1<?xml version="1.0"?> 2<!--*********************************************************** 3 * 4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 5 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 6 * distributed with this work for additional information 7 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file 8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 9 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 10 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 11 * 12 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 13 * 14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, 15 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an 16 * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY 17 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 18 * specific language governing permissions and limitations 19 * under the License. 20 * 21 ***********************************************************--> 22 23 24 25<project basedir="." default="test"> 26 <property environment="env" /> 27 <property name="junit.home" value="${env.JUNIT_HOME}" /> 28 <property name="dist.dir" value="." /> 29 <property name="dist.name" value="aoo_test" /> 30 <property name="junit.jar.repos" value="https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/junit/junit/4.13.2/junit-4.13.2.jar" /> 31 <property name="hamcrest.jar.repos" value="https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/hamcrest/hamcrest/2.2/hamcrest-2.2.jar" /> 32 33 <path id="uno.classpath"> 34 <fileset dir="${env.OUTDIR}/bin" erroronmissingdir="false"> 35 <include name="juh.jar" /> 36 <include name="unoil.jar" /> 37 <include name="ridl.jar" /> 38 <include name="jurt.jar" /> 39 </fileset> 40 <fileset dir="${openoffice.home}" erroronmissingdir="false"> 41 <include name="**/juh.jar" /> 42 <include name="**/unoil.jar" /> 43 <include name="**/ridl.jar" /> 44 <include name="**/jurt.jar" /> 45 </fileset> 46 </path> 47 48 <target name="check.junit"> 49 <copy todir="lib" > 50 <fileset dir="${junit.home}" erroronmissingdir="false"> 51 <include name="junit*.jar" /> 52 </fileset> 53 <globmapper from="*" to="junit.jar" /> 54 </copy> 55 <copy todir="lib" > 56 <fileset dir="${junit.home}" erroronmissingdir="false"> 57 <include name="hamcrest*.jar" /> 58 </fileset> 59 <globmapper from="*" to="hamcrest.jar" /> 60 </copy> 61 <available file="lib/junit.jar" property="junit.jar.exists"/> 62 <available file="lib/hamcrest.jar" property="hamcrest.jar.exists"/> 63 </target> 64 65 <target name="prepare.junit" depends="check.junit" unless="junit.jar.exists"> 66 <mkdir dir="lib" /> 67 <get src="${junit.jar.repos}" dest="lib/junit.jar" skipexisting="true" /> 68 <get src="${hamcrest.jar.repos}" dest="lib/hamcrest.jar" skipexisting="true" /> 69 </target> 70 71 <target name="testcommon.init"> 72 <mkdir dir="testcommon/bin" /> 73 <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="testcommon/bin"> 74 <fileset dir="testcommon/source"> 75 <exclude name="**/*.java" /> 76 </fileset> 77 </copy> 78 </target> 79 80 <target name="testcommon.compile" depends="testcommon.init, prepare.junit"> 81 <javac destdir="testcommon/bin" debug="on" source="1.6" target="1.6" encoding="utf-8" includeantruntime="false"> 82 <src path="testcommon/source"/> 83 <classpath> 84 <fileset dir="lib"> 85 <include name="*.jar" /> 86 </fileset> 87 </classpath> 88 </javac> 89 </target> 90 91 <target name="testgui.init"> 92 <mkdir dir="testgui/bin" /> 93 <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="testgui/bin"> 94 <fileset dir="testgui/source"> 95 <exclude name="**/*.java" /> 96 </fileset> 97 </copy> 98 </target> 99 100 <target name="testgui.compile" depends="testcommon.compile, testgui.init"> 101 <javac destdir="testgui/bin" debug="on" source="1.6" target="1.6" encoding="utf-8" includeantruntime="false"> 102 <src path="testgui/source"/> 103 <classpath> 104 <fileset dir="lib"> 105 <include name="*.jar" /> 