xref: /aoo41x/main/oox/source/xls/unitconverter.cxx (revision ca5ec200)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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20  *************************************************************/
24 #include "oox/xls/unitconverter.hxx"
26 #include <com/sun/star/awt/DeviceInfo.hpp>
27 #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontDescriptor.hpp>
28 #include <com/sun/star/awt/XDevice.hpp>
29 #include <com/sun/star/awt/XFont.hpp>
30 #include <com/sun/star/util/Date.hpp>
31 #include <com/sun/star/util/DateTime.hpp>
32 #include <rtl/math.hxx>
33 #include "oox/core/filterbase.hxx"
34 #include "oox/helper/propertyset.hxx"
35 #include "oox/xls/stylesbuffer.hxx"
37 namespace oox {
38 namespace xls {
40 // ============================================================================
42 using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt;
43 using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
44 using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
46 using ::rtl::OUString;
48 // ============================================================================
50 namespace {
52 const double MM100_PER_INCH         = 2540.0;
53 const double MM100_PER_POINT        = MM100_PER_INCH / 72.0;
54 const double MM100_PER_TWIP         = MM100_PER_POINT / 20.0;
55 const double MM100_PER_EMU          = 1.0 / 360.0;
57 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 /** Returns true, if the passed year is a leap year. */
60 inline sal_Int32 lclIsLeapYear( sal_Int32 nYear )
61 {
62     return ((nYear % 4) == 0) && (((nYear % 100) != 0) || ((nYear % 400) == 0));
63 }
65 void lclSkipYearBlock( sal_Int32& ornDays, sal_uInt16& ornYear, sal_Int32 nDaysInBlock, sal_Int32 nYearsPerBlock, sal_Int32 nMaxBlocks )
66 {
67     sal_Int32 nBlocks = ::std::min< sal_Int32 >( ornDays / nDaysInBlock, nMaxBlocks );
68     ornYear = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( ornYear + nYearsPerBlock * nBlocks );
69     ornDays -= nBlocks * nDaysInBlock;
70 }
72 /** Returns the number of days before the passed date, starting from the null
73     date 0000-Jan-01, using standard leap year conventions. */
74 sal_Int32 lclGetDays( const Date& rDate )
75 {
76     // number of days in all full years before passed date including all leap days
77     sal_Int32 nDays = rDate.Year * 365 + ((rDate.Year + 3) / 4) - ((rDate.Year + 99) / 100) + ((rDate.Year + 399) / 400);
78     OSL_ENSURE( (1 <= rDate.Month) && (rDate.Month <= 12), "lclGetDays - invalid month" );
79     OSL_ENSURE( (1 <= rDate.Day) && (rDate.Day <= 31), "lclGetDays - invalid day" );    // yes, this is weak...
80     if( (1 <= rDate.Month) && (rDate.Month <= 12) )
81     {
82         // number of days at start of month   jan feb mar apr  may  jun  jul  aug  sep  oct  nov  dec
83         static const sal_Int32 spnCumDays[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
84         // add number of days in full months before passed date
85         nDays += spnCumDays[ rDate.Month - 1 ];
86         // add number of days from passed date (this adds one day too much)
87         nDays += rDate.Day;
88         /*  Remove the one day added too much if there is no leap day before
89             the passed day in the passed year. This means: remove the day, if
90             we are in january or february (leap day not reached if existing),
91             or if the passed year is not a leap year. */
92         if( (rDate.Month < 3) || !lclIsLeapYear( rDate.Year ) )
93             --nDays;
94     }
95     return nDays;
96 }
98 } // namespace
100 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 UnitConverter::UnitConverter( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ) :
103     WorkbookHelper( rHelper ),
104     maCoeffs( UNIT_ENUM_SIZE, 1.0 ),
