xref: /trunk/main/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba (revision cdf0e10c)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="ReadDir" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
4Public Const SBPAGEX = 800
5Public Const SBPAGEY = 800
6Public Const SBRELDIST = 1.3
8&apos; Names of the second Dimension of the Array iLevelPos
9Public Const SBBASEX = 0
10Public Const SBBASEY = 1
12Public Const SBOLDSTARTX = 2
13Public Const SBOLDSTARTY = 3
15Public Const SBOLDENDX = 4
16Public Const SBOLDENDY = 5
18Public Const SBNEWSTARTX = 6
19Public Const SBNEWSTARTY = 7
21Public Const SBNEWENDX = 8
22Public Const SBNEWENDY = 9
24Public ConnectLevel As Integer
25Public iLevelPos(1,9) As Long
26Public Source as String
27Public iCurLevel as Integer
28Public nConnectLevel as Integer
29Public nOldWidth, nOldHeight As Long
30Public nOldX, nOldY, nOldLevel As Integer
31Public oOldLeavingLine As Object
32Public oOldArrivingLine As Object
33Public DlgReadDir as Object
34Dim oProgressBar as Object
35Dim oDocument As Object
36Dim oPage As Object
39Sub Main()
40Dim oStandardTemplate as Object
41	BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
42	oDocument = CreateNewDocument(&quot;sdraw&quot;)
43	If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
44		oPage = oDocument.DrawPages(0)
45		oStandardTemplate = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;graphics&quot;).GetByName(&quot;standard&quot;)
46		oStandardTemplate.CharHeight = 10
47		oStandardTemplate.TextLeftDistance = 100
48		oStandardTemplate.TextRightDistance = 100
49		oStandardTemplate.TextUpperDistance = 50
50		oStandardTemplate.TextLowerDistance = 50
51		DlgReadDir = LoadDialog(&quot;Gimmicks&quot;,&quot;ReadFolderDlg&quot;)
52		oProgressBar = DlgReadDir.Model.ProgressBar1
53		DlgReadDir.Model.TextField1.Text = ConvertFromUrl(GetPathSettings(&quot;Work&quot;))
54		DlgReadDir.Model.cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
55		DlgReadDir.GetControl(&quot;TextField1&quot;).SetFocus()
56		DlgReadDir.Execute
57	End If
58End Sub
61Sub TreeInfo()
62Dim oCurTextShape As Object
63Dim i as Integer
64Dim bStartUpRun As Boolean
65Dim CurFilename as String
66Dim BaseLevel as Integer
67Dim oController as Object
68Dim MaxFileIndex as Integer
69Dim FileNames() as String
70	ToggleDialogControls(False)
71	oProgressBar.ProgressValueMin = 0
72	oProgressBar.ProgressValueMax = 100
73	bStartUpRun  = True
74	nOldHeight = 200
75	nOldY = SBPAGEY
76	nOldX = SBPAGEX
77	nOldWidth = SBPAGEX
78	oController = oDocument.GetCurrentController
79	Source = ConvertToURL(DlgReadDir.Model.TextField1.Text)
80	BaseLevel = CountCharsInString(Source, &quot;/&quot;, 1)
81	oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 5
82	DlgReadDir.Model.Label3.Enabled = True
83	FileNames() = ReadSourceDirectory(Source)
84	DlgReadDir.Model.Label4.Enabled = True
85	DlgReadDir.Model.Label3.Enabled = False
86	oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 12
87	FileNames() = BubbleSortList(FileNames())
88	DlgReadDir.Model.Label5.Enabled = True
89	DlgReadDir.Model.Label4.Enabled = False
90	oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 20
91	MaxFileIndex = Ubound(FileNames(),1)
92	For i = 0 To MaxFileIndex
93		oProgressBar.ProgressValue = 20 + (i/MaxFileIndex * 80)
94		CurFilename = FileNames(i,1)
95		SetNewLevels(FileNames(i,0), BaseLevel)
96		oCurTextShape = CreateTextShape(oPage, CurFilename)
97		CheckPageWidth(oCurTextShape.Size.Width)
98		iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y
99		If i = 0 Then
100			AdjustPageHeight(oCurTextShape.Size.Height, MaxFileIndex + 1)
101		End If
102		&apos; The Current TextShape has To be connected with a TextShape one Level higher
