xref: /aoo41x/main/sc/source/filter/xml/xmlexprt.cxx (revision 102b8ff7)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
27 // INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
29 #include <editeng/eeitem.hxx>
31 #include "xmlexprt.hxx"
32 #include "XMLConverter.hxx"
33 #include "xmlstyle.hxx"
34 #include "unonames.hxx"
35 #include "document.hxx"
36 #include "olinetab.hxx"
37 #include "cellsuno.hxx"
38 #include "cell.hxx"
39 #include "rangenam.hxx"
40 #include "XMLTableMasterPageExport.hxx"
41 #include "drwlayer.hxx"
42 #include "XMLExportDataPilot.hxx"
43 #include "XMLExportDatabaseRanges.hxx"
44 #include "XMLExportDDELinks.hxx"
45 #include "XMLExportIterator.hxx"
46 #include "XMLColumnRowGroupExport.hxx"
47 #include "XMLStylesExportHelper.hxx"
48 #include "XMLChangeTrackingExportHelper.hxx"
49 #include "sheetdata.hxx"
50 #include "docoptio.hxx"
51 #include "XMLExportSharedData.hxx"
52 #include "chgviset.hxx"
53 #include "docuno.hxx"
54 #include "textuno.hxx"
55 #include "chartlis.hxx"
56 #include "unoguard.hxx"
57 #include "scitems.hxx"
58 #include "docpool.hxx"
59 #include "userdat.hxx"
60 #include "dociter.hxx"
61 #include "chgtrack.hxx"
62 #include "rangeutl.hxx"
63 #include "convuno.hxx"
64 #include "postit.hxx"
65 #include "externalrefmgr.hxx"
66 #include "editutil.hxx"
67 #include "tabprotection.hxx"
69 #include <xmloff/xmltoken.hxx>
70 #include <xmloff/xmlnmspe.hxx>
71 #include <xmloff/xmluconv.hxx>
72 #include <xmloff/nmspmap.hxx>
73 #include <xmloff/families.hxx>
74 #include <xmloff/numehelp.hxx>
75 #include <xmloff/xmluconv.hxx>
76 #include <xmloff/txtparae.hxx>
77 #include <xmloff/xmlcnitm.hxx>
78 #include <xmloff/xmlerror.hxx>
79 #include <xmloff/XMLEventExport.hxx>
81 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
83 #include <tools/debug.hxx>
84 #include "tools/color.hxx"
85 #include <rtl/math.hxx>
86 #include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
87 #include <svx/unoshape.hxx>
88 #include <comphelper/extract.hxx>
89 #include <editeng/eeitem.hxx>
90 #include <toolkit/helper/convert.hxx>
91 #include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
92 #include <svx/svdocapt.hxx>
93 #include <editeng/outlobj.hxx>
94 #include <svx/svditer.hxx>
95 #include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
97 #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
98 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XUsedAreaCursor.hpp>
99 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangeAddressable.hpp>
100 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XAreaLinks.hpp>
101 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XAreaLink.hpp>
102 #include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPageSupplier.hpp>
103 #include <com/sun/star/table/XColumnRowRange.hpp>
104 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XPrintAreas.hpp>
105 #include <com/sun/star/container/XNamed.hpp>
106 #include <com/sun/star/util/XProtectable.hpp>
107 #include <com/sun/star/style/XStyleFamiliesSupplier.hpp>
108 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XUniqueCellFormatRangesSupplier.hpp>
109 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangesQuery.hpp>
110 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/CellFlags.hpp>
111 #include <com/sun/star/util/XMergeable.hpp>
112 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XArrayFormulaRange.hpp>
113 #include <com/sun/star/text/XText.hpp>
114 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XLabelRanges.hpp>
115 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XLabelRange.hpp>
116 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XNamedRanges2.hpp>
117 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XNamedRange2.hpp>
118 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangeReferrer.hpp>
119 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/NamedRangeFlag.hpp>
120 #include <com/sun/star/container/XNamed.hpp>
121 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSheetLinkable.hpp>
122 #include <com/sun/star/form/XFormsSupplier2.hpp>
123 #include <com/sun/star/io/XActiveDataSource.hpp>
124 #include <com/sun/star/io/XSeekable.hpp>
125 #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
127 #include <com/sun/star/chart2/XChartDocument.hpp>
128 #include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/XRangeXMLConversion.hpp>
129 #include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/XDataReceiver.hpp>
131 #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentProperties.hpp>
132 #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentPropertiesSupplier.hpp>
134 #include "XMLCodeNameProvider.hxx"
136 #include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
138 #include <vector>
140 //! not found in unonames.hxx
141 #define SC_STANDARDFORMAT "StandardFormat"
142 #define SC_LAYERID "LayerID"
144 #define SC_DEFAULT_TABLE_COUNT						3
145 #define SC_VIEWCHANGES_COUNT						13
146 #define SC_SHOW_CHANGES								0
147 #define SC_SHOW_ACCEPTED_CHANGES					1
148 #define SC_SHOW_REJECTED_CHANGES					2
153 #define SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_AUTHOR					7
155 #define SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_COMMENT					9
157 #define SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_RANGES					11
160 using namespace rtl;
161 using namespace formula;
162 using namespace com::sun::star;
163 using namespace xmloff::token;
164 using ::std::vector;
165 using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY;
167 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 namespace
170 {
lcl_RangeSequenceToString(const uno::Sequence<OUString> & rRanges,const uno::Reference<chart2::data::XRangeXMLConversion> & xFormatConverter)171 OUString lcl_RangeSequenceToString(
172     const uno::Sequence< OUString > & rRanges,
173     const uno::Reference< chart2::data::XRangeXMLConversion > & xFormatConverter )
174 {
175     OUStringBuffer aResult;
176     const sal_Int32 nMaxIndex( rRanges.getLength() - 1 );
177     const sal_Unicode cSep( sal_Char(' '));
178     for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<=nMaxIndex; ++i )
179     {
180         OUString aRange( rRanges[i] );
181         if( xFormatConverter.is())
182             aRange = xFormatConverter->convertRangeToXML( aRange );
183         aResult.append( aRange );
184         if( i < nMaxIndex )
185             aResult.append( cSep );
186     }
187     return aResult.makeStringAndClear();
188 }
lcl_GetRawString(ScDocument * pDoc,const ScAddress & rPos)190 OUString lcl_GetRawString( ScDocument* pDoc, const ScAddress& rPos )
191 {
192     // return text/edit cell string content, with line feeds in edit cells
194     String aVal;        // document uses tools-strings
195     if (pDoc)
196     {
197         ScBaseCell* pCell = pDoc->GetCell( rPos );
198         if (pCell)
199         {
200             CellType eType = pCell->GetCellType();
201             if ( eType == CELLTYPE_STRING )
202                 static_cast<ScStringCell*>(pCell)->GetString(aVal);     // string cell: content
203             else if ( eType == CELLTYPE_EDIT )
204             {
205                 // edit cell: text with line breaks
206                 const EditTextObject* pData = static_cast<ScEditCell*>(pCell)->GetData();
207                 if (pData)
208                 {
209                     EditEngine& rEngine = pDoc->GetEditEngine();
210                     rEngine.SetText( *pData );
211                     aVal = rEngine.GetText( LINEEND_LF );
212                 }
213             }
214         }
215     }
216     return aVal;
217 }
218 } // anonymous namespace
220 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScXMLOOoExport_getImplementationName()222 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_getImplementationName() throw()
223 {
224 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLExporter" ) );
225 }
ScXMLOOoExport_getSupportedServiceNames()227 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
228 {
229 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOOoExport_getImplementationName() );
230 	return uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >( &aServiceName, 1 );
231 }
ScXMLOOoExport_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)233 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_createInstance(
234 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
235 {
236 	// #110680#
237 	// return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport(EXPORT_ALL);
238 	return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport( rSMgr, EXPORT_ALL );
239 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Meta_getImplementationName()241 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Meta_getImplementationName() throw()
242 {
243 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLMetaExporter" ) );
244 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Meta_getSupportedServiceNames()246 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Meta_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
247 {
248 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOOoExport_Meta_getImplementationName() );
249 	return uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > ( &aServiceName, 1 );
250 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Meta_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)252 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Meta_createInstance(
253 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
254 {
255 	// #110680#
256 	// return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport(EXPORT_META);
257 	return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport( rSMgr, EXPORT_META );
258 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Styles_getImplementationName()260 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Styles_getImplementationName() throw()
261 {
262 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLStylesExporter" ) );
263 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Styles_getSupportedServiceNames()265 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Styles_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
266 {
267 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOOoExport_Styles_getImplementationName() );
268 	return uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > ( &aServiceName, 1 );
269 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Styles_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)271 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Styles_createInstance(
272 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
273 {
274 	// #110680#
277 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Content_getImplementationName()279 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Content_getImplementationName() throw()
280 {
281 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLContentExporter" ) );
282 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Content_getSupportedServiceNames()284 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Content_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
285 {
286 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOOoExport_Content_getImplementationName() );
287 	return uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > ( &aServiceName, 1 );
288 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Content_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)290 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Content_createInstance(
291 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
292 {
293 	// #110680#
296 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Settings_getImplementationName()298 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Settings_getImplementationName() throw()
299 {
300 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLSettingsExporter" ) );
301 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Settings_getSupportedServiceNames()303 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Settings_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
304 {
305 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOOoExport_Settings_getImplementationName() );
306 	return uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > ( &aServiceName, 1 );
307 }
ScXMLOOoExport_Settings_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)309 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOOoExport_Settings_createInstance(
310 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
311 {
312 	// #110680#
313 	// return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport(EXPORT_SETTINGS);
314 	return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport( rSMgr, EXPORT_SETTINGS );
315 }
317 // Oasis Filter
ScXMLOasisExport_getImplementationName()319 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_getImplementationName() throw()
320 {
321 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLOasisExporter" ) );
322 }
ScXMLOasisExport_getSupportedServiceNames()324 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
325 {
326 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOasisExport_getImplementationName() );
327 	const uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > aSeq( &aServiceName, 1 );
328 	return aSeq;
329 }
ScXMLOasisExport_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)331 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_createInstance(
332 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
333 {
334 	return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport(rSMgr, EXPORT_ALL|EXPORT_OASIS);
335 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Meta_getImplementationName()337 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Meta_getImplementationName() throw()
338 {
339 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLOasisMetaExporter" ) );
340 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Meta_getSupportedServiceNames()342 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Meta_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
343 {
344 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOasisExport_Meta_getImplementationName() );
345 	const uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > aSeq( &aServiceName, 1 );
346 	return aSeq;
347 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Meta_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)349 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Meta_createInstance(
350 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
351 {
352 	return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport(rSMgr, EXPORT_META|EXPORT_OASIS);
353 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Styles_getImplementationName()355 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Styles_getImplementationName() throw()
356 {
357 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLOasisStylesExporter" ) );
358 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Styles_getSupportedServiceNames()360 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Styles_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
361 {
362 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOasisExport_Styles_getImplementationName() );
363 	const uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > aSeq( &aServiceName, 1 );
364 	return aSeq;
365 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Styles_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)367 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Styles_createInstance(
368 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
369 {
371 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Content_getImplementationName()373 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Content_getImplementationName() throw()
374 {
375 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLOasisContentExporter" ) );
376 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Content_getSupportedServiceNames()378 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Content_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
379 {
380 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOasisExport_Content_getImplementationName() );
381 	const uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > aSeq( &aServiceName, 1 );
382 	return aSeq;
383 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Content_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)385 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Content_createInstance(
386 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
387 {
389 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Settings_getImplementationName()391 OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Settings_getImplementationName() throw()
392 {
393 	return rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.Calc.XMLOasisSettingsExporter" ) );
394 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Settings_getSupportedServiceNames()396 uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Settings_getSupportedServiceNames() throw()
397 {
398 	const rtl::OUString aServiceName( ScXMLOasisExport_Settings_getImplementationName() );
399 	const uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > aSeq( &aServiceName, 1 );
400 	return aSeq;
401 }
ScXMLOasisExport_Settings_createInstance(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> & rSMgr)403 uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL ScXMLOasisExport_Settings_createInstance(
404 				const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & rSMgr ) throw( uno::Exception )
405 {
406 	return (cppu::OWeakObject*)new ScXMLExport(rSMgr, EXPORT_SETTINGS|EXPORT_OASIS);
407 }
408 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 class ScXMLShapeExport : public XMLShapeExport
411 {
412 public:
ScXMLShapeExport(SvXMLExport & rExp)413     ScXMLShapeExport(SvXMLExport& rExp) : XMLShapeExport(rExp) {}
414     ~ScXMLShapeExport();
416 	/** is called before a shape element for the given XShape is exported */
417 	virtual void onExport( const uno::Reference < drawing::XShape >& xShape );
418 };
~ScXMLShapeExport()420 ScXMLShapeExport::~ScXMLShapeExport()
421 {
422 }
onExport(const uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> & xShape)424 void ScXMLShapeExport::onExport( const uno::Reference < drawing::XShape >& xShape )
425 {
426 	uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xShapeProp( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
427 	if( xShapeProp.is() )
428 	{
429 		sal_Int16 nLayerID = 0;
430         if( (xShapeProp->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( SC_LAYERID ))) >>= nLayerID) && (nLayerID == SC_LAYER_BACK) )
432 	}
433 }
435 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetFieldUnit()437 sal_Int16 ScXMLExport::GetFieldUnit()
438 {
439 	com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> xProperties(
440 				comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance(
441 					rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.sheet.GlobalSheetSettings" )) ),
442 				com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY);
443 	if (xProperties.is())
444 	{
445 		sal_Int16 nFieldUnit = 0;
446 		if (xProperties->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Metric"))) >>= nFieldUnit)
447 			return nFieldUnit;
448 	}
449 	return 0;
450 }
453 // #110680#
ScXMLExport(const::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xServiceFactory,const sal_uInt16 nExportFlag)454 ScXMLExport::ScXMLExport(
455 	const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceFactory,
456 	const sal_uInt16 nExportFlag)
457 :	SvXMLExport( xServiceFactory, SvXMLUnitConverter::GetMapUnit(GetFieldUnit()), XML_SPREADSHEET, nExportFlag ),
458 	pDoc(NULL),
459     nSourceStreamPos(0),
460 	pNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper(NULL),
461 	pSharedData(NULL),
462 	pColumnStyles(NULL),
463 	pRowStyles(NULL),
464 	pCellStyles(NULL),
465 	pRowFormatRanges(NULL),
466 	aTableStyles(),
467 	pGroupColumns (NULL),
468 	pGroupRows (NULL),
469 	pDefaults(NULL),
470 	pChartListener(NULL),
471     pCurrentCell(NULL),
472 	pMergedRangesContainer(NULL),
473 	pValidationsContainer(NULL),
474 	pCellsItr(NULL),
475 	pChangeTrackingExportHelper(NULL),
477 	sCaptionShape(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.drawing.CaptionShape")),
478 	nOpenRow(-1),
479     nProgressCount(0),
480 	nCurrentTable(0),
481 	bHasRowHeader(sal_False),
482 	bRowHeaderOpen(sal_False),
483 	mbShowProgress( sal_False )
484 {
485 	if (getExportFlags() & EXPORT_CONTENT)
486 	{
487 		pGroupColumns = new ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup(*this, XML_TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP);
488 		pGroupRows = new ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup(*this, XML_TABLE_ROW_GROUP);
489 		pColumnStyles = new ScColumnStyles();
490 		pRowStyles = new ScRowStyles();
491 		pRowFormatRanges = new ScRowFormatRanges();
492 		pMergedRangesContainer = new ScMyMergedRangesContainer();
493 		pValidationsContainer = new ScMyValidationsContainer();
494 		pCellsItr = new ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator(*this);
495 		pDefaults = new ScMyDefaultStyles();
496 	}
497 	pCellStyles = new ScFormatRangeStyles();
499 	// document is not set here - create ScChangeTrackingExportHelper later
501 	xScPropHdlFactory = new XMLScPropHdlFactory;
502 	xCellStylesPropertySetMapper = new XMLPropertySetMapper((XMLPropertyMapEntry*)aXMLScCellStylesProperties, xScPropHdlFactory);
503 	xColumnStylesPropertySetMapper = new XMLPropertySetMapper((XMLPropertyMapEntry*)aXMLScColumnStylesProperties, xScPropHdlFactory);
504 	xRowStylesPropertySetMapper = new XMLPropertySetMapper((XMLPropertyMapEntry*)aXMLScRowStylesProperties, xScPropHdlFactory);
505 	xTableStylesPropertySetMapper = new XMLPropertySetMapper((XMLPropertyMapEntry*)aXMLScTableStylesProperties, xScPropHdlFactory);
506 	xCellStylesExportPropertySetMapper = new ScXMLCellExportPropertyMapper(xCellStylesPropertySetMapper);
507 	xCellStylesExportPropertySetMapper->ChainExportMapper(XMLTextParagraphExport::CreateParaExtPropMapper(*this));
508 	xColumnStylesExportPropertySetMapper = new ScXMLColumnExportPropertyMapper(xColumnStylesPropertySetMapper);
509 	xRowStylesExportPropertySetMapper = new ScXMLRowExportPropertyMapper(xRowStylesPropertySetMapper);
510 	xTableStylesExportPropertySetMapper = new ScXMLTableExportPropertyMapper(xTableStylesPropertySetMapper);
522     {
523         // This name is reserved for the external ref cache tables.  This
524         // should not conflict with user-defined styles since this name is
525         // used for a table style which is not available in the UI.
526         sExternalRefTabStyleName = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("ta_extref");
527         GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_TABLE, sExternalRefTabStyleName);
529         sAttrName = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_NAME));
530         sAttrStyleName = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_STYLE_NAME));
531         sAttrColumnsRepeated = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_NUMBER_COLUMNS_REPEATED));
532         sAttrFormula = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_FORMULA));
533         sAttrStringValue = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_OFFICE, GetXMLToken(XML_STRING_VALUE));
534         sAttrValueType = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_OFFICE, GetXMLToken(XML_VALUE_TYPE));
535         sElemCell = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_TABLE_CELL));
536         sElemCoveredCell = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_COVERED_TABLE_CELL));
537         sElemCol = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_TABLE_COLUMN));
538         sElemRow = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_TABLE_ROW));
539         sElemTab = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, GetXMLToken(XML_TABLE));
540         sElemP = GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, GetXMLToken(XML_P));
541     }
542 }
~ScXMLExport()545 ScXMLExport::~ScXMLExport()
546 {
547 	if (pGroupColumns)
548 		delete pGroupColumns;
549 	if (pGroupRows)
550 		delete pGroupRows;
551 	if (pColumnStyles)
552 		delete pColumnStyles;
553 	if (pRowStyles)
554 		delete pRowStyles;
555 	if (pCellStyles)
556 		delete pCellStyles;
557 	if (pRowFormatRanges)
558 		delete pRowFormatRanges;
559 	if (pMergedRangesContainer)
560 		delete pMergedRangesContainer;
561 	if (pValidationsContainer)
562 		delete pValidationsContainer;
563 	if (pChangeTrackingExportHelper)
564 		delete pChangeTrackingExportHelper;
565 	if (pChartListener)
566 		delete pChartListener;
567 	if (pCellsItr)
568 		delete pCellsItr;
569 	if (pDefaults)
570 		delete pDefaults;
571 	if (pNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper)
572 		delete pNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper;
573 }
SetSourceStream(const uno::Reference<io::XInputStream> & xNewStream)575 void ScXMLExport::SetSourceStream( const uno::Reference<io::XInputStream>& xNewStream )
576 {
577     xSourceStream = xNewStream;
579     if ( xSourceStream.is() )
580     {
581         // make sure it's a plain UTF-8 stream as written by OOo itself
583         const sal_Char pXmlHeader[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
584         sal_Int32 nLen = strlen(pXmlHeader);
586         uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aFileStart(nLen);
587         sal_Int32 nRead = xSourceStream->readBytes( aFileStart, nLen );
589         if ( nRead != nLen || rtl_compareMemory( aFileStart.getConstArray(), pXmlHeader, nLen ) != 0 )
590         {
591             // invalid - ignore stream, save normally
592             xSourceStream.clear();
593         }
594         else
595         {
596             // keep track of the bytes already read
597             nSourceStreamPos = nRead;
599             const ScSheetSaveData* pSheetData = ScModelObj::getImplementation(GetModel())->GetSheetSaveData();
600             if (pSheetData)
601             {
602                 // add the loaded namespaces to the name space map
604                 if ( !pSheetData->AddLoadedNamespaces( _GetNamespaceMap() ) )
605                 {
606                     // conflicts in the namespaces - ignore the stream, save normally
607                     xSourceStream.clear();
608                 }
609             }
610         }
611     }
612 }
GetNumberFormatStyleIndex(sal_Int32 nNumFmt) const614 sal_Int32 ScXMLExport::GetNumberFormatStyleIndex(sal_Int32 nNumFmt) const
615 {
616     NumberFormatIndexMap::const_iterator itr = aNumFmtIndexMap.find(nNumFmt);
617     if (itr == aNumFmtIndexMap.end())
618         return -1;
620     return itr->second;
621 }
HasDrawPages(uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument> & xDoc)623 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::HasDrawPages(uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument>& xDoc)
624 {
625 	uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xDocProps( xDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
626 	return (xDocProps.is() && ::cppu::any2bool( xDocProps->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_HASDRAWPAGES))) ));
627 }
CollectSharedData(sal_Int32 & nTableCount,sal_Int32 & nShapesCount,const sal_Int32 nCellCount)629 void ScXMLExport::CollectSharedData(sal_Int32& nTableCount, sal_Int32& nShapesCount, const sal_Int32 nCellCount)
630 {
631 	if (GetModel().is())
632 	{
633 		uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument> xSpreadDoc( GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
634 		if ( xSpreadDoc.is())
635 		{
636 			uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xIndex( xSpreadDoc->getSheets(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
637 			if ( xIndex.is() )
638 			{
639 				nTableCount = xIndex->getCount();
640                 if (!pSharedData)
641 					CreateSharedData(nTableCount);
642 				pCellStyles->AddNewTable(nTableCount - 1);
643                 pDoc->InitializeAllNoteCaptions( true );
644 				if (HasDrawPages(xSpreadDoc))
645 				{
646 					rtl::OUString sCaptionPoint( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CaptionPoint" ));
647 					for (SCTAB nTable = 0; nTable < nTableCount; ++nTable)
648 					{
649                         nCurrentTable = sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>( nTable );
650 						uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPageSupplier> xDrawPageSupplier(xIndex->getByIndex(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY);
651 						if (xDrawPageSupplier.is())
652 						{
653 							uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> xDrawPage(xDrawPageSupplier->getDrawPage());
654 							ScMyDrawPage aDrawPage;
655 							aDrawPage.bHasForms = sal_False;
656 							aDrawPage.xDrawPage.set(xDrawPage);
657 							pSharedData->AddDrawPage(aDrawPage, nTable);
658 							uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xShapesIndex (xDrawPage, uno::UNO_QUERY);
659 							if (xShapesIndex.is())
660 							{
661 								sal_Int32 nShapes(xShapesIndex->getCount());
662 								for (sal_Int32 nShape = 0; nShape < nShapes; ++nShape)
663 								{
664                                     uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xShape(xShapesIndex->getByIndex(nShape), uno::UNO_QUERY);
665 									if (xShape.is())
666 									{
667 										uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xShapeProp( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
668 										if( xShapeProp.is() )
669 										{
670 											sal_Int16 nLayerID = 0;
671 											if( xShapeProp->getPropertyValue(sLayerID) >>= nLayerID )
672 											{
673                                                 if( (nLayerID == SC_LAYER_INTERN) || (nLayerID == SC_LAYER_HIDDEN) )
674 													CollectInternalShape( xShape );
675 												else
676 												{
677 													++nShapesCount;
678 													SvxShape* pShapeImp(SvxShape::getImplementation(xShape));
679 													if (pShapeImp)
680 													{
681 														SdrObject *pSdrObj(pShapeImp->GetSdrObject());
682 														if (pSdrObj)
683 														{
684 															if (ScDrawLayer::GetAnchor(pSdrObj) == SCA_CELL)
685 															{
686 																if (pDoc)
687 																{
689 																	awt::Point aPoint(xShape->getPosition());
690 																	awt::Size aSize(xShape->getSize());
691 																	rtl::OUString sType(xShape->getShapeType());
692 																	Rectangle aRectangle(aPoint.X, aPoint.Y, aPoint.X + aSize.Width, aPoint.Y + aSize.Height);
693 																	if ( sType.equals(sCaptionShape) )
694 																	{
695                                                                         awt::Point aRelativeCaptionPoint;
696                                                                         xShapeProp->getPropertyValue( sCaptionPoint ) >>= aRelativeCaptionPoint;
697                                                                         Point aCoreRelativeCaptionPoint(aRelativeCaptionPoint.X, aRelativeCaptionPoint.Y);
698                                                                         Point aCoreAbsoluteCaptionPoint(aPoint.X, aPoint.Y);
699                                                                         aCoreAbsoluteCaptionPoint += aCoreRelativeCaptionPoint;
700                                                                         aRectangle.Union(Rectangle(aCoreAbsoluteCaptionPoint, aCoreAbsoluteCaptionPoint));
701 																	}
702 																	ScRange aRange(pDoc->GetRange(static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable), aRectangle));
703 																	ScMyShape aMyShape;
704 																	aMyShape.aAddress = aRange.aStart;
705 																	aMyShape.aEndAddress = aRange.aEnd;
706 																	aMyShape.xShape = xShape;
707 																	pSharedData->AddNewShape(aMyShape);
708 																	pSharedData->SetLastColumn(nTable, aRange.aStart.Col());
709 																	pSharedData->SetLastRow(nTable, aRange.aStart.Row());
710 																}
711 															}
712 															else
713 																pSharedData->AddTableShape(nTable, xShape);
714 														}
715 													}
716 												}
717 											}
718 										}
719 									}
720 								}
721 							}
722 						}
723 					}
724 				}
725 			}
726 		}
727 	}
728 	sal_Int32 nRef(nCellCount + (2 * nTableCount) + (2 * nShapesCount));
729 	GetProgressBarHelper()->SetReference(nRef);
730 	GetProgressBarHelper()->SetValue(0);
731 }
CollectShapesAutoStyles(const sal_Int32 nTableCount)733 void ScXMLExport::CollectShapesAutoStyles(const sal_Int32 nTableCount)
734 {
735     // #i84077# To avoid compiler warnings about uninitialized aShapeItr,
736     // it's initialized using this dummy list. The iterator contains shapes
737     // from all sheets, so it can't be declared inside the nTable loop where
738     // it is used.
