1*28725c19SLi Feng Wang /**************************************************************
2*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  *
3*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * distributed with this work for additional information
6*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  *
11*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  *
13*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * under the License.
19*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  *
20*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  *************************************************************/
21*28725c19SLi Feng Wang /**
22*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  *
23*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  */
24*28725c19SLi Feng Wang package fvt.uno.sd.bullet;
25*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import static org.junit.Assert.*;
26*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import static testlib.uno.GraphicUtil.getUniqueIDOfGraphicFile;
27*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import static testlib.uno.PageUtil.getDrawPageByIndex;
28*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import static testlib.uno.ShapeUtil.addPortion;
29*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import static testlib.uno.ShapeUtil.getPortion;
30*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
31*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import java.util.Arrays;
32*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import java.util.Collection;
33*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
34*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.junit.After;
35*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.junit.AfterClass;
36*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.junit.Before;
37*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.junit.BeforeClass;
38*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.junit.Test;
39*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
40*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
41*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
42*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.openoffice.test.uno.UnoApp;
43*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.openoffice.test.common.FileUtil;
44*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import org.openoffice.test.common.Testspace;
45*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
46*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import testlib.uno.SDUtil;
47*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
48*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.awt.Size;
49*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue;
50*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.beans.UnknownPropertyException;
51*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet;
52*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.container.XIndexReplace;
53*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.drawing.XDrawPage;
54*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.drawing.XShape;
55*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException;
56*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent;
57*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.style.NumberingType;
58*28725c19SLi Feng Wang import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
59*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
60*28725c19SLi Feng Wang /**
61*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  * @author LouQL
62*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  *
63*28725c19SLi Feng Wang  */
64*28725c19SLi Feng Wang @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
65*28725c19SLi Feng Wang public class NumberingBulletTypes {
66*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
67*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	private static final UnoApp app = new UnoApp();
68*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
69*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	private XComponent m_xSDComponent = null;
70*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	private String m_filePath = null;
71*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	private XPropertySet m_xtextProps = null;
72*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	private short m_numberingType = 0;
73*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	private short m_expectType=0;
74*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
75*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	@Before
setUpDocument()76*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	public void setUpDocument() throws Exception {
77*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		m_filePath = Testspace.getPath("temp/NumberingBulletTypes.odp");
78*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		if (FileUtil.fileExists(m_filePath)) {//load
79*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 			m_xtextProps = load();
80*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		} else {//new
81*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 			m_xSDComponent = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
82*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 					XComponent.class, app.newDocument("simpress"));
83*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 			Object firstPage = getDrawPageByIndex(m_xSDComponent, 0);
84*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 			Object secondTextBox = SDUtil.getShapeOfPageByIndex(firstPage, 1);
85*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 			XShape xsecondTextBox = (XShape)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShape.class, secondTextBox);
86*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 			m_xtextProps = addPortion(xsecondTextBox, "Numbering bullets", false);
87*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		}
88*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	}
load()89*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	private XPropertySet load() throws Exception{
90*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		m_xSDComponent = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class,
91*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 				app.loadDocument(m_filePath));
92*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		Object firstPage = getDrawPageByIndex(m_xSDComponent, 0);
93*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		XDrawPage firstpage = getDrawPageByIndex(m_xSDComponent, 0);
94*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		Object secondTextBox = SDUtil.getShapeOfPageByIndex(firstPage, 1);
95*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		XShape xsecondTextBox = (XShape)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShape.class, secondTextBox);
96*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		return getPortion(xsecondTextBox, 0);
97*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	}
98*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
99*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	@After
tearDownDocument()100*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	public void tearDownDocument() {
101*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		app.closeDocument(m_xSDComponent);
102*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		//remove the temp file
103*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		FileUtil.deleteFile(Testspace.getPath("temp"));
104*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	}
105*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
106*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	@BeforeClass
setUpConnection()107*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	public static void setUpConnection() throws Exception {
108*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		app.start();
109*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	}
110*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
111*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	@AfterClass
tearDownConnection()112*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	public static void tearDownConnection() throws InterruptedException,
113*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 			Exception {
114*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		app.close();
115*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
116*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	}
117*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
118*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	@Parameters
data()119*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     public static Collection<Short[]> data(){
120*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     	Short[][] numberingTypes = new Short[][]{
121*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     			{NumberingType.CHARS_UPPER_LETTER, NumberingType.CHARS_UPPER_LETTER},
122*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     			{NumberingType.CHARS_LOWER_LETTER, NumberingType.CHARS_LOWER_LETTER},
123*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     			{NumberingType.ROMAN_UPPER, NumberingType.ROMAN_UPPER},
124*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     			{NumberingType.ROMAN_LOWER, NumberingType.ROMAN_LOWER},
125*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     			{NumberingType.ARABIC, NumberingType.ARABIC},
126*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     			//bug: 120752
127*28725c19SLi Feng Wang //    			{NumberingType.CIRCLE_NUMBER, NumberingType.CIRCLE_NUMBER},
128*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     			{NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE, NumberingType.NUMBER_NONE}};
129*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     	return Arrays.asList(numberingTypes);
130*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     }
131*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
NumberingBulletTypes(short input, short expect)132*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     public NumberingBulletTypes(short input, short expect){
133*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     	m_numberingType = input;
134*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     	m_expectType = expect;
135*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     }
136*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
137*28725c19SLi Feng Wang     /*NumberingType: specifies the type of numbering
138*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	 * GUI entry:Numbering and Bullet dialog->Customize->Numbering
139*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	 * */
140*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	@Test
testNumberingTypes()141*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	public void testNumberingTypes() throws Exception {
142*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		Object numberingrules = m_xtextProps.getPropertyValue("NumberingRules");
143*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
144*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		XIndexReplace xReplace = (XIndexReplace) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
145*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	             XIndexReplace.class, numberingrules);
146*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
147*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		PropertyValue[] props = new PropertyValue[1];
148*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		props[0] = new PropertyValue();
149*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	    props[0].Name = "NumberingType";
150*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	    props[0].Value = m_numberingType;
151*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
152*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	    xReplace.replaceByIndex(0, props);
153*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
154*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	    m_xtextProps.setPropertyValue("NumberingRules", numberingrules);
155*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		  //set numbering level to 0
156*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		m_xtextProps.setPropertyValue("NumberingLevel", new Short((short)0));
157*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
158*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		app.saveDocument(m_xSDComponent, m_filePath);
159*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		app.closeDocument(m_xSDComponent);
160*28725c19SLi Feng Wang //		m_xSDComponent.dispose();
161*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		//reopen
162*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		m_xtextProps = load();
163*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
164*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		Object numberingrules2 = m_xtextProps.getPropertyValue("NumberingRules");
165*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
166*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		XIndexReplace xReplace2 = (XIndexReplace) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
167*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	             XIndexReplace.class, numberingrules2);
168*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
169*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		PropertyValue[] proValues2 = (PropertyValue[])xReplace2.getByIndex(0);
170*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 
171*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 		assertEquals("NumberingType should be"+m_numberingType, m_expectType, proValues2[0].Value);
172*28725c19SLi Feng Wang 	}
173*28725c19SLi Feng Wang }