1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 *
4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
6 * distributed with this work for additional information
7 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
9 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
10 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 *
12 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 *
14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
18 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
19 * under the License.
20 *
21 ***********************************************************-->
24<!DOCTYPE oor:component-schema SYSTEM "../../../../component-schema.dtd">
25<oor:component-schema xmlns:oor="http://openoffice.org/2001/registry" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" oor:name="Linguistic" oor:package="org.openoffice.Office" xml:lang="en-US">
26    <info>
27		<author>TL</author>
28		<desc >Contains linguistic (spell checking, hyphenation, thesaurus) related configurations.</desc>
29	</info>
31    <templates>
32        <group oor:name="Dictionary">
33            <info>
34                <desc>Specifies the settings for a single dictionary to be used by a spell checker, hyphenator or thesaurus.</desc>
35            </info>
36            <prop oor:name="Locations" oor:type="oor:string-list">
37                <info>
38                    <desc>Specifies the location(s) where the files that represent the dictionary are found. Each entry in the list must be from type URL.</desc>
39                    <label>Dictionary location</label>
40                </info>
41            </prop>
42            <prop oor:name="Format" oor:type="xs:string">
43                <info>
44                    <desc>Specifies the format the dictionary is written in.</desc>
45                    <label>Dictionary format</label>
46                </info>
47            </prop>
48            <prop oor:name="Locales" oor:type="oor:string-list">
49                <info>
50                    <desc>Bind a dictionary to it's supported list of locales.</desc>
51                    <label>Dictionary locales</label>
52                </info>
53            </prop>
54        </group>
56        <group oor:name="DictionaryUsingService">
57            <info>
58                <desc>A list of all services making use of dictionaries.</desc>
59            </info>
60            <prop oor:name="SupportedDictionaryFormats" oor:type="oor:string-list">
61                <info>
62                    <desc>The list of all dictionry formats the service can handle.</desc>
63                    <label>Supported dictionary formats</label>
64                </info>
65            </prop>
66        </group>
68        <group oor:name="ServiceNameEntry">
69            <info>
70                <desc>The node name is the service implementation name.</desc>
71            </info>
72            <prop oor:name="VendorImagesNode" oor:type="xs:string">
73                <info>
74                    <desc>Contains the node name in the VendorImages set to look for in order to find a specific image.</desc>
75                    <label>Vendor images node</label>
76                </info>
77            </prop>
78        </group>
80        <group oor:name="VendorImagesEntry">
81            <info>
82                <desc>The images for vendor specifc branding in the UI. The node name is the service implementation name.</desc>
83            </info>
84            <prop oor:name="SpellAndGrammarDialogImage" oor:type="xs:string">
85                <info>
86                    <desc>The path to the image for the spell and grammar checking dialog.</desc>
87                    <label>Spell and grammar dialog image</label>
88                </info>
89            </prop>
90            <prop oor:name="SpellAndGrammarDialogImage_HC" oor:type="xs:string">
91                <info>
92                    <desc>The path to the image for the spell and grammar checking dialog in high contrast mode.</desc>
93                    <label>Spell and grammar dialog image</label>
94                </info>
95            </prop>
96            <prop oor:name="SpellAndGrammarContextMenuSuggestionImage" oor:type="xs:string">
97                <info>
98                    <desc>The path to the image for the spell and grammar checking suggestions in the context menu context menu.</desc>
99                    <label>Spell and grammar context menu suggestions image</label>
100                </info>
101            </prop>
102            <prop oor:name="SpellAndGrammarContextMenuSuggestionImage_HC" oor:type="xs:string">
103                <info>
104                    <desc>The path to the image for the spell and grammar checking suggestions in the context menu context menu in high contrast mode.</desc>
105                    <label>Spell and grammar context menu suggestions image</label>
106                </info>
107            </prop>
108            <prop oor:name="SpellAndGrammarContextMenuDictionaryImage" oor:type="xs:string">
109                <info>
110                    <desc>The path to the image for the spell and grammar checking context menu context menu.</desc>
111                    <label>Spell and grammar context menu dictionary image</label>
112                </info>
113            </prop>
114            <prop oor:name="SpellAndGrammarContextMenuDictionaryImage_HC" oor:type="xs:string">
115                <info>
116                    <desc>The path to the image for the spell and grammar checking context menu in high contrast mode.</desc>
117                    <label>Spell and grammar context menu dictionary image</label>
118                </info>
119            </prop>
