xref: /trunk/main/lucene/long_path.patch (revision cdf0e10c)
1--- misc/lucene-2.3.2/src/java/org/apache/lucene/store/FSDirectory.java	2008-05-01 22:27:58.000000000 +0200
2+++ misc/build/lucene-2.3.2/src/java/org/apache/lucene/store/FSDirectory.java	2011-02-23 16:36:26.249515000 +0100
3@@ -165,7 +165,15 @@
4   public static FSDirectory getDirectory(File file, LockFactory lockFactory)
5     throws IOException
6   {
7-    file = new File(file.getCanonicalPath());
8+      String path = file.getPath();
9+      //File.getCanonicalPath fails on Windows with long path names
10+      //Tested with Java SE 6u23
11+      //Long path names created by osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL are already
12+      //unique because its implementation replaces the occurrences of .. and .
13+      //That is using the com.sun.star.help.HelpIndexer service from c++ is
14+      //relatively safe.
15+      if (!path.startsWith("\\\\?\\"))
16+          file = new File(file.getCanonicalPath());
18     if (file.exists() && !file.isDirectory())
19       throw new IOException(file + " not a directory");
20@@ -455,7 +463,16 @@
21   public String getLockID() {
22     String dirName;                               // name to be hashed
23     try {
24-      dirName = directory.getCanonicalPath();
25+        //File.getCanonicalPath fails on Windows with long path names
26+        //Tested with Java SE 6u23
27+        //Long path names created by osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL are already
28+        //unique because its implementation replaces the occurrences of .. and .
29+        //That is using the com.sun.star.help.HelpIndexer service from c++ is
30+        //relatively safe.
31+        if (!directory.getPath().startsWith("\\\\?\\"))
32+            dirName = directory.getCanonicalPath();
33+        else
34+            dirName = directory.getPath();
35     } catch (IOException e) {
36       throw new RuntimeException(e.toString(), e);
37     }