739     ScMyShapeList aDummyInitList;
741 	pSharedData->SortShapesContainer();
742     pSharedData->SortNoteShapes();
743 	const ScMyShapeList* pShapeList(NULL);
744     ScMyShapeList::const_iterator aShapeItr = aDummyInitList.end();
745 	if (pSharedData->GetShapesContainer())
746 	{
747 		pShapeList = pSharedData->GetShapesContainer()->GetShapes();
748 		aShapeItr = pShapeList->begin();
749 	}
750 	if (pSharedData->HasDrawPage())
751 	{
752 		for (SCTAB nTable = 0; nTable < nTableCount; ++nTable)
753 		{
754 		    uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> xDrawPage(pSharedData->GetDrawPage(nTable));
755 		    uno::Reference<drawing::XShapes> xShapes (xDrawPage, uno::UNO_QUERY);
757             if (xShapes.is())
758 		    {
759 				GetShapeExport()->seekShapes(xShapes);
760 				uno::Reference< form::XFormsSupplier2 > xFormsSupplier( xDrawPage, uno::UNO_QUERY );
761 				if( xFormsSupplier.is() && xFormsSupplier->hasForms() )
762 				{
763 					GetFormExport()->examineForms(xDrawPage);
764 					pSharedData->SetDrawPageHasForms(nTable, sal_True);
765 				}
766 				ScMyTableShapes* pTableShapes(pSharedData->GetTableShapes());
767 				if (pTableShapes)
768 				{
769 					ScMyTableXShapes::iterator aItr((*pTableShapes)[nTable].begin());
770 					ScMyTableXShapes::iterator aEndItr((*pTableShapes)[nTable].end());
771 					while (aItr != aEndItr)
772 					{
773 						GetShapeExport()->collectShapeAutoStyles(*aItr);
774 						IncrementProgressBar(sal_False);
775 						++aItr;
776 					}
777 				}
778 				if (pShapeList)
779 				{
780                     ScMyShapeList::const_iterator aEndItr(pShapeList->end());
781 					while (aShapeItr != aEndItr && (static_cast<sal_Int32>(aShapeItr->aAddress.Tab()) == nTable))
782 					{
783 						GetShapeExport()->collectShapeAutoStyles(aShapeItr->xShape);
784 						IncrementProgressBar(sal_False);
785 						++aShapeItr;
786 					}
787 				}
788                 const ScMyNoteShapeList* pNoteShapes = NULL;
789                 ScMyNoteShapeList::const_iterator aNoteShapeItr;
790                 ScMyNoteShapeList::const_iterator aNoteShapeEndItr;
791                 if (pSharedData->GetNoteShapes())
792                 {
793                     pNoteShapes = pSharedData->GetNoteShapes()->GetNotes();
794                     if (pNoteShapes)
795                     {
796                         aNoteShapeItr = pNoteShapes->begin();
797                         aNoteShapeEndItr = pNoteShapes->end();
798                     }
799                 }
800                 if (pNoteShapes)
801                 {
802                     while (aNoteShapeItr != aNoteShapeEndItr)
803                     {
804                         if (static_cast<sal_Int32>(aNoteShapeItr->aPos.Tab()) == nTable)
805                             GetShapeExport()->collectShapeAutoStyles(aNoteShapeItr->xShape);
806                         ++aNoteShapeItr;
807                     }
808                 }
809 			}
810         }
811 	}
812     pSharedData->SortNoteShapes(); // sort twice, because some more shapes are added
813 }
_ExportMeta()815 void ScXMLExport::_ExportMeta()
816 {
817 	sal_Int32 nCellCount(pDoc ? pDoc->GetCellCount() : 0);
818 	sal_Int32 nTableCount(0);
819 	sal_Int32 nShapesCount(0);
820 	GetAutoStylePool()->ClearEntries();
821 	CollectSharedData(nTableCount, nShapesCount, nCellCount);
823     uno::Sequence<beans::NamedValue> stats(3);
824     stats[0] = beans::NamedValue(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("TableCount"),
825                 uno::makeAny(nTableCount));
826     stats[1] = beans::NamedValue(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("CellCount"),
827                 uno::makeAny(nCellCount));
828     stats[2] = beans::NamedValue(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("ObjectCount"),
829                 uno::makeAny(nShapesCount));
831     // update document statistics at the model
832     uno::Reference<document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier> xPropSup(GetModel(),
833         uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
834     uno::Reference<document::XDocumentProperties> xDocProps(
835         xPropSup->getDocumentProperties());
836     if (xDocProps.is()) {
837         xDocProps->setDocumentStatistics(stats);
838     }
840     // export document properties
841 	SvXMLExport::_ExportMeta();
842 }
_ExportFontDecls()844 void ScXMLExport::_ExportFontDecls()
845 {
846 	GetFontAutoStylePool();	// make sure the pool is created
847 	SvXMLExport::_ExportFontDecls();
848 }
GetEndAddress(const uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheet> & xTable,const sal_Int32)850 table::CellRangeAddress ScXMLExport::GetEndAddress(const uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheet>& xTable, const sal_Int32 /* nTable */)
851 {
852 	table::CellRangeAddress aCellAddress;
853 	uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellCursor> xCursor(xTable->createCursor());
854 	uno::Reference<sheet::XUsedAreaCursor> xUsedArea (xCursor, uno::UNO_QUERY);
855 	uno::Reference<sheet::XCellRangeAddressable> xCellAddress (xCursor, uno::UNO_QUERY);
856 	if (xUsedArea.is() && xCellAddress.is())
857 	{
858 		xUsedArea->gotoEndOfUsedArea(sal_True);
859 		aCellAddress = xCellAddress->getRangeAddress();
860 	}
861 	return aCellAddress;
862 }
GetAreaLinks(uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument> & xSpreadDoc,ScMyAreaLinksContainer & rAreaLinks)864 void ScXMLExport::GetAreaLinks( uno::Reference< sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument>& xSpreadDoc,
865 								ScMyAreaLinksContainer& rAreaLinks )
866 {
867 	uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xSpreadDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
868 	if( !xPropSet.is() ) return;
870 	uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xLinksIAccess( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( SC_UNO_AREALINKS ) ) ), uno::UNO_QUERY);
871 	if( xLinksIAccess.is() )
872 	{
878 		sal_Int32 nCount(xLinksIAccess->getCount());
879 		for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex )
880 		{
881             uno::Reference< sheet::XAreaLink > xAreaLink(xLinksIAccess->getByIndex( nIndex ), uno::UNO_QUERY);
882 			if( xAreaLink.is() )
883 			{
884 				ScMyAreaLink aAreaLink;
885 				aAreaLink.aDestRange = xAreaLink->getDestArea();
886 				aAreaLink.sSourceStr = xAreaLink->getSourceArea();
887 				uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xLinkProp( xAreaLink, uno::UNO_QUERY );
888 				if( xLinkProp.is() )
889 				{
890 					xLinkProp->getPropertyValue( sFilter ) >>= aAreaLink.sFilter;
891 					xLinkProp->getPropertyValue( sFilterOpt ) >>= aAreaLink.sFilterOptions;
892 					xLinkProp->getPropertyValue( sURL ) >>= aAreaLink.sURL;
893 					xLinkProp->getPropertyValue( sRefresh ) >>= aAreaLink.nRefresh;
894 				}
895 				rAreaLinks.AddNewAreaLink( aAreaLink );
896 			}
897 		}
898 	}
899 	rAreaLinks.Sort();
900 }
902 // core implementation
GetDetectiveOpList(ScMyDetectiveOpContainer & rDetOp)903 void ScXMLExport::GetDetectiveOpList( ScMyDetectiveOpContainer& rDetOp )
904 {
905 	if (pDoc)
906 	{
907 		ScDetOpList* pOpList(pDoc->GetDetOpList());
908 		if( pOpList )
909 		{
910 			sal_uInt32 nCount(pOpList->Count());
911 			for( sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex )
912 			{
913 				ScDetOpData* pDetData(pOpList->GetObject( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nIndex) ));
914 				if( pDetData )
915                 {
916                     const ScAddress& rDetPos = pDetData->GetPos();
917                     SCTAB nTab = rDetPos.Tab();
918                     if ( nTab < pDoc->GetTableCount() )
919                     {
920                         rDetOp.AddOperation( pDetData->GetOperation(), rDetPos, nIndex );
922                         // #123981# cells with detective operations are written even if empty
923                         pSharedData->SetLastColumn( nTab, rDetPos.Col() );
924                         pSharedData->SetLastRow( nTab, rDetPos.Row() );
925                     }
926                 }
927 			}
928 			rDetOp.Sort();
929 		}
930 	}
931 }
WriteSingleColumn(const sal_Int32 nRepeatColumns,const sal_Int32 nStyleIndex,const sal_Int32 nIndex,const sal_Bool bIsAutoStyle,const sal_Bool bIsVisible)933 void ScXMLExport::WriteSingleColumn(const sal_Int32 nRepeatColumns, const sal_Int32 nStyleIndex,
934 	const sal_Int32 nIndex, const sal_Bool bIsAutoStyle, const sal_Bool bIsVisible)
935 {
936 	CheckAttrList();
937 	AddAttribute(sAttrStyleName, *pColumnStyles->GetStyleNameByIndex(nStyleIndex));
938 	if (!bIsVisible)
940 	if (nRepeatColumns > 1)
941 	{
942 		OUString sOUEndCol(OUString::valueOf(static_cast <sal_Int32> (nRepeatColumns)));
943 		AddAttribute(sAttrColumnsRepeated, sOUEndCol);
944 	}
945 	if (nIndex != -1)
946 		AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE_NAME, *pCellStyles->GetStyleNameByIndex(nIndex, bIsAutoStyle));
947 	SvXMLElementExport aElemC(*this, sElemCol, sal_True, sal_True);
948 }
WriteColumn(const sal_Int32 nColumn,const sal_Int32 nRepeatColumns,const sal_Int32 nStyleIndex,const sal_Bool bIsVisible)950 void ScXMLExport::WriteColumn(const sal_Int32 nColumn, const sal_Int32 nRepeatColumns,
951 	const sal_Int32 nStyleIndex, const sal_Bool bIsVisible)
952 {
953 	sal_Int32 nRepeat(1);
954 	sal_Int32 nPrevIndex((*pDefaults->GetColDefaults())[nColumn].nIndex);
955 	sal_Bool bPrevAutoStyle((*pDefaults->GetColDefaults())[nColumn].bIsAutoStyle);
956 	for (sal_Int32 i = nColumn + 1; i < nColumn + nRepeatColumns; ++i)
957 	{
958 		if (((*pDefaults->GetColDefaults())[i].nIndex != nPrevIndex) ||
959 			((*pDefaults->GetColDefaults())[i].bIsAutoStyle != bPrevAutoStyle))
960 		{
961 			WriteSingleColumn(nRepeat, nStyleIndex, nPrevIndex, bPrevAutoStyle, bIsVisible);
962 			nPrevIndex = (*pDefaults->GetColDefaults())[i].nIndex;
963 			bPrevAutoStyle = (*pDefaults->GetColDefaults())[i].bIsAutoStyle;
964 			nRepeat = 1;
965 		}
966 		else
967 			++nRepeat;
968 	}
969 	WriteSingleColumn(nRepeat, nStyleIndex, nPrevIndex, bPrevAutoStyle, bIsVisible);
970 }
OpenHeaderColumn()972 void ScXMLExport::OpenHeaderColumn()
973 {
975 }
CloseHeaderColumn()977 void ScXMLExport::CloseHeaderColumn()
978 {
980 }
ExportColumns(const sal_Int32 nTable,const table::CellRangeAddress & aColumnHeaderRange,const sal_Bool bHasColumnHeader)982 void ScXMLExport::ExportColumns(const sal_Int32 nTable, const table::CellRangeAddress& aColumnHeaderRange, const sal_Bool bHasColumnHeader)
983 {
984 	sal_Int32 nColsRepeated (1);
985 	rtl::OUString sParent;
986 	sal_Int32 nIndex;
987 	sal_Int32 nPrevColumn(0);
988 	sal_Bool bPrevIsVisible (sal_True);
989 	sal_Bool bWasHeader (sal_False);
990 	sal_Bool bIsHeader (sal_False);
991 	sal_Bool bIsClosed (sal_True);
992 	sal_Bool bIsFirst (sal_False);
993 	sal_Int32 nPrevIndex (-1);
994     sal_Int32 nColumn;
995     for (nColumn = 0; nColumn <= pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nTable); ++nColumn)
996 	{
997 		CheckAttrList();
998 		sal_Bool bIsVisible(sal_True);
999 		nIndex = pColumnStyles->GetStyleNameIndex(nTable, nColumn, bIsVisible);
1001 		bIsHeader = bHasColumnHeader && (aColumnHeaderRange.StartColumn <= nColumn) && (nColumn <= aColumnHeaderRange.EndColumn);
1002 		if (bIsHeader != bWasHeader)
1003 		{
1004 			if (bIsHeader)
1005 			{
1006 				bIsFirst = sal_False;
1007 				if (nColumn > 0)
1008 				{
1009 					WriteColumn(nPrevColumn, nColsRepeated, nPrevIndex, bPrevIsVisible);
1010 					if (pGroupColumns->IsGroupEnd(nColumn - 1))
1011 						pGroupColumns->CloseGroups(nColumn - 1);
1012 				}
1013 				bPrevIsVisible = bIsVisible;
1014 				nPrevIndex = nIndex;
1015 				nPrevColumn = nColumn;
1016 				nColsRepeated = 1;
1017 				bIsFirst = sal_True;
1018 				if(pGroupColumns->IsGroupStart(nColumn))
1019 					pGroupColumns->OpenGroups(nColumn);
1020 				OpenHeaderColumn();
1021 				bWasHeader = sal_True;
1022 				bIsClosed = sal_False;
1023 			}
1024 			else
1025 			{
1026 				WriteColumn(nPrevColumn, nColsRepeated, nPrevIndex, bPrevIsVisible);
1027 				CloseHeaderColumn();
1028 				if (pGroupColumns->IsGroupEnd(nColumn - 1))
1029 					pGroupColumns->CloseGroups(nColumn - 1);
1030 				if(pGroupColumns->IsGroupStart(nColumn))
1031 					pGroupColumns->OpenGroups(nColumn);
1032 				bPrevIsVisible = bIsVisible;
1033 				nPrevIndex = nIndex;
1034 				nPrevColumn = nColumn;
1035 				nColsRepeated = 1;
1036 				bWasHeader = sal_False;
1037 				bIsClosed = sal_True;
1038 			}
1039 		}
1040 		else if (nColumn == 0)
1041 		{
1042 			if (pGroupColumns->IsGroupStart(nColumn))
1043 				pGroupColumns->OpenGroups(nColumn);
1044 			bPrevIsVisible = bIsVisible;
1045 			nPrevIndex = nIndex;
1046 			bIsFirst = sal_True;
1047 		}
1048 		else if ((bIsVisible == bPrevIsVisible) && (nIndex == nPrevIndex) &&
1049 			!pGroupColumns->IsGroupStart(nColumn) && !pGroupColumns->IsGroupEnd(nColumn - 1))
1050 			++nColsRepeated;
1051 		else
1052 		{
1053 			bIsFirst = sal_False;
1054 			WriteColumn(nPrevColumn, nColsRepeated, nPrevIndex, bPrevIsVisible);
1055 			if (pGroupColumns->IsGroupEnd(nColumn - 1))
1056             {
1057                 if (bIsHeader)
1058                     CloseHeaderColumn();
1059 				pGroupColumns->CloseGroups(nColumn - 1);
1060                 if (bIsHeader)
1061                     OpenHeaderColumn();
1062             }
1063 			if (pGroupColumns->IsGroupStart(nColumn))
1064 			{
1065 				if (bIsHeader)
1066 					CloseHeaderColumn();
1067 				pGroupColumns->OpenGroups(nColumn);
1068 				if (bIsHeader)
1069 					OpenHeaderColumn();
1070 			}
1071 			bPrevIsVisible = bIsVisible;
1072 			nPrevIndex = nIndex;
1073 			nPrevColumn = nColumn;
1074 			nColsRepeated = 1;
1075 		}
1076 	}
1077 	//if (nColsRepeated > 1 || bIsFirst)
1078 		WriteColumn(nPrevColumn, nColsRepeated, nPrevIndex, bPrevIsVisible);
1079 	if (!bIsClosed)
1080 		CloseHeaderColumn();
1081 	if (pGroupColumns->IsGroupEnd(nColumn - 1))
1082 		pGroupColumns->CloseGroups(nColumn - 1);
1083 }
ExportExternalRefCacheStyles()1085 void ScXMLExport::ExportExternalRefCacheStyles()
1086 {
1087     sal_Int32 nEntryIndex = GetCellStylesPropertySetMapper()->FindEntryIndex(
1088         "NumberFormat", XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, OUString::createFromAscii("data-style-name"));
1090     if (nEntryIndex < 0)
1091         // No entry index for the number format is found.
1092         return;
1094     ScExternalRefManager* pRefMgr = pDoc->GetExternalRefManager();
1095     if (!pRefMgr->hasExternalData())
1096         // No external reference data cached.
1097         return;
1099     // Export each unique number format used in the external ref cache.
1100     vector<sal_uInt32> aNumFmts;
1101     pRefMgr->getAllCachedNumberFormats(aNumFmts);
1102     const OUString aDefaultStyle = OUString::createFromAscii("Default").intern();
1103     for (vector<sal_uInt32>::const_iterator itr = aNumFmts.begin(), itrEnd = aNumFmts.end();
1104           itr != itrEnd; ++itr)
1105     {
1106         sal_Int32 nNumFmt = static_cast<sal_Int32>(*itr);
1108         addDataStyle(nNumFmt);
1110         uno::Any aVal;
1111         aVal <<= nNumFmt;
1112         vector<XMLPropertyState> aProps;
1113         aProps.push_back(XMLPropertyState(nEntryIndex, aVal));
1114         aVal <<= aDefaultStyle;
1115         aProps.push_back(XMLPropertyState(nEntryIndex, aVal));
1117         OUString aName;
1118         sal_Int32 nIndex;
1119         if (GetAutoStylePool()->Add(aName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL, aDefaultStyle, aProps))
1120         {
1121             OUString* pTemp(new OUString(aName));
1122             if (!pCellStyles->AddStyleName(pTemp, nIndex, true))
1123                 delete pTemp;
1124         }
1125         else
1126         {
1127             sal_Bool bIsAuto;
1128             nIndex = pCellStyles->GetIndexOfStyleName(
1129                 aName, OUString::createFromAscii(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL_STYLES_PREFIX), bIsAuto);
1130         }
1132         // store the number format to index mapping for later use.
1133         aNumFmtIndexMap.insert(NumberFormatIndexMap::value_type(nNumFmt, nIndex));
1134     }
1135 }
WriteRowContent()1137 void ScXMLExport::WriteRowContent()
1138 {
1139 	ScMyRowFormatRange aRange;
1140 	sal_Int32 nIndex(-1);
1141 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1142 	sal_Int32 nPrevCol(0);
1143 #endif
1144 	sal_Int32 nCols(0);
1145 	sal_Int32 nPrevValidationIndex(-1);
1146 	sal_Bool bIsAutoStyle(sal_True);
1147 	sal_Bool bIsFirst(sal_True);
1148 	while (pRowFormatRanges->GetNext(aRange))
1149 	{
1150 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1151 		DBG_ASSERT(bIsFirst || (!bIsFirst && (nPrevCol + nCols == aRange.nStartColumn)), "here are some columns missing");
1152 #endif
1153 		if (bIsFirst)
1154 		{
1155 			nIndex = aRange.nIndex;
1156 			nPrevValidationIndex = aRange.nValidationIndex;
1157 			bIsAutoStyle = aRange.bIsAutoStyle;
1158 			nCols = aRange.nRepeatColumns;
1159 			bIsFirst = sal_False;
1160 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1161 			nPrevCol = aRange.nStartColumn;
1162 #endif
1163 		}
1164 		else
1165 		{
1166 			if (((aRange.nIndex == nIndex && aRange.bIsAutoStyle == bIsAutoStyle) ||
1167 				(aRange.nIndex == nIndex && nIndex == -1)) &&
1168 				nPrevValidationIndex == aRange.nValidationIndex)
1169 				nCols += aRange.nRepeatColumns;
1170 			else
1171 			{
1172 				if (nIndex != -1)
1173 					AddAttribute(sAttrStyleName, *pCellStyles->GetStyleNameByIndex(nIndex, bIsAutoStyle));
1174 				if (nPrevValidationIndex > -1)
1175 					AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_CONTENT_VALIDATION_NAME, pValidationsContainer->GetValidationName(nPrevValidationIndex));
1176 				if (nCols > 1)
1177 				{
1178 					rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuf;
1179 					GetMM100UnitConverter().convertNumber(aBuf, nCols);
1180 					AddAttribute(sAttrColumnsRepeated, aBuf.makeStringAndClear());
1181 				}
1182 				SvXMLElementExport aElemC(*this, sElemCell, sal_True, sal_True);
1183 				nIndex = aRange.nIndex;
1184 				bIsAutoStyle = aRange.bIsAutoStyle;
1185 				nCols = aRange.nRepeatColumns;
1186 				nPrevValidationIndex = aRange.nValidationIndex;
1187 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1188 				nPrevCol = aRange.nStartColumn;
1189 #endif
1190 			}
1191 		}
1192 	}
1193 	if (!bIsFirst)
1194 	{
1195 		table::CellAddress aCellAddress;
1196 		if (nIndex != -1)
1197 			AddAttribute(sAttrStyleName, *pCellStyles->GetStyleNameByIndex(nIndex, bIsAutoStyle));
1198 		if (nPrevValidationIndex > -1)
1199 			AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_CONTENT_VALIDATION_NAME, pValidationsContainer->GetValidationName(nPrevValidationIndex));
1200 		if (nCols > 1)
1201 		{
1202 			rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuf;
1203 			GetMM100UnitConverter().convertNumber(aBuf, nCols);
1204 			AddAttribute(sAttrColumnsRepeated, aBuf.makeStringAndClear());
1205 		}
1206 		SvXMLElementExport aElemC(*this, sElemCell, sal_True, sal_True);
1207 	}
1208 }
WriteRowStartTag(sal_Int32 nRow,const sal_Int32 nIndex,const sal_Int8 nFlag,const sal_Int32 nEqualRows)1210 void ScXMLExport::WriteRowStartTag(sal_Int32 nRow, const sal_Int32 nIndex,
1211 	const sal_Int8 nFlag, const sal_Int32 nEqualRows)
1212 {
1213 	AddAttribute(sAttrStyleName, *pRowStyles->GetStyleNameByIndex(nIndex));
1214 	if (nFlag)
1215 		if (nFlag & CR_HIDDEN)
1216 		{
1217 			if (nFlag & CR_FILTERED)
1219 			else
1221 		}
1222 	if (nEqualRows > 1)
1223 	{
1224 		rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuf;
1225 		GetMM100UnitConverter().convertNumber(aBuf, nEqualRows);
1226 		AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_ROWS_REPEATED, aBuf.makeStringAndClear());
1227 	}
1229     const ScMyDefaultStyleList& rRowDefaults = *pDefaults->GetRowDefaults();
1230     if ( nRow >= sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>( rRowDefaults.size() ) )
1231     {
1232         // #123981# used to happen with detective operations - if there are more cases, use the last row's style
1233         DBG_ERRORFILE("WriteRowStartTag: not enough defaults");
1234         nRow = rRowDefaults.size() - 1;
1235     }
1236     sal_Int32 nCellStyleIndex(rRowDefaults[nRow].nIndex);
1237 	if (nCellStyleIndex != -1)
1239 			*pCellStyles->GetStyleNameByIndex(nCellStyleIndex,
1240 				(*pDefaults->GetRowDefaults())[nRow].bIsAutoStyle));
1241 	StartElement( sElemRow, sal_True);
1242 }
OpenHeaderRows()1244 void ScXMLExport::OpenHeaderRows()
1245 {
1247 	bRowHeaderOpen = sal_True;
1248 }
CloseHeaderRows()1250 void ScXMLExport::CloseHeaderRows()
1251 {
1253 }
OpenNewRow(const sal_Int32 nIndex,const sal_Int8 nFlag,const sal_Int32 nStartRow,const sal_Int32 nEqualRows)1255 void ScXMLExport::OpenNewRow(const sal_Int32 nIndex, const sal_Int8 nFlag, const sal_Int32 nStartRow, const sal_Int32 nEqualRows)
1256 {
1257 	nOpenRow = nStartRow;
1258 	if (pGroupRows->IsGroupStart(nStartRow))
1259 	{
1260 		if (bHasRowHeader && bRowHeaderOpen)
1261 			CloseHeaderRows();
1262 		pGroupRows->OpenGroups(nStartRow);
1263 		if (bHasRowHeader && bRowHeaderOpen)
1264 			OpenHeaderRows();
1265 	}
1266 	if (bHasRowHeader && !bRowHeaderOpen && nStartRow >= aRowHeaderRange.StartRow && nStartRow <= aRowHeaderRange.EndRow)
1267 	{
1268 		if (nStartRow == aRowHeaderRange.StartRow)
1269 			OpenHeaderRows();
1270 		sal_Int32 nEquals;
1271 		if (aRowHeaderRange.EndRow < nStartRow + nEqualRows - 1)
1272 			nEquals = aRowHeaderRange.EndRow - nStartRow + 1;
1273 		else
1274 			nEquals = nEqualRows;
1275 		WriteRowStartTag(nStartRow, nIndex, nFlag, nEquals);
1276 		nOpenRow = nStartRow + nEquals - 1;
1277 		if (nEquals < nEqualRows)
1278 		{
1279 			CloseRow(nStartRow + nEquals - 1);
1280 			WriteRowStartTag(nStartRow, nIndex, nFlag, nEqualRows - nEquals);
1281 			nOpenRow = nStartRow + nEqualRows - 1;
1282 		}
1283 	}
1284 	else
1285 		WriteRowStartTag(nStartRow, nIndex, nFlag, nEqualRows);
1286 }
OpenAndCloseRow(const sal_Int32 nIndex,const sal_Int8 nFlag,const sal_Int32 nStartRow,const sal_Int32 nEqualRows)1288 void ScXMLExport::OpenAndCloseRow(const sal_Int32 nIndex, const sal_Int8 nFlag,
1289 	const sal_Int32 nStartRow, const sal_Int32 nEqualRows)
1290 {
1291 	OpenNewRow(nIndex, nFlag, nStartRow, nEqualRows);
1292 	WriteRowContent();
1293 	CloseRow(nStartRow + nEqualRows - 1);
1294 	pRowFormatRanges->Clear();
1295 }
OpenRow(const sal_Int32 nTable,const sal_Int32 nStartRow,const sal_Int32 nRepeatRow)1297 void ScXMLExport::OpenRow(const sal_Int32 nTable, const sal_Int32 nStartRow, const sal_Int32 nRepeatRow)
1298 {
1299 	if (nRepeatRow > 1)
1300 	{
1301         sal_Int32 nPrevIndex(0), nIndex;
1302 		sal_Int8 nPrevFlag(0);
1303 		sal_Int8 nFlag(0);
1304 		sal_Int32 nEqualRows(1);
1305 		sal_Int32 nEndRow(nStartRow + nRepeatRow);
1306         sal_Int32 nRow;
1307         for (nRow = nStartRow; nRow < nEndRow; ++nRow)
1308 		{
1309 			if (nRow == nStartRow)
1310 			{
1311 				nPrevIndex = pRowStyles->GetStyleNameIndex(nTable, nRow);
1312 				if (pDoc)
1313 					nPrevFlag = (pDoc->GetRowFlags(static_cast<SCROW>(nRow), static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable))) & (CR_HIDDEN | CR_FILTERED);
1314 			}
1315 			else
1316 			{
1317 				nIndex = pRowStyles->GetStyleNameIndex(nTable, nRow);
1318 				if (pDoc)
1319 					nFlag = (pDoc->GetRowFlags(static_cast<SCROW>(nRow), static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable))) & (CR_HIDDEN | CR_FILTERED);
1320 				if (nIndex == nPrevIndex && nFlag == nPrevFlag &&
1321 					!(bHasRowHeader && ((nRow == aRowHeaderRange.StartRow) || (nRow - 1 == aRowHeaderRange.EndRow))) &&
1322 					!(pGroupRows->IsGroupStart(nRow)) &&
1323 					!(pGroupRows->IsGroupEnd(nRow - 1)))
1324 					++nEqualRows;
1325 				else
1326 				{
1327 					if (nRow < nEndRow)
1328 					{
1329 						ScRowFormatRanges* pTempRowFormatRanges = new ScRowFormatRanges(pRowFormatRanges);
1330 						OpenAndCloseRow(nPrevIndex, nPrevFlag, nRow - nEqualRows, nEqualRows);
1331 						delete pRowFormatRanges;
1332 						pRowFormatRanges = pTempRowFormatRanges;
1333 					}
1334 					else
1335 						OpenAndCloseRow(nPrevIndex, nPrevFlag, nRow - nEqualRows, nEqualRows);
1336 					nEqualRows = 1;
1337 					nPrevIndex = nIndex;
1338 					nPrevFlag = nFlag;
1339 				}
1340 			}
1341 		}
1342 		OpenNewRow(nPrevIndex, nPrevFlag, nRow - nEqualRows, nEqualRows);
1343 	}
1344 	else
1345 	{
1346 		sal_Int32 nIndex = pRowStyles->GetStyleNameIndex(nTable, nStartRow);
1347 		sal_Int8 nFlag(0);
1348 		if (pDoc)
1349 			nFlag = (pDoc->GetRowFlags(static_cast<SCROW>(nStartRow), static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable))) & (CR_HIDDEN | CR_FILTERED);
1350 		OpenNewRow(nIndex, nFlag, nStartRow, 1);
1351 	}
1352 	nOpenRow = nStartRow + nRepeatRow - 1;
1353 }
CloseRow(const sal_Int32 nRow)1355 void ScXMLExport::CloseRow(const sal_Int32 nRow)
1356 {
1357 	if (nOpenRow > -1)
1358 	{
1359 		EndElement(sElemRow, sal_True);
1360 		if (bHasRowHeader && nRow == aRowHeaderRange.EndRow)
1361 		{
1362 			CloseHeaderRows();
1363 			bRowHeaderOpen = sal_False;
1364 		}
1365 		if (pGroupRows->IsGroupEnd(nRow))
1366 		{
1367 			if (bHasRowHeader && bRowHeaderOpen)
1368 				CloseHeaderRows();
1369 			pGroupRows->CloseGroups(nRow);
1370 			if (bHasRowHeader && bRowHeaderOpen)
1371 				OpenHeaderRows();
1372 		}
1373 	}
1374 	nOpenRow = -1;
1375 }
ExportFormatRanges(const sal_Int32 nStartCol,const sal_Int32 nStartRow,const sal_Int32 nEndCol,const sal_Int32 nEndRow,const sal_Int32 nSheet)1377 void ScXMLExport::ExportFormatRanges(const sal_Int32 nStartCol, const sal_Int32 nStartRow,
1378 	const sal_Int32 nEndCol, const sal_Int32 nEndRow, const sal_Int32 nSheet)
1379 {
1380 	pRowFormatRanges->Clear();
1381 	if (nStartRow == nEndRow)
1382 	{
1383 		pCellStyles->GetFormatRanges(nStartCol, nEndCol, nStartRow, nSheet, pRowFormatRanges);
1384 		if (nOpenRow == - 1)
1385 			OpenRow(nSheet, nStartRow, 1);
1386 		WriteRowContent();
1387 		pRowFormatRanges->Clear();
1388 	}
1389 	else
1390 	{
1391 		if (nOpenRow > -1)
1392 		{
1393 			pCellStyles->GetFormatRanges(nStartCol, pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nSheet), nStartRow, nSheet, pRowFormatRanges);
1394 			WriteRowContent();
1395 			CloseRow(nStartRow);
1396 			sal_Int32 nRows(1);
1397 			sal_Int32 nTotalRows(nEndRow - nStartRow + 1 - 1);
1398 			while (nRows < nTotalRows)
1399 			{
1400 				pRowFormatRanges->Clear();
1401 				pCellStyles->GetFormatRanges(0, pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nSheet), nStartRow + nRows, nSheet, pRowFormatRanges);
1402 				sal_Int32 nMaxRows = pRowFormatRanges->GetMaxRows();
1403 				DBG_ASSERT(nMaxRows, "something wents wrong");
1404 				if (nMaxRows >= nTotalRows - nRows)
1405 				{
1406 					OpenRow(nSheet, nStartRow + nRows, nTotalRows - nRows);
1407 					nRows += nTotalRows - nRows;
1408 				}
1409 				else
1410 				{
1411 					OpenRow(nSheet, nStartRow + nRows, nMaxRows);
1412 					nRows += nMaxRows;
1413 				}
1414 				if (!pRowFormatRanges->GetSize())
1415 					pCellStyles->GetFormatRanges(0, pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nSheet), nStartRow + nRows, nSheet, pRowFormatRanges);
1416 				WriteRowContent();
1417 				CloseRow(nStartRow + nRows - 1);
1418 			}
1419 			if (nTotalRows == 1)
1420 				CloseRow(nStartRow);
1421 			OpenRow(nSheet, nEndRow, 1);
1422 			pRowFormatRanges->Clear();
