xref: /aoo41x/main/libxmlsec/readme.txt (revision cdf0e10c)
1*cdf0e10cSrcweirThe XML Security library has been modified, so that there is NO verification of
2*cdf0e10cSrcweirthe certificate during sign or verification operation. On Windows this was done
3*cdf0e10cSrcweirin the function xmlSecMSCryptoX509StoreVerify (file src/mscrypto/x509vfy.c) and
4*cdf0e10cSrcweiron UNIX in xmlSecNssX509StoreVerify (file src/nss/x509vfy.c).
6*cdf0e10cSrcweirThe implementation creates certificates from all of the X509Data children, such
7*cdf0e10cSrcweiras X509IssuerSerial and X509Certificate and stores them in a certificate store
8*cdf0e10cSrcweir(see xmlsec/src/mscrypto/x509.c:xmlSecMSCryptoX509DataNodeRead). It must then
9*cdf0e10cSrcweirfind the certificate containing the public key which is used for validation
10*cdf0e10cSrcweirwithin that store. This is done in xmlSecMSCryptoX509StoreVerify. This function
11*cdf0e10cSrcweirhowever only takes those certificates into account which can be validated. This
12*cdf0e10cSrcweirwas changed by the patch xmlsec1-noverify.patch, which prevents this certificate
15*cdf0e10cSrcweirxmlSecMSCryptoX509StoreVerify iterates over all certificates contained or
16*cdf0e10cSrcweirreferenced in the X509Data elements and selects one which is no issuer of any of
17*cdf0e10cSrcweirthe other certificates. This certificate is not necessarily the one which was
18*cdf0e10cSrcweirused for signing but it must contain the proper validation key, which is
19*cdf0e10cSrcweirsufficient to validate the signature. See
21*cdf0e10cSrcweirfor details.
23*cdf0e10cSrcweirThere is a flag XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_DONT_VERIFY_CERTS that can be set
24*cdf0e10cSrcweirin a xmlSecKeyInfoCtx (see function xmlSecNssKeyDataX509XmlRead, in file
25*cdf0e10cSrcweirsrc/nss/x509.c), which indicates that one can turn off the validation. However,
26*cdf0e10cSrcweirsetting it will cause that the validation key is not found. If the flag is set,
27*cdf0e10cSrcweirthen the key is not extracted from the certificate store which contains all the
28*cdf0e10cSrcweircertificates of the X509Data elements. In other words, the certificates which
29*cdf0e10cSrcweirare delivered within the XML signature are not used when looking for suitable
30*cdf0e10cSrcweirvalidation key.