105     mnNullDate( lclGetDays( Date( 30, 12, 1899 ) ) )
106 {
107     // initialize constant and default coefficients
108     const DeviceInfo& rDeviceInfo = getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper().getDeviceInfo();
109     maCoeffs[ UNIT_INCH ]    = MM100_PER_INCH;
110     maCoeffs[ UNIT_POINT ]   = MM100_PER_POINT;
111     maCoeffs[ UNIT_TWIP ]    = MM100_PER_TWIP;
112     maCoeffs[ UNIT_EMU ]     = MM100_PER_EMU;
113     maCoeffs[ UNIT_SCREENX ] = (rDeviceInfo.PixelPerMeterX > 0) ? (100000.0 / rDeviceInfo.PixelPerMeterX) : 50.0;
114     maCoeffs[ UNIT_SCREENY ] = (rDeviceInfo.PixelPerMeterY > 0) ? (100000.0 / rDeviceInfo.PixelPerMeterY) : 50.0;
115     maCoeffs[ UNIT_REFDEVX ] = 12.5;                 // default: 1 px = 0.125 mm
116     maCoeffs[ UNIT_REFDEVY ] = 12.5;                 // default: 1 px = 0.125 mm
117     maCoeffs[ UNIT_DIGIT ]   = 200.0;                // default: 1 digit = 2 mm
118     maCoeffs[ UNIT_SPACE ]   = 100.0;                // default  1 space = 1 mm
120     // error code maps
121     addErrorCode( BIFF_ERR_NULL,  CREATE_OUSTRING( "#NULL!" ) );
122     addErrorCode( BIFF_ERR_DIV0,  CREATE_OUSTRING( "#DIV/0!" ) );
123     addErrorCode( BIFF_ERR_VALUE, CREATE_OUSTRING( "#VALUE!" ) );
124     addErrorCode( BIFF_ERR_REF,   CREATE_OUSTRING( "#REF!" ) );
125     addErrorCode( BIFF_ERR_NAME,  CREATE_OUSTRING( "#NAME?" ) );
126     addErrorCode( BIFF_ERR_NUM,   CREATE_OUSTRING( "#NUM!" ) );
127     addErrorCode( BIFF_ERR_NA,    CREATE_OUSTRING( "#NA" ) );
128 }
130 void UnitConverter::finalizeImport()
131 {
132     PropertySet aDocProps( getDocument() );
133     Reference< XDevice > xDevice( aDocProps.getAnyProperty( PROP_ReferenceDevice ), UNO_QUERY );
134     if( xDevice.is() )
135     {
136         // get reference device metric first, needed to get character widths below
137         DeviceInfo aInfo = xDevice->getInfo();
138         maCoeffs[ UNIT_REFDEVX ] = 100000.0 / aInfo.PixelPerMeterX;
139         maCoeffs[ UNIT_REFDEVY ] = 100000.0 / aInfo.PixelPerMeterY;
141         // get character widths from default font
142         if( const Font* pDefFont = getStyles().getDefaultFont().get() )
143         {
144             // XDevice expects pixels in font descriptor, but font contains twips
145             FontDescriptor aDesc = pDefFont->getFontDescriptor();
146             aDesc.Height = static_cast< sal_Int16 >( scaleValue( aDesc.Height, UNIT_TWIP, UNIT_REFDEVX ) + 0.5 );
147             Reference< XFont > xFont = xDevice->getFont( aDesc );
148             if( xFont.is() )
149             {
150                 // get maximum width of all digits
151                 sal_Int32 nDigitWidth = 0;
152                 for( sal_Unicode cChar = '0'; cChar <= '9'; ++cChar )
153                     nDigitWidth = ::std::max( nDigitWidth, scaleToMm100( xFont->getCharWidth( cChar ), UNIT_REFDEVX ) );
154                 if( nDigitWidth > 0 )
155                     maCoeffs[ UNIT_DIGIT ] = nDigitWidth;
156                 // get width of space character
157                 sal_Int32 nSpaceWidth = scaleToMm100( xFont->getCharWidth( ' ' ), UNIT_REFDEVX );
158                 if( nSpaceWidth > 0 )
159                     maCoeffs[ UNIT_SPACE ] = nSpaceWidth;
160             }
161         }
162     }
163 }
165 void UnitConverter::finalizeNullDate( const Date& rNullDate )
166 {
167     // convert the nulldate to number of days since 0000-Jan-01
168     mnNullDate = lclGetDays( rNullDate );
169 }
171 // conversion -----------------------------------------------------------------
173 double UnitConverter::scaleValue( double fValue, Unit eFromUnit, Unit eToUnit ) const
174 {
175     return (eFromUnit == eToUnit) ? fValue : (fValue * getCoefficient( eFromUnit ) / getCoefficient( eToUnit ));
176 }
178 sal_Int32 UnitConverter::scaleToMm100( double fValue, Unit eUnit ) const
179 {
