1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_sal.hxx"
31 // LLA:
32 // this file is converted to use with testshl2
33 // original was placed in sal/test/textenc.cxx
36 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 #include <string.h>
38 #include <stdio.h>
40 #ifdef UNX
41 #include <wchar.h>
42 #endif
43 #ifdef OS2__00
44 #include <wcstr.h>
45 #endif
47 // #ifndef	_OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_
48 // #include <osl/diagnose.h>
49 // #endif
51 #ifndef	_RTL_USTRING_HXX
52 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
53 #endif
55 #ifndef	_RTL_STRING_HXX
56 #include <rtl/string.hxx>
57 #endif
59 #include <rtl/locale.hxx>
61 #include <testshl/simpleheader.hxx>
63 #define TEST_ENSURE(c, m) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE((m), (c))
64 // #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
65 // #define TEST_ENSHURE(c, m)   OSL_ENSURE(c, m)
66 // #else
67 // #define TEST_ENSHURE(c, m)   OSL_VERIFY(c)
68 // #endif
70 using namespace rtl;
72 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 namespace rtl_OUString
74 {
75     class oldtests : public CppUnit::TestFixture
76     {
77     public:
78         void test_OUString();
79         void test_OString2OUStringAndViceVersa();
81         CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( oldtests );
82         CPPUNIT_TEST( test_OUString );
83         CPPUNIT_TEST( test_OString2OUStringAndViceVersa );
85     };
88 void oldtests::test_OUString()
89 {
90 	//          "Mein erster RTL OUString\n"
91 	//	         |	  |    |    |	 |
92 	//	Index    0	  5	   10   15	 20
93 	OUString s1(OUString::createFromAscii("Mein erster RTL OUString\n"));
94 	TEST_ENSURE( s1 == OUString::createFromAscii("Mein erster RTL OUString\n"), "test_OWString error 1");
95 	TEST_ENSURE( s1.getLength() == 25, "test_OWString error 2");
97 	OUString s2 = s1;
98 	TEST_ENSURE( s2[16] == (sal_Unicode)'O', "test_OWString error 3");
99 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.equals(s1), "test_OWString error 4");
100 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString( OUString::createFromAscii("hallo")) == OUString::createFromAscii( "hallo"), "test_OWString error 4");
101 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.indexOf((sal_Unicode)'O') == 16, "test_OWString error 5");
102 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.indexOf((sal_Unicode)'O', 5) == 16, "test_OWString error 5a");
103 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.lastIndexOf((sal_Unicode)'r') == 20, "test_OWString error 6");
104 	TEST_ENSURE( s2[20] == (sal_Unicode)'r', "test_OWString error 7");
105 	TEST_ENSURE( s2[24] == (sal_Unicode)'\n', "test_OWString error 8");
106 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.lastIndexOf((sal_Unicode)'\n') == 24, "test_OWString error 9");
107 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.lastIndexOf((sal_Unicode)'M') == 0, "test_OWString error 10");
108 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.lastIndexOf((sal_Unicode)'t', s2.getLength() - 8) == 8, "test_OWString error 9");
111 	//          "Mein erster RTL OUString ist ein String aus der RTL Library\n"
112 	//           |    |    |    |	 |	  |	   |	| 	 |	  |	   |	|
113 	//  Index    0    5	   10   15	 20   25   30	35	 40   45   50	55
114 	OUString s3 = s2.copy(0, s2.getLength() - 1);
115 	OUString s4 = s3.concat( OUString::createFromAscii(" ist ein String aus der RTL Library\n") );
116 	TEST_ENSURE( s4.getLength() == 60, "test_OWString error 11");
118 	s1 = s4.copy(0, 39);
119 	OUString s5;
120 	s5 = s1 + OUString::createFromAscii( " aus der RTL Library\n" );
121 	TEST_ENSURE( s5.compareTo(s4) == 0 , "test_OWString error 12");
122 	TEST_ENSURE( s5.indexOf(OUString::createFromAscii("RTL")) == 12, "test_OWString error 13");
123 	TEST_ENSURE( s5.lastIndexOf(OUString::createFromAscii("RTL")) == 48, "test_OWString error 13");