120            <prop oor:name="ThesaurusDialogImage" oor:type="xs:string">
121                <info>
122                    <desc>The path to the image for the thesaurus dialog.</desc>
123                    <label>Thesaurus dialog image</label>
124                </info>
125            </prop>
126            <prop oor:name="ThesaurusDialogImage_HC" oor:type="xs:string">
127                <info>
128                    <desc>The path to the image for the thesaurus dialog in high contrast mode.</desc>
129                    <label>Thesaurus dialog image</label>
130                </info>
131            </prop>
132            <prop oor:name="SynonymsContextMenuImage" oor:type="xs:string">
133                <info>
134                    <desc>The path to the image for the synonyms context menu.</desc>
135                    <label>Synonyms context menu image</label>
136                </info>
137            </prop>
138            <prop oor:name="SynonymsContextMenuImage_HC" oor:type="xs:string">
139                <info>
140                    <desc>The path to the image for the synonyms context menu in high contrast mode.</desc>
141                    <label>Synonyms context menu image</label>
142                </info>
143            </prop>
145        </group>
147        <group oor:name="GrammarCheckerEntry">
148            <info>
149                <desc>Specifies the settings for a grammar checker. The node name is the grammar checkers implemetation name.</desc>
150            </info>
151            <prop oor:name="Locales" oor:type="oor:string-list">
152                <info>
153                    <desc>The list of supported locales.</desc>
154                    <label>Grammar checker locales</label>
155                </info>
156            </prop>
157        </group>
159    </templates>
161	<component>
163    <group oor:name="Images">
164      <info>
165          <desc>Contains settings for images to be used.</desc>
166      </info>
167      <set oor:name="ServiceNameEntries" oor:node-type="ServiceNameEntry">
168        <info>
169          <desc>The node name is the service implementation name and and the property states
170                the node name to use in the VendorImages set.
171          </desc>
172          <label>Component entries</label>
173        </info>
174      </set>
175      <set oor:name="VendorImages" oor:node-type="VendorImagesEntry">
176        <info>
177          <desc>Contains the images to use. The node names are the service implementation names.</desc>
178          <label>Vendor images</label>
179        </info>
180      </set>
181    </group>
183		<group oor:name="General">
184			<info>
185				<desc>Contains general settings for the linguistic configurations.</desc>
186			</info>
187			<prop oor:name="UILocale" oor:type="xs:string">
188				<!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
189				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language Settings - Languages -->
190				<info>
191					<author>LO</author>
192					<desc>Specifies the UI language. An empty string means: use the desktop's UI language if possible.</desc>
193				</info>
194				<value/>
195			</prop>
196			<prop oor:name="IsIgnoreControlCharacters" oor:type="xs:boolean">
197				<!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
198				<info>
199					<author>TL</author>
200					<desc>Ignores the control characters (ASCII characters &lt; 32) for spell checking, hyphenation and the thesaurus.</desc>
201				</info>
202				<value>true</value>
203			</prop>
204			<prop oor:name="DefaultLocale" oor:type="xs:string">
205				<!-- OldPath: DefaultLanguage -->
206				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
207				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
208				<info>
209					<author>TL</author>
210					<desc>Specifies the default document language.</desc>
211					<label>Default language</label>
212				</info>
213                <value/>
214                <!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
215			</prop>
216			<prop oor:name="DefaultLocale_CJK" oor:type="xs:string">
217				<!-- OldPath: DefaultLanguage -->
218				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
219				<info>
220					<author>TL</author>
221					<desc>Specifies the default document CJK language.</desc>
222					<label>Default language for CJK linguistics</label>
223				</info>
224				<value/>
225				<!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
226			</prop>
227			<prop oor:name="DefaultLocale_CTL" oor:type="xs:string">
228				<!-- OldPath: DefaultLanguage -->
229				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
230				<info>
231					<author>TL</author>
232					<desc>Specifies the default document CTL language.</desc>
233					<label>Default language for CTL linguistics</label>
234				</info>
235				<value/>
236				<!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
237			</prop>
238			<group oor:name="DictionaryList">
239				<info>
240					<desc>Defines which personal dictionaries are used.</desc>
241				</info>
242				<prop oor:name="ActiveDictionaries" oor:type="oor:string-list">
243					<!-- OldPath: Active-Dictionaries -->
244					<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
245					<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
246					<info>
247						<author>TL</author>
248						<desc>Specifies the custom dictionaries to be used. The Ignore list (IgnoreAllList (All)) is administered in the RAM only for the current spellcheck.</desc>
249						<label>Custom dictionaries</label>
250					</info>
251					<value oor:separator=";">IgnoreAllList;business.dic;soffice.dic;standard.dic</value>
252				</prop>
