemoveListener(this);
193 	m_aSections.clear();
195 	DBG_DTOR( rpt_OViewsWindow,NULL);
196 }
197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 void OViewsWindow::initialize()
199 {
201 }
202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 void OViewsWindow::impl_resizeSectionWindow(OSectionWindow& _rSectionWindow,Point& _rStartPoint,bool _bSet)
204 {
205 	const uno::Reference< report::XSection> xSection = _rSectionWindow.getReportSection().getSection();
207 	Size aSectionSize = _rSectionWindow.LogicToPixel( Size( 0,xSection->getHeight() ) );
208     aSectionSize.Width() = getView()->GetTotalWidth();
210 	const sal_Int32 nMinHeight = _rSectionWindow.getStartMarker().getMinHeight();
211 	if ( _rSectionWindow.getStartMarker().isCollapsed() || nMinHeight > aSectionSize.Height() )
212     {
213         aSectionSize.Height() = nMinHeight;
214     }
215     const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
216     aSectionSize.Height() += (long)(rSettings.GetSplitSize() * (double)_rSectionWindow.GetMapMode().GetScaleY());
218     if ( _bSet )
219         _rSectionWindow.SetPosSizePixel(_rStartPoint,aSectionSize);
221     _rStartPoint.Y() += aSectionSize.Height();
222 }
224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 void OViewsWindow::resize(const OSectionWindow& _rSectionWindow)
226 {
227     bool bSet = false;
228     Point aStartPoint;
229     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
230 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
231 	for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
232 	{
233 		const ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> pSectionWindow = (*aIter);
234         if ( pSectionWindow.get() == &_rSectionWindow )
235         {
236             aStartPoint = pSectionWindow->GetPosPixel();
237             bSet = true;
238         } // if ( pSectionWindow.get() == &_rSectionWindow )
240         if ( bSet )
241         {
242             impl_resizeSectionWindow(*pSectionWindow.get(),aStartPoint,bSet);
243             static sal_Int32 nIn = INVALIDATE_UPDATE | INVALIDATE_TRANSPARENT;
244             pSectionWindow->getStartMarker().Invalidate( nIn ); // INVALIDATE_NOERASE |INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN| INVALIDATE_TRANSPARENT
245             pSectionWindow->getEndMarker().Invalidate( nIn );
246         }
247     } // for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter,++nPos)
248     Fraction aStartWidth(long(REPORT_STARTMARKER_WIDTH));
249     aStartWidth *= GetMapMode().GetScaleX();
250     Size aOut = GetOutputSizePixel();
251     aOut.Width() = aStartWidth;
252     aOut = PixelToLogic(aOut);
253     m_pParent->notifySizeChanged();
255     Rectangle aRect(PixelToLogic(Point(0,0)),aOut);
256 }
257 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
258 void OViewsWindow::Resize()
259 {
260 	Window::Resize();
261 	if ( !m_aSections.empty() )
262     {
263         const Point aOffset(m_pParent->getThumbPos());
264         Point aStartPoint(0,-aOffset.Y());
265 	    TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
266 	    TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
267 	    for (sal_uInt16 nPos=0;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter,++nPos)
268 	    {
269 		    const ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> pSectionWindow = (*aIter);
270             impl_resizeSectionWindow(*pSectionWindow.get(),aStartPoint,true);
271 	    } // for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
272     }
273 }
274 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 void OViewsWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
276 {
277     Window::Paint( rRect );
279     Size aOut = GetOutputSizePixel();
280     Fraction aStartWidth(long(REPORT_STARTMARKER_WIDTH));
281     aStartWidth *= GetMapMode().GetScaleX();
283     aOut.Width() -= (long)aStartWidth;
284     aOut = PixelToLogic(aOut);
286     Rectangle aRect(PixelToLogic(Point(aStartWidth,0)),aOut);
287     Wallpaper aWall( m_aColorConfig.GetColorValue(::svtools::APPBACKGROUND).nColor );
288     DrawWallpaper(aRect,aWall);
289 }
290 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 void OViewsWindow::ImplInitSettings()
292 {
293     EnableChildTransparentMode( sal_True );
294     SetBackground( );
295 	SetFillColor( Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDialogColor() );
296 	SetTextFillColor( Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDialogColor() );
297 }
298 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 void OViewsWindow::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
300 {
301 	Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt );
303 	if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) &&
304 		 (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) )
305 	{
306 		ImplInitSettings();
307 		Invalidate();
308 	}
309 }
310 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 void OViewsWindow::addSection(const uno::Reference< report::XSection >& _xSection,const ::rtl::OUString& _sColorEntry,sal_uInt16 _nPosition)
312 {
313     ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> pSectionWindow( new OSectionWindow(this,_xSection,_sColorEntry) );
314 	m_aSections.insert(getIteratorAtPos(_nPosition) , TSectionsMap::value_type(pSectionWindow));
315     m_pParent->setMarked(&pSectionWindow->getReportSection().getSectionView(),m_aSections.size() == 1);
316 	Resize();
317 }
318 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 void OViewsWindow::removeSection(sal_uInt16 _nPosition)
320 {
321 	if ( _nPosition < m_aSections.size() )
322 	{
323 		TSectionsMap::iterator aPos = getIteratorAtPos(_nPosition);
324 		TSectionsMap::iterator aNew = getIteratorAtPos(_nPosition == 0 ? _nPosition+1: _nPosition - 1);
326 		m_pParent->getReportView()->UpdatePropertyBrowserDelayed((*aNew)->getReportSection().getSectionView());
328 		m_aSections.erase(aPos);
329 		Resize();
330 	} // if ( _nPosition < m_aSections.size() )
331 }
332 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 void OViewsWindow::toggleGrid(sal_Bool _bVisible)
334 {
335 	::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
336 		::std::compose1(::boost::bind(&OReportSection::SetGridVisible,_1,_bVisible),TReportPairHelper()));
337     ::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
338 		::std::compose1(::boost::bind(&OReportSection::Window::Invalidate,_1,INVALIDATE_NOERASE),TReportPairHelper()));
339 }
340 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
341 sal_Int32 OViewsWindow::getTotalHeight() const
342 {
343 	sal_Int32 nHeight = 0;
344 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
345 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
346 	for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
347 	{
348 		nHeight += (*aIter)->GetSizePixel().Height();
349 	}
350     return nHeight;
351 }
352 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
353 sal_uInt16 OViewsWindow::getSectionCount() const
354 {
355 	return static_cast<sal_uInt16>(m_aSections.size());
356 }
357 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
358 void OViewsWindow::SetInsertObj( sal_uInt16 eObj,const ::rtl::OUString& _sShapeType )
359 {
360 	TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
361 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
362 	for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
363 		(*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().SetCurrentObj( eObj, ReportInventor );
365     m_sShapeType = _sShapeType;
366 }
367 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
368 rtl::OUString OViewsWindow::GetInsertObjString() const
369 {
370 	return m_sShapeType;
371 }
373 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
374 void OViewsWindow::SetMode( DlgEdMode eNewMode )
375 {
376 	::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
377 		::std::compose1(::boost::bind(&OReportSection::SetMode,_1,eNewMode),TReportPairHelper()));
378 }
379 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
380 sal_Bool OViewsWindow::HasSelection() const
381 {
382 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
383 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
384 	for (;aIter != aEnd && !(*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().AreObjectsMarked(); ++aIter)
385 		;
386 	return aIter != aEnd;
387 }
388 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
389 void OViewsWindow::Delete()
390 {
391 	m_bInUnmark = sal_True;
392 	::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
393 		::std::compose1(::boost::mem_fn(&OReportSection::Delete),TReportPairHelper()));
394 	m_bInUnmark = sal_False;
395 }
396 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
397 void OViewsWindow::Copy()
398 {
399     uno::Sequence< beans::NamedValue > aAllreadyCopiedObjects;
400     ::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
401         ::std::compose1(::boost::bind(&OReportSection::Copy,_1,::boost::ref(aAllreadyCopiedObjects)),TReportPairHelper()));
403     //TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
404     //TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
405     //for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
406     //    (*aIter)->getReportSection().Copy(aAllreadyCopiedObjects);
407     OReportExchange* pCopy = new OReportExchange(aAllreadyCopiedObjects);
408     uno::Reference< datatransfer::XTransferable> aEnsureDelete = pCopy;
409     pCopy->CopyToClipboard(this);
410 }
411 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
412 void OViewsWindow::Paste()
413 {
414     TransferableDataHelper aTransferData(TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard(this));
415     OReportExchange::TSectionElements aCopies = OReportExchange::extractCopies(aTransferData);
416     if ( aCopies.getLength() > 1 )
417         ::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
418 		    ::std::compose1(::boost::bind(&OReportSection::Paste,_1,aCopies,false),TReportPairHelper()));
419     else
420     {
421 		::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> pMarkedSection = getMarkedSection();
422 		if ( pMarkedSection )
423 			pMarkedSection->getReportSection().Paste(aCopies,true);
424     }
425 }
426 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> OViewsWindow::getSectionWindow(const uno::Reference< report::XSection>& _xSection) const
428 {
429 	OSL_ENSURE(_xSection.is(),"Section is NULL!");
