 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import com.sun.star.uno.*;
import com.sun.star.util.*;
import com.sun.star.lang.*;
import com.sun.star.accessibility.*;
import com.sun.star.container.*;
import com.sun.star.beans.*;
import com.sun.star.form.binding.*;
import com.sun.star.form.validation.*;

 * @author  fs@openoffice.org
public class SingleControlValidation implements XFormComponentValidityListener
    private DocumentHelper          m_document;         /// our current test document
    private FormLayer               m_formLayer;        /// quick access to the form layer
    private XMultiServiceFactory    m_orb;              /// our service factory

    private XPropertySet            m_inputField;
    private XPropertySet            m_inputLabel;
    private XPropertySet            m_statusField;
    private XPropertySet            m_explanationField;
    private XValidator              m_validator;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public SingleControlValidation( DocumentHelper document, int columnPos, int rowPos, String formComponentService, XValidator validator )
        m_document = document;
        m_validator = validator;
        m_formLayer = new FormLayer( m_document );
        createControls( columnPos, rowPos, formComponentService, 1, 0 );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public SingleControlValidation( DocumentHelper document, int columnPos, int rowPos, String formComponentService, XValidator validator, int controlCount, int controlHeight )
        m_document = document;
        m_validator = validator;
        m_formLayer = new FormLayer( m_document );
        createControls( columnPos, rowPos, formComponentService, controlCount, controlHeight );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public XPropertySet getInputField()
        return m_inputField;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public void setExplanatoryText( String text )
            m_inputLabel.setPropertyValue( "Label", text );
        catch( com.sun.star.uno.Exception e )
            e.printStackTrace( System.err );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    private void createControls( int columnPos, int rowPos, String formComponentService, int controlCount, int controlHeight )
            m_inputLabel = m_formLayer.createControlAndShape( "FixedText", columnPos, rowPos, 70, 12, null );
            m_inputLabel.setPropertyValue( "MultiLine", new Boolean( true ) );

            com.sun.star.awt.FontDescriptor font = (com.sun.star.awt.FontDescriptor)m_inputLabel.getPropertyValue( "FontDescriptor" );
            font.Weight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD;
            m_inputLabel.setPropertyValue( "FontDescriptor", font );

            if ( controlHeight == 0 )
                controlHeight = 6;

            int controlPos = rowPos + 12;
            XPropertySet[] controls = new XPropertySet[ controlCount ];
            for ( int i = 0; i < controlCount; ++i, controlPos += controlHeight )
                controls[ i ] = m_formLayer.createControlAndShape( formComponentService, columnPos, controlPos, 25, controlHeight, null );
                controls[ i ].setPropertyValue( "Name", formComponentService );
                controls[ i ].setPropertyValue( "Tag", String.valueOf( i ) );

                if ( controls[ i ].getPropertySetInfo().hasPropertyByName( "Border" ) )
                    controls[ i ].setPropertyValue( "Border", new Short( (short)2 ) );

                XValidatableFormComponent xComp = (XValidatableFormComponent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XValidatableFormComponent.class,
                    controls[ i ] );
                xComp.addFormComponentValidityListener( this );
            m_inputField = controls[ 0 ];

            // ----------------------------------
            controlPos += 4;
            XPropertySet xLabel = m_formLayer.createControlAndShape( "FixedText", columnPos, controlPos, 70, 4, null );
            xLabel.setPropertyValue( "Label", new String( "Status:" ) );
            controlPos += 4;
            m_statusField = m_formLayer.createControlAndShape( "FixedText", columnPos, controlPos, 70, 4, null );
            m_statusField.setPropertyValue( "Label", new String( "" ) );

            // ----------------------------------
            controlPos += 6;
            xLabel = m_formLayer.createControlAndShape( "FixedText", columnPos, controlPos, 70, 4, null );
            xLabel.setPropertyValue( "Label", new String( "Explanation for invalidity:" ) );
            controlPos += 4;
            m_explanationField = m_formLayer.createControlAndShape( "FixedText", columnPos, controlPos, 70, 4, null );
            m_explanationField.setPropertyValue( "Label", new String( "" ) );

            XValidatable xValidatable = (XValidatable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XValidatable.class, m_inputField );
            xValidatable.setValidator( m_validator );
        catch( java.lang.Exception e  )
            e.printStackTrace( System.out );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /* XEventListener overridables                                        */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public void disposing( com.sun.star.lang.EventObject eventObject )
        // not interested in

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /* XFormComponentValidityListener overridables                        */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public void componentValidityChanged( com.sun.star.lang.EventObject eventObject )
            if ( m_inputField.equals( eventObject.Source ) )
                XValidatableFormComponent xComp = (XValidatableFormComponent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XValidatableFormComponent.class,
                    eventObject.Source );
                // the current value
                Object value = xComp.getCurrentValue();

                // the current validity flag
                boolean isValid = xComp.isValid();

                m_statusField.setPropertyValue("Label", isValid ? "valid" : "invalid" );
                m_statusField.setPropertyValue( "TextColor", new Integer( isValid ? 0x008000 : 0x800000 ) );

                String validityMessage = "";
                if ( !isValid )
                    validityMessage = m_validator.explainInvalid( value );
                m_explanationField.setPropertyValue( "Label", validityMessage );
        catch( com.sun.star.uno.Exception e )
            e.printStackTrace( System.out );
