1*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski/**************************************************************
2*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
3*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * distributed with this work for additional information
6*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
11*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
13*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * under the License.
19*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
20*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *************************************************************/
21*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
22*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
23*b1cdbd2cSJim JagielskiThe extensions in the subdirectories of the update folder are used for
24*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskitesting the online update feature of extensions. The folder such as
25*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskisimple,
26*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskilicense,
27*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskidefect, etc. contain extensions which can be installed in OOo. The
28*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskicorresponding update information file and the update are located on
29*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskithe extensions.openoffice.org website (cvs: extensions/www/testarea). For example:
30*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
31*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskidesktop/test/deployment/update/simple/plain1.oxt
32*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
33*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiis version 1 of this extension and it references
34*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
35*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskihttp://extensions.openoffice.org/testarea/desktop/simple/update/plain1.update.xml
36*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
37*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiwhich in turn references version 2 at
38*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
39*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskihttp://extensions.openoffice.org/testarea/desktop/simple/update/plain1.oxt
40*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
41*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
42*b1cdbd2cSJim JagielskiTo have all in one place the update information file and the update are also contained
43*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiin the desktop project. They are in the update subfolder of the different test folders.
44*b1cdbd2cSJim JagielskiFor example
45*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
46*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski.../update/simple/update
47*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski.../update/license/update
48*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski.../update/updatefeed/udpate
49*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
50*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
51*b1cdbd2cSJim JagielskiThe different test folders for the update are also commited in project extensions/www
52*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiso that the files can be obtain via an URL. The structure and the contents is about the
53*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskisame as the content
54*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiof desktop/test/deployment/udpate
55*b1cdbd2cSJim JagielskiFor example in
56*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
57*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiextensions/www/testarea/desktop
58*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
59*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiare the subfolder defect, simple, updatefeed, wrong_url, etc.
60*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskithey contain the extensions which are installed directly by the Extension Manager.
61*b1cdbd2cSJim JagielskiThese folders contain also the update subfolder which contains the update information
62*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskiand the actual updates.