253				<prop oor:name="IsUseDictionaryList" oor:type="xs:boolean">
254					<!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
255					<info>
256						<author>TL</author>
257						<desc>Determines if personal dictionaries should be used for spell checking and hyphenation.</desc>
258					</info>
259					<value>true</value>
260				</prop>
261			</group>
262		</group>
263        <group oor:name="TextConversion">
264            <info>
265                    <desc>Defines settings used by the text conversion.</desc>
266            </info>
267            <prop oor:name="ActiveConversionDictionaries" oor:type="oor:string-list">
268                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
269                    <info>
270                            <desc>Specifies the user dictionaries to be used. </desc>
271                            <label>Active text conversion user dictionaries</label>
272                    </info>
273                    <value/>
274            </prop>
275            <prop oor:name="IsIgnorePostPositionalWord" oor:type="xs:boolean">
276                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
277                    <info>
278                            <desc>Specifies if post positionals should be ignored when looking for Korean entries.</desc>
279                            <label>Ignore post positional word</label>
280                    </info>
281                    <value>true</value>
282            </prop>
283            <prop oor:name="IsAutoCloseDialog" oor:type="xs:boolean">
284                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
285                    <info>
286                            <desc>Specifies if the dialog should be closed automatically after the conversion of the current text portion is processed.</desc>
287                            <label>Auto close dialog</label>
288                    </info>
289                    <value>false</value>
290            </prop>
291            <prop oor:name="IsShowEntriesRecentlyUsedFirst" oor:type="xs:boolean">
292                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
293                    <info>
294                            <desc>Specifies if entries that were recently used as replacements should be listed first.</desc>
295                            <label>Show entries recently used first</label>
296                    </info>
297                    <value>false</value>
298            </prop>
299            <prop oor:name="IsAutoReplaceUniqueEntries" oor:type="xs:boolean">
300                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
301                    <info>
302                            <desc>Specifies if entries for which have only one possible replacement should be replaced automatically.</desc>
303                            <label>Auto replace unique entries</label>
304                    </info>
305                    <value>false</value>
306            </prop>
307            <prop oor:name="IsDirectionToSimplified" oor:type="xs:boolean">
308                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
309                    <info>
310                            <desc>Specifies in which direction the translation will be made, from traditional to simplified or the other way round.</desc>
311                            <label>Direction to simplified</label>
312                    </info>
313            </prop>
314            <prop oor:name="IsUseCharacterVariants" oor:type="xs:boolean">
315                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
316                    <info>
317                            <desc>Specifies wether Taiwan, Hongkong SAR, and Macao SAR character variants should be used for translation.</desc>
318                            <label>Use character variants</label>
319                    </info>
320                    <value>false</value>
321            </prop>
322            <prop oor:name="IsTranslateCommonTerms" oor:type="xs:boolean">
323                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
324                    <info>
325                            <desc>Specifies wether common terms should be detected and translated as whole words.</desc>
326                            <label>Translate Common Terms</label>
327                    </info>
328                    <value>false</value>
329            </prop>
330            <prop oor:name="IsReverseMapping" oor:type="xs:boolean">
331                    <!-- OldLocation: NEW -->
332                    <info>
333                            <desc>If Reverse Mapping is active than every dictionary entry added or modified will also be added or modified within the dictionary in the opposite mapping direction.</desc>
334                            <label>Reverse Mapping</label>
335                    </info>
336                    <value>false</value>
337            </prop>
338        </group>
339		<group oor:name="SpellChecking">
340			<info>
341				<desc>Contains spell checking-relevant settings.</desc>
342			</info>
343			<prop oor:name="IsSpellUpperCase" oor:type="xs:boolean">
344				<!-- OldPath: MiscOptions / SpellOptions -->
345				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
346				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
347				<info>
348					<author>TL</author>
349					<desc>Specifies whether to include uppercase words in the spellcheck process.</desc>
350					<label>Spell uppercase words</label>
351				</info>
352				<value>false</value>
353			</prop>
354			<prop oor:name="IsSpellWithDigits" oor:type="xs:boolean">
355				<!-- OldPath: MiscOptions / SpellOptions -->
356				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