431 	::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> pSectionWindow;
432 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
433 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
434 	for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
435 	{
436         if ((*aIter)->getReportSection().getSection() == _xSection)
437         {
438             pSectionWindow = (*aIter);
439             break;
440         }
441     }
443     return pSectionWindow;
444 }
446 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
447 ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> OViewsWindow::getMarkedSection(NearSectionAccess nsa) const
448 {
449 	::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> pRet;
450 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
451 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
452 	sal_uInt32 nCurrentPosition = 0;
453 	for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
454 	{
455 		if ( (*aIter)->getStartMarker().isMarked() )
456         {
457             if (nsa == CURRENT)
458             {
459                 pRet = (*aIter);
460                 break;
461             }
462             else if ( nsa == PREVIOUS )
463             {
464 				if (nCurrentPosition > 0)
465 				{
466 					pRet = (*(--aIter));
467 					if( !bool(pRet) )
468 						pRet = (*m_aSections.begin());
469 				}
470 				else
471 				{
472 					// if we are out of bounds return the first one
473 					pRet = (*m_aSections.begin());
474 				}
475                 break;
476             }
477             else if ( nsa == POST )
478             {
479 				sal_uInt32 nSize = m_aSections.size();
480 				if ((nCurrentPosition + 1) < nSize)
481 				{
482 					pRet = *(++aIter);
483 					if( !bool(pRet) )
484 						pRet = (*(--aEnd));
485 				}
486 				else
487 				{
488 					// if we are out of bounds return the last one
489 					pRet = (*(--aEnd));
490 				}
491                 break;
492             }
493         } // ( (*aIter).second->isMarked() )
494 		++nCurrentPosition;
495 	} // for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
497 	return pRet;
498 }
499 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
500 void OViewsWindow::markSection(const sal_uInt16 _nPos)
501 {
502     if ( _nPos < m_aSections.size() )
503         m_pParent->setMarked(m_aSections[_nPos]->getReportSection().getSection(),sal_True);
504 }
505 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
506 sal_Bool OViewsWindow::IsPasteAllowed() const
507 {
508     TransferableDataHelper aTransferData( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( const_cast< OViewsWindow* >( this ) ) );
509     return aTransferData.HasFormat(OReportExchange::getDescriptorFormatId());
510 }
511 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
512 void OViewsWindow::SelectAll(const sal_uInt16 _nObjectType)
513 {
514 	m_bInUnmark = sal_True;
515 	::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
516 		::std::compose1(::boost::bind(::boost::mem_fn(&OReportSection::SelectAll),_1,_nObjectType),TReportPairHelper()));
517 	m_bInUnmark = sal_False;
518 }
519 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
520 void OViewsWindow::unmarkAllObjects(OSectionView* _pSectionView)
521 {
522 	if ( !m_bInUnmark )
523 	{
524 		m_bInUnmark = sal_True;
525 		TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
526 		TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
527 		for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
528 		{
529 			if ( &(*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView() != _pSectionView )
530             {
531                 (*aIter)->getReportSection().deactivateOle();
532 				(*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().UnmarkAllObj();
533             }
534 		} // for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
535 		m_bInUnmark = sal_False;
536 	}
537 }
538 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
539 /*
540 ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow>	OViewsWindow::getReportSection(const uno::Reference< report::XSection >& _xSection)
541 {
542 	OSL_ENSURE(_xSection.is(),"Section is NULL!");
543 	::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow>	pRet;
544 	TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
545 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
546 	for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
547 	{
548 		if ( (*aIter)->getReportSection().getSection() == _xSection )
549 		{
550 			pRet = (*aIter);
551 			break;
552 		} // if ( (*aIter)->getSection() == _xSection )
553 	} // for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
554 	return pRet;
555 }
556 */
557 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
558 void OViewsWindow::ConfigurationChanged( utl::ConfigurationBroadcaster*, sal_uInt32)
559 {
560 	ImplInitSettings();
561 	Invalidate();
562 }
563 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
564 void OViewsWindow::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
565 {
566 	if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() )
567 	{
568         GrabFocus();
569 		const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue> aArgs;
570 		getView()->getReportView()->getController().executeChecked(SID_SELECT_REPORT,aArgs);
571 	}
572     Window::MouseButtonDown(rMEvt);
573 }
574 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
575 void OViewsWindow::showRuler(sal_Bool _bShow)
576 {
577 	::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
578 		::std::compose1(::boost::bind(&OStartMarker::showRuler,_1,_bShow),TStartMarkerHelper()));
579     ::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
580         ::std::compose1(::boost::bind(&OStartMarker::Window::Invalidate,_1,sal_uInt16(INVALIDATE_NOERASE)),TStartMarkerHelper()));
581 }
582 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
583 void OViewsWindow::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
584 {
585 	if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() )
586 	{
587 		TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
588 		TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
589 		for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
590 		{
591 			if ( (*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().AreObjectsMarked() )
592 			{
593 				(*aIter)->getReportSection().MouseButtonUp(rMEvt);
594 				break;
595 			}
596 		}
598         // remove special insert mode
599         for (aIter = m_aSections.begin();aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
600         {
601             (*aIter)->getReportSection().getPage()->resetSpecialMode();
602         }
603 	}
604 }
605 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
606 sal_Bool OViewsWindow::handleKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& _rEvent)
607 {
608 	sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
609 	TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
610 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
611 	for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
612 	{
613 		//if ( (*aIter).getReportSection().getSectionView().->AreObjectsMarked() )
614         if ( (*aIter)->getStartMarker().isMarked() )
615 		{
616 			bRet = (*aIter)->getReportSection().handleKeyEvent(_rEvent);
617 		}
618 	}
619 	return bRet;
620 }
621 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
622 OViewsWindow::TSectionsMap::iterator OViewsWindow::getIteratorAtPos(sal_uInt16 _nPos)
623 {
624 	TSectionsMap::iterator aRet = m_aSections.end();
625 	if ( _nPos < m_aSections.size() )
626 		aRet = m_aSections.begin() + _nPos;
627 	return aRet;
628 }
629 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
630 void OViewsWindow::setMarked(OSectionView* _pSectionView,sal_Bool _bMark)
631 {
632     OSL_ENSURE(_pSectionView != NULL,"SectionView is NULL!");
633     if ( _pSectionView )
634         setMarked(_pSectionView->getReportSection()->getSection(),_bMark);
635 }
636 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
637 void OViewsWindow::setMarked(const uno::Reference< report::XSection>& _xSection,sal_Bool _bMark)
638 {
639 	TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
640 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
641 	for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
642 	{
643         if ( (*aIter)->getReportSection().getSection() != _xSection )
644         {
645             (*aIter)->setMarked(sal_False);
646         }
647 		else if ( (*aIter)->getStartMarker().isMarked() != _bMark )
648 		{
649 			(*aIter)->setMarked(_bMark);
650 		}
651 	}
652 }
653 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
654 void OViewsWindow::setMarked(const uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< report::XReportComponent> >& _aShapes,sal_Bool _bMark)
655 {
656     bool bFirst = true;
657     const uno::Reference< report::XReportComponent>* pIter = _aShapes.getConstArray();
658     const uno::Reference< report::XReportComponent>* pEnd  = pIter + _aShapes.getLength();
659     for(;pIter != pEnd;++pIter)
660     {
661         const uno::Reference< report::XSection> xSection = (*pIter)->getSection();
662         if ( xSection.is() )
663         {
664             if ( bFirst )
665             {
666                 bFirst = false;
667                 m_pParent->setMarked(xSection,_bMark);
668             }
669             ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow>	pSectionWindow = getSectionWindow(xSection);
670             if ( pSectionWindow )
671             {
672                 SvxShape* pShape = SvxShape::getImplementation( *pIter );
673                 SdrObject* pObject = pShape ? pShape->GetSdrObject() : NULL;
674                 OSL_ENSURE( pObject, "OViewsWindow::setMarked: no SdrObject for the shape!" );
675                 if ( pObject )
676                     pSectionWindow->getReportSection().getSectionView().MarkObj( pObject, pSectionWindow->getReportSection().getSectionView().GetSdrPageView(), !_bMark );
677             }
678         }
679     }
680 }
681 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
682 void OViewsWindow::collectRectangles(TRectangleMap& _rSortRectangles,  bool _bBoundRects)
683 {
684     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
685 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
686     for (aIter = m_aSections.begin();aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
687 	{
