1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
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13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
22 package fvt.uno.sc.sheet;
24 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
25 import org.junit.After;
26 import org.junit.AfterClass;
27 import org.junit.Before;
28 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
29 import org.junit.Test;
30 import org.openoffice.test.common.Testspace;
31 import org.openoffice.test.uno.UnoApp;
32 import testlib.uno.SCUtil;
33 import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet;
34 import com.sun.star.container.XIndexAccess;
35 import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent;
36 import com.sun.star.sheet.SheetLinkMode;
37 import com.sun.star.sheet.XSheetLinkable;
38 import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet;
39 import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheetDocument;
40 import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheets;
41 import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
42 import com.sun.star.util.XRefreshable;
44 /**
45  * Basic sheet operator testing
46  *
47  */
48 public class SheetBasicTest {
49 	UnoApp unoApp = new UnoApp();
50 	XSpreadsheetDocument scDocument = null;
51 	XComponent scComponent = null;
53 	@BeforeClass
setUpBeforeClass()54 	public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
56 	}
58 	@AfterClass
tearDownAfterClass()59 	public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
60 	}
62 	@Before
setUp()63 	public void setUp() throws Exception {
64 		unoApp.start();
65 		// New a SC document
66 		scComponent = unoApp.newDocument("scalc");
67 	}
69 	@After
tearDown()70 	public void tearDown() throws Exception {
71 		unoApp.closeDocument(scComponent);
72 		unoApp.close();
73 	}
75 	/**
76 	 * test insert a sheet, rename sheet name and delete sheet
77 	 */
78 	@Test
insertRenameDeleteSheet()79 	public void insertRenameDeleteSheet() throws Exception {
80 		// Insert a sheet named aa after first sheet
81 		String sheetname = "aa";
82 		scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent);
83 		XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets();
84 		spreadsheets.insertNewByName(sheetname, (short) 1);
86 		// active the sheet second sheet aa
87 		XSpreadsheet newSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
88 				(short) 1);
89 		SCUtil.setCurrentSheet(scDocument, newSpreadSheet);
91 		// get the new spreadsheet name
92 		assertEquals("actual should equals aa", sheetname,
93 				SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1));
95 		// Change the Spreadsheet name
96 		String changedname = "SpeadsheetAfterChange";
97 		SCUtil.setSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1, changedname);
99 		// Save and reload document
100 		SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "TestSpreadsheet", "ods");
101 		XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp,
102 				scDocument, "TestSpreadsheet.ods");
104 		scDocument = scDocumentTemp;
105 		String sheetnameaftermove = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument,
106 				(short) 1);
108 		// Verify the changed Spreadsheet name
109 		assertEquals("actual should equals SpeadsheetAfterChange", changedname,
110 				sheetnameaftermove);
112 		scDocument.getSheets().removeByName(changedname);
114 		assertFalse("actual should equals false",
115 				spreadsheets.hasByName(changedname));
116 		SCUtil.save(scDocumentTemp);
117 	}
119 	/**
120 	 * Test copy and paste sheet
121 	 */
122 	@Test
copypastesheet()123 	public void copypastesheet() throws Exception {
124 		// Insert some value into cells
125 		scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent);
126 		String souceSheetName = "sourcesheet";
127 		SCUtil.setSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0, souceSheetName);
128 		String[][] stringValues = { { "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai" },
129 				{ "Profit", "12.3", "43.2", "5.1", "76", "56.8" },
130 				{ "Rival in business", "12.2", "12.6", "17.7", "20.4", "100" }, };
131 		XSpreadsheet sourceSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByName(scDocument,
132 				souceSheetName);