125 	sal_Bool b = sal_False;
126 	OUString s6 = s5.valueOf(b);
127 //	TEST_ENSURE( s6.compareTo(OUString::createFromAscii("False")) == 0, "test_OWString error 14");
128 	s6 = s5.valueOf((sal_Unicode)'H');
129 	TEST_ENSURE( s6.compareTo(OUString::createFromAscii("H")) == 0, "test_OWString error 15");
130 	sal_Int32 n = 123456789L;
131 	s6 = s5.valueOf(n);
132 	TEST_ENSURE( s6.compareTo(OUString::createFromAscii("123456789")) == 0, "test_OWString error 16");
134 #ifndef SAL_OS2
135 #ifdef SAL_UNX
136 	sal_Int64 m = -3223372036854775807LL;
137 #elif defined(SAL_OS2)
138     sal_Int64 m;
139     sal_setInt64(&m, 3965190145L, -750499787L);
140 #else
141 	sal_Int64 m = -3223372036854775807;
142 #endif
143 	s6 = s5.valueOf(m);
144 	TEST_ENSURE( s6.compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii( "-3223372036854775807" ) ) == 0, "test_OWString error 17");
145 #endif
147 // LLA: locale tests removed    	::rtl::OLocale locale = ::rtl::OLocale::getDefault();
148 // LLA: locale tests removed
149 // LLA: locale tests removed 	OUString s61(OUString::createFromAscii("HaLLo"));
150 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s61 = s61.toLowerCase(locale);
151 // LLA: locale tests removed 	TEST_ENSURE( s61 == OUString::createFromAscii("hallo"), "test_OWString error 17a");
152 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s61 = s61.toUpperCase();
153 // LLA: locale tests removed 	TEST_ENSURE( s61 == OUString::createFromAscii("HALLO"), "test_OWString error 17b");
154 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s61 = s61.toLowerCase();
155 // LLA: locale tests removed 	TEST_ENSURE( s61 == OUString::createFromAscii("hallo"), "test_OWString error 17c");
156 // LLA: locale tests removed
157 // LLA: locale tests removed 	::rtl::OLocale::setDefault( OUString::createFromAscii( "de" ), OUString::createFromAscii( "DE" ), OUString() );
158 // LLA: locale tests removed 	locale = OLocale::getDefault();
159 // LLA: locale tests removed
160 // LLA: locale tests removed 	// AB, 24.3.2000, removed NAMESPACE_RTL(OLocale)::getENGLISH() and error 18
161 // LLA: locale tests removed
162 // LLA: locale tests removed  	OUString s7(OUString::createFromAscii("HaLLo"));
163 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s7 = s7.toLowerCase(locale);
164 // LLA: locale tests removed 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 == OUString::createFromAscii("hallo"), "test_OWString error 19");
165 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s7 = s7.toUpperCase(locale);
166 // LLA: locale tests removed 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 == OUString::createFromAscii("HALLO"), "test_OWString error 20");
167 // LLA: locale tests removed
168 // LLA: locale tests removed 	OUString s8(OUString::createFromAscii("HaLLo ICH BIn eIn "));
169 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s8 += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Unicode)0xDF );
170 // LLA: locale tests removed 	locale = OLocale::registerLocale( OUString::createFromAscii("tr"), OUString::createFromAscii("TR"), OUString());
171 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s8 = s8.toLowerCase(locale);
172 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s8 = s8.toUpperCase(locale);
173 // LLA: locale tests removed 	TEST_ENSURE( s8 == OUString::createFromAscii("HALLO ICH BIN EIN SS"), "test_OWString error 21");
174 // LLA: locale tests removed
175 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s7 = OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo ich bIn ein I");
176 // LLA: locale tests removed 	s7 = s8.toUpperCase(locale);
177 // LLA: locale tests removed 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 != OUString::createFromAscii("HALLO ICH BIN EIN I"), "test_OWString error 21.b");
179  	OUString s7;