688         OSectionView& rView = (*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView();
689         if ( rView.AreObjectsMarked() )
690         {
691             rView.SortMarkedObjects();
692             const sal_uInt32 nCount = rView.GetMarkedObjectCount();
693 	        for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i < nCount; ++i)
694             {
695 		        const SdrMark* pM = rView.GetSdrMarkByIndex(i);
696 		        SdrObject* pObj = pM->GetMarkedSdrObj();
697                 Rectangle aObjRect(_bBoundRects ? pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() : pObj->GetSnapRect());
698                 _rSortRectangles.insert(TRectangleMap::value_type(aObjRect,TRectangleMap::mapped_type(pObj,&rView)));
699             }
700         }
701     }
702 }
703 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
704 void OViewsWindow::collectBoundResizeRect(const TRectangleMap& _rSortRectangles,sal_Int32 _nControlModification,bool _bAlignAtSection, bool _bBoundRects,Rectangle& _rBound,Rectangle& _rResize)
705 {
706     bool bOnlyOnce = false;
707     TRectangleMap::const_iterator aRectIter = _rSortRectangles.begin();
708     TRectangleMap::const_iterator aRectEnd = _rSortRectangles.end();
709 	for (;aRectIter != aRectEnd ; ++aRectIter)
710 	{
711         Rectangle aObjRect = aRectIter->first;
712         if ( _rResize.IsEmpty() )
713             _rResize = aObjRect;
714         switch(_nControlModification)
715         {
716             case ControlModification::WIDTH_SMALLEST:
717                 if ( _rResize.getWidth() > aObjRect.getWidth() )
718                     _rResize = aObjRect;
719                 break;
720             case ControlModification::HEIGHT_SMALLEST:
721                 if ( _rResize.getHeight() > aObjRect.getHeight() )
722                     _rResize = aObjRect;
723                 break;
724             case ControlModification::WIDTH_GREATEST:
725                 if ( _rResize.getWidth() < aObjRect.getWidth() )
726                     _rResize = aObjRect;
727                 break;
728             case ControlModification::HEIGHT_GREATEST:
729                 if ( _rResize.getHeight() < aObjRect.getHeight() )
730                     _rResize = aObjRect;
731                 break;
732         }
734         SdrObjTransformInfoRec aInfo;
735         const SdrObject* pObj =  aRectIter->second.first;
736 		pObj->TakeObjInfo(aInfo);
737         sal_Bool bHasFixed = !aInfo.bMoveAllowed || pObj->IsMoveProtect();
738 		if ( bHasFixed )
739 			_rBound.Union(aObjRect);
740         else
741         {
742 		    if ( _bAlignAtSection || _rSortRectangles.size() == 1 )
743             { // einzelnes Obj an der Seite ausrichten
744                 if ( ! bOnlyOnce )
745                 {
746                     bOnlyOnce = true;
747                     OReportSection* pReportSection = aRectIter->second.second->getReportSection();
748 		            const uno::Reference< report::XSection> xSection = pReportSection->getSection();
749                     try
750                     {
751                         uno::Reference<report::XReportDefinition> xReportDefinition = xSection->getReportDefinition();
752 			            _rBound.Union(Rectangle(getStyleProperty<sal_Int32>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_LEFTMARGIN),0,
753 								            getStyleProperty<awt::Size>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_PAPERSIZE).Width  - getStyleProperty<sal_Int32>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_RIGHTMARGIN),
754 								            xSection->getHeight()));
755                     }
756                     catch(uno::Exception){}
757                 }
758 		    }
759             else
760             {
761 			    if (_bBoundRects)
762                     _rBound.Union(aRectIter->second.second->GetMarkedObjBoundRect());
763 			    else
764                     _rBound.Union(aRectIter->second.second->GetMarkedObjRect());
765 		    }
766 	    }
767 	}
768 }
769 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
770 void OViewsWindow::alignMarkedObjects(sal_Int32 _nControlModification,bool _bAlignAtSection, bool _bBoundRects)
771 {
772     if ( _nControlModification == ControlModification::NONE )
773         return;
775     Point aRefPoint;
776     RectangleLess::CompareMode eCompareMode = RectangleLess::POS_LEFT;
777     switch (_nControlModification)
778     {
779 		case ControlModification::TOP   : eCompareMode = RectangleLess::POS_UPPER; break;
780 		case ControlModification::BOTTOM: eCompareMode = RectangleLess::POS_DOWN; break;
781         case ControlModification::LEFT  : eCompareMode = RectangleLess::POS_LEFT; break;
782 		case ControlModification::RIGHT : eCompareMode = RectangleLess::POS_RIGHT; break;
783         case ControlModification::CENTER_HORIZONTAL :
784         case ControlModification::CENTER_VERTICAL :
785             {
786                 eCompareMode = (ControlModification::CENTER_VERTICAL == _nControlModification) ?  RectangleLess::POS_CENTER_VERTICAL :  RectangleLess::POS_CENTER_HORIZONTAL;
787                 uno::Reference<report::XSection> xSection = (*m_aSections.begin())->getReportSection().getSection();
788                 uno::Reference<report::XReportDefinition> xReportDefinition = xSection->getReportDefinition();
789 			    aRefPoint = Rectangle(getStyleProperty<sal_Int32>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_LEFTMARGIN),0,
790 								        getStyleProperty<awt::Size>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_PAPERSIZE).Width  - getStyleProperty<sal_Int32>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_RIGHTMARGIN),
791 								        xSection->getHeight()).Center();
792             }
793             break;
794 		default: break;
795 	}
796     RectangleLess aCompare(eCompareMode,aRefPoint);
797     TRectangleMap aSortRectangles(aCompare);
798     collectRectangles(aSortRectangles,_bBoundRects);
800     Rectangle aBound;
801     Rectangle aResize;
802     collectBoundResizeRect(aSortRectangles,_nControlModification,_bAlignAtSection,_bBoundRects,aBound,aResize);
804     bool bMove = true;
806     ::std::mem_fun_t<long&,Rectangle> aGetFun       = ::std::mem_fun<long&,Rectangle>(&Rectangle::Bottom);
807     ::std::mem_fun_t<long&,Rectangle> aRefFun       = ::std::mem_fun<long&,Rectangle>(&Rectangle::Top);
808     TRectangleMap::iterator aRectIter = aSortRectangles.begin();
809     TRectangleMap::iterator aRectEnd = aSortRectangles.end();
810 	for (;aRectIter != aRectEnd ; ++aRectIter)
811 	{
812         Rectangle aObjRect = aRectIter->first;
813         SdrObject* pObj = aRectIter->second.first;
814         SdrView* pView = aRectIter->second.second;
815         Point aCenter(aBound.Center());
816 		SdrObjTransformInfoRec aInfo;
817 		pObj->TakeObjInfo(aInfo);
818 		if (aInfo.bMoveAllowed && !pObj->IsMoveProtect())
819         {
820             long nXMov = 0;
821             long nYMov = 0;
822             long* pValue = &nXMov;
823 			switch(_nControlModification)
824             {
825 				case ControlModification::TOP   :
826                     aGetFun  = ::std::mem_fun<long&,Rectangle>(&Rectangle::Top);
827                     aRefFun  = ::std::mem_fun<long&,Rectangle>(&Rectangle::Bottom);
828                     pValue = &nYMov;
829                     break;
830 				case ControlModification::BOTTOM:
831                     // defaults are already set
832                     pValue = &nYMov;
833                     break;
834 				case ControlModification::CENTER_VERTICAL:
835                     nYMov = aCenter.Y() - aObjRect.Center().Y();
836                     pValue = &nYMov;
837                     bMove = false;
838                     break;
839 				case ControlModification::RIGHT :
840                     aGetFun  = ::std::mem_fun<long&,Rectangle>(&Rectangle::Right);
841                     aRefFun  = ::std::mem_fun<long&,Rectangle>(&Rectangle::Left);
842                     break;
843 				case ControlModification::CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
844                     nXMov = aCenter.X() - aObjRect.Center().X();
845                     bMove = false;
846                     break;
847                 case ControlModification::LEFT  :
848                     aGetFun  = ::std::mem_fun<long&,Rectangle>(&Rectangle::Left);
849                     aRefFun  = ::std::mem_fun<long&,Rectangle>(&Rectangle::Right);
850                     break;
851                 default:
852                     bMove = false;
853                     break;
854 			}
855             if ( bMove )
856             {
857                 Rectangle aTest = aObjRect;
858                 aGetFun(&aTest) = aGetFun(&aBound);
859                 TRectangleMap::iterator aInterSectRectIter = aSortRectangles.begin();
860                 for (; aInterSectRectIter != aRectIter; ++aInterSectRectIter)
861                 {
862                     if ( pView == aInterSectRectIter->second.second && (dynamic_cast<OUnoObject*>(aInterSectRectIter->second.first) || dynamic_cast<OOle2Obj*>(aInterSectRectIter->second.first)))
863                     {
864                         SdrObject* pPreviousObj = aInterSectRectIter->second.first;
865                         Rectangle aIntersectRect = aTest.GetIntersection(_bBoundRects ? pPreviousObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() : pPreviousObj->GetSnapRect());
866                         if ( !aIntersectRect.IsEmpty() && (aIntersectRect.Left() != aIntersectRect.Right() && aIntersectRect.Top() != aIntersectRect.Bottom() ) )
867                         {
868                             *pValue = aRefFun(&aIntersectRect) - aGetFun(&aObjRect);
869                             break;
870                         }
871                     }
872                 }
873                 if ( aInterSectRectIter == aRectIter )
874                     *pValue = aGetFun(&aBound) - aGetFun(&aObjRect);
875             }
877             if ( lcl_getNewRectSize(aObjRect,nXMov,nYMov,pObj,pView,_nControlModification,_bBoundRects) )
878             {
879                 const Size aSize(nXMov,nYMov);
880                 pView->AddUndo(pView->GetModel()->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoMoveObject(*pObj,aSize));
881                 pObj->Move(aSize);
882                 aObjRect = (_bBoundRects ? pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() : pObj->GetSnapRect());
