xref: /trunk/main/sd/source/ui/inc/ToolBarManager.hxx (revision cdf0e10c)
1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
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9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
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11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
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22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
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26  ************************************************************************/
31 #include "ViewShell.hxx"
32 #include "ShellFactory.hxx"
33 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
34 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.hpp>
36 #include <sal/types.h>
37 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
38 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
39 #include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
41 class SdrView;
43 namespace sd { namespace tools {
44 class EventMultiplexer;
45 } }
48 namespace sd {
50 class ViewShellBase;
51 class ViewShellManager;
53 /** Manage the set of visible tool bars (and object bars).  Usually they
54     belong to the current view in the center pane.
56     Tool bars are managed in groups.  Each group can be set, reset, or
57     modified independently of the others.  This allows for instance to
58     replace the toolbars associated with the current function independently
59     from those assoicated with the main view.
61     The ToolBarManager has two high level methods which contain the
62     knowledge about which tool bars to show in a specific context.
63     When the view in the center pane changes then MainViewShellChanged()
64     sets up the tool bars for the new view.  On changes of the selection the
65     SelectionHasChanged() method shows the tool bars for the new context.
67     The update of the actually visible tool bars to the set currently
68     required by the main view shell and its functions is divided into two
69     parts, PreUpdate() and PostUpdate().  This are to be called before
70     respectively after the update of the view shell stack.  The reason for
71     this is to save time by not updating tool bars that will not be visible
72     in a short time on a view shell switch.
73 */
74 class ToolBarManager
75     : public ::boost::enable_shared_from_this<ToolBarManager>
76 {
77 public:
78     /** Use this method instead of the constructor to create new objects of
79         this class.
80     */
81     static ::boost::shared_ptr<ToolBarManager> Create (
82         ViewShellBase& rBase,
83         const ::boost::shared_ptr<tools::EventMultiplexer>& rpMultiplexer,
84         const ::boost::shared_ptr<ViewShellManager>& rpViewShellManager);
86     ~ToolBarManager (void);
88     /** Call this method prior to the destructor to prevent the
89         ToolBarManager from accessing the ViewShellManager or the
90         XLayoutManager when those are possibly not well and alive anymore
91         (like during the destruction of the ViewShellBase.)
92     */
93     void Shutdown (void);
95     /** When the view in the center pane changes then this method sets up
96         the initial set of tool bars for the new view.
97         The ToolBarManager listenes for view switching itself and then calls
98         MainViewShellChanged().  Calling this method from the outside should
99         not be necessary.
100         @param nShellType
101             The type of the new main view shell.
102     */
103     void MainViewShellChanged (ViewShell::ShellType nShellType);
104     void MainViewShellChanged (const ViewShell& rMainViewShell);
106     /** Call this method when the selection has changed to update the more
107         temporary tool bars (those in the TBG_FUNCTION group.)
108     */
109     void SelectionHasChanged (
110         const ViewShell& rViewShell,
111         const SdrView& rView);
113     /** The set of tool bars that are handled by this manager class.
114     */
115     const static ::rtl::OUString msToolBar;                  // RID_DRAW_TOOLBOX, 23011
116                                                              // RID_GRAPHIC_TOOLBOX, 23025
117     const static ::rtl::OUString msOptionsToolBar;           // RID_DRAW_OPTIONS_TOOLBOX, 23020
118                                                              // RID_GRAPHIC_OPTIONS_TOOLBOX, 23026
119     const static ::rtl::OUString msCommonTaskToolBar;        // RID_DRAW_COMMONTASK_TOOLBOX, 23021
120     const static ::rtl::OUString msViewerToolBar;            // RID_DRAW_VIEWER_TOOLBOX, 23023
121                                                              // RID_GRAPHIC_VIEWER_TOOLBOX, 23024
122     const static ::rtl::OUString msSlideSorterToolBar;       // RID_SLIDE_TOOLBOX, 23012
123     const static ::rtl::OUString msSlideSorterObjectBar;     // RID_SLIDE_OBJ_TOOLBOX, 23014
124     const static ::rtl::OUString msOutlineToolBar;           // RID_OUTLINE_TOOLBOX, 23017
125     const static ::rtl::OUString msMasterViewToolBar;        // SID_MASTERPAGE, 27053
126     const static ::rtl::OUString msDrawingObjectToolBar;     // RID_DRAW_OBJ_TOOLBOX, 23013
127     const static ::rtl::OUString msGluePointsToolBar;        // RID_GLUEPOINTS_TOOLBOX, 23019
128     const static ::rtl::OUString msTextObjectBar;            // RID_DRAW_TEXT_TOOLBOX, 23016
129                                                              // RID_GRAPHIC_TEXT_TOOLBOX, 23028
130     const static ::rtl::OUString msBezierObjectBar;          // RID_BEZIER_TOOLBOX, 23015
131     const static ::rtl::OUString msGraphicObjectBar;         // RID_DRAW_GRAF_TOOLBOX, 23030
132     const static ::rtl::OUString msMediaObjectBar;           // RID_DRAW_MEDIA_TOOLBOX, 23031
133 	const static ::rtl::OUString msTableObjectBar;			 // RID_DRAW_TABLE_TOOLBOX
135     /** The set of tool bar groups.