1423 			pCellStyles->GetFormatRanges(0, nEndCol, nEndRow, nSheet, pRowFormatRanges);
1424 			WriteRowContent();
1425 		}
1426 		else
1427 		{
1428 			sal_Int32 nRows(0);
1429 			sal_Int32 nTotalRows(nEndRow - nStartRow + 1 - 1);
1430 			while (nRows < nTotalRows)
1431 			{
1432 				pCellStyles->GetFormatRanges(0, pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nSheet), nStartRow + nRows, nSheet, pRowFormatRanges);
1433 				sal_Int32 nMaxRows = pRowFormatRanges->GetMaxRows();
1434 				if (nMaxRows >= nTotalRows - nRows)
1435 				{
1436 					OpenRow(nSheet, nStartRow + nRows, nTotalRows - nRows);
1437 					nRows += nTotalRows - nRows;
1438 				}
1439 				else
1440 				{
1441 					OpenRow(nSheet, nStartRow + nRows, nMaxRows);
1442 					nRows += nMaxRows;
1443 				}
1444 				if (!pRowFormatRanges->GetSize())
1445 					pCellStyles->GetFormatRanges(0, pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nSheet), nStartRow + nRows, nSheet, pRowFormatRanges);
1446 				WriteRowContent();
1447 				CloseRow(nStartRow + nRows - 1);
1448 			}
1449 			OpenRow(nSheet, nEndRow, 1);
1450 			pRowFormatRanges->Clear();
1451 			pCellStyles->GetFormatRanges(0, nEndCol, nEndRow, nSheet, pRowFormatRanges);
1452 			WriteRowContent();
1453 		}
1454 	}
1455 }
GetColumnRowHeader(sal_Bool & rHasColumnHeader,table::CellRangeAddress & rColumnHeaderRange,sal_Bool & rHasRowHeader,table::CellRangeAddress & rRowHeaderRange,rtl::OUString & rPrintRanges) const1457 void ScXMLExport::GetColumnRowHeader(sal_Bool& rHasColumnHeader, table::CellRangeAddress& rColumnHeaderRange,
1458                                      sal_Bool& rHasRowHeader, table::CellRangeAddress& rRowHeaderRange,
1459                                      rtl::OUString& rPrintRanges) const
1460 {
1461 	uno::Reference <sheet::XPrintAreas> xPrintAreas (xCurrentTable, uno::UNO_QUERY);
1462 	if (xPrintAreas.is())
1463 	{
1464 		rHasRowHeader = xPrintAreas->getPrintTitleRows();
1465         rHasColumnHeader = xPrintAreas->getPrintTitleColumns();
1466 		rRowHeaderRange = xPrintAreas->getTitleRows();
1467 		rColumnHeaderRange = xPrintAreas->getTitleColumns();
1468 		uno::Sequence< table::CellRangeAddress > aRangeList( xPrintAreas->getPrintAreas() );
1469 		ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromRangeList( rPrintRanges, aRangeList, pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO );
1470 	}
1471 }
FillFieldGroup(ScOutlineArray * pFields,ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup * pGroups)1473 void ScXMLExport::FillFieldGroup(ScOutlineArray* pFields, ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup* pGroups)
1474 {
1475 	sal_Int32 nDepth(pFields->GetDepth());
1476 	for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nDepth; ++i)
1477 	{
1478 		sal_Int32 nFields = pFields->GetCount(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(i));
1479 		for (sal_Int32 j = 0; j < nFields; ++j)
1480 		{
1481 			ScMyColumnRowGroup aGroup;
1482 			ScOutlineEntry* pEntry(pFields->GetEntry(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(i), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(j)));
1483 			aGroup.nField = pEntry->GetStart();
1484 			aGroup.nLevel = static_cast<sal_Int16>(i);
1485 			aGroup.bDisplay = !(pEntry->IsHidden());
1486 			pGroups->AddGroup(aGroup, pEntry->GetEnd());
1487 		}
1488 	}
1489 	if (nDepth)
1490 		pGroups->Sort();
1491 }
FillColumnRowGroups()1493 void ScXMLExport::FillColumnRowGroups()
1494 {
1495 	if (pDoc)
1496 	{
1497 		ScOutlineTable* pOutlineTable = pDoc->GetOutlineTable( static_cast<SCTAB>(nCurrentTable), sal_False );
1498 		if(pOutlineTable)
1499 		{
1500 			ScOutlineArray* pCols(pOutlineTable->GetColArray());
1501 			ScOutlineArray* pRows(pOutlineTable->GetRowArray());
1502 			if (pCols)
1503 				FillFieldGroup(pCols, pGroupColumns);
1504 			if (pRows)
1505 				FillFieldGroup(pRows, pGroupRows);
1506 			pSharedData->SetLastColumn(nCurrentTable, pGroupColumns->GetLast());
1507 			pSharedData->SetLastRow(nCurrentTable, pGroupRows->GetLast());
1508 		}
1509 	}
1510 }
SetBodyAttributes()1512 void ScXMLExport::SetBodyAttributes()
1513 {
1514 	if (pDoc && pDoc->IsDocProtected())
1515 	{
1517 		rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
1518         uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aPassHash;
1519         const ScDocProtection* p = pDoc->GetDocProtection();
1520         if (p)
1521             aPassHash = p->getPasswordHash(PASSHASH_OOO);
1522 		SvXMLUnitConverter::encodeBase64(aBuffer, aPassHash);
1523 		if (aBuffer.getLength())
1524 			AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_PROTECTION_KEY, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
1525 	}
1526 }
lcl_CopyStreamElement(const uno::Reference<io::XInputStream> & xInput,const uno::Reference<io::XOutputStream> & xOutput,sal_Int32 nCount)1528 static bool lcl_CopyStreamElement( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >& xInput,
1529                             const uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream >& xOutput,
1530                             sal_Int32 nCount )
1531 {
1532     const sal_Int32 nBufSize = 16*1024;
1533     uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aSequence(nBufSize);
1535     sal_Int32 nRemaining = nCount;
1536     bool bFirst = true;
1538     while ( nRemaining > 0 )
1539     {
1540         sal_Int32 nRead = xInput->readBytes( aSequence, std::min( nRemaining, nBufSize ) );
1541         if (bFirst)
1542         {
1543             // safety check: Make sure the copied part actually points to the start of an element
1544             if ( nRead < 1 || aSequence[0] != static_cast<sal_Int8>('<') )
1545             {
1546                 return false;   // abort and set an error
1547             }
1548             bFirst = false;
1549         }
1550         if (nRead == nRemaining)
1551         {
1552             // safety check: Make sure the copied part also ends at the end of an element
1553             if ( aSequence[nRead-1] != static_cast<sal_Int8>('>') )
1554             {
1555                 return false;   // abort and set an error
1556             }
1557         }
1559         if ( nRead == nBufSize )
1560         {
1561             xOutput->writeBytes( aSequence );
1562             nRemaining -= nRead;
1563         }
1564         else
1565         {
1566             if ( nRead > 0 )
1567             {
1568                 uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aTempBuf( aSequence.getConstArray(), nRead );
1569                 xOutput->writeBytes( aTempBuf );
1570             }
1571             nRemaining = 0;
1572         }
1573     }
1574     return true;    // successful
1575 }
lcl_SkipBytesInBlocks(const uno::Reference<io::XInputStream> & xInput,sal_Int32 nBytesToSkip)1577 static void lcl_SkipBytesInBlocks( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >& xInput, sal_Int32 nBytesToSkip )
1578 {
1579     // skipBytes in zip stream is implemented as reading.
1580     // For now, split into several calls to avoid allocating a large buffer.
1581     // Later, skipBytes should be changed.
1583     const sal_Int32 nMaxSize = 32*1024;
1585     if ( nBytesToSkip > 0 )
1586     {
1587         sal_Int32 nRemaining = nBytesToSkip;
1588         while ( nRemaining > 0 )
1589         {
1590             sal_Int32 nSkip = std::min( nRemaining, nMaxSize );
1591             xInput->skipBytes( nSkip );
1592             nRemaining -= nSkip;
1593         }
1594     }
1595 }
CopySourceStream(sal_Int32 nStartOffset,sal_Int32 nEndOffset,sal_Int32 & rNewStart,sal_Int32 & rNewEnd)1597 void ScXMLExport::CopySourceStream( sal_Int32 nStartOffset, sal_Int32 nEndOffset, sal_Int32& rNewStart, sal_Int32& rNewEnd )
1598 {
1599     uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler> xHandler = GetDocHandler();
1600     uno::Reference<io::XActiveDataSource> xDestSource( xHandler, uno::UNO_QUERY );
1601     if ( xDestSource.is() )
1602     {
1603         uno::Reference<io::XOutputStream> xDestStream = xDestSource->getOutputStream();
1604         uno::Reference<io::XSeekable> xDestSeek( xDestStream, uno::UNO_QUERY );
1605         if ( xDestSeek.is() )
1606         {
1607             // temporary: set same stream again to clear buffer
1608             xDestSource->setOutputStream( xDestStream );
1610             if ( getExportFlags() & EXPORT_PRETTY )
1611             {
1612                 ByteString aOutStr("\n   ");
1613                 uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aOutSeq( (sal_Int8*)aOutStr.GetBuffer(), aOutStr.Len() );
1614                 xDestStream->writeBytes( aOutSeq );
1615             }
1617             rNewStart = (sal_Int32)xDestSeek->getPosition();
1619             if ( nStartOffset > nSourceStreamPos )
1620                 lcl_SkipBytesInBlocks( xSourceStream, nStartOffset - nSourceStreamPos );
1622             if ( !lcl_CopyStreamElement( xSourceStream, xDestStream, nEndOffset - nStartOffset ) )
1623             {
1624                 // If copying went wrong, set an error.
1625                 // ScXMLImportWrapper then resets all stream flags, so the next save attempt will use normal saving.
1627                 uno::Sequence<OUString> aEmptySeq;
1628                 SetError(XMLERROR_CANCEL|XMLERROR_FLAG_SEVERE, aEmptySeq);
1629             }
1630             nSourceStreamPos = nEndOffset;
1632             rNewEnd = (sal_Int32)xDestSeek->getPosition();
1633         }
1634     }
1635 }
_ExportContent()1637 void ScXMLExport::_ExportContent()
1638 {
1639     nCurrentTable = 0;
1640 	if (!pSharedData)
1641 	{
1642 		sal_Int32 nTableCount(0);
1643 		sal_Int32 nShapesCount(0);
1644 		sal_Int32 nCellCount(pDoc ? pDoc->GetCellCount() : 0);
1645 		CollectSharedData(nTableCount, nShapesCount, nCellCount);
1646 		DBG_ERROR("no shared data setted");
1647 	}
1648 	ScXMLExportDatabaseRanges aExportDatabaseRanges(*this);
1649     if (!GetModel().is())
1650         return;
1652     uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument> xSpreadDoc( GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
1653     if ( !xSpreadDoc.is() )
1654         return;
1656     ScSheetSaveData* pSheetData = ScModelObj::getImplementation(xSpreadDoc)->GetSheetSaveData();
1657     if (pSheetData)
1658         pSheetData->ResetSaveEntries();
1660     uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xIndex( xSpreadDoc->getSheets(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
1661     if ( xIndex.is() )
1662     {
1663         //_GetNamespaceMap().ClearQNamesCache();
1664         pChangeTrackingExportHelper->CollectAndWriteChanges();
1665         WriteCalculationSettings(xSpreadDoc);
1666         sal_Int32 nTableCount(xIndex->getCount());
1667         ScMyAreaLinksContainer aAreaLinks;
1668         GetAreaLinks( xSpreadDoc, aAreaLinks );
1669         ScMyEmptyDatabaseRangesContainer aEmptyRanges(aExportDatabaseRanges.GetEmptyDatabaseRanges());
1670         ScMyDetectiveOpContainer aDetectiveOpContainer;
1671         GetDetectiveOpList( aDetectiveOpContainer );
1673         pCellStyles->Sort();
1674         pMergedRangesContainer->Sort();
1675         pSharedData->GetDetectiveObjContainer()->Sort();
1677         pCellsItr->Clear();
1678         pCellsItr->SetShapes( pSharedData->GetShapesContainer() );
1679         pCellsItr->SetNoteShapes( pSharedData->GetNoteShapes() );
1680         pCellsItr->SetMergedRanges( pMergedRangesContainer );
1681         pCellsItr->SetAreaLinks( &aAreaLinks );
1682         pCellsItr->SetEmptyDatabaseRanges( &aEmptyRanges );
1683         pCellsItr->SetDetectiveObj( pSharedData->GetDetectiveObjContainer() );
1684         pCellsItr->SetDetectiveOp( &aDetectiveOpContainer );
1686         if (nTableCount > 0)
1687             pValidationsContainer->WriteValidations(*this);
1688         WriteTheLabelRanges( xSpreadDoc );
1689         for (sal_Int32 nTable = 0; nTable < nTableCount; ++nTable)
1690         {
1691             sal_Int32 nStartOffset = -1;
1692             sal_Int32 nEndOffset = -1;
1693             if (pSheetData && pDoc && pDoc->IsStreamValid((SCTAB)nTable))
1694                 pSheetData->GetStreamPos( nTable, nStartOffset, nEndOffset );
1696             if ( nStartOffset >= 0 && nEndOffset >= 0 && xSourceStream.is() )
1697             {
1698                 sal_Int32 nNewStart = -1;
1699                 sal_Int32 nNewEnd = -1;
1700                 CopySourceStream( nStartOffset, nEndOffset, nNewStart, nNewEnd );
1702                 // store position of copied sheet in output
1703                 pSheetData->AddSavePos( nTable, nNewStart, nNewEnd );
1705                 // skip iterator entries for this sheet
1706                 pCellsItr->SkipTable(static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable));
1707             }
1708             else
1709             {
1710                 uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheet> xTable(xIndex->getByIndex(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY);
1711                 if (xTable.is())
1712                 {
1713                     xCurrentTable.set(xTable);
1714                     xCurrentTableCellRange.set(xTable, uno::UNO_QUERY);
1715                     uno::Reference<container::XNamed> xName (xTable, uno::UNO_QUERY );
1716                     if ( xName.is() )
1717                     {
1718                         nCurrentTable = sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>( nTable );
1719                         rtl::OUString sOUTableName(xName->getName());
1720                         AddAttribute(sAttrName, sOUTableName);
1721                         AddAttribute(sAttrStyleName, aTableStyles[nTable]);
1723                         uno::Reference<util::XProtectable> xProtectable (xTable, uno::UNO_QUERY);
1724                         if (xProtectable.is() && xProtectable->isProtected())
1725                         {
1726                             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_PROTECTED, XML_TRUE);
1727                             rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
1728                             if (pDoc)
1729                             {
1730                                 ScTableProtection* pProtect = pDoc->GetTabProtection(static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable));
1731                                 if (pProtect)
1732                                     SvXMLUnitConverter::encodeBase64(aBuffer, pProtect->getPasswordHash(PASSHASH_OOO));
1733                             }
1734                             if (aBuffer.getLength())
1735                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_PROTECTION_KEY, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
1736                         }
1737                         rtl::OUString sPrintRanges;
1738                         table::CellRangeAddress aColumnHeaderRange;
1739                         sal_Bool bHasColumnHeader;
1740                         GetColumnRowHeader(bHasColumnHeader, aColumnHeaderRange, bHasRowHeader, aRowHeaderRange, sPrintRanges);
1741                         if( sPrintRanges.getLength() )
1742                             AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_PRINT_RANGES, sPrintRanges );
1743                         else if (!pDoc->IsPrintEntireSheet(static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable)))
1744                             AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_PRINT, XML_FALSE);
1745                         SvXMLElementExport aElemT(*this, sElemTab, sal_True, sal_True);
1746                         CheckAttrList();
1748                         if ( pDoc && pDoc->GetSheetEvents( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) ) &&
1749                              getDefaultVersion() == SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_LATEST )
1750                         {
1751                             // store sheet events
1752                             uno::Reference<document::XEventsSupplier> xSupplier(xTable, uno::UNO_QUERY);
1753                             uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xEvents(xSupplier->getEvents(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
1754                             GetEventExport().ExportExt( xEvents );
1755                         }
1757                         WriteTableSource();
1758                         WriteScenario();
1759                         uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> xDrawPage;
1760                         if (pSharedData->HasForm(nTable, xDrawPage) && xDrawPage.is())
1761                         {
1762                             ::xmloff::OOfficeFormsExport aForms(*this);
1763                             GetFormExport()->exportForms( xDrawPage );
1764                             sal_Bool bRet(GetFormExport()->seekPage( xDrawPage ));
1765                             DBG_ASSERT( bRet, "OFormLayerXMLExport::seekPage failed!" );
1766                             (void)bRet;     // avoid warning in product version
1767                         }
1768                         if (pSharedData->HasDrawPage())
1769                         {
1770                             GetShapeExport()->seekShapes(uno::Reference<drawing::XShapes>(pSharedData->GetDrawPage(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY));
1771                             WriteTableShapes();
1772                         }
1773                         table::CellRangeAddress aRange(GetEndAddress(xTable, nTable));
1774                         pSharedData->SetLastColumn(nTable, aRange.EndColumn);
1775                         pSharedData->SetLastRow(nTable, aRange.EndRow);
1776                         pCellsItr->SetCurrentTable(static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable), xCurrentTable);
1777                         pGroupColumns->NewTable();
1778                         pGroupRows->NewTable();
1779                         FillColumnRowGroups();
1780                         if (bHasColumnHeader)
1781                             pSharedData->SetLastColumn(nTable, aColumnHeaderRange.EndColumn);
1782                         bRowHeaderOpen = sal_False;
1783                         if (bHasRowHeader)
1784                             pSharedData->SetLastRow(nTable, aRowHeaderRange.EndRow);
1785                         pDefaults->FillDefaultStyles(nTable, pSharedData->GetLastRow(nTable),
1786                             pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nTable), pCellStyles, pDoc);
1787                         pRowFormatRanges->SetRowDefaults(pDefaults->GetRowDefaults());
1788                         pRowFormatRanges->SetColDefaults(pDefaults->GetColDefaults());
1789                         pCellStyles->SetRowDefaults(pDefaults->GetRowDefaults());
1790                         pCellStyles->SetColDefaults(pDefaults->GetColDefaults());
1791                         ExportColumns(nTable, aColumnHeaderRange, bHasColumnHeader);
1792                         sal_Bool bIsFirst(sal_True);
1793                         sal_Int32 nEqualCells(0);
1794                         ScMyCell aCell;
1795                         ScMyCell aPrevCell;
1796                         while(pCellsItr->GetNext(aCell, pCellStyles))
1797                         {
1798                             if (bIsFirst)
1799                             {
1800                                 ExportFormatRanges(0, 0, aCell.aCellAddress.Column - 1, aCell.aCellAddress.Row, nTable);
1801                                 aPrevCell = aCell;
1802                                 bIsFirst = sal_False;
1803                             }
1804                             else
1805                             {
1806                                 if ((aPrevCell.aCellAddress.Row == aCell.aCellAddress.Row) &&
1807                                     (aPrevCell.aCellAddress.Column + nEqualCells + 1 == aCell.aCellAddress.Column))
1808                                 {
1809                                     if(IsCellEqual(aPrevCell, aCell))
1810                                         ++nEqualCells;
1811                                     else
1812                                     {
1813                                         WriteCell(aPrevCell, nEqualCells);
1814                                         nEqualCells = 0;
1815                                         aPrevCell = aCell;
1816                                     }
1817                                 }
1818                                 else
1819                                 {
1820                                     WriteCell(aPrevCell, nEqualCells);
1821                                     ExportFormatRanges(aPrevCell.aCellAddress.Column + nEqualCells + 1, aPrevCell.aCellAddress.Row,
1822                                         aCell.aCellAddress.Column - 1, aCell.aCellAddress.Row, nTable);
1823                                     nEqualCells = 0;
1824                                     aPrevCell = aCell;
1825                                 }
1826                             }
1827                         }
1828                         if (!bIsFirst)
1829                         {
1830                             WriteCell(aPrevCell, nEqualCells);
1831                             ExportFormatRanges(aPrevCell.aCellAddress.Column + nEqualCells + 1, aPrevCell.aCellAddress.Row,
1832                                 pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nTable), pSharedData->GetLastRow(nTable), nTable);
1833                         }
1834                         else
1835                             ExportFormatRanges(0, 0, pSharedData->GetLastColumn(nTable), pSharedData->GetLastRow(nTable), nTable);
1837 						CloseRow(pSharedData->GetLastRow(nTable));
1838 						WriteNamedExpressions(xSpreadDoc, nTable);
1839 						nEqualCells = 0;
1840 					}
1841 				}
1842 			}
1844 			IncrementProgressBar(sal_False);
1845         }
1846     }
1847     WriteExternalRefCaches();
1848     WriteNamedExpressions(xSpreadDoc, MAXTABCOUNT);
1849     aExportDatabaseRanges.WriteDatabaseRanges(xSpreadDoc);
1850     ScXMLExportDataPilot aExportDataPilot(*this);
1851     aExportDataPilot.WriteDataPilots(xSpreadDoc);
1852     WriteConsolidation();
1853     ScXMLExportDDELinks aExportDDELinks(*this);
1854     aExportDDELinks.WriteDDELinks(xSpreadDoc);
1855     IncrementProgressBar(sal_True, 0);
1856     GetProgressBarHelper()->SetValue(GetProgressBarHelper()->GetReference());
1857 }
_ExportStyles(sal_Bool bUsed)1859 void ScXMLExport::_ExportStyles( sal_Bool bUsed )
1860 {
1861 	if (!pSharedData)
1862 	{
1863 		sal_Int32 nTableCount(0);
1864 		sal_Int32 nShapesCount(0);
1865 		sal_Int32 nCellCount(pDoc ? pDoc->GetCellCount() : 0);
1866 		CollectSharedData(nTableCount, nShapesCount, nCellCount);
1867 		//DBG_ERROR("no shared data setted");
1868 	}
1869 	ScXMLStyleExport aStylesExp(*this, rtl::OUString(), GetAutoStylePool().get());
1870 	if (GetModel().is())
1871 	{
1872 		uno::Reference <lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xMultiServiceFactory(GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
1873 		if (xMultiServiceFactory.is())
1874 		{
1875 			uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xProperties(xMultiServiceFactory->createInstance(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.sheet.Defaults"))), uno::UNO_QUERY);
1876 			if (xProperties.is())
1877 				aStylesExp.exportDefaultStyle(xProperties, rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL_STYLES_NAME)), xCellStylesExportPropertySetMapper);
1878 			if (pSharedData->HasShapes())
1879 			{
1880 				GetShapeExport()->ExportGraphicDefaults();
1881 /*				xInterface = xMultiServiceFactory->createInstance(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.drawing.Defaults")));
1882 				uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xDrawProperties(xInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY);
1883 				if (xDrawProperties.is())
1884 					aStylesExp.exportDefaultStyle(xDrawProperties, rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_GRAPHICS_NAME)), GetShapeExport()->CreateShapePropMapper(*this));*/
1885 			}
1886 		}
1887 		uno::Reference <style::XStyleFamiliesSupplier> xStyleFamiliesSupplier (GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
1888 		if (xStyleFamiliesSupplier.is())
1889 		{
1890 			uno::Reference <container::XNameAccess> xStylesFamilies(xStyleFamiliesSupplier->getStyleFamilies());
1891 			if (xStylesFamilies.is())
1892 			{
1893                 uno::Reference <container::XIndexAccess> xCellStyles(xStylesFamilies->getByName(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CellStyles"))), uno::UNO_QUERY);
1894 				if (xCellStyles.is())
1895 				{
1896 					sal_Int32 nCount(xCellStyles->getCount());
1898 					for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
1899 					{
1900                         uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xCellProperties(xCellStyles->getByIndex(i), uno::UNO_QUERY);
1901 						if (xCellProperties.is())
1902 						{
1903 							sal_Int32 nNumberFormat = 0;
1904 							if (xCellProperties->getPropertyValue(sNumberFormat) >>= nNumberFormat)
1905 								addDataStyle(nNumberFormat);
1906 						}
1907 					}
1908 				}
1909 			}
1910 		}
1911 	}
1912 	exportDataStyles();
1914 	aStylesExp.exportStyleFamily(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CellStyles")),
1917 	SvXMLExport::_ExportStyles(bUsed);
1918 }
AddStyleFromCells(const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> & xProperties,const uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheet> & xTable,sal_Int32 nTable,const rtl::OUString * pOldName)1920 void ScXMLExport::AddStyleFromCells(const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet>& xProperties,
1921                                     const uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheet>& xTable,
1922                                     sal_Int32 nTable, const rtl::OUString* pOldName)
1923 {
1924     //! pass xCellRanges instead
1925     uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> xCellRanges( xProperties, uno::UNO_QUERY );
1930     rtl::OUString sStyleName;
1931     sal_Int32 nNumberFormat(-1);
1932     sal_Int32 nValidationIndex(-1);
1933     std::vector< XMLPropertyState > xPropStates(xCellStylesExportPropertySetMapper->Filter( xProperties ));
1934     std::vector< XMLPropertyState >::iterator aItr(xPropStates.begin());
1935     std::vector< XMLPropertyState >::iterator aEndItr(xPropStates.end());
1936     sal_Int32 nCount(0);
1937     while (aItr != aEndItr)
1938     {
1939         if (aItr->mnIndex != -1)
1940         {
1941             switch (xCellStylesPropertySetMapper->GetEntryContextId(aItr->mnIndex))
1942             {
1943                 case CTF_SC_VALIDATION :
1944                 {
1945                     pValidationsContainer->AddValidation(aItr->maValue, nValidationIndex);
1946                     // this is not very slow, because it is most the last property or
1947                     // if it is not the last property it is the property before the last property,
1948                     // so in the worst case only one property has to be copied, but in the best case no
1949                     // property has to be copied
1950                     aItr = xPropStates.erase(aItr);
1951                     aEndItr = xPropStates.end();    // #120346# old aEndItr is invalidated!
