xref: /aoo41x/main/libxmlsec/readme.txt (revision cdf0e10c)
1The XML Security library has been modified, so that there is NO verification of
2the certificate during sign or verification operation. On Windows this was done
3in the function xmlSecMSCryptoX509StoreVerify (file src/mscrypto/x509vfy.c) and
4on UNIX in xmlSecNssX509StoreVerify (file src/nss/x509vfy.c).
6The implementation creates certificates from all of the X509Data children, such
7as X509IssuerSerial and X509Certificate and stores them in a certificate store
8(see xmlsec/src/mscrypto/x509.c:xmlSecMSCryptoX509DataNodeRead). It must then
9find the certificate containing the public key which is used for validation
10within that store. This is done in xmlSecMSCryptoX509StoreVerify. This function
11however only takes those certificates into account which can be validated. This
12was changed by the patch xmlsec1-noverify.patch, which prevents this certificate
15xmlSecMSCryptoX509StoreVerify iterates over all certificates contained or
16referenced in the X509Data elements and selects one which is no issuer of any of
17the other certificates. This certificate is not necessarily the one which was
18used for signing but it must contain the proper validation key, which is
19sufficient to validate the signature. See
21for details.
23There is a flag XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_DONT_VERIFY_CERTS that can be set
24in a xmlSecKeyInfoCtx (see function xmlSecNssKeyDataX509XmlRead, in file
25src/nss/x509.c), which indicates that one can turn off the validation. However,
26setting it will cause that the validation key is not found. If the flag is set,
27then the key is not extracted from the certificate store which contains all the
28certificates of the X509Data elements. In other words, the certificates which
29are delivered within the XML signature are not used when looking for suitable
30validation key.