136     */
137     enum ToolBarGroup {
138         TBG__FIRST,
141         TBG_FUNCTION,
142         TBG_MASTER_MODE,
145     };
147     /** Reset the set of visible object bars in the specified group.  Tool
148         bars in other groups are not affected.
149         @param rParentShell
150             When this shell is not the main view then the method returns
151             immediately.
152         @param eGroup
153             Only the tool bars in this group are rest.
154     */
155     void ResetToolBars (ToolBarGroup eGroup);
157     /** Reset all tool bars, regardless of the group they belong to.
158         @param rParentShell
159             When this shell is not the main view then the method returns
160             immediately.
161     */
162     void ResetAllToolBars (void);
164     /** Add the tool bar with the given name to the specified group of tool
165         bars.
166         @param rParentShell
167             When this shell is not the main view then the method returns
168             immediately.
169         @param eGroup
170             The new tool bar is added to this group.
171         @param rsToolBarName
172             The base name of the tool bar.  A proper prefix (like
173             private:resource/toolbar/) is added.  The name may be one of the
174             ones defined above.  Other names are allowed as well.
175     */
176     void AddToolBar (
177         ToolBarGroup eGroup,
178         const ::rtl::OUString& rsToolBarName);
180     /** Add the tool bar shell to the shell stack.  This method basically
181         forwards the call to the ViewShellManager.
182         For some tool bar shells additional tool bars are made visible.
183         @param rParentShell
184             When this shell is not the main view then the method returns
185             immediately.
186         @param eGroup
187             The group is used for the actual tool bars.
188         @param nToolBarId
189             Id of the tool bar shell.
190     */
191     void AddToolBarShell (
192         ToolBarGroup eGroup,
193         ShellId nToolBarId);
195     /** Remove the tool bar with the given name from the specified group.
196         If the tool bar is not visible then nothing happens.
197         If the tool bar is a member of another group then nothing happens
198         either.
199     */
200     void RemoveToolBar (
201         ToolBarGroup eGroup,
202         const ::rtl::OUString& rsToolBarName);
204     /** This is basically a shortcut for ResetToolBars(),AddToolBar().  The
205         main difference is, that all sub shells of the specified parent
206         shell are deactivated as well.
207         @param rParentShell
208             When this shell is not the main view then the method returns
209             immediately.
210         @param eGroup
211             The new tool bar is added to this group.
212         @param rsToolBarName
213             The base name of the tool bar.  A proper prefix (like
214             private:resource/toolbar/) is added.  The name may be one of the
215             ones defined above.  Other names are allowed as well.
216     */
217     void SetToolBar (
218         ToolBarGroup eGroup,
219         const ::rtl::OUString& rsToolBarName);
221     /** This is basically a shortcut for ResetToolBars(),AddToolBar().  The
222         main difference is, that all sub shells of the specified parent
223         shell are deactivated as well.
224         @param rParentShell
225             When this shell is not the main view then the method returns
226             immediately.
227         @param rParentShell
228             When this shell is not the main view then the method returns
229             immediately.
230         @param eGroup
231             The group is currently not used.
232         @param nToolBarId
233             Id of the tool bar shell.
234     */
235     void SetToolBarShell (
236         ToolBarGroup eGroup,
237         ShellId nToolBarId);
239     void PreUpdate (void);
241     /** Request an update of the active tool bars.  The update is made
242         asynchronously.
243     */
244     void RequestUpdate (void);
246     /** This is a hint for the ToolBarManager to improve the performance
247         when it updates its tool bars when its own lock is released.  Taking
248         control of the release of the update lock of the ViewShellManager
249         avoids some shell stack modifications and tool bar updates.
250     */
251     void LockViewShellManager (void);
253     /** Use this class to prevent the visible tool bars from being updated
254         (and thus causing repaints and GUI rearrangements) when several tool
255         bar operations are made in a row.
256     */
257     class UpdateLock { public:
258         UpdateLock(const ::boost::shared_ptr<ToolBarManager>& rpManager)
259             : mpManager(rpManager) { mpManager->LockUpdate(); }
260         ~UpdateLock(void) { mpManager->UnlockUpdate(); }
261     private:
262         ::boost::shared_ptr<ToolBarManager> mpManager;
263     };
264     friend class UpdateLock;
266     void ToolBarsDestroyed(void);
268 private:
269     class Implementation;
270     ::boost::scoped_ptr<Implementation> mpImpl;
272     /** The ViewShellBase is used to get the XLayoutManager and to determine
273         the plug in mode.
274     */
275     ToolBarManager (void);
277     void LockUpdate (void);
278     void UnlockUpdate (void);
279 };
281 } // end of namespace sd
283 #endif