1952                 }
1953                 break;
1954                 case CTF_SC_CELLSTYLE :
1955                 {
1956                     aItr->maValue >>= sStyleName;
1957                     aItr->mnIndex = -1;
1958                     ++aItr;
1959                     ++nCount;
1960                 }
1961                 break;
1962                 case CTF_SC_NUMBERFORMAT :
1963                 {
1964                     if (aItr->maValue >>= nNumberFormat)
1965                         addDataStyle(nNumberFormat);
1966                     ++aItr;
1967                     ++nCount;
1968                 }
1969                 break;
1970                 default:
1971                 {
1972                     ++aItr;
1973                     ++nCount;
1974                 }
1975                 break;
1976             }
1977         }
1978         else
1979         {
1980             ++aItr;
1981             ++nCount;
1982         }
1983     }
1984     if (nCount == 1) // this is the CellStyle and should be removed if alone
1985         xPropStates.clear();
1986     if (nNumberFormat == -1)
1987         xProperties->getPropertyValue(SC_NUMBERFORMAT) >>= nNumberFormat;
1988     if (sStyleName.getLength())
1989     {
1990         if (xPropStates.size())
1991         {
1992             sal_Int32 nIndex;
1993             if (pOldName)
1994             {
1995                 if (GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(*pOldName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL, sStyleName, xPropStates))
1996                 {
1997                     GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL, *pOldName);
1998                     // add to pCellStyles, so the name is found for normal sheets
1999                     rtl::OUString* pTemp(new rtl::OUString(*pOldName));
2000                     if (!pCellStyles->AddStyleName(pTemp, nIndex))
2001                         delete pTemp;
2002                 }
2003             }
2004             else
2005             {
2006                 rtl::OUString sName;
2007                 sal_Bool bIsAutoStyle(sal_True);
2008                 if (GetAutoStylePool()->Add(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL, sStyleName, xPropStates))
2009                 {
2010                     rtl::OUString* pTemp(new rtl::OUString(sName));
2011                     if (!pCellStyles->AddStyleName(pTemp, nIndex))
2012                         delete pTemp;
2013                 }
2014                 else
2015                     nIndex = pCellStyles->GetIndexOfStyleName(sName, SC_SCELLPREFIX, bIsAutoStyle);
2017                 uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress> aAddresses(xCellRanges->getRangeAddresses());
2018                 table::CellRangeAddress* pAddresses(aAddresses.getArray());
2019                 sal_Bool bGetMerge(sal_True);
2020                 for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aAddresses.getLength(); ++i, ++pAddresses)
2021                 {
2022                     pSharedData->SetLastColumn(nTable, pAddresses->EndColumn);
2023                     pSharedData->SetLastRow(nTable, pAddresses->EndRow);
2024                     pCellStyles->AddRangeStyleName(*pAddresses, nIndex, bIsAutoStyle, nValidationIndex, nNumberFormat);
2025                     if (bGetMerge)
2026                         bGetMerge = GetMerged(pAddresses, xTable);
2027                 }
2028             }
2029         }
2030         else
2031         {
2032             rtl::OUString* pTemp(new rtl::OUString(EncodeStyleName(sStyleName)));
2033             sal_Int32 nIndex(0);
2034             if (!pCellStyles->AddStyleName(pTemp, nIndex, sal_False))
2035             {
2036                 delete pTemp;
2037                 pTemp = NULL;
2038             }
2039             if ( !pOldName )
2040             {
2041                 uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress> aAddresses(xCellRanges->getRangeAddresses());
2042                 table::CellRangeAddress* pAddresses(aAddresses.getArray());
2043                 sal_Bool bGetMerge(sal_True);
2044                 for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aAddresses.getLength(); ++i, ++pAddresses)
2045                 {
2046                     if (bGetMerge)
2047                         bGetMerge = GetMerged(pAddresses, xTable);
2048                     pCellStyles->AddRangeStyleName(*pAddresses, nIndex, sal_False, nValidationIndex, nNumberFormat);
2049                     if (!sStyleName.equalsAsciiL("Default", 7) || nValidationIndex != -1)
2050                     {
2051                         pSharedData->SetLastColumn(nTable, pAddresses->EndColumn);
2052                         pSharedData->SetLastRow(nTable, pAddresses->EndRow);
2053                     }
2054                 }
2055             }
2056         }
2057     }
2058 }
AddStyleFromColumn(const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> & xColumnProperties,const rtl::OUString * pOldName,sal_Int32 & rIndex,sal_Bool & rIsVisible)2060 void ScXMLExport::AddStyleFromColumn(const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet>& xColumnProperties,
2061                                      const rtl::OUString* pOldName, sal_Int32& rIndex, sal_Bool& rIsVisible)
2062 {
2065     std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(xColumnStylesExportPropertySetMapper->Filter(xColumnProperties));
2066     if(xPropStates.size())
2067     {
2068         std::vector< XMLPropertyState >::iterator aItr(xPropStates.begin());
2069         std::vector< XMLPropertyState >::iterator aEndItr(xPropStates.end());
2070         while (aItr != aEndItr)
2071         {
2072             if (xColumnStylesPropertySetMapper->GetEntryContextId(aItr->mnIndex) == CTF_SC_ISVISIBLE)
2073             {
2074                 aItr->maValue >>= rIsVisible;
2075                 break;
2076             }
2077             ++aItr;
2078         }
2080         rtl::OUString sParent;
2081         if (pOldName)
2082         {
2083             if (GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(*pOldName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_COLUMN, sParent, xPropStates))
2084             {
2085                 GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_COLUMN, *pOldName);
2086                 // add to pColumnStyles, so the name is found for normal sheets
2087                 rtl::OUString* pTemp(new rtl::OUString(*pOldName));
2088                 rIndex = pColumnStyles->AddStyleName(pTemp);
2089             }
2090         }
2091         else
2092         {
2093             rtl::OUString sName;
2094             if (GetAutoStylePool()->Add(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_COLUMN, sParent, xPropStates))
2095             {
2096                 rtl::OUString* pTemp(new rtl::OUString(sName));
2097                 rIndex = pColumnStyles->AddStyleName(pTemp);
2098             }
2099             else
2100                 rIndex = pColumnStyles->GetIndexOfStyleName(sName, SC_SCOLUMNPREFIX);
2101         }
2102     }
2103 }
AddStyleFromRow(const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> & xRowProperties,const rtl::OUString * pOldName,sal_Int32 & rIndex)2105 void ScXMLExport::AddStyleFromRow(const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet>& xRowProperties,
2106                                   const rtl::OUString* pOldName, sal_Int32& rIndex)
2107 {
2110     std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(xRowStylesExportPropertySetMapper->Filter(xRowProperties));
2111     if(xPropStates.size())
2112     {
2113         rtl::OUString sParent;
2114         if (pOldName)
2115         {
2116             if (GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(*pOldName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_ROW, sParent, xPropStates))
2117             {
2118                 GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_ROW, *pOldName);
2119                 // add to pRowStyles, so the name is found for normal sheets
2120                 rtl::OUString* pTemp(new rtl::OUString(*pOldName));
2121                 rIndex = pRowStyles->AddStyleName(pTemp);
2122             }
2123         }
2124         else
2125         {
2126             rtl::OUString sName;
2127             if (GetAutoStylePool()->Add(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_ROW, sParent, xPropStates))
2128             {
2129                 rtl::OUString* pTemp(new rtl::OUString(sName));
2130                 rIndex = pRowStyles->AddStyleName(pTemp);
2131             }
2132             else
2133                 rIndex = pRowStyles->GetIndexOfStyleName(sName, SC_SROWPREFIX);
2134         }
2135     }
2136 }
lcl_GetEnumerated(uno::Reference<container::XEnumerationAccess> xEnumAccess,sal_Int32 nIndex)2138 uno::Any lcl_GetEnumerated( uno::Reference<container::XEnumerationAccess> xEnumAccess, sal_Int32 nIndex )
2139 {
2140     uno::Any aRet;
2141     uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> xEnum( xEnumAccess->createEnumeration() );
2142     try
2143     {
2144         sal_Int32 nSkip = nIndex;
2145         while ( nSkip > 0 )
2146         {
2147             (void) xEnum->nextElement();
2148             --nSkip;
2149         }
2150         aRet = xEnum->nextElement();
2151     }
2152     catch (container::NoSuchElementException&)
2153     {
2154         // leave aRet empty
2155     }
2156     return aRet;
2157 }
_ExportAutoStyles()2159 void ScXMLExport::_ExportAutoStyles()
2160 {
2161     if (!GetModel().is())
2162         return;
2164     uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument> xSpreadDoc( GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
2165     if (!xSpreadDoc.is())
2166         return;
2168     uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xIndex( xSpreadDoc->getSheets(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
2169     if (!xIndex.is())
2170         return;
2172     if (getExportFlags() & EXPORT_CONTENT)
2173     {
2174         //  re-create automatic styles with old names from stored data
2175         ScSheetSaveData* pSheetData = ScModelObj::getImplementation(xSpreadDoc)->GetSheetSaveData();
2176         if (pSheetData && pDoc)
2177         {
2178             // formulas have to be calculated now, to detect changed results
2179             // (during normal save, they will be calculated anyway)
2180             SCTAB nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
2181             for (SCTAB nTab=0; nTab<nTabCount; ++nTab)
2182                 if (pDoc->IsStreamValid(nTab))
2183                 {
2184                     ScCellIterator aIter( pDoc, 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab );
2185                     ScBaseCell* pCell = aIter.GetFirst();
2186                     while (pCell)
2187                     {
2188                         if (pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
2189                             static_cast<ScFormulaCell*>(pCell)->IsValue();      // interpret if dirty
2190                         pCell = aIter.GetNext();
2191                     }
2192                 }
2194             // stored cell styles
2195             const std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>& rCellEntries = pSheetData->GetCellStyles();
2196             std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>::const_iterator aCellIter = rCellEntries.begin();
2197             std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>::const_iterator aCellEnd = rCellEntries.end();
2198             while (aCellIter != aCellEnd)
2199             {
2200                 ScAddress aPos = aCellIter->maCellPos;
2201                 sal_Int32 nTable = aPos.Tab();
2202                 bool bCopySheet = pDoc->IsStreamValid( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) );
2203                 if (bCopySheet)
2204                 {
2205                     uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheet> xTable(xIndex->getByIndex(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2206                     uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xProperties(
2207                         xTable->getCellByPosition( aPos.Col(), aPos.Row() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
2209                     AddStyleFromCells(xProperties, xTable, nTable, &aCellIter->maName);
2210                 }
2211                 ++aCellIter;
2212             }
2214             // stored column styles
2215             const std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>& rColumnEntries = pSheetData->GetColumnStyles();
2216             std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>::const_iterator aColumnIter = rColumnEntries.begin();
2217             std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>::const_iterator aColumnEnd = rColumnEntries.end();
2218             while (aColumnIter != aColumnEnd)
2219             {
2220                 ScAddress aPos = aColumnIter->maCellPos;
2221                 sal_Int32 nTable = aPos.Tab();
2222                 bool bCopySheet = pDoc->IsStreamValid( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) );
2223                 if (bCopySheet)
2224                 {
2225                     uno::Reference<table::XColumnRowRange> xColumnRowRange(xIndex->getByIndex(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2226                     uno::Reference<table::XTableColumns> xTableColumns(xColumnRowRange->getColumns());
2227                     uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xColumnProperties(xTableColumns->getByIndex( aPos.Col() ), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2229                     sal_Int32 nIndex(-1);
2230                     sal_Bool bIsVisible(sal_True);
2231                     AddStyleFromColumn( xColumnProperties, &aColumnIter->maName, nIndex, bIsVisible );
2232                 }
2233                 ++aColumnIter;
2234             }
2236             // stored row styles
2237             const std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>& rRowEntries = pSheetData->GetRowStyles();
2238             std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>::const_iterator aRowIter = rRowEntries.begin();
2239             std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>::const_iterator aRowEnd = rRowEntries.end();
2240             while (aRowIter != aRowEnd)
2241             {
2242                 ScAddress aPos = aRowIter->maCellPos;
2243                 sal_Int32 nTable = aPos.Tab();
2244                 bool bCopySheet = pDoc->IsStreamValid( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) );
2245                 if (bCopySheet)
2246                 {
2247                     uno::Reference<table::XColumnRowRange> xColumnRowRange(xIndex->getByIndex(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2248                     uno::Reference<table::XTableRows> xTableRows(xColumnRowRange->getRows());
2249                     uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xRowProperties(xTableRows->getByIndex( aPos.Row() ), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2251                     sal_Int32 nIndex(-1);
2252                     AddStyleFromRow( xRowProperties, &aRowIter->maName, nIndex );
2253                 }
2254                 ++aRowIter;
2255             }
2257             // stored table styles
2258             const std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>& rTableEntries = pSheetData->GetTableStyles();
2259             std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>::const_iterator aTableIter = rTableEntries.begin();
2260             std::vector<ScCellStyleEntry>::const_iterator aTableEnd = rTableEntries.end();
2261             while (aTableIter != aTableEnd)
2262             {
2263                 ScAddress aPos = aTableIter->maCellPos;
2264                 sal_Int32 nTable = aPos.Tab();
2265                 bool bCopySheet = pDoc->IsStreamValid( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) );
2266                 if (bCopySheet)
2267                 {
2268                     //! separate method AddStyleFromTable needed?
2269                     uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xTableProperties(xIndex->getByIndex(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2270                     if (xTableProperties.is())
2271                     {
2272                         std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(xTableStylesExportPropertySetMapper->Filter(xTableProperties));
2273                         rtl::OUString sParent;
2274                         rtl::OUString sName( aTableIter->maName );
2275                         GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_TABLE, sParent, xPropStates);
2276                         GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_TABLE, sName);
2277                     }
2278                 }
2279                 ++aTableIter;
2280             }
2282             // stored styles for notes
2284             UniReference<SvXMLExportPropertyMapper> xShapeMapper = XMLShapeExport::CreateShapePropMapper( *this );
2285             GetShapeExport(); // make sure the graphics styles family is added
2287             const std::vector<ScNoteStyleEntry>& rNoteEntries = pSheetData->GetNoteStyles();
2288             std::vector<ScNoteStyleEntry>::const_iterator aNoteIter = rNoteEntries.begin();
2289             std::vector<ScNoteStyleEntry>::const_iterator aNoteEnd = rNoteEntries.end();
2290             while (aNoteIter != aNoteEnd)
2291             {
2292                 ScAddress aPos = aNoteIter->maCellPos;
2293                 sal_Int32 nTable = aPos.Tab();
2294                 bool bCopySheet = pDoc->IsStreamValid( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) );
2295                 if (bCopySheet)
2296                 {
2297                     //! separate method AddStyleFromNote needed?
2299                     ScPostIt* pNote = pDoc->GetNote( aPos );
2300                     DBG_ASSERT( pNote, "note not found" );
2301                     if (pNote)
2302                     {
2303                         SdrCaptionObj* pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
2304                         // all uno shapes are created anyway in CollectSharedData
2305                         uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xShapeProperties( pDrawObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
2306                         if (xShapeProperties.is())
2307                         {
2308                             if ( aNoteIter->maStyleName.getLength() )
2309                             {
2310                                 std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(xShapeMapper->Filter(xShapeProperties));
2311                                 rtl::OUString sParent;
2312                                 rtl::OUString sName( aNoteIter->maStyleName );
2313                                 GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_GRAPHICS_ID, sParent, xPropStates);
2314                                 GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_SD_GRAPHICS_ID, sName);
2315                             }
2316                             if ( aNoteIter->maTextStyle.getLength() )
2317                             {
2318                                 std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(
2319                                     GetTextParagraphExport()->GetParagraphPropertyMapper()->Filter(xShapeProperties));
2320                                 rtl::OUString sParent;
2321                                 rtl::OUString sName( aNoteIter->maTextStyle );
2322                                 GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_PARAGRAPH, sParent, xPropStates);
2323                                 GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_PARAGRAPH, sName);
2324                             }
2325                         }
2326                     }
2327                 }
2328                 ++aNoteIter;
2329             }
2331             // note paragraph styles
2333             //UniReference<SvXMLExportPropertyMapper> xParaPropMapper = XMLTextParagraphExport::CreateParaExtPropMapper( *this );
2334             UniReference<SvXMLExportPropertyMapper> xParaPropMapper = GetTextParagraphExport()->GetParagraphPropertyMapper();
2336             const std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>& rNoteParaEntries = pSheetData->GetNoteParaStyles();
2337             std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>::const_iterator aNoteParaIter = rNoteParaEntries.begin();
2338             std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>::const_iterator aNoteParaEnd = rNoteParaEntries.end();
2339             while (aNoteParaIter != aNoteParaEnd)
2340             {
2341                 ScAddress aPos = aNoteParaIter->maCellPos;
2342                 sal_Int32 nTable = aPos.Tab();
2343                 bool bCopySheet = pDoc->IsStreamValid( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) );
2344                 if (bCopySheet)
2345                 {
2346                     ScPostIt* pNote = pDoc->GetNote( aPos );
2347                     DBG_ASSERT( pNote, "note not found" );
2348                     if (pNote)
2349                     {
2350                         SdrCaptionObj* pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
2351                         uno::Reference<container::XEnumerationAccess> xCellText(pDrawObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2352                         uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xParaProp(
2353                             lcl_GetEnumerated( xCellText, aNoteParaIter->maSelection.nStartPara ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
2354                         if ( xParaProp.is() )
2355                         {
2356                             std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(xParaPropMapper->Filter(xParaProp));
2357                             rtl::OUString sParent;
2358                             rtl::OUString sName( aNoteParaIter->maName );
2359                             GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_PARAGRAPH, sParent, xPropStates);
2360                             GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_PARAGRAPH, sName);
2361                         }
2362                     }
2363                 }
2364                 ++aNoteParaIter;
2365             }
2367             // note text styles
2369             UniReference<SvXMLExportPropertyMapper> xTextPropMapper = XMLTextParagraphExport::CreateCharExtPropMapper( *this );
2371             const std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>& rNoteTextEntries = pSheetData->GetNoteTextStyles();
2372             std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>::const_iterator aNoteTextIter = rNoteTextEntries.begin();
2373             std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>::const_iterator aNoteTextEnd = rNoteTextEntries.end();
2374             while (aNoteTextIter != aNoteTextEnd)
2375             {
2376                 ScAddress aPos = aNoteTextIter->maCellPos;
2377                 sal_Int32 nTable = aPos.Tab();
2378                 bool bCopySheet = pDoc->IsStreamValid( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) );
2379                 if (bCopySheet)
2380                 {
2381                     ScPostIt* pNote = pDoc->GetNote( aPos );
2382                     DBG_ASSERT( pNote, "note not found" );
2383                     if (pNote)
2384                     {
2385                         SdrCaptionObj* pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
2386                         uno::Reference<text::XSimpleText> xCellText(pDrawObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2387                         uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xCursorProp(xCellText->createTextCursor(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2388                         ScDrawTextCursor* pCursor = ScDrawTextCursor::getImplementation( xCursorProp );
2389                         if (pCursor)
2390                         {
2391                             pCursor->SetSelection( aNoteTextIter->maSelection );
2393                             std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(xTextPropMapper->Filter(xCursorProp));
2394                             rtl::OUString sParent;
2395                             rtl::OUString sName( aNoteTextIter->maName );
2396                             GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_TEXT, sParent, xPropStates);
2397                             GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_TEXT, sName);
2398                         }
2399                     }
2400                 }
2401                 ++aNoteTextIter;
2402             }
2404             // stored text styles
2406             //UniReference<SvXMLExportPropertyMapper> xTextPropMapper = XMLTextParagraphExport::CreateCharExtPropMapper( *this );
2408             const std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>& rTextEntries = pSheetData->GetTextStyles();
2409             std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>::const_iterator aTextIter = rTextEntries.begin();
2410             std::vector<ScTextStyleEntry>::const_iterator aTextEnd = rTextEntries.end();
2411             while (aTextIter != aTextEnd)
2412             {
2413                 ScAddress aPos = aTextIter->maCellPos;
2414                 sal_Int32 nTable = aPos.Tab();
2415                 bool bCopySheet = pDoc->IsStreamValid( static_cast<SCTAB>(nTable) );
2416                 if (bCopySheet)
2417                 {
2418                     //! separate method AddStyleFromText needed?