106 </fileset> 107 <pathelement location="testcommon/bin" /> 108 </classpath> 109 </javac> 110 </target> 111 112 <target name="testuno.init"> 113 <mkdir dir="testuno/bin" /> 114 <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="testuno/bin"> 115 <fileset dir="testuno/source"> 116 <exclude name="**/*.java" /> 117 </fileset> 118 </copy> 119 </target> 120 121 <target name="testuno.compile" depends="testcommon.compile, testuno.init"> 122 <javac destdir="testuno/bin" debug="on" source="1.6" target="1.6" encoding="utf-8" includeantruntime="false"> 123 <src path="testuno/source"/> 124 <classpath> 125 <fileset dir="lib"> 126 <include name="*.jar" /> 127 </fileset> 128 <pathelement location="testcommon/bin" /> 129 <path refid="uno.classpath"/> 130 </classpath> 131 </javac> 132 </target> 133 134 <target name="clean" description="Clean all output"> 135 <delete dir="testcommon/bin" /> 136 <delete dir="testgui/bin" /> 137 <delete dir="testuno/bin" /> 138 <ant antfile="smoketestdoc/build.xml" target="clean" inheritAll="false" useNativeBasedir="true"/> 139 </target> 140 141 <target name="compile" depends="testcommon.compile,testgui.compile,testuno.compile" description="Compile source code"> 142 <ant antfile="smoketestdoc/build.xml" inheritAll="false" useNativeBasedir="true"/> 143 </target> 144 145 <target name="dist" depends="clean,compile"> 146 <tstamp/> 147 <zip destfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.name}_${DSTAMP}.zip" update="false"> 148 <zipfileset dir="." includes="lib/**, testcommon/**,testgui/**,testuno/**,build.xml,run,run.bat" filemode="751" prefix="aoo_test/"/> 149 </zip> 150 </target> 151 152 <target name="test" depends="compile" description="start test"> 153 <!-- Try the specified ${openoffice.home} first --> 154 <condition property="test.arg0" value="-Dopenoffice.home=${openoffice.home}"> 155 <isset property="openoffice.home" /> 156 </condition> 157 158 <!-- Next try the internal install path that the with-package-format=installed option to configure uses --> 159 <available type="dir" file="${env.SRC_ROOT}/instsetoo_native/${env.INPATH}/Apache_OpenOffice/installed/install/en-US/openoffice4" 160 property="internalInstalledDirNix" value="${env.SRC_ROOT}/instsetoo_native/${env.INPATH}/Apache_OpenOffice/installed/install/en-US/openoffice4"/> 161 <condition property="test.arg0" value="-Dopenoffice.home=${internalInstalledDirNix}"> 162 <isset property="internalInstalledDirNix" /> 163 </condition> 164 <available type="dir" file="${env.SRC_ROOT}/instsetoo_native/${env.INPATH}/Apache_OpenOffice/installed/install/en-US/OpenOffice 4" 165 property="internalInstalledDirWin" value="${env.SRC_ROOT}/instsetoo_native/${env.INPATH}/Apache_OpenOffice/installed/install/en-US/OpenOffice 4"/> 166 <condition property="test.arg0" value="-Dopenoffice.home=${internalInstalledDirWin}"> 167 <isset property="internalInstalledDirWin" /> 168 </condition> 169 170 <!-- Finally try the tar.gz and zip archives which build by default --> 171 <pathconvert property="openoffice.pack" setonempty="false"> 172 <path> 173 <fileset dir="${env.SRC_ROOT}/instsetoo_native/${env.INPATH}/Apache_OpenOffice/archive/install/en-US" includes="*.tar.gz,*.zip" erroronmissingdir="false"/> 174 </path> 175 </pathconvert> 176 <condition property="test.arg0" value="-Dopenoffice.pack=${openoffice.pack}"> 177 <isset property="openoffice.pack" /> 178 </condition> 179 180 <fail message="No OpenOffice available!" unless="test.arg0"/> 181 <condition property="test.executable" value="./run.bat"> 182 <os family="windows" /> 183 </condition> 184 <property name="test.executable" value="./run"/> 185 <property name="test.args" value="-tp bvt"/> 186 <echo message="Executing: ${test.executable} ${test.arg0} ${test.args}" level="info"/> 187 <exec executable="${test.executable}"> 188 <arg value="${test.arg0}"/> 189 <arg line="${test.args}"/> 190 </exec> 191 </target> 192</project> 193