883             }
885             // resizing control
886             if ( !aResize.IsEmpty() && aObjRect != aResize )
887             {
888                 nXMov = aResize.getWidth();
889                 nYMov = aResize.getHeight();
890                 switch(_nControlModification)
891                 {
892                     case ControlModification::WIDTH_GREATEST:
893                     case ControlModification::HEIGHT_GREATEST:
894                         if ( _nControlModification == ControlModification::HEIGHT_GREATEST )
895                             nXMov = aObjRect.getWidth();
896                         else if ( _nControlModification == ControlModification::WIDTH_GREATEST )
897                             nYMov = aObjRect.getHeight();
898                         lcl_getNewRectSize(aObjRect,nXMov,nYMov,pObj,pView,_nControlModification,_bBoundRects);
899                         // run through
900                     case ControlModification::WIDTH_SMALLEST:
901                     case ControlModification::HEIGHT_SMALLEST:
902                         pView->AddUndo( pView->GetModel()->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoGeoObject(*pObj));
903                         {
904                             OObjectBase* pObjBase = dynamic_cast<OObjectBase*>(pObj);
905                             OSL_ENSURE(pObjBase,"Where comes this object from?");
906                             if ( pObjBase )
907                             {
908                                 if ( _nControlModification == ControlModification::WIDTH_SMALLEST || _nControlModification == ControlModification::WIDTH_GREATEST )
909                                     pObjBase->getReportComponent()->setSize(awt::Size(nXMov,aObjRect.getHeight()));
910                                     //pObj->Resize(aObjRect.TopLeft(),Fraction(nXMov,aObjRect.getWidth()),Fraction(1,1));
911                                 else if ( _nControlModification == ControlModification::HEIGHT_GREATEST || _nControlModification == ControlModification::HEIGHT_SMALLEST )
912                                     pObjBase->getReportComponent()->setSize(awt::Size(aObjRect.getWidth(),nYMov));
913                                     //pObj->Resize(aObjRect.TopLeft(),Fraction(1,1),Fraction(nYMov,aObjRect.getHeight()));
914                             }
915                         }
916                         break;
917 				    default:
918                         break;
919                 }
920             }
921 		}
922         pView->AdjustMarkHdl();
923     }
924 }
925 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
926 void OViewsWindow::createDefault()
927 {
928     ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> pMarkedSection = getMarkedSection();
929     if ( pMarkedSection )
930 		pMarkedSection->getReportSection().createDefault(m_sShapeType);
931 }
932 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
933 void OViewsWindow::setGridSnap(sal_Bool bOn)
934 {
935     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
936 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
937 	for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
938     {
939 		(*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().SetGridSnap(bOn);
940         static sal_Int32 nIn = 0;
941         (*aIter)->getReportSection().Invalidate(nIn);
942     }
943 }
944 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
945 void OViewsWindow::setDragStripes(sal_Bool bOn)
946 {
947     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
948 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
949 	for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
950 		(*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().SetDragStripes(bOn);
951 }
952 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
953 sal_uInt16 OViewsWindow::getPosition(const OSectionWindow* _pSectionWindow) const
954 {
955 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
956 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
957 	sal_uInt16 nPosition = 0;
958 	for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
959 	{
960 		if ( _pSectionWindow == (*aIter).get() )
961 		{
962 			break;
963 		}
964 		++nPosition;
965 	}
966 	return nPosition;
967 }
968 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
969 ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> OViewsWindow::getSectionWindow(const sal_uInt16 _nPos) const
970 {
971     ::boost::shared_ptr<OSectionWindow> aReturn;
973     if ( _nPos < m_aSections.size() )
974         aReturn = m_aSections[_nPos];
976     return aReturn;
977 }
978 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
979 namespace
980 {
981     enum SectionViewAction
982     {
983         eEndDragObj,
984         eEndAction,
985         eMoveAction,
986         eMarkAction,
987         eForceToAnotherPage,
988         eBreakAction
989     };
990     class ApplySectionViewAction : public ::std::unary_function< OViewsWindow::TSectionsMap::value_type, void >
991     {
992     private:
993         SectionViewAction   m_eAction;
994         sal_Bool            m_bCopy;
995         Point               m_aPoint;
997     public:
998         ApplySectionViewAction( sal_Bool _bCopy ) : m_eAction( eEndDragObj ), m_bCopy( _bCopy ) { }
999         ApplySectionViewAction(SectionViewAction _eAction = eEndAction ) : m_eAction( _eAction ) { }
1000         ApplySectionViewAction( const Point& _rPoint, SectionViewAction _eAction = eMoveAction ) : m_eAction( _eAction ), m_bCopy( sal_False ), m_aPoint( _rPoint ) { }
1002         void operator() ( const OViewsWindow::TSectionsMap::value_type& _rhs )
1003         {
1004             OSectionView& rView( _rhs->getReportSection().getSectionView() );
1005             switch ( m_eAction )
1006             {
1007             case eEndDragObj:
1008                 rView.EndDragObj( m_bCopy  );
1009                 break;
1010             case eEndAction:
1011                 if ( rView.IsAction() )
1012                     rView.EndAction (      );
1013                 break;
1014             case eMoveAction:
1015                 rView.MovAction ( m_aPoint );
1016                 break;
1017             case eMarkAction:
1018                 rView.BegMarkObj ( m_aPoint );
1019                 break;
1020             case eForceToAnotherPage:
1021                 rView.ForceMarkedToAnotherPage();
1022                 break;
1023             case eBreakAction:
1024                 if ( rView.IsAction() )
1025                     rView.BrkAction (      );
1026                 break;
1027                 // default:
1029             }
1030         }
1031     };
1032 }
1033 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1034 void OViewsWindow::BrkAction()
1035 {
1036 	EndDragObj_removeInvisibleObjects();
1037     ::std::for_each( m_aSections.begin(), m_aSections.end(), ApplySectionViewAction(eBreakAction) );
1038 }
1039 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1040 void OViewsWindow::BegDragObj_createInvisibleObjectAtPosition(const Rectangle& _aRect, const OSectionView& _rSection)
1041 {
1042     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1043     TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1044     Point aNewPos(0,0);
1046     for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1047     {
1048         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1049 		rReportSection.getPage()->setSpecialMode();
1050 		OSectionView& rView = rReportSection.getSectionView();
1052         if ( &rView != &_rSection )
1053         {
1054 //            SdrRectObj *pNewObj = new SdrRectObj(OBJ_RECT, _aRect);
1055 // 			SdrObject *pNewObj = new SdrUnoObj(::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Temp Label")));
1056 			SdrObject *pNewObj = new SdrUnoObj(::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.form.component.FixedText")));
1057 			if (pNewObj)
1058 			{
1059                 pNewObj->SetLogicRect(_aRect);
1060                 // pNewObj->SetSize(_aRect.GetSize());
1061                 // pNewObj->Move(Size(_aRect.Left(), _aRect.Top()));
1063 				pNewObj->Move(Size(0, aNewPos.Y()));
1064                 sal_Bool bChanged = rView.GetModel()->IsChanged();
1065 	            rReportSection.getPage()->InsertObject(pNewObj);
1066                 rView.GetModel()->SetChanged(bChanged);
1067                 m_aBegDragTempList.push_back(pNewObj);
1068                 Rectangle aRect = pNewObj->GetLogicRect();
1070 				// pNewObj->SetText(String::CreateFromAscii("Drag helper"));
1071                 rView.MarkObj( pNewObj, rView.GetSdrPageView() );
1072 			}
1073 		}
1074 	    const long nSectionHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1075         aNewPos.Y() -= nSectionHeight;
1076 //        aNewPos.Y() -= PixelToLogic(aIter->second.second->GetSizePixel()).Height();
1077     }
1078 }
1079 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1080 bool OViewsWindow::isObjectInMyTempList(SdrObject *_pObj)
1081 {
1082     return ::std::find(m_aBegDragTempList.begin(),m_aBegDragTempList.end(),_pObj) != m_aBegDragTempList.end();
1083 }
1085 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1086 void OViewsWindow::BegDragObj(const Point& _aPnt, SdrHdl* _pHdl,const OSectionView* _pSection)
1087 {
1088 	OSL_TRACE("BegDragObj Clickpoint X:%d Y:%d\n", _aPnt.X(), _aPnt.Y() );
1090     m_aBegDragTempList.clear();
1092 	// Calculate the absolute clickpoint in the views
1093 	Point aAbsolutePnt = _aPnt;
1094 	TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1095     TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1096 	for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1097     {
1098         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1099         OSectionView* pView = &rReportSection.getSectionView();
1100 		if (pView == _pSection)
1101 			break;
1102         const long nSectionHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1103 		aAbsolutePnt.Y() +=  nSectionHeight;
1104 	}
1105 	m_aDragDelta = Point(SAL_MAX_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32);
1106 	OSL_TRACE("BegDragObj Absolute X:%d Y:%d\n", aAbsolutePnt.X(), aAbsolutePnt.Y() );
1108     // Create drag lines over all viewable Views
1109 	// Therefore we need to identify the marked objects
1110 	// and create temporary objects on all other views at the same position
1111 	// relative to its occurrence.