2419                     //! cache sheet object
2421                     uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> xCellRange(xIndex->getByIndex(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2422                     uno::Reference<text::XSimpleText> xCellText(xCellRange->getCellByPosition(aPos.Col(), aPos.Row()), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2423                     uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xCursorProp(xCellText->createTextCursor(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2424                     ScCellTextCursor* pCursor = ScCellTextCursor::getImplementation( xCursorProp );
2425                     if (pCursor)
2426                     {
2427                         pCursor->SetSelection( aTextIter->maSelection );
2429                         std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(xTextPropMapper->Filter(xCursorProp));
2430                         rtl::OUString sParent;
2431                         rtl::OUString sName( aTextIter->maName );
2432                         GetAutoStylePool()->AddNamed(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_TEXT, sParent, xPropStates);
2433                         GetAutoStylePool()->RegisterName(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TEXT_TEXT, sName);
2434                     }
2435                 }
2436                 ++aTextIter;
2437             }
2438         }
2440         ExportExternalRefCacheStyles();
2442         if (!pSharedData)
2443         {
2444             sal_Int32 nTableCount(0);
2445             sal_Int32 nShapesCount(0);
2446             sal_Int32 nCellCount(pDoc ? pDoc->GetCellCount() : 0);
2447             CollectSharedData(nTableCount, nShapesCount, nCellCount);
2448             //DBG_ERROR("no shared data setted");
2449         }
2450         sal_Int32 nTableCount(xIndex->getCount());
2451         pCellStyles->AddNewTable(nTableCount - 1);
2452         CollectShapesAutoStyles(nTableCount);
2453         for (sal_Int32 nTable = 0; nTable < nTableCount; ++nTable)
2454         {
2455             bool bUseStream = pSheetData && pDoc && pDoc->IsStreamValid((SCTAB)nTable) &&
2456                               pSheetData->HasStreamPos(nTable) && xSourceStream.is();
2458             uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheet> xTable(xIndex->getByIndex(nTable), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2459             if (xTable.is())
2460             {
2461                 // table styles array must be complete, including copied tables - Add should find the stored style
2462                 uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xTableProperties(xTable, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2463                 if (xTableProperties.is())
2464                 {
2465                     std::vector<XMLPropertyState> xPropStates(xTableStylesExportPropertySetMapper->Filter(xTableProperties));
2466                     if(xPropStates.size())
2467                     {
2468                         rtl::OUString sParent;
2469                         rtl::OUString sName;
2470                         GetAutoStylePool()->Add(sName, XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_TABLE, sParent, xPropStates);
2471                         aTableStyles.push_back(sName);
2472                     }
2473                 }
2474             }
2475             // collect other auto-styles only for non-copied sheets
2476             if (xTable.is() && !bUseStream)
2477             {
2478                 uno::Reference<sheet::XUniqueCellFormatRangesSupplier> xCellFormatRanges ( xTable, uno::UNO_QUERY );
2479                 if ( xCellFormatRanges.is() )
2480                 {
2481                     uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xFormatRangesIndex(xCellFormatRanges->getUniqueCellFormatRanges());
2482                     if (xFormatRangesIndex.is())
2483                     {
2484                         sal_Int32 nFormatRangesCount(xFormatRangesIndex->getCount());
2485                         GetProgressBarHelper()->ChangeReference(GetProgressBarHelper()->GetReference() + nFormatRangesCount);
2486                         for (sal_Int32 nFormatRange = 0; nFormatRange < nFormatRangesCount; ++nFormatRange)
2487                         {
2488                             uno::Reference< sheet::XSheetCellRanges> xCellRanges(xFormatRangesIndex->getByIndex(nFormatRange), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2489                             if (xCellRanges.is())
2490                             {
2491                                 uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xProperties (xCellRanges, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2492                                 if (xProperties.is())
2493                                 {
2494                                     AddStyleFromCells(xProperties, xTable, nTable, NULL);
2495                                     IncrementProgressBar(sal_False);
2496                                 }
2497                             }
2498                         }
2499                     }
2500                 }
2501                 uno::Reference<table::XColumnRowRange> xColumnRowRange (xTable, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2502                 if (xColumnRowRange.is())
2503                 {
2504                     if (pDoc)
2505                     {
2506                         pDoc->SyncColRowFlags();
2507                         uno::Reference<table::XTableColumns> xTableColumns(xColumnRowRange->getColumns());
2508                         if (xTableColumns.is())
2509                         {
2510                             sal_Int32 nColumns(pDoc->GetLastChangedCol(sal::static_int_cast<SCTAB>(nTable)));
2511                             pSharedData->SetLastColumn(nTable, nColumns);
2512                             table::CellRangeAddress aCellAddress(GetEndAddress(xTable, nTable));
2513                             if (aCellAddress.EndColumn > nColumns)
2514                             {
2515                                 ++nColumns;
2516                                 pColumnStyles->AddNewTable(nTable, aCellAddress.EndColumn);
2517                             }
2518 //                              else if (nColumns < MAXCOL)
2519 //                                  pColumnStyles->AddNewTable(nTable, ++nColumns);
2520                             else
2521                                 pColumnStyles->AddNewTable(nTable, nColumns);
2522                             sal_Int32 nColumn = 0;
2523                             while (/*nColumn <= nColumns && */nColumn <= MAXCOL)
2524                             {
2525                                 sal_Int32 nIndex(-1);
2526                                 sal_Bool bIsVisible(sal_True);
2527                                 uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xColumnProperties(xTableColumns->getByIndex(nColumn), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2528                                 if (xColumnProperties.is())
2529                                 {
2530                                     AddStyleFromColumn( xColumnProperties, NULL, nIndex, bIsVisible );
2531                                     //if(xPropStates.size())
2532                                     pColumnStyles->AddFieldStyleName(nTable, nColumn, nIndex, bIsVisible);
2533                                 }
2534                                 sal_Int32 nOld(nColumn);
2535                                 nColumn = pDoc->GetNextDifferentChangedCol(sal::static_int_cast<SCTAB>(nTable), static_cast<SCCOL>(nColumn));
2536                                 for (sal_Int32 i = nOld + 1; i < nColumn; ++i)
2537                                     pColumnStyles->AddFieldStyleName(nTable, i, nIndex, bIsVisible);
2538                             }
2539                             if (aCellAddress.EndColumn > nColumns)
2540                             {
2541                                 sal_Bool bIsVisible(sal_True);
2542                                 sal_Int32 nIndex(pColumnStyles->GetStyleNameIndex(nTable, nColumns, bIsVisible));
2543                                 for (sal_Int32 i = nColumns + 1; i <= aCellAddress.EndColumn; ++i)
2544                                     pColumnStyles->AddFieldStyleName(nTable, i, nIndex, bIsVisible);
2545                             }
2546                         }
2547                         uno::Reference<table::XTableRows> xTableRows(xColumnRowRange->getRows());
2548                         if (xTableRows.is())
2549                         {
2550                             sal_Int32 nRows(pDoc->GetLastChangedRow(sal::static_int_cast<SCTAB>(nTable)));
2551                             pSharedData->SetLastRow(nTable, nRows);
2552                             table::CellRangeAddress aCellAddress(GetEndAddress(xTable, nTable));
2553                             if (aCellAddress.EndRow > nRows)
2554                             {
2555                                 ++nRows;
2556                                 pRowStyles->AddNewTable(nTable, aCellAddress.EndRow);
2557                             }
2558 //                              else if (nRows < MAXROW)
2559 //                                  pRowStyles->AddNewTable(nTable, ++nRows);
2560                             else
2561                                 pRowStyles->AddNewTable(nTable, nRows);
2562                             sal_Int32 nRow = 0;
2563                             while (nRow <= nRows && nRow <= MAXROW)
2564                             {
2565                                 sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
2566                                 uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xRowProperties(xTableRows->getByIndex(nRow), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2567                                 if(xRowProperties.is())
2568                                 {
2569                                     AddStyleFromRow( xRowProperties, NULL, nIndex );
2570                                     //if(xPropStates.size())
2571                                     pRowStyles->AddFieldStyleName(nTable, nRow, nIndex);
2572                                 }
2573                                 sal_Int32 nOld(nRow);
2574                                 nRow = pDoc->GetNextDifferentChangedRow(sal::static_int_cast<SCTAB>(nTable), static_cast<SCROW>(nRow), false);
2575                                 if (nRow > nOld + 1)
2576                                     pRowStyles->AddFieldStyleName(nTable, nOld + 1, nIndex, nRow - 1);
2577                             }
2578                             if (aCellAddress.EndRow > nRows)
2579                             {
2580                                 sal_Int32 nIndex(pRowStyles->GetStyleNameIndex(nTable, nRows));
2581                                 pRowStyles->AddFieldStyleName(nTable, nRows + 1, nIndex, aCellAddress.EndRow);
2582                             }
2583                         }
2584                     }
2585                 }
2586                 uno::Reference<sheet::XCellRangesQuery> xCellRangesQuery (xTable, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2587                 if (xCellRangesQuery.is())
2588                 {
2589                     uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> xSheetCellRanges(xCellRangesQuery->queryContentCells(sheet::CellFlags::FORMATTED));
2590                     uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetOperation> xSheetOperation(xSheetCellRanges, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2591                     if (xSheetCellRanges.is() && xSheetOperation.is())
2592                     {
2593                         sal_uInt32 nCount(sal_uInt32(xSheetOperation->computeFunction(sheet::GeneralFunction_COUNT)));
2594                         uno::Reference<container::XEnumerationAccess> xCellsAccess(xSheetCellRanges->getCells());
2595                         if (xCellsAccess.is())
2596                         {
2597                             GetProgressBarHelper()->ChangeReference(GetProgressBarHelper()->GetReference() + nCount);
2598                             uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> xCells(xCellsAccess->createEnumeration());
2599                             if (xCells.is())
2600                             {
2601                                 sal_uInt32 nCount2(0);
2602                                 while (xCells->hasMoreElements())
2603                                 {
2604                                     uno::Reference<text::XText> xText(xCells->nextElement(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2605                                     if (xText.is())
2606                                         GetTextParagraphExport()->collectTextAutoStyles(xText, sal_False, sal_False);
2607                                     ++nCount2;
2608                                     IncrementProgressBar(sal_False);
2609                                 }
2610                                 if(nCount2 > nCount)
2611                                     GetProgressBarHelper()->SetReference(GetProgressBarHelper()->GetReference() + nCount2 - nCount);
2612                             }
2613                         }
2614                     }
2615                 }
2616             }
2617             IncrementProgressBar(sal_False);
2618         }
2619         pChangeTrackingExportHelper->CollectAutoStyles();
2621         GetAutoStylePool()->exportXML(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_COLUMN,
2622             GetDocHandler(), GetMM100UnitConverter(), GetNamespaceMap());
2623         GetAutoStylePool()->exportXML(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_ROW,
2624             GetDocHandler(), GetMM100UnitConverter(), GetNamespaceMap());
2625         GetAutoStylePool()->exportXML(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_TABLE,
2626             GetDocHandler(), GetMM100UnitConverter(), GetNamespaceMap());
2627         exportAutoDataStyles();
2628         GetAutoStylePool()->exportXML(XML_STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL,
2629             GetDocHandler(), GetMM100UnitConverter(), GetNamespaceMap());
2631         GetShapeExport()->exportAutoStyles();
2632         GetFormExport()->exportAutoStyles( );
2634         if (pDoc)
2635         {
2636             ScExternalRefManager* pRefMgr = pDoc->GetExternalRefManager();
2637             // #i100879# write the table style for cached tables only if there are cached tables
2638             // (same logic as in ExportExternalRefCacheStyles)
2639             if (pRefMgr->hasExternalData())
2640             {
2641                 // Special table style for the external ref cache tables.
2642                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_NAME, sExternalRefTabStyleName);
2643                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_FAMILY, XML_TABLE);
2644                 SvXMLElementExport aElemStyle(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_STYLE, sal_True, sal_True);
2645                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE,  XML_DISPLAY, XML_FALSE);
2646                 SvXMLElementExport aElemStyleTabProps(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_STYLE, XML_TABLE_PROPERTIES, sal_True, sal_True);
2647             }
2648         }
2649     }
2651     if (getExportFlags() & EXPORT_MASTERSTYLES)
2652     {
2653         GetPageExport()->collectAutoStyles(sal_True);
2654         GetPageExport()->exportAutoStyles();
2655     }
2657     // #i30251#; only write Text Styles once
2659     if ((getExportFlags() & EXPORT_CONTENT) || (getExportFlags() & EXPORT_MASTERSTYLES))
2660         GetTextParagraphExport()->exportTextAutoStyles();
2661 }
_ExportMasterStyles()2663 void ScXMLExport::_ExportMasterStyles()
2664 {
2665 	GetPageExport()->exportMasterStyles( sal_True );
2666 }
CollectInternalShape(uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xShape)2668 void ScXMLExport::CollectInternalShape( uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape )
2669 {
2670 	// detective objects and notes
2671 	if( SvxShape* pShapeImp = SvxShape::getImplementation( xShape ) )
2672 	{
2673 		if( SdrObject* pObject = pShapeImp->GetSdrObject() )
2674 		{
2675             // collect note caption objects from all layers (internal or hidden)
2676             if( ScDrawObjData* pCaptData = ScDrawLayer::GetNoteCaptionData( pObject, static_cast< SCTAB >( nCurrentTable ) ) )
2677             {
2678                 pSharedData->AddNoteObj( xShape, pCaptData->maStart );
2680                 // #i60851# When the file is saved while editing a new note,
2681                 // the cell is still empty -> last column/row must be updated
2682                 DBG_ASSERT( pCaptData->maStart.Tab() == nCurrentTable, "invalid table in object data" );
2683                 pSharedData->SetLastColumn( nCurrentTable, pCaptData->maStart.Col() );
2684                 pSharedData->SetLastRow( nCurrentTable, pCaptData->maStart.Row() );
2685             }
2686             // other objects from internal layer only (detective)
2687             else if( pObject->GetLayer() == SC_LAYER_INTERN )
2688             {
2689 			    ScDetectiveFunc	aDetFunc( pDoc, static_cast<SCTAB>(nCurrentTable) );
2690 			    ScAddress		aPosition;
2691 			    ScRange			aSourceRange;
2692 			    sal_Bool		bRedLine;
2693 			    ScDetectiveObjType eObjType = aDetFunc.GetDetectiveObjectType(
2694 				    pObject, nCurrentTable, aPosition, aSourceRange, bRedLine );
2695 			    pSharedData->GetDetectiveObjContainer()->AddObject( eObjType, static_cast<SCTAB>(nCurrentTable), aPosition, aSourceRange, bRedLine );
2696             }
2697 		}
2698 	}
2699 }
2701 //UNUSED2008-05  sal_Bool ScXMLExport::GetMerge (const uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheet>& xTable,
2702 //UNUSED2008-05                                  const sal_Int32 nCol, const sal_Int32 nRow,
2703 //UNUSED2008-05                                  table::CellRangeAddress& aCellAddress)
2704 //UNUSED2008-05  {
2705 //UNUSED2008-05      uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRange> xSheetCellRange(xTable->getCellRangeByPosition(nCol, nRow, nCol, nRow), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2706 //UNUSED2008-05      if (xSheetCellRange.is())
2707 //UNUSED2008-05      {
2708 //UNUSED2008-05          uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellCursor> xCursor(xTable->createCursorByRange(xSheetCellRange));
2709 //UNUSED2008-05          if (xCursor.is())
2710 //UNUSED2008-05          {
2711 //UNUSED2008-05              uno::Reference<sheet::XCellRangeAddressable> xCellAddress (xCursor, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2712 //UNUSED2008-05              xCursor->collapseToMergedArea();
2713 //UNUSED2008-05              aCellAddress = xCellAddress->getRangeAddress();
2714 //UNUSED2008-05              return sal_True;
2715 //UNUSED2008-05          }
2716 //UNUSED2008-05      }
2717 //UNUSED2008-05      return sal_False;
2718 //UNUSED2008-05  }
GetMerged(const table::CellRangeAddress * pCellAddress,const uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheet> & xTable)2720 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::GetMerged (const table::CellRangeAddress* pCellAddress,
2721 							const uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheet>& xTable)
2722 {
2723 	sal_Bool bReady(sal_False);
2724 	sal_Int32 nRow(pCellAddress->StartRow);
2725 	sal_Int32 nCol(pCellAddress->StartColumn);
2726 	sal_Int32 nEndRow(pCellAddress->EndRow);
2727 	sal_Int32 nEndCol(pCellAddress->EndColumn);
2728 	sal_Bool bRowInc(nEndRow > nRow);
2729 	while(!bReady && nRow <= nEndRow && nCol <= nEndCol)
2730 	{
2731 		uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRange> xSheetCellRange(xTable->getCellRangeByPosition(nCol, nRow, nCol, nRow), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2732 		if (xSheetCellRange.is())
2733 		{
2734 			uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellCursor> xCursor(xTable->createCursorByRange(xSheetCellRange));
2735 			if(xCursor.is())
2736 			{
2737 				uno::Reference<sheet::XCellRangeAddressable> xCellAddress (xCursor, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2738 				xCursor->collapseToMergedArea();
2739 				table::CellRangeAddress aCellAddress2(xCellAddress->getRangeAddress());
2740 				if ((aCellAddress2.EndRow > nRow ||
2741 					aCellAddress2.EndColumn > nCol) &&
2742 					aCellAddress2.StartRow == nRow &&
2743 					aCellAddress2.StartColumn == nCol)
2744 				{
2745 					pMergedRangesContainer->AddRange(aCellAddress2);
2746 					pSharedData->SetLastColumn(aCellAddress2.Sheet, aCellAddress2.EndColumn);
2747 					pSharedData->SetLastRow(aCellAddress2.Sheet, aCellAddress2.EndRow);
2748 				}
2749 				else
2750 					bReady = sal_True;
2751 			}
2752 		}
2753 		if (!bReady)
2754 		{
2755 			if (bRowInc)
2756 				++nRow;
2757 			else
2758 				++nCol;
2759 		}
2760 	}
2761 	DBG_ASSERT(!(!bReady && nEndRow > nRow && nEndCol > nCol), "should not be possible");
2762 	return !bReady;
2763 }
2765 //UNUSED2008-05  sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsMatrix (const uno::Reference <table::XCellRange>& xCellRange,
2766 //UNUSED2008-05                                  const uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheet>& xTable,
2767 //UNUSED2008-05                                  const sal_Int32 nCol, const sal_Int32 nRow,
2768 //UNUSED2008-05                                  table::CellRangeAddress& aCellAddress, sal_Bool& bIsFirst) const
2769 //UNUSED2008-05  {
2770 //UNUSED2008-05      bIsFirst = sal_False;
2771 //UNUSED2008-05      uno::Reference <sheet::XArrayFormulaRange> xArrayFormulaRange (xCellRange->getCellRangeByPosition(nCol,nRow,nCol,nRow), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2772 //UNUSED2008-05      if (xArrayFormulaRange.is())
2773 //UNUSED2008-05      {
2774 //UNUSED2008-05          rtl::OUString sArrayFormula(xArrayFormulaRange->getArrayFormula());
2775 //UNUSED2008-05          if (sArrayFormula.getLength())
2776 //UNUSED2008-05          {
2777 //UNUSED2008-05              uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRange> xMatrixSheetCellRange (xArrayFormulaRange, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2778 //UNUSED2008-05              if (xMatrixSheetCellRange.is())
2779 //UNUSED2008-05              {
2780 //UNUSED2008-05                  uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellCursor> xMatrixSheetCursor(xTable->createCursorByRange(xMatrixSheetCellRange));
2781 //UNUSED2008-05                  if (xMatrixSheetCursor.is())
2782 //UNUSED2008-05                  {
2783 //UNUSED2008-05                      xMatrixSheetCursor->collapseToCurrentArray();
2784 //UNUSED2008-05                      uno::Reference<sheet::XCellRangeAddressable> xMatrixCellAddress (xMatrixSheetCursor, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2785 //UNUSED2008-05                      if (xMatrixCellAddress.is())
2786 //UNUSED2008-05                      {
2787 //UNUSED2008-05                          aCellAddress = xMatrixCellAddress->getRangeAddress();
2788 //UNUSED2008-05                          if ((aCellAddress.StartColumn == nCol && aCellAddress.StartRow == nRow) &&
2789 //UNUSED2008-05                              (aCellAddress.EndColumn > nCol || aCellAddress.EndRow > nRow))
2790 //UNUSED2008-05                          {
2791 //UNUSED2008-05                              bIsFirst = sal_True;
2792 //UNUSED2008-05                              return sal_True;
2793 //UNUSED2008-05                          }
2794 //UNUSED2008-05                          else if (aCellAddress.StartColumn != nCol || aCellAddress.StartRow != nRow ||
2795 //UNUSED2008-05                                   aCellAddress.EndColumn != nCol || aCellAddress.EndRow != nRow)
2796 //UNUSED2008-05                              return sal_True;
2797 //UNUSED2008-05                          else
2798 //UNUSED2008-05                          {
2799 //UNUSED2008-05                              bIsFirst = sal_True;
2800 //UNUSED2008-05                              return sal_True;
2801 //UNUSED2008-05                          }
2802 //UNUSED2008-05                      }
2803 //UNUSED2008-05                  }
2804 //UNUSED2008-05              }
2805 //UNUSED2008-05          }
2806 //UNUSED2008-05      }
2807 //UNUSED2008-05      return sal_False;
2808 //UNUSED2008-05  }
IsMatrix(const ScAddress & aCell,table::CellRangeAddress & aCellAddress,sal_Bool & bIsFirst) const2810 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsMatrix (const ScAddress& aCell,
2811 							table::CellRangeAddress& aCellAddress, sal_Bool& bIsFirst) const
2812 {
2813 	bIsFirst = sal_False;
2815     ScRange aMatrixRange;
2817     if (pDoc && pDoc->GetMatrixFormulaRange(aCell, aMatrixRange))
2818     {
2819         ScUnoConversion::FillApiRange( aCellAddress, aMatrixRange );
2820 		if ((aCellAddress.StartColumn == aCell.Col() && aCellAddress.StartRow == aCell.Row()) &&
2821 			(aCellAddress.EndColumn > aCell.Col() || aCellAddress.EndRow > aCell.Row()))
2822 		{
2823 			bIsFirst = sal_True;
2824 			return sal_True;
2825 		}
2826 		else if (aCellAddress.StartColumn != aCell.Col() || aCellAddress.StartRow != aCell.Row() ||
2827 			aCellAddress.EndColumn != aCell.Col() || aCellAddress.EndRow != aCell.Row())
2828 			return sal_True;
2829 		else
2830 		{
2831 			bIsFirst = sal_True;
2832 			return sal_True;
2833 		}
2834     }
2836     return sal_False;
2838 /*	uno::Reference <sheet::XArrayFormulaRange> xArrayFormulaRange (xCell, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2839 	if (xArrayFormulaRange.is())
2840 	{
2841 		rtl::OUString sArrayFormula(xArrayFormulaRange->getArrayFormula());
2842 		if (sArrayFormula.getLength())
2843 		{
2844 			uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRange> xMatrixSheetCellRange (xCell, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2845 			if (xMatrixSheetCellRange.is())
2846 			{
2847 				uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellCursor> xMatrixSheetCursor(xTable->createCursorByRange(xMatrixSheetCellRange));
2848 				if (xMatrixSheetCursor.is())
2849 				{
2850 					xMatrixSheetCursor->collapseToCurrentArray();
2851 					uno::Reference<sheet::XCellRangeAddressable> xMatrixCellAddress (xMatrixSheetCursor, uno::UNO_QUERY);
2852 					if (xMatrixCellAddress.is())
2853 					{
2854 						aCellAddress = xMatrixCellAddress->getRangeAddress();
2855 						if ((aCellAddress.StartColumn == nCol && aCellAddress.StartRow == nRow) &&
2856 							(aCellAddress.EndColumn > nCol || aCellAddress.EndRow > nRow))
2857 						{
2858 							bIsFirst = sal_True;
2859 							return sal_True;
2860 						}
2861 						else if (aCellAddress.StartColumn != nCol || aCellAddress.StartRow != nRow ||
2862 							aCellAddress.EndColumn != nCol || aCellAddress.EndRow != nRow)
2863 							return sal_True;
2864 						else
2865 						{
2866 							bIsFirst = sal_True;
2867 							return sal_True;
2868 						}
2869 					}
2870 				}
2871 			}
2872 		}
2873 	}
2874 	return sal_False;*/
2875 }
GetCellText(ScMyCell & rMyCell,const ScAddress & aPos) const2877 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::GetCellText (ScMyCell& rMyCell, const ScAddress& aPos) const
2878 {
2879 	if (rMyCell.bHasStringValue)
2880 		return sal_True;
2881 	else
2882 	{
2883 /*		if (!rMyCell.bHasXText)
2884 		{
2885             rMyCell.xText.set(xCurrentTableCellRange->getCellByPosition(rMyCell.aCellAddress.Column, rMyCell.aCellAddress.Row), uno::UNO_QUERY);
2886 			rMyCell.bHasXText = sal_True;
2887 		}*/
2888 //		if (rMyCell.xText.is())
2889 //		{
2890             rMyCell.sStringValue = ScCellObj::GetOutputString_Impl(pDoc, aPos);
2891 			rMyCell.bHasStringValue = sal_True;
2892 			return sal_True;
2893 //		}
2894 	}
2895 }
WriteCell(ScMyCell & aCell,sal_Int32 nEqualCellCount)2897 void ScXMLExport::WriteCell(ScMyCell& aCell, sal_Int32 nEqualCellCount)
2898 {
2899     // nEqualCellCount is the number of additional cells
2900     SetRepeatAttribute(nEqualCellCount, (aCell.nType != table::CellContentType_EMPTY));
2902     ScAddress aCellPos;
2903     ScUnoConversion::FillScAddress( aCellPos, aCell.aCellAddress );
2904 	if (aCell.nStyleIndex != -1)
2905 		AddAttribute(sAttrStyleName, *pCellStyles->GetStyleNameByIndex(aCell.nStyleIndex, aCell.bIsAutoStyle));
2906 	if (aCell.nValidationIndex > -1)
2907 		AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_CONTENT_VALIDATION_NAME, pValidationsContainer->GetValidationName(aCell.nValidationIndex));
2908 	sal_Bool bIsMatrix(aCell.bIsMatrixBase || aCell.bIsMatrixCovered);
2909 	sal_Bool bIsFirstMatrixCell(aCell.bIsMatrixBase);
2910 	if (bIsFirstMatrixCell)
2911 	{
2912 		sal_Int32 nColumns(aCell.aMatrixRange.EndColumn - aCell.aMatrixRange.StartColumn + 1);
