xref: /aoo41x/main/sw/source/core/text/porfly.cxx (revision efeef26f)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
28 #include "dcontact.hxx"	// SwDrawContact
29 #include "dflyobj.hxx"	// SwVirtFlyDrawObj
30 #include "pam.hxx"		// SwPosition
31 #include "flyfrm.hxx"	// SwFlyInCntFrm
32 #include "rootfrm.hxx"
33 #include "frmfmt.hxx"	// SwFrmFmt
34 #include "viewsh.hxx"
36 #include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
37 #include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
38 #include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
39 #include <fmtanchr.hxx>
40 #include <fmtflcnt.hxx>
41 #include <fmtornt.hxx>
42 #include <frmatr.hxx>
43 #include "flyfrms.hxx"
44 #include "txatbase.hxx"	// SwTxtAttr
45 #include "porfly.hxx"
46 #include "porlay.hxx"	// SetFly
47 #include "inftxt.hxx"	// SwTxtPaintInfo
49 // OD 2004-05-24 #i28701#
50 #include <sortedobjs.hxx>
53 /*************************************************************************
54  *				  class SwFlyPortion
55  *
56  * Wir erwarten ein framelokales SwRect !
57  *************************************************************************/
Paint(const SwTxtPaintInfo &) const59 void SwFlyPortion::Paint( const SwTxtPaintInfo& ) const
60 {
61 }
63 /*************************************************************************
64  *				   virtual SwFlyPortion::Format()
65  *************************************************************************/
Format(SwTxtFormatInfo & rInf)66 sal_Bool SwFlyPortion::Format( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf )
67 {
68 	ASSERT( Fix() >= rInf.X(), "SwFlyPortion::Format: rush hour" );
69 	// 8537: Tabs muessen expandiert werden.
70 	if( rInf.GetLastTab() )
71 		((SwLinePortion*)rInf.GetLastTab())->FormatEOL( rInf );
73 	// Der Glue wird aufgespannt.
74 	rInf.GetLast()->FormatEOL( rInf );
75     PrtWidth( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(Fix() - rInf.X() + PrtWidth()) );
76 	if( !Width() )
77 	{
78 		ASSERT( Width(), "+SwFlyPortion::Format: a fly is a fly is a fly" );
79 		Width(1);
80 	}
82 	// Restaurierung
83 	rInf.SetFly( 0 );
84 	rInf.Width( rInf.RealWidth() );
85 	rInf.GetParaPortion()->SetFly( sal_True );
87 	// trailing blank:
88 	if( rInf.GetIdx() < rInf.GetTxt().Len() && 	1 < rInf.GetIdx()
89 		&& !rInf.GetRest()
90 		&& ' ' == rInf.GetChar( rInf.GetIdx() )
91 		&& ' ' != rInf.GetChar( rInf.GetIdx() - 1 )
92 		&& ( !rInf.GetLast() || !rInf.GetLast()->IsBreakPortion() ) )
93 	{
94 		SetBlankWidth( rInf.GetTxtSize( ' ' ).Width() );
95 		SetLen( 1 );
96 	}
98     const sal_uInt16 nNewWidth = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(rInf.X() + PrtWidth());
99 	if( rInf.Width() <= nNewWidth )
100 	{
101 		Truncate();
102 		if( nNewWidth > rInf.Width() )
103 		{
104 			PrtWidth( nNewWidth - rInf.Width() );
105 			SetFixWidth( PrtWidth() );
106 		}
107 		return sal_True;
108 	}
109 	return sal_False;
110 }
112 /*************************************************************************
113  *				   virtual SwFlyCntPortion::Format()
114  *************************************************************************/
Format(SwTxtFormatInfo & rInf)115 sal_Bool SwFlyCntPortion::Format( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf )
116 {
117 	sal_Bool bFull = rInf.Width() < rInf.X() + PrtWidth();
119 	if( bFull )
120 	{
121 		// 3924: wenn die Zeile voll ist und der zeichengebundene Frame am
122 		// Anfang der Zeile steht.
123 		// 5157: nicht wenn einem Fly ausgewichen werden kann!
124         // "Begin of line" criteria ( ! rInf.X() ) has to be extended.
125         // KerningPortions at beginning of line, e.g., for grid layout
126         // must be considered.
127         const SwLinePortion* pLastPor = rInf.GetLast();
128         const sal_uInt16 nLeft = ( pLastPor &&
129                                     ( pLastPor->IsKernPortion() ||
130                                       pLastPor->IsErgoSumPortion() ) ) ?
