xref: /aoo42x/test/build.xml (revision 864de7b8)
1faa4b864SLei De Bin<?xml version="1.0"?>
27acce70dSLiu Zhe<!--***********************************************************
37acce70dSLiu Zhe *
47acce70dSLiu Zhe * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
57acce70dSLiu Zhe * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
67acce70dSLiu Zhe * distributed with this work for additional information
77acce70dSLiu Zhe * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
87acce70dSLiu Zhe * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
97acce70dSLiu Zhe * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
107acce70dSLiu Zhe * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
117acce70dSLiu Zhe *
127acce70dSLiu Zhe *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
137acce70dSLiu Zhe *
147acce70dSLiu Zhe * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
157acce70dSLiu Zhe * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
177acce70dSLiu Zhe * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
187acce70dSLiu Zhe * specific language governing permissions and limitations
197acce70dSLiu Zhe * under the License.
207acce70dSLiu Zhe *
217acce70dSLiu Zhe ***********************************************************-->
22b164ae3eSLei De Bin
23b164ae3eSLei De Bin
24faa4b864SLei De Bin
25faa4b864SLei De Bin<project basedir="." default="test">
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286467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<property name="dist.dir" value="." />
296467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<property name="dist.name" value="aoo_test" />
306467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<property name="junit.jar.repos" value="http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/junit/junit/4.10/junit-4.10.jar" />
316467ecbfSLiu Zhe
326467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<path id="uno.classpath">
33c74863a0SLiu Zhe		<fileset dir="${env.OUTDIR}/bin" erroronmissingdir="false">
34c74863a0SLiu Zhe			<include name="juh.jar" />
35180e3c91SLiu Zhe			<include name="unoil.jar" />
36c74863a0SLiu Zhe			<include name="ridl.jar" />
37c74863a0SLiu Zhe			<include name="jurt.jar" />
386467ecbfSLiu Zhe		</fileset>
396467ecbfSLiu Zhe		<fileset dir="${openoffice.home}" erroronmissingdir="false">
406467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<include name="**/juh.jar" />
416467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<include name="**/unoil.jar" />
426467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<include name="**/ridl.jar" />
436467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<include name="**/jurt.jar" />
44faa4b864SLei De Bin		</fileset>
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466467ecbfSLiu Zhe
476467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<target name="check.junit">
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506467ecbfSLiu Zhe	            <include name="junit*.jar" />
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526467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<globmapper from="*" to="junit.jar" />
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56faa4b864SLei De Bin
576467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<target name="prepare.junit" depends="check.junit" unless="junit.jar.exists">
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596467ecbfSLiu Zhe		<get src="${junit.jar.repos}" dest="lib/junit.jar" skipexisting="true" />
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616467ecbfSLiu Zhe
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66faa4b864SLei De Bin				<exclude name="**/*.java" />
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70faa4b864SLei De Bin
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766467ecbfSLiu Zhe					<include name="*.jar" />
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81faa4b864SLei De Bin
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860e2e75f4SLiu Zhe				<exclude name="**/*.java" />
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90faa4b864SLei De Bin
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930e2e75f4SLiu Zhe			<src path="testgui/source"/>
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966467ecbfSLiu Zhe				    <include name="*.jar" />
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986467ecbfSLiu Zhe				<pathelement location="testcommon/bin" />
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102faa4b864SLei De Bin
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1060e2e75f4SLiu Zhe			<fileset dir="testuno/source">
1070e2e75f4SLiu Zhe				<exclude name="**/*.java" />
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111faa4b864SLei De Bin
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1176467ecbfSLiu Zhe					<include name="*.jar" />
1186467ecbfSLiu Zhe				</fileset>
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1207acce70dSLiu Zhe				<path refid="uno.classpath"/>
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123faa4b864SLei De Bin	</target>
124faa4b864SLei De Bin
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1276467ecbfSLiu Zhe		<delete dir="testgui/bin" />
1286467ecbfSLiu Zhe		<delete dir="testuno/bin" />
1296467ecbfSLiu Zhe	</target>
1306467ecbfSLiu Zhe
1316467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<target name="compile" depends="testcommon.compile,testgui.compile,testuno.compile" description="Compile source code">
1326467ecbfSLiu Zhe	</target>
1336467ecbfSLiu Zhe
1346467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<target name="dist" depends="clean,compile">
1356467ecbfSLiu Zhe		<tstamp/>
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1375148ee0dSLiu Zhe			<zipfileset dir="." includes="lib/**, testcommon/**,testgui/**,testuno/**,build.xml,run,run.bat" filemode="751" prefix="aoo_test/"/>
1385148ee0dSLiu Zhe		</zip>
1390e2e75f4SLiu Zhe	</target>
1406467ecbfSLiu Zhe
1416467ecbfSLiu Zhe	<target name="test" depends="compile" description="start test">
1425148ee0dSLiu Zhe		<condition property="test.arg0" value="-Dopenoffice.home=${openoffice.home}">
1436467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<isset property="openoffice.home" />
1446467ecbfSLiu Zhe		</condition>
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1466467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<path>
147*864de7b8SHerbert Dürr				<fileset dir="${env.SRC_ROOT}/instsetoo_native/${env.INPATH}/Apache_OpenOffice/archive/install/en-US" includes="*.tar.gz,*.zip"  erroronmissingdir="false"/>
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1496467ecbfSLiu Zhe		</pathconvert>
1506467ecbfSLiu Zhe		<condition property="test.arg0" value="-Dopenoffice.pack=${openoffice.pack}">
1516467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<isset property="openoffice.pack" />
1526467ecbfSLiu Zhe		</condition>
1536467ecbfSLiu Zhe		<fail message="No OpenOffice available!" unless="test.arg0"/>
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1556467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<os family="windows" />
1566467ecbfSLiu Zhe		</condition>
1575148ee0dSLiu Zhe		<property name="test.executable" value="./run"/>
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1606467ecbfSLiu Zhe			<arg value="${test.arg0}"/>
161adc0d9c1SLiu Zhe			<arg line="${test.args}"/>
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