2913 		sal_Int32 nRows(aCell.aMatrixRange.EndRow - aCell.aMatrixRange.StartRow + 1);
2914 		rtl::OUStringBuffer sColumns;
2915 		rtl::OUStringBuffer sRows;
2916 		SvXMLUnitConverter::convertNumber(sColumns, nColumns);
2917 		SvXMLUnitConverter::convertNumber(sRows, nRows);
2918 		AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_MATRIX_COLUMNS_SPANNED, sColumns.makeStringAndClear());
2919 		AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_MATRIX_ROWS_SPANNED, sRows.makeStringAndClear());
2920 	}
2921 	sal_Bool bIsEmpty(sal_False);
2922 	switch (aCell.nType)
2923 	{
2924 	case table::CellContentType_EMPTY :
2925 		{
2926 			bIsEmpty = sal_True;
2927 		}
2928 		break;
2929 	case table::CellContentType_VALUE :
2930 		{
2931 			if (!aCell.bHasDoubleValue)
2932 			{
2933 				aCell.fValue = pDoc->GetValue( aCellPos );
2934 				aCell.bHasDoubleValue = sal_True;
2935 			}
2936 			GetNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper()->SetNumberFormatAttributes(
2937 				aCell.nNumberFormat, aCell.fValue);
2938 		}
2939 		break;
2940 	case table::CellContentType_TEXT :
2941 		{
2942 			if (GetCellText(aCell, aCellPos))
2943 			{
2944                 rtl::OUString sFormula(lcl_GetRawString(pDoc, aCellPos));
2945 				GetNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper()->SetNumberFormatAttributes(
2946 					sFormula, aCell.sStringValue, sal_True, sal_True);
2947 			}
2948 		}
2949 		break;
2950 	case table::CellContentType_FORMULA :
2951 		{
2952 			ScBaseCell* pBaseCell = pDoc ? pDoc->GetCell(aCellPos) : NULL;
2953 			if (pBaseCell && pBaseCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
2954 			{
2955 				rtl::OUStringBuffer sFormula;
2956 				ScFormulaCell* pFormulaCell((ScFormulaCell*) pBaseCell);
2957 				if (!bIsMatrix || (bIsMatrix && bIsFirstMatrixCell))
2958 				{
2959                     const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar = pDoc->GetStorageGrammar();
2960                     sal_uInt16 nNamespacePrefix = (eGrammar == formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_ODFF ? XML_NAMESPACE_OF : XML_NAMESPACE_OOOC);
2961 					pFormulaCell->GetFormula(sFormula, eGrammar);//ange scope name support
2962 					rtl::OUString sOUFormula(sFormula.makeStringAndClear());
2963 					if (!bIsMatrix)
2964                     {
2965 						AddAttribute(sAttrFormula, GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( nNamespacePrefix, sOUFormula, sal_False ));
2966                     }
2967 					else
2968 					{
2969 						AddAttribute(sAttrFormula, GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( nNamespacePrefix, sOUFormula.copy(1, sOUFormula.getLength() - 2), sal_False ));
2970 					}
2971 				}
2972 				if (pFormulaCell->IsValue())
2973 				{
2974 					sal_Bool bIsStandard;
2975 					rtl::OUString sCurrency;
2976 					GetNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper()->GetCellType(aCell.nNumberFormat, sCurrency, bIsStandard);
2977 					if (bIsStandard)
2978 					{
2979 						if (pDoc)
2980 							GetNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper()->SetNumberFormatAttributes(
2981 								pFormulaCell->GetStandardFormat(*pDoc->GetFormatTable(), 0),
2982 								pDoc->GetValue( aCellPos ));
2983 					}
2984 					else
2985 						GetNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper()->SetNumberFormatAttributes(
2986 							aCell.nNumberFormat, pDoc->GetValue( aCellPos ));
2987 				}
2988 				else
2989 				{
2990 					if (GetCellText(aCell, aCellPos))
2991 						if (aCell.sStringValue.getLength())
2992                         {
2993                             AddAttribute(sAttrValueType, XML_STRING);
2994 							AddAttribute(sAttrStringValue, aCell.sStringValue);
2995                         }
2996 				}
2997 			}
2998 		}
2999 		break;
3000         default:
3001         {
3002             // added to avoid warnings
3003         }
3004 	}
3005     rtl::OUString* pCellString(&sElemCell);
3006 	if (aCell.bIsCovered)
3007     {
3008         pCellString = &sElemCoveredCell;
3009     }
3010 	else
3011 	{
3012 		if (aCell.bIsMergedBase)
3013 		{
3014 			sal_Int32 nColumns(aCell.aMergeRange.EndColumn - aCell.aMergeRange.StartColumn + 1);
3015 			sal_Int32 nRows(aCell.aMergeRange.EndRow - aCell.aMergeRange.StartRow + 1);
3016 			rtl::OUStringBuffer sColumns;
3017 			rtl::OUStringBuffer sRows;
3018 			SvXMLUnitConverter::convertNumber(sColumns, nColumns);
3019 			SvXMLUnitConverter::convertNumber(sRows, nRows);
3020 			AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_COLUMNS_SPANNED, sColumns.makeStringAndClear());
3021 			AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_ROWS_SPANNED, sRows.makeStringAndClear());
3022 		}
3023 	}
3024 	SvXMLElementExport aElemC(*this, *pCellString, sal_True, sal_True);
3025 	CheckAttrList();
3026 	WriteAreaLink(aCell);
3027 	WriteAnnotation(aCell);
3028 	WriteDetective(aCell);
3030     sal_Bool bEditCell = sal_False;
3032 	if (!bIsEmpty)
3033 	{
3034         if ((aCell.nType == table::CellContentType_TEXT && IsEditCell(aCell)) ||
3035             (aCell.nType == table::CellContentType_FORMULA && IsMultiLineFormulaCell(aCell)))
3036 		{
3037             bEditCell = sal_True;
3038             uno::Reference<text::XText> xText(xCurrentTableCellRange->getCellByPosition(aCell.aCellAddress.Column, aCell.aCellAddress.Row), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3039 			if ( xText.is())
3040 				GetTextParagraphExport()->exportText(xText, sal_False, sal_False);
3041 		}
3042 		else
3043 		{
3044 			SvXMLElementExport aElemP(*this, sElemP, sal_True, sal_False);
3045 			sal_Bool bPrevCharWasSpace(sal_True);
3046 	  		if (GetCellText(aCell, aCellPos))
3047 				GetTextParagraphExport()->exportText(aCell.sStringValue, bPrevCharWasSpace);
3048 		}
3049 	}
3050 	WriteShapes(aCell);
3051 	if (!bIsEmpty)
3052         IncrementProgressBar(bEditCell);
3053 }
ExportShape(const uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> & xShape,awt::Point * pPoint)3055 void ScXMLExport::ExportShape(const uno::Reference < drawing::XShape >& xShape, awt::Point* pPoint)
3056 {
3057 	uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xShapeProps ( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
3058 //BM 	sal_Bool bMemChart(sal_False);  // das muss man jetzt umbenennen :-)
3059     bool bIsChart( false );
3061 	rtl::OUString sPropModel (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Model"));
3062 	rtl::OUString sPersistName (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PersistName"));
3063 	if (xShapeProps.is())
3064 	{
3065 		sal_Int32 nZOrder = 0;
3066 		if (xShapeProps->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ZOrder"))) >>= nZOrder)
3067 		{
3068 			rtl::OUStringBuffer sBuffer;
3069 			GetMM100UnitConverter().convertNumber(sBuffer, nZOrder);
3070 			AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, XML_ZINDEX, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
3071 		}
3072 		uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xPropSetInfo = xShapeProps->getPropertySetInfo();
3073 		if( xPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( sPropCLSID ) )
3074 		{
3075 			rtl::OUString sCLSID;
3076 			if (xShapeProps->getPropertyValue( sPropCLSID ) >>= sCLSID)
3077 			{
3078 				if ( sCLSID.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(GetChartExport()->getChartCLSID()) )
3079 				{
3080                     // we have a chart
3081                     ::rtl::OUString sRanges;
3082                     if ( pDoc )
3083                     {
3084                         ::rtl::OUString aChartName;
3085                         xShapeProps->getPropertyValue( sPersistName ) >>= aChartName;
3086                         ScRange aEmptyRange;
3087                         ScChartListener aSearcher( aChartName, pDoc, aEmptyRange );
3088                         sal_uInt16 nIndex = 0;
3089                         ScChartListenerCollection* pCollection = pDoc->GetChartListenerCollection();
3090                         if ( pCollection && pCollection->Search( &aSearcher, nIndex ) )
3091                         {
3092                             ScChartListener* pListener = static_cast< ScChartListener* >( pCollection->At( nIndex ) );
3093                             if ( pListener )
3094                             {
3095                                 const ScRangeListRef& rRangeList = pListener->GetRangeList();
3096                                 if ( rRangeList.Is() )
3097                                 {
3098                                     ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromRangeList( sRanges, rRangeList, pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO );
3099                                     if ( sRanges.getLength() > 0 )
3100                                     {
3101                                         bIsChart = true;
3102                                         SvXMLAttributeList* pAttrList = new SvXMLAttributeList();
3103                                         if ( pAttrList )
3104                                         {
3105                                             pAttrList->AddAttribute(
3106                                                 GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, GetXMLToken( XML_NOTIFY_ON_UPDATE_OF_RANGES ) ), sRanges );
3107                                         }
3108                                         GetShapeExport()->exportShape( xShape, SEF_EXPORT_NO_CHART_DATA | SEF_DEFAULT, pPoint, pAttrList );
3109                                     }
3110                                 }
3111                             }
3112                         }
3113                     }
3115                     if ( sRanges.getLength() == 0 )
3116                     {
3117                         uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xChartModel;
3118                         if( ( xShapeProps->getPropertyValue( sPropModel ) >>= xChartModel ) &&
3119                             xChartModel.is())
3120                         {
3121                             uno::Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xChartDoc( xChartModel, uno::UNO_QUERY );
3122                             uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataReceiver > xReceiver( xChartModel, uno::UNO_QUERY );
3123                             if( xChartDoc.is() && xReceiver.is() &&
3124                                 ! xChartDoc->hasInternalDataProvider())
3125                             {
3126                                 // we have a chart that gets its data from Calc
3127                                 bIsChart = true;
3128                                 uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aRepresentations(
3129                                     xReceiver->getUsedRangeRepresentations());
3130                                 SvXMLAttributeList* pAttrList = 0;
3131                                 if(aRepresentations.getLength())
3132                                 {
3133                                     // add the ranges used by the chart to the shape
3134                                     // element to be able to start listening after
3135                                     // load (when the chart is not yet loaded)
3136                                     uno::Reference< chart2::data::XRangeXMLConversion > xRangeConverter( xChartDoc->getDataProvider(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
3137                                     sRanges = lcl_RangeSequenceToString( aRepresentations, xRangeConverter );
3138                                     pAttrList = new SvXMLAttributeList();
3139                                     pAttrList->AddAttribute(
3140                                         GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, GetXMLToken(XML_NOTIFY_ON_UPDATE_OF_RANGES) ), sRanges );
3141                                 }
3142                                 GetShapeExport()->exportShape(xShape, SEF_EXPORT_NO_CHART_DATA | SEF_DEFAULT, pPoint, pAttrList);
3143                             }
3144                         }
3145                     }
3147 //BM 					rtl::OUString sOUName;
3148 //BM 					xShapeProps->getPropertyValue(sPersistName) >>= sOUName;
3149 //BM 					String sName(sOUName);
3150 //BM 					if (!pChartListener)
3151 //BM 					{
3152 //BM 						String aEmptyString;
3153 //BM 						ScRange aRange;
3154 //BM 						pChartListener = new ScChartListener ( aEmptyString, GetDocument(), aRange );
3155 //BM 					}
3156 //BM 					if(pChartListener)
3157 //BM 					{
3158 //BM 						sal_uInt16 nIndex(0);
3159 //BM 						pChartListener->SetString( sName );
3160 //BM 						if ( GetDocument() && GetDocument()->GetChartListenerCollection()->Search( pChartListener, nIndex ) )
3161 //BM 						{
3162 //BM 							const ScRangeListRef& rRangeListRef(((ScChartListener*)
3163 //BM 								(GetDocument()->GetChartListenerCollection()->
3164 //BM 								At( nIndex )))->GetRangeList());
3165 //BM 							if (rRangeListRef.Is())
3166 //BM 							{
3167 //BM 								bMemChart = sal_True;
3168 //BM 								rtl::OUString sRanges;
3169 //BM 								ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromRangeList(sRanges, rRangeListRef, GetDocument());
3170 //BM                                 SvXMLAttributeList* pAttrList = NULL;
3171 //BM 								if (sRanges.getLength())
3172 //BM                                 {
3173 //BM                                     pAttrList = new SvXMLAttributeList();
3174 //BM                                     pAttrList->AddAttribute(
3175 //BM                                         GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, GetXMLToken(XML_NOTIFY_ON_UPDATE_OF_RANGES) ), sRanges );
3176 //BM                                 }
3177 //BM 								GetShapeExport()->exportShape(xShape, SEF_EXPORT_NO_CHART_DATA | SEF_DEFAULT, pPoint, pAttrList);
3178 //BM 							}
3179 //BM 						}
3180 //BM 						else
3181 //BM 						{
3182 //BM 							bMemChart = sal_True;
3183 //BM                             SvXMLAttributeList* pAttrList = new SvXMLAttributeList();
3184 //BM                             pAttrList->AddAttribute(
3185 //BM                                 GetNamespaceMap().GetQNameByKey( XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, GetXMLToken(XML_NOTIFY_ON_UPDATE_OF_RANGES) ), rtl::OUString() );
3186 //BM 							GetShapeExport()->exportShape(xShape, SEF_EXPORT_NO_CHART_DATA | SEF_DEFAULT, pPoint, pAttrList);
3187 //BM 						}
3188 //BM 					}
3190 /*					SchMemChart* pMemChart = pDoc->FindChartData(sName);
3191 					if (pMemChart && pMemChart->GetSeriesAddresses().getLength())
3192 					{
3193 						bMemChart = sal_True;
3194 						rtl::OUString sRanges(pMemChart->getXMLStringForChartRange());
3195 						if (sRanges.getLength())
3197 						GetShapeExport()->exportShape(xShape, SEF_EXPORT_NO_CHART_DATA | SEF_DEFAULT, pPoint);
3198 					}*/
3199 				}
3200 			}
3201 		}
3202 	}
3203 	if (!bIsChart)
3204 		GetShapeExport()->exportShape(xShape, SEF_DEFAULT, pPoint);
3205 	IncrementProgressBar(sal_False);
3206 }
WriteShapes(const ScMyCell & rMyCell)3208 void ScXMLExport::WriteShapes(const ScMyCell& rMyCell)
3209 {
3210 	if( rMyCell.bHasShape && !rMyCell.aShapeList.empty() && pDoc )
3211 	{
3212 		awt::Point aPoint;
3213 		Rectangle aRec = pDoc->GetMMRect(static_cast<SCCOL>(rMyCell.aCellAddress.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(rMyCell.aCellAddress.Row),
3214 			static_cast<SCCOL>(rMyCell.aCellAddress.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(rMyCell.aCellAddress.Row), static_cast<SCTAB>(rMyCell.aCellAddress.Sheet));
3215         sal_Bool bNegativePage(pDoc->IsNegativePage(rMyCell.aCellAddress.Sheet));
3216         if (bNegativePage)
3217             aPoint.X = aRec.Right();
3218         else
3219 		    aPoint.X = aRec.Left();
3220 		aPoint.Y = aRec.Top();
3221 		ScMyShapeList::const_iterator aItr = rMyCell.aShapeList.begin();
3222 		ScMyShapeList::const_iterator aEndItr(rMyCell.aShapeList.end());
3223 		while (aItr != aEndItr)
3224 		{
3225 			if (aItr->xShape.is())
3226 			{
3227                 if (bNegativePage)
3228                     aPoint.X = 2 * aItr->xShape->getPosition().X + aItr->xShape->getSize().Width - aPoint.X;
3229 				if ( !aItr->xShape->getShapeType().equals(sCaptionShape) )
3230 				{
3231 					awt::Point aEndPoint;
3232 					Rectangle aEndRec(pDoc->GetMMRect(aItr->aEndAddress.Col(), aItr->aEndAddress.Row(),
3233 						aItr->aEndAddress.Col(), aItr->aEndAddress.Row(), aItr->aEndAddress.Tab()));
3234 					rtl::OUString sEndAddress;
3235 					ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromAddress(sEndAddress, aItr->aEndAddress, pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO);
3236 					AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_END_CELL_ADDRESS, sEndAddress);
3237                     if (bNegativePage)
3238                         aEndPoint.X = -aEndRec.Right();
3239                     else
3240 					    aEndPoint.X = aEndRec.Left();
3241 					aEndPoint.Y = aEndRec.Top();
3242 					awt::Point aStartPoint(aItr->xShape->getPosition());
3243 					awt::Size aSize(aItr->xShape->getSize());
3244                     sal_Int32 nEndX;
3245                     if (bNegativePage)
3246 					    nEndX = -aStartPoint.X - aEndPoint.X;
3247                     else
3248 					    nEndX = aStartPoint.X + aSize.Width - aEndPoint.X;
3249 					sal_Int32 nEndY(aStartPoint.Y + aSize.Height - aEndPoint.Y);
3250 					rtl::OUStringBuffer sBuffer;
3251 					GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasure(sBuffer, nEndX);
3252 					AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_END_X, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
3253 					GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasure(sBuffer, nEndY);
3254 					AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_END_Y, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
3255 				}
3256 				ExportShape(aItr->xShape, &aPoint);
3257                 // if there's an error in ExportShape, the attributes from above must be removed
3258                 CheckAttrList();    // asserts in non pro if we have attributes left
3259                 ClearAttrList();    // clears the attributes
3260 			}
3261 			++aItr;
3262 		}
3263 	}
3264 }
WriteTableShapes()3266 void ScXMLExport::WriteTableShapes()
3267 {
3268 	ScMyTableShapes* pTableShapes(pSharedData->GetTableShapes());
3269 	if (pTableShapes && !(*pTableShapes)[nCurrentTable].empty())
3270 	{
3271 		DBG_ASSERT(pTableShapes->size() > static_cast<size_t>(nCurrentTable), "wrong Table");
3272 		SvXMLElementExport aShapesElem(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_SHAPES, sal_True, sal_False);
3273 		ScMyTableXShapes::iterator aItr((*pTableShapes)[nCurrentTable].begin());
3274 		ScMyTableXShapes::iterator aEndItr((*pTableShapes)[nCurrentTable].end());
3275 		while (aItr != aEndItr)
3276 		{
3277 			if (aItr->is())
3278 			{
3279                 if (pDoc->IsNegativePage(static_cast<SCTAB>(nCurrentTable)))
3280                 {
3281                     awt::Point aPoint((*aItr)->getPosition());
3282                     awt::Size aSize((*aItr)->getSize());
3283                     aPoint.X += aPoint.X + aSize.Width;
3284                     aPoint.Y = 0;
3285                     ExportShape(*aItr, &aPoint);
3286                 }
3287                 else
3288 				    ExportShape(*aItr, NULL);
3289 			}
3290 			aItr = (*pTableShapes)[nCurrentTable].erase(aItr);
3291 		}
3292 	}
3293 }
WriteAreaLink(const ScMyCell & rMyCell)3295 void ScXMLExport::WriteAreaLink( const ScMyCell& rMyCell )
3296 {
3297 	if( rMyCell.bHasAreaLink )
3298 	{
3299 		const ScMyAreaLink& rAreaLink = rMyCell.aAreaLink;
3300 		AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NAME, rAreaLink.sSourceStr );
3301         AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_TYPE, XML_SIMPLE );
3302 		AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_HREF, GetRelativeReference(rAreaLink.sURL) );
3303 		AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_FILTER_NAME, rAreaLink.sFilter );
3304 		if( rAreaLink.sFilterOptions.getLength() )
3305 			AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_FILTER_OPTIONS, rAreaLink.sFilterOptions );
3306 		OUStringBuffer sValue;
3307 		SvXMLUnitConverter::convertNumber( sValue, rAreaLink.GetColCount() );
3308 		AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_LAST_COLUMN_SPANNED, sValue.makeStringAndClear() );
3309 		SvXMLUnitConverter::convertNumber( sValue, rAreaLink.GetRowCount() );
3310 		AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_LAST_ROW_SPANNED, sValue.makeStringAndClear() );
3311 		if( rAreaLink.nRefresh )
3312 		{
3313 			SvXMLUnitConverter::convertTime( sValue, (double)rAreaLink.nRefresh / 86400 );
3314 			AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_REFRESH_DELAY, sValue.makeStringAndClear() );
3315 		}
3316 		SvXMLElementExport aElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_CELL_RANGE_SOURCE, sal_True, sal_True );
3317 	}
3318 }
exportAnnotationMeta(const uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> & xShape)3320 void ScXMLExport::exportAnnotationMeta( const uno::Reference < drawing::XShape >& xShape)
3321 {
3322     if (pCurrentCell && pCurrentCell->xNoteShape.is() && pCurrentCell->xNoteShape.get() == xShape.get() && pCurrentCell->xAnnotation.is())
3323     {
3324         rtl::OUString sAuthor(pCurrentCell->xAnnotation->getAuthor());
3325 		if (sAuthor.getLength())
3326         {
3327     	    SvXMLElementExport aCreatorElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_DC,
3328 	    									    XML_CREATOR, sal_True,
3329 		    								    sal_False );
3330 	        Characters(sAuthor);
3331         }
3333 		String aDate(pCurrentCell->xAnnotation->getDate());
3334 		if (pDoc)
3335 		{
3336 			SvNumberFormatter* pNumForm = pDoc->GetFormatTable();
3337 			double fDate;
3338 			sal_uInt32 nfIndex = pNumForm->GetFormatIndex(NF_DATE_SYS_DDMMYYYY, LANGUAGE_SYSTEM);
3339 			if (pNumForm->IsNumberFormat(aDate, nfIndex, fDate))
3340 			{
3341 				rtl::OUStringBuffer sBuf;
3342 				GetMM100UnitConverter().convertDateTime(sBuf, fDate,sal_True);
3343 		        SvXMLElementExport aDateElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_DC,
3344 										        XML_DATE, sal_True,
3345 										        sal_False );
3346     		    Characters(sBuf.makeStringAndClear());
3347 			}
3348 			else
3349             {
3350 		        SvXMLElementExport aDateElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_META,
3351 										        XML_DATE_STRING, sal_True,
3352 										        sal_False );
3353     		    Characters(rtl::OUString(aDate));
3354             }
3355 		}
3356 		else
3357         {
3358 		    SvXMLElementExport aDateElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_META,
3359 										    XML_DATE_STRING, sal_True,
3360 										    sal_False );
3361     		Characters(rtl::OUString(aDate));
3362         }
3363     }
3364 }
WriteAnnotation(ScMyCell & rMyCell)3366 void ScXMLExport::WriteAnnotation(ScMyCell& rMyCell)
3367 {
3368 	if( rMyCell.bHasAnnotation && rMyCell.xAnnotation.is())
3369 	{
3370 /*		rtl::OUString sAuthor(rMyCell.xAnnotation->getAuthor());
3371 		if (sAuthor.getLength())
3372         {
3373     	    SvXMLElementExport aCreatorElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_DC,
3374 	    									    XML_CREATOR, sal_True,
3375 		    								    sal_False );
3376             rtl::OUString sAuthor(sAuthor);
3377 	        Characters(sAuthor);
3378         }
3380 		String aDate(rMyCell.xAnnotation->getDate());
3381 		if (pDoc)
3382 		{
3383 			SvNumberFormatter* pNumForm(pDoc->GetFormatTable());
3384 			double fDate;
3385 			sal_uInt32 nfIndex = pNumForm->GetFormatIndex(NF_DATE_SYS_DDMMYYYY, LANGUAGE_SYSTEM);
3386 			if (pNumForm->IsNumberFormat(aDate, nfIndex, fDate))
3387 			{
3388 				rtl::OUStringBuffer sBuf;
3389 				GetMM100UnitConverter().convertDateTime(sBuf, fDate);
3390 		        SvXMLElementExport aDateElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_DC,
3391 										        XML_DATE, sal_True,
3392 										        sal_False );
3393     		    Characters(sBuf.makeStringAndClear());
3394 			}
3395 			else
3396             {
3397 		        SvXMLElementExport aDateElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_META,
3398 										        XML_DATE_STRING, sal_True,
3399 										        sal_False );
3400     		    Characters(rtl::OUString(aDate));
3401             }
3402 		}
3403 		else
3404         {
3405 		    SvXMLElementExport aDateElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_META,
3406 										    XML_DATE_STRING, sal_True,
3407 										    sal_False );
3408     		Characters(rtl::OUString(aDate));
3409         }*/
3411 		if (rMyCell.xAnnotation->getIsVisible())
3414         pCurrentCell = &rMyCell;
3416         if(rMyCell.xNoteShape.is())
3417             GetShapeExport()->exportShape(rMyCell.xNoteShape, SEF_DEFAULT|SEF_EXPORT_ANNOTATION, NULL);
3419         pCurrentCell = NULL;
3421         rMyCell.xNoteShape.clear();
3422     }
3423 }
WriteDetective(const ScMyCell & rMyCell)3425 void ScXMLExport::WriteDetective( const ScMyCell& rMyCell )
3426 {
3427 	if( rMyCell.bHasDetectiveObj || rMyCell.bHasDetectiveOp )
3428 	{
3429 		const ScMyDetectiveObjVec& rObjVec = rMyCell.aDetectiveObjVec;
3430 		const ScMyDetectiveOpVec& rOpVec = rMyCell.aDetectiveOpVec;
3431 		sal_Int32 nObjCount(rObjVec.size());
3432 		sal_Int32 nOpCount(rOpVec.size());
3433 		if( nObjCount || nOpCount )
3434 		{
3435 			SvXMLElementExport aDetElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_DETECTIVE, sal_True, sal_True );
3436 			OUString sString;
3437             ScMyDetectiveObjVec::const_iterator aObjItr(rObjVec.begin());
3438             ScMyDetectiveObjVec::const_iterator aEndObjItr(rObjVec.end());
3439 			while(aObjItr != aEndObjItr)
3440 			{
3441 				if (aObjItr->eObjType != SC_DETOBJ_CIRCLE)
3442 				{
3443 					if( (aObjItr->eObjType == SC_DETOBJ_ARROW) || (aObjItr->eObjType == SC_DETOBJ_TOOTHERTAB))
3444 					{
3445 						ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromRange( sString, aObjItr->aSourceRange, pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO );
3446 						AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_CELL_RANGE_ADDRESS, sString );
3447 					}
3448 					ScXMLConverter::GetStringFromDetObjType( sString, aObjItr->eObjType );
3449 					AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_DIRECTION, sString );
3450 					if( aObjItr->bHasError )
3452 				}
3453 				else
3455 				SvXMLElementExport aRangeElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_HIGHLIGHTED_RANGE, sal_True, sal_True );
3456                 ++aObjItr;
3457 			}
3458 			OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
3459             ScMyDetectiveOpVec::const_iterator aOpItr(rOpVec.begin());
3460             ScMyDetectiveOpVec::const_iterator aEndOpItr(rOpVec.end());
3461 			while(aOpItr != aEndOpItr)
3462 			{
3463 				OUString sOpString;
3464 				ScXMLConverter::GetStringFromDetOpType( sOpString, aOpItr->eOpType );
3465 				AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NAME, sOpString );
3466 				SvXMLUnitConverter::convertNumber( aBuffer, aOpItr->nIndex );
3467 				AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_INDEX, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear() );
3468 				SvXMLElementExport aRangeElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_OPERATION, sal_True, sal_True );
3469                 ++aOpItr;
3470 			}
3471 		}
3472 	}
3473 }
SetRepeatAttribute(sal_Int32 nEqualCellCount,bool bIncProgress)3475 void ScXMLExport::SetRepeatAttribute(sal_Int32 nEqualCellCount, bool bIncProgress)
3476 {
3477     // nEqualCellCount is additional cells, so the attribute value is nEqualCellCount+1
3478 	if (nEqualCellCount > 0)
3479 	{
3480 		sal_Int32 nTemp(nEqualCellCount + 1);
3481 		OUString sOUEqualCellCount(OUString::valueOf(nTemp));
3482 		AddAttribute(sAttrColumnsRepeated, sOUEqualCellCount);
3483         if (bIncProgress)
3484             IncrementProgressBar(sal_False, nEqualCellCount);
3485 	}
3486 }
IsCellTypeEqual(const ScMyCell & aCell1,const ScMyCell & aCell2) const3488 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsCellTypeEqual (const ScMyCell& aCell1, const ScMyCell& aCell2) const
3489 {
3490 	return (aCell1.nType == aCell2.nType);
3491 }
IsEditCell(const com::sun::star::table::CellAddress & aAddress,ScMyCell * pMyCell) const3493 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsEditCell(const com::sun::star::table::CellAddress& aAddress, ScMyCell* pMyCell) const
3494 {
3495 	ScAddress aCoreAddress(static_cast<SCCOL>(aAddress.Column),
3496 						static_cast<SCROW>(aAddress.Row),
3497 						static_cast<SCTAB>(aAddress.Sheet));
3498 	ScBaseCell* pBaseCell = GetDocument() ? GetDocument()->GetCell(aCoreAddress) : NULL;
3499     if (pMyCell)
3500         pMyCell->pBaseCell = pBaseCell;