131                                pLastPor->Width() :
132                                0;
134         if( nLeft == rInf.X() && ! rInf.GetFly() )
135 		{
136 			Width( rInf.Width() );
137 			bFull = sal_False; // Damit Notizen noch in dieser Zeile landen
138 		}
139 		else
140 		{
141 			if( !rInf.GetFly() )
142 				rInf.SetNewLine( sal_True );
143 			Width(0);
144 			SetAscent(0);
145 			SetLen(0);
146             if( rInf.GetLast() )
147                 rInf.GetLast()->FormatEOL( rInf );
149 			return bFull;
150 		}
151 	}
153 	rInf.GetParaPortion()->SetFly( sal_True );
154 	return bFull;
155 }
157 /*************************************************************************
158  *	SwTxtFrm::MoveFlyInCnt() haengt jetzt die zeichengebundenen Objekte
159  *  innerhalb des angegebenen Bereichs um, damit koennen diese vom Master
160  *  zum Follow oder umgekehrt wandern.
161  *************************************************************************/
MoveFlyInCnt(SwTxtFrm * pNew,xub_StrLen nStart,xub_StrLen nEnd)162 void SwTxtFrm::MoveFlyInCnt( SwTxtFrm *pNew, xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nEnd )
163 {
164     SwSortedObjs *pObjs = 0L;
165 	if ( 0 != (pObjs = GetDrawObjs()) )
166 	{
167         for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; GetDrawObjs() && i < pObjs->Count(); ++i )
168 		{
169             // OD 2004-03-29 #i26791#
170             // --> OD 2004-07-06 #i28701# - consider changed type of
171             // <SwSortedList> entries
172             SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pObjs)[i];
173             const SwFmtAnchor& rAnch = pAnchoredObj->GetFrmFmt().GetAnchor();
174             if (rAnch.GetAnchorId() == FLY_AS_CHAR)
175             {
176                 const SwPosition* pPos = rAnch.GetCntntAnchor();
177                 xub_StrLen nIdx = pPos->nContent.GetIndex();
178                 if ( nIdx >= nStart && nEnd > nIdx )
179                 {
180                     if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
181                     {
182                         RemoveFly( static_cast<SwFlyFrm*>(pAnchoredObj) );
183                         pNew->AppendFly( static_cast<SwFlyFrm*>(pAnchoredObj) );
184                     }
185                     else if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwAnchoredDrawObject) )
186                     {
187                         RemoveDrawObj( *pAnchoredObj );
188                         pNew->AppendDrawObj( *pAnchoredObj );
189                     }
190                     --i;
191                 }
192             }
193             // <--
194 		}
195 	}
196 }
198 /*************************************************************************
199  *				  SwTxtFrm::CalcFlyPos()
200  *************************************************************************/
CalcFlyPos(SwFrmFmt * pSearch)201 xub_StrLen SwTxtFrm::CalcFlyPos( SwFrmFmt* pSearch )
202 {
203 	SwpHints* pHints = GetTxtNode()->GetpSwpHints();
204 	ASSERT( pHints, "CalcFlyPos: Why me?" );
205 	if( !pHints )
206 		return STRING_LEN;
207 	SwTxtAttr* pFound = NULL;
208     for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pHints->Count(); i++)
209     {
210         SwTxtAttr *pHt = pHints->GetTextHint( i );
211 		if( RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT == pHt->Which() )
212 		{
213 			SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt = pHt->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt();
214 			if( pFrmFmt == pSearch )
215 				pFound = pHt;
216 		}
217 	}
218 	ASSERT( pHints, "CalcFlyPos: Not Found!" );
219 	if( !pFound )
220 		return STRING_LEN;
221 	return *pFound->GetStart();
222 }
224 /*************************************************************************
225  *				   virtual SwFlyCntPortion::Paint()
226  *************************************************************************/
Paint(const SwTxtPaintInfo & rInf) const227 void SwFlyCntPortion::Paint( const SwTxtPaintInfo &rInf ) const
228 {
229 	if( bDraw )
230 	{
231         if( !((SwDrawContact*)pContact)->GetAnchorFrm() )
232 		{
233             // OD 2004-04-01 #i26791# - no direct positioning of the drawing
234             // object is needed.
235             SwDrawContact* pDrawContact = static_cast<SwDrawContact*>(pContact);
236             pDrawContact->ConnectToLayout();
237 		}
238 	}
239 	else
240 	{
241 		// Baseline-Ausgabe !
242 		// 7922: Bei CompletePaint alles painten
243         SwRect aRepaintRect( rInf.GetPaintRect() );
245         if ( rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft() )
246             rInf.GetTxtFrm()->SwitchLTRtoRTL( aRepaintRect );
248         if ( rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() )
249             rInf.GetTxtFrm()->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( aRepaintRect );
251 		if( (GetFlyFrm()->IsCompletePaint() ||
252              GetFlyFrm()->Frm().IsOver( aRepaintRect )) &&
253 			 SwFlyFrm::IsPaint( (SdrObject*)GetFlyFrm()->GetVirtDrawObj(),
254 								GetFlyFrm()->getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell() ))
255 		{
256 			SwRect aRect( GetFlyFrm()->Frm() );
257 			if( !GetFlyFrm()->IsCompletePaint() )
258                 aRect._Intersection( aRepaintRect );
261             // GetFlyFrm() may change the layout mode at the output device.