180 	OUString s8(OUString::createFromAscii("HALLO ICH BIN EIN SS"));
181 	s7 = OUString::createFromAscii("          ");
182 	s8 = s7 + s8 + OUString::createFromAscii("          " );
183 	TEST_ENSURE( s8 == OUString::createFromAscii("          HALLO ICH BIN EIN SS          "),
184 				  "test_OWString error 22");
186 	s7 = s8.trim();
187 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 == OUString::createFromAscii("HALLO ICH BIN EIN SS"), "test_OWString error 23");
188 //	TEST_ENSURE( wcscmp(s7.getStr(), L"HALLO ICH BIN EIN SS") == 0, "test_OWString error 24");
190 	s7 = OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo");
191 	s8 = OUString::createFromAscii("aber Hallo");
193 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 < s8, "test_OWString error 25");
194 	TEST_ENSURE( s8 > s7, "test_OWString error 26");
195 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 != s8, "test_OWString error 27");
196 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 != OUString::createFromAscii("blabla"), "test_OWString error 28");
197 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("blabla") != s7, "test_OWString error 29");
199 	s8 = OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo");
200 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 <= s8, "test_OWString error 30");
201 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 >= s8, "test_OwString error 31");
203 	s8 = s8.replace((sal_Unicode)'l', (sal_Unicode)'r');
204 	TEST_ENSURE( s8 == OUString::createFromAscii("Harro"), "test_OWString error 32");
205 // LLA: len() unknown	TEST_ENSURE( s8.len() == 5, "test_OWString error 33");
207 	//       "Ich bin ein String mit einem A und C und vielen m, m, m, m"
208 	//		  |	   |	|	 |	  |	   |	|	 |	  |	   |	|	 |
209 	//index	  0	   5	10	 15	  20   25	30	 35	  40   45	50	 55
210 	s8 = OUString::createFromAscii("Ich bin ein String mit einem A und C und vielen m, m, m, m");
211 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.search((sal_Unicode)'I') == 0, "test_OWString error 34");
212 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.search((sal_Unicode)'A') == 29, "test_OWString error 35");
213 // LLA: no matching 	s7 = OUString::createFromAscii("A und C");
214 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.search(s7) == 29, "test_OWString error 36");
215 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.search(OUString::createFromAscii("mit einem A")) == 19, "test_OWString error 37");
216 // LLA: no matching
217 // LLA: no matching 	s8 = OUString::createFromAscii("||token1|token2|token3||token4|token5||" );
218 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getTokenCount('|') == 10, "test_OWString error 38a");
219 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getToken(10,'|') == OUString(), "test_OWString error 39a");
220 // LLA: no matching
221 // LLA: no matching 	s8 = OUString::createFromAscii("token1");
222 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getTokenCount('|') == 1, "test_OWString error 38b");
223 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getToken(0,'|') == OUString::createFromAscii("token1"), "test_OWString error 39b");
224 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getToken(-1,'|') == OUString(), "test_OWString error 39c");
225 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getToken(1,'|') == OUString(), "test_OWString error 39d");
226 // LLA: no matching
227 // LLA: no matching 	s8 = OUString::createFromAscii("|hallo1|hallo2|hallo3|hallo4|hallo5|hallo6|hallo7|hallo8|");
228 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getTokenCount((sal_Unicode)'|') == 10, "test_OWString error 38");
229 // LLA: no matching 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getToken(3, (sal_Unicode)'|') == OUString::createFromAscii("hallo3"), "test_OWString error 39");
231 // LLA: removed due to the fact, this is not a clean test!
