1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_sdext.hxx"
27 #include "xmlemitter.hxx"
28 #include "genericelements.hxx"
29 #include "pdfiprocessor.hxx"
30 #include "pdfihelper.hxx"
31 #include "style.hxx"
34 #include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
35 #include <basegfx/range/b2drange.hxx>
37 namespace pdfi
38 {
~ElementFactory()40 ElementFactory::~ElementFactory()
41 {
42 }
~Element()44 Element::~Element()
45 {
46     while( !Children.empty() )
47     {
48         Element* pCurr( Children.front() );
49         delete pCurr;
50         Children.pop_front();
51     }
52 }
applyToChildren(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor)54 void Element::applyToChildren( ElementTreeVisitor& rVisitor )
55 {
56     for( std::list< Element* >::iterator it = Children.begin(); it != Children.end(); ++it )
57         (*it)->visitedBy( rVisitor, it );
58 }
setParent(std::list<Element * >::iterator & el,Element * pNewParent)60 void Element::setParent( std::list<Element*>::iterator& el, Element* pNewParent )
61 {
62     if( pNewParent )
63     {
64         pNewParent->Children.splice( pNewParent->Children.end(), (*el)->Parent->Children, el );
65         (*el)->Parent = pNewParent;
66     }
67 }
updateGeometryWith(const Element * pMergeFrom)69 void Element::updateGeometryWith( const Element* pMergeFrom )
70 {
71     if( w == 0 && h == 0 )
72     {
73         x = pMergeFrom->x;
74         y = pMergeFrom->y;
75         w = pMergeFrom->w;
76         h = pMergeFrom->h;
77     }
78     else
79     {
80         if( pMergeFrom->x < x )
81         {
82             w += x - pMergeFrom->x;
83             x = pMergeFrom->x;
84         }
85         if( pMergeFrom->x+pMergeFrom->w > x+w )
86             w = pMergeFrom->w+pMergeFrom->x - x;
87         if( pMergeFrom->y < y )
88         {
89             h += y - pMergeFrom->y;
90             y = pMergeFrom->y;
91         }
92         if( pMergeFrom->y+pMergeFrom->h > y+h )
93             h = pMergeFrom->h+pMergeFrom->y - y;
94     }
95 }
98 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
99 #include <typeinfo>
emitStructure(int nLevel)100 void Element::emitStructure( int nLevel)
101 {
102     OSL_TRACE( "%*s<%s %p> (%.1f,%.1f)+(%.1fx%.1f)\n",
103                nLevel, "", typeid( *this ).name(), this,
104                x, y, w, h );
105     for( std::list< Element* >::iterator it = Children.begin(); it != Children.end(); ++it )
106         (*it)->emitStructure(nLevel+1 );
107     OSL_TRACE( "%*s</%s>\n", nLevel, "", typeid( *this ).name() );
108 }
109 #endif
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & visitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator &)111 void ListElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor& visitor, const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& )
112 {
113     // this is only an inner node
114     applyToChildren(visitor);
115 }
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator & rParentIt)117 void HyperlinkElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor&                          rVisitor,
118                                   const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& rParentIt )
119 {
120     rVisitor.visit(*this,rParentIt);
121 }
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator & rParentIt)123 void TextElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor&                          rVisitor,
124                              const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& rParentIt )
125 {
126     rVisitor.visit(*this,rParentIt);
127 }
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator & rParentIt)129 void FrameElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor&                          rVisitor,
130                               const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& rParentIt )
131 {
132     rVisitor.visit(*this,rParentIt);
133 }
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator & rParentIt)135 void ImageElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor&                          rVisitor,
136                               const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& rParentIt)
137 {
138     rVisitor.visit( *this, rParentIt);
139 }
PolyPolyElement(Element * pParent,sal_Int32 nGCId,const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon & rPolyPoly,sal_Int8 nAction)141 PolyPolyElement::PolyPolyElement( Element*                       pParent,
