1/************************************************************** 2 * 3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 5 * distributed with this work for additional information 6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file 7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 9 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 10 * 11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 12 * 13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, 14 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an 15 * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY 16 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 17 * specific language governing permissions and limitations 18 * under the License. 19 * 20 *************************************************************/ 21 22module ooo { module vba { module excel { 23 constants Constants { 24 const long xl3DBar = -4099; 25 const long xl3DEffects1 = 13; 26 const long xl3DEffects2 = 14; 27 const long xl3DSurface = -4103; 28 const long xlAbove = 0; 29 const long xlAccounting1 = 4; 30 const long xlAccounting2 = 5; 31 const long xlAccounting3 = 6; 32 const long xlAccounting4 = 17; 33 const long xlAdd = 2; 34 const long xlAll = -4104; 35 const long xlAllExceptBorders = 7; 36 const long xlAutomatic = -4105; 37 const long xlBar = 2; 38 const long xlBelow = 1; 39 const long xlBidi = -5000; 40 const long xlBidiCalendar = 3; 41 const long xlBoth = 1; 42 const long xlBottom = -4107; 43 const long xlCascade = 7; 44 const long xlCenter = -4108; 45 const long xlCenterAcrossSelection = 7; 46 const long xlChart4 = 2; 47 const long xlChartSeries = 17; 48 const long xlChartShort = 6; 49 const long xlChartTitles = 18; 50 const long xlChecker = 9; 51 const long xlCircle = 8; 52 const long xlClassic1 = 1; 53 const long xlClassic2 = 2; 54 const long xlClassic3 = 3; 55 const long xlClosed = 3; 56 const long xlColor1 = 7; 57 const long xlColor2 = 8; 58 const long xlColor3 = 9; 59 const long xlColumn = 3; 60 const long xlCombination = -4111; 61 const long xlComplete = 4; 62 const long xlConstants = 2; 63 const long xlContents = 2; 64 const long xlContext = -5002; 65 const long xlCorner = 2; 66 const long xlCrissCross = 16; 67 const long xlCross = 4; 68 const long xlCustom = -4114; 69 const long xlDebugCodePane = 13; 70 const long xlDefaultAutoFormat = -1; 71 const long xlDesktop = 9; 72 const long xlDiamond = 2; 73 const long xlDirect = 1; 74 const long xlDistributed = -4117; 75 const long xlDivide = 5; 76 const long xlDoubleAccounting = 5; 77 const long xlDoubleClosed = 5; 78 const long xlDoubleOpen = 4; 79 const long xlDoubleQuote = 1; 80 const long xlDrawingObject = 14; 81 const long xlEntireChart = 20; 82 const long xlExcelMenus = 1; 83 const long xlExtended = 3; 84 const long xlFill = 5; 85 const long xlFirst = 0; 86 const long xlFixedValue = 1; 87 const long xlFloating = 5; 88 const long xlFormats = -4122; 89 const long xlFormula = 5; 90 const long xlFullScript = 1; 91 const long xlGeneral = 1; 92 const long xlGray16 = 17; 93 const long xlGray25 = -4124; 94 const long xlGray50 = -4125; 95 const long xlGray75 = -4126; 96 const long xlGray8 = 18; 97 const long xlGregorian = 2; 98 const long xlGrid = 15; 99 const long xlGridline = 22; 100 const long xlHigh = -4127; 101 const long xlHindiNumerals = 3; 102 const long xlIcons = 1; 103 const long xlImmediatePane = 12; 104 const long xlInside = 2; 105 const long xlInteger = 2; 106 const long xlJustify = -4130; 107 const long xlLast = 1; 108 const long xlLastCell = 11; 109 const long xlLatin = -5001; 110 const long xlLeft = -4131; 111 const long xlLeftToRight = 2; 112 const long xlLightDown = 13; 113 const long xlLightHorizontal = 11; 114 const long xlLightUp = 14; 115 const long xlLightVertical = 12; 116 const long xlList1 = 10; 117 const long xlList2 = 11; 118 const long xlList3 = 12; 119 const long xlLocalFormat1 = 15; 120 const long xlLocalFormat2 = 16; 121 const long xlLogicalCursor = 1; 122 const long xlLong = 3; 123 const long xlLotusHelp = 2; 124 const long xlLow = -4134; 125 const long xlLTR = -5003; 126 const long xlMacrosheetCell = 7; 127 const long xlManual = -4135; 128 const long xlMaximum = 2; 129 const long xlMinimum = 4; 130 const long xlMinusValues = 3; 131 const long xlMixed = 2; 132 const long xlMixedAuthorizedScript = 4; 133 const long xlMixedScript = 3; 134 const long xlModule = -4141; 135 const long xlMultiply = 4; 136 const long xlNarrow = 1; 137 const long xlNextToAxis = 4; 138 const long xlNoDocuments = 3; 139 const long xlNone = -4142; 140 const long xlNotes = -4144; 141 const long xlOff = -4146; 142 const long xlOn = 1; 143 const long xlOpaque = 3; 144 const long xlOpen = 2; 145 const long xlOutside = 3; 146 const long xlPartial = 3; 147 const long xlPartialScript = 2; 148 const long xlPercent = 2; 149 const long xlPlus = 9; 150 const long xlPlusValues = 2; 151 const long xlReference = 4; 152 const long xlRight = -4152; 153 const long xlRTL = -5004; 154 const long xlScale = 3; 155 const long xlSemiautomatic = 2; 156 const long xlSemiGray75 = 10; 157 const long xlShort = 1; 158 const long xlShowLabel = 4; 159 const long xlShowLabelAndPercent = 5; 160 const long xlShowPercent = 3; 161 const long xlShowValue = 2; 162 const long xlSimple = -4154; 163 const long xlSingle = 2; 164 const long xlSingleAccounting = 4; 165 const long xlSingleQuote = 2; 166 const long xlSolid = 1; 167 const long xlSquare = 1; 168 const long xlStar = 5; 169 const long xlStError = 4; 170 const long xlStrict = 2; 171 const long xlSubtract = 3; 172 const long xlSystem = 1; 173 const long xlTextBox = 16; 174 const long xlTiled = 1; 175 const long xlTitleBar = 8; 176 const long xlToolbar = 1; 177 const long xlToolbarButton = 2; 178 const long xlTop = -4160; 179 const long xlTopToBottom = 1; 180 const long xlTransparent = 2; 181 const long xlTriangle = 3; 182 const long xlVeryHidden = 2; 183 const long xlVisible = 12; 184 const long xlVisualCursor = 2; 185 const long xlWatchPane = 11; 186 const long xlWide = 3; 187 const long xlWorkbookTab = 6; 188 const long xlWorksheet4 = 1; 189 const long xlWorksheetCell = 3; 190 const long xlWorksheetShort = 5; 191 }; 192}; }; }; 193