233 // LLA: 	s7 = OUString();
234 // LLA: 	s7 += s8;
235 // LLA: 	TEST_ENSURE( s7 == s8, "test_OWString error 40");
236 // LLA:
237 // LLA: 	s7 = s8.replaceAt(8, 6, OUString::createFromAscii("mmmmmmmmmm"));
238 // LLA: 	TEST_ENSURE( s7.getLength() == 61, "test_OWString error 41");
239 // LLA:
240 // LLA: 	s8 = s7.replaceAt(8, 11, OUString());
241 // LLA: 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getLength() == 50, "test_OWString error 42");
242 // LLA:
243 // LLA: 	s7 = s8.replaceAt(8, 0, OUString::createFromAscii("hallo2|"));
244 // LLA: 	TEST_ENSURE( s7.getLength() == 57, "test_OWString error 43");
245 // LLA:
246 // LLA: 	sal_Int32 pos = 0;
247 // LLA: 	while ((pos = s7.indexOf(OUString::createFromAscii("|"))) >= 0)
248 // LLA: 	{
249 // LLA: 		s8 = s7.replaceAt(pos, 1, OUString::createFromAscii("**"));
250 // LLA: 		s7 = s8;
251 // LLA: 	}
252 // LLA: 	TEST_ENSURE( s7.getLength() == 66, "test_OWString error 44");
254 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("aaa" ).compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("bbb" ) ) < 0, "test_OWString error 46" );
255 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("aaa" ).compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("aaa" ) ) == 0, "test_OWString error 46" );
256 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("bbb" ).compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("aaa" ) ) > 0, "test_OWString error 47" );
257 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("aaaa" ).compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("bbb" ) ) < 0, "test_OWString error 48" );
258 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("aaa" ).compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("bbbb" ) ) < 0, "test_OWString error 49" );
259 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("aaa" ).compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("aaaa" ) ) < 0, "test_OWString error 50" );
260 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("aaaa" ).compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("aaa" ) ) > 0, "test_OWString error 51" );
261 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("bbbb" ).compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("bbb" ) ) > 0, "test_OWString error 52" );
262 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("bbb" ) == OUString::createFromAscii("bbb" ), "test_OWString error 53" );
263 	TEST_ENSURE( OUString::createFromAscii("bbb" ) == OUString::createFromAscii("bbb" ), "test_OWString error 54" );
265 	{
266 		OUString uStr = OUString::createFromAscii( "Hallo" );
267 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo"), 5 ) == 0, "test_OWString error 54.2.1" );
268 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("Halloa"), 6 ) < 0 , "test_OWString error 54.2.2" );
269 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("1Hallo"), 6 ) > 0, "test_OWString error 54.2.3" );
270 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("Aallo"), 5 ) > 0, "test_OWString error 54.2.4" );
271 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("Halla"), 5 ) > 0, "test_OWString error 54.2.5" );
272 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("Mallo"), 5 ) < 0, "test_OWString error 54.2.6" );
273 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.compareTo( OUString::createFromAscii("Hallp"), 5 ) < 0, "test_OWString error 54.2.7" );
274 	}
276 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0
277 //YD will fail copy assert on indexes, because ':' returns -1
278 	s7 = OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo jetzt komm ich");
279 	s8 = s7.copy(0, s7.indexOf((sal_Unicode)':'));
280 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.getLength() == 0, "test_OWString error 55");
281 	TEST_ENSURE( s8.compareTo(OUString()) == 0, "test_OWString error 56");
282 #endif
284 	// ASCII-Schnittstellen, AB 15.10.1999
286 	//       "Ich bin ein reiner ASCII-String mit ein paar Zahlen 0123456789 und Zeichen"
