1 /************************************************************************* 2 * 3 * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. 4 * 5 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. 6 * 7 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite 8 * 9 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. 10 * 11 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 12 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 13 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. 14 * 15 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 17 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 18 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details 19 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). 20 * 21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 22 * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see 23 * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> 24 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. 25 * 26 ************************************************************************/ 27 28 #ifndef _PPPOPTIMIZER_TOKEN_HXX 29 #define _PPPOPTIMIZER_TOKEN_HXX 30 31 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx> 32 33 enum PPPOptimizerTokenEnum 34 { 35 TK_rdmNavi, 36 TK_lnNavSep1, 37 TK_lnNavSep2, 38 TK_btnNavHelp, 39 TK_btnNavBack, 40 TK_btnNavNext, 41 TK_btnNavFinish, 42 TK_btnNavCancel, 43 44 TK_FixedText0Pg0, 45 TK_FixedText1Pg0, 46 TK_Separator1Pg0, 47 TK_FixedText2Pg0, 48 TK_ListBox0Pg0, 49 TK_Button0Pg0, 50 TK_RadioButton0Pg1, 51 TK_RadioButton1Pg1, 52 TK_FixedText0Pg1, 53 TK_CheckBox1Pg1, 54 TK_FixedText1Pg1, 55 TK_FixedText2Pg1, 56 TK_FormattedField0Pg1, 57 TK_ComboBox0Pg1, 58 TK_CheckBox2Pg1, 59 TK_FixedText0Pg2, 60 TK_FixedText1Pg2, 61 TK_CheckBox0Pg2, 62 TK_RadioButton0Pg2, 63 TK_RadioButton1Pg2, 64 TK_FixedText0Pg3, 65 TK_CheckBox0Pg3, 66 TK_FixedText1Pg3, 67 TK_CheckBox1Pg3, 68 TK_FixedText2Pg3, 69 TK_CheckBox2Pg3, 70 TK_CheckBox3Pg3, 71 TK_ListBox0Pg3, 72 TK_Separator0Pg4, 73 TK_RadioButton0Pg4, 74 TK_RadioButton1Pg4, 75 TK_Separator1Pg4, 76 TK_FixedText0Pg4, 77 TK_FixedText1Pg4, 78 TK_FixedText2Pg4, 79 TK_FixedText3Pg4, 80 TK_FixedText4Pg4, 81 TK_FixedText5Pg4, 82 TK_FixedText6Pg4, 83 TK_FixedText7Pg4, 84 TK_FixedText8Pg4, 85 TK_CheckBox1Pg4, 86 TK_ComboBox0Pg4, 87 88 TK__blank, 89 TK__self, 90 TK_Activated, 91 TK_Align, 92 TK_Alpha, 93 TK_Animated, 94 TK_Background, 95 TK_BitmapPath, 96 TK_Border, 97 TK_Closeable, 98 TK_ColorMode, 99 TK_Complete, 100 TK_Compression, 101 TK_CurrentItemID, 102 TK_DefaultButton, 103 TK_DocumentService, 104 TK_Dropdown, 105 TK_EffectiveValue, 106 TK_EffectiveMin, 107 TK_EffectiveMax, 108 TK_Enabled, 109 TK_Extensions, 110 TK_FileSizeDestination, 111 TK_FileSizeSource, 112 TK_FillBitmap, 113 TK_FillBitmapLogicalSize, 114 TK_FillBitmapMode, 115 TK_FillBitmapSizeX, 116 TK_FillBitmapSizeY, 117 TK_FillBitmapURL, 118 TK_FillStyle, 119 TK_FilterData, 120 TK_FilterName, 121 TK_Flags, 122 TK_FontDescriptor, 123 TK_Graphic, 124 TK_GraphicCrop, 125 TK_GraphicCropLogic, 126 TK_GraphicURL, 127 TK_GraphicStreamURL, 128 TK_Height, 129 TK_HelpFile, 130 TK_Hidden, 131 TK_ID, 132 TK_ImageURL, 133 TK_InformationDialog, 134 TK_InputStream, 135 TK_Interlaced, 136 TK_IsInternal, 137 TK_Label, 138 TK_LineCount, 139 