262             {
263                 SwLayoutModeModifier aLayoutModeModifier( *rInf.GetOut() );
264                 GetFlyFrm()->Paint( aRect );
265             }
266             ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).GetRefDev()->SetLayoutMode(
267                     rInf.GetOut()->GetLayoutMode() );
269             // Es hilft alles nichts, im zeichengebundenen Frame kann wer weiss
270 			// was am OutputDevice eingestellt sein, wir muessen unseren Font
271 			// wieder hineinselektieren. Dass wir im const stehen, soll uns
272 			// daran nicht hindern:
273 			((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).SelectFont();
275             // I want to know if this can really happen. So here comes a new
276             ASSERT( ! rInf.GetVsh() || rInf.GetVsh()->GetOut() == rInf.GetOut(),
277                     "SwFlyCntPortion::Paint: Outdev has changed" )
278             if( rInf.GetVsh() )
279                 ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).SetOut( rInf.GetVsh()->GetOut() );
280 		}
281 	}
282 }
284 /*************************************************************************
285  *					SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion()
286  *
287  * Es werden die Masze vom pFly->OutRect() eingestellt.
288  * Es erfolgt ein SetBase() !
289  *************************************************************************/
290 // OD 29.07.2003 #110978# - use new datatype for parameter <nFlags>
SwFlyCntPortion(const SwTxtFrm & rFrm,SwFlyInCntFrm * pFly,const Point & rBase,long nLnAscent,long nLnDescent,long nFlyAsc,long nFlyDesc,objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags)291 SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion( const SwTxtFrm& rFrm,
292                                   SwFlyInCntFrm *pFly, const Point &rBase,
293                                   long nLnAscent, long nLnDescent,
294                                   long nFlyAsc, long nFlyDesc,
295                                   objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags ) :
296 	pContact( pFly ),
297 	bDraw( sal_False ),
298 	bMax( sal_False ),
299 	nAlign( 0 )
300 {
301 	ASSERT( pFly, "SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion: no SwFlyInCntFrm!" );
302 	nLineLength = 1;
303     nFlags |= AS_CHAR_ULSPACE | AS_CHAR_INIT;
304     SetBase( rFrm, rBase, nLnAscent, nLnDescent, nFlyAsc, nFlyDesc, nFlags );
305 	SetWhichPor( POR_FLYCNT );
306 }
308 // OD 29.07.2003 #110978# - use new datatype for parameter <nFlags>
SwFlyCntPortion(const SwTxtFrm & rFrm,SwDrawContact * pDrawContact,const Point & rBase,long nLnAscent,long nLnDescent,long nFlyAsc,long nFlyDesc,objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags)309 SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion( const SwTxtFrm& rFrm,
310                                   SwDrawContact *pDrawContact, const Point &rBase,
311                                   long nLnAscent, long nLnDescent,
312                                   long nFlyAsc, long nFlyDesc,
313                                   objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags ) :
314 	pContact( pDrawContact ),
315 	bDraw( sal_True ),
316 	bMax( sal_False ),
317 	nAlign( 0 )
318 {
319 	ASSERT( pDrawContact, "SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion: no SwDrawContact!" );
320     if( !pDrawContact->GetAnchorFrm() )
321 	{
322         // OD 2004-04-01 #i26791# - no direct positioning needed any more
323         pDrawContact->ConnectToLayout();
324         // --> OD 2005-01-14 #i40333# - follow-up of #i35635#
325         // move object to visible layer
326         pDrawContact->MoveObjToVisibleLayer( pDrawContact->GetMaster() );
327         // <--
328 	}
329 	nLineLength = 1;
330     nFlags |= AS_CHAR_ULSPACE | AS_CHAR_INIT;
332     SetBase( rFrm, rBase, nLnAscent, nLnDescent, nFlyAsc, nFlyDesc, nFlags );
334     SetWhichPor( POR_FLYCNT );
335 }
338 /*************************************************************************
339  *					SwFlyCntPortion::SetBase()
340  *
341  * Nach dem Setzen des RefPoints muss der Ascent neu berechnet werden,
342  * da er von der RelPos abhaengt.
343  * pFly->GetRelPos().Y() bezeichnet die relative Position zur Baseline.
344  * Bei 0 liegt der obere Rand des FlyCnt auf der Baseline der Zeile.