287 	//		  |	   |	|	 |	  |	   |	|	 |	  |	   |	|    |    |    |    |
288 	//index	  0	   5	10	 15	  20   25	30	 35	  40   45	50	 55   60   65   70
289 	//
290 	//       "Ich bin ein weiterer ASCII-String"
291 	//		  |	   |	|	 |	  |	   |	|
292 	//index	  0	   5	10	 15	  20   25	30
293 	sal_Char ascii_str1[] = "Ich bin ein reiner ASCII-String mit ein paar Zahlen 0123456789 und Zeichen";
294 	sal_Char ascii_str2[] = "Ich bin ein weiterer ASCII-String";
295 	OUString OWAsciiStr1 = OUString::createFromAscii( ascii_str1 );
296 	sal_Int32 nLen1 = OWAsciiStr1.getLength();
297 	TEST_ENSURE( nLen1 == 74, "test_OWString error 57" );
298 	OUString OWAsciiStr2 = OUString::createFromAscii( ascii_str2 );
299 	sal_Int32 nLen2 = OWAsciiStr2.getLength();
300 	TEST_ENSURE( nLen2 == 33, "test_OWString error 58" );
302 	sal_Int32 nCompareResult11 = OWAsciiStr1.compareToAscii( ascii_str1 );
303 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompareResult11 == 0, "test_OWString error 59" );
304 	sal_Int32 nCompareResult12 = OWAsciiStr1.compareToAscii( ascii_str2 );
305 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompareResult12 < 0, "test_OWString error 60" );
307 	sal_Int32 nCompareResult21 = OWAsciiStr2.compareToAscii( ascii_str1 );
308 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompareResult21 > 0, "test_OWString error 61" );
309 	sal_Int32 nCompareResult22 = OWAsciiStr2.compareToAscii( ascii_str2 );
310 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompareResult22 == 0, "test_OWString error 62" );
312 	sal_Int32 nCompareResult12_Len12 = OWAsciiStr1.compareToAscii( ascii_str2, 12 );
313 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompareResult12_Len12 == 0, "test_OWString error 63" );
314 	sal_Int32 nCompareResult12_Len13 = OWAsciiStr1.compareToAscii( ascii_str2, 13 );
315 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompareResult12_Len13 < 0, "test_OWString error 64" );
317 	sal_Int32 nCompareResult21_Len12 = OWAsciiStr2.compareToAscii( ascii_str1, 12 );
318 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompareResult21_Len12 == 0, "test_OWString error 65" );
319 	sal_Int32 nCompareResult21_Len13 = OWAsciiStr2.compareToAscii( ascii_str1, 13 );
320 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompareResult21_Len13 > 0, "test_OWString error 66" );
322 	{
323 		OUString uStr = OUString::createFromAscii( "Hallo" );
324 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.equalsAsciiL( "Hallo", 5 ), "test_OWString error 66.1.1" );
325 		TEST_ENSURE( !uStr.equalsAsciiL( "Hallo1", 6 ), "test_OWString error 66.1.2" );
326 		TEST_ENSURE( !uStr.equalsAsciiL( "1Hallo", 6 ), "test_OWString error 66.1.3" );
327 		TEST_ENSURE( !uStr.equalsAsciiL( "aallo", 5 ), "test_OWString error 66.1.2" );
328 		TEST_ENSURE( !uStr.equalsAsciiL( "Halla", 5 ), "test_OWString error 66.1.3" );
330 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.reverseCompareToAsciiL( "Hallo", 5 ) == 0, "test_OWString error 66.2.1" );
331 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.reverseCompareToAsciiL( "Halloa", 6 ) > 0 , "test_OWString error 66.2.2" );
332 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.reverseCompareToAsciiL( "1Hallo", 6 ) < 0, "test_OWString error 66.2.3" );
333 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.reverseCompareToAsciiL( "Aallo", 5 ) > 0, "test_OWString error 66.2.4" );
334 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.reverseCompareToAsciiL( "Halla", 5 ) > 0, "test_OWString error 66.2.5" );
335 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.reverseCompareToAsciiL( "Mallo", 5 ) < 0, "test_OWString error 66.2.6" );
336 		TEST_ENSURE( uStr.reverseCompareToAsciiL( "Hallp", 5 ) < 0, "test_OWString error 66.2.7" );
337 	}
339 	// toInt64
340 	OUString s9( OUString::createFromAscii(" -3223372036854775807") );
341 	sal_Int64 ln1 = s9.toInt64();
342 #if (defined UNX) || (defined OS2)
343 	TEST_ENSURE( ln1 == -3223372036854775807LL, "test_OWString error 67" );
344 #else
345 	TEST_ENSURE( ln1 == -3223372036854775807, "test_OWString error 67" );