142                                   sal_Int32                      nGCId,
143                                   const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
144                                   sal_Int8                       nAction )
145     : DrawElement( pParent, nGCId ),
146       PolyPoly( rPolyPoly ),
147       Action( nAction )
148 {
149 }
updateGeometry()151 void PolyPolyElement::updateGeometry()
152 {
153     basegfx::B2DRange aRange;
154     if( PolyPoly.areControlPointsUsed() )
155         aRange = basegfx::tools::getRange( basegfx::tools::adaptiveSubdivideByAngle( PolyPoly ) );
156     else
157         aRange = basegfx::tools::getRange( PolyPoly );
158     x = aRange.getMinX();
159     y = aRange.getMinY();
160     w = aRange.getWidth();
161     h = aRange.getHeight();
162 }
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator & rParentIt)164 void PolyPolyElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor&                          rVisitor,
165                                  const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& rParentIt)
166 {
167     rVisitor.visit( *this, rParentIt);
168 }
170 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
emitStructure(int nLevel)171 void PolyPolyElement::emitStructure( int nLevel)
172 {
173     OSL_TRACE( "%*s<%s %p>\n", nLevel, "", typeid( *this ).name(), this  );
174     OSL_TRACE( "path=" );
175     int nPoly = PolyPoly.count();
176     for( int i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ )
177     {
178         basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly = PolyPoly.getB2DPolygon( i );
179         int nPoints = aPoly.count();
180         for( int n = 0; n < nPoints; n++ )
181         {
182             basegfx::B2DPoint aPoint = aPoly.getB2DPoint( n );
183             OSL_TRACE( " (%g,%g)", aPoint.getX(), aPoint.getY() );
184         }
185         OSL_TRACE( "\n" );
186     }
187     for( std::list< Element* >::iterator it = Children.begin(); it != Children.end(); ++it )
188         (*it)->emitStructure( nLevel+1 );
189     OSL_TRACE( "%*s</%s>\n", nLevel, "", typeid( *this ).name() );
190 }
191 #endif
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator & rParentIt)193 void ParagraphElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor&                          rVisitor,
194                                   const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& rParentIt )
195 {
196     rVisitor.visit(*this,rParentIt);
197 }
isSingleLined(PDFIProcessor & rProc) const199 bool ParagraphElement::isSingleLined( PDFIProcessor& rProc ) const
200 {
201     std::list< Element* >::const_iterator it = Children.begin();
202     TextElement* pText = NULL, *pLastText = NULL;
203     while( it != Children.end() )
204     {
205         // a paragraph containing subparagraphs cannot be single lined
206         if( dynamic_cast< ParagraphElement* >(*it) != NULL )
207             return false;
209         pText = dynamic_cast< TextElement* >(*it);
210         if( pText )
211         {
212             const FontAttributes& rFont = rProc.getFont( pText->FontId );
213             if( pText->h > rFont.size*1.5 )
214                 return  false;
215             if( pLastText )
216             {
217                 if( pText->y > pLastText->y+pLastText->h ||
218                     pLastText->y > pText->y+pText->h )
219                     return false;
220             }
221             else
222                 pLastText = pText;
223         }
224         ++it;
225     }
227     // a paragraph without a single text is not considered single lined
228     return pLastText != NULL;
229 }
getLineHeight(PDFIProcessor & rProc) const231 double ParagraphElement::getLineHeight( PDFIProcessor& rProc ) const
232 {
233     double line_h = 0;
234     for( std::list< Element* >::const_iterator it = Children.begin(); it != Children.end(); ++it )
235     {
236         ParagraphElement* pPara = dynamic_cast< ParagraphElement* >(*it);
237         TextElement* pText = NULL;
238         if( pPara )
239         {
240             double lh = pPara->getLineHeight( rProc );
241             if( lh > line_h )
242                 line_h = lh;
243         }
244         else if( (pText = dynamic_cast< TextElement* >( *it )) != NULL )
245         {
246             const FontAttributes& rFont = rProc.getFont( pText->FontId );
247             double lh = pText->h;
248             if( pText->h > rFont.size*1.5 )
249                 lh = rFont.size;
250             if( lh > line_h )
