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21# Syntax: language ANSI-Codepage LCID
22# comment lines begin with hash
23af    1252  1078   # Afrikaans
24am       0  1118   # Amharic
25ar    1256  1025
26ar-SA 1256  1025
27as       0  1101   # Assamese
28as-IN    0  1101   # Assamese
29ast   1252  1610
30be-BY 1251  1059   # Belarusian
31bg    1251  1026   # Bulgarian
32bn       0  2117   # Bengali
33bn-BD    0  2117   # Bengali Bangladesh
34bn-IN    0  1093   # Bengali India
35bo       0  2121
36br    1252  1150   # Breton
37brx      0  1603   # Bodo (India)
38bs       0  5146   # Bosnian
39ca    1252  1027   # Catalan
40ca-XR 1252  32772  # Catalan Valencian RACV
41ca-XV 1252  32771  # Catalan Valencian AVL
42cs    1250  1029   # Czech
43cy    1252  1106   # Welsh
44da    1252  1030   # Danish
45de    1252  1031   # German
46dgo      0  1604   # Dogri (India)
47dz       0  2129   # Dzongkha (same ID as tibetan bhutan (see i40713))
48el    1253  1032
49en-GB 1252  2057
50en-US 1252  1033
51en-ZA 1252  7177
52eo       0  1553   # Esperanto
53es    1252  1034
54et    1257  1061   # Estonian
55eu    1252  1069   # Basque
56fa       0  1065   # Farsi
57fi    1252  1035
58fo    1252  1080   # Faroese
59fr    1252  1036
60fr-CA 1252  3084
61fur      0  1585
62ga       0  2108   # Irish
63gd       0  1084   # Gaelic (Scotland)
64gl    1252  1110   # Galician
65gu       0  1095   # Gujarati
66gu-IN    0  1095   # Gujarati
67he    1255  1037
68hi       0  1081
69hr    1250  1050   # Croatian
70ht    1252  1626   # Haitian
71hu    1250  1038
72hy       0  1067   # Armenian
73id    1252  1057   # Indonesian
74is    1252  1039   # Icelandic
75it    1252  1040   # Italian
76ja     932  1041
77jbo      0  1624
78ka       0  1079   # Georgian
79kab      0  1625
80kid   1252  1033   # key id pseudo language
81kk       0  1087
82km       0  1107   # Khmer
83kn       0  1099   # Kannada
84kn-IN    0  1099   # Kannada
85ko     949  1042   # Korean
86kok      0  1111   # Konkani
87ks       0  1120   # Kashmiri
88ku       0  1574
89ky       0  2100
90lo       0  1108   # Lao
91lt    1257  1063   # Lithuanian
92lv    1257  1062   # Latvian
93mai      0  1605   # Maithili (India)
94mk    1251  1071   # Macedonian
95ml       0  1100
96ml-IN    0  1100
97mn       0  1104   # Mongolian
98mni      0  1112   # Manipuri
99mn-TR    0  2128   # Mongolian Classical/traditional
100mr       0  1102   # Marathi
101mr-IN    0  1102
102ms       0  1086   # Malay (Malaysian)
103mt       0  1082   # Maltese
104my       0  1109   # Burmese
105nb    1252  1044
106ne       0  1121   # Nepali
107nl    1252  1043
108nn    1252  2068
109no    1252  1044
110nr       0  1580   # Ndebele South
111nso      0  1132
112ny       0  1598
113oc    1252  1154   # Occitan-lengadocian
114om       0  2162
115or       0  1096   # Oriya
116or-IN    0  1096
117pa-IN    0  1094   # Punjabi
118pap      0  2171
119pl    1250  1045
120ps       0  2171
121pt    1252  2070
122pt-BR 1252  1046
123pt-PT 1252  2070
124rm       0  1047   # Raeto-Romance
125ro       0  1048   # Romanian
126ru    1251  1049
127rw       0  1569   # Kinyarwanda
128sa-IN    0  1103   # Sanskrit
129sat      0  1606   # Santali
130sb       0  1070   # Sorbian
131sc       0  3047
132sd       0  1113   # Sindhi
133sh    1250  2074   # Serbian Latin
134si       0  2133
135sk    1250  1051   # Slovak
136sl    1250  1060   # Slovenian
137sq    1250  1052   # Albanian
138sr    1251  3098   # Serbian Cyrillic
139sr-SP 1251  3098   # Serbian Cyrillic
140ss       0  1579   # Swazi
141st       0  1072   # Southern Sotho, Sutu
142sv    1252  1053   # Swedish
143sw    1252  1089   # Swahili
144sw-TZ 1252  1089   # Swahili
145so       0  1143
146ta       0  1097   # Tamil
147ta-IN    0  1097   # Tamil
148te       0  1098
149te-IN    0  1098
150tg       0  1064   # Tajik
151th     874  1054
152ti-ER    0  1139
153tn       0  1074   # Setsuana
154tr    1254  1055   # Turkish
155ts       0  1073   # Tsonga
156tk       0  1090
157tt    1251  1092   # Tatar
158ug       0  2200
159uk    1251  1058   # Ukrainian
160ur    1256  1056   # Urdu
161ur-IN    0  2080
162uz       0  1091   # Uzbek (Latin)
163ve       0  1075   # Venda
164vi    1258  1066   # Vietnamese
165xh       0  1076   # Xhosa
166yi       0  1085   # Yiddish
167zh-CN  936  2052
168zh-TW  950  1028
169zu       0  1077   # Zulu