1Action Condition Sequence 2s72 S255 I2 3InstallUISequence Action 4AppSearch 25 5CCPSearch CCP_TEST 250 6CostFinalize 550 7CostInitialize 400 8ExecuteAction 850 9FileCost 450 10FindRelatedProducts 150 11InstallWelcome Not Installed 650 12IsolateComponents 500 13LaunchConditions 50 14MaintenanceWelcome Installed And Not RESUME And Not Preselected And Not PATCH 750 15MigrateFeatureStates 600 16NewProductFound NEWPRODUCTS 160 17PatchWelcome Installed And PATCH And Not IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE 625 18ResolveSource Not Installed And Not PATCH 525 19RMCCPSearch Not CCP_SUCCESS And CCP_TEST 300 20SameProductFound SAMEPRODUCTS 170 21setAllUsersProfile2K VersionNT >= 500 512 22SetAllUsersProfileNT VersionNT = 400 511 23SetupCompleteError -3 24SetupCompleteSuccess -1 25SetupInitialization 100 26SetupInterrupted -2 27SetupProgress 800 28SetupResume Installed And (RESUME Or Preselected) And Not PATCH 700 29setUserProfileNT VersionNT 510 30ValidateProductID 350 31