1113     OSL_TRACE("BegDragObj createInvisible Objects\n" );
1114     int nViewCount = 0;
1115 	Point aNewObjPos(0,0);
1116     Point aLeftTop = Point(SAL_MAX_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32);
1117     for (aIter = m_aSections.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1118     {
1119         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1121         OSectionView& rView = rReportSection.getSectionView();
1123         if ( rView.AreObjectsMarked() )
1124         {
1125             const sal_uInt32 nCount = rView.GetMarkedObjectCount();
1126 	        for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i < nCount; ++i)
1127             {
1128 		        const SdrMark* pM = rView.GetSdrMarkByIndex(i);
1129 		        SdrObject* pObj = pM->GetMarkedSdrObj();
1130                 if (!isObjectInMyTempList(pObj))
1131                 {
1132                     Rectangle aRect( pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() );
1133                     aRect.Move(0, aNewObjPos.Y());
1135                     aLeftTop.X() = ::std::min( aRect.Left(), aLeftTop.X() );
1136                     aLeftTop.Y() = ::std::min( aRect.Top(), aLeftTop.Y() );
1138                     OSL_TRACE("BegDragObj createInvisible X:%d Y:%d on View #%d\n", aRect.Left(), aRect.Top(), nViewCount );
1140                     BegDragObj_createInvisibleObjectAtPosition(aRect, rView);
1142                     // calculate the clickpoint
1143 //                    const sal_Int32 nDeltaX = abs(aRect.Left() - aAbsolutePnt.X());
1144 //                    const sal_Int32 nDeltaY = abs(aRect.Top() - aAbsolutePnt.Y());
1145 //                    if (m_aDragDelta.X() > nDeltaX)
1146 //                        m_aDragDelta.X() = nDeltaX;
1147 //                    if (m_aDragDelta.Y() > nDeltaY)
1148 //                        m_aDragDelta.Y() = nDeltaY;
1149                 }
1150             }
1151         }
1152         ++nViewCount;
1153         Rectangle aClipRect = rView.GetWorkArea();
1154         aClipRect.Top() = -aNewObjPos.Y();
1155         rView.SetWorkArea( aClipRect );
1157         const long nSectionHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1158 	    aNewObjPos.Y() += nSectionHeight;
1160         // don't subtract the height of the lines between the views
1161         // aNewObjPos.Y() -= PixelToLogic(aIter->second.second->GetSizePixel()).Height();
1162     }
1164     const sal_Int32 nDeltaX = abs(aLeftTop.X() - aAbsolutePnt.X());
1165     const sal_Int32 nDeltaY = abs(aLeftTop.Y() - aAbsolutePnt.Y());
1166     m_aDragDelta.X() = nDeltaX;
1167     m_aDragDelta.Y() = nDeltaY;
1169     Point aNewPos = aAbsolutePnt;
1170     // for (aIter = m_aSections.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1171     // {
1172     //     OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1173     //     if ( &rReportSection.getSectionView() == _pSection )
1174     //         break;
1175     //     aNewPos.Y() += rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1176     // }
1178 	const short nDrgLog = static_cast<short>(PixelToLogic(Size(3,0)).Width());
1179 	// long nLastSectionHeight = 0;
1180     // bool bAdd = true;
1181     nViewCount = 0;
1182     for (aIter = m_aSections.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1183     {
1184         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1186         // if ( &rReportSection.getSectionView() == _pSection )
1187         // {
1188         //     bAdd = false;
1189         //     aNewPos = _aPnt;
1190         // }
1191         // else if ( bAdd )
1192         // {
1193 	    //     const long nSectionHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1194         //     aNewPos.Y() += nSectionHeight;
1195         // }
1196         // else
1197         // {
1198         //     aNewPos.Y() -= nLastSectionHeight;
1199         // }
1201         //?
1202         SdrHdl* pHdl = _pHdl;
1203         if ( pHdl )
1204         {
1205             if ( &rReportSection.getSectionView() != _pSection )
1206             {
1207                 const SdrHdlList& rHdlList = rReportSection.getSectionView().GetHdlList();
1208                 pHdl = rHdlList.GetHdl(_pHdl->GetKind());
1209             }
1210         }
1211         OSL_TRACE("BegDragObj X:%d Y:%d on View#%d\n", aNewPos.X(), aNewPos.Y(), nViewCount++ );
1212         rReportSection.getSectionView().BegDragObj(aNewPos, (OutputDevice*)NULL, pHdl, nDrgLog, NULL);
1214         const long nSectionHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1215         aNewPos.Y() -= nSectionHeight;
1216         // subtract the height between the views, because they are visible but not from interest here.