3502 	if (pBaseCell)
3503 		return (pBaseCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_EDIT);
3504 	return sal_False;
3505 }
3507 //UNUSED2008-05  sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsEditCell(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference <com::sun::star::table::XCell>& xCell) const
3508 //UNUSED2008-05  {
3509 //UNUSED2008-05      uno::Reference<sheet::XCellAddressable> xAddressable (xCell, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3510 //UNUSED2008-05      if ( xAddressable.is() )
3511 //UNUSED2008-05          return IsEditCell(xAddressable->getCellAddress());
3512 //UNUSED2008-05      return sal_False;
3513 //UNUSED2008-05  }
IsEditCell(ScMyCell & rCell) const3515 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsEditCell(ScMyCell& rCell) const
3516 {
3517 	if (rCell.bKnowWhetherIsEditCell)
3518 		return rCell.bIsEditCell;
3519 	else
3520 	{
3521  		rCell.bIsEditCell = IsEditCell(rCell.aCellAddress, &rCell);
3522 		rCell.bKnowWhetherIsEditCell = sal_True;
3523 		return rCell.bIsEditCell;
3524 	}
3525 }
IsMultiLineFormulaCell(ScMyCell & rCell) const3527 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsMultiLineFormulaCell(ScMyCell& rCell) const
3528 {
3529     if (rCell.pBaseCell)
3530     {
3531         if (rCell.pBaseCell->GetCellType() != CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
3532             return false;
3534         return static_cast<ScFormulaCell*>(rCell.pBaseCell)->IsMultilineResult();
3535     }
3537     ScAddress aAddr(static_cast<SCCOL>(rCell.aCellAddress.Column),
3538                     static_cast<SCROW>(rCell.aCellAddress.Row),
3539                     static_cast<SCTAB>(rCell.aCellAddress.Sheet));
3540     ScBaseCell* pBaseCell = pDoc ? pDoc->GetCell(aAddr) : NULL;
3541     if (!pBaseCell)
3542         return false;
3544     rCell.pBaseCell = pBaseCell;
3545     if (rCell.pBaseCell->GetCellType() != CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
3546         return false;
3548     return static_cast<ScFormulaCell*>(rCell.pBaseCell)->IsMultilineResult();
3549 }
3551 //UNUSED2008-05  sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsAnnotationEqual(const uno::Reference<table::XCell>& /* xCell1 */,
3552 //UNUSED2008-05                                          const uno::Reference<table::XCell>& /* xCell2 */)
3553 //UNUSED2008-05  {
3554 //UNUSED2008-05      // no longer compareable, because the position and size and other attributes can also differ
3555 //UNUSED2008-05
3556 //UNUSED2008-05  /*	uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetAnnotationAnchor> xSheetAnnotationAnchor1(xCell1, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3557 //UNUSED2008-05      uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetAnnotationAnchor> xSheetAnnotationAnchor2(xCell2, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3558 //UNUSED2008-05      if (xSheetAnnotationAnchor1.is() && xSheetAnnotationAnchor2.is())
3559 //UNUSED2008-05      {
3560 //UNUSED2008-05          uno::Reference <sheet::XSheetAnnotation> xSheetAnnotation1(xSheetAnnotationAnchor1->getAnnotation());
3561 //UNUSED2008-05          uno::Reference <sheet::XSheetAnnotation> xSheetAnnotation2(xSheetAnnotationAnchor2->getAnnotation());
3562 //UNUSED2008-05          uno::Reference<text::XSimpleText> xSimpleText1(xSheetAnnotation1, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3563 //UNUSED2008-05          uno::Reference<text::XSimpleText> xSimpleText2(xSheetAnnotation2, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3564 //UNUSED2008-05          if (xSheetAnnotation1.is() && xSimpleText1.is() &&
3565 //UNUSED2008-05              xSheetAnnotation2.is() && xSimpleText2.is())
3566 //UNUSED2008-05          {
3567 //UNUSED2008-05              rtl::OUString sText1(xSimpleText1->getString());
3568 //UNUSED2008-05              rtl::OUString sText2(xSimpleText2->getString());
3569 //UNUSED2008-05              sal_Int32 nLength1(sText1.getLength());
3570 //UNUSED2008-05              sal_Int32 nLength2(sText2.getLength());
3571 //UNUSED2008-05              if (nLength1 && nLength2)
3572 //UNUSED2008-05                  if (sText1 == sText2 &&
3573 //UNUSED2008-05                      xSheetAnnotation1->getAuthor() == xSheetAnnotation2->getAuthor() &&
3574 //UNUSED2008-05                      xSheetAnnotation1->getDate() == xSheetAnnotation2->getDate() &&
3575 //UNUSED2008-05                      xSheetAnnotation1->getIsVisible() == xSheetAnnotation2->getIsVisible())
3576 //UNUSED2008-05                      return sal_True;
3577 //UNUSED2008-05                  else
3578 //UNUSED2008-05                      return sal_False;
3579 //UNUSED2008-05              else
3580 //UNUSED2008-05                  if (nLength1 || nLength2)
3581 //UNUSED2008-05                      return sal_False;
3582 //UNUSED2008-05                  else
3583 //UNUSED2008-05                      return sal_True;
3584 //UNUSED2008-05          }
3585 //UNUSED2008-05      }*/
3586 //UNUSED2008-05      return sal_False;
3587 //UNUSED2008-05  }
IsCellEqual(ScMyCell & aCell1,ScMyCell & aCell2)3589 sal_Bool ScXMLExport::IsCellEqual (ScMyCell& aCell1, ScMyCell& aCell2)
3590 {
3591     ScAddress aCellPos1;
3592     ScUnoConversion::FillScAddress( aCellPos1, aCell1.aCellAddress );
3593     ScAddress aCellPos2;
3594     ScUnoConversion::FillScAddress( aCellPos2, aCell2.aCellAddress );
3595 	sal_Bool bIsEqual = sal_False;
3596 	if( !aCell1.bIsMergedBase && !aCell2.bIsMergedBase &&
3597 		aCell1.bIsCovered == aCell2.bIsCovered &&
3598 		!aCell1.bIsMatrixBase && !aCell2.bIsMatrixBase &&
3599 		aCell1.bIsMatrixCovered == aCell2.bIsMatrixCovered &&
3600 		aCell1.bHasAnnotation == aCell2.bHasAnnotation &&
3601 		!aCell1.bHasShape && !aCell2.bHasShape &&
3602 		aCell1.bHasAreaLink == aCell2.bHasAreaLink &&
3603 		!aCell1.bHasDetectiveObj && !aCell2.bHasDetectiveObj)
3604 	{
3605 		if( (aCell1.bHasAreaLink &&
3606 			(aCell1.aAreaLink.GetColCount() == 1) &&
3607 			(aCell2.aAreaLink.GetColCount() == 1) &&
3608 			aCell1.aAreaLink.Compare( aCell2.aAreaLink ) ) ||
3609 			!aCell1.bHasAreaLink )
3610 		{
3611 			if (!aCell1.bHasAnnotation || (aCell1.bHasAnnotation && sal_False/*IsAnnotationEqual(aCell1.xCell, aCell2.xCell)*/)) // no longer compareable
3612 			{
3613 				if ((((aCell1.nStyleIndex == aCell2.nStyleIndex) && (aCell1.bIsAutoStyle == aCell2.bIsAutoStyle)) ||
3614 					 ((aCell1.nStyleIndex == aCell2.nStyleIndex) && (aCell1.nStyleIndex == -1))) &&
3615 					(aCell1.nValidationIndex == aCell2.nValidationIndex) &&
3616 					IsCellTypeEqual(aCell1, aCell2))
3617 				{
3618 					switch ( aCell1.nType )
3619 					{
3620 					case table::CellContentType_EMPTY :
3621 						{
3622 							bIsEqual = sal_True;
3623 						}
3624 						break;
3625 					case table::CellContentType_VALUE :
3626 						{
3627 							if(!aCell1.bHasDoubleValue)
3628 							{
3629 								aCell1.fValue = pDoc->GetValue( aCellPos1 );
3630 								aCell1.bHasDoubleValue = sal_True;
3631 							}
3632 							if (!aCell2.bHasDoubleValue)
3633 							{
3634 								aCell2.fValue = pDoc->GetValue( aCellPos2 );
3635 								aCell2.bHasDoubleValue = sal_True;
3636 							}
3637                             // #i29101# number format may be different from column default styles,
3638                             // but can lead to different value types, so it must also be compared
3639                             bIsEqual = (aCell1.nNumberFormat == aCell2.nNumberFormat) &&
3640                                        (aCell1.fValue == aCell2.fValue);
3641 						}
3642 						break;
3643 					case table::CellContentType_TEXT :
3644 						{
3645 							if (IsEditCell(aCell1) || IsEditCell(aCell2))
3646 								bIsEqual = sal_False;
3647 							else
3648 							{
3649 								if (GetCellText(aCell1, aCellPos1) && GetCellText(aCell2, aCellPos2))
3650 								{
3651 									bIsEqual = (aCell1.sStringValue == aCell2.sStringValue) &&
3652                                                (lcl_GetRawString(pDoc, aCellPos1) == lcl_GetRawString(pDoc, aCellPos2));
3653 								}
3654 								else
3655 									bIsEqual = sal_False;
3656 							}
3657 						}
3658 						break;
3659 					case table::CellContentType_FORMULA :
3660 						{
3661 							bIsEqual = sal_False;
3662 						}
3663 						break;
3664 					default :
3665 						{
3666 							bIsEqual = sal_False;
3667 						}
3668 						break;
3669 					}
3670 				}
3671 			}
3672 		}
3673 	}
3674 	return bIsEqual;
3675 }
WriteCalculationSettings(const uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument> & xSpreadDoc)3677 void ScXMLExport::WriteCalculationSettings(const uno::Reference <sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument>& xSpreadDoc)
3678 {
3679 	uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xPropertySet(xSpreadDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3680 	if (xPropertySet.is())
3681 	{
3682 		sal_Bool bCalcAsShown (::cppu::any2bool( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_CALCASSHOWN))) ));
3683 		sal_Bool bIgnoreCase (::cppu::any2bool( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_IGNORECASE))) ));
3684 		sal_Bool bLookUpLabels (::cppu::any2bool( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_LOOKUPLABELS))) ));
3685 		sal_Bool bMatchWholeCell (::cppu::any2bool( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_MATCHWHOLE))) ));
3686 		sal_Bool bUseRegularExpressions (::cppu::any2bool( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_REGEXENABLED))) ));
3687 		sal_Bool bIsIterationEnabled (::cppu::any2bool( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_ITERENABLED))) ));
3688 		sal_uInt16 nYear2000 (pDoc ? pDoc->GetDocOptions().GetYear2000() : 0);
3689 		sal_Int32 nIterationCount(100);
3690 		xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_ITERCOUNT))) >>= nIterationCount;
3691 		double fIterationEpsilon = 0;
3692 		xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_ITEREPSILON))) >>= fIterationEpsilon;
3693 		util::Date aNullDate;
3694 		xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_NULLDATE))) >>= aNullDate;
3695 		if (bCalcAsShown || bIgnoreCase || !bLookUpLabels || !bMatchWholeCell || !bUseRegularExpressions ||
3696 			bIsIterationEnabled || nIterationCount != 100 || !::rtl::math::approxEqual(fIterationEpsilon, 0.001) ||
3697 			aNullDate.Day != 30 || aNullDate.Month != 12 || aNullDate.Year != 1899 || nYear2000 != 1930)
3698 		{
3699 			if (bIgnoreCase)
3701 			if (bCalcAsShown)
3703 			if (!bMatchWholeCell)
3705 			if (!bLookUpLabels)
3707 			if (!bUseRegularExpressions)
3709 			if (nYear2000 != 1930)
3710 			{
3711 				rtl::OUStringBuffer sBuffer;
3712 				GetMM100UnitConverter().convertNumber(sBuffer, nYear2000);
3713 				AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NULL_YEAR, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
3714 			}
3715 			SvXMLElementExport aCalcSettings(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_CALCULATION_SETTINGS, sal_True, sal_True);
3716 			{
3717 				if (aNullDate.Day != 30 || aNullDate.Month != 12 || aNullDate.Year != 1899)
3718 				{
3719 					rtl::OUStringBuffer sDate;
3720 					GetMM100UnitConverter().convertDateTime(sDate, 0.0, aNullDate);
3721 					AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_DATE_VALUE, sDate.makeStringAndClear());
3722 					SvXMLElementExport aElemNullDate(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NULL_DATE, sal_True, sal_True);
3723 				}
3724 				if (bIsIterationEnabled || nIterationCount != 100 || !::rtl::math::approxEqual(fIterationEpsilon, 0.001))
3725 				{
3726 					rtl::OUStringBuffer sBuffer;
3727 					if (bIsIterationEnabled)
3729 					if (nIterationCount != 100)
3730 					{
3731 						GetMM100UnitConverter().convertNumber(sBuffer, nIterationCount);
3732 						AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_STEPS, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
3733 					}
3734 					if (!::rtl::math::approxEqual(fIterationEpsilon, 0.001))
3735 					{
3736 						GetMM100UnitConverter().convertDouble(sBuffer, fIterationEpsilon);
3737 						AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_MAXIMUM_DIFFERENCE, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
3738 					}
3739 					SvXMLElementExport aElemIteration(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_ITERATION, sal_True, sal_True);
3740 				}
3741 			}
3742 		}
3743 	}
3744 }
WriteTableSource()3746 void ScXMLExport::WriteTableSource()
3747 {
3748 	uno::Reference <sheet::XSheetLinkable> xLinkable (xCurrentTable, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3749 	if (xLinkable.is() && GetModel().is())
3750 	{
3751 		sheet::SheetLinkMode nMode (xLinkable->getLinkMode());
3752 		if (nMode != sheet::SheetLinkMode_NONE)
3753 		{
3754 			rtl::OUString sLink (xLinkable->getLinkUrl());
3755 			uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xProps (GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3756 			if (xProps.is())
3757 			{
3758                 uno::Reference <container::XIndexAccess> xIndex(xProps->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_SHEETLINKS))), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3759 				if (xIndex.is())
3760 				{
3761 					sal_Int32 nCount(xIndex->getCount());
3762 					if (nCount)
3763 					{
3764 						sal_Bool bFound(sal_False);
3765 						uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xLinkProps;
3766 						for (sal_Int32 i = 0; (i < nCount) && !bFound; ++i)
3767 						{
3768                             xLinkProps.set(xIndex->getByIndex(i), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3769 							if (xLinkProps.is())
3770 							{
3771 								rtl::OUString sNewLink;
3772 								if (xLinkProps->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNONAME_LINKURL))) >>= sNewLink)
3773 									bFound = sLink.equals(sNewLink);
3774 							}
3775 						}
3776 						if (bFound && xLinkProps.is())
3777 						{
3778 							rtl::OUString sFilter;
3779 							rtl::OUString sFilterOptions;
3780 							rtl::OUString sTableName (xLinkable->getLinkSheetName());
3781 							sal_Int32 nRefresh(0);
3782 							xLinkProps->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNONAME_FILTER))) >>= sFilter;
3783 							xLinkProps->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNONAME_FILTOPT))) >>= sFilterOptions;
3784 							xLinkProps->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNONAME_REFDELAY))) >>= nRefresh;
3785 							if (sLink.getLength())
3786 							{
3787                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_TYPE, XML_SIMPLE);
3788 								AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_HREF, GetRelativeReference(sLink));
3789 								if (sTableName.getLength())
3790 									AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_NAME, sTableName);
3791 								if (sFilter.getLength())
3792 									AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_FILTER_NAME, sFilter);
3793 								if (sFilterOptions.getLength())
3794 									AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_FILTER_OPTIONS, sFilterOptions);
3795 								if (nMode != sheet::SheetLinkMode_NORMAL)
3797 								if( nRefresh )
3798 								{
3799 									rtl::OUStringBuffer sBuffer;
3800 									SvXMLUnitConverter::convertTime( sBuffer, (double)nRefresh / 86400 );
3801 									AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_REFRESH_DELAY, sBuffer.makeStringAndClear() );
3802 								}
3803 								SvXMLElementExport aSourceElem(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_SOURCE, sal_True, sal_True);
3804 							}
3805 						}
3806 					}
3807 				}
3808 			}
3809 		}
3810 	}
3811 }
3813 // core implementation
WriteScenario()3814 void ScXMLExport::WriteScenario()
3815 {
3816 	if (pDoc && pDoc->IsScenario(static_cast<SCTAB>(nCurrentTable)))
3817 	{
3818 		String		sComment;
3819 		Color		aColor;
3820 		sal_uInt16	nFlags;
3821 		pDoc->GetScenarioData(static_cast<SCTAB>(nCurrentTable), sComment, aColor, nFlags);
3822 		if (!(nFlags & SC_SCENARIO_SHOWFRAME))
3824 		rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
3825 		SvXMLUnitConverter::convertColor(aBuffer, aColor);
3826 		AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_BORDER_COLOR, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
3827 		if (!(nFlags & SC_SCENARIO_TWOWAY))
3829 		if (!(nFlags & SC_SCENARIO_ATTRIB))
3831 		if (nFlags & SC_SCENARIO_VALUE)
3833         if (nFlags & SC_SCENARIO_PROTECT)
3834             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_PROTECTED, XML_TRUE);
3835 		SvXMLUnitConverter::convertBool(aBuffer, pDoc->IsActiveScenario(static_cast<SCTAB>(nCurrentTable)));
3836 		AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_IS_ACTIVE, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
3837 		const ScRangeList* pRangeList = pDoc->GetScenarioRanges(static_cast<SCTAB>(nCurrentTable));
3838 		rtl::OUString sRangeListStr;
3839 		ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromRangeList( sRangeListStr, pRangeList, pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO );
3841 		if (sComment.Len())
3842 			AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_COMMENT, rtl::OUString(sComment));
3843 		SvXMLElementExport aElem(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_SCENARIO, sal_True, sal_True);
3844 	}
3845 }
WriteTheLabelRanges(const uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument> & xSpreadDoc)3847 void ScXMLExport::WriteTheLabelRanges( const uno::Reference< sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument >& xSpreadDoc )
3848 {
3849 	uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xDocProp( xSpreadDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
3850 	if( !xDocProp.is() ) return;
3852 	sal_Int32 nCount(0);
3853     uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xColRangesIAccess(xDocProp->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( SC_UNO_COLLABELRNG ) ) ), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3854 	if( xColRangesIAccess.is() )
3855 		nCount += xColRangesIAccess->getCount();
3857     uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess > xRowRangesIAccess(xDocProp->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( SC_UNO_ROWLABELRNG ) ) ), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3858 	if( xRowRangesIAccess.is() )
3859 		nCount += xRowRangesIAccess->getCount();
3861 	if( nCount )
3862 	{
3863 		SvXMLElementExport aElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_LABEL_RANGES, sal_True, sal_True );
3864 		WriteLabelRanges( xColRangesIAccess, sal_True );
3865 		WriteLabelRanges( xRowRangesIAccess, sal_False );
3866 	}
3867 }
WriteLabelRanges(const uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> & xRangesIAccess,sal_Bool bColumn)3869 void ScXMLExport::WriteLabelRanges( const uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess >& xRangesIAccess, sal_Bool bColumn )
3870 {
3871 	if( !xRangesIAccess.is() ) return;
3873 	sal_Int32 nCount(xRangesIAccess->getCount());
3874 	for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex )
3875 	{
3876         uno::Reference< sheet::XLabelRange > xRange(xRangesIAccess->getByIndex( nIndex ), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3877 		if( xRange.is() )
3878 		{
3879 			OUString sRangeStr;
3880 			table::CellRangeAddress aCellRange( xRange->getLabelArea() );
3881 			ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromRange( sRangeStr, aCellRange, pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO );
3883 			aCellRange = xRange->getDataArea();
3884 			ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromRange( sRangeStr, aCellRange, pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO );
3887 			SvXMLElementExport aElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_LABEL_RANGE, sal_True, sal_True );
3888 		}
3889 	}
3890 }
WriteNamedExpressions(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument> & xSpreadDoc,sal_Int16 nWhichTable)3892 void ScXMLExport::WriteNamedExpressions(const com::sun::star::uno::Reference <com::sun::star::sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument>& xSpreadDoc, sal_Int16 nWhichTable)
3893 {
3894 	uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xPropertySet (xSpreadDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3895 	if (xPropertySet.is())
3896 	{
3897         uno::Reference <sheet::XNamedRanges2> xNamedRanges(xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(SC_UNO_NAMEDRANGES))), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3898 		CheckAttrList();
3899 		if (xNamedRanges.is())
3900 		{
3901 			uno::Sequence <sheet::RangeScopeName> aRangesNames(xNamedRanges->getElementScopeNames());//modified 20091211, range scope name support
3902 			sal_Int32 nNamedRangesCount(aRangesNames.getLength());
3903 			if (nNamedRangesCount > 0)
3904 			{
3905 				if (pDoc)
3906 				{
3907 					ScRangeName* pNamedRanges(pDoc->GetRangeName());
3908 					SvXMLElementExport aElemNEs(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NAMED_EXPRESSIONS, sal_True, sal_True);
3909 					for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nNamedRangesCount; ++i)
3910 					{
3911 						CheckAttrList();
3912 						//range scope name support -start
3913 						rtl::OUString sNamedRange(aRangesNames[i].RangeName);
3914 						rtl::OUString sRangeScope(aRangesNames[i].ScopeName);
3915 						SCTAB nScopeNumber = MAXTABCOUNT;
3916 						String sScopeStr(sRangeScope);
3917 						if(sScopeStr !=EMPTY_STRING)
3918 						{
3919 							pDoc->GetTable(sScopeStr,nScopeNumber);
3920 							if( nWhichTable != nScopeNumber || nScopeNumber ==MAXTABCOUNT)
3921 								continue;
3922 						}
3923 						else if( nWhichTable !=MAXTABCOUNT)
3924 							continue;
3925                         uno::Reference <sheet::XNamedRange2> xNamedRange(xNamedRanges->getByScopeName(sRangeScope,sNamedRange), uno::UNO_QUERY);
3926 						//range scope name support
3927 						if (xNamedRange.is())
3928 						{
3929 							uno::Reference <container::XNamed> xNamed (xNamedRange, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3930 							uno::Reference <sheet::XCellRangeReferrer> xCellRangeReferrer (xNamedRange, uno::UNO_QUERY);
3931 							if (xNamed.is() && xCellRangeReferrer.is())
3932 							{
3933 								rtl::OUString sOUName(xNamed->getName());
3935 								AddAttribute(sAttrName, sOUName);
3937 								OUString sOUBaseCellAddress;
3938 								ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromAddress( sOUBaseCellAddress,
3939 									xNamedRange->getReferencePosition(), pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, ' ', sal_False, SCA_ABS_3D );
3940 								AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_BASE_CELL_ADDRESS, sOUBaseCellAddress);
3942 								sal_uInt16 nRangeIndex;
3943 								String sName(sOUName);
3944 								//range scope name support -start
3945 								SCTAB nScopeName = MAXTABCOUNT;
3946 								String sScopeName(sRangeScope);
3947 								if(sScopeName !=EMPTY_STRING)
3948 								{
3949 									pDoc->GetTable(sScopeName,nScopeName);
3950 								}
3951 								pNamedRanges->SearchName(sName, nRangeIndex,nScopeName);
3952 								//range scope name support - end
3953 								ScRangeData* pNamedRange((*pNamedRanges)[nRangeIndex]); //should get directly and not with ScDocument
3954 								String sContent;
3955 								pNamedRange->GetSymbol(sContent, pDoc->GetStorageGrammar());
3956 								rtl::OUString sOUTempContent(sContent);
3957 								uno::Reference <table::XCellRange> xCellRange(xCellRangeReferrer->getReferredCells());
3958 								if(xCellRange.is())
3959 								{
3960 									rtl::OUString sOUContent(sOUTempContent.copy(1, sOUTempContent.getLength() - 2));
3961 									AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_CELL_RANGE_ADDRESS, sOUContent);
3962 									sal_Int32 nRangeType(xNamedRange->getType());
3963 									rtl::OUStringBuffer sBufferRangeType;
3964 									if ((nRangeType & sheet::NamedRangeFlag::COLUMN_HEADER) == sheet::NamedRangeFlag::COLUMN_HEADER)
3965 										sBufferRangeType.append(GetXMLToken(XML_REPEAT_COLUMN));
3966 									if ((nRangeType & sheet::NamedRangeFlag::ROW_HEADER) == sheet::NamedRangeFlag::ROW_HEADER)
3967 									{
3968 										if (sBufferRangeType.getLength() > 0)
3969 											sBufferRangeType.appendAscii(" ");
3970 										sBufferRangeType.append(GetXMLToken(XML_REPEAT_ROW));
3971 									}
3972 									if ((nRangeType & sheet::NamedRangeFlag::FILTER_CRITERIA) == sheet::NamedRangeFlag::FILTER_CRITERIA)
3973 									{
3974 										if (sBufferRangeType.getLength() > 0)
3975 											sBufferRangeType.appendAscii(" ");
3976 										sBufferRangeType.append(GetXMLToken(XML_FILTER));
3977 									}
3978 									if ((nRangeType & sheet::NamedRangeFlag::PRINT_AREA) == sheet::NamedRangeFlag::PRINT_AREA)
3979 									{
3980 										if (sBufferRangeType.getLength() > 0)
3981 											sBufferRangeType.appendAscii(" ");
3982 										sBufferRangeType.append(GetXMLToken(XML_PRINT_RANGE));
3983 									}
3984 									rtl::OUString sRangeType = sBufferRangeType.makeStringAndClear();
3985 									if (sRangeType.getLength())
3986 										AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_RANGE_USABLE_AS, sRangeType);
3987 									SvXMLElementExport aElemNR(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NAMED_RANGE, sal_True, sal_True);
3988 								}
3989 								else
3990 								{
3991 									AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_EXPRESSION, sOUTempContent);
3992 									SvXMLElementExport aElemNE(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NAMED_EXPRESSION, sal_True, sal_True);
3993 								}
3994 							}
3995 						}
3996 					}
3997 				}
3998 			}
3999 		}
4000 	}
4001 }
WriteExternalRefCaches()4003 void ScXMLExport::WriteExternalRefCaches()
4004 {
4005     if (!pDoc)
4006         return;
4008     ScExternalRefManager* pRefMgr = pDoc->GetExternalRefManager();
4009     pRefMgr->resetSrcFileData(GetOrigFileName());
4010     sal_uInt16 nCount = pRefMgr->getExternalFileCount();
4011     for (sal_uInt16 nFileId = 0; nFileId < nCount; ++nFileId)
4012     {
4013         const String* pUrl = pRefMgr->getExternalFileName(nFileId);
4014         if (!pUrl)
4015             continue;
4017         vector<String> aTabNames;
4018         pRefMgr->getAllCachedTableNames(nFileId, aTabNames);
4019         if (aTabNames.empty())
4020             continue;
4022         for (vector<String>::const_iterator itr = aTabNames.begin(), itrEnd = aTabNames.end();
4023               itr != itrEnd; ++itr)
4024         {
4025             ScExternalRefCache::TableTypeRef pTable = pRefMgr->getCacheTable(nFileId, *itr, false);
4026             if (!pTable.get() || !pTable->isReferenced())
4027                 continue;
4029             OUStringBuffer aBuf;
4030             aBuf.append(sal_Unicode('\''));
4031             aBuf.append(*pUrl);
4032             aBuf.append(sal_Unicode('\''));
4033             aBuf.append(sal_Unicode('#'));
4034             aBuf.append(*itr);
4035             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NAME, aBuf.makeStringAndClear());
4036             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_PRINT, GetXMLToken(XML_FALSE));
4037             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_STYLE_NAME, sExternalRefTabStyleName);
4038             SvXMLElementExport aElemTable(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE, sal_True, sal_True);
4039             {
4040                 const ScExternalRefManager::SrcFileData* pExtFileData = pRefMgr->getExternalFileData(nFileId);
4041                 if (pExtFileData)
4042                 {
4043                     String aRelUrl;
4044                     if (pExtFileData->maRelativeName.Len())
4045                         aRelUrl = pExtFileData->maRelativeName;
4046                     else
4047                         aRelUrl = GetRelativeReference(pExtFileData->maRelativeName);
4048                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_TYPE, XML_SIMPLE);
4049                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_XLINK, XML_HREF, aRelUrl);
4050                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_NAME, *itr);
4051                     if (pExtFileData->maFilterName.Len())
4052                         AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_FILTER_NAME, pExtFileData->maFilterName);
4053                     if (pExtFileData->maFilterOptions.Len())
4054                         AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_FILTER_OPTIONS, pExtFileData->maFilterOptions);
4055                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_MODE, XML_COPY_RESULTS_ONLY);
4056                 }
4057                 SvXMLElementExport aElemTableSource(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_SOURCE, sal_True, sal_True);
4058             }
4060             // Determine maximum column count of used area, for repeated cells.