346 #endif
347 	OUString s10( OUString::createFromAscii("13243A65f1H45") );
348 	sal_Int64 ln2 = s10.toInt64();
349 	TEST_ENSURE( ln2 == 13243, "test_OWString error 68" );
351 	sal_Int64 ln3 = s10.toInt64( 16 );
352 #if (defined UNX) || (defined OS2)
353 	TEST_ENSURE( ln3 == 0x13243A65F1LL, "test_OWString error 69" );
354 #else
355 	TEST_ENSURE( ln3 == 0x13243A65F1, "test_OWString error 69" );
356 #endif
357 	// Exotic base
358 	OUString s11( OUString::createFromAscii("H4A") );
359 	sal_Int64 ln4 = s11.toInt64( 23 );
360 	TEST_ENSURE( ln4 == 23*23*17 + 4 * 23 + 10, "test_OWString error 70" );
362 	// toInt32
363 	OUString s12( OUString::createFromAscii(" -220368507") );
364 	sal_Int32 n1 = s12.toInt32();
365 	TEST_ENSURE( n1 == -220368507, "test_OWString error 71" );
367 	OUString s13( OUString::createFromAscii("4423A61H45") );
368 	sal_Int64 n2 = s13.toInt32();
369 	TEST_ENSURE( n2 == 4423, "test_OWString error 72" );
371 	sal_Int64 n3 = s13.toInt64( 16 );
372 	TEST_ENSURE( n3 == 0x4423A61, "test_OWString error 73" );
374 // LLA: Value tests fails most the time, this is not a good test
375 // LLA: 	double d = 1.23456781;
376 // LLA: 	OUString sDouble = OUString::valueOf( d );
377 // LLA: 	char str[] = "1.2345678099999999";
378 // LLA: 	sal_Int32 nLength = sDouble.getLength();
379 // LLA: 	TEST_ENSURE( nLength == strlen( str ), "test_OWString error 74" );
380 // LLA: 	sal_Int32 nCompare = sDouble.compareToAscii( str );
381 // LLA: 	TEST_ENSURE( nCompare == 0, "test_OWString error 75" );
383 	printf("test_OWString OK !!!\n");
384 	return;
385 }
387 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
389 void oldtests::test_OString2OUStringAndViceVersa()
390 {
391 	OString s1("Hallo jetzt komm ich");
392 	OUString u1 = OStringToOUString(s1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252);
393 	TEST_ENSURE( u1.equals(OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo jetzt komm ich")), "test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa error 1" );
394 	u1 = OStringToOUString(s1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850);
395 	TEST_ENSURE( u1.equals(OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo jetzt komm ich")), "test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa error 2" );
396 	u1 = OStringToOUString(s1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_15);
397 	TEST_ENSURE( u1.equals(OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo jetzt komm ich")), "test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa error 3" );
398 	u1 = OStringToOUString(s1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
399 	TEST_ENSURE( u1.equals(OUString::createFromAscii("Hallo jetzt komm ich")), "test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa error 4" );
401 	OString s2 = OUStringToOString(u1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252);
402 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.equals("Hallo jetzt komm ich"), "test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa error 5" );
403 	s2 = OUStringToOString(u1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850);
404 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.equals("Hallo jetzt komm ich"), "test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa error 6" );
405 	s2 = OUStringToOString(u1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_15);
406 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.equals("Hallo jetzt komm ich"), "test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa error 7" );
407 	s2 = OUStringToOString(u1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
408 	TEST_ENSURE( s2.equals("Hallo jetzt komm ich"), "test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa error 8" );
410 	printf("test_OString2OWStringAndViceVersa OK !!!\n");
411 }
413 } // namespace rtl_OUString
415 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( rtl_OUString::oldtests, "rtl_OUString" );
418 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------