1217         // aNewPos.Y() -= PixelToLogic(aIter->second.second->GetSizePixel()).Height();
1218     }
1219 }
1221 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1222 void OViewsWindow::ForceMarkedToAnotherPage()
1223 {
1224     ::std::for_each( m_aSections.begin(), m_aSections.end(), ApplySectionViewAction(eForceToAnotherPage ) );
1225 }
1226 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1227 void OViewsWindow::BegMarkObj(const Point& _aPnt,const OSectionView* _pSection)
1228 {
1229     bool bAdd = true;
1230     Point aNewPos = _aPnt;
1232     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1233     TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1234     long nLastSectionHeight = 0;
1235     for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1236     {
1237         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1238         if ( &rReportSection.getSectionView() == _pSection )
1239         {
1240             bAdd = false;
1241             aNewPos = _aPnt; // 2,2
1242         }
1243         else if ( bAdd )
1244         {
1245 	        const long nSectionHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1246             aNewPos.Y() += nSectionHeight;
1247         }
1248         else
1249         {
1250             aNewPos.Y() -= nLastSectionHeight;
1251         }
1252         rReportSection.getSectionView().BegMarkObj ( aNewPos );
1253         nLastSectionHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1255         // aNewPos.Y() -= PixelToLogic(aIter->second.second->GetSizePixel()).Height();
1256     }
1257     //::std::for_each( m_aSections.begin(), m_aSections.end(), ApplySectionViewAction( _aPnt , eMarkAction) );
1258 }
1259 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1260 OSectionView* OViewsWindow::getSectionRelativeToPosition(const OSectionView* _pSection,Point& _rPnt)
1261 {
1262     OSectionView* pSection = NULL;
1263     sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
1264     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1265     const TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1266     for (; aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter,++nCount)
1267     {
1268         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1269         if ( &rReportSection.getSectionView() == _pSection)
1270             break;
1271     }
1272     OSL_ENSURE(aIter != aEnd,"This can never happen!");
1273     if ( _rPnt.Y() < 0 )
1274     {
1275         if ( nCount )
1276             --aIter;
1277         for (; nCount && (_rPnt.Y() < 0); --nCount)
1278         {
1279             OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1280             const sal_Int32 nHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1281             _rPnt.Y() += nHeight;
1282             if ( (nCount -1) > 0 && (_rPnt.Y() < 0) )
1283                 --aIter;
1284         }
1285         if ( nCount == 0 )
1286             pSection = &(*m_aSections.begin())->getReportSection().getSectionView();
1287         else
1288             pSection = &(*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView();
1289     }
1290     else
1291     {
1292         for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1293         {
1294             OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1295             const long nHeight = rReportSection.PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1296             if ( (_rPnt.Y() - nHeight) < 0  )
1297                 break;
1298             _rPnt.Y() -= nHeight;
1299         }
1300         if ( aIter != aEnd )
1301             pSection = &(*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView();
1302         else
1303             pSection = &(*(aEnd-1))->getReportSection().getSectionView();
1304     }
1306     return pSection;
1307 }
1308 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1309 void OViewsWindow::EndDragObj_removeInvisibleObjects()
1310 {
1311     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1312     TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1314     for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1315     {
1316         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1317 		rReportSection.getPage()->resetSpecialMode();
1318 	}
1319 }
1320 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1321 void OViewsWindow::EndDragObj(sal_Bool _bControlKeyPressed, const OSectionView* _pSection,const Point& _aPnt)
1322 {
1323 	const String sUndoAction = String((ModuleRes(RID_STR_UNDO_CHANGEPOSITION)));
1324     const UndoContext aUndoContext( getView()->getReportView()->getController().getUndoManager(), sUndoAction );
1326     Point aNewPos = _aPnt;
1327     OSectionView* pInSection = getSectionRelativeToPosition(_pSection, aNewPos);
1328 	if (!_bControlKeyPressed &&
1329         (_pSection && ( _pSection->IsDragResize() == false ) ) && /* Not in resize mode */
1330         _pSection != pInSection)
1331     {
1332         EndDragObj_removeInvisibleObjects();
1334 		// we need to manipulate the current clickpoint, we subtract the old delta from BeginDrag
1335         // OSectionView* pInSection = getSectionRelativeToPosition(_pSection, aPnt);
1336         // aNewPos.X() -= m_aDragDelta.X();
1337         // aNewPos.Y() -= m_aDragDelta.Y();
1338 	    aNewPos -= m_aDragDelta;
1340         uno::Sequence< beans::NamedValue > aAllreadyCopiedObjects;
1341         TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1342         const TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1343         for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1344         {
1345             OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1346             if ( pInSection != &rReportSection.getSectionView() )
1347             {
1348                 rReportSection.getSectionView().BrkAction();
1349                 rReportSection.Copy(aAllreadyCopiedObjects,true);
1350             }
1351             else
1352                 pInSection->EndDragObj(sal_False);
1353         } // for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1355         if ( aAllreadyCopiedObjects.getLength() )
1356         {
1357             beans::NamedValue* pIter = aAllreadyCopiedObjects.getArray();
1358             const beans::NamedValue* pEnd = pIter + aAllreadyCopiedObjects.getLength();
1359             try
1360             {
1361                 uno::Reference<report::XReportDefinition> xReportDefinition = getView()->getReportView()->getController().getReportDefinition();
1362 	            const sal_Int32 nLeftMargin  = getStyleProperty<sal_Int32>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_LEFTMARGIN);
1363 	            const sal_Int32 nRightMargin = getStyleProperty<sal_Int32>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_RIGHTMARGIN);
1364 	            const sal_Int32 nPaperWidth  = getStyleProperty<awt::Size>(xReportDefinition,PROPERTY_PAPERSIZE).Width;
1366                 if ( aNewPos.X() < nLeftMargin )
1367                     aNewPos.X() = nLeftMargin;
1368                 if ( aNewPos.Y() < 0 )
1369                     aNewPos.Y() = 0;
1371                 Point aPrevious;
1372                 for (; pIter != pEnd; ++pIter)
1373                 {
1374                     uno::Sequence< uno::Reference<report::XReportComponent> > aClones;
1375                     pIter->Value >>= aClones;
1376                     uno::Reference<report::XReportComponent>* pColIter = aClones.getArray();
1377                     const uno::Reference<report::XReportComponent>* pColEnd = pColIter + aClones.getLength();
1379                     // move the cloned Components to new positions
1380                     for (; pColIter != pColEnd; ++pColIter)
1381                     {
1382                         uno::Reference< report::XReportComponent> xRC(*pColIter);
1383                         aPrevious = VCLPoint(xRC->getPosition());
1384                         awt::Size aSize = xRC->getSize();
1386                         if ( aNewPos.X() < nLeftMargin )
1387                         {
1388                             aNewPos.X() = nLeftMargin;
1389                         }
1390                         else if ( (aNewPos.X() + aSize.Width) > (nPaperWidth - nRightMargin) )
1391                         {
1392                             aNewPos.X() = nPaperWidth - nRightMargin - aSize.Width;
1393                         }
1394                         if ( aNewPos.Y() < 0 )
1395                         {
1396                             aNewPos.Y() = 0;
1397                         }
1398                         if ( aNewPos.X() < 0 )
1399                         {
1400                             aSize.Width += aNewPos.X();
1401                             aNewPos.X()= 0;
1402                             xRC->setSize(aSize);
1403                         }
1404                         xRC->setPosition(AWTPoint(aNewPos));
1405                         if ( (pColIter+1) != pColEnd )
1406                         {
1407                             // bring aNewPos to the position of the next object
1408                             uno::Reference< report::XReportComponent> xRCNext(*(pColIter + 1),uno::UNO_QUERY);
1409 						    Point aNextPosition = VCLPoint(xRCNext->getPosition());
1410 						    aNewPos += (aNextPosition - aPrevious);
1411                         }
1412                     }
1413                 }
1414             }
1415             catch(uno::Exception&)
1416             {
1417             }
1418             pInSection->getReportSection()->Paste(aAllreadyCopiedObjects,true);
1419         }
1420     }
1421     else
1422 	{
1423 		::std::for_each( m_aSections.begin(), m_aSections.end(), ApplySectionViewAction( sal_False ) );
1424         EndDragObj_removeInvisibleObjects();
1425 	}
1426     m_aDragDelta = Point(SAL_MAX_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32);
1427 }
1428 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1429 void OViewsWindow::EndAction()
1430 {
1431     ::std::for_each( m_aSections.begin(), m_aSections.end(), ApplySectionViewAction() );
1432 }
1433 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1434 void OViewsWindow::MovAction(const Point& _aPnt,const OSectionView* _pSection,bool _bMove, bool _bControlKeySet)
1435 {
1436 	(void)_bMove;
1438 	Point aRealMousePos = _aPnt;
1439 	Point aCurrentSectionPos;
1440     OSL_TRACE("MovAction X:%d Y:%d\n", aRealMousePos.X(), aRealMousePos.Y() );
1442     Point aHdlPos;
1443     SdrHdl* pHdl = _pSection->GetDragHdl();
1444     if ( pHdl )
1445     {
1446         aHdlPos = pHdl->GetPos();
1447     }
1449     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter/*  = m_aSections.begin() */;
1450     TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1452 	//if ( _bMove )
1453     //{
1454     for (aIter = m_aSections.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1455     {
1456         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1457         if ( &rReportSection.getSectionView() == _pSection )
1458             break;
1459         const long nSectionHeight = (*aIter)->PixelToLogic(rReportSection.GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1460         aCurrentSectionPos.Y() += nSectionHeight;
1461     } // for (aIter = m_aSections.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1462 	//}
1463 	aRealMousePos += aCurrentSectionPos;
1465     // If control key is pressed the work area is limited to the section with the current selection.