4061             SCCOL nMaxColsUsed = 1;     // assume that there is at least one cell somewhere..
4062             vector<SCROW> aRows;
4063             pTable->getAllRows(aRows);
4064             for (vector<SCROW>::const_iterator itrRow = aRows.begin(), itrRowEnd = aRows.end();
4065                   itrRow != itrRowEnd; ++itrRow)
4066             {
4067                 SCROW nRow = *itrRow;
4068                 vector<SCCOL> aCols;
4069                 pTable->getAllCols(nRow, aCols);
4070                 if (!aCols.empty())
4071                 {
4072                     SCCOL nCol = aCols.back();
4073                     if (nMaxColsUsed <= nCol)
4074                         nMaxColsUsed = nCol + 1;
4075                 }
4076             }
4078             // Column definitions have to be present to make a valid file
4079             {
4080                 if (nMaxColsUsed > 1)
4081                     AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_COLUMNS_REPEATED,
4082                                     OUString::valueOf(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nMaxColsUsed)));
4083                 SvXMLElementExport aElemColumn(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_COLUMN, sal_True, sal_True);
4084             }
4086             // Write cache content for this table.
4087             SCROW nLastRow = 0;
4088             bool bFirstRow = true;
4089             for (vector<SCROW>::const_iterator itrRow = aRows.begin(), itrRowEnd = aRows.end();
4090                   itrRow != itrRowEnd; ++itrRow)
4091             {
4092                 SCROW nRow = *itrRow;
4093                 if (bFirstRow)
4094                 {
4095                     if (nRow > 0)
4096                     {
4097                         if (nRow > 1)
4098                         {
4099                             OUStringBuffer aVal;
4100                             aVal.append(nRow);
4101                             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_ROWS_REPEATED, aVal.makeStringAndClear());
4102                         }
4103                         SvXMLElementExport aElemRow(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_ROW, sal_True, sal_True);
4104                         OUStringBuffer aVal;
4105                         aVal.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nMaxColsUsed));
4106                         AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE,  XML_NUMBER_COLUMNS_REPEATED, aVal.makeStringAndClear());
4107                         SvXMLElementExport aElemCell(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_CELL, sal_True, sal_True);
4108                     }
4109                 }
4110                 else
4111                 {
4112                     SCROW nRowGap = nRow - nLastRow;
4113                     if (nRowGap > 1)
4114                     {
4115                         if (nRowGap > 2)
4116                         {
4117                             OUStringBuffer aVal;
4118                             aVal.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nRowGap-1));
4119                             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_ROWS_REPEATED, aVal.makeStringAndClear());
4120                         }
4121                         SvXMLElementExport aElemRow(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_ROW, sal_True, sal_True);
4122                         OUStringBuffer aVal;
4123                         aVal.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nMaxColsUsed));
4124                         AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE,  XML_NUMBER_COLUMNS_REPEATED, aVal.makeStringAndClear());
4125                         SvXMLElementExport aElemCell(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_CELL, sal_True, sal_True);
4126                     }
4127                 }
4128                 SvXMLElementExport aElemRow(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_ROW, sal_True, sal_True);
4130                 vector<SCCOL> aCols;
4131                 pTable->getAllCols(nRow, aCols);
4132                 SCCOL nLastCol = 0;
4133                 bool bFirstCol = true;
4134                 for (vector<SCCOL>::const_iterator itrCol = aCols.begin(), itrColEnd = aCols.end();
4135                       itrCol != itrColEnd; ++itrCol)
4136                 {
4137                     SCCOL nCol = *itrCol;
4138                     if (bFirstCol)
4139                     {
4140                         if (nCol > 0)
4141                         {
4142                             if (nCol > 1)
4143                             {
4144                                 OUStringBuffer aVal;
4145                                 aVal.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nCol));
4146                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_COLUMNS_REPEATED, aVal.makeStringAndClear());
4147                             }
4148                             SvXMLElementExport aElemCell(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_CELL, sal_True, sal_True);
4149                         }
4150                     }
4151                     else
4152                     {
4153                         SCCOL nColGap = nCol - nLastCol;
4154                         if (nColGap > 1)
4155                         {
4156                             if (nColGap > 2)
4157                             {
4158                                 OUStringBuffer aVal;
4159                                 aVal.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nColGap-1));
4160                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_NUMBER_COLUMNS_REPEATED, aVal.makeStringAndClear());
4161                             }
4162                             SvXMLElementExport aElemCell(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_CELL, sal_True, sal_True);
4163                         }
4164                     }
4166                     // Write out this cell.
4167                     sal_uInt32 nNumFmt = 0;
4168                     ScExternalRefCache::TokenRef pToken = pTable->getCell(nCol, nRow, &nNumFmt);
4169                     OUString aStrVal;
4170                     if (pToken.get())
4171                     {
4172                         sal_Int32 nIndex = GetNumberFormatStyleIndex(nNumFmt);
4173                         if (nIndex >= 0)
4174                         {
4175                             const OUString aStyleName = *pCellStyles->GetStyleNameByIndex(nIndex, true);
4176                             AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_STYLE_NAME, aStyleName);
4177                         }
4179                         switch(pToken->GetType())
4180                         {
4181                             case svDouble:
4182                             {
4183                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_OFFICE, XML_VALUE_TYPE, XML_FLOAT);
4184                                 OUStringBuffer aVal;
4185                                 aVal.append(pToken->GetDouble());
4186                                 aStrVal = aVal.makeStringAndClear();
4187                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_OFFICE, XML_VALUE, aStrVal);
4188                             }
4189                             break;
4190                             case svString:
4191                             {
4192                                 AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_OFFICE, XML_VALUE_TYPE, XML_STRING);
4193                                 aStrVal = pToken->GetString();
4194                             }
4195                             break;
4196                             default:
4197                                 ;
4198                         }
4199                     }
4200                     SvXMLElementExport aElemCell(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_TABLE_CELL, sal_True, sal_True);
4201                     SvXMLElementExport aElemText(*this, XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_P, sal_True, sal_False);
4202                     Characters(aStrVal);
4204                     nLastCol = nCol;
4205                     bFirstCol = false;
4206                 }
4207                 nLastRow = nRow;
4208                 bFirstRow = false;
4209             }
4210         }
4211     }
4212 }
4214 // core implementation
WriteConsolidation()4215 void ScXMLExport::WriteConsolidation()
4216 {
4217 	if (pDoc)
4218 	{
4219 		const ScConsolidateParam* pCons(pDoc->GetConsolidateDlgData());
4220 		if( pCons )
4221 		{
4222 			OUString sStrData;
4224 			ScXMLConverter::GetStringFromFunction( sStrData, pCons->eFunction );
4225 			AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_FUNCTION, sStrData );
4227 			sStrData = OUString();
4228 			for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < pCons->nDataAreaCount; ++nIndex )
4229 				ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromArea( sStrData, *pCons->ppDataAreas[ nIndex ], pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, sal_True );
4232 			ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromAddress( sStrData, ScAddress( pCons->nCol, pCons->nRow, pCons->nTab ), pDoc, FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO );
4235 			if( pCons->bByCol && !pCons->bByRow )
4237 			else if( !pCons->bByCol && pCons->bByRow )
4239 			else if( pCons->bByCol && pCons->bByRow )
4242 			if( pCons->bReferenceData )
4245 			SvXMLElementExport aElem( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_TABLE, XML_CONSOLIDATION, sal_True, sal_True );
4246 		}
4247 	}
4248 }
CreateAutoStylePool()4250 SvXMLAutoStylePoolP* ScXMLExport::CreateAutoStylePool()
4251 {
4252 	return new ScXMLAutoStylePoolP(*this);
4253 }
CreatePageExport()4255 XMLPageExport* ScXMLExport::CreatePageExport()
4256 {
4257 	return new XMLTableMasterPageExport( *this );
4258 }
GetChangeTrackViewSettings(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> & rProps)4260 void ScXMLExport::GetChangeTrackViewSettings(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& rProps)
4261 {
4262 	ScChangeViewSettings* pViewSettings(GetDocument() ? GetDocument()->GetChangeViewSettings() : NULL);
4263 	if (pViewSettings)
4264 	{
4265 		sal_Int32 nChangePos(rProps.getLength());
4266 		rProps.realloc(nChangePos + 1);
4267 		beans::PropertyValue* pProps(rProps.getArray());
4268 		if (pProps)
4269 		{
4270 			uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aChangeProps(SC_VIEWCHANGES_COUNT);
4271 			beans::PropertyValue* pChangeProps(aChangeProps.getArray());
4272 			if (pChangeProps)
4273 			{
4274 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChanges"));
4275 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES].Value <<= pViewSettings->ShowChanges();
4276 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_ACCEPTED_CHANGES].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowAcceptedChanges"));
4277 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_ACCEPTED_CHANGES].Value <<= pViewSettings->IsShowAccepted();
4278 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_REJECTED_CHANGES].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowRejectedChanges"));
4279 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_REJECTED_CHANGES].Value <<= pViewSettings->IsShowRejected();
4280 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_DATETIME].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByDatetime"));
4281 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_DATETIME].Value <<= pViewSettings->HasDate();
4282 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_DATETIME_MODE].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByDatetimeMode"));
4283 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_DATETIME_MODE].Value <<= static_cast<sal_Int16>(pViewSettings->GetTheDateMode());
4284 				util::DateTime aDateTime;
4285 				ScXMLConverter::ConvertCoreToAPIDateTime(pViewSettings->GetTheFirstDateTime(), aDateTime);
4286 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_DATETIME_FIRST_DATETIME].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByDatetimeFirstDatetime"));
4287 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_DATETIME_FIRST_DATETIME].Value <<= aDateTime;
4288 				ScXMLConverter::ConvertCoreToAPIDateTime(pViewSettings->GetTheLastDateTime(), aDateTime);
4289 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_DATETIME_SECOND_DATETIME].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByDatetimeSecondDatetime"));
4290 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_DATETIME_SECOND_DATETIME].Value <<= aDateTime;
4291 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_AUTHOR].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByAuthor"));
4292 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_AUTHOR].Value <<= pViewSettings->HasAuthor();
4293 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_AUTHOR_NAME].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByAuthorName"));
4294 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_AUTHOR_NAME].Value <<= rtl::OUString (pViewSettings->GetTheAuthorToShow());
4295 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_COMMENT].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByComment"));
4296 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_COMMENT].Value <<= pViewSettings->HasComment();
4297 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_COMMENT_TEXT].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByCommentText"));
4298 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_COMMENT_TEXT].Value <<= rtl::OUString (pViewSettings->GetTheComment());
4299 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_RANGES].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByRanges"));
4300 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_RANGES].Value <<= pViewSettings->HasRange();
4301 				rtl::OUString sRangeList;
4302 				ScRangeStringConverter::GetStringFromRangeList(sRangeList, &(pViewSettings->GetTheRangeList()), GetDocument(), FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO);
4303 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_RANGES_LIST].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowChangesByRangesList"));
4304 				pChangeProps[SC_SHOW_CHANGES_BY_RANGES_LIST].Value <<= sRangeList;
4306 				pProps[nChangePos].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TrackedChangesViewSettings"));
4307 				pProps[nChangePos].Value <<= aChangeProps;
4308 			}
4309 		}
4310 	}
4311 }
GetViewSettings(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> & rProps)4313 void ScXMLExport::GetViewSettings(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& rProps)
4314 {
4315 	rProps.realloc(4);
4316 	beans::PropertyValue* pProps(rProps.getArray());
4317 	if(pProps)
4318 	{
4319 		if (GetModel().is())
4320 		{
4321 			ScModelObj* pDocObj(ScModelObj::getImplementation( GetModel() ));
4322 			if (pDocObj)
4323 			{
4324                 SfxObjectShell* pEmbeddedObj = pDocObj->GetEmbeddedObject();
4325 				if (pEmbeddedObj)
4326 				{
4327 					Rectangle aRect(pEmbeddedObj->GetVisArea());
4328 					sal_uInt16 i(0);
4329 					pProps[i].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("VisibleAreaTop"));
4330 					pProps[i].Value <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(aRect.getY());
4331 					pProps[++i].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("VisibleAreaLeft"));
4332 					pProps[i].Value <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(aRect.getX());
4333 					pProps[++i].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("VisibleAreaWidth"));
4334 					pProps[i].Value <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(aRect.getWidth());
4335 					pProps[++i].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("VisibleAreaHeight"));
4336 					pProps[i].Value <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(aRect.getHeight());
4337 				}
4338 			}
4339 		}
4340 	}
4341 	GetChangeTrackViewSettings(rProps);
4342 }
GetConfigurationSettings(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> & rProps)4347 void ScXMLExport::GetConfigurationSettings(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& rProps)
4348 {
4349 	if (GetModel().is())
4350 	{
4351 		uno::Reference <lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xMultiServiceFactory(GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
4352 		if (xMultiServiceFactory.is())
4353 		{
4354 			uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySet> xProperties(xMultiServiceFactory->createInstance(rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.comp.SpreadsheetSettings"))), uno::UNO_QUERY);
4355 			if (xProperties.is())
4356 				SvXMLUnitConverter::convertPropertySet(rProps, xProperties);
4358 			sal_Int32 nPropsToAdd = 0;
4359 			rtl::OUStringBuffer aTrackedChangesKey;
4360 	        if (GetDocument() && GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack() && GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack()->IsProtected())
4361 		    {
4362 			    SvXMLUnitConverter::encodeBase64(aTrackedChangesKey, GetDocument()->GetChangeTrack()->GetProtection());
4363 				if (aTrackedChangesKey.getLength())
4364 					++nPropsToAdd;
4365 		    }
4367             bool bVBACompat = false;
4368 			uno::Reference <container::XNameAccess> xCodeNameAccess;
4369 			DBG_ASSERT( pDoc, "ScXMLExport::GetConfigurationSettings - no ScDocument!" );
4370 			if( pDoc && pDoc->IsInVBAMode() )
4371 			{
4372                 // VBA compatibility mode
4373                 bVBACompat = true;
4374                 ++nPropsToAdd;
4375                 // code names
4376 				xCodeNameAccess = new XMLCodeNameProvider( pDoc );
4377 				if( xCodeNameAccess->hasElements() )
4378 					++nPropsToAdd;
4379 				else
4380 					xCodeNameAccess.clear();
4381 			}
4383 			if( nPropsToAdd > 0 )
4384 			{
4385 				sal_Int32 nCount(rProps.getLength());
4386 				rProps.realloc(nCount + nPropsToAdd);
4387 				if (aTrackedChangesKey.getLength())
4388 				{
4389 					rProps[nCount].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TrackedChangesProtectionKey"));
4390 					rProps[nCount].Value <<= aTrackedChangesKey.makeStringAndClear();
4391 					++nCount;
4392 				}
4393                 if( bVBACompat )
4394                 {
4395 					rProps[nCount].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("VBACompatibilityMode"));
4396 					rProps[nCount].Value <<= bVBACompat;
4397 					++nCount;
4398                 }
4399 				if( xCodeNameAccess.is() )
4400 				{
4401 					rProps[nCount].Name = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ScriptConfiguration"));
4402 					rProps[nCount].Value <<= xCodeNameAccess;
4403 					++nCount;
4404 				}
4405 			}
4406 		}
4407 	}
4408 }
CreateShapeExport()4410 XMLShapeExport* ScXMLExport::CreateShapeExport()
4411 {
4412 	return new ScXMLShapeExport(*this);
4413 }
CreateSharedData(const sal_Int32 nTableCount)4415 void ScXMLExport::CreateSharedData(const sal_Int32 nTableCount)
4416 {
4417 	pSharedData = new ScMySharedData(nTableCount);
4418 }
GetNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper()4420 XMLNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper* ScXMLExport::GetNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper()
4421 {
4422 	if (!pNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper)
4423 		pNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper = new XMLNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper(GetNumberFormatsSupplier(), *this );
4424     return pNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper;
4425 }
CollectUserDefinedNamespaces(const SfxItemPool * pPool,sal_uInt16 nAttrib)4427 void ScXMLExport::CollectUserDefinedNamespaces(const SfxItemPool* pPool, sal_uInt16 nAttrib)
4428 {
4429 	const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
4430 	sal_uInt32 nItems(pPool->GetItemCount2( nAttrib ));
4431 	for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nItems; ++i )
4432 	{
4433 		if( 0 != (pItem = pPool->GetItem2( nAttrib, i ) ) )
4434 		{
4435 			const SvXMLAttrContainerItem *pUnknown((const SvXMLAttrContainerItem *)pItem);
4436 			if( (pUnknown->GetAttrCount() > 0) )
4437 			{
4438 				sal_uInt16 nIdx(pUnknown->GetFirstNamespaceIndex());
4439 				while( USHRT_MAX != nIdx )
4440 				{
4441 					if( (XML_NAMESPACE_UNKNOWN_FLAG & nIdx) != 0 )
4442 					{
4443 						const OUString& rPrefix = pUnknown->GetPrefix( nIdx );
4444 						// Add namespace declaration for unknown attributes if
4445 						// there aren't existing ones for the prefix used by the
4446 						// attibutes
4447 						_GetNamespaceMap().Add( rPrefix,
4448 												pUnknown->GetNamespace( nIdx ),
4449 												XML_NAMESPACE_UNKNOWN );
4450 					}
4451 					nIdx = pUnknown->GetNextNamespaceIndex( nIdx );
4452 				}
4453 			}
4454 		}
4455 	}
4457     // #i66550# needed for 'presentation:event-listener' element for URLs in shapes
4458     _GetNamespaceMap().Add(
4459         GetXMLToken( XML_NP_PRESENTATION ),
4460         GetXMLToken( XML_N_PRESENTATION ),
4462 }
IncrementProgressBar(sal_Bool bEditCell,sal_Int32 nInc)4464 void ScXMLExport::IncrementProgressBar(sal_Bool bEditCell, sal_Int32 nInc)
4465 {
4466     nProgressCount += nInc;
4467     if (bEditCell || nProgressCount > 100)
4468     {
4469         GetProgressBarHelper()->Increment(nProgressCount);
4470         nProgressCount = 0;
4471     }
4472 }
exportDoc(enum XMLTokenEnum eClass)4474 sal_uInt32 ScXMLExport::exportDoc( enum XMLTokenEnum eClass )
4475 {
4476 	if( (getExportFlags() & (EXPORT_FONTDECLS|EXPORT_STYLES|
4478 	{
4479 		if (GetDocument())
4480 		{
4481 			CollectUserDefinedNamespaces(GetDocument()->GetPool(), ATTR_USERDEF);
4482 			CollectUserDefinedNamespaces(GetDocument()->GetEditPool(), EE_PARA_XMLATTRIBS);
4483 			CollectUserDefinedNamespaces(GetDocument()->GetEditPool(), EE_CHAR_XMLATTRIBS);
4484 			ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = GetDocument()->GetDrawLayer();
4485 			if (pDrawLayer)
4486 			{
4487 				CollectUserDefinedNamespaces(&pDrawLayer->GetItemPool(), EE_PARA_XMLATTRIBS);
4488 				CollectUserDefinedNamespaces(&pDrawLayer->GetItemPool(), EE_CHAR_XMLATTRIBS);
4489 				CollectUserDefinedNamespaces(&pDrawLayer->GetItemPool(), SDRATTR_XMLATTRIBUTES);
4490 			}
4492             // sheet events use officeooo namespace
4493             if( (getExportFlags() & EXPORT_CONTENT) != 0 &&
4494                 getDefaultVersion() == SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_LATEST )
4495             {
4496                 bool bAnySheetEvents = false;
4497                 SCTAB nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
4498                 for (SCTAB nTab=0; nTab<nTabCount; ++nTab)
4499                     if (pDoc->GetSheetEvents(nTab))
4500                         bAnySheetEvents = true;
4501                 if (bAnySheetEvents)
4502                     _GetNamespaceMap().Add(
4503                         GetXMLToken( XML_NP_OFFICE_EXT ),
4504                         GetXMLToken( XML_N_OFFICE_EXT ),
4505                         XML_NAMESPACE_OFFICE_EXT );
4506             }
4507 		}
4508 	}
4509 	return SvXMLExport::exportDoc( eClass );
4510 }
4512 // XExporter
setSourceDocument(const uno::Reference<lang::XComponent> & xComponent)4513 void SAL_CALL ScXMLExport::setSourceDocument( const uno::Reference<lang::XComponent>& xComponent )
4514 							throw(lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException)
4515 {
4516 	ScUnoGuard aGuard;
4517 	SvXMLExport::setSourceDocument( xComponent );
4519 	pDoc = ScXMLConverter::GetScDocument( GetModel() );
4520 	DBG_ASSERT( pDoc, "ScXMLExport::setSourceDocument - no ScDocument!" );
4521 	if (!pDoc)
4522 		throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
4524 	// create ScChangeTrackingExportHelper after document is known
4525 	pChangeTrackingExportHelper = new ScChangeTrackingExportHelper(*this);
4527     // Set the document's storage grammar corresponding to the ODF version that
4528     // is to be written.
4529     SvtSaveOptions::ODFDefaultVersion meODFDefaultVersion = getDefaultVersion();
4530     switch (meODFDefaultVersion)
4531     {
4532         // ODF 1.0 and 1.1 use GRAM_PODF, everything later or unspecified GRAM_ODFF
4533         case SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_010:
4534         case SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_011:
4535             pDoc->SetStorageGrammar( formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_PODF);
4536             break;
4537         default:
4538             pDoc->SetStorageGrammar( formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_ODFF);
4539     }
4540 }
4542 // XFilter
filter(const::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> & aDescriptor)4543 sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScXMLExport::filter( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& aDescriptor )
4544 	throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4545 {
4546 	ScUnoGuard aGuard;
4547     if (pDoc)
4548         pDoc->DisableIdle(sal_True);
4549     sal_Bool bReturn(SvXMLExport::filter(aDescriptor));
4550     if (pDoc)
4551         pDoc->DisableIdle(sal_False);
4552 	return bReturn;
4553 }
cancel()4555 void SAL_CALL ScXMLExport::cancel()
4556 	throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4557 {
4558 	ScUnoGuard aGuard;
4559     if (pDoc)
4560         pDoc->DisableIdle(sal_False);
4561 	SvXMLExport::cancel();
4562 }
4564 // XInitialization
initialize(const::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<::com::sun::star::uno::Any> & aArguments)4565 void SAL_CALL ScXMLExport::initialize( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any >& aArguments )
4566 	throw(::com::sun::star::uno::Exception, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4567 {
4568 	ScUnoGuard aGuard;
4569 	SvXMLExport::initialize(aArguments);
4570 }
4572 // XServiceInfo
getImplementationName()4573 ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL ScXMLExport::getImplementationName(  )
4574 	throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4575 {
4576 	ScUnoGuard aGuard;
4578     sal_uInt16 nFlags = getExportFlags();
4579     if (nFlags & EXPORT_OASIS)
4580     {
4581         nFlags |= EXPORT_OASIS;
4582         switch( nFlags )
4583         {
4584             case EXPORT_ALL:
4585                 return ScXMLOasisExport_getImplementationName();
4587                 return ScXMLOasisExport_Styles_getImplementationName();
4589                 return ScXMLOasisExport_Content_getImplementationName();
4590             case EXPORT_META:
4591                 return ScXMLOasisExport_Meta_getImplementationName();
4592             case EXPORT_SETTINGS:
4593                 return ScXMLOasisExport_Settings_getImplementationName();
4594             default:
4595                 // generic name for 'unknown' cases
4596                 return ScXMLOasisExport_getImplementationName();
4597         }
4598     }
4599     else
4600     {
4601         switch( nFlags )
4602         {
4603             case EXPORT_ALL:
4604                 return ScXMLOOoExport_getImplementationName();
4606                 return ScXMLOOoExport_Styles_getImplementationName();
4608                 return ScXMLOOoExport_Content_getImplementationName();
4609             case EXPORT_META:
4610                 return ScXMLOOoExport_Meta_getImplementationName();
4611             case EXPORT_SETTINGS:
4612                 return ScXMLOOoExport_Settings_getImplementationName();
4613             default:
4614                 // generic name for 'unknown' cases
4615                 return ScXMLOOoExport_getImplementationName();
4616         }
4617     }
4618 	return SvXMLExport::getImplementationName();
4619 }
supportsService(const::rtl::OUString & ServiceName)4621 sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScXMLExport::supportsService( const ::rtl::OUString& ServiceName )
4622 	throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4623 {
4624 	ScUnoGuard aGuard;
4625 	return SvXMLExport::supportsService( ServiceName );
4626 }
getSupportedServiceNames()4628 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ScXMLExport::getSupportedServiceNames(  )
4629 	throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4630 {
4631 	ScUnoGuard aGuard;
4632 	return SvXMLExport::getSupportedServiceNames();
4633 }
4635 // XUnoTunnel
getSomething(const::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> & aIdentifier)4636 sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScXMLExport::getSomething( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aIdentifier )
4637 	throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
4638 {
4639 	ScUnoGuard aGuard;
4640 	return SvXMLExport::getSomething(aIdentifier);
4641 }
DisposingModel()4643 void ScXMLExport::DisposingModel()
4644 {
4645 	SvXMLExport::DisposingModel();
4646 	pDoc = NULL;
4647 	xCurrentTable = 0;
4648 }