103		&apos; except for a TextShape In Level 0:
104		If Not bStartUpRun Then
105			&apos; A leaving Line Is only drawn when level is not 0
106			If iCurLevel&lt;&gt; 0 Then
107				&apos; Determine the Coordinates of the arriving Line
108				iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDSTARTX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
109				iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDSTARTY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
111				iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDENDX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
112				iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
114				oOldArrivingLine = DrawLine(iCurLevel, SBOLDSTARTX, SBOLDSTARTY, SBOLDENDX, SBOLDENDY, oPage)
116				&apos; Determine the End-Coordinates of the last leaving Line
117				iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
118				iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
119			Else
120				&apos; On Level 0 the last Leaving Line&apos;s Endpoint is the upper edge of the TextShape
121				iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y
122				iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
123			End If
124			&apos; Draw the Connectors To the previous TextShapes
125			oOldLeavingLine = DrawLine(nConnectLevel, SBNEWSTARTX, SBNEWSTARTY, SBNEWENDX, SBNEWENDY, oPage)
126		Else
127			&apos; StartingPoint of the leaving Edge
128			bStartUpRun = FALSE
129		End If
131		&apos; Determine the beginning Coordinates of the leaving Line
132		iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBNEWSTARTX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Width
133		iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBNEWSTARTY) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEY) + oCurTextShape.Size.Height
135		&apos; Save the values For the Next run
136		nOldHeight = oCurTextShape.Size.Height
137		nOldX = oCurTextShape.Position.X
138		nOldWidth = oCurTextShape.Size.Width
139		nOldLevel = iCurLevel
140	Next i
141	ToggleDialogControls(True)
142	DlgReadDir.Model.cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
143End Sub
146Function CreateTextShape(oPage as Object, Filename as String)
147Dim oTextShape As Object
148Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
150	aPoint.X = CalculateXPoint()
151	aPoint.Y = nOldY + SBRELDIST * nOldHeight
152	nOldY  = aPoint.Y
154	oTextShape = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape&quot;)
155	oTextShape.LineStyle = 1
156	oTextShape.Position = aPoint
158	oPage.add(oTextShape)
159	oTextShape.TextAutoGrowWidth = TRUE
160	oTextShape.TextAutoGrowHeight = TRUE
161	oTextShape.String = FileName
163	&apos; Configure Size And Position of the TextShape  according to its Scripting
164	aPoint.X = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
165	oTextShape.Position = aPoint
166	CreateTextShape() = oTextShape
167End Function
170Function CalculateXPoint()
171	&apos; The current level Is lower than the Old one
172	If (iCurLevel&lt; nOldLevel) And (iCurLevel&lt;&gt; 0) Then
173	&apos; ClearArray(iLevelPos(),iCurLevel+1)
174	Elseif iCurLevel= 0 Then
175		iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) = SBPAGEX
176	&apos; The current level Is higher than the old one
177	Elseif iCurLevel&gt; nOldLevel Then
178		iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel-1,SBBASEX) + nOldWidth + 100
179	End If
180	CalculateXPoint = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
181End Function
184Function DrawLine(nLevel, nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY As Integer, oPage as Object)
185Dim oConnect As Object
186Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
187Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