1466 	Point aPosForWorkArea(0,0);
1467     for (aIter = m_aSections.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1468 	{
1469 		OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1470         OSectionView& rView = rReportSection.getSectionView();
1471 		const long nSectionHeight = (*aIter)->PixelToLogic((*aIter)->GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1473 		if (_bControlKeySet)
1474 		{
1475 			Rectangle aClipRect = rView.GetWorkArea();
1476 			aClipRect.Top() = aCurrentSectionPos.Y() - aPosForWorkArea.Y();
1477 			// if (aClipRect.Top() < 0) aClipRect.Top() = 0;
1478 			aClipRect.Bottom() = aClipRect.Top() + nSectionHeight;
1479 			rView.SetWorkArea( aClipRect );
1480 		}
1481 		else
1482 		{
1483 			Rectangle aClipRect = rView.GetWorkArea();
1484 			aClipRect.Top() = -aPosForWorkArea.Y();
1485 			rView.SetWorkArea( aClipRect );
1486 		}
1487         aPosForWorkArea.Y() += nSectionHeight;
1488 	    // aNewPos.Y() += PixelToLogic(aIter->second.second->GetSizePixel()).Height();
1489     }
1492     for (aIter = m_aSections.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1493     {
1494         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1495         SdrHdl* pCurrentHdl = rReportSection.getSectionView().GetDragHdl();
1496         if ( pCurrentHdl )
1497         {
1498 			if ( aRealMousePos.Y() > 0 )
1499 	            aRealMousePos = _aPnt + pCurrentHdl->GetPos() - aHdlPos;
1500         }
1501         rReportSection.getSectionView().MovAction ( aRealMousePos );
1502         const long nSectionHeight = (*aIter)->PixelToLogic((*aIter)->GetOutputSizePixel()).Height();
1503         aRealMousePos.Y() -= nSectionHeight;
1504     }
1505 #if 0
1506 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
1508     // Ich versuche gerade rauszubekommen, ob ich ein Object bewege oder nur resize.
1511     for (aIter = m_aSections.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1512     {
1513         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1514         OSectionView& rView = rReportSection.getSectionView();
1515         if ( rView.AreObjectsMarked() )
1516         {
1517             rView.SortMarkedObjects();
1518             const sal_uInt32 nCount = rView.GetMarkedObjectCount();
1519 	        for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i < nCount; ++i)
1520             {
1521 		        const SdrMark* pM = rView.GetSdrMarkByIndex(i);
1522 		        SdrObject* pObj = pM->GetMarkedSdrObj();
1523                 (void)pObj;
1525                 int dummy = 0;
1526                 (void)dummy;
1527             }
1528         }
1530         /*
1531         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1532         OSectionView& rView = rReportSection.getSectionView();
1533         const SdrHdlList& rHdlList = rView.GetHdlList();
1534         SdrHdl* pHdl2 = rHdlList.GetFocusHdl();
1536         if ( pHdl2 != 0 )
1537         {
1538             SdrHdlKind eKind = pHdl->GetKind();
1539             int dummy = 0;
1540             switch(eKind)
1541             {
1542             case 	HDL_UPLFT:		// Oben links
1543             case 	HDL_UPPER:		// Oben
1544             case 	HDL_UPRGT:		// Oben rechts
1545             case 	HDL_LEFT:		// Links
1546             case 	HDL_RIGHT:		// Rechts
1547             case 	HDL_LWLFT:		// Unten links
1548             case 	HDL_LOWER:		// Unten
1549             case 	HDL_LWRGT:		// Unten rechts
1550                 dummy = 1;
1551                 break;
1552             default:
1553                 dummy = 0;
1554             }
1555         }
1556         */
1557     }
1559 #endif
1560 #endif
1561 }
1562 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1563 sal_Bool OViewsWindow::IsAction() const
1564 {
1565     sal_Bool bAction = sal_False;
1566     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1567     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1568     for (; !bAction && aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1569         bAction = (*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().IsAction();
1570     return bAction;
1571 }
1572 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1573 sal_Bool OViewsWindow::IsDragObj() const
1574 {
1575     sal_Bool bAction = sal_False;
1576     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1577     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1578     for (; !bAction && aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1579         bAction = (*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().IsAction();
1580     return bAction;
1581 }
1582 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1583 sal_uInt32 OViewsWindow::getMarkedObjectCount() const
1584 {
1585     sal_uInt32 nCount = 0;
1586     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1587     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1588     for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1589         nCount += (*aIter)->getReportSection().getSectionView().GetMarkedObjectCount();
1590     return nCount;
1591 }
1592 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1593 void OViewsWindow::handleKey(const KeyCode& _rCode)
1594 {
1595     const sal_uInt16 nCode = _rCode.GetCode();
1596     if ( _rCode.IsMod1() )
1597     {
1598         // scroll page
1599 		OScrollWindowHelper* pScrollWindow = getView()->getScrollWindow();
1600 		ScrollBar* pScrollBar = ( nCode == KEY_LEFT || nCode == KEY_RIGHT ) ? pScrollWindow->GetHScroll() : pScrollWindow->GetVScroll();
1601         if ( pScrollBar && pScrollBar->IsVisible() )
1602 			pScrollBar->DoScrollAction(( nCode == KEY_RIGHT || nCode == KEY_UP ) ? SCROLL_LINEUP : SCROLL_LINEDOWN );
1603         return;
1604     }
1605     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1606     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1607     for (; aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1608     {
1609         OReportSection& rReportSection = (*aIter)->getReportSection();
1610         long nX = 0;
1611 	    long nY = 0;
1613 	    if ( nCode == KEY_UP )
1614 		    nY = -1;
1615 	    else if ( nCode == KEY_DOWN )
1616 		    nY =  1;
1617 	    else if ( nCode == KEY_LEFT )
1618 		    nX = -1;
1619 	    else if ( nCode == KEY_RIGHT )
1620 		    nX =  1;
1622 	    if ( rReportSection.getSectionView().AreObjectsMarked() )
1623 	    {
1624 		    if ( _rCode.IsMod2() )
1625 		    {
1626 			    // move in 1 pixel distance
1627 			    const Size aPixelSize = rReportSection.PixelToLogic( Size( 1, 1 ) );
1628 			    nX *= aPixelSize.Width();
1629 			    nY *= aPixelSize.Height();
1630 		    }
1631 		    else
1632 		    {
1633 			    // move in 1 mm distance
1634 			    nX *= DEFAUL_MOVE_SIZE;
1635 			    nY *= DEFAUL_MOVE_SIZE;
1636 		    }
1638             OSectionView& rView = rReportSection.getSectionView();
1639 		    const SdrHdlList& rHdlList = rView.GetHdlList();
1640 		    SdrHdl* pHdl = rHdlList.GetFocusHdl();
1642 		    if ( pHdl == 0 )
1643 		    {
1644 			    // no handle selected
1645 			    if ( rView.IsMoveAllowed() )
1646 			    {
1647 				    // restrict movement to work area
1648 				    Rectangle rWorkArea = rView.GetWorkArea();
1649                     rWorkArea.Right()++;
1651 				    if ( !rWorkArea.IsEmpty() )
1652 				    {
1653                         if ( rWorkArea.Top() < 0 )
1654                             rWorkArea.Top() = 0;
1655 					    Rectangle aMarkRect( rView.GetMarkedObjRect() );
1656 					    aMarkRect.Move( nX, nY );
1658 					    if ( !rWorkArea.IsInside( aMarkRect ) )
1659 					    {
1660 						    if ( aMarkRect.Left() < rWorkArea.Left() )
1661 							    nX += rWorkArea.Left() - aMarkRect.Left();
1663 						    if ( aMarkRect.Right() > rWorkArea.Right() )
1664 							    nX -= aMarkRect.Right() - rWorkArea.Right();
1666 						    if ( aMarkRect.Top() < rWorkArea.Top() )
1667 							    nY += rWorkArea.Top() - aMarkRect.Top();
1669 						    if ( aMarkRect.Bottom() > rWorkArea.Bottom() )
1670 							    nY -= aMarkRect.Bottom() - rWorkArea.Bottom();
1671 					    }
1672                         bool bCheck = false;
1673                         const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = rView.GetMarkedObjectList();
1674                         for (sal_uInt32 i =  0; !bCheck && i < rMarkList.GetMarkCount();++i )
1675                         {
1676                             SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(i);
1677                             bCheck = dynamic_cast<OUnoObject*>(pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj()) != NULL|| dynamic_cast<OOle2Obj*>(pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj());
1678                         }
1681                         if ( bCheck )
1682                         {
1683                             SdrObject* pOverlapped = isOver(aMarkRect,*rReportSection.getPage(),rView);
1684                             if ( pOverlapped )
1685                             {
1686                                 do
1687                                 {
1688                                     Rectangle aOver = pOverlapped->GetLastBoundRect();
1689                                     Point aPos;
1690                                     if ( nCode == KEY_UP )
1691                                     {
1692                                         aPos.X() = aMarkRect.Left();
1693                                         aPos.Y() = aOver.Top() - aMarkRect.getHeight();
1694                                         nY += (aPos.Y() - aMarkRect.Top());
1695                                     }