TK_LogicalHeight, 140 TK_LogicalWidth, 141 TK_LogicalSize, 142 TK_MimeType, 143 TK_Moveable, 144 TK_MultiLine, 145 TK_MultiSelection, 146 TK_Name, 147 TK_Orientation, 148 TK_OutputStream, 149 TK_PixelHeight, 150 TK_PixelWidth, 151 TK_PositionX, 152 TK_PositionY, 153 TK_Progress, 154 TK_ProgressValue, 155 TK_ProgressValueMax, 156 TK_ProgressValueMin, 157 TK_PushButtonType, 158 TK_Quality, 159 TK_ReadOnly, 160 TK_Repeat, 161 TK_ScaleImage, 162 TK_SelectedItems, 163 TK_Settings, 164 TK_Size100thMM, 165 TK_SizePixel, 166 TK_Spin, 167 TK_Step, 168 TK_State, 169 TK_StatusDispatcher, 170 TK_StringItemList, 171 TK_Strings, 172 TK_TabIndex, 173 TK_Template, 174 TK_Text, 175 TK_Title, 176 TK_Transparent, 177 TK_Type, 178 TK_UIName, 179 TK_Value, 180 TK_Width, 181 TK_ZOrder, 182 183 TK_LastUsedSettings, 184 TK_Settings_Templates, 185 TK_Settings_Templates_, 186 TK_JPEGCompression, 187 TK_JPEGQuality, 188 TK_RemoveCropArea, 189 TK_ImageResolution, 190 TK_EmbedLinkedGraphics, 191 TK_OLEOptimization, 192 TK_OLEOptimizationType, 193 TK_DeleteUnusedMasterPages, 194 TK_DeleteHiddenSlides, 195 TK_DeleteNotesPages, 196 TK_CustomShowName, 197 TK_SaveAs, 198 TK_SaveAsURL, 199 TK_OpenNewDocument, 200 TK_EstimatedFileSize, 201 202 TK_Status, 203 TK_Pages, 204 TK_CurrentPage, 205 TK_GraphicObjects, 206 TK_CurrentGraphicObject, 207 TK_OLEObjects, 208 TK_CurrentOLEObject, 209 210 STR_SUN_OPTIMIZATION_WIZARD2, 211 STR_STEPS, 212 STR_HELP, 213 STR_BACK, 214 STR_NEXT, 215 STR_FINISH, 216 STR_CANCEL, 217 STR_INTRODUCTION, 218 STR_INTRODUCTION_T, 219 STR_CHOSE_SETTINGS, 220 STR_REMOVE, 221 STR_GRAPHIC_OPTIMIZATION, 222 STR_IMAGE_OPTIMIZATION, 223 STR_LOSSLESS_COMPRESSION, 224 STR_JPEG_COMPRESSION, 225 STR_QUALITY, 226 STR_REMOVE_CROP_AREA, 227 STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION, 228 STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_0, 229 STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_1, 230 STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_2, 231 STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_3, 232 STR_EMBED_LINKED_GRAPHICS, 233 STR_OLE_OBJECTS, 234 STR_OLE_OPTIMIZATION, 235 STR_OLE_REPLACE, 236 STR_ALL_OLE_OBJECTS, 237 STR_ALIEN_OLE_OBJECTS_ONLY, 238 STR_OLE_OBJECTS_DESC, 239 STR_NO_OLE_OBJECTS_DESC, 240 STR_SLIDES, 241 STR_CHOOSE_SLIDES, 242 STR_MASTER_PAGES, 243 STR_DELETE_MASTER_PAGES, 244 STR_DELETE_NOTES_PAGES, 245 STR_DELETE_HIDDEN_SLIDES, 246 STR_CUSTOM_SHOW, 247 STR_SUMMARY, 248 STR_SUMMARY_TITLE, 249 STR_PROGRESS, 250 STR_OBJECTS_OPTIMIZED, 251 STR_APPLY_TO_CURRENT, 252 STR_AUTOMATICALLY_OPEN, 253 STR_SAVE_SETTINGS, 254 STR_SAVE_AS, 255 STR_DELETE_SLIDES, 256 STR_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES, 257 STR_CREATE_REPLACEMENT, 258 STR_CURRENT_FILESIZE, 259 STR_ESTIMATED_FILESIZE, 260 STR_MB, 261 STR_MY_SETTINGS, 262 STR_DEFAULT_SESSION, 263 STR_MODIFY_WARNING, 264 STR_YES, 265 STR_OK, 266 STR_INFO_1, 267 STR_INFO_2, 268 STR_INFO_3, 269 STR_INFO_4, 270 STR_DUPLICATING_PRESENTATION, 271 STR_DELETING_SLIDES, 272 STR_OPTIMIZING_GRAPHICS, 273 STR_CREATING_OLE_REPLACEMENTS, 274 STR_FILESIZESEPARATOR, 275 276 TK_Last, 277 TK_NotFound 278 }; 279 280 PPPOptimizerTokenEnum TKGet( const rtl::OUString& ); 281 rtl::OUString TKGet( const PPPOptimizerTokenEnum ); 282 283 #endif 284