251                 line_h = lh;
252         }
253     }
254     return line_h;
255 }
getFirstTextChild() const257 TextElement* ParagraphElement::getFirstTextChild() const
258 {
259     TextElement* pText = NULL;
260     for( std::list< Element* >::const_iterator it = Children.begin();
261          it != Children.end() && ! pText; ++it )
262     {
263         pText = dynamic_cast<TextElement*>(*it);
264     }
265     return pText;
266 }
~PageElement()268 PageElement::~PageElement()
269 {
270     if( HeaderElement )
271         delete HeaderElement;
272     if( FooterElement )
273         delete FooterElement;
274 }
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator & rParentIt)276 void PageElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor&                          rVisitor,
277                              const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& rParentIt )
278 {
279      rVisitor.visit(*this, rParentIt);
280 }
updateParagraphGeometry(Element * pEle)282 void PageElement::updateParagraphGeometry( Element* pEle )
283 {
284     // update geometry of children
285     for( std::list< Element* >::iterator it = pEle->Children.begin();
286          it != pEle->Children.end(); ++it )
287     {
288         updateParagraphGeometry( *it );
289     }
290     // if this is a paragraph itself, then update according to children geometry
291     if( dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(pEle) )
292     {
293         for( std::list< Element* >::iterator it = pEle->Children.begin();
294              it != pEle->Children.end(); ++it )
295         {
296             Element* pChild = NULL;
297             TextElement* pText = dynamic_cast<TextElement*>(*it);
298             if( pText )
299                 pChild = pText;
300             else
301             {
302                 ParagraphElement* pPara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(*it);
303                 if( pPara )
304                     pChild = pPara;
305             }
306             if( pChild )
307                 pEle->updateGeometryWith( pChild );
308         }
309     }
310 }
resolveHyperlink(std::list<Element * >::iterator link_it,std::list<Element * > & rElements)312 bool PageElement::resolveHyperlink( std::list<Element*>::iterator link_it, std::list<Element*>& rElements )
313 {
314     HyperlinkElement* pLink = dynamic_cast<HyperlinkElement*>(*link_it);
315     if( ! pLink ) // sanity check
316         return false;
318     for( std::list<Element*>::iterator it = rElements.begin(); it != rElements.end(); ++it )
319     {
320         if( (*it)->x >= pLink->x && (*it)->x + (*it)->w <= pLink->x + pLink->w &&
321             (*it)->y >= pLink->y && (*it)->y + (*it)->h <= pLink->y + pLink->h )
322         {
323             TextElement* pText = dynamic_cast<TextElement*>(*it);
324             if( pText )
325             {
326                 if( pLink->Children.empty() )
327                 {
328                     // insert the hyperlink before the frame
329                     rElements.splice( it, Hyperlinks.Children, link_it );
330                     pLink->Parent = (*it)->Parent;
331                 }
332                 // move text element into hyperlink
333                 std::list<Element*>::iterator next = it;
334                 ++next;
335                 Element::setParent( it, pLink );
336                 it = next;
337                 --it;
338                 continue;
339             }
340             // a link can contain multiple text elements or a single frame
341             if( ! pLink->Children.empty() )
342                 continue;
343             if( dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(*it)  )
344             {
345                 if( resolveHyperlink( link_it, (*it)->Children ) )
346                     break;
347                 continue;
348             }
349             FrameElement* pFrame = dynamic_cast<FrameElement*>(*it);
350             if( pFrame )
351             {
352                 // insert the hyperlink before the frame
353                 rElements.splice( it, Hyperlinks.Children, link_it );
354                 pLink->Parent = (*it)->Parent;
355                 // move frame into hyperlink
356                 Element::setParent( it, pLink );
357                 break;
358             }
359         }
360     }
361     return ! pLink->Children.empty();
362 }
resolveHyperlinks()364 void PageElement::resolveHyperlinks()
365 {
366     while( ! Hyperlinks.Children.empty() )