345  *************************************************************************/
346 // OD 29.07.2003 #110978# - use new datatype for parameter <nFlags>
SetBase(const SwTxtFrm & rFrm,const Point & rBase,long nLnAscent,long nLnDescent,long nFlyAsc,long nFlyDesc,objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags)347 void SwFlyCntPortion::SetBase( const SwTxtFrm& rFrm, const Point &rBase,
348                                long nLnAscent, long nLnDescent,
349                                long nFlyAsc, long nFlyDesc,
350                                objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags )
351 {
352     // Note: rBase have to be an absolute value
354     // OD 28.10.2003 #113049# - use new class to position object
355     // determine drawing object
356     SdrObject* pSdrObj = 0L;
357     if( bDraw )
358     {
359         // OD 20.06.2003 #108784# - determine drawing object ('master' or 'virtual')
360         // by frame.
361         pSdrObj = GetDrawContact()->GetDrawObjectByAnchorFrm( rFrm );
362         if ( !pSdrObj )
363         {
364             ASSERT( false, "SwFlyCntPortion::SetBase(..) - No drawing object found by <GetDrawContact()->GetDrawObjectByAnchorFrm( rFrm )>" );
365             pSdrObj = GetDrawContact()->GetMaster();
366         }
367         // --> OD 2007-11-29 #i65798#
368         // call <SwAnchoredDrawObject::MakeObjPos()> to assure that flag at
369         // the <DrawFrmFmt> and at the <SwAnchoredDrawObject> instance are
370         // correctly set.
371         if ( pSdrObj )
372         {
373             GetDrawContact()->GetAnchoredObj( pSdrObj )->MakeObjPos();
374         }
375         // <--
376     }
377     else
378     {
379         pSdrObj = GetFlyFrm()->GetVirtDrawObj();
380     }
382     // position object
383     objectpositioning::SwAsCharAnchoredObjectPosition aObjPositioning(
384                                     *pSdrObj,
385                                     rBase, nFlags,
386                                     nLnAscent, nLnDescent, nFlyAsc, nFlyDesc );
388     // OD 2004-04-13 #i26791# - scope of local variable <aObjPosInProgress>
389     {
390         // OD 2004-04-13 #i26791#
391         SwObjPositioningInProgress aObjPosInProgress( *pSdrObj );
392         aObjPositioning.CalcPosition();
393     }
395     SetAlign( aObjPositioning.GetLineAlignment() );
397     aRef = aObjPositioning.GetAnchorPos();
398     if( nFlags & AS_CHAR_ROTATE )
399         SvXSize( aObjPositioning.GetObjBoundRectInclSpacing().SSize() );
400     else
401         SvLSize( aObjPositioning.GetObjBoundRectInclSpacing().SSize() );
402     if( Height() )
403     {
404         SwTwips nRelPos = aObjPositioning.GetRelPosY();
405         if ( nRelPos < 0 )
406         {
407             nAscent = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(-nRelPos);
408             if( nAscent > Height() )
409                 Height( nAscent );
410         }
411         else
412         {
413             nAscent = 0;
414             Height( Height() + static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nRelPos) );
415         }
416     }
417     else
418     {
419         Height( 1 );
420         nAscent = 0;
421     }
422 }
424 /*************************************************************************
425  *				virtual SwFlyCntPortion::GetFlyCrsrOfst()
426  *************************************************************************/
GetFlyCrsrOfst(const KSHORT nOfst,const Point & rPoint,SwPosition * pPos,SwCrsrMoveState * pCMS) const428 xub_StrLen SwFlyCntPortion::GetFlyCrsrOfst( const KSHORT nOfst,
429 	const Point &rPoint, SwPosition *pPos, SwCrsrMoveState* pCMS ) const
430 {
431 	// Da die FlyCnt nicht an der Seite haengen, wird ihr
432 	// GetCrsrOfst() nicht gerufen. Um die Layoutseite
433 	// von unnoetiger Verwaltung zu entlasten, ruft der Absatz
434 	// das GetCrsrOfst des FlyFrm, wenn es erforderlich ist.
435 	Point aPoint( rPoint );
436 	if( !pPos || bDraw || !( GetFlyFrm()->GetCrsrOfst( pPos, aPoint, pCMS ) ) )
437 		return SwLinePortion::GetCrsrOfst( nOfst );
438 	else
439 		return 0;
440 }
442 /*************************************************************************
443  *				virtual SwFlyCntPortion::GetCrsrOfst()
444  *************************************************************************/
GetCrsrOfst(const KSHORT nOfst) const446 xub_StrLen SwFlyCntPortion::GetCrsrOfst( const KSHORT nOfst ) const
447 {
448 	// ASSERT( !this, "SwFlyCntPortion::GetCrsrOfst: use GetFlyCrsrOfst()" );
449 	return SwLinePortion::GetCrsrOfst( nOfst );
450 }