133 		// input strings into sheet1
134 		SCUtil.setTextToCellRange(sourceSpreadSheet, 0, 0, stringValues);
135 		// copy the sheet from sourcesheet to copysheet
136 		String newcopysheet = "copysheet";
137 		XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets();
138 		spreadsheets.copyByName(souceSheetName, newcopysheet, (short) 2);
140 		// Save and reload document
141 		SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "TestCopysheet", "xls");
142 		XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp,
143 				scDocument, "TestCopysheet.xls");
144 		scDocument = scDocumentTemp;
146 		XSpreadsheet copysheet = SCUtil
147 				.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 2);
148 		String[][] CopystringValues = SCUtil.getTextFromCellRange(copysheet, 0,
149 				0, 5, 2);
150 		assertArrayEquals("Expect string value should be stringValues",
151 				stringValues, CopystringValues);
153 	}
155 	/**
156 	 * Test move sheet
157 	 */
158 	@Test
movesheet()159 	public void movesheet() throws Exception {
161 		// new sc document
162 		scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent);
163 		XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets();
165 		// change the first sheet name and input same value into the sheet cell
166 		String sheetname = "sourcesheet";
167 		SCUtil.setSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0, sheetname);
168 		String[][] stringValues = { { "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai" },
169 				{ "Profit", "12.3", "43.2", "5.1", "76", "56.8" },
170 				{ "Rival in business", "12.2", "12.6", "17.7", "20.4", "100" }, };
171 		XSpreadsheet movesheet = SCUtil
172 				.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0);
173 		SCUtil.setTextToCellRange(movesheet, 0, 0,stringValues);
175 		// Before move, get the 2nd sheet name
176 		String secondSheetNameBeforeMove = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(
177 				scDocument, (short) 1);
179 		// move the first sheet
180 		spreadsheets.moveByName(sheetname, (short) 2);
182 		// Save and reload document
183 		SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "Testmovesheet", "xls");
184 		XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp,
185 				scDocument, "Testmovesheet.xls");
186 		scDocument = scDocumentTemp;
188 		// After move, get the first sheet name, and verify it same as 2nd sheet
189 		// name before move
190 		String firstsheetnameAfterMove = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(
191 				scDocument, (short) 0);
192 		assertEquals("Expect result should be Sheet2",
193 				secondSheetNameBeforeMove, firstsheetnameAfterMove);
195 		// Get the target sheet name after move
196 		String sheetnameAfterMove = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument,
197 				(short) 1);
198 		assertEquals("Expect result should be sourcesheet", sheetname,
199 				sheetnameAfterMove);
201 		// Check the cell value after move
202 		XSpreadsheet sheetaftermove = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
203 				(short) 1);
204 		String[][] stringValuesaftermove = SCUtil.getTextFromCellRange(
205 				sheetaftermove, 0, 0, 5, 2);
207 		assertArrayEquals("Expect result should be stringValues", stringValues,
208 				stringValuesaftermove);
209 	}
211 	/**
212 	 * Test hide and show sheet
213 	 */
214 	@Test
hideShowSheet()215 	public void hideShowSheet() throws Exception {
216 		// Insert a sheet named hide sheet after first sheet
217 		String sheetname = "hide sheet";
218 		scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent);
219 		XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets();
220 		spreadsheets.insertNewByName(sheetname, (short) 1);
222 		// active the sheet second sheet "hide sheet"
223 		XSpreadsheet secondSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
224 				(short) 1);
225 		SCUtil.setCurrentSheet(scDocument, secondSpreadSheet);
226 		// get second sheet name and verify it should be "hide sheet"
227 		assertEquals("expect active sheet name will be hide sheet", sheetname,
228 				SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1));
230 		// hide the sheet you insert
231 		XPropertySet sheetPropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime
232 				.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, secondSpreadSheet);
233 		boolean isvisiable = false;
234 		sheetPropertySet.setPropertyValue("IsVisible", isvisiable);
236 		// Save and reload document
237 		SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "Testhideshowsheet", "xls");
238 		XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp,
239 				scDocument, "Testhideshowsheet.xls");
240 		scDocument = scDocumentTemp;
242 		// get the active sheet name after hide sheet, it should be Sheet2
243 		String sheet2Name = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 2);
244 		String activesheetname = SCUtil.getSCActiveSheetName(scDocument);
245 		assertEquals("Expect sheet name should be Sheet2", sheet2Name,
246 				activesheetname);
248 		// show sheet "hide sheet"
249 		sheetPropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
250 				XPropertySet.class,
251 				SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1));
252 		isvisiable = true;
253 		sheetPropertySet.setPropertyValue("IsVisible", isvisiable);
255 		// active sheet "hide sheet"
256 		secondSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1);
257 		SCUtil.setCurrentSheet(scDocument, secondSpreadSheet);
259 		// Get current active sheet name, verify it same as "hide sheet"
260 		String currentactivesheetname = SCUtil.getSCActiveSheetName(scDocument);
261 		assertEquals("Expect active sheet name is hidesheet", sheetname,
262 				currentactivesheetname);
263 		SCUtil.save(scDocument);
264 	}
266 	/**
267 	 * Test sheet tab color
268 	 */
269 	@Test
sheetColor()270 	public void sheetColor() throws Exception {
271 		// get first sheet propertyset
272 		scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent);
273 		XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets();
274 		XSpreadsheet firstSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
275 				(short) 0);
276 		XPropertySet sheet1PropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime
277 				.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, firstSpreadSheet);
279 		// Set sheet tab color to 111
280 		sheet1PropertySet.setPropertyValue("TabColor", 111);
282 		// copy the color sheet to new sheet
283 		spreadsheets.copyByName(
284 				SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0),
285 				"newsheet", (short) 3);
287 		// Save and reopen the document
288 		SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "Testcolorsheet", "ods");
289 		XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp,
290 				scDocument, "Testcolorsheet.ods");
291 		scDocument = scDocumentTemp;
293 		// Get first sheet color
294 		sheet1PropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
295 				XPropertySet.class,
296 				SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0));
297 		int firstSheetcolorid = (Integer) sheet1PropertySet
298 				.getPropertyValue("TabColor");
300 		// Get the copied sheet color
301 		XPropertySet newsheetPropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime
302 				.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class,
303 						SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 3));
304 		int copySheetcolorid = (Integer) newsheetPropertySet
305 				.getPropertyValue("TabColor");
307 		// Verify first sheet color changed successfully
308 		assertEquals("Expect color should be 111", 111, firstSheetcolorid);
310 		// Verify first sheet color same as copy sheet color
311 		assertEquals("Expect color should be 111", firstSheetcolorid,
312 				copySheetcolorid);
313 	}
315 	/**
316 	 * test insert sheet from other file
317 	 */
318 	// FIXME: locks up on update link confirmation dialog.
319 	@Test(timeout = 15000)
insertSheetFromfile()320 	public void insertSheetFromfile() throws Exception {
321 		// New a document source.xls, add value to 3 sheet
322 		scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent);
323 		XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets();
324 		XSpreadsheet firstSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
325 				(short) 0);
326 		XSpreadsheet secondSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
327 				(short) 1);
328 		XSpreadsheet thirdSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
329 				(short) 2);
