1[SetupCaption] 2en-US = "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Installation Preparation" 3 4[MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE] 5en-US = "Thank you for downloading %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION." 6 7[MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT] 8en-US = "The installation files must be unpacked and copied to your hard disk in preparation for the installation. After that, the %PRODUCTNAME installation will start automatically.\r\n\r\nClick \'Next\' to continue." 9 10[MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_TITLE] 11en-US = "Select Folder" 12 13[MUI_TEXT_DIRECTORY_SUBTITLE] 14en-US = "Select the folder in which to save the unpacked files." 15 16[InstallBtn] 17en-US = "&Unpack" 18 19[DirText] 20en-US = "The %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION installation files will be unpacked and saved in the folder shown below. If you would like to save %PRODUCTNAME to a different folder, click \'Browse\' to select another folder." 21 22[DirSubText] 23en-US = "Destination Folder" 24 25[SpaceRequired] 26en-US = "Space required: " 27 28[SpaceAvailable] 29en-US = "Space available: " 30 31[MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_TITLE] 32en-US = "Unpacking" 33 34[MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_SUBTITLE] 35en-US = "Please wait while the installation files are being unpacked." 36 37[Extract] 38en-US = "Extract: " 39 40[MUI_TEXT_ABORTWARNING] 41en-US = "Are you sure you want to quit the %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Installation Preparation" 42