180     return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fValue * getCoefficient( eUnit ) + 0.5 );
181 }
183 double UnitConverter::scaleFromMm100( sal_Int32 nMm100, Unit eUnit ) const
184 {
185     return static_cast< double >( nMm100 ) / getCoefficient( eUnit );
186 }
188 double UnitConverter::calcSerialFromDateTime( const DateTime& rDateTime ) const
189 {
190     sal_Int32 nDays = lclGetDays( Date( rDateTime.Day, rDateTime.Month, rDateTime.Year ) ) - mnNullDate;
191     OSL_ENSURE( nDays >= 0, "UnitConverter::calcDateTimeSerial - invalid date" );
192     OSL_ENSURE( (rDateTime.Hours <= 23) && (rDateTime.Minutes <= 59) && (rDateTime.Seconds <= 59), "UnitConverter::calcDateTimeSerial - invalid time" );
193     return nDays + rDateTime.Hours / 24.0 + rDateTime.Minutes / 1440.0 + rDateTime.Seconds / 86400.0;
194 }
196 DateTime UnitConverter::calcDateTimeFromSerial( double fSerial ) const
197 {
198     DateTime aDateTime( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 );
199     double fDays = 0.0;
200     double fTime = modf( fSerial, &fDays );
202     // calculate date from number of days with O(1) complexity
203     sal_Int32 nDays = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( fDays + mnNullDate, 0, 3652424 );
204     // skip year 0, assumed to be a leap year. By starting at year 1, leap years can be handled easily
205     if( nDays >= 366 ) { ++aDateTime.Year; nDays -= 366; }
206     // skip full blocks of 400, 100, 4 years, and remaining full years
207     lclSkipYearBlock( nDays, aDateTime.Year, 400 * 365 + 97, 400, 24 );
208     lclSkipYearBlock( nDays, aDateTime.Year, 100 * 365 + 24, 100, 3 );
209     lclSkipYearBlock( nDays, aDateTime.Year, 4 * 365 + 1, 4, 24 );
210     lclSkipYearBlock( nDays, aDateTime.Year, 365, 1, 3 );
211     // skip full months of current year
212     static const sal_Int32 spnDaysInMonth[] = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
213     if( (nDays >= 59) && !lclIsLeapYear( aDateTime.Year ) ) ++nDays;
214     const sal_Int32* pnDaysInMonth = spnDaysInMonth;
215     while( *pnDaysInMonth >= nDays ) { ++aDateTime.Month; nDays -= *pnDaysInMonth; ++pnDaysInMonth; }
216     aDateTime.Day = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nDays + 1 );
218     // calculate time from fractional part of serial
219     sal_Int32 nTime = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( fTime * 86400, 0, 86399 );
220     aDateTime.Seconds = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nTime % 60 );
221     nTime /= 60;
222     aDateTime.Minutes = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nTime % 60 );
223     aDateTime.Hours = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nTime / 60 );
225     return aDateTime;
226 }
228 OUString UnitConverter::calcOoxErrorCode( sal_uInt8 nErrorCode ) const
229 {
230     BiffErrorCodeMap::const_iterator aIt = maBiffErrCodes.find( nErrorCode );
231     return (aIt == maBiffErrCodes.end()) ? CREATE_OUSTRING( "#N/A" ) : aIt->second;
232 }
234 sal_uInt8 UnitConverter::calcBiffErrorCode( const OUString& rErrorCode ) const
235 {
236     OoxErrorCodeMap::const_iterator aIt = maOoxErrCodes.find( rErrorCode );
237     return (aIt == maOoxErrCodes.end()) ? BIFF_ERR_NA : aIt->second;
238 }
240 void UnitConverter::addErrorCode( sal_uInt8 nErrorCode, const OUString& rErrorCode )
241 {
242     maOoxErrCodes[ rErrorCode ]  = nErrorCode;
243     maBiffErrCodes[ nErrorCode ] = rErrorCode;
244 }
246 double UnitConverter::getCoefficient( Unit eUnit ) const
247 {
248     OSL_ENSURE( static_cast< size_t >( eUnit ) < UNIT_ENUM_SIZE, "UnitConverter::getCoefficient - invalid unit" );
249     return maCoeffs[ static_cast< size_t >( eUnit ) ];
250 }
252 // ============================================================================
254 } // namespace xls
255 } // namespace oox