xref: /aoo42x/main/NOTICE_category_b (revision 6a1a7524)
1416de96fSHerbert Dürr___
2416de96fSHerbert Dürr
3416de96fSHerbert DürrApache OpenOffice has some optional parts that only get included
4416de96fSHerbert Dürrwhen the configure option --enable-category-b has been requested.
5416de96fSHerbert DürrWhen you used this option make sure to comply with the
6416de96fSHerbert Dürrdistribution requirements of these parts by extending
7416de96fSHerbert Dürrthis file with the notices recommended by them:
8*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann
9*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann___
10*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann
11*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer WittmannNotices for CoinMP libary:
12*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer WittmannThe Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research COIN_OR
13*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmannproject developed the CoinMP library (a lightweight API and DLL
14*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmannfor CLP, CBC, and CGL).
15*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer WittmannIt includes and depends on
16*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann- CoinUtils: COIN-OR utilities, utilities, data structures, and
17*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmannlinear algebra methods for COIN-OR projects
18*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann- CLP: COIN-OR Graph Classes, a collection of network representations
19*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmannand algorithms
20*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann- CBC: COIN-OR Branch and Cut, an LP-based branch-and-cut library
21*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann- CGL: Cut Generator Library, a library of cutting-plane generators
22*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer WittmannThe source code of these dependencies which are available under
23*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmannlicense EPL can found at
24*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann    http://www.coin-or.org/download/source/CoinMP/
25*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann
26*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann___
27*6a1a7524SOliver-Rainer Wittmann