xref: /trunk/main/wizards/source/template/Samples.xba (revision cdf0e10c)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Samples" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
5Const SAMPLES = 1000
6Const STYLES = 1100
7Const aTempFileName = &quot;Berend_Ilko_Tom_Stella_Volker.stc&quot;
8Public Const Twip = 425
9Dim oUcbObject as Object
10Public StylesDir as String
11Public StylesDialog as Object
12Public PathSeparator as String
13Public oFamilies  as Object
14Public aOptions(0) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
15Public sQueryPath as String
16Public NoArgs()as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
17Public aTempURL as String
19Public Files(100) as String
23&apos;Miscellaneous Section starts here
25Function PrepareForEditing(Optional ByVal oDocument)
26&apos;This sub is called when sample documents are loaded (load event).
27&apos;It checks whether the documents is read-only, in which case it
28&apos;offers the user to create a new (writable) document using the original
29&apos;as a template.
30Dim DocPath as String
31Dim MMessage as String
32Dim MTitle as String
33Dim RValue as Integer
34Dim oNewDocument as Object
35Dim mFileProperties(1) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
36	PrepareForEditing = NULL
37        BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary( &quot;Tools&quot; )
38	If InitResources(&quot;&apos;Template&apos;&quot;, &quot;tpl&quot;) then
39		If IsMissing(oDocument) Then
40      		oDocument = ThisComponent
41		End If
42		If oDocument.IsReadOnly then
43			MMessage = GetResText(SAMPLES)
44			MTitle = GetResText(SAMPLES + 1)
45			RValue = Msgbox(MMessage, (128+48+1), MTitle)
46			If RValue = 1 Then
47				DocPath = oDocument.URL
48				mFileProperties(0).Name = &quot;AsTemplate&quot;
49				mFileProperties(0).Value = True
50				mFileProperties(1).Name = &quot;MacroExecutionMode&quot;
51				mFileProperties(1).Value = com.sun.star.document.MacroExecMode.USE_CONFIG
53				oNewDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(DocPath,&quot;_default&quot;,0, mFileProperties())
54				PrepareForEditing() = oNewDocument
55				DisposeDocument(oDocument)
56			Else
57				PrepareForEditing() = NULL
58			End If
59		Else
60			PrepareForEditing() = oDocument
61		End If
62	End If
63End Function
68&apos;Calc Style Section starts here
70Sub ShowStyles
71&apos;This sub displays the style selection dialog if the current document is a calc document.
72Dim TemplateDir, ActFileTitle, DisplayDummy as String
73Dim sFilterName(0) as String
74Dim StyleNames() as String
75Dim t as Integer
76Dim MaxIndex as Integer
77        BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
78	If InitResources(&quot;&apos;Template&apos;&quot;, &quot;tpl&quot;) then
79    oDocument = ThisComponent
80		If oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument&quot;) Then
81			ToggleWindow(False)
82			oUcbObject = createUnoService(&quot;com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess&quot;)
83			oFamilies = oDocument.StyleFamilies
84			SaveCurrentStyles(oDocument)
85			StylesDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;DialogStyles&quot;)
86			DialogModel = StylesDialog.Model
87			TemplateDir = GetPathSettings(&quot;Template&quot;, False, 0)
88			StylesDir = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/styles/&quot;)
89			sQueryPath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;../wizard/bitmap/&quot;)
90			DialogModel.Title = GetResText(STYLES)
91			DialogModel.cmdCancel.Label = GetResText(STYLES+2)
92			DialogModel.cmdOk.Label = GetResText(STYLES+3)
93			Stylenames() = ReadDirectories(StylesDir, False, False, True,)
94			MaxIndex = Ubound(Stylenames())
95			BubbleSortList(Stylenames(),True)
96			Dim cStyles(MaxIndex)
97			For t = 0 to MaxIndex
98				Files(t) = StyleNames(t,0)
99				cStyles(t) = StyleNames(t,1)
100			Next t
101			On Local Error Resume Next
102			DialogModel.lbStyles.StringItemList() = cStyles()
103			ToggleWindow(True)
104			StylesDialog.Execute
105		End If
106	End If
107End Sub
110Sub SelectStyle
111&apos;This sub loads the specific styles from a style document and loads them into the
112&apos;current document.
113Dim StylePath as String
114Dim NewStyle as String
115Dim Position as Integer
116	Position = DialogModel.lbStyles.SelectedItems(0)
117	If Position &gt; -1 Then
118		ToggleWindow(False)
119		StylePath = Files(Position)
120	  	aOptions(0).Name = &quot;OverwriteStyles&quot;
121 		aOptions(0).Value = true
122		oFamilies.loadStylesFromURL(StylePath, aOptions())
123		ToggleWindow(True)
124	End If
125End Sub
128Sub SaveCurrentStyles(oDocument as Object)
129&apos;This sub stores the current document in the user work directory
130	On Error Goto ErrorOcurred
131	aTempURL = GetPathSettings(&quot;Work&quot;, False)
132	Dim aRightMost as String
133	aRightMost = Right(aTempURL, 1)
134	if aRightMost = &quot;/&quot; Then
135		aTempURL = aTempURL &amp; aTempFileName
136	Else
137		aTempURL = aTempURL &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; aTempFileName
138	End If
140	While FileExists(aTempURL)
141		aTempURL=Left(aTempURL,(Len(aTempURL)-4)) &amp; &quot;_1.stc&quot;
142	Wend
143	oDocument.storeToURL(aTempURL, NoArgs())
144	Exit Sub
147	MsgBox(GetResText( STYLES+1 ), 16, GetResText( STYLES ))
148	On Local Error Goto 0
149End Sub
152Sub RestoreCurrentStyles
153&apos;This sub retrieves the styles from the temporarily save document
154	ToggleWindow(False)
155	On Local Error Goto NoFile
156	If FileExists(aTempURL) Then
157	  	aOptions(0).Name = &quot;OverwriteStyles&quot;
158  		aOptions(0).Value = true
159		oFamilies.LoadStylesFromURL(aTempURL, aOptions())
160		KillTempFile()
161	End If
162	StylesDialog.EndExecute
163	ToggleWindow(True)
165	If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
166		Msgbox(&quot;Cannot load Document from &quot; &amp; aTempUrl, 64, GetProductname())
167	End If
168	On Local Error Goto 0
169End Sub
172Sub CloseStyleDialog
173	KillTempFile()
174	DialogExited = True
175	StylesDialog.Endexecute
176End Sub
179Sub KillTempFile()
180	If oUcbObject.Exists(aTempUrl) Then
181		oUcbObject.Kill(aTempUrl)
182	End If
183End Sub