/aoo41x/main/sfx2/source/sidebar/ |
H A D | Sidebar.src | 93 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-3d-small.png" ;} ; 97 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-3d-small-hc.png" ;} ; 110 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-animation-small.png" ;} ; 127 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-colors-small.png" ;} ; 131 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-colors-small-hc.png" ;} ; 161 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-gallery-small.png" ;} ; 178 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-imganim-small.png" ;} ; 212 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-property-small.png" ;} ; 229 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-style-small.png" ;} ; 233 ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "symphony/sidebar-style-small-hc.png" ;} ; [all …]
/aoo41x/main/svx/source/dialog/ |
H A D | svxbmpnumvalueset.src | 28 Text [en-US] = "Solid small circular bullets" ; 94 Text [en-US] = "Numeric, numeric, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" ; 98 Text [en-US] = "Numeric, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" ; 102 …Text [en-US] = "Numeric, lowercase letters, lowercase Roman, uppercase letters, solid small circul… 110 …ercase Roman, uppercase letters, lowercase Roman, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" ; 114 …ercase letters, uppercase Roman, lowercase letters, lowercase Roman, solid small circular bullet" ; 122 … pointing bullet, right pointing arrow bullet, solid diamond bullet, solid small circular bullet" ;
/aoo41x/main/solenv/bin/ |
H A D | image-sort.pl | 114 my $small = (lc ($line) eq 'small'); 116 if (!$small) { process_group ("lc_", @list); } 119 if (!$small) {
/aoo41x/main/filter/source/xslt/import/wordml/ |
H A D | wordml2ooo_props.xsl | 268 <xsl:variable name="small-caps-value"> 280 <xsl:when test="$small-caps-value = 'on'">small-caps</xsl:when> 281 <xsl:when test="$small-caps-value = 'off'">normal</xsl:when> 282 <xsl:when test="$small-caps-value = 'smallCaps'">small-caps</xsl:when>
/aoo41x/main/udkapi/com/sun/star/uri/ |
H A D | UriReferenceFactory.idl | 48 “<code>A</code>”–“<code>Z</code>”, Latin small 54 Lating capital letters to their small counterparts, translating 58 Latin small letters and digits unchanged. If the component context used
/aoo41x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/ |
H A D | TransliterationModules.idl | 101 /// Ignore Japanese normal and small sized character in Japanese fuzzy search 109 /// transliterate Japanese small sized character to normal sized character 111 /// transliterate Japanese normal sized character to small sized character
H A D | TransliterationModulesNew.idl | 80 /// Ignore Japanese normal and small sized character in Japanese fuzzy search 88 /// transliterate Japanese small sized character to normal sized character 90 /// transliterate Japanese normal sized character to small sized character
H A D | TransliterationModulesExtra.idl | 56 /** All characters of the word are to change their case from small letters
/aoo41x/main/editeng/source/items/ |
H A D | svxitems.src | 312 Text [ en-US ] = "Underline (small wave)"; 389 Text [ en-US ] = "Overline (small wave)"; 562 Text [ en-US ] = "Double, fine lines, spacing: small" ; 570 Text [ en-US ] = "Double, thin, spacing: small" ; 594 Text [ en-US ] = "Double, inside: thick, outside: thin, spacing: small" ;
/aoo41x/main/sw/source/ui/dbui/ |
H A D | mmmergepage.src | 44 … a small window so you can edit your document. After editing the document, return to the wizard by…
H A D | mmpreparemergepage.src | 117 …small window so you can edit the mail merge document. After editing the document, return to the wi…
/aoo41x/main/odk/docs/common/ref/ |
H A D | idl.css | 88 font-family: Arial; font-size:9pt; font-variant:small-caps; 98 font-family: Arial; font-size:9pt; font-variant:small-caps;
/aoo41x/main/packimages/pack/ |
H A D | image-sort.lst | 6 # by '-- <tag> [small]' a 'group' tage denotes equal 68 -- group small 342 -- ordered small
/aoo41x/main/icc/ |
H A D | README | 6 It's composed of a small application, which lurks in:
/aoo41x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/text/ |
H A D | RubyAdjust.idl | 54 /** adjusted to both borders except for a small indent on both sides
/aoo41x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/sdbc/ |
H A D | Driver.idl | 46 small and standalone so that the Driver object can be loaded and
/aoo41x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/drawing/ |
H A D | AppletShape.idl | 41 <p> An applet is a small Java-based program that is executed and rendered
/aoo41x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/awt/ |
H A D | FontUnderline.idl | 95 /** specifies underlining with a small wave.
/aoo41x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/deployment/ |
H A D | XPackageTypeInfo.idl | 78 return a small icon (e.g. 16x16 pixel),
/aoo41x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/linguistic2/ |
H A D | XThesaurus.idl | 52 (or small text) with the same or similar meaning.
/aoo41x/main/udkapi/com/sun/star/bridge/ |
H A D | Bridge.idl | 56 capital letter, the rest in small letters postfixed by Bridge (e.g.:
/aoo41x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/ucb/ |
H A D | ContentInfo.idl | 81 client applications with a small set of generic input methods for the
/aoo41x/main/sal/osl/unx/asm/ |
H A D | interlck_sparc.s | 168 ! Uses -4096 as lock value for spinlock to allow for small negative counts.
/aoo41x/main/canvas/ |
H A D | overview.txt | 38 Window::GetFullScreenCanvas(). Apart from that small link, canvas and
/aoo41x/main/toolkit/doc/layout/ |
H A D | notes.txt | 103 + use 'layout' by itself & small patches