330 		SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(firstSheet, 1, 2, "=2*2");
331 		SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(secondSheet, 1, 2, "=2*2");
332 		SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(thirdSheet, 1, 2, "=2*2");
334 		// Save and close this document
335 		SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "source", "xls");
336 		SCUtil.closeFile(scDocument);
338 		// get source document URL
339 		String SourcestoreUrl = Testspace.getUrl("output/sc/" + "source" + "."
340 				+ "xls");
342 		// New a document
343 		scComponent = unoApp.newDocument("scalc");
344 		scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent);
345 		spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets();
346 		// Insert firstexternalsheet sheet, link with Sheet1 in source document
347 		// and the link mode is NORMAL
348 		spreadsheets.insertNewByName("firstexternalsheet", (short) 3);
349 		XSpreadsheet firstexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
350 				(short) 3);
351 		XSheetLinkable xfirstSheetLinkable = (XSheetLinkable) UnoRuntime
352 				.queryInterface(XSheetLinkable.class, firstexternalsheet);
353 		xfirstSheetLinkable.link(SourcestoreUrl, "", "MS Excel 97", "",
354 				SheetLinkMode.NORMAL);
356 		// Insert secondexternalsheet sheet, link with Sheet2 in source document
357 		// and the link mode is VALUE
358 		spreadsheets.insertNewByName("secondexternalsheet", (short) 4);
359 		XSpreadsheet secondexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
360 				(short) 4);
361 		XSheetLinkable xsecondSheetLinkable = (XSheetLinkable) UnoRuntime
362 				.queryInterface(XSheetLinkable.class, secondexternalsheet);
363 		xsecondSheetLinkable.link(SourcestoreUrl, "Sheet2", "MS Excel 97", "",
364 				SheetLinkMode.VALUE);
366 		// Insert secondexternalsheet sheet, link with Sheet2 in source document
367 		// and the link mode is NONE
368 		spreadsheets.insertNewByName("thirdexternalsheet", (short) 5);
369 		XSpreadsheet thirdexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument,
370 				(short) 5);
371 		XSheetLinkable xthirdSheetLinkable = (XSheetLinkable) UnoRuntime
372 				.queryInterface(XSheetLinkable.class, thirdexternalsheet);
373 		xthirdSheetLinkable.link(SourcestoreUrl, "Sheet3", "MS Excel 97", "",
374 				SheetLinkMode.NONE);
376 		// Verify firstexternalsheet
377 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be =2*2", "=2*2",
378 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2));
379 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 4", "4",
380 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2));
382 		// Verify secondexternalsheet
383 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be 4", "4",
384 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2));
385 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 4", "4",
386 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2));
388 		// Verify thirdexternalsheet
389 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be blank", "",
390 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2));
391 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be blank", "",
392 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2));
394 		// save document and verify the linked sheet again
395 		SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "linked", "ods");
396 		XSpreadsheetDocument tempscDocument = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp,
397 				scDocument, "linked.ods");
398 		scDocument = tempscDocument;
399 		firstexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 3);
400 		secondexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 4);
401 		thirdexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 5);
403 		// Verify firstexternalsheet
404 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be =2*2", "=2*2",
405 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2));
406 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 4", "4",
407 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2));
409 		// Verify secondexternalsheet
410 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be 4", "4",
411 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2));
412 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 4", "4",
413 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2));
415 		// Verify thirdexternalsheet
416 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be blank", "",
417 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2));
418 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be blank", "",
419 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2));
421 		// save and close document
422 		SCUtil.save(scDocument);
423 		SCUtil.closeFile(scDocument);
425 		// Open source document and change the value in source document
426 		XSpreadsheetDocument sourcescDocument = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp,
427 				scDocument, "source.xls");
428 		firstSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(sourcescDocument, (short) 0);
429 		secondSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(sourcescDocument, (short) 1);
430 		thirdSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(sourcescDocument, (short) 2);
431 		SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(firstSheet, 1, 2, "=3*3");
432 		SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(secondSheet, 1, 2, "=3*3");
433 		SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(thirdSheet, 1, 2, "=3*3");
434 		SCUtil.save(sourcescDocument);
435 		SCUtil.closeFile(sourcescDocument);
437 		// Open link document
438 		tempscDocument = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "linked.ods");
439 		scDocument = tempscDocument;
440 		spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets();
442 		firstexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 3);
443 		secondexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 4);
444 		thirdexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 5);
446 		// get Object SheetLinks for document
447 		XPropertySet sheetpropertyset = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime
448 				.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, scDocument);
449 		Object sheetLinks = sheetpropertyset.getPropertyValue("SheetLinks");
451 		XIndexAccess xsheetlinks = (XIndexAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
452 				XIndexAccess.class, sheetLinks);
454 		// Refresh all links
455 		for (int i = 0; i < xsheetlinks.getCount(); i++) {
456 			Object sheetlink = xsheetlinks.getByIndex(i);
457 			XRefreshable xsheetRefreshable = (XRefreshable) UnoRuntime
458 					.queryInterface(XRefreshable.class, sheetlink);
459 			xsheetRefreshable.refresh();
460 		}
462 		// Verify firstexternalsheet
463 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be =3*3", "=3*3",
464 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2));
465 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 9", "9",
466 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2));
468 		// Verify secondexternalsheet
469 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be 9", "9",
470 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2));
471 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 9", "9",
472 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2));
474 		// Verify thirdexternalsheet
475 		assertEquals("Expect formula should be blank", "",
476 				SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2));
477 		assertEquals("Expect formula result should be blank", "",
478 				SCUtil.getTextFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2));
480 		// Save the document before close
481 		SCUtil.save(scDocument);
483 	}
485 }