367     {
368         if( ! resolveHyperlink( Hyperlinks.Children.begin(), Children ) )
369         {
370             delete Hyperlinks.Children.front();
371             Hyperlinks.Children.pop_front();
372         }
373     }
374 }
resolveFontStyles(PDFIProcessor & rProc)376 void PageElement::resolveFontStyles( PDFIProcessor& rProc )
377 {
378     resolveUnderlines(rProc);
379 }
resolveUnderlines(PDFIProcessor & rProc)381 void PageElement::resolveUnderlines( PDFIProcessor& rProc )
382 {
383     // FIXME: currently the algorithm used is quadratic
384     // this could be solved by some sorting beforehand
386     std::list< Element* >::iterator poly_it = Children.begin();
387     while( poly_it != Children.end() )
388     {
389         PolyPolyElement* pPoly = dynamic_cast< PolyPolyElement* >(*poly_it);
390         if( ! pPoly || ! pPoly->Children.empty() )
391         {
392             ++poly_it;
393             continue;
394         }
395         /* check for: no filling
396         *             only two points (FIXME: handle small rectangles, too)
397         *             y coordinates of points are equal
398         */
399         if( pPoly->Action != PATH_STROKE )
400         {
401             ++poly_it;
402             continue;
403         }
404         if( pPoly->PolyPoly.count() != 1 )
405         {
406             ++poly_it;
407             continue;
408         }
410         bool bRemovePoly = false;
411         basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly = pPoly->PolyPoly.getB2DPolygon(0);
412         if( aPoly.count() != 2 ||
413             aPoly.getB2DPoint(0).getY() != aPoly.getB2DPoint(1).getY() )
414         {
415             ++poly_it;
416             continue;
417         }
418         double l_x = aPoly.getB2DPoint(0).getX();
419         double r_x = aPoly.getB2DPoint(1).getX();
420         double u_y;
421         if( r_x < l_x )
422         {
423             u_y = r_x; r_x = l_x; l_x = u_y;
424         }
425         u_y = aPoly.getB2DPoint(0).getY();
426         for( std::list< Element*>::iterator it = Children.begin();
427              it != Children.end(); ++it )
428         {
429             Element* pEle = *it;
430             if( pEle->y <= u_y && pEle->y + pEle->h*1.1 >= u_y )
431             {
432                 // first: is the element underlined completely ?
433                 if( pEle->x + pEle->w*0.1 >= l_x &&
434                     pEle->x + pEle->w*0.9 <= r_x )
435                 {
436                     TextElement* pText = dynamic_cast< TextElement* >(pEle);
437                     if( pText )
438                     {
439                         const GraphicsContext& rTextGC = rProc.getGraphicsContext( pText->GCId );
440                         if( ! rTextGC.isRotatedOrSkewed() )
441                         {
442                             bRemovePoly = true;
443                             // retrieve ID for modified font
444                             FontAttributes aAttr = rProc.getFont( pText->FontId );
445                             aAttr.isUnderline = true;
446                             pText->FontId = rProc.getFontId( aAttr );
447                         }
448                     }
449                     else if( dynamic_cast< HyperlinkElement* >(pEle) )
450                         bRemovePoly = true;
451                 }
452                 // second: hyperlinks may be larger than their underline
453                 // since they are just arbitrary rectangles in the action definition
454                 else if( dynamic_cast< HyperlinkElement* >(pEle) != NULL &&
455                          l_x >= pEle->x && r_x <= pEle->x+pEle->w )
456                 {
457                     bRemovePoly = true;
458                 }
459             }
460         }
461         if( bRemovePoly )
462         {
463             std::list< Element* >::iterator next_it = poly_it;
464             ++next_it;
465             Children.erase( poly_it );
466             delete pPoly;
467             poly_it = next_it;
468         }
469         else
470             ++poly_it;
471     }
472 }
~DocumentElement()474 DocumentElement::~DocumentElement()
475 {
476 }
visitedBy(ElementTreeVisitor & rVisitor,const std::list<Element * >::const_iterator & rParentIt)478 void DocumentElement::visitedBy( ElementTreeVisitor&                          rVisitor,
479                                  const std::list< Element* >::const_iterator& rParentIt)
480 {
481     rVisitor.visit(*this, rParentIt);
482 }
485 }