188	aPoint.X = iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartX)
189	aPoint.Y = iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartY)
190	aSize.Width = iLevelPos(nLevel,nEndX) - iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartX)
191	aSize.Height = iLevelPos(nLevel,nEndY) - iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartY)
192	oConnect = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;com.sun.star.drawing.LineShape&quot;)
193	oConnect.Position = aPoint
194	oConnect.Size = aSize
195	oPage.Add(oConnect)
196	DrawLine() = oConnect
197End Function
200Sub GetSourceDirectory()
201	GetFolderName(DlgReadDir.Model.TextField1)
202End Sub
205Function ReadSourceDirectory(ByVal Source As String)
206Dim i as Integer
207Dim m as Integer
208Dim n as Integer
209Dim s as integer
210Dim FileName as string
211Dim FileNameList(100,1) as String
212Dim DirList(0) as String
213Dim oUCBobject as Object
214Dim DirContent() as String
215Dim SystemPath as String
216Dim PathSeparator as String
217Dim MaxFileIndex as Integer
218	PathSeparator = GetPathSeparator()
219	oUcbobject = createUnoService(&quot;com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess&quot;)
220	m = 0
221	s = 0
222	DirList(0) = Source
223	FileNameList(n,0) = Source
224	SystemPath = ConvertFromUrl(Source)
225	FileNameList(n,1) = FileNameoutofPath(SystemPath, PathSeparator)
226	n = 1
227	Do
228		Source = DirList(m)
229		m = m + 1
230		DirContent() = oUcbObject.GetFolderContents(Source,True)
231		If Ubound(DirContent()) &lt;&gt; -1 Then
232			MaxFileIndex  = Ubound(DirContent())
233			For i = 0 to MaxFileIndex
234				FileName = DirContent(i)
235				FileNameList(n,0) = FileName
236				SystemPath = ConvertFromUrl(FileName)
237				FileNameList(n,1) = FileNameOutofPath(SystemPath, PathSeparator)
238				n = n + 1
239				If n &gt; Ubound(FileNameList(),1) Then
240					ReDim Preserve FileNameList(n + 10,1) as String
241				End If
242				If oUcbObject.IsFolder(FileName) Then
243					s = s + 1
244					ReDim Preserve DirList(s) as String
245					DirList(s) = FileName
246				End If
247			Next i
248		End If
249	Loop Until m &gt; Ubound(DirList()
250	ReDim Preserve FileNameList(n-1,1) as String
251	ReadSourceDirectory() = FileNameList()
252End Function
255Sub CloseDialog
256	DlgReadDir.EndExecute
257End Sub
260Sub	AdjustPageHeight(lShapeHeight, FileCount)
261Dim lNecHeight as Long
262Dim lBorders as Long
263	oDocument.LockControllers
264	lBorders = oPage.BorderTop + oPage.BorderBottom
265	lNecHeight = SBPAGEY + (FileCount * SBRELDIST * lShapeHeight)
266	If lNecHeight &gt; (oPage.Height - lBorders) Then
267		oPage.Height = lNecHeight + lBorders + 500
268	End If
269	oDocument.UnlockControllers
270End Sub
273Sub SetNewLevels(FileName as String, BaseLevel as Integer)
274	iCurLevel= CountCharsInString(FileName, &quot;/&quot;, 1) - BaseLevel
275	If iCurLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
276		nConnectLevel = iCurLevel- 1
277	Else
278		nConnectLevel = iCurLevel
279	End If
280	If iCurLevel &gt; Ubound(iLevelPos(),1) Then
281		ReDim Preserve iLevelPos(iCurLevel,9) as Long
282	End If
283End Sub
286Sub CheckPageWidth(TextWidth as Long)
287Dim PageWidth as Long
288Dim BaseX as Long
289	PageWidth = oPage.Width
290	BaseX = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
291	If BaseX + TextWidth &gt; PageWidth - 1000 Then
292		oPage.Width = 1000 + BaseX + TextWidth
293	End If
294End Sub
297Sub ToggleDialogControls(bDoEnable as Boolean)
298	With DlgReadDir.Model
299		.cmdGoOn.Enabled = bDoEnable
300		.cmdGetDir.Enabled = bDoEnable
301		.Label1.Enabled = bDoEnable
302		.Label2.Enabled = bDoEnable
303		.TextField1.Enabled = bDoEnable
304	End With
305End Sub</script:module>