357				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
358				<info>
359					<author>TL</author>
360					<desc>Specifies whether to check the spelling of words which contain numbers as well as letters.</desc>
361					<label>Spell words with digits</label>
362				</info>
363				<value>false</value>
364			</prop>
365			<prop oor:name="IsSpellCapitalization" oor:type="xs:boolean">
366				<!-- OldPath: MiscOptions / SpellOptions -->
367				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
368				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
369				<info>
370					<author>TL</author>
371					<desc>Checks the correct use of capitalization.</desc>
372					<label>Check capitalization</label>
373				</info>
374				<value>true</value>
375			</prop>
376			<prop oor:name="IsSpellAuto" oor:type="xs:boolean">
377				<!-- OldPath: MiscOptions / SpellOptions -->
378				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
379				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
380				<info>
381					<author>TL</author>
382					<desc>Checks spelling automatically.</desc>
383					<label>Automatic spellchecking</label>
384				</info>
385				<value>true</value>
386			</prop>
387			<prop oor:name="IsSpellSpecial" oor:type="xs:boolean">
388				<!-- OldPath: MiscOptions / SpellOptions -->
389				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
390				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
391				<info>
392					<author>TL</author>
393					<desc>Allows spellchecking in headers, footers, and frames.</desc>
394					<label>Check spelljng in special regions</label>
395				</info>
396				<value>true</value>
397			</prop>
398			<prop oor:name="IsReverseDirection" oor:type="xs:boolean">
399				<!-- OldPath: MiscOptions / SpellOptions -->
400				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
401				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
402				<info>
403					<author>TL</author>
404					<desc>Advances backwards through the text for spell checking.</desc>
405					<label>Reverse direction.</label>
406				</info>
407				<value>false</value>
408			</prop>
409		</group>
410    <group oor:name="GrammarChecking">
411      <info>
412        <desc>Contains grammar checking relevant settings.</desc>
413      </info>
414      <prop oor:name="IsAutoCheck" oor:type="xs:boolean">
415        <info>
416          <author>OS</author>
417          <desc>determines if grammar is automatically checked.</desc>
418          <label>Automatic grammar checking</label>
419        </info>
420        <value>true</value>
421      </prop>
422      <prop oor:name="IsInteractiveCheck" oor:type="xs:boolean">
423        <info>
424          <author>OS</author>
425          <desc>determines if grammar is check in the spelling and grammar dialog.</desc>
426          <label>Interactive grammar checking</label>
427        </info>
428        <value>true</value>
429      </prop>
430    </group>
431		<group oor:name="Hyphenation">
432			<info>
433				<desc>Contains hyphenation relevant settings.</desc>
434			</info>
435			<prop oor:name="MinLeading" oor:type="xs:short">
436				<!-- OldPath: HyphMinLeading -->
437				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
438				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
439				<info>
440					<author>TL</author>
441					<desc>Specifies the minimum number of characters of the hyphenated word required at the end of the line.</desc>
442					<label>Characters per syllable before hyphen</label>
443				</info>
444				<constraints>
445					<minInclusive oor:value="2">
446						<info>
447							<desc>Specifies the minimum value allowed.</desc>
448						</info>
449					</minInclusive>
450					<maxInclusive oor:value="9">
451						<info>
452							<desc>Specifies the maximum value allowed.</desc>
453						</info>
454					</maxInclusive>
455				</constraints>
456				<value>2</value>
457			</prop>
458			<prop oor:name="MinTrailing" oor:type="xs:short">
459				<!-- OldPath: HyphMinTrailing -->
460				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
461				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
462				<info>
463					<author>TL</author>
464					<desc>Specifies the minimum number of characters of the hyphenated word required at the next line.</desc>
465					<label>Characters per syllable after hyphen</label>
466				</info>
467				<constraints>
468					<minInclusive oor:value="2">
469						<info>
470							<desc>Specifies the minimum value allowed.</desc>
471						</info>
472					</minInclusive>
473					<maxInclusive oor:value="9">
474						<info>
475							<desc>Specifies the maximum value allowed.</desc>
476						</info>
477					</maxInclusive>
478				</constraints>
479				<value>2</value>
480			</prop>
481			<prop oor:name="MinWordLength" oor:type="xs:short">
482				<!-- OldPath: HyphMinWordLength -->
483				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
484				<info>
485					<author>TL</author>
486					<desc>Specifies the minimum word length to allow a hyphenation.</desc>
487					<label>Minimal word length</label>
488				</info>
489				<constraints>
490					<minInclusive oor:value="2">
491						<info>
492							<desc>Specifies the minimum value allowed.</desc>
493						</info>
494					</minInclusive>
495					<maxInclusive oor:value="9">
496						<info>
497							<desc>Specifies the maximum value allowed.</desc>
498						</info>
499					</maxInclusive>
500				</constraints>
501				<value>5</value>
502			</prop>
503			<prop oor:name="IsHyphSpecial" oor:type="xs:boolean">
504				<!-- OldPath: MiscOptions -->
505				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
506				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
507				<info>
508					<author>TL</author>