1696 	                                else if ( nCode == KEY_DOWN )
1697                                     {
1698                                         aPos.X() = aMarkRect.Left();
1699                                         aPos.Y() = aOver.Bottom();
1700                                         nY += (aPos.Y() - aMarkRect.Top());
1701                                     }
1702 	                                else if ( nCode == KEY_LEFT )
1703                                     {
1704                                         aPos.X() = aOver.Left() - aMarkRect.getWidth();
1705                                         aPos.Y() = aMarkRect.Top();
1706                                         nX += (aPos.X() - aMarkRect.Left());
1707                                     }
1708 	                                else if ( nCode == KEY_RIGHT )
1709                                     {
1710                                         aPos.X() = aOver.Right();
1711                                         aPos.Y() = aMarkRect.Top();
1712                                         nX += (aPos.X() - aMarkRect.Left());
1713                                     }
1715                                     aMarkRect.SetPos(aPos);
1716                                     if ( !rWorkArea.IsInside( aMarkRect ) )
1717 					                {
1718                                         break;
1719                                     }
1720                                     pOverlapped = isOver(aMarkRect,*rReportSection.getPage(),rView);
1721                                 }
1722                                 while(pOverlapped != NULL);
1723                                 if (pOverlapped != NULL)
1724                                     break;
1725                             }
1726                         }
1727 				    }
1729 				    if ( nX != 0 || nY != 0 )
1730 				    {
1731 					    rView.MoveAllMarked( Size( nX, nY ) );
1732 					    rView.MakeVisible( rView.GetAllMarkedRect(), rReportSection);
1733 				    }
1734 			    }
1735 		    }
1736 		    else
1737 		    {
1738 			    // move the handle
1739 			    if ( pHdl && ( nX || nY ) )
1740 			    {
1741 				    const Point aStartPoint( pHdl->GetPos() );
1742 				    const Point aEndPoint( pHdl->GetPos() + Point( nX, nY ) );
1743 				    const SdrDragStat& rDragStat = rView.GetDragStat();
1745 				    // start dragging
1746 				    rView.BegDragObj( aStartPoint, 0, pHdl, 0 );
1748 				    if ( rView.IsDragObj() )
1749 				    {
1750 					    const FASTBOOL bWasNoSnap = rDragStat.IsNoSnap();
1751 					    const sal_Bool bWasSnapEnabled = rView.IsSnapEnabled();
1753 					    // switch snapping off
1754 					    if ( !bWasNoSnap )
1755 						    ((SdrDragStat&)rDragStat).SetNoSnap( sal_True );
1756 					    if ( bWasSnapEnabled )
1757 						    rView.SetSnapEnabled( sal_False );
1759                         Rectangle aNewRect;
1760                         bool bCheck = false;
1761                         const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = rView.GetMarkedObjectList();
1762                         for (sal_uInt32 i =  0; !bCheck && i < rMarkList.GetMarkCount();++i )
1763                         {
1764                             SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(i);
1765                             bCheck = dynamic_cast<OUnoObject*>(pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj()) != NULL || dynamic_cast<OOle2Obj*>(pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj()) != NULL;
1766                             if ( bCheck )
1767                                 aNewRect.Union(pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj()->GetLastBoundRect());
1768                         }
1770                         switch(pHdl->GetKind())
1771                         {
1772                             case HDL_LEFT:
1773                             case HDL_UPLFT:
1774                             case HDL_LWLFT:
1775                             case HDL_UPPER:
1776                                 aNewRect.Left() += nX;
1777                                 aNewRect.Top()  += nY;
1778                                 break;
1779                             case HDL_UPRGT:
1780                             case HDL_RIGHT:
1781                             case HDL_LWRGT:
1782                             case HDL_LOWER:
1783                                 aNewRect.setWidth(aNewRect.getWidth() + nX);
1784                                 aNewRect.setHeight(aNewRect.getHeight() + nY);
1785                                 break;
1786                             default:
1787                                 break;
1788                         }
1789                         if ( !(bCheck && isOver(aNewRect,*rReportSection.getPage(),rView)) )
1790                             rView.MovAction(aEndPoint);
1791 					    rView.EndDragObj();
1793 					    // restore snap
1794 					    if ( !bWasNoSnap )
1795 						    ((SdrDragStat&)rDragStat).SetNoSnap( bWasNoSnap );
1796 					    if ( bWasSnapEnabled )
1797 						    rView.SetSnapEnabled( bWasSnapEnabled );
1798 				    }
1800 				    // make moved handle visible
1801 				    const Rectangle aVisRect( aEndPoint - Point( DEFAUL_MOVE_SIZE, DEFAUL_MOVE_SIZE ), Size( 200, 200 ) );
1802 				    rView.MakeVisible( aVisRect, rReportSection);
1803 			    }
1804 		    }
1805             rView.AdjustMarkHdl();
1806 	    }
1807     }
1808 }
1809 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1810 void OViewsWindow::stopScrollTimer()
1811 {
1812     ::std::for_each(m_aSections.begin(),m_aSections.end(),
1813 		::std::compose1(::boost::mem_fn(&OReportSection::stopScrollTimer),TReportPairHelper()));
1814 }
1815 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1816 void OViewsWindow::fillCollapsedSections(::std::vector<sal_uInt16>& _rCollapsedPositions) const
1817 {
1818     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1819 	TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1820     for (sal_uInt16 i = 0;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter,++i)
1821 	{
1822 		if ( (*aIter)->getStartMarker().isCollapsed() )
1823             _rCollapsedPositions.push_back(i);
1824 	}
1825 }
1826 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1827 void OViewsWindow::collapseSections(const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue>& _aCollpasedSections)
1828 {
1829     const beans::PropertyValue* pIter = _aCollpasedSections.getConstArray();
1830     const beans::PropertyValue* pEnd = pIter + _aCollpasedSections.getLength();
1831     for (; pIter != pEnd; ++pIter)
1832     {
1833         sal_uInt16 nPos = sal_uInt16(-1);
1834         if ( (pIter->Value >>= nPos) && nPos < m_aSections.size() )
1835         {
1836             m_aSections[nPos]->setCollapsed(sal_True);
1837         }
1838     }
1839 }
1840 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1841 void OViewsWindow::zoom(const Fraction& _aZoom)
1842 {
1843     const MapMode& aMapMode = GetMapMode();
1845     Fraction aStartWidth(long(REPORT_STARTMARKER_WIDTH));
1846     if ( _aZoom < aMapMode.GetScaleX() )
1847         aStartWidth *= aMapMode.GetScaleX();
1848     else
1849         aStartWidth *= _aZoom;
1851     setZoomFactor(_aZoom,*this);
1853     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1854 	TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1855     for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
1856 	{
1857         (*aIter)->zoom(_aZoom);
1858     } // for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
1860     Resize();
1862     Size aOut = GetOutputSizePixel();
1863     aOut.Width() = aStartWidth;
1864     aOut = PixelToLogic(aOut);
1866     Rectangle aRect(PixelToLogic(Point(0,0)),aOut);
1867     static sal_Int32 nIn = INVALIDATE_NOCHILDREN;
1868     Invalidate(aRect,nIn);
1869 }
1870 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1871 void OViewsWindow::scrollChildren(const Point& _aThumbPos)
1872 {
1873     const Point aPos(PixelToLogic(_aThumbPos));
1874     {
1875         MapMode aMapMode = GetMapMode();
1876         const Point aOld = aMapMode.GetOrigin();
1877         aMapMode.SetOrigin(m_pParent->GetMapMode().GetOrigin());
1879         const Point aPosY(m_pParent->PixelToLogic(_aThumbPos,aMapMode));
1881 	    aMapMode.SetOrigin( Point(aOld.X() , - aPosY.Y()));
1882 	    SetMapMode( aMapMode );
1883 	    //OWindowPositionCorrector aCorrector(this,0,-( aOld.Y() + aPosY.Y()));
1884 	    Scroll(0, -( aOld.Y() + aPosY.Y()),SCROLL_CHILDREN);
1885     }
1887     TSectionsMap::iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1888     TSectionsMap::iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1889     for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
1890     {
1891         (*aIter)->scrollChildren(aPos.X());
1892     } // for (;aIter != aEnd ; ++aIter)
1893 }
1894 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1895 void OViewsWindow::fillControlModelSelection(::std::vector< uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > >& _rSelection) const
1896 {
1897     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aIter = m_aSections.begin();
1898     TSectionsMap::const_iterator aEnd = m_aSections.end();
1899     for(;aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
1900     {
1901         (*aIter)->getReportSection().fillControlModelSelection(_rSelection);
1902     }
1903 }
1904 //==============================================================================
1905 } // rptui
1906 //==============================================================================