509					<desc>Allows hyphenation in headers, footers, and frames.</desc>
510					<label>Hyphenate in special regions.</label>
511				</info>
512				<value>true</value>
513			</prop>
514			<prop oor:name="IsHyphAuto" oor:type="xs:boolean">
515				<!-- OldPath: MiscOptions -->
516				<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
517				<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - General - Language -->
518				<info>
519					<author>TL</author>
520					<desc>Allows for automatic insertion of soft hyphens.</desc>
521					<label>Automatic hyphention.</label>
522				</info>
523				<value>false</value>
524			</prop>
525		</group>
526		<group oor:name="ServiceManager">
527			<info>
528				<desc>Contains settings for the service manager that are used to access/configure the usage of the various linguistic service implementations.</desc>
529			</info>
531            <set oor:name="Dictionaries" oor:node-type="Dictionary">
532                <info>
533                    <desc>Contains all dictionaries to be used for spell checking, hyphenation or thesaurus.</desc>
534                    <label>Dictionaries</label>
535                </info>
536            </set>
537            <set oor:name="SpellCheckers" oor:node-type="DictionaryUsingService">
538                <info>
539                    <desc>Contains all spell checker.</desc>
540                    <label>Spell Checker</label>
541                </info>
542            </set>
543            <set oor:name="Hyphenators" oor:node-type="DictionaryUsingService">
544                <info>
545                    <desc>Contains all hyphenators.</desc>
546                    <label>Hyphenators</label>
547                </info>
548            </set>
549            <set oor:name="Thesauri" oor:node-type="DictionaryUsingService">
550                <info>
551                    <desc>Contains all thesauri.</desc>
552                    <label>Thesauri</label>
553                </info>
554            </set>
555            <prop oor:name="DisabledDictionaries" oor:type="oor:string-list">
556                <info>
557                    <desc>The list of dictionaries that are currently not in use.</desc>
558                    <label>Disabled Dictionaries</label>
559                </info>
560            </prop>
562            <set oor:name="GrammarCheckers" oor:node-type="GrammarCheckerEntry">
563                <info>
564                    <desc>Contains all grammar checkers.</desc>
565                    <label>Grammar Checkers</label>
566                </info>
567            </set>
569            <prop oor:name="DataFilesChangedCheckValue" oor:type="xs:int">
570                <info>
571                    <author>TL</author>
572                    <desc>Value used to check if the data files of the linguistic have changed and thus the configuration needs to be updated.</desc>
573                    <label>Data files changed check value</label>
574                </info>
575                <value>-1</value>
576            </prop>
577            <group oor:name="SpellCheckerList" oor:extensible="true">
578				<info>
579					<desc>Contains a list of languages and spell-checking-service entries. Only languages listed will be supported.</desc>
580				</info>
581			</group>
582			<group oor:name="ThesaurusList" oor:extensible="true">
583				<info>
584					<desc>Contains a list of languages and thesaurus-service entries. Only languages listed will be supported.</desc>
585				</info>
586			</group>
587			<group oor:name="HyphenatorList" oor:extensible="true">
588				<info>
589					<desc>Contains a list of languages and hyphenation-service pairs. Only the languages that are listed are supported.</desc>
590				</info>
591			</group>
592            <group oor:name="GrammarCheckerList" oor:extensible="true">
593                <info>
594                    <desc>Contains a list of languages and grammar-checking-service pairs. Only languages that are listed are supported.</desc>
595                </info>
596            </group>
597			<group oor:name="LastFoundSpellCheckers" oor:extensible="true">
598				<info>
599					<desc>Contains a list of languages and spell-checking-service entries. The entries represent those languages/spellcheckers that were available the last time. New languages/spellcheckers (those available this time but not the last time) will be activated automatically.</desc>
600				</info>
601			</group>
602			<group oor:name="LastFoundThesauri" oor:extensible="true">
603				<info>
604					<desc>Contains a list of languages and thesaurus-service entries. The entries represent those languages/thesauri that were available the last time. New languages/thesauri (those available this time but not the last time) will be activated automatically.</desc>
605				</info>
606			</group>
607			<group oor:name="LastFoundHyphenators" oor:extensible="true">
608				<info>
609					<desc>Contains a list of languages and hyphenation-service pairs. The entries represent those languages/hyphenators that were available the last time. New languages/hyphenators (those available this time but not the last time) will be activated automatically.</desc>
610				</info>
611			</group>
612            <group oor:name="LastFoundGrammarCheckers" oor:extensible="true">
613                <info>
614                    <desc>Contains a list of languages and grammar-checking-service pairs. The entries represent those languages/hyphenators that were available the last time. New languages/hyphenators (those available this time but not the last time) will be activated automatically.</desc>
615                </